God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest! Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth! Have a blessed day! ----
He doesn't take good care of his animals, just look at the fishroom. Almost all betta fish have died, that tank was never a good idea and Paul knows, that is why he is hiding it from the viewer. Same with the axolotls, there's supposed to be two but one of them died and he is also hiding that.
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest! Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth! Have a blessed day! ----
Hey Paul I just want to say down the road from there, there is a place called kids kastle and it has two ponds and they have giant bass and stuff and I’d recommend going fishing down there
Had to wait to watch this video because I had a soccer game. I got trucked and there were 3 fouls on the other team on that play… I got injured and this video makes me a feels amazing! Thanks for all you do Paul
Congrats bro on the new pigs at PC Farm. We know there are many projects in line for PC 2.0. We always got your back. Love from the Philippines, Cuffaros. Peace! 😊
I think the mystery enclosure that Paul mentioned is going to be for tortoises again. The way he said it will be one enclosure but can be divided into two
The goat enclosure looks great! I will say if your goats are anything like my old goats then you’ll need to make that fence around the shelter WAY higher. I built a compost box in the enclosure backed up to the fence and my goats used it as a way to escape and munch on the grass of my regular backyard and muscadine vines.
You asked if we had any ideas for the goats play area ,I was thinking how about a platform swing maybe 5ft. by 3ft. Or smaller . How about that young man . Even though I’m old enough to be your mother ,I enjoy everything you do and your love for your animals ,and of course the way you treat your parents . And let’s not forget your girlfriend. Your personality and charisma make you so popular , keep up the good work and congratulations on your new home . 👏. 😊
Love that the sign says no swimming or wading, yet a police car drives by Paul and Brenton in the water and don’t care. Love the videos Paul. What fish do you plan on adding to the new RedSea?
Great video Paul!. The new goat house looks absolutely stunning mate!. Btw awesome job in saving those koi from the pond. Your such an inspiration to all!!!!
I love these type of videos! I love animals and I love watching your videos none of them are boring! I especially love your pigs and goats and you can’t Finn!
Well Done again @Paul Cuffaro. Another casual, candid and easy-going flowing video. Simplicity at its best. Keep at it. Absolutely, no need for any over-the-top vid with unnecessary shenanigans, fake falls or jumping into anything silly. Also no need to keep getting married so often. No likes for that one. Save yourself for the real proposal and marriage vid one day.
Ummm, Paul I hope you read this but as a fellow goat owner, mine are the same size as yours, I wanted to let you know you have the goat house a little to close to the fence. They can get on top of the goat house and escape. As much as Boots likes to jump he would probably be the first one. I learned that lesson already the hard way after a couple escapees got out and ate the neighbors flowering bushes 😞But if you do get escapees, don't chase them, get some food and shake the container, goats are food driven, they are also very smart and stubborn.
I commented about this as well. My goats used the compost box I built as a step stool to jump out of the enclosure and eat my muscadine vine and back yard grass.
Hi I a big fan love your content and love when you save animals like this one and watch all your video and love the farm you put a smile on my face when you post videos and keep up the good work so you make other people happy ;)
Shout out to Hector! He is an important part of the channel 😀
The goat enclosure is looking amazing Paul 👏 can’t wait to see the full farm done
There will never be everything finished because Paul has always new Ideas and Creativity to upgrade or improve something.
@@Fishinghunter_ ya bro 😂❤️
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 KJV
The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest!
Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth!
Have a blessed day!
Movie joy
I love how you keep good care of so many animals.
He doesn't take good care of his animals, just look at the fishroom. Almost all betta fish have died, that tank was never a good idea and Paul knows, that is why he is hiding it from the viewer. Same with the axolotls, there's supposed to be two but one of them died and he is also hiding that.
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 KJV
The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest!
Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth!
Have a blessed day!
@@michaelrasmussen9630 Your evidence?
@@WeaponX_03 Really? It's all in the videos.
@@michaelrasmussen9630 Okay, so please provide a video title and time stamp where this abuse can be witnessed.
Love,love,love these rescue videos!!!! Great job guys! Please keep up the great work!
I love when you rescue animals and everything else you do keep on.
12:09 Those cops didn't seem to care about them being in there lol
Loved the entire video, but especially the koi rescue 😀
Literally every Florida fishing RUclipsr “Look at the colors on that fish” love it
I love your videos and how you actually care about the animals and not just the money from views
Hey Paul I just want to say down the road from there, there is a place called kids kastle and it has two ponds and they have giant bass and stuff and I’d recommend going fishing down there
Had to wait to watch this video because I had a soccer game. I got trucked and there were 3 fouls on the other team on that play… I got injured and this video makes me a feels amazing! Thanks for all you do Paul
Congrats bro on the new pigs at PC Farm. We know there are many projects in line for PC 2.0. We always got your back. Love from the Philippines, Cuffaros. Peace! 😊
I think the mystery enclosure that Paul mentioned is going to be for tortoises again. The way he said it will be one enclosure but can be divided into two
Yes Paul uploaded today been waiting on this 😁😁😁
The goat enclosure looks great! I will say if your goats are anything like my old goats then you’ll need to make that fence around the shelter WAY higher. I built a compost box in the enclosure backed up to the fence and my goats used it as a way to escape and munch on the grass of my regular backyard and muscadine vines.
Nice work gents! Saved the fish and cleaned up the area. Sweet vid PC!
You asked if we had any ideas for the goats play area ,I was thinking how about a platform swing maybe 5ft. by 3ft. Or smaller . How about that young man . Even though I’m old enough to be your mother ,I enjoy everything you do and your love for your animals ,and of course the way you treat your parents . And let’s not forget your girlfriend. Your personality and charisma make you so popular , keep up the good work and congratulations on your new home . 👏. 😊
Great video Paul! 👍
Keep up the good work ❤️
that pig is just way to cuteeee❤️❤️🐷🐖🐗
I love watching you videos with my sister and brother ❤
Love that the sign says no swimming or wading, yet a police car drives by Paul and Brenton in the water and don’t care. Love the videos Paul. What fish do you plan on adding to the new RedSea?
I love how you keep good care of so many animals!🔥🔥
Paul you are my hero I would love to support
Damn nice enclosure love to see it now we need to see a boss chicken enclosure 👌
Let’s go Paul is back
All love and respect from Croatian🇭🇷
I know your goats are going to love there new home. Thank you for sharing and God bless you and your family and friends.....🙏❤🙏❤🙏😊🙂😀
You are my favorite RUclipsr bro keep it up :)
You are soooo awesome keep up the goood work you enspierd me to make a RUclips channel I love you videos
Love your videos paul. Keep up the good work.
I love how you take such good care of these animals love you man I wish to be like you someday
I absolutely love Koi and any kind of goldfish 💗 great save guy's.
Biggest fan from your bait tank video ❤️
It was my birthday today and I got 4 new goldfish and 1 pleco and 1 betta love ur vids paul
The new farm is looking great! Can't wait to see the goats in their enclosure! Glad you guys rescued the fish!
I love this channel I check every day if there is a new video
I love it everytime you upload a video... Love from Brunei🇧🇳
Finally got pin by him!!! It mean so much for me.. thank u paul.. you just made my day better.. been commenting almost all of your latest videos
Keep up th work Paul
Keep up the good work
This is fire dude keep up the good work
Another banger!!! I still miss every other day tho!!
Can't wait for the big building
Yes sir
Paul im such a big fan and loving watching you channel
Love the videos pula keep up the great work 👍
Meant to say Paul lol
Man I love when Hector is on your vidios. "THAt"S WHY IT LOOKS SOOO GOOD " HAHAHAHAHA
Love how your farm is coming along
Loving it!!!!!!
Sparrow would be a good name xx
you finnaly gave us the video we wanted!
8:08 sexy shirt 🔥😂 Miss you son 👊🏻
Thanks dad!
Love your vids keep doing good work
Paul I think u should try to move the goats shelter because the goats might jump on the top and jump over the fence
Is that daddy fin?
daddy fin
Who’s that😳
@@paulcuffaro he's my daddy that's who 👌
Ur pigs r actually so cuteeee oMg the lil pigs r so adorable 💕 💕
Great video Paul!. The new goat house looks absolutely stunning mate!. Btw awesome job in saving those koi from the pond. Your such an inspiration to all!!!!
Thanks so much for great videos todays my BIRTHDAY and was excited to see a new video
Gregs mullet is so cute!!!
When Paul post it’s a good day 🙏🏽
I love these type of videos! I love animals and I love watching your videos none of them are boring! I especially love your pigs and goats and you can’t Finn!
The goat enclosure looks awesome! It’s so cool how they all match, will the fish building mate aswell?
That’s awesome Paul!! Love your videos keep up the good work!!!💪💪💪
Edit: I like the old vlog camera (the one you used today)
Awe Love The Goat enclosure epic nice fish too cannot wait for the goats to come home..
Cool appreciate the fish rescue!!!
Tack some roof shingles on flat surface where they play and it acts like a file on their hooves. It works pretty good. Farm is really looking great.🐐🐐
Glad you saved those two fishes and also clean up the garbage
Hey paul is been 4 year's that i watch your video but every video you upload makes my day good 😊
PC Farm 2.0 looks amazing. God Bless always. Love watching your vlogs. 🥰🥰🥰😇😇😇💜💜💜💜
Well Done again @Paul Cuffaro. Another casual, candid and easy-going flowing video. Simplicity at its best. Keep at it.
Absolutely, no need for any over-the-top vid with unnecessary shenanigans, fake falls or jumping into anything silly.
Also no need to keep getting married so often. No likes for that one. Save yourself for the real proposal and marriage vid one day.
Cool. Need to do a tour of this farm sometime! Fun video guys! Thank you 😂🤣😂 🥰 😎
I want this tipe of video Paul like abandone fish rescue
" We got a bucket-" "Mop." That's some W.A.P
Woo Hoo! Another PC video! I love it!
PC that shirt is dope as hell! Love it. That your merch?
After 2 years of not watching, his videos are still fire 🔥🔥
4:09 Omg that just made my laugh so hard for no reason .
Watching from Philipines 🇵🇭🇵🇭❤️
You have been my roll model
for awhile
You make very good videos
Amazing so crazy i got fish becouse of him.
Especially love the outro music
Its 3:49 am right now when you posted like please
i love you paul you are my favourite youtuber keep it up
Ummm, Paul I hope you read this but as a fellow goat owner, mine are the same size as yours, I wanted to let you know you have the goat house a little to close to the fence. They can get on top of the goat house and escape. As much as Boots likes to jump he would probably be the first one. I learned that lesson already the hard way after a couple escapees got out and ate the neighbors flowering bushes 😞But if you do get escapees, don't chase them, get some food and shake the container, goats are food driven, they are also very smart and stubborn.
I commented about this as well. My goats used the compost box I built as a step stool to jump out of the enclosure and eat my muscadine vine and back yard grass.
Amazing Paul new duck 🦆 and turtle 🐢
I can’t wait to see the goats
Let’s gooo Paul!!!!
Love the content thanks for the vid. And I have always wondered what is you favorite animal you own
Good job Paul and ur friend too ..
Nice vid Paul keep up the good work ❤️
I love that pig it's so cuuuuute
Your friend look so happy 😃 when you said he could keep them 😂
The shirt “ we save balls “ Paul reading out loud WE SAVE BALLS lmao
hi paul love the vids keep it up
You should paint everything on the enclosures to match like the poles white and fins fence and so on.
I love how Brendan took you out to catch abandoned Koi fish on your honeymoon 😜🤣😂🤣😎😁❣️
Love the vids keep it up
Hi I a big fan love your content and love when you save animals like this one and watch all your video and love the farm you put a smile on my face when you post videos and keep up the good work so you make other people happy ;)
Like and comment in you would say the same as me
Also I forgot to say also I sub and liked the video already and is always one of the firsts and been sub to you for a couple years bit
Also love the wedding and it was funny thx for having us have a smile
We need an update on all 38-40 Betta fish and both the axolotls, there is suppose to be two of them what happened to the other one?