I'm working up to that, so stay tuned! The plan is to develop this into a fully functional triangle-core VCO - volt/octave control, FM, sync, sine/square/triangle/pulse waveform outputs. One little step at a time, in hopes that my viewers will come out of this being able to design their own, rather than just copying my design. There's a little series of transistor-theory videos coming around over the rest of the summer, so that I'll have the building blocks to make the exponential converter and the current mirrors that are essential parts of most synth VCO's.
Loved, liked, subscribed and shared with my electronics loving friends. Thank you Kevin from the Cave!
Very excited to see this series continue.
You make great videos Kevin, I look forward to more 😊
Great work Kevin, please keep it coming. anxiously waiting for your next video.
Great information presented clearly.
Glad it was helpful!
Can this circuit be voltage controlded (i.e. for synths such as eurorack)?
I'm working up to that, so stay tuned! The plan is to develop this into a fully functional triangle-core VCO - volt/octave control, FM, sync, sine/square/triangle/pulse waveform outputs. One little step at a time, in hopes that my viewers will come out of this being able to design their own, rather than just copying my design. There's a little series of transistor-theory videos coming around over the rest of the summer, so that I'll have the building blocks to make the exponential converter and the current mirrors that are essential parts of most synth VCO's.
@@KludgesFromKevinsCave Thank You for taking time to educating us.