I can remember in college in the late nineties, taking a couple anthropology courses and we watched some older films of giant skeletons being unearthed. Many classmates thought it was fraud but I always reminded them there had been a race of giants.
That would screw scientists attempts to disprove religion. I like to ask people believing in evolution that if we evolved from Tadpoles and Monkeys then why are they still here?
Goliath was 9'6". The lying fairytale known as the book of Enoch is what is deceiving many to believe that Genesis 6 is talking about people of giant stature which is false.
Perry stone should give Melanie( the woman who answers the phone when u call) a raise! She personally has been a blessing too me, I’ve never met her in person, but she is amazing! Maranatha!!!!
If believers were take note on this message. You would understand that We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principles and rulers of darkness. Ephesus 6. 👋 humans have 5 fingers, and the fallen have 6 fingers. They are walking amongst us.
Ephesians chapter 6 also talks about our Armor we are to put on daily verse 18 praying always in the spirit; meaning: Tongues praying in the Spirit so many Christians today have a false teaching about tongues Satan is a master of deception.
👏👏👏👏👏!!! Great preaching and teaching P. Stone!! Great lesson in the Fallen Angels, Satan & Jesus in how angels can manifest human form and indulge in eating, drinking & living. After all, the Bible says we (mankind) are made IN GOD'S IMAGE!
We don't consider Enoch canon because the council of Rome said it wasn't. If the bar for "inspired" is the Roman Catholic church, it might be time to reconsider Enoch and Jasher. Especially since there are many other texts we view as inspired yet have no "proof" of who authored the work.
But in the case of Enoch, due to the age, we know for certain he didn't write it. One of the requirements for canonization was that a work had to have been written by an apostle or close acquaintance of an apostle (for the New Testament), or one of the prophets or leaders of Israel for the Old Testament (like Ezra or Nehemiah, Malachi etc.). People argued and debated over which books should be included for centuries. Even the original KJV 1611 includes the apocrypha (such as Enoch). Protestants later on removed the apocrypha due to discrepancies and other problematic statements found therein which conflicted with the whole of accepted Scripture in the OT and NT.
@@ajbridges275 I've heard those arguments and I'm not convinced. The Psalms have many authors and like Ezra have been substantially edited, more than once. It's also presumed Luke is the author of Acts yet it isn't clear & doesn't bear his name. Many books of scripture also are uncertain on when they were written. It also seems more likely most conflicts in scripture are a remez or hint. I appreciate your sharing your position. There are so called books of scripture that are no doubt garbage, like the "gnostic gospels, (et. al.) yet it seems a few have been witheld for political reasons. Either way we have a Messiah who will return and eventually rule for 1000 years. Unless your theory of interpretation is so low you believe the scriptures are allegorical, a collection of stories. If that's the case you have bigger problems than canon.
When in Exodus the 12 spies came backfrom mission and proclaimed that there were giants in the land and comparing themselves to the giants was like comparing grasshoppers to grown men. Doing the math, a grasshopper is no more than 2" tall an average man might be 70" tall. 70"/2"=X/70"; 2X=4900; X=2450"; 2450÷12= 204' tall. Maybe the pyramids were built by these giants. "Experts" cannot figure how humans can construct the pyramids which consist of building blocks weighing tens of tons each, and getting these blocks 400 feet into the air. I can imagine a 207' giant would easily lift the blocks and after 3,000 years their bones would be nonexistant.
Feeling like grasshoppers in the presence of giants may have been an exaggeration but there has been skeletons of giants in the 25 to 40 ft range. I think that qualifies as giant! I'd feel like a grasshopper in their presence.
If fragments of the book of Enoch was found with the Dead Sea scrolls and matched up perfectly with the Ethiopian Bible when compared and it’s mentioned multiple times in the Bible how is it not inspired just because man decided to taper(take books out) with it. God never said how he would preserve his word just that he would.
So many get hung up on Enoch not being part of the regular Bible books. They say it is all fiction and to throw it out. Why can't they just use it for what it's worth. They throw out one of the only explanations for where the giant people that have been found all over the planet came from and replace it with no explanation.
Good day Dr.perry Stone, this is so insightful thank you so much for sharing with us. here is my question, where do demons originate? your spoke about them saying they come form giants, please clarify
Hello how long is the entire video teaching off all the content related to this course if I were to buy the DVD titled demonolgy is it 8 hours 10 hours plz give me the exact time length and also is the material in this course stuff that perry hasn't addressed in his books or bible or even audio CD or DVD teachings is the content in this new plz reply asap and let me know god bless bye
Hey Brandon! This teaching was done specifically for ISOW. It's likely that some information that he gives in the whole course has been mentioned somewhere else, but He came in to film this course specifically for us. It is a focused resource of what he teaches about Demonology. Most of the lessons are about 30 minutes long, and there are thirteen lessons altogether. This puts it at about 6.5 hours. Thanks for the question!
I own his books feeding demons Satan's playbook purging your house book and DVD and hindering spirits is the material in this course different then all these resources also I have another question is the perry stone bible equivalent to a bible college as some may say and if so is it equivalent in terms of associate or bachelor's level thanks god bless bye
Some Catholic or person in the 3rd or 4 th century decided That it was too much information. WHO ARE THEY To Say What is What?? This is is. Incredible Stuff. THANKYOU
The book of 1 Enoch assuredly is inspired by God and written by Enoch himself, not anyone else. That is why is called from ancient times the book of Enoch. It's logical and it's what history tells us. All books had the name of the one that wrote it. The book of Isaiah, Zechariah, Joshua, etc. This the very first book ever written by man.
I believe God meant the angels could procreate but that there no need for them to do so. But when the 200 came to earth they fell under the heaviness of the curse over earth and gave in to temptation of lust. So they mated with women.
This where it can cause so much confusion or should I say deception! Gen 5:21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he begot Methuselah. 5:22 After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch walked with ha-elohim 300 years; and he begot sons and daughters. 5:23 All the days of Enoch came to 365 years. 5:24 Enoch walked with ha-elohim; then he was no more, for elohim took him. The simple meaning of Elohim here is “God,” but many Second Temple readers understood elohim here as angels, as a Second Temple audience would not believe that a human being could walk with God himself in heaven. The image of Enoch walking with angels in heaven caused Second Temple Jews to speculate about what heavenly mysteries he could have witnessed. These speculations were the impetus for the various works included in 1 Enoch that attempt to answer the question of what Enoch saw when he “walked with the angels.” So you can understand how things get misconstrued in translations then passed down a truth!!
Christ did not preexist before being born of a virgin, you have no scripture for that. The Holy Spirit(God is a Spirit, not just a Spirit but a HOLY ONE) moved upon Mary and she "conceived". God is everywhere at all times came into a body that was born (beginning) and became "God in flesh" "The Word became flesh" In other words, Jesus was fully God and fully human. The flesh of God had a beginning and end, but the Spirit, THE WORD has no beginning or ending. When Jesus died, it is clear HE became the "fullness of the GODHEAD BODY", not a separate Godhead. That is why Jesus said in John 14 "if you have seen me, you have seen the Father, because I and (even) the Father are ONE! Jesus the Christ man had a beginning. Isa 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. 12 I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God. 13 Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it?
Angels can take the form of human beings, entertaining angels unaware.I believe that some of the giants saw Noah preaching the destruction of the Earth through water.This is when I believe the giants built the pyramids(Ziggurat,Stargate) and a spaceship.to escape and go to another dimension.
There are some rabbinical traditions about giants surviving the flood, and their are myths across the globe speculation how these beings survived the flood. What the Bible says is that they certainly were present after the flood, so there must have been some kind of reemergence. Thanks for watching!
First of all the Book of Enoch is full of inconsistencies Not sure why you would use it for teaching! There are timeline problems as well! The word "nephilim" as used in Gen 6:4 (נפלים) and Num 13:33 (נפילים and נפלים are both used here) is simply an anglicizing of the plural form of the Hebrew word nephil (נפל), or nephiyl (נפיל). If it were to be translated it would be simply "the fallen" it is not giants!
@@AllyApril Yes and no! The cannon as its known specific to 66 books "Strange Number" Then there is the Catholic Bible has 73 and the Ethiopian has 88! We live in a fallen world and all things considered you are dealing with sinful humans after the fall! We are not just to be led by the written Word but confirmed by the Holy Spirit who indwells believers! The Book of Enoch is flawed in timelines as well, and must be read differently than the Bible itself! and Perry Stone should not be quoting that much from these books as all truth! !
Perry between 13 and 14 minutes you said that the second wave of fallen angels came down on mount Hermon after the flood in chapter 4 but in my books of Enoch 3 of them its in chapter 6, the 200 fallen watcher class angels came down on Mt Hermon in Jareds time who was the father of Enoch which would have been before the flood of Noah. so my question in brother what book are your getting that from. Everything else I agree with.
In Islamic end times prophecies, it teaches that a man descendant of Mohammed will rise up as their leader riding a white horse called the Mahdi. He will make war with the people's of the north, the descendants of the Romans. At the same time, he and his Muslim followers will kill the Jews and take Israel and Jerusalem. To help the Mahdi quest in converting the world into Islam, a prophet will come called Essa. Essa is the Islamic jesus. He will show signs and wonders to the world, along with giving faithful Muslim a mark of an animal on their forehead to recognize true followers of Islam. This Essa will also proclaim to the world that they should follow the Mahdi as a massager of Allah. In the very end, the Jewish Messiah will show up to make a final battle with the Mahdi and Essa. They call him Al-Maish ad-Dajjal or simply the Dajjal. This Messiah is called the false Messiah to the Muslims. With this said, if you read the OT prophet's prophecies, and Revelations about the statue, mountains, hills, and horns as kingdoms and nations to come against Israel and God's saints, you will see they are Muslim countries. This teaching and understanding is not new, but just like in this video certain people changed this understanding to believe the anti-Christ followers will come out of the UN or Rome.
@@Rick2012C when he said angels do not marry or are given in marriage. none of this is in the old testament and the new testament had not been written yet.
Why does Jude have to be quoting from a book? Why can’t he simply be sharing revelation he received from the Lord? Everything that Paul, the apostle wrote everything that Peter wrote everything that all the apostles wrote was inspired of the Holy Spirit. From time to time they will quote from the Old Testament scriptures, but much of what was written in the New Testament by the apostles is not from Old Testament scripture.
I've never heard this preache i know there are giants we're giants. Even after the flood giants David took out most of the giant's him and his warriors, there was 5 cities ruled by giants. The sons of I forget which one? My question is were there any female giants that were born
Hey, This is from the a course at ISOW Bible College called Demonology 101. This is the operation and function of evil spirits. Check out the whole course here: isow.org/courses/demonology-101/.
jmo Some apparently do since some had SONS (NO DAUGHTERS, WHY NO DAUGHTERS? Still a mystery) who became "men of renown". Don't really know IF fallen angels became demons. Supposedly Book of Enoch says 200 fell & pastors say they're demons but the man whom Jesus cast out demons , when asked 'What is your name' , said: 'We are legion, for we are many'. Plus when satan fell he brought down 1/3 of the "stars", believed to refer to angels.
jmo Plus, Mary was a virgin WITH child, without having relations with a human. We don't know all the traits of spirits/metaphysical beings. The Bible talks of many different types of created beings in the "spirit" (other than human) realms . It's in God's Word.
Spirit beings did not impregnate flesh and blood beings. If they did why aren't their children walking around to this day because we know that angels live forever. Anyway, the scripture Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Sons of men are the sons born from the line Seth who was righteous, and the daughters of men were the women born from the line of Cain who was unrighteous.
I do respect perry stone as a man of God, Prophet, Teacher; The part that I don’t understand is why do people use the book of Enoch which is not part of the inspired of Bible, to explain things in the Bible. I would think that God would also inspired to have included this book if it was his will but since it’s not, I just can’t use it as proof To explain things in the Bible.
There is no such thing as planets The earth is flat There is an ice wall all around the earth We have a firmament over top of the earth There is a sun moon and stars all to give us light There are no such thing as planets Yahuah Bless all the Christians ✝️ Come to Christianity if you want to go to Heaven ✝️ Get yourself a real Bible Geneva Bible Eithopian Bible
Thats how you know the Book of Enoch has many flaws as God DID NOT send those angels! God kicked satan out and the angles under him followed as in an army or rank! They did however teach man things of the occult, and things they should not know that was there crime as it were!
Genesis 1: 26.Then God said, “Let Us make MAN in Our image, after Our likeness! NOTE After its own kind!!!!! GOD NEVER GAVE ANGELS THE ABILITY TO PROCREATE OR ANY OTHER BEINGS!!!!! Just like a mule cannot produce a mule there are as a hybrid! Angles do not have the ability that the Church has taught for eons! The "enemy has used" this in the Church so no one knows it is really the demons (hybrids) from the fall! disembodied unredeamable spirits they try to influence human as they need a body to feel ! That is why you read in the text where the demons> NOT ANGELS asked Jesus to send them into the pigs and not out of the area! as they are territorial ! Angles or demons makes no diffidence they do not procreate! They say things like well angels ate and can come in human form but that proves nothing! You need a physical body to be blunt sexual organs and sperm to procreate! The "Church" needs to STOP these deceptions!
Where in scriptures does it say that about angels and where does it say angels are spirit's if they were how would we entertain them unaware there's many mysteries in scripture you got to search to find the answers
@kathygagliardi8727 yes it says so.e have entertained angels unaware. They take on a human form as in the old testament. With Abraham and Sodom and Gomorrah and with Mary. And a few other incidents.
Angels are an entirely different order of being than humans. Human beings do not become angels after they die. Angels will never become, and never were, human beings. God created the angels, just as He created humanity. The Bible nowhere states that angels are created in the image and likeness of God, as humans are (Genesis 1:26). Angels are spiritual beings that can, to a certain degree, take on physical form. Humans are primarily physical beings, but with a spiritual aspect. The greatest thing we can learn from the holy angels is their instant, unquestioning obedience to God’s commands.
It is not mythology about Zeus and the giants! etc they called them "gods" because it is a fallen world they live in and they were real beings! Just like the decedents of Cain ! The Canaanites the Hittite etc, were giants! Just like the Bible it says in 2 Corinthians 4:4 the "god" of this world is the devil!!! and God is not in control as the Church has taught! Proof > Luke 4:5 Then the devil took him(Jesus) up and revealed to him (Jesus) all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6.“ I (the devil) will give you( Jesus) the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please. 7. I (the devil) will give it all to you(Jesus) if you will worship me.” Jesus TOOK BACK THE KEYS and He gave the Keys to the Church we are the Authority on the earth we are suppose to take Dominion ! God is waiting on His Church to do their part! as Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. God does not control people! God has many other things He does that we are not privy to! He plays chess as it were at a whole different level! We are suppose to tread on serpents and scorpions "Earth dwelling demons!!! We are to bind and lose, allow or forbid! The Church needs to get out of story time and fiction that serves NO PURPOSE and RULE AND REIGN WITH CHRIST!
GOD is in control of everything, he allows what is happening. Satan is the temporary ruler of this world, it was given him, that is why he could offer it to Jesus if Jesus would worship him.
@@logiciskey7 The Bible God's Word Jesus says "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:19) ALSO Luke 10:19 I (Jesus) have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over ALL the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you. Jesus speaking to everyone! bout Authority!>>>Matthew 18: 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18. Truly, I say to you, whatever "you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven". 19. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be. done for them by my Father in heaven. 20. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
@logiciskey7 Yes God allows everything because He gave humans a free will. That's what happened in the garden Adam and Eve. The devil is the "god" of this world however That's why Jesus came to put pay our debt and put us back in our rightful position. As heirs of God and co-heirs withe Christ.. According to Jesus we are the Authority in this earth but for some reason the Church as a whole has not taught correctly and the Church has been compromised... The Eclessia "called out ones," the real Church needs to put there foot down and push back evil
Spirit beings cannot procreate with flesh and blood beings. Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Sons of God is referring to the children from the line of Seth who followed and obeyed God, the daughters of men is referring to the children from the line of Cain which did not follow God. Why would good call unholy, wicked fallen angels sons of God, they were not sons of God.
Perry I believe in the book of Revelation when John was about to bow down to a prophet who is symbolically in the book of Revelation an angel I believe that the word Angel could symbolically represent a prophet so I believe that the two men that Abraham saw that was going to sort them or Gomorrah was actually prophets I also believe that the sons of God are the ones you call angels are actually prophets of the Lord
I want all his teachings!!!! But can't afford them,I believe we would all benefit from, God BLESS YOU PASTOR STONE✝️🙏🙏🛐👑🩸🕊️🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌 GLORY TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THANK YOU JESUS, MOVE HOLY SPIRIT 💞💞💞
A worker is worth his wages. Paul preached and collected money. There's nothing wrong with it.. what's wrong are pastors, asking for money to line their pockets bigger cause they need a jet..
Lets address "Sons of God" They are not angels as has been taught! I know it is in the Bible but there are things that may have not been translated incorrectly and this is one of them! Beni Elohim which is interrupted angles is NOT true! They use the wrong word! The Hebrew word for Angels is Malak!> Angel/Messenger/Sent One: malak- (masculine noun) (Strong’s 4397) The term the Torah actually uses in Genesis 6 is B’nei Elohim. “Elohim” literally means “powerful ones.” It is often used in the Torah to refer to God, but it is also used in reference to powerful people or to judges, such as in Exodus 4:16, 7:1, 21:6, and 22:8. Likewise, when referring to God, the term emphasizes His power and justice. Based on this, most of the commentators to the Torah actually understand the verses NOT to be referring to supernatural beings such as "angels", but to the judges and noblemen, the people of power. Their “privileged” sons would forcibly take whomever they wanted as wives. (The “daughters of man” can be understood to mean the lower classes, see for example Psalms 49:3.) The enemy twists things and wants people to blame God saying it was angels! When it is him, demons and FALLEN HUMANS!!!!
@@Tbird-cr4ov Why because it says sons of God! I know those scriptures! again translation or interpretation! from Hebrew can be different! than what the translator thought it meant! > Look at how Jesus uses this passage. When Jesus quotes Psalm 82, He says that the statement “you are gods” was directed to those “to whom the word of God came” (John 10:35). That is, those who received the message of God were called “gods.” (The context is a confrontation between Jesus and the Jews at the Festival of Dedication) Jesus had just claimed to be the Son of God (John 10:25-30). The unbelieving Jews responded by charging Jesus with blasphemy, since He claimed to be God (verse 33). Jesus then quotes Psalm 82:6 and says, “If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be set aside-what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world?” Jesus’ point is this: you charge me with blasphemy based on my use of the title “Son of God”; yet your own Scriptures apply the same term to others besides God. If those who hold a divinely appointed office or those who have a divine position in the spiritual realm can be considered “gods,” how much more can the One whom God has chosen and sent (John 10:34-36)?
Enoch walk with God and he took him he didn't die also his book is mentioned in Scripture it might not be divinely inspired it's still a history book to give us knowledge
@@Rick2012C Enoch[Chapter 1] 1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, with which he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless people are to be removed (from the earth). 2 And he began his story saying: (I am) Enoch, a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, and who saw the vision of the Holy One in heaven, which the angels showed me. And I heard everything from them, and I saw and understood, but it was not for this generation (to know), but for a remote one which is to come. 3 As I began my story concerning the elect I said,: The Holy Great One will come out from His dwelling,
📯🕘⏳⌛; you Are reading the book of enoch from the lineage of cain ; Not the Enoch that ALMIGHTY CREATOR INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY GOD JESUS CHRIST Took to HIMSELF 300 years later !!!!!!!
jmo I follow Perry but don't agree that by stating a DISCLAIMER FIRST & then repeating what tradition says should be included with Bible teachings. Some people will ASSUME that since Pastor says it, & is connecting dots WITH WHATS IN THE BIBLE, that ALL he's saying is based on the Bible. Some people CANNOT distinguish TRUTH from FALSEHOODS even if a Bible teacher BEGINS the teaching with a DISCLAIMER. Most Christians believe whatever a pastor they like says, right or wrong, so I don't think ANY QUESTIONABLE TEACHING outside the Bible should be MIXED IN. jmo
Apocryphal books,.. like Enoch Jaser & ect. Actually mean hidden books. Elijah and Enoch are the only men who have not died. I believe they will be the witness's who come in the tribulation. I believe these books were hidden from all who aren't Hebrew.
I can remember in college in the late nineties, taking a couple anthropology courses and we watched some older films of giant skeletons being unearthed. Many classmates thought it was fraud but I always reminded them there had been a race of giants.
That would screw scientists attempts to disprove religion. I like to ask people believing in evolution that if we evolved from Tadpoles and Monkeys then why are they still here?
I don't hear too many ministers go into this
I'm really glad pastor Stone's has.
Thank you for putting this on the internet so we can get your ministries
Unearthed? We’re they being killed? Do you remember in what country? I remember seeing pictures of them being killed.
Goliath was 9'6". The lying fairytale known as the book of Enoch is what is deceiving many to believe that Genesis 6 is talking about people of giant stature which is false.
I am up at 1 am. I told God I’d watch any video Perry stone was preaching and I came across this one! 😂 God is awesome. Let’s get into the message!
Perry stone should give Melanie( the woman who answers the phone when u call) a raise! She personally has been a blessing too me, I’ve never met her in person, but she is amazing! Maranatha!!!!
Perry Stone is a gifted teacher. Thank you for posting this.
Thank you for watching!
Pastor Stone is one of the very Best
His dad was also a preacher as well ❤😊
And his grandfather. He's third generation Church of God@@naomifox9337
I have been following Bro.Perry for many years I praise the Lord for this gift to the body of Christ
I love all the teachings and mannafest of Bro Perry Stone since 2015 until now. God bless u Papa P and Ms Pam Stone💖💖💖
Perry Stone is on another level 🙏🙏🙏 me and my wife have been following him since before manifest even started. About 25 years now
Such a beautiful and clear presentation of truths.
Thank you Perry Stone for this teaching
Resist the devil he will flee from you
Thanks 😂
This is an awesome teaching thankyou and god bless you 🙏 😊
Thank you for watching!
All this is on RUclips for free all of it and more
Love your teaching. God Bless you.
Hello . Greetings from South africa. Blessed to stumble upon this
If believers were take note on this message. You would understand that We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principles and rulers of darkness. Ephesus 6. 👋 humans have 5 fingers, and the fallen have 6 fingers. They are walking amongst us.
And 2 rows of teeth
I was born with 6 fingers 😮😅
Ephesians chapter 6 also talks about our Armor we are to put on daily verse 18 praying always in the spirit; meaning: Tongues praying in the Spirit so many Christians today have a false teaching about
tongues Satan is a master of deception.
Great preaching and teaching P. Stone!! Great lesson in the Fallen Angels, Satan & Jesus in how angels can manifest human form and indulge in eating, drinking & living. After all, the Bible says we (mankind) are made IN GOD'S IMAGE!
Very interesting! Thank you Perry!
Been listening to Perry Stone since 1990s
We don't consider Enoch canon because the council of Rome said it wasn't. If the bar for "inspired" is the Roman Catholic church, it might be time to reconsider Enoch and Jasher. Especially since there are many other texts we view as inspired yet have no "proof" of who authored the work.
The book of Enoch is a lying fairytale that perverts the truth.
But in the case of Enoch, due to the age, we know for certain he didn't write it. One of the requirements for canonization was that a work had to have been written by an apostle or close acquaintance of an apostle (for the New Testament), or one of the prophets or leaders of Israel for the Old Testament (like Ezra or Nehemiah, Malachi etc.).
People argued and debated over which books should be included for centuries. Even the original KJV 1611 includes the apocrypha (such as Enoch). Protestants later on removed the apocrypha due to discrepancies and other problematic statements found therein which conflicted with the whole of accepted Scripture in the OT and NT.
@@ajbridges275 I've heard those arguments and I'm not convinced. The Psalms have many authors and like Ezra have been substantially edited, more than once. It's also presumed Luke is the author of Acts yet it isn't clear & doesn't bear his name. Many books of scripture also are uncertain on when they were written. It also seems more likely most conflicts in scripture are a remez or hint. I appreciate your sharing your position. There are so called books of scripture that are no doubt garbage, like the "gnostic gospels, (et. al.) yet it seems a few have been witheld for political reasons. Either way we have a Messiah who will return and eventually rule for 1000 years. Unless your theory of interpretation is so low you believe the scriptures are allegorical, a collection of stories. If that's the case you have bigger problems than canon.
When in Exodus the 12 spies came backfrom mission and proclaimed that there were giants in the land and comparing themselves to the giants was like comparing grasshoppers to grown men. Doing the math, a grasshopper is no more than 2" tall an average man might be 70" tall. 70"/2"=X/70"; 2X=4900; X=2450"; 2450÷12= 204' tall.
Maybe the pyramids were built by these giants. "Experts" cannot figure how humans can construct the pyramids which consist of building blocks weighing tens of tons each, and getting these blocks 400 feet into the air. I can imagine a 207' giant would easily lift the blocks and after 3,000 years their bones would be nonexistant.
Feeling like grasshoppers in the presence of giants may have been an exaggeration but there has been skeletons of giants in the 25 to 40 ft range. I think that qualifies as giant! I'd feel like a grasshopper in their presence.
And more accurate Mass summation would be the height of the cedar trees in Lebanon the word says that's how tall they were
Perry stone is true preacher of the word of God
Good message Perry
I love ur teaching
Explaining well
Thank you Perry for your excellent in depth teachings
God bless you Bro. Perry.
Jesus said mind how you treat someone because it can be and angel or a demon.. they walk among us! Agree 100 percent!
Love love love your teachings! God bless you
I would love to sit down and go over Giants. Vs Nephilim
Thank you for this. I love deep diving into the truth. Amazing show and teaching.❤
Glad you enjoy it!
Writing it in STONE
Brother Perry
"scapegoat" is the English translation of the Hebrew word "Azazel"
If fragments of the book of Enoch was found with the Dead Sea scrolls and matched up perfectly with the Ethiopian Bible when compared and it’s mentioned multiple times in the Bible how is it not inspired just because man decided to taper(take books out) with it. God never said how he would preserve his word just that he would.
Everyone should read the Apocrypha books, they back up parts of the Bible that are not expanded on
So many get hung up on Enoch not being part of the regular Bible books.
They say it is all fiction and to throw it out.
Why can't they just use it for what it's worth.
They throw out one of the only explanations for where the giant people that have been found all over the planet came from and replace it with no explanation.
@@logiciskey7 this❤
I love the presentation Rob Skiba gave on this subject called Archon Invasion...and the sermon by Dr Chuck Missler called Genesis 6
Timothy Alberino and Pastor Stone should do a very special presentation for TBN (in regard to the PreFlood/Giants/and Sin.2024
Amazing how ALL The Huge Skeletons Found have just Disappeared somehow. They are Frightened of us Knowing the Truth.
That one institute / art type museum confiscated them.
Thank you for sharing this teaching. 🙏😊
Thank you Perry!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Good day Dr.perry Stone, this is so insightful thank you so much for sharing with us. here is my question, where do demons originate? your spoke about them saying they come form giants, please clarify
Thank you brother Perry
My question is who cut down the large trees. ? Was it to prevent the giants from surviving the flood?
Hello how long is the entire video teaching off all the content related to this course if I were to buy the DVD titled demonolgy is it 8 hours 10 hours plz give me the exact time length and also is the material in this course stuff that perry hasn't addressed in his books or bible or even audio CD or DVD teachings is the content in this new plz reply asap and let me know god bless bye
Hey Brandon! This teaching was done specifically for ISOW. It's likely that some information that he gives in the whole course has been mentioned somewhere else, but He came in to film this course specifically for us. It is a focused resource of what he teaches about Demonology. Most of the lessons are about 30 minutes long, and there are thirteen lessons altogether. This puts it at about 6.5 hours.
Thanks for the question!
I own his books feeding demons Satan's playbook purging your house book and DVD and hindering spirits is the material in this course different then all these resources also I have another question is the perry stone bible equivalent to a bible college as some may say and if so is it equivalent in terms of associate or bachelor's level thanks god bless bye
There's better teachings on RUclips for free !
Where can I find 1-8
Great teaching
Awesome ❤information
Perry, I would love to sit down with you and go over this stuff with you.
Why is this being preaching!
Be very careful who you listen too there are many false prophets around today. Pray for discernment to know when there is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Some Catholic or person in the 3rd or 4 th century decided That it was too much information. WHO ARE THEY To Say What is What?? This is is. Incredible Stuff. THANKYOU
The book of 1 Enoch assuredly is inspired by God and written by Enoch himself, not anyone else. That is why is called from ancient times the book of Enoch. It's logical and it's what history tells us. All books had the name of the one that wrote it. The book of Isaiah, Zechariah, Joshua, etc. This the very first book ever written by man.
I believe God meant the angels could procreate but that there no need for them to do so. But when the 200 came to earth they fell under the heaviness of the curse over earth and gave in to temptation of lust. So they mated with women.
Please Sir I want to know if these angels were males by nature?
Angels have no sex but usually always look male
Possibly normal size, just kept growing.
This where it can cause so much confusion or should I say deception! Gen 5:21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he begot Methuselah. 5:22 After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch walked with ha-elohim 300 years; and he begot sons and daughters. 5:23 All the days of Enoch came to 365 years. 5:24 Enoch walked with ha-elohim; then he was no more, for elohim took him.
The simple meaning of Elohim here is “God,” but many Second Temple readers understood elohim here as angels, as a Second Temple audience would not believe that a human being could walk with God himself in heaven.
The image of Enoch walking with angels in heaven caused Second Temple Jews to speculate about what heavenly mysteries he could have witnessed. These speculations were the impetus for the various works included in 1 Enoch that attempt to answer the question of what Enoch saw when he “walked with the angels.” So you can understand how things get misconstrued in translations then passed down a truth!!
Great Video.
How did the Fallen angels, spirits, or giants impregnate women on the earth?
How is this genetically possible?
Why is the city gate of Babylon doing behind you?
He uses sets for topics. He has a wonderful set background for his detailed explanation of the tabernacle.
Why is he teaching in front of the babylonian gate?
He uses sets for topics. He has a wonderful set background for his detailed explanation of the tabernacle.
Perry, who wrote the book of Enoch? It’s only 2200 years old? Is this still a mystery?
Why isn’t the message continuing? Not good
Enoch definitely wrote this. He walked with the creator
In the Hebrew translation of Genesis 6:4 the "giants" are nephilim or (peptokotes in Greek) = fallen ones
Christ did not preexist before being born of a virgin, you have no scripture for that. The Holy Spirit(God is a Spirit, not just a Spirit but a HOLY ONE) moved upon Mary and she "conceived". God is everywhere at all times came into a body that was born (beginning) and became "God in flesh" "The Word became flesh" In other words, Jesus was fully God and fully human. The flesh of God had a beginning and end, but the Spirit, THE WORD has no beginning or ending. When Jesus died, it is clear HE became the "fullness of the GODHEAD BODY", not a separate Godhead. That is why Jesus said in John 14 "if you have seen me, you have seen the Father, because I and (even) the Father are ONE! Jesus the Christ man had a beginning. Isa 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. 12 I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God. 13 Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it?
Angels can take the form of human beings, entertaining angels unaware.I believe that some of the giants saw Noah preaching the destruction of the Earth through water.This is when I believe the giants built the pyramids(Ziggurat,Stargate) and a spaceship.to escape and go to another dimension.
They went deep into the ground all over the earth.
I still don't get how the giants survived the flood. Is it possible that one of Noah's son's wives was a carrier of the giants DNA? Food for thought.
There are some rabbinical traditions about giants surviving the flood, and their are myths across the globe speculation how these beings survived the flood. What the Bible says is that they certainly were present after the flood, so there must have been some kind of reemergence.
Thanks for watching!
First of all the Book of Enoch is full of inconsistencies Not sure why you would use it for teaching! There are timeline problems as well!
The word "nephilim" as used in Gen 6:4 (נפלים) and Num 13:33 (נפילים and נפלים are both used here) is simply an anglicizing of the plural form of the Hebrew word nephil (נפל), or nephiyl (נפיל). If it were to be translated it would be simply "the fallen" it is not giants!
Are we just confined to 66 books only?
@@AllyApril Yes and no! The cannon as its known specific to 66 books "Strange Number" Then there is the Catholic Bible has 73 and the Ethiopian has 88! We live in a fallen world and all things considered you are dealing with sinful humans after the fall! We are not just to be led by the written Word but confirmed by the Holy Spirit who indwells believers! The Book of Enoch is flawed in timelines as well, and must be read differently than the Bible itself! and Perry Stone should not be quoting that much from these books as all truth! !
This generation is trying to change human DNA now. Get ready, saint's
Perry between 13 and 14 minutes you said that the second wave of fallen angels came down on mount Hermon after the flood in chapter 4 but in my books of Enoch 3 of them its in chapter 6, the 200 fallen watcher class angels came down on Mt Hermon in Jareds time who was the father of Enoch which would have been before the flood of Noah. so my question in brother what book are your getting that from.
Everything else I agree with.
Could the mark of the beast also come with DNA changes.maybe even DNA from dead giants .
In Islamic end times prophecies, it teaches that a man descendant of Mohammed will rise up as their leader riding a white horse called the Mahdi. He will make war with the people's of the north, the descendants of the Romans. At the same time, he and his Muslim followers will kill the Jews and take Israel and Jerusalem. To help the Mahdi quest in converting the world into Islam, a prophet will come called Essa. Essa is the Islamic jesus. He will show signs and wonders to the world, along with giving faithful Muslim a mark of an animal on their forehead to recognize true followers of Islam. This Essa will also proclaim to the world that they should follow the Mahdi as a massager of Allah. In the very end, the Jewish Messiah will show up to make a final battle with the Mahdi and Essa. They call him Al-Maish ad-Dajjal or simply the Dajjal. This Messiah is called the false Messiah to the Muslims.
With this said, if you read the OT prophet's prophecies, and Revelations about the statue, mountains, hills, and horns as kingdoms and nations to come against Israel and God's saints, you will see they are Muslim countries.
This teaching and understanding is not new, but just like in this video certain people changed this understanding to believe the anti-Christ followers will come out of the UN or Rome.
Jesus quoted Enoch and Jude and Peter do you need more.
Jesus never quoted Enoch or Book of Enoch
@@Rick2012C when he said angels do not marry or are given in marriage. none of this is in the old testament and the new testament had not been written yet.
remember he told the pharisees had they read scripture they would know that, so what scripture was he talking about.
@@romans828. Jesus never quoted Enoch
@@robertsanders5355 Jesus was the Creator of Angels
Why does Jude have to be quoting from a book? Why can’t he simply be sharing revelation he received from the Lord? Everything that Paul, the apostle wrote everything that Peter wrote everything that all the apostles wrote was inspired of the Holy Spirit. From time to time they will quote from the Old Testament scriptures, but much of what was written in the New Testament by the apostles is not from Old Testament scripture.
If we evolved from Tadpoles and Monkeys then why are they still here? Lol there was no big bang.
I think this happened in The Garden.
Satan, Will you a Narcissist aka Angel of Light!
I've never heard this preache i know there are giants we're giants. Even after the flood giants David took out most of the giant's him and his warriors, there was 5 cities ruled by giants. The sons of I forget which one? My question is were there any female giants that were born
Anyone else wonders why there is a mural of babylon behing this man?
He uses sets for topics. He has a wonderful set background for his detailed explanation of the tabernacle.
Angels are assumed to be male because female didn’t exist until eve!
No there is not it tells you in the bible that satan and its demons where casted down from heaven for being disobidient.
This is from the a course at ISOW Bible College called Demonology 101. This is the operation and function of evil spirits. Check out the whole course here: isow.org/courses/demonology-101/.
They rrebelled!! Luc I Fer wanted to be like God and be higher than him, is thrown out and took a 1/3 of the angels with him.
This is why they removed the book of Enoch.
The seed of the serpent are dragons and theare all over Mars and the moon
I don't get how Angels who are spirit beings have sex with human beings, do they take on a physical bodies as well.
Some apparently do since some had SONS (NO DAUGHTERS, WHY NO DAUGHTERS? Still a mystery) who became "men of renown".
Don't really know IF fallen angels became demons.
Supposedly Book of Enoch says 200 fell & pastors say they're demons but the man whom Jesus cast out demons , when asked 'What is your name' ,
'We are legion, for we are many'.
Plus when satan fell he brought down 1/3 of the "stars", believed to refer to angels.
Yes. Angels did this often in the old testament.
Mary was a virgin WITH child,
without having relations with a human.
We don't know all the traits of spirits/metaphysical beings.
The Bible talks of many different types of created beings in the "spirit" (other than human) realms .
It's in God's Word.
Spirit beings did not impregnate flesh and blood beings. If they did why aren't their children walking around to this day because we know that angels live forever. Anyway, the scripture Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Sons of men are the sons born from the line Seth who was righteous, and the daughters of men were the women born from the line of Cain who was unrighteous.
"Spirit beings did not impregnate flesh and blood beings..." ????
So, Who was Jesus'
I have a cousin that has 6 fingers 😮
False Teachers will be judged!
He's not a false teacher
I do respect perry stone as a man of God, Prophet, Teacher; The part that I don’t understand is why do people use the book of Enoch which is not part of the inspired of Bible, to explain things in the Bible. I would think that God would also inspired to have included this book if it was his will but since it’s not, I just can’t use it as proof To explain things in the Bible.
Think of it as a history book that’s why he said he doesn’t use it as a divine book but for history
Why, indeed???
There is no such thing as planets
The earth is flat
There is an ice wall all around the earth
We have a firmament over top of the earth
There is a sun moon and stars all to give us light
There are no such thing as planets
Yahuah Bless all the Christians ✝️ Come to Christianity if you want to go to Heaven ✝️ Get yourself a real Bible Geneva Bible
Eithopian Bible
Be careful be not deceived. There was a world wide flood. Sorry no giants after the flood.
You should read the Bible more carefully.
Numbers 13:26-29 ~ sons of Anak= giants
What was Goliath and his 3 brothers? = Giants
It would have been better if he had dealt with his demons first
Thats how you know the Book of Enoch has many flaws as God DID NOT send those angels! God kicked satan out and the angles under him followed as in an army or rank! They did however teach man things of the occult, and things they should not know that was there crime as it were!
Hey its the guy that can't keep his hand off woman than calls them demons for speaking out
Instead of speaking of demons ALL THE TIME (which Jesus NEVER did) he should have paid attention to the demons he was allowing in his own life
Why, what happened in his personal life? I watched Perry many years ago and always enjoyed his teaching style, relating the old and new testaments.
Genesis 1: 26.Then God said, “Let Us make MAN in Our image, after Our likeness! NOTE After its own kind!!!!! GOD NEVER GAVE ANGELS THE ABILITY TO PROCREATE OR ANY OTHER BEINGS!!!!! Just like a mule cannot produce a mule there are as a hybrid! Angles do not have the ability that the Church has taught for eons! The "enemy has used" this in the Church so no one knows it is really the demons (hybrids) from the fall! disembodied unredeamable spirits they try to influence human as they need a body to feel ! That is why you read in the text where the demons> NOT ANGELS asked Jesus to send them into the pigs and not out of the area! as they are territorial ! Angles or demons makes no diffidence they do not procreate! They say things like well angels ate and can come in human form but that proves nothing! You need a physical body to be blunt sexual organs and sperm to procreate! The "Church" needs to STOP these deceptions!
Where in scriptures does it say that about angels and where does it say angels are spirit's if they were how would we entertain them unaware there's many mysteries in scripture you got to search to find the answers
@@kathygagliardi8727 Hebrews 1:7 In speaking of the angels He makes His angels spirits His servants like flames of fire.
@kathygagliardi8727 yes it says so.e have entertained angels unaware. They take on a human form as in the old testament. With Abraham and Sodom and Gomorrah and with Mary. And a few other incidents.
Angels are an entirely different order of being than humans. Human beings do not become angels after they die. Angels will never become, and never were, human beings. God created the angels, just as He created humanity. The Bible nowhere states that angels are created in the image and likeness of God, as humans are (Genesis 1:26). Angels are spiritual beings that can, to a certain degree, take on physical form. Humans are primarily physical beings, but with a spiritual aspect. The greatest thing we can learn from the holy angels is their instant, unquestioning obedience to God’s commands.
It is not mythology about Zeus and the giants! etc they called them "gods" because it is a fallen world they live in and they were real beings! Just like the decedents of Cain ! The Canaanites the Hittite etc, were giants! Just like the Bible it says in 2 Corinthians 4:4 the "god" of this world is the devil!!! and God is not in control as the Church has taught! Proof > Luke 4:5 Then the devil took him(Jesus) up and revealed to him (Jesus) all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6.“ I (the devil) will give you( Jesus) the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please. 7. I (the devil) will give it all to you(Jesus) if you will worship me.” Jesus TOOK BACK THE KEYS and He gave the Keys to the Church we are the Authority on the earth we are suppose to take Dominion ! God is waiting on His Church to do their part! as Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. God does not control people! God has many other things He does that we are not privy to! He plays chess as it were at a whole different level! We are suppose to tread on serpents and scorpions "Earth dwelling demons!!! We are to bind and lose, allow or forbid! The Church needs to get out of story time and fiction that serves NO PURPOSE and RULE AND REIGN WITH CHRIST!
GOD is in control of everything, he allows what is happening. Satan is the temporary ruler of this world, it was given him, that is why he could offer it to Jesus if Jesus would worship him.
It is Jesus who has the keys not the church
@@logiciskey7 The Bible God's Word Jesus says "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:19) ALSO Luke 10:19 I (Jesus) have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over ALL the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you. Jesus speaking to everyone! bout Authority!>>>Matthew 18: 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18. Truly, I say to you, whatever "you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven". 19. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be. done for them by my Father in heaven. 20. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
@@logiciskey7 ruclips.net/video/mLwnifkIIQY/видео.html
@logiciskey7 Yes God allows everything because He gave humans a free will. That's what happened in the garden Adam and Eve. The devil is the "god" of this world however That's why Jesus came to put pay our debt and put us back in our rightful position. As heirs of God and co-heirs withe Christ.. According to Jesus we are the Authority in this earth but for some reason the Church as a whole has not taught correctly and the Church has been compromised... The Eclessia "called out ones," the real Church needs to put there foot down and push back evil
Perry is incorrect on a few points.
All these fundamentalist preachers are just spreading false doctrines so that they can fleece their flock.
Spirit beings cannot procreate with flesh and blood beings. Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Sons of God is referring to the children from the line of Seth who followed and obeyed God, the daughters of men is referring to the children from the line of Cain which did not follow God. Why would good call unholy, wicked fallen angels sons of God, they were not sons of God.
Perry I believe in the book of Revelation when John was about to bow down to a prophet who is symbolically in the book of Revelation an angel I believe that the word Angel could symbolically represent a prophet so I believe that the two men that Abraham saw that was going to sort them or Gomorrah was actually prophets I also believe that the sons of God are the ones you call angels are actually prophets of the Lord
Please, stop asking for "donations" add is so unprofessional. Jesus never charged for His teachings!
I want all his teachings!!!! But can't afford them,I believe we would all benefit from, God BLESS YOU PASTOR STONE✝️🙏🙏🛐👑🩸🕊️🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌 GLORY TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THANK YOU JESUS, MOVE HOLY SPIRIT 💞💞💞
A worker is worth his wages. Paul preached and collected money. There's nothing wrong with it.. what's wrong are pastors, asking for money to line their pockets bigger cause they need a jet..
He is a lair, angels are spirits and not flesh and blood like us, spirits can not produce anything, read the Bible correctly
OMG people still believe in angels, spirits, gods and goblinsl
Lets address "Sons of God" They are not angels as has been taught! I know it is in the Bible but there are things that may have not been translated incorrectly and this is one of them! Beni Elohim which is interrupted angles is NOT true! They use the wrong word! The Hebrew word for Angels is Malak!> Angel/Messenger/Sent One: malak- (masculine noun) (Strong’s 4397) The term the Torah actually uses in Genesis 6 is B’nei Elohim. “Elohim” literally means “powerful ones.” It is often used in the Torah to refer to God, but it is also used in reference to powerful people or to judges, such as in Exodus 4:16, 7:1, 21:6, and 22:8. Likewise, when referring to God, the term emphasizes His power and justice.
Based on this, most of the commentators to the Torah actually understand the verses NOT to be referring to supernatural beings such as "angels", but to the judges and noblemen, the people of power. Their “privileged” sons would forcibly take whomever they wanted as wives. (The “daughters of man” can be understood to mean the lower classes, see for example Psalms 49:3.) The enemy twists things and wants people to blame God saying it was angels! When it is him, demons and FALLEN HUMANS!!!!
Read Job 1 and psalm 82
@@Tbird-cr4ov Why because it says sons of God! I know those scriptures! again translation or interpretation! from Hebrew can be different! than what the translator thought it meant! > Look at how Jesus uses this passage. When Jesus quotes Psalm 82, He says that the statement “you are gods” was directed to those “to whom the word of God came” (John 10:35). That is, those who received the message of God were called “gods.” (The context is a confrontation between Jesus and the Jews at the Festival of Dedication) Jesus had just claimed to be the Son of God (John 10:25-30). The unbelieving Jews responded by charging Jesus with blasphemy, since He claimed to be God (verse 33). Jesus then quotes Psalm 82:6 and says, “If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be set aside-what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world?” Jesus’ point is this: you charge me with blasphemy based on my use of the title “Son of God”; yet your own Scriptures apply the same term to others besides God. If those who hold a divinely appointed office or those who have a divine position in the spiritual realm can be considered “gods,” how much more can the One whom God has chosen and sent (John 10:34-36)?
The Book of Enoch is not scripture! Very dangerous to form doctrines about Nephillim coming from Fallen Angels!
Yes it is you find out when the sky opens
Enoch walk with God and he took him he didn't die also his book is mentioned in Scripture it might not be divinely inspired it's still a history book to give us knowledge
@@kathygagliardi8727 Book of Enoch do not contain the words of Enoch as far as I know
@@Rick2012C Enoch[Chapter 1] 1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, with which he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless people are to be removed (from the earth). 2 And he began his story saying: (I am) Enoch, a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, and who saw the vision of the Holy One in heaven, which the angels showed me. And I heard everything from them, and I saw and understood, but it was not for this generation (to know), but for a remote one which is to come. 3 As I began my story concerning the elect I said,: The Holy Great One will come out from His dwelling,
Enoch is a wealth of knowledge, people will prevent you from reading it for this purpose
📯🕘⏳⌛; you Are reading the book of enoch from the lineage of cain ; Not the Enoch that ALMIGHTY CREATOR INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY GOD JESUS CHRIST Took to HIMSELF 300 years later !!!!!!!
I follow Perry but don't agree that by stating a DISCLAIMER FIRST & then repeating what tradition says should be included with Bible teachings.
Some people will ASSUME that since Pastor says it, & is connecting dots WITH WHATS IN THE BIBLE,
that ALL he's saying is based on the Bible.
Some people CANNOT distinguish TRUTH from FALSEHOODS even if a Bible teacher BEGINS the teaching with a
Most Christians believe whatever a pastor they like says, right or wrong,
so I don't think ANY QUESTIONABLE TEACHING outside the Bible should be MIXED IN.
Apocryphal books,.. like Enoch
Jaser & ect.
Actually mean hidden books.
Elijah and Enoch are the only men who have not died.
I believe they will be the witness's who come in the tribulation.
I believe these books were hidden from all who aren't Hebrew.
Jesus said mind how you treat someone because it can be and angel or a demon.. they walk among us! Agree 100 percent!