I agree with you! I'm 79 years old and we are singing it this morning, first song today!! Nothing thrills my heart and prepares me for the message more than the old gospel hymns! It's sad that most of our youth, today, don't sing them!!
Power in the blood of Jesus means power of Love. Because Jesus is God and God is Love. Only Through Love, Peace will come to Earth and Everybody Happy. Great Harvest but Less Workers. Be Good Manager of Love.❤❤❤
Praise the Lord. Apart from the lyrics and singing, i admire the music especially the Lead musician's filling-in. The blood of the Saviour is most priceless. Amen.
I love the interpretation of the hymn. Keep singing to remind everyone that there is hope in the blood of Jesus Christ of eternal life. God bless you more and more.
Síiii......Bellísimo Himno; sin embargo, lamento que muchos Cristianos de éste tiempo, han olvidado éstos lindos Cantos y le han dado mérito, a Cantos con inspiración puramente material.
Quieres ser salvo de toda maldad, tan solo hay Poder en Mi Jesus Quieres vivir y gozar santidad tan solo hay Poder en Jesus Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en Jesus quien murio Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en la Sangre que El vertio.... Quieres ser libre de orgullo y pasion tan solo hay Poder en mi Jesus Quieres vencer toda cruel tentacion, tan solo hay Poder en Jesus Hay poder, si, sin igual Poder en Jesus quien murio Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en la Sangre que El vertio Quieres servir a tu Rey y Señor tan solo hay Poder en mi Jesus Ven y ser salvo podras en Su Amor, tan solo hay Poder en Jesus Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en Jesus, quien murio Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en la Sangre que El vertio.
Rev. 7:9-11 “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’ “. - Charles Swindoll
HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN! CRUCIFIXION- "*JUSTIFYING the WICKED*...and *CONDEMNING the RIGHTEOUS*" How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE? "ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him. BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD. Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help? Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*. NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!... No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA! When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO, Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact? 2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed"; 2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them. Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHATISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
I remember with nostalgic feelings the zeal with which the choir undertook the recording of these songs....the results are just amazing, completely awesome. Glory and honour to the most high God.
Thoroughly enjoyed this great Gospel song performed by my Brothers and Sister from another part of our God's earth. Blessings on all of you from Clovis, California.
@@pceasiloamkimbochurchchoir3994 WHAT A SHAME! CLOVIS(1st born son of the CATHOLIC CONSTANTINIANS who MONGRELISED Hebrew ANIMAL SACRIFICE with PAGAN HUMAN SACRIFICE at Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira and SARDIS!-)Its a GREAT SHAME!-but the LORD is MERCIFUL so He has CALLED ALL(Rev 18 to FLEE FROM THIS BABYLON that YOU be NOT A PARTAKER of these THEIR SINS!) who believe this ORIGINAL SIN doctrine of devils which REQUIRED DEITY "sacrifice" to PAY for ORIGINATING SIN?!! hmm!... GÚTIRÍ HINYA THAKAMEINÍ YA JÍSU-NÍOKÚRAGÚO ORAGIRÚO ota ! TIGAI KÚHENIO nÍ the VEDIC PANTHEON OF Indo-Egypt-Greece!! MÚKOOORA MÚÚÍ NGAI nÍ OO ÚMÚE OO WEE WIKI(Isaiah 44:8,6; Isaiah 43:10; Isaiah 45:14,18,21-ending; Malachi 2:10=John 8:41=1 Time 3:16=EPhesians 4:4-6=1 SPIRIT who MANIFEST in 1 BODY of incarnation who is the 12 FATHER of US ALL NGAI ÚmÚE who is that 1 SPIRIT(John 4:24 and our REDEEMER is THAT 1 SPIRIT= 2Corinthians 3:17))! So that doctrine of NGAI KÚÚRAGÚO makauga ní KÚÍHEANA OORAGÚO(like Jihadist SUICIDE BOMBERS! noo akoorirúo onake nígú-commit ASSISTED SUICIDE onake by allowing OTHERS to KILL Him!?! its ABSURDITY of the highest degree!) And its part of that KING AHAZ JÚRAGANO cia ciana na cia PROPHETS. The BLOOD OF A MURDERED PERSON is OF NO POWER whatsoever! except LIKE RIGHTEOUS ABEL(Matthew 23:35; ; na Jísú noo akaríhíri júragano icio!=Revelation 6:11 Thess 2:14-16 ) BLOOD SACRIFICE is a PAGAN DOCTRINE that orignated with PAGAN HUMAN SACRIFICES that the ISRAELITES COPIED from the PAGANS (mútithome Psalms 106: 34-38 úriía mamenyeire ÚRAGANI EGYPT!-makírehe ÚRAGANI VALLEY OF HINNOM: Jer 7:31; mooragage ciana ciao kúu ta JÚRAGANO JÚRU JÚRU ya KING AHAZ-2 CHronicles 28:1-3 onaA Aona ITHIRAMU níríreeka oo úguo-EID AL DFHA!lol! maugage ní ISHAMEL wagíríirúo KÚRAGÚO!lol! NGAI AMAKANÍTIE níkío atúmíte ISAIAH kúí AHAZ concerning this CRUCIFIXION CHILD-Isaiah 7:1-15-todú ISAIAH NGAI níamuonirie makúmúúraga; na úría NGAI amakanirie ona Abraham arí kúgúa mehiainí oo mau maa kúraga Isaka!-ta acio mee MICAH 6:7)! THOOMAI MÚIMENYERE MA! MÚTIGE KÚRÚMÍRÍRA ÚRIMÚ WA AHÍDÍ na a HIBRANIA ARÍA MOORIRE(Gen 36!; Isa 63:1-6; Obaddiah; Hosea 4:17; Hosea 13:1-6 ciana cia acio moorire na matúríte mooríte ona mee a hibrania oo úguo!…etc) So REVELATION 18 was written BY JOHN who followed int he footprints of ISAIAH to CALL ALL YOU CHRISTIANS who are LOST in this “ORIGINAL SIN” doctrine OF DEVILS, that REQUIRED the LORD Himself who CAN NEVER DIE! to supposedly “die” to pay for this NON-EXISTENT “original sin” as a HUMAN-DEITY “daily/continual” SACRIFICE. YET they ENTANGLE THEMSELVES because they KNOW DEITY can NEVER DIE, but say DEITY DIED! how then is HE LIFE ITSELF? They claim DEITY could NOT DIE but also that A HUMAN BODY sacrifice would NEVER SAVE US! so WHO/WHAT DIED Ont he CROSS? DEITY or HUMAN? since DEITY can NEVER DIE! then they are claiming A HUMAN SACRIFICE could save? Thats how that THEOLOGY is CONFUSED! because it is a PAGAN RTIONALIZATION of HUMAN SACRIFICE that was practiced by ALL ANCIENT PAGAN CIVILIZTIONS as part of being a CIVILISED society!-from the AZTEC, THE INCA, the EGYPTIANS, the MAYA all of them having one thing in common A ZIGGURAT(a 3/4 PYRAMID!)-HIGH MOUNTAIN or FOREST GROVES where they committed THESE HEINOUS MURDERS! The TRUE BIBLE DOCTRINE is very clear “THOU SHALT NOT KILL” and it does NOT SAY ANYWHERE “except human sacrifices”NEVER! because the ONLY APPROPRIATE SACRIFICES are SPCIFIC and NOT ALL CLEAN ANIMALS EITHER< just VERY SPECIFIC ones, BULLOCKS for the HIGH PRIEST, RAMS for the LEVITES, GOATS, LAMBS PIGEONS and TURTLE DOVES as well as FINE FLOUR for the MASSES. NOWHERE does it say ANY CLEAN ANIMAL nor say HUMANS in specific circumstances!because HUMANS can NEVER be considered in ANY EVENT-Jer 7:31-it PAINS THE LORD and HE ABHORES even the THOUT! “…NEVER ENTERED His HEART!” that ANYONE should think such a thought! so WHY would He LEAD by this MURDEROUS EXAMPLE? He ALWAYS CRITICISED these people asking them WHY GO YE ABOUT TO KILL ME?-in NUMEROUS PLACES He tells the Romans, Herod, and the JEWS that they are PLOTTING HIS MURDER starting with Parbles so per adventure they UNDERSTAND that their SCHEMES are MURDEROUS SCHEMES not anywhere near an APPROPRIATE ANIMAL sacrifice!(Matthew 21:36-38= Mark 13:34-36; John 11:46-54; John 7:19, 21-MURDER MURDER MURDER UNCOVERED and told to them BEFOREHAND! in fact HEROD had ATTEMPTED this MURDER LONG AGO when our REDEEMER was still a A CHILD!-Matt 2 but FAILED!)! NOWHERE does He say they were planning HIS SACRIFICIAL MOMENT!!
@@pceasiloamkimbochurchchoir3994 HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN! CRUCIFIXION- "*JUSTIFYING the WICKED*...and *CONDEMNING the RIGHTEOUS*" How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE? "ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him. BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD. Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help? Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*. NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!... No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA! When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO, Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact? 2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed"; 2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them. Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHASTISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
I really enjoyed this hymn. The choir sang beautiful, also, the uniforms were outstanding, nicely tailored made, fits well on each member. Start your day with this hymn, and as you about to retire to bed, close off the night with it. Can't go wrong, peaceful night. Thanks.
HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN! CRUCIFIXION- "*JUSTIFYING the WICKED*...and *CONDEMNING the RIGHTEOUS*" How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE? "ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him. BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD. Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help? Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*. NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!... No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA! When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO, Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact? 2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed"; 2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them. Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHATISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
This is glorious,my neighbor church,go great to the Glory of our Lord Jesus and to the out reach of our generation that seem out of reality and power in the precious Blood of Lord Jesus Christ.
Jehovah my good good father please cover my brother Enrique Casas Mejia and his daughter Nancy and Norma and her family with the pressious blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ name I ask and pray amen
HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN! CRUCIFIXION- "*JUSTIFYING the WICKED*...and *CONDEMNING the RIGHTEOUS*" How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE? "ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him. BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD. Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help? Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*. NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!... No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA! When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO, Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact? 2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed"; 2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them. Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHATISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
When I hear the music , the singing,the rhythm i want to dance and sing It is absolutely wonderful!! Magnificent and exceptional.......thank you so much for the joy you bring me
Beautiful cheerful choir - all Praises, Glory and Honour to God Amighty ( our true Heavenly Father, son Jesus Christ The only Saviour, and The Holy Spirit ) now and forever into Eternity - Hallelujah ☝👆🙏
This song is still as beautiful and meaningful in 2023 as it was the day it was recorded eleven months ago. It speaks so eloquently, so exquisitely and so passionately to our souls.
My favorite spiritual song I watching again and again I am from PHILIPPINES and I'm Pentecostal missionary church my husband is from GAMBIA AFRICA but he's religion is Islamic
This Powerful Gospel song had tears rolling over my cheeks. What Wonderful Encouragement to all Born again Believers in these end times!!! This Choir have beautiful voices - Praise the Lord🙏🏻✝️♥️🔥🛐🙌🏻
Such beautiful harmonies, Lovely clothes, and Joy on smiling faces, and the dance was such a nice part of the singing...... Thanks to all of you... Rick
Well done 👍 PCEA Kimbo Sloan. I have enjoyed watching and listening to this video - You all look great. There most certainly is Wonder Working Power In The Blood of Jesus.
My servants of the Lords thank you so much my soul blessing with the good songs power of the blood is wonderful please be continued to sing for Jesus someone will come to save the Lord like you. Again all musical players thank you and God bless you
Agree, yes brother... Praying for you and many other Russian people & nations around the World... How special & beautiful to share God's blessings flowing through this lovely worship choir, touching all of us around the world... Dear Heavenly Father please protect and bless this lovely, genuine & beautiful choir, and the rest of Your children around the world, bringing us all intto Your Eternal Heavenly Kingdom soon. Please reach out Holy Spirit and convict many more millions of people also, into Faith to Love, believe, trust, and follow Jesus Christ who shed His blood for us all to have the incredible offer of Eternal Salvation in Him... In Jesus (Yeshua) name we pray, Amen☝👆🙏
@@jonathanrohrlach6217 Мира и Божььего благословения Вам, вашим близким,! Моим иностранным языком в университете был немецкий, но это не препятствие, если с нами Бог, если есть желание понять.
What a joy to sing that there is power in the blood of the Lamb. It was an even greater pleasure for me to experience that power in the Blood of the Lamb. As an 83 year old father, I went to bed healthy in March 2021 and at 03.00 am I woke up very sick with shortness of breath, headache, fever, back and neck pain. I asked the Lord, "Lord do I have corona". Yes He said. As a disciple of Jesus, I have learned how to handle illnesses and discomforts such as a toothache, for example, with an offensive prayer. A prayer with authority. After ten minutes of prayer I took a break and the Lord said to me, "Now read Psalm 103 aloud twice and pray for Me" and I did this from the Bible and when I said "Amen" I immediately felt that I was well. No tightness, no pain, no fever. I could not grasp His power with my simple brain, but I do experience that my faith in God has been greatly strengthened. When God showed me a short time later in Exodus 15:26 what He tells us: ......"I AM YOUR HEALER" I immediately accepted Him as my doctor. No more poisonous drugs, no more cramped crowded waiting rooms, just a direct line to my Creator. Amen.
Orang Indonesia kalau panduan suara memang top.Lagu lagu kemenangan iman sgt.berinspirasi.Saya suka lagu lagu KI kerna konten nya lebih rohani dan Firman Tuhan terbukti mengangkat kan iman.Lagu yg.saya percaya dikarang oleh penyanyi yg.punya keintiman dgn.Tuhan.Lagu KI penuh dgn urapan Tuhan.Teruskan lagu2 KI.Puji Tuhan!
Having been a choir member this is so sweet the voices well sung ! Injili iendelee 🙏🏻Blessings to all the choir members may you live longer to serve the Lord Thru songs!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To my lovely sisters and brothers in the Lord. Beautiful hymn. I love this song so much. This song is strength to my heart, soul, and mind. I pray that the Lord God Almighty will continue to bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen
How beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! This is a small taste of what Heaven is going to be like, with precious lives praising the Lord day and night from all nations, ethnicities and languages *There is power in the blood of Jesus!*
Thank you!! What a wonderful song to remember! Love, joy, and peace to you all brothers and sisters and thanks for being such a happy looking, bright and colorful choir! So refreshing!
Hay PODER PODER PODER en la sangre de JESÚS, no importando la lengua o nación, siempre hay poder en la sangre de nuestro señor Jesucristo, aleluya Gloria Dios…
I cant get enough of this gospel tune. The Guitor is as awsome as the singers
Absolutely beautiful music
Yes I agree. I always enjoy the guitar as well
Beautiful song to prayse our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Look when the LOVE of JESUS flows to mankind ...their face ...so beautiful and full of peace...amin..
We sang this in my church especially we 😮that were in the choir one of my favorite songs I am 71years young and still this song
I agree with you! I'm 79 years old and we are singing it this morning, first song today!!
Nothing thrills my heart and prepares me for the message more than the old gospel hymns!
It's sad that most of our youth, today, don't sing them!!
Comforting consoling songs
Glory be to God ❤❤❤❤
Age is not a constraint to hear , enjoy and praise our Lord. Praising God together is beautiful.
You're right we need to go back to the source
When I think of GOD'S goodness and mercies in my life. It leaves me speecbless.
Yes there's power in the blood. Keep singing my brothers and sisters. ❤❤
May the Lord be our helper
Power in the blood of Jesus means power of Love. Because Jesus is God and God is Love. Only Through Love, Peace will come to Earth and Everybody Happy. Great Harvest but Less Workers. Be Good Manager of Love.❤❤❤
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤😮😮😮😮😮shalom to all
Praise God! Thank you.
Beautiful voices & people! One of my favorite Salvation hymns.
There is plenty of time to listen to this song later my mum says but I want to listen to it all the time ❤
We are glad that it is a blessing 🙌
We are glad that it is a blessing 🙌
@@pceasiloamkimbochurchchoir3994that’s a lot
I have watched this over and over. Never ever get tired of them. Wish I could hear them in person!
Praise the Lord. Apart from the lyrics and singing, i admire the music especially the Lead musician's filling-in. The blood of the Saviour is most priceless. Amen.
I love the interpretation of the hymn. Keep singing to remind everyone that there is hope in the blood of Jesus Christ of eternal life. God bless you more and more.
There certainly is power in the blood of the Jesus Christ our saviour,God bless you all. Australia
Melodious & meaningful song & music.Please continue.....
Beautiful ladies there is power in the blood
Wish I could get the african lyrics so beautiful
PRESIOSO himno!! quieres ser salvo de toda maldad?hay poder en JESÚS!!..
Síiii......Bellísimo Himno; sin embargo, lamento que muchos Cristianos de éste tiempo, han olvidado éstos lindos Cantos y le han dado mérito, a Cantos con inspiración puramente material.
Quieres ser salvo de toda maldad, tan solo hay Poder en Mi Jesus
Quieres vivir y gozar santidad tan solo hay Poder en Jesus
Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en Jesus quien murio
Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en la Sangre que El vertio....
Quieres ser libre de orgullo y pasion tan solo hay Poder en mi Jesus
Quieres vencer toda cruel tentacion, tan solo hay Poder en Jesus
Hay poder, si, sin igual Poder en Jesus quien murio
Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en la Sangre que El vertio
Quieres servir a tu Rey y Señor tan solo hay Poder en mi Jesus
Ven y ser salvo podras en Su Amor, tan solo hay Poder en Jesus
Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en Jesus, quien murio
Hay Poder, si, sin igual Poder en la Sangre que El vertio.
Beautiful melody in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
This is beautiful singing ! I see the Love of Jesus here ! Praise the name of Jesus Christ forever ! Amen !
Amen.. Love Jesus forever.
Absolutely stunning performance I could listen to their songs all day. PCEA SILOAM KIMBO CHURCH you are a fantastic God fearing church keep it up 👍 👍👍
Beautiful sound! God bless you all!!
Rev. 7:9-11 “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:
‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’ “.
- Charles Swindoll
Halleluya Halleluya Halleluya 🙌🙌🙌 Indeed sooner than later the multitudes will stand before the the Mighty One singing praises to Him🙌🙌🙌
Oh thank you I needed this stripture and song which are so eloquently expressed
Almost there - Australia
@@lindiweportiashongwe Amen! Can't wait! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Great is our God and most worthy of praise!
Tennessee, 🇺🇸 USA loves you !!❤ Such
talent & presentation. Power in the Blood is right!! Amen, so it is 🌄!!
HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN!
How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE?
"ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him.
BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.
Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help?
Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*.
NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!...
No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA!
When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO,
Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact?
2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed";
2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:
Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them.
Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHATISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
What a beautiful song to the Lord by these beautiful choir truly there is power in the blood thank you so much for this amazing rendention of the song
Thank you lord Jesus for everything's given to all children's of god. Amen...
I remember with nostalgic feelings the zeal with which the choir undertook the recording of these songs....the results are just amazing, completely awesome.
Glory and honour to the most high God.
Why not"The highest God"? I say that it's because"high" is a short adjective.
With a short adjective, the comparative form is" short adjective+er+ than".
Thoroughly enjoyed this great Gospel song performed by my Brothers and Sister from another part of our God's earth. Blessings on all of you from Clovis, California.
Love from Kenya. Thanks for letting the song minister to you..
@@pceasiloamkimbochurchchoir3994 WHAT A SHAME! CLOVIS(1st born son of the CATHOLIC CONSTANTINIANS who MONGRELISED Hebrew ANIMAL SACRIFICE with PAGAN HUMAN SACRIFICE at Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira and SARDIS!-)Its a GREAT SHAME!-but the LORD is MERCIFUL so He has CALLED ALL(Rev 18 to FLEE FROM THIS BABYLON that YOU be NOT A PARTAKER of these THEIR SINS!) who believe this ORIGINAL SIN doctrine of devils which REQUIRED DEITY "sacrifice" to PAY for ORIGINATING SIN?!! hmm!...
GÚTIRÍ HINYA THAKAMEINÍ YA JÍSU-NÍOKÚRAGÚO ORAGIRÚO ota ! TIGAI KÚHENIO nÍ the VEDIC PANTHEON OF Indo-Egypt-Greece!! MÚKOOORA MÚÚÍ NGAI nÍ OO ÚMÚE OO WEE WIKI(Isaiah 44:8,6; Isaiah 43:10; Isaiah 45:14,18,21-ending; Malachi 2:10=John 8:41=1 Time 3:16=EPhesians 4:4-6=1 SPIRIT who MANIFEST in 1 BODY of incarnation who is the 12 FATHER of US ALL NGAI ÚmÚE who is that 1 SPIRIT(John 4:24 and our REDEEMER is THAT 1 SPIRIT= 2Corinthians 3:17))!
So that doctrine of NGAI KÚÚRAGÚO makauga ní KÚÍHEANA OORAGÚO(like Jihadist SUICIDE BOMBERS! noo akoorirúo onake nígú-commit ASSISTED SUICIDE onake by allowing OTHERS to KILL Him!?! its ABSURDITY of the highest degree!) And its part of that KING AHAZ JÚRAGANO cia ciana na cia PROPHETS. The BLOOD OF A MURDERED PERSON is OF NO POWER whatsoever! except LIKE RIGHTEOUS ABEL(Matthew 23:35; ; na Jísú noo akaríhíri júragano icio!=Revelation 6:11 Thess 2:14-16 ) BLOOD SACRIFICE is a PAGAN DOCTRINE that orignated with PAGAN HUMAN SACRIFICES that the ISRAELITES COPIED from the PAGANS (mútithome Psalms 106: 34-38 úriía mamenyeire ÚRAGANI EGYPT!-makírehe ÚRAGANI VALLEY OF HINNOM: Jer 7:31; mooragage ciana ciao kúu ta JÚRAGANO JÚRU JÚRU ya KING AHAZ-2 CHronicles 28:1-3 onaA Aona ITHIRAMU níríreeka oo úguo-EID AL DFHA!lol! maugage ní ISHAMEL wagíríirúo KÚRAGÚO!lol! NGAI AMAKANÍTIE níkío atúmíte ISAIAH kúí AHAZ concerning this CRUCIFIXION CHILD-Isaiah 7:1-15-todú ISAIAH NGAI níamuonirie makúmúúraga; na úría NGAI amakanirie ona Abraham arí kúgúa mehiainí oo mau maa kúraga Isaka!-ta acio mee MICAH 6:7)! THOOMAI MÚIMENYERE MA! MÚTIGE KÚRÚMÍRÍRA ÚRIMÚ WA AHÍDÍ na a HIBRANIA ARÍA MOORIRE(Gen 36!; Isa 63:1-6; Obaddiah; Hosea 4:17; Hosea 13:1-6 ciana cia acio moorire na matúríte mooríte ona mee a hibrania oo úguo!…etc) So REVELATION 18 was written BY JOHN who followed int he footprints of ISAIAH to CALL ALL YOU CHRISTIANS who are LOST in this “ORIGINAL SIN” doctrine OF DEVILS, that REQUIRED the LORD Himself who CAN NEVER DIE! to supposedly “die” to pay for this NON-EXISTENT “original sin” as a HUMAN-DEITY “daily/continual” SACRIFICE. YET they ENTANGLE THEMSELVES because they KNOW DEITY can NEVER DIE, but say DEITY DIED! how then is HE LIFE ITSELF? They claim DEITY could NOT DIE but also that A HUMAN BODY sacrifice would NEVER SAVE US! so WHO/WHAT DIED Ont he CROSS? DEITY or HUMAN? since DEITY can NEVER DIE! then they are claiming A HUMAN SACRIFICE could save? Thats how that THEOLOGY is CONFUSED! because it is a PAGAN RTIONALIZATION of HUMAN SACRIFICE that was practiced by ALL ANCIENT PAGAN CIVILIZTIONS as part of being a CIVILISED society!-from the AZTEC, THE INCA, the EGYPTIANS, the MAYA all of them having one thing in common A ZIGGURAT(a 3/4 PYRAMID!)-HIGH MOUNTAIN or FOREST GROVES where they committed THESE HEINOUS MURDERS!
The TRUE BIBLE DOCTRINE is very clear “THOU SHALT NOT KILL” and it does NOT SAY ANYWHERE “except human sacrifices”NEVER! because the ONLY APPROPRIATE SACRIFICES are SPCIFIC and NOT ALL CLEAN ANIMALS EITHER< just VERY SPECIFIC ones, BULLOCKS for the HIGH PRIEST, RAMS for the LEVITES, GOATS, LAMBS PIGEONS and TURTLE DOVES as well as FINE FLOUR for the MASSES. NOWHERE does it say ANY CLEAN ANIMAL nor say HUMANS in specific circumstances!because HUMANS can NEVER be considered in ANY EVENT-Jer 7:31-it PAINS THE LORD and HE ABHORES even the THOUT! “…NEVER ENTERED His HEART!” that ANYONE should think such a thought! so WHY would He LEAD by this MURDEROUS EXAMPLE? He ALWAYS CRITICISED these people asking them WHY GO YE ABOUT TO KILL ME?-in NUMEROUS PLACES He tells the Romans, Herod, and the JEWS that they are PLOTTING HIS MURDER starting with Parbles so per adventure they UNDERSTAND that their SCHEMES are MURDEROUS SCHEMES not anywhere near an APPROPRIATE ANIMAL sacrifice!(Matthew 21:36-38= Mark 13:34-36; John 11:46-54; John 7:19, 21-MURDER MURDER MURDER UNCOVERED and told to them BEFOREHAND! in fact HEROD had ATTEMPTED this MURDER LONG AGO when our REDEEMER was still a A CHILD!-Matt 2 but FAILED!)! NOWHERE does He say they were planning HIS SACRIFICIAL MOMENT!!
@@pceasiloamkimbochurchchoir3994 HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN!
How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE?
"ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him.
BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.
Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help?
Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*.
NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!...
No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA!
When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO,
Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact?
2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed";
2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:
Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them.
Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHASTISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
I really enjoyed this hymn. The choir sang beautiful, also, the uniforms were outstanding, nicely tailored made, fits well on each member. Start your day with this hymn, and as you about to retire to bed, close off the night with it. Can't go wrong, peaceful night. Thanks.
HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN!
How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE?
"ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him.
BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.
Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help?
Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*.
NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!...
No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA!
When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO,
Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact?
2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed";
2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:
Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them.
Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHATISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
Amen!! Praise the lord who comes!
so true I love it
@@bvdlaan3 aààa
Yes, there is wonderful power in the blood of Jesus Christ. The blood that always heals. Thank you Jesus.
We have to be clenced in this blood so as to be his children thank you Jesus
Very unusual, and I enjoyed the rendition immensely. Keep on singing for the Lord. God bless you all, in Jesus Name.
Wonderful rendition of this powerful hymn in the African way. Love from Nigeria.
Thanks for your comments. Love from Kenya
Kindly share
Thanks for your song
Beautifull greetings from the Netherlands
Praise the Lord nice meaning song
This is glorious,my neighbor church,go great to the Glory of our Lord Jesus and to the out reach of our generation that seem out of reality and power in the precious Blood of Lord Jesus Christ.
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. Thanking God for His Son Precious Blood.
Jehovah my good good father please cover my brother Enrique Casas Mejia and his daughter Nancy and Norma and her family with the pressious blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ name I ask and pray amen
Wonderful performance!!!
Great 🙏 I can feel an endless pleasure of Heaven with this beautiful song. May God bless the choir for spreading the love of God to the whole World ❤
So blessed reminding us the blood of Jesus is so powerful above all. An awesome choir.
O90o}} 00
Praise you Jesus. There really is Power in Your Blood. Wash and cleanse all of us Lord. Wonderful rendition of a very Powerful Hymn...
Amen praise the Lord.Wonderful sweet voices.
Amen. Thanks Remmawi for your comments.
Yes, there's power in the bloo d of Jesus. I wish I could join you in singing together, praise the lord always ♥️
HOW SOO VERY SAD! But the LORD is DOING HIS WORK and will EXPOSE this EVIL DOCTRINES of DEVILS from BEING PREACHED EVER AGAIN!-Isaiah 14:24-28 Why AHAZ is MENTION! in connection with the DEVILS DOCTRINE Of ORIGINAL SIN that "requires" DEITY to BE "sacrificed" TO PAY!!?! SIN is NOT a THING/OBJECT to be PAID for, its A WAGE one EARNS because of BAD EVIL CHARACTER-YOU EARN DEATH when you live UNRIGHTEOUSLY and IN SIN!
How does the STORY of JEHU'S command to his soldiers provide an OBJECT LESSON into the DISTINCTION between the ERRONEOUS PRINCIPLE that works in the DOCTRINE of "ORIGINAL SIN" contradicting the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE of NO SUBSTITUTION because Ezek 18:20 provides that it is THE SOUL THAT SINNETH that IT ALONE shall DIE?
"ORIGINAL SIN" PRINCIPLE applied by JEHU; 2 Kings 10: 24A nd when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him.
BIBLE PRINCIPLE on who PAYS the WAGES OF SIN: Prov 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
Deut 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.
Qs: But WHY does the WICKED have to PAY the WAGES of HIS SIN and NOT an OTHER person however WILLING to help?
Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
Psalms 89:30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. 31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments*; 32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him*.
NOW the LORD Yehoshuah could NEVER PAY the WAGES OF SIN for ANYONE, because ONLY the WICKED can PAY that DEBT of SIN. The ONLY way He can SAVE the SINNER is if the SINNER REPENTS! Then the LORD accepts that PLEA on CONDITION that the SINNER GOES and SINS NO MORE since that, is the CONDITION a PAROLE officer requires of the CRIMINAL who is SET FREE on BAIL to RANSOM His CHARACTER in case He did not sin willfully or because he has TRULY REPENTED and is OBEDIENT. For Yehoshuah to be CHASTISED is just part of the MURDEROUS excesses, except within the CONTEXT of Him being accused of being GUILTY of ORIGINATING SIN thereby being PUNISHED&SACRIFICED for it!...
No wonder Dan 7:9; Rev 13 this MAN OF SIN who ORIGINATED this DOCTRINE that was ALREADY at work in PAULS days is seen spewing out BLASPHEMIES!-these BLASPHEMIES are these DOCTRINAL ERRORS that DEVIATE from BIBLICAL principle. Hence the WHOLE WORLD is DRUNK with this WINE of BABYLON that began in PAUL'S days, and mainstreamed in 666=Human sacrificing church from Smyrna to PERGAMOS & NIKOS- NICOLAITAN "Deity' sacrifice doctrine at LAODECEA!
When it is argued that the HORRIBLE BEATING Yehoshuah RECEIVED at the HAND of His MURDERERS "healed" the SINNER, its a terrible ORIGINAL SIN conclusion, because the Bible is CLEAR what "by His stripes we are healed' means! SO,
Qs: HOW are we HEALED by "with HIS STRIPES" WHAT "stripes" are MEANT in fact?
2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left," BUT speaking to, and of DAVID, though He has made these promise to him, YET it is A CONDITIONAL promise that lays out this PRINCIPLE of "by His STRIPES we are healed";
2 Sam 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:
Therefore, when the LORD Himself CHASTISES His ERRING children, to CORRECTS their "bad behaviour". He SPARES NOT the ROD, so that He does NOT SPOIL His children no matter how much He loves them.
Indeed in Revelation 3: 19 He says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten*: be zealous therefore, and repent*. So HOW can it be that the SAME LORD is being CHATISED & REBUKED (His Stripes) by the WICKED so that He CAN HEAL them?!...
When I hear the music , the singing,the rhythm i want to dance and sing
It is absolutely wonderful!! Magnificent and exceptional.......thank you so much for the joy you bring me
Praise the Lord how nice to hear this powerful song from this group
Beautiful cheerful choir - all Praises, Glory and Honour to God Amighty ( our true Heavenly Father, son Jesus Christ The only Saviour, and The Holy Spirit ) now and forever into Eternity - Hallelujah ☝👆🙏
What a beautiful song!! I pray everyone this world konw the wonderful loving God deep in your soul soooo joyful this world loving kindness amen 🙏 ❤️
Amen and Amen!
Enjoy this songs keep it up,thank you whoever create this song .God blessed all these singers ,in Jesus name ,blessed all amen 🙏🙏🙏
Beautiful 🎄🤗🎄👍👍👍Bangalore
This song is still as beautiful and meaningful in 2023 as it was the day it was recorded eleven months ago. It speaks so eloquently, so exquisitely and so passionately to our souls.
Indeed. Thank you for the choice of words. Oh, enchanting in melody!
What a wonderful song, I've found tears of joy in my mind and heart, keep on burning 💞💞
Amidst the challenges of life today, the blood of Jesus has power, blessings Siloam PCEA choir.
Indeed there's power in the blood of Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour. Amen and Amen..🙏🙏
Korskyrkan götene gudstjäns
. Götene korskyrkan sång andakt
K g5t jag men
Nice song watching you from Mandaue Cebu city Philippines
Very nice love your song there is power in the blood Nice
My favorite spiritual song
I watching again and again I am from PHILIPPINES and I'm Pentecostal missionary church my husband is from GAMBIA AFRICA but he's religion is Islamic
What a powerful song
Jesus Christ blood can wash our sins only noting else thanks God for his love
This Powerful Gospel song had tears rolling over my cheeks.
What Wonderful Encouragement to all Born again Believers in these end times!!!
This Choir have beautiful voices - Praise the Lord🙏🏻✝️♥️🔥🛐🙌🏻
Amen. Wonderful. Singing..
Thanks. We bless God
Beautiful voices. Thumbs up to our choir. Very proud of you.
Thanks for the encouragement and continued support. Evangelizing at every available opportunity.
Beautiful song ,no matter where we are, near or far,we can all come together in worshipping Jesus Christ. I love this. God bless Ca.USA.
Thanks. We all converge at the blood of Jesus for cleansing. Sending back love from Nairobi; Kenya.
Wonderful message.
Thanks for interpreting it for us.
Greetings and blessings from Düsseldorf.
Amen. Thank you
Wonderful group. Please don't stop Worshipping ❤ Colorado
Beautiful,beautiful song and God Bless you guys.
Every day I hear this song about 10 to 20 times a day all my sorry an paines gos away
Amen!! Im praying for healing. Sore throat went away but voice still gone 2 weeks raspy. 🙏🙏💌💌
I am from India its great to hear such lovely people of God prasing the precious Blood of Jesus Christ with all joy and Grace.
Bless you all the Christians in India. You endured and kept your faith for two thousand years.
Such beautiful harmonies, Lovely clothes, and Joy on smiling faces, and the dance was such a nice part of the singing...... Thanks to all of you... Rick
Very blessed songs 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Great people of God, singing a great melody about the blood that saved us, the blood of Jesus.
Listening from Soweto, South Africa
My mother is 97 years old and she listens to this everyday THANK YOU
Ooh. Your mother is so blessed. God bless you too
Amén yo también lo escucho muy seguido me encanta
Great! Glory to God I also am there together praising earnessly.
Amen. Thanks for joining us in praising God for His love through the purchase of blood. We are free!
@@pceasiloamkimbochurchchoir3994 será 1a
@@pceasiloamkimbochurchchoir3994 h
This gospel shall be preached unto the ends of the earth. Great song , Power in the Blood of Jesus.
And then the end shall come, says the LORD!🙏🐦
@Gerline Vange
amei ❤
muito lindo 👏
Well done 👍 PCEA Kimbo Sloan. I have enjoyed watching and listening to this video - You all look great. There most certainly is Wonder Working Power In The Blood of Jesus.
This song is so touching, praise God for this beautiful voices…Amen
My servants of the Lords thank you so much my soul blessing with the good songs power of the blood is wonderful please be continued to sing for Jesus someone will come to save the Lord like you. Again all musical players thank you and God bless you
Thanks so much. To God be the glory
So grateful for this platform and to be able to have access to such wonderful songs of worship. What an amazing group of singers. Beautiful voices.x
Thank you
Bless the message of that songs Lord ,even ang lhatnanakikinig
@@hayderamos1366 mm.
Wow beautiful beautiful.indeed.well done im so blessed wif you guys amazing voices.
God.be da glory.
There is power wonderful power in the blood of Jesus, Amen !!! amazing and blessed music
Beautiful song, brings tears to my eyes.
Amazing..I enjoying this song every morning..thanks God
listening listening and listening here in Kanaky, so touching, thank you lovely and beautiful people
Спасибо! Чудесные голоса! Замечательный хор! Самые добрые пожелания из России!
Agree, yes brother... Praying for you and many other Russian people & nations around the World...
How special & beautiful to share God's blessings flowing through this lovely worship choir, touching all of us around the world...
Dear Heavenly Father please protect and bless this lovely, genuine & beautiful choir, and the rest of Your children around the world, bringing us all intto Your Eternal Heavenly Kingdom soon. Please reach out Holy Spirit and convict many more millions of people also, into Faith to Love, believe, trust, and follow Jesus Christ who shed His blood for us all to have the incredible offer of Eternal Salvation in Him... In Jesus (Yeshua) name we pray, Amen☝👆🙏
@@jonathanrohrlach6217 Мира и Божььего благословения Вам, вашим близким,! Моим иностранным языком в университете был немецкий, но это не препятствие, если с нами Бог, если есть желание понять.
What a joy to sing that there is power in the blood of the Lamb. It was an even greater pleasure for me to experience that power in the Blood of the Lamb. As an 83 year old father, I went to bed healthy in March 2021 and at 03.00 am I woke up very sick with shortness of breath, headache, fever, back and neck pain. I asked the Lord, "Lord do I have corona". Yes He said. As a disciple of Jesus, I have learned how to handle illnesses and discomforts such as a toothache, for example, with an offensive prayer. A prayer with authority. After ten minutes of prayer I took a break and the Lord said to me, "Now read Psalm 103 aloud twice and pray for Me" and I did this from the Bible and when I said "Amen" I immediately felt that I was well. No tightness, no pain, no fever. I could not grasp His power with my simple brain, but I do experience that my faith in God has been greatly strengthened. When God showed me a short time later in Exodus 15:26 what He tells us: ......"I AM YOUR HEALER" I immediately accepted Him as my doctor. No more poisonous drugs, no more cramped crowded waiting rooms, just a direct line to my Creator. Amen.
Ou glória , uma bênção esse louvor a nosso Deus nas alturas do céu.
Sweetest voices ive ever heard 4 long.sweet melodies with their keen supper Dj....be blessed
Yes there is power in the blood of Jesus.. He healed me in my darkness deasese
I enjoy this music my deceased mom who died in February 2022 would love it but she hearing it an happy in heaven
Orang Indonesia kalau panduan suara memang top.Lagu lagu kemenangan iman sgt.berinspirasi.Saya suka lagu lagu KI kerna konten nya lebih rohani dan Firman Tuhan terbukti mengangkat kan iman.Lagu yg.saya percaya dikarang oleh penyanyi yg.punya keintiman dgn.Tuhan.Lagu KI penuh dgn urapan Tuhan.Teruskan lagu2 KI.Puji Tuhan!
Greetings from California, USA.. Beautiful brother and sisters. One of my favorite songs. He is worthy. I will see you in the sky soon.
I claim this Song, There is POWER IN JESUS, AND HIS BLOOD. Beautiful voices, sing for Jesus. I love your singing garment.💯❤🔥
Beautiful voices, and Power in the Blood of Jesus.❣✝✡
What a blessing to listen to these beautiful people singing about the power in the blood of Jesus.
I think there's power in everybody's blood who can love in a unconditionak way,
@@mvannistelrooij9029 Only the blood of Christ can wash away sin, all other is powerless.
Having been a choir member this is so sweet the voices well sung ! Injili iendelee 🙏🏻Blessings to all the choir members may you live longer to serve the Lord Thru songs!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Great to hear this anointed song from matured Christians praising God.
Thank you for your compliments. After the pilgrimage here, the next appointment will all be about singing. We are getting ready to the glory of God.
I can feel the anointing heavily,this is awesome.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To my lovely sisters and brothers in the Lord. Beautiful hymn. I love this song so much. This song is strength to my heart, soul, and mind. I pray that the Lord God Almighty will continue to bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen
Magnificent! To God be the Glory! ❤️. Hallelujah!
How beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
This is a small taste of what Heaven is going to be like, with precious lives praising the Lord day and night from all nations, ethnicities and languages
*There is power in the blood of Jesus!*
Yes indeed a small taste of Heaven.....
Sweet voices. I love the uniform colour combination.
Thanks for your comment and encouragement. Subscribe for more of this ministry. God bless you
Praise God for your wonderful voices
I feel do bless everyday when listening to your wonderful praising songs.😅😅😅😅
May the Almighty God bless you immensely
I have listened to this song so many times and I love it so much it’s amazing 🥲 ❤🎉
Nice melody. Keep it up and blessed brother's and sisters. Amen
Joining together to sing with all of you out there 🔥Yes there is power in the Blood 🙏God bless you all ❤️from India
God bless you.
This is nice, indeed there is power,in him we find everything in him, love you Jesus
Thank you!! What a wonderful song to remember! Love, joy, and peace to you all brothers and sisters and thanks for being such a happy looking, bright and colorful choir! So refreshing!
What a beautiful song
Ohhh how beautiful.. I can't wait for praise and worship in heaven!!! ❤❤❤
God bless you all and your family's in JESUS mighty name ❤️🙏🇭🇷
Hay PODER PODER PODER en la sangre de JESÚS, no importando la lengua o nación, siempre hay poder en la sangre de nuestro señor Jesucristo, aleluya Gloria Dios…
There's power in the precious blood of Jesus. Amen ❤❤❤
Receive greetings of God's love🥰🥰🥰 wonderful song ma church... This has taken me back to brigade❤️ Kwina hinya munene thakameini ya Jesu🥰🥰
Luar biasa TUHAN Dipermuliakan,Amen.
I remember signing this
beautiful harmony hymn
from a little girl i love the movement of men
and women as they sing
Praise the Lord Amen