Batman as a 1980s Dark Fantasy Film (Medieval)

  • Опубликовано: 21 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @dantaverasmusic
    @dantaverasmusic  Год назад +60

    New album coming this year! All songs from my videos soon to be on SPOTIFY, follow for everything coming (link in description)! Thanks everyone!

    • @danielmatlock4480
      @danielmatlock4480 Год назад +1

      Damn this song really brought this whole thing thing home for me. I'm a fan now!

    • @melikeymalarky4460
      @melikeymalarky4460 Год назад +1

      How do you do this? How far away are we from seeing motion pictures like this instead of just pictures?

  • @henvisch
    @henvisch Год назад +1844

    The combination of old castles, people in full plate armor and 80's cars is so strange that you instantly want to see more

      @INTHEWILDERNESS-00 Год назад +73

      Narrater voice: " In a world of myths and legends, one man Sir Bruce Wayne, stands alone in world consumed with plagues and darkness" que James Horner music

    • @CC22ball
      @CC22ball Год назад +49

      Its a totally new aesthetic

    • @RamblingGreek
      @RamblingGreek Год назад +12

      I'd be interested in a tutorial for these

    • @dm6295
      @dm6295 Год назад +12

      @@CC22ballgotham has had that same aesthetic for like 40 yrs

    • @tobiaskadachi
      @tobiaskadachi Год назад +18

      He-Man was kinda like this.

  • @vincenzo5783
    @vincenzo5783 Год назад +1507

    joker, scarecrow, and penguin have such sick designs

    • @MokeSumUp
      @MokeSumUp Год назад +87

      Mr Freeze's first design looks amazing too ngl

    • @localdumbass9355
      @localdumbass9355 Год назад +3

      @@MokeSumUp true

    • @tinx713
      @tinx713 Год назад +32

      Batman as a medieval knight also looks pretty sick

    • @magallanesagustin4952
      @magallanesagustin4952 Год назад +11

      Clayface too.

    • @btones
      @btones Год назад +10

      Yeah some of these work really, really well. And I especially loved the wide shot of a literally gothic Gotham. Also, The Batman Who Laughs would've fit in nicely.

  • @jamesmoser9039
    @jamesmoser9039 Год назад +323

    No one would've thought that Sir Bruce of Wayne was in fact the Dark Knight, Sir Bat of Man.

  • @juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370
    @juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370 Год назад +542

    The Joker looks so good, and the Riddler reminded me of the Tinkerer.

  • @KaranIsAgoodMan
    @KaranIsAgoodMan Год назад +512

    Man, I am loving these 80's dark fantasy film concepts!

    • @SaadNabil
      @SaadNabil Год назад +8

      Same here!

    • @chrishandsome4267
      @chrishandsome4267 Год назад +4

      @@SaadNabil can you explain how this works??

    • @mrawesome669
      @mrawesome669 Год назад +8

      @@chrishandsome4267 I believe these are AI generated images but I'm not sure.

    • @ibrahimahmed4657
      @ibrahimahmed4657 Год назад +5

      @@mrawesome669 that's kinda ridiculous. How can it look so good. I've been watching berserk, dark soul and now the batman one looks crazy

    • @mrawesome669
      @mrawesome669 Год назад +2

      @@ibrahimahmed4657 I agree man, it's crazy

  • @effervescentrelief
    @effervescentrelief Год назад +244

    1:06 gives new meaning to the Dark Knight.

    • @Wingedmagician
      @Wingedmagician Год назад +4

      I mean it’s a pretty common meaning already

    • @NeonAstralOfficial
      @NeonAstralOfficial Год назад +8

      @@Wingedmagician He means that Batman is an "actual Knight" here. The way Dark Knight been used so far is just an allegory, it was never literally " Batman is wearing a dark knight armor". I can't believe I have to chew it for you

    • @tomfoster4199
      @tomfoster4199 Год назад +1

      @@NeonAstralOfficial i think he means plenty of people have made this connection before and batman's been depicted in dark knight armor before plenty of times before this. see "Dark Knights of Steel" for example

    • @lukewright9031
      @lukewright9031 Год назад +1

      And there it is 😄

    • @Wingedmagician
      @Wingedmagician Год назад

      @@tomfoster4199 lol exactly

  • @Kaindigo
    @Kaindigo Год назад +272

    This needs to be made into a movie

    • @marcus2fashion
      @marcus2fashion Год назад +37

      This type of 80s style needs to come back in movies 🔥

    • @D3xterJettster
      @D3xterJettster Год назад +8

      Gotham by Gaslight

    • @Saiyan1229
      @Saiyan1229 Год назад +3

      @@D3xterJettster thats different

    • @batalorian7997
      @batalorian7997 Год назад +5

      @@D3xterJettster that's not medieval....or live action

    • @TSL73
      @TSL73 Год назад +4

      Go watch Batman (1989)

  • @93BlazinFire
    @93BlazinFire Год назад +734

    The scarecrow was outstanding in his field at the time.

    • @CyberCripX
      @CyberCripX Год назад +5


    • @93BlazinFire
      @93BlazinFire Год назад

      @@CyberCripX Hay, isn't it pasture bedtime?

    • @Wingedmagician
      @Wingedmagician Год назад +3

      That “at the time” really drives your scarecrow point in. To the ground. On the field back at that time period.

    • @93BlazinFire
      @93BlazinFire Год назад +6

      @@Wingedmagician I can almost get what you're saying, but your message is a little grainy.

    • @pidbul530
      @pidbul530 Год назад +1

      must admit, it's nice to see, that all the birdbrains got scared away and jokes are flying in all good

  • @cranktheac9595
    @cranktheac9595 Год назад +1088

    Batman '89 IS a 1980's Dark Fantasy Film.

    • @brightblackgrouse6236
      @brightblackgrouse6236 Год назад +21

      No you

    • @jasper_serpent3099
      @jasper_serpent3099 Год назад +35

      Well it's not really fantasy

    • @zenituragaming5043
      @zenituragaming5043 Год назад +84

      @@jasper_serpent3099 batman is fantasy

    • @-howtomake999
      @-howtomake999 Год назад

      is it medieval? no. so shut up

    • @kryptonitespider-bitedynam7305
      @kryptonitespider-bitedynam7305 Год назад +84

      @@jasper_serpent3099 I'd argue the first one and even more so batman returns could classify as fantasy, there's a lot of fantastical elements. I suppose mainly in returns with the penguins and the cats basically reviving catwoman, but even in the first one there's still this sense of fantasy with danny elfman's whimsical and dark score and the exaggerated gothic gotham city

  • @Vman_95
    @Vman_95 Год назад +301

    Seriously why Everything started looking better as 80s Dark fantasy film 🤣🔥

    • @gman7497
      @gman7497 Год назад +43

      It's super dramatic, the lighting and 80s film technique fits Batman like a glove tbh. Alot of films/franchises with dark or serious undertones really benefit from it.

    • @skxlter5747
      @skxlter5747 Год назад +28

      @@gman7497 I'm so glad this is popularized, it really opens up our imaginations for what could be possible or could've been. I actually had dreams of AI art of me seeing them in the theaters, felt so surreal like as if I was in another world.

    • @TSL73
      @TSL73 Год назад +9

      @@gman7497go watch Batman (1989) if you want to see this sort of Batman movie

    • @Khornedevotee
      @Khornedevotee Год назад +2

      @@skxlter5747 I am 100% convinced that in just a decade or so, someone will make a movie with this kind of style with just AI.

    • @Khornedevotee
      @Khornedevotee Год назад +2

      @@TSL73 Kiinda, but it's not fantasy as such. But that's a good one. Love Tim Burton and his dark style.

  • @KTLaughter
    @KTLaughter Год назад +53

    The design for the Penguin is seriously amazing

    • @h2ojr1
      @h2ojr1 Год назад +6

      So grounded and easy to pull off that it's really believable not just for the time but for an actor to have to use on the movie set everyday and a real person known as "the Penguin" to wear as a disguise. Just give them a mask with the penguin like nose, a hat, pompous figure, and hire a good actor to portray his more political side of evil and instant icon.

    • @Khornedevotee
      @Khornedevotee Год назад +1

      @@h2ojr1 Penguin in the animated show from the 90's and his Shakespearean personality immediately comes to mind.

  • @tensered109
    @tensered109 Год назад +30

    This is what AI is made for, not directly copying other art styles just re interpreting pictures using other references

  • @alexjgilpin
    @alexjgilpin Год назад +63

    2:50 / 3:00 I am repeatedly baffled by the fact that Midjourney can do perfect human faces but counting to 5 when doing fingers is completely out of the question.

    • @fau8908
      @fau8908 Год назад +13

      It also messes up the number of the teeth.

    • @RaptorJesus
      @RaptorJesus Год назад +7

      I choose to believe the Scarecrow one is just because we're seeing it through the eyes of a victim of the gas.

    • @SmashBrosBrawl
      @SmashBrosBrawl Год назад +2

      I believe the AI see's a pattern, even in normal human pictures, sometimes only 2 fingers are visible, others all 5, the AI just see's a pattern. The AI can't quite tell that the limit is 5

    • @dgarrard100
      @dgarrard100 Год назад +1

      @@SmashBrosBrawl I'd think it would catch on to the fact that the number is always between 0 and 5, especially considering how much data this thing must have, but I guess not.
      Maybe it also has to do with the fact that the faces tend to be the focal point. If it were trained on more hand-focused images, maybe it could get better at drawing hands? (Just guessing.)

    • @SmashBrosBrawl
      @SmashBrosBrawl Год назад +2

      @@dgarrard100 correct, if they were given a ton of training data of hands to learn that the limit is 5 will eventually be concluded. But i guess most pictures tend to focus on people's faces so the A.I. got really good at that.

  • @optimascrime5235
    @optimascrime5235 Год назад +69

    This takes the meaning The Dark Night to a whole new level

  • @monkeynuts1046
    @monkeynuts1046 Год назад +142

    Scarecrow smoking that zaza

    • @Lunacyk
      @Lunacyk Год назад +17


    • @Menaceblue3
      @Menaceblue3 Год назад +5

      I can't even handle those extra fingers on scarecrow

    • @skxlter5747
      @skxlter5747 Год назад

      @@Menaceblue3 it's the AI art messing up

  • @RedZorn
    @RedZorn Год назад +80

    The penguin is such an awesome design!

  • @redfox83bc31
    @redfox83bc31 Год назад +77

    The fact that this particular Bruce Wayne files his teeth down to points makes me think this Batman is a little more brutal than other versions

    • @mr.keleton9710
      @mr.keleton9710 Год назад +9

      Maybe when he was a kid, he seeing his dead parents maybe give him a power-like curse who gives him high intellect and superhuman intuition or dexterity. To hide his tooth he may use white clay or other material so people don't recognize him. Or maybe the tooth are part of his uniform/armor

    • @arsalanmark2184
      @arsalanmark2184 Год назад +2

      The screaming picture is the funny in this video

    • @woodie4577
      @woodie4577 Год назад

      It might be the Medieval version of the Batman who laughs.

  • @aspiringchoreographer1963
    @aspiringchoreographer1963 Год назад +110

    That Superman cameo is just so good

  • @Brian-dd2df
    @Brian-dd2df Год назад +19

    The shark like teeth on the jokers lower jaw is terrifying

  • @zaelove5092
    @zaelove5092 Год назад +9

    Jokers smile is the best live action version I've ever seen.... you nailed it!

    • @Morris1581
      @Morris1581 Год назад +1

      look for "The Man Who Laughs" german expression film from 1928. thats the original joker smile.

  • @Glitch_Comicz
    @Glitch_Comicz Год назад +30

    This is what “Batman: Dark Knights of Steel” would look like as a movie and I love it

  • @saifchowdhury7467
    @saifchowdhury7467 Год назад +184

    It looks like it could be a live action movie based in the Warhammer 40k universe, in a planet in the Imperium that is mixed in old/ancient technology to the most advanced that the Empire has to offer.

    • @d.n5287
      @d.n5287 Год назад +5

      The Night Haunter Begins

    • @Imgone2023
      @Imgone2023 Год назад +3

      @@d.n5287 The Dark Tide Rises

    • @Xebelan
      @Xebelan Год назад +1

      Yes. Exactly my thought.

  • @poweroffriendship2.0
    @poweroffriendship2.0 Год назад +119

    Mr. Freeze's suit in the 80s fantasy style looks absolutely "cool". The idea of a Batman story taking place in the medieval times sounds like it could've been great as an AU comic.

    • @yun0355
      @yun0355 Год назад +12

      Try Dark Knight of Steel if you haven't yet

    • @runeanonymous9760
      @runeanonymous9760 Год назад

      @@yun0355 doesn’t Jor-El cuck Thomas Wayne in that?

    • @sylph8005
      @sylph8005 Год назад +7

      I believe there's an AU where all of DC is medieval. I think those issues are running now. But they're not dark fantasy

    • @poweroffriendship2.0
      @poweroffriendship2.0 Год назад +3

      @@yun0355 I haven't heard that one, but I think it worth to check it out.

    • @yun0355
      @yun0355 Год назад

      @@runeanonymous9760 I don't remember correctly but i think so yes

  • @-haclong2366
    @-haclong2366 Год назад +6

    This takes "The Dark Knight" to a whole new level.

  • @Polymathically
    @Polymathically Год назад +4

    That first Scarecrow design is incredible. Same goes with the second Riddler and Poison Ivy. And I love the idea of making The Penguin just be a giant sentient penguin. It's crazy enough to work.

  • @Mantenner
    @Mantenner Год назад +114

    I'd love to know why the AI generally represents women as Michelle Pfeiffer looking and men as David Chokachi. Just a very interesting pattern they all seem to follow.

    • @J0rdan912
      @J0rdan912 Год назад +32

      That "interesting pattern" is exactly how AI works, everything is based on existing and preset photos and images, just mixed and edited in requested direction.

    • @Mantenner
      @Mantenner Год назад +8

      @Jordan but why do so many of them seem to choose that facial pattern when seemingly nobody requests them specifically, is what baffles me.

    • @grumpy_cat1337
      @grumpy_cat1337 Год назад +13

      @@Mantenner it was a human who chose it. I think separate part of algorithm was learning to draw humans, and stopped learning when human was satisfied with images it produces, so it just so happened that human was satisfied with 80's looking Michelle Pfeiffer.

    • @J0rdan912
      @J0rdan912 Год назад +3

      @@Mantenner I think this is just the same public algorithm was used for all these "80's dark fantasy" videos.

    • @shartsmcginty8056
      @shartsmcginty8056 Год назад +24

      @@grumpy_cat1337 "that human was satisfied with 80's looking Michelle Pfeiffer" Who wouldn't be?

  • @gaming_clip5769
    @gaming_clip5769 Год назад +31

    Having grown up on 80s films, being a huge Batman fan, and having extreme pattern recognition. This blew my mind I feel like I've seen all these images before yet never in my life. It makes me sad that films don't make me have this feeling anymore, like the first time I watched The Lost Boys or The Goonies. Mannn I wish these were made real ❤️ maybe one day 😶 I hope.

    • @boyracer3000
      @boyracer3000 Год назад +2

      Until then just enjoy all the great 80s films out there already!

    • @gaming_clip5769
      @gaming_clip5769 Год назад +2

      @@boyracer3000 Gonna have to re-watch Weird Science! One of my all time favourites 😄

  • @Joseph-qx7be
    @Joseph-qx7be Год назад +9

    I would pay to watch medieval batman. This looks awesome

  • @David_LG092
    @David_LG092 Год назад +5

    Clayface is just PERFECT!
    The idea of him being an old big strong man (almost like GoW Ragnarok's Thor) really fits him, and the fact that he's just a man except for the fact that he's made of clay really fits the medieval theme, just like the Green Knight from the "Sir Gawain and The Green Knight" tale!

  • @Spartan10152
    @Spartan10152 Год назад +6

    God I would love to see a fan film of this, it's absolutely beautiful

  • @Onyxolotl
    @Onyxolotl Год назад +19

    It's so funny to see the batmobile and Mr freezes gun in these and it's still so accurate because some 80s films like Krull had technology in the movie still.

    • @mr.keleton9710
      @mr.keleton9710 Год назад +1

      It's like He-man, it have dark fantasy but also futurist technology

  • @creeperjo7
    @creeperjo7 Год назад +21

    I always love these 80's ai versions of things
    it always looks like just random screenshots of a movie that you could piece together in your head

  • @Hi-re8mt
    @Hi-re8mt Год назад +7

    Hope you do a part 2 to this, I would've loved to see what Killer Croc would've looked like in a fantasy film like this considering how cool Joker, Harley, Freeze, Scarecrow and Penguin turned out.

  • @mr.dome.gaming7103
    @mr.dome.gaming7103 Год назад +18

    It can be one big MOVIE
    I love all the AI design! 80s is fantastic

  • @monkeyseatcatfood
    @monkeyseatcatfood Год назад +8

    Watched a lot of these kinds of videos over the past few days, and this is probably one of the best I’ve seen so far. These designs are uniquely badass!

  • @FatherlyVibes
    @FatherlyVibes Год назад +2

    The Clayface at 3:17 is IMMACULATE

  • @FrancistheBrave
    @FrancistheBrave Год назад +22

    Keep this type of video coming ❤

  • @christianellis2967
    @christianellis2967 Год назад +5

    This looks absolutely amazing!!! I would 100% love to see this as a actual movie. Well done!

  • @schmeefburger
    @schmeefburger Год назад +3

    That joker's grin is nightmare fuel love it!

  • @RohanSharma-vb7zd
    @RohanSharma-vb7zd Год назад +2

    My gosh that batmobile image looks like it is a real clip from a movie. Incredible

  • @normietwiceremoved
    @normietwiceremoved Год назад +16

    1:24 That helmet design is actually fucking stunning. I'd love a reimagining of Batman in medieval times.

  • @WCCXtra
    @WCCXtra Год назад +2

    That batmobile is cool af.

  • @owellafehr5191
    @owellafehr5191 Год назад +3

    Scarecrow's design here is SO badass, and Clayface was neat too!

  • @ramoncitomercader4223
    @ramoncitomercader4223 Год назад

    Wow thank you for that pic of joker its already 3 am here and dark.

  • @dizzyallen1481
    @dizzyallen1481 Год назад +84

    It'd be cool to see some batman beyond stuff done with AI.

  • @MrBrothasky
    @MrBrothasky Год назад +1

    A.I. Art can really render the most amazing, photorealistic images based on some headshots and a typing prompt. All with realistic depth and detail.
    Still put 7-8 fingers on a hand.
    It's exciting and puzzling all at once.

  • @SBguitarcovers
    @SBguitarcovers Год назад +12

    We need this as an actual film!!! This is so sick!

  • @Luknight2486
    @Luknight2486 Год назад +2

    Mr.freeze's weapon is an ice staff instead of a gun
    Batman rides a demon horse and a bat-bear hybrid on the ground and a giant bat in the air
    Lucius Fox is an alchemist and magic user and a monster collector.
    Joker is a demon of hell that symbolizes chaos
    Harley is a princess who is bewitched and becomes the Joker's henchmen
    Bane was a hybrid of a female slave and a giant dwarf and exiled to the deepest depths, enslaved by warriors in the aristocratic arena, Bane became full of hatred for the world.

  • @Noob_Guy2k
    @Noob_Guy2k Год назад +3

    Jokers smile insane

  • @renarduwu
    @renarduwu Год назад +1

    Mr freeze do be looking like a stormtrooper ngl

  • @TheHorrorFactory
    @TheHorrorFactory Год назад +9

    Love the vibe!

  • @sillyninja65
    @sillyninja65 Год назад

    i absolutally adore that 80s lighting and light fuzz everything seemed to have

  • @effervescentrelief
    @effervescentrelief Год назад +16

    Now do Jurassic Park as a 80s dark fantasy film

  • @Mr.HotDogShirtGuy
    @Mr.HotDogShirtGuy Год назад +2

    1:52 is so sick

  • @jasonburnett5713
    @jasonburnett5713 Год назад +3

    I wish this was an actual movie, it takes something we know and spins it in such a unique and interesting way at least in my opinion

  • @grimm256
    @grimm256 Год назад +1

    I couldn’t stop smiling. I love this

  • @ShdowHuntr
    @ShdowHuntr Год назад +4

    I want to see this movie. The dark knight as a knight looks so cool and clayface is next level.

  • @ManImTheVoid
    @ManImTheVoid Год назад +2

    Why does it mix so well, usually in these you can't tell who is who at all.
    But this is just like it could have very well been a version of batman.

  • @PrimitiveBaroque
    @PrimitiveBaroque Год назад +3

    I would love to see a medieval batman film. I think it would be the greatest.

  • @CarlJunior1111
    @CarlJunior1111 Год назад

    Oh how wonderful! What a journey this was. Many thanks, good [wo?]man.

  • @zabananzoan
    @zabananzoan Год назад +3

    i never thought knight-batman helmet would look so good

  • @hashiramasayan162
    @hashiramasayan162 Год назад

    I'm here just to tell that this channel will gain *1000000 subs* because of this kind of content.

  • @GrandSupremeDaddyo
    @GrandSupremeDaddyo Год назад +2

    This style works so well for so many Batman characters. I suppose it's only natural that a gothic style would work for a story set in a place called Gotham.

  • @sphyoni
    @sphyoni Год назад +1

    YES, DC make this now! This looks so good and works so well as a Medieval setting. Love the Batmobile. Joker, Scarecrow, Bane & Mr Freeze look epic.

  • @derzua
    @derzua Год назад +15

    AI is about to put Hollywood out of business. Terrifyingly good.

    • @fredleeland2464
      @fredleeland2464 Год назад +1

      AI will make Hollywood better since the storyboards will be more accurate

  • @gonzoradio1007
    @gonzoradio1007 Год назад

    Underrated. This deserves more views. Wow

  • @MrJol420
    @MrJol420 Год назад +5

    Batman at the end is just the one who laughs

  • @johnclark2533
    @johnclark2533 Год назад

    You have some cool designs. Their breathtaking so real. I would love to see you turn my comic book characters like that

  • @benjaminklaassen4722
    @benjaminklaassen4722 Год назад +3

    This looks almost exactly like I'd imagine a live-action "Dark Knights of Steel" movie to look.

  • @arcdoes640
    @arcdoes640 Год назад +2

    A lot of these videos I watch for the weird sense of goofy nostalgia- but even conceptually this one looks like something I could get obsessed with. The Joker will haunt my dreams 💀

  • @Dude_Diligence
    @Dude_Diligence Год назад +3

    2:30 Sweet dreams.

  • @AshesnDust83
    @AshesnDust83 Год назад +1

    Incredible video. Keep at it!

  • @katpottz476
    @katpottz476 Год назад +3

    1:28 I love the idea of batman and all his villains in this sort of medieval bubble but all the world around them is modern and everyone is just confused why people dressed as knights and wizards are fighting in the street.

  • @clarkkent1630
    @clarkkent1630 Год назад

    broo they look so good

  • @khahinmetameta7826
    @khahinmetameta7826 Год назад +3

    2:42 could have been vandal Savage

  • @Dom_R_222
    @Dom_R_222 Год назад +1

    0:50 that's awesome

  • @McDoubleFunny
    @McDoubleFunny Год назад

    your medieval cover of the batman song is awesome

  • @SowiesoSchon
    @SowiesoSchon Год назад +18

    Imagine when this kind of AI advances to procedurally generated simulations not just images, have to suspect that’s the endgame for something like the meta verse, you’ll plug into your own personal matrix and love it.

    • @Wingedmagician
      @Wingedmagician Год назад +1

      Um dystopia much? Lol

    • @mycelia_ow
      @mycelia_ow Год назад

      @@Wingedmagician Coming from the mindset of an early 21st century human. We don't know how it will turn out, don't be a doomer, don't predict the future.

  • @bloodrunsclear
    @bloodrunsclear Год назад +2

    Having superheroes as literal knights in an ambiguous time period would be amazing O_O

  • @Amy_Dunn
    @Amy_Dunn Год назад +7

    Interesting how this aesthetic was actually half medieval Fantasy and half gothic horor

  • @rembrandao
    @rembrandao Год назад +1

    Scarecrow looks so damn badass!

  • @ChocolateAsian9000
    @ChocolateAsian9000 Год назад +6

    I noticed it still doesn’t get fingers right-seeing humans with 8 digits is surreal

    • @ginggrimson424
      @ginggrimson424 Год назад +3

      It kinda works with medieval scarecrow tho.

  • @mercuryman1250
    @mercuryman1250 Год назад

    You have mad talent. It's a cool amalgamation of the 1980s dark age of comic books like the Post-Crisis dc comics mixed in with medieval time period on an alternate earth

  • @seth1571
    @seth1571 Год назад +3

    A DC movie that takes place in a different time period where batman exists during the medieval era would be interesting.

    • @sleeplessknight99
      @sleeplessknight99 Год назад

      If you haven't yet, you should check out the DC elseworlds series of comics where they do just that.

  • @lokiwartooth1138
    @lokiwartooth1138 Год назад

    Dude these need to be movies I’d watch every one

  • @derdork3233
    @derdork3233 Год назад +3

    The batmobile kinda clashes with the fantasx theme. Maybe try the bat-chariot? Bat-carriage? Bat-horse?

    • @gman7497
      @gman7497 Год назад +2

      I kinda love it, it could be a weird heavily medieval influenced version of modern day.

  • @DripMinis
    @DripMinis Год назад

    Medieval batman movie where he fights a plague spreading scarecrow. I didnt know I needed this.

  • @littlesamu5920
    @littlesamu5920 Год назад +4

    1:30 ok that ain't so medieval, chief

  • @littledeez
    @littledeez Год назад +1

    this gives me a conan barbarian feeling

  • @skxlter5747
    @skxlter5747 Год назад +3

    Do one for BioShock

  • @coolbombprime986
    @coolbombprime986 Год назад

    The designs are so sick

  • @jeseramirez9852
    @jeseramirez9852 Год назад +1

    Man just stumbled upon ur channel, please keep this going. An absolute gem. The marvel one goes crazyyyyYyY too

  • @effervescentrelief
    @effervescentrelief Год назад +6

    But it already was a 1980's dark fantasy film. But I guess we could use a midieval Batman.

    • @XCalibur_EX
      @XCalibur_EX Год назад +2

      80s action movie
      Not necessarily Fantasy in the context of the genre

  • @qnteban
    @qnteban Год назад

    I love that skyline! The combination of modern buildings and gothic architecture is fantastic and works extremely well for batman

  • @Ericshadowblade
    @Ericshadowblade Год назад +1

    I love the visuals this gives a mix of medieveal and in some aspects retro futurism with charcters like mr freeze and the batmobil. I would honestly love to see a proper movie in this style

  • @Bobby-fy3ds
    @Bobby-fy3ds Год назад

    I need a movie like this

  • @osamaroum
    @osamaroum Год назад +2

    1:00 the joker going mad looks like ash from evil dead when he go mad 😲

  • @zombywoof864
    @zombywoof864 Год назад

    This most definitely NEEDS to happen

  • @VitVotava
    @VitVotava Год назад

    midjourney... a new meaning of everything