High firepower and accuracy of SR.2MP 9-mm submachine gun

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @pouwakaruwhiu8349
    @pouwakaruwhiu8349 Год назад +15

    Awesome weaponry, love it, from Australia 🦘

  • @FRIEND_711
    @FRIEND_711 Год назад +9

    I have a robot medic OC that uses this gun.
    First saw this in resident evil damnation. When the East Slovak Republic presidential guards were using it.

  • @Hit-First-And-Hit-Hard
    @Hit-First-And-Hit-Hard Год назад +6

    That's the way I like it. Keep it up!

  • @saintsinningsword
    @saintsinningsword Год назад +7

    Just waiting for the MTs-569 to export.

  • @mazbozz6971
    @mazbozz6971 Год назад +4

    Nice gun!
    From Indonesia

  • @hist8332
    @hist8332 Год назад +6

    Compact and a bullpup design very unique.

    • @kevinjheath
      @kevinjheath Год назад +13

      That's not a bullpup as the magazine is feeding through the grip, not from behind it.

  • @jaskong5093
    @jaskong5093 Год назад +4

    This automatic gun suits with my fist... Klasnaa !☺👍

  • @ismaelhall3990
    @ismaelhall3990 Год назад +2

    I need this.

  • @МатвейМалинин-щ4ф
    @МатвейМалинин-щ4ф 10 месяцев назад +1

    Гюрза с прикладом типа.

  • @vanadiumV
    @vanadiumV 5 месяцев назад

    brugger&thomet MP9 is the best !

  • @typhoon2643
    @typhoon2643 Год назад +6

    Super 😍👍

  • @just_golds
    @just_golds Год назад +13

    That weapon is awesome 👌 🫡🇷🇺💪

  • @MrSitlia
    @MrSitlia Год назад +1

    Some no fog lenses in those masks would help with threat identification and target acquisition. 😅

  • @QuangThắngLê-h2y
    @QuangThắngLê-h2y 2 месяца назад

    Its still louder than and as val even with silence

  • @dedyzee
    @dedyzee Год назад +6

    Nice Russia

  • @lovingmyglock21
    @lovingmyglock21 Год назад +1

    can i uses the 9x21 IWI ammo in this gun?

  • @LascielInviere
    @LascielInviere Год назад +2

    Suppressor: Operation temperature from -50 C to +50 C.
    ...Pretty sure it gets a fuck ton hotter inside of a suppressor than +50 C.
    What an absolute nothing burger of a text blurb to make a regular ass suppressor sound advanced and high tech.
    Also that "body armor" is anything but, I've wrapped up turkeys in tinfoil that was thicker than whatever that plate was made out of. 9x21mm in any variant is incapable of penetrating NIJ level 3A soft body armor let alone hard plate level 3, 3+ or 4.

  • @deanhankio6304
    @deanhankio6304 8 месяцев назад

    Something I don't like: the forward grip is too close of the barrel. There is a small risk to shoot your own fingers.

  • @JavierTorres-py6rp
    @JavierTorres-py6rp Год назад +1

    I want one. I will give you $5000.00 dollars for that amazing gun.

  • @5shotsr611
    @5shotsr611 Год назад +1

    I want.

  • @kumbackquatsta
    @kumbackquatsta Год назад +5

    for hunting banderites

  • @lucianogomesgutierrez1629
    @lucianogomesgutierrez1629 Год назад +4


  • @sajankumars84
    @sajankumars84 6 месяцев назад

    Russian model of uzi

  • @Mickday2023
    @Mickday2023 Год назад +2

    Only problem why everywhere police veering black uniforms. In Australia , China, Russia stark reminder of SS uniforms that Germans wore in ww2 personally I-hate that. But little surprise Russian police have them black as black perhaps there something more than we know.

    • @Hit-First-And-Hit-Hard
      @Hit-First-And-Hit-Hard Год назад +6

      I'm sorry, Friend, the black uniforms have nothing to do with SS. This is your personal point of view.

    • @K_N.H.
      @K_N.H. Год назад +3

      Hows that got anything to do with the SS? Comparing the police which protects you your family and your fellow man to murderers and war criminals is just idiotic

    • @Mickday2023
      @Mickday2023 Год назад

      @@K_N.H. You don’t have clue what I’m talking about, this is to complicated for you.

    • @K_N.H.
      @K_N.H. Год назад

      @@Mickday2023 i see that you can only cry about irelevant bullshit which is too idiotic to understand.

    • @DollyRanch
      @DollyRanch Год назад

      These are not russian police uniforms. These are costumes for the export market audience

  • @selimemini4503
    @selimemini4503 Год назад

    Davaja in kosovo 3000 komada in bosns 3000 in slovenia 3000 in hervacko 3000 serbia 2000 in cernagora 1000 in macedonia 3000 in albania 5000 many ya selim emini 2141755