About first game - It turned iut good, but what if Kata would permanently kill your botlane and jungler? I was playing vs champs like Sylas, and my jungler (Gragas vs Amumu) wanted 2vs2 on river near mid lvl 3/4. I don't see how Azir can be more usefull than Sylas that early, on so my junglers are constantly dying with me joining or not. Same with starting grubs when I ping mid and jng is comming and I don't follow. I had 3 games in the row like that. What should be done in such scenarios?
Other bronze players ignore the fuck outa my retreat pings when they’re in danger and I can’t help. The best you can do is focus on your own gameplay and how you preform. If you’re strong going into min 12-15 then you can roam and make a bounceback in gold with bounties with one of your ok teammates
I recently started playing azir mostly because of your content and it motivated me lmao but I'm still very confused as to when to go liandry and when not to
What is a good rule of thumb for learning fundamentals?
About first game - It turned iut good, but what if Kata would permanently kill your botlane and jungler? I was playing vs champs like Sylas, and my jungler (Gragas vs Amumu) wanted 2vs2 on river near mid lvl 3/4. I don't see how Azir can be more usefull than Sylas that early, on so my junglers are constantly dying with me joining or not. Same with starting grubs when I ping mid and jng is comming and I don't follow. I had 3 games in the row like that. What should be done in such scenarios?
U use ur pings
Other bronze players ignore the fuck outa my retreat pings when they’re in danger and I can’t help. The best you can do is focus on your own gameplay and how you preform. If you’re strong going into min 12-15 then you can roam and make a bounceback in gold with bounties with one of your ok teammates
Lol 42:25
Are you duo with Zwag or was that a coincidence?
we coincidently got on same team 5 times in a row
I recently started playing azir mostly because of your content and it motivated me lmao but I'm still very confused as to when to go liandry and when not to
liandry if they build lots of HP