=== * "【Minecraft】just helping what i can do for the holoID Cup" Timestamps === 02:06 Stream start === * SPECIAL TIMESTAMPS * === = * Announcement(s) & Info(s) * = 3:07:08 Kaela dont know if tomorrow (today) can stream or not, schedule very crazy (dentist appointment, class and midnight mng offkai) 6:55:06 Next week, Kaela will be taking several days off 7:17:50 The OffKai gonna be around 2 AM ID time =========================== == *Todays job?* == 04:58 Kaela jobs today: working on beacon 09:46 Kaela tells about her condition rn 19:16 JASA BEACON DATAAANG~ (Kaela on her way to the site) 32:12 Ollie : Semangaaaaaaat~ 33:15 Explain why not make beacon in the centre == *Beacon making* == (Many lemao moment while she builds the beacon, feel free to check it one by one) 56:26 Start to build the 1st beacon 1:16:15 Start to build the 2nd beacon 1:29:52 Start to build the 3rd beacon 1:44:10 Start to build the 4th beacon == 1:54:21 Mid-game SC's reading == *Next job after the beacon?* == 2:07:02 Ollie explain what to do for Kaela next job 2:34:46 Kaela ke Ollie : Ya kan?? 2 hari selesai kan ini?? Ollie : Hehe.. menangis.. 2:47:35 Kaela tell why she suddenly got enlightenment how to do the frame. Kaela said that is really looks like when she makes cross-stitch(es) 2:57:47 Moona tried to distract Kaela, then Kaela did revenge by triggering Moona's OCD 3:10:01 Gold teeth discussion with Ollie. Is it blessing to have a golden teeth? 4:09:32 WIH MAMAELA ASKING ME IF I WANT NOODLE OR NOT (and kaela replied : I WANT, looks like mamaela watching the stream) == *The noodle from Mamaela came, Kaela nom nom mid-stream* == 4:29:44 UUUUUUWWWWW WANGY WANGY U KNOW, YUMMY YUMMY 4:31:51 Kaela will share the soup with 5k people bcs usually kaela didnt eat the soup 4:33:32 Dont eat wind, later you will get ENTER WIND XIXIXI 4:39:25 THANK YOU MAMAELA FOR THE FOOD, MAK TIDUR MAK JANGAN NONTON STREAM MULU MAK (Usually papaela is the one who ask mamaela to sleep but now papaela not at home, so kaela ask mamaela to sleep) == *The build continues* == 4:45:10 Kaela showing the blueprint she was looking at all this time 5:15:20 Makanya jangan nguli jam 1 ges 5:26:20 NENEK INI NANTI MAU BILANG SAMA CUCU NENEK BANGUN CANDI DI GAME (Grandmaela gonna tell all grandson, she finish build candi...in game) 5:29:04 WO AI NI TO GRANDMA SOUND VERY WRONG, GSH LAH 5:34:43 kaela impressed with the frame progress "uuwoooo, so cool! stairs go durududu!" 5:37:50 This holo id cup remind kaela of her first time holo id cup when she build the gate for gelora bung yagoo 5:42:42 MASIH MUDAH SUDAH TIDAK SETIA BAGAIMANA NANTI, anak muda zaman sekararang (context pemaloe belok) 6:29:50 Grandma too much adrenaline 6:30:09 Eh GG, what do we do now? Everything is done == *Going to GBY after the hardwork* == 6:36:15 Kaela show the gate of GBY, she work on this gate. Very painful one bcs lot of stairs 6:40:30 Playing at the Gelora Bung Yagoo and trying all the mini-game == *Post-game talk* == 6:48:06 Kaela's birthday event topic. What she going to do and some cluetamins. 6:58:22 Is there any pemaloe day event after all? We never know 7:08:33 Funny thing when go to doctor. When doctor ask if its painful or not, kaela usually just say no even tho its painful 7:23:20 What merch we gonna have. Daki????, PC Case????, Or even "Sarung galon"?? 7:28:45 All kaela's crazy idea coming from her demon 7:47:08 Otsulemao. Trying to tr0ll tagger team but got instant karma. === *Full Timestamps are on the reply section* ===
=== *FULL TIMESTAMPS* ==== === *Pre-game Talk* === 02:21 no L2D bcs her 1st isp tantrum 03:06 Kaela and Moona discussion about their ISP because they have same ISP 04:18 We gonna do our thing, by ourself.. (Kaela telling her and other jobdesc) 04:58 Kaela jobs today: working on beacon 05:50 they ask Kaela to build 4 beacon at each corners 06:34 looking at her materials to build beacon 07:31 ada ya jasa beacon panggilan. aku juga bingung ini pertama kalinya 08:18 Moona chat Kaela buat minjem shulker box 08:55 OK OK OK OK (after tell moona where is the shulker building) 09:13 Jeep is guarding the shop 09:46 about her condition, she not yet ok 11:00 It's okay not to be okay, sometimes, right?? 11:32 Ga mungkin mangkrak sih (project nya).. Soalnya kalo mangkrak HoloID cup nya gimana?? 12:21 LC: judulny ganti La, Baeacon Installer. K: santai aja g sih, kita kykny g cuma masang beacon 13:05 Kita ga janjian jam tau.. (Kaela n the other builder) 13:16 Kaela simulate their conversation before 14:09 Kaela sempet nanya mulai stream jam brp, cma mereka g bilang beaconny harus jadi jam berapa 15:31 asmr 16:07 Kaela ask her LC if Moona aldy got her shulker box 16:56 yng perlu beacon bukan Moona-senpai tapi Ollie-senpai buat ngeruk tanah 17:31 HAIYAAAAA JUST ONE FUNGUS LAAAH (She try to find mushroom in her storage room) 18:33 Checking her discord === *Kaela going to the 'Candi' site* === 19:16 JASA BEACON DATAAANG~ (Kaela on her way to the site) 19:35 Kaela bingung kenaoa g ad suara rel dari mine cart 19:54 Beacon service is coming to town ~ 20:33 HMMMM... HMMMMMMM (Seeing an odd glass block that being placed on the ground) 21:29 Checking if bgm double 22:07 nyari lokasi HoloID Server 22:16 Too many server (Kaela's discord server) laah.. cannot find it 23:08 I'm banana but HoloID not banana 23:27 go to location 23:40 IM COMING BEACON IS COMING ~ (When flying) 24:40 Planning where to place the beacon near the Borobudur 25:48 look at that, the area.... Beacon area is like what?? 27:59 ngukur area beacon 29:09 Huh hajimya ? (Join the server) 29:59 I think it's okay to build (the beacon) here.. 30:56 bentar ges, mw ngambil kasur. 31:08 HALOOOOO (say hai to ollie) 31:23 IYA IYA BENER BENER (talking with ollie and told ollie she also busy counting) 31:59 Kaela nanya Ollie buat minjem kasur 32:12 Ollie : Semangaaaaaaat~ 32:21 Magic bed, suddenly gone (probably lag) 32:39 so, what gonna we do isss... 33:15 Explain why not make beacon in the centre 35:49 Moona ask Kaela to destroy the Borobudur nether portal 39:42 Alasan kaela tidak tanya soal beacon ke senpainya karena kaela sudah dipercaya bikin beacon karena dia sering bikin beacon (All her senpai trust kaela to handle the beacon because kaela often make beacon) 40:03 the problem is, we put the beacon underground. Nanti sinarny g bsa keatas 42:05 Kaela udah nanya ke bawahnya mw seberapa, jadi aku jg g tw 42:43 I think we can still do it because we already get the center. 46:13 LAH LAH LAH LAH GIMANA SIH WHERE IS IT ? (Ollie slain by zombie many times) 46:57 ok, soooooooo.... From what i know 48:19 sebenerny ini 124x124 karena tangganya g muat 49:37 Kaela think if little bit of center area not get cover is okay 50:48 whatwe gonna do is we gonna put the beacon in the red area 52:41 Kaela talking about the wool color not the chunk color (Where she wanna place the bacon)
== *1st Beacon* == 56:26 ya udah lah ya, langsung aja. Kita bikinny mepet aja dsni 57:20 Ask chat if the beam can pass through water 57:48 Start placing her first beacon around the Candi using gold block 59:33 WOW hajimya ded ??? 1:00:33 Ask chat how many layer more 1:00:51 Hajimya ok ? (hajime ded again) 1:01:11 Mohon maaf ya ini, customer nya bilang ga ada airnya ya... This makes extra work... (There is a lot of water below the Candi and her beacon) 1:02:21 Konban dododo ~ (watame join the server) 1:03:11 NAAAAAAAAH... BIG BRAIN MOVE. (She covered the water way using gold block) 1:05:19 Usually we make beacon from the bottom...but (She start from top) 1:06:48 Kaela reset the beacon by destroying some blocks 1:07:58 WHY IS THIS SO BEEG (full beacon) 1:09:59 (Actual time 1h10m23s) WOW (after looking all of the gold, the beacon become long) 1:11:02 LC : Rapihin dulu yg bekas kolam.. K : Okokok 1:11:29 ID SLEEP ONEGAI ~ (Ollie told id member to sleep) 1:11:51 LAAAH (Counting her blocks row, turns out she missed 1 row) 1:13:22 BOOM BOOM BOOM...oh (Wonder why no beam, she thought the beacon already done) 1:13:34 YAY (One beacon done) 1:14:21 CREEPEEEEEEER (One creeper approaching the beacon) == *2nd Beacon* == 1:16:15 Start making the second beacon 1:16:42 Kaela complaining about her customer 1:17:48 HAIYAAAAA you know haiya ? 1:18:32 I think this is the first and the last time i accepting a beacon request.. 1:19:09 I just gonna said....whats going on my obs (disconnect) 1:19:54 Wait ? is it lagging ? Why the stone feel so soft, 1 punch break (Forgot about haste effect) 1:20:42 Kaela thought the lag is because the beacon is too poewerful 1:21:53 Pesugihannya real ya, buktinya sehari langsung dapat gold 1:23:24 Many gud gud 1:24:25 BOOM (2nd beacon done) 1:25:00 ID ZZZ (told id member to sleep) 1:25:41 LC : Kurang naik 1 block.. K : Gapapalaah... ditutup aja 1:28:29 LAAAAAAH (want to shoot ollie but she cancel it) 1:28:54 Do it? No.. Later she'll forget about the (block) counting == *3rd Beacon* == 1:29:52 Start to build the 3rd beacon 1:30:19 OK OK OK OK (after heard ollie voice) 1:31:47 Ollie called Kaela bcs her diamond pickaxe is gone bcs of the zombie that slain ollie 1:32:17 Yaudah lah ambil lah (kaela gave her pickaxe to ollie) 1:32:23 Ollie : Nanti aku balikin. K : AKU ADA SPAARE.. 1:33:44 Customer also didnt tell me to bring extra tools.. 1:34:37 O: Nanti aku balikin ya. K: GA USAH! AKU UDAH ADA! 1:36:06 Kaela got shot by a skeleton : "Ohh.." (Then continue to work) 1:36:46 The skeleton attack her but she continue build the 3rd beacon 1:37:04 What bow is that?? (The bow that dropped from skeleton got Power II) K : HIH.. (Throw it away) 1:38:40 Kaela never use all her gold, most of gold from knb (reason using gold for beacon) 1:39:08 Ollie : ELAELAELAELAELAAAAAA (Ollie have side quest to make lightning rod) 1:39:47 Ollie fly away again after she said will return the pickaxe, K : Put it on invoice, O : No i dont want to 1:40:20 This one should be finished.. (3rd beacon done) 1:41:15 Kaela planned to change all of the beacon beam color 1:41:56 Ga jadi! Ga jadi gaes ga jadi! She doesn't need me anymore! (Ollie cancelling her request to Kaela about lightning rod) 1:43:20 Kaela asked for cancellation fee. O: Bojomu! == *4th Beacon* == 1:44:10 Start to build the 4th beacon 1:45:38 WEEEEE KERJAAN BENTAR LAGI SELESAI GUYS 1:47:29 zzzzzzzzzzzzz (sleep time) 1:48:10 I got nothing to do after this... I'm so sad.. Should i stall this?? 1:50:16 This is what we called empty thoughts 1:50:48 Asking chat what other tools other than pickaxe that will be affected with 'Haste' effect from the beacon 1:51:45 GUD GUD GUD VERY GUD (4th beacon done) 1:52:13 Kaela chat : SELESAI (FINISH), then what ? end the stream ? 1:52:51 Ask her senpai if there any job again, O : Ollie's route or moona's route ? 1:54:13 What if I just pick Watame senpai route? === *SC's reading and looking for a new job to do* == 1:54:21 Wanna read SC first.. 1:56:16 About the plan to build wither skeleton farm 1:58:08 OOOH THE BEACON SOOO GOOD... UWAAAAH 1:58:44 Answer SB question : Tergantung izinnya turun gak 1:59:28 Just leave it there ~ (after chat "i will"). O : Hello will 2:00:17 Wiii wiii wiii wiii (shooting all mobs) 2:01:34 I'm the security of this place rn.. Do you have a problem with that?? 2:02:26 LC : Ni ga gabut kan ya?? K : Engga lah, mana ada gabut... I'm.. protecting this place 2:02:49 HUAAA HUAAA HUAAA HUAAA (Spam shoot arrow) 2:03:33 Have idea to grind all zombie and bring it to ollie 2:03:46 Kaela ask other if anything she can help with 2:05:31 Meet with ollie, she give another job
=== *Candi frame job after Beacon* === 2:07:02 Ollie explain what to do for Kaela next job 2:12:27 Go to wool farm 2:14:44 Last time kaela read blueprint when help yopi with ufo 2:16:19 Went to JP wool farm 2:16:41 Reading Biboo sign 2:17:33 Trying to pronounce cyan 2:17:52 Mbeeeeek mbeeeek mbeeeek 2:20:56 WIIIIIIII (She make ollie shock) and ollie explain again what to do 2:21:58 WOW (setelah ollie bilang "agar bisa memperbudak anak-anak lain" + Creeper) 2:23:36 Now trying to clear mobs but it's too many. K: INAFF! I SAID INAFF! 2:24:41 Put some torch on sand area 2:25:00 LC : Inget anda idol bukan tukang pukul... 2:25:38 Yes, im not iron golem. I am gold golem (Lc said she is cosplaying golem) 2:26:04 Oke.. Mari kita bikin... (Start doing her new job with also seeing the blueprint) 2:28:26 Discussing with Ollie about what they gonna do next. 2:30:01 Start with cleaning the wrong wool placement 2:30:27 NICE (Ollie said now its time for cleaning simulator) 2:33:06 Uwooh now we can play football here.. Let'sgo (The workplace looks so wide after she cleaned the wool) 2:33:52 Tinggal taruh block, 2 HARI JADI LETS GOOOO (kaela said this project can finish in 2 days by just put the block) 2:34:46 Kaela ke Ollie : Ya kan?? 2 hari selesai kan ini?? Ollie : Hehe.. menangis.. 2:40:58 If Kaela voice is really far away, she was reading the blueprint (making her face really close to monitor to read blueprint) 2:45:18 Kaela said to ollie she already understand the blueprint 2:46:34 NICE! Disconnect biasa~ (Disconnect and Ollie ask what happened) 2:47:35 Kaela tell why she suddenly got enlightenment how to do the frame. Kaela said that is really looks like when she makes cross-stitch(es) 2:53:57 Even though it's correct, it's bother me so much. HIH! (placing wool) 2:55:53 Kenapa tuh ya ? (Heard ollie panic noise) 2:56:39 EH ADA MOONA EH ADA MOONA (Moona come to borobudur, still using fire resistance) 2:57:47 Moona tries to distract Kaeela on her counting with spamming "What are you doing?" question 2:58:20 Kaela show Moona something that will trigger her OCD 2:59:36 IH SEREM IH KABUR AH, RUN RUN FROM THE MADNESS (Run from area that make her ocd) 3:00:35 O : Kalau salah lagi gimana (What if its wrong again), K: ULANG LAGI AJA, ULANG AJA TERUS (JUST REPEAT IT AGAIN, KEEP REPEAT IT) 3:03:29 Blueprint mengecil ? 3:05:58 2 DAYS EZ LAH, JUST PUT PUT PUT THE BLOCK. WHY SO HARD ? 3:06:49 TIDAK TIDUR MEMBANGUN CANDI 3:07:08 Kaela dont know if tomorrow can stream or not, schedule very crazy (dentist appointment, class and midnight mng offkai) 3:10:01 Tanya ke ollie, kalau umur 70 pasang gigi emas itu berkah ? (ask ollie if it blessing wearing golden teeth when you 70 years old) 3:10:43 Ollie become "huh cat meme" when kaela said she already 70 years old 3:15:21 Janganlah engkau menangis ~ (heard ollie cry noise) 3:17:03 THIS IS 2 DAYS PROJECT ! 70 years old grandma trying to build candi borobudur, very strong grandma 3:18:25 Ask the lore of candi borobudur 3:21:09 Kaela sleep alot after play with kanade 3:23:29 Ask if moona have iron + Borrow moona's shear 3:23:52 HAK MILIK, THIS IS MINE NOW (after received moona's shear) 3:24:59 OH YEAH THIS ONE ACTUALLY THE PAYMENT...Wait no i want more. 4 beacon for 1 shear ? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW ? 3:26:39 KEREN JUGA UDAH MAU BERSIH, ALMOST DONE (Clean wrong area) 3:27:31 LC: grandma how are you so fast, K: I AM SUPER GRANDMA ! 3:28:50 Kaela feels the wool regenerating by itself 3:29:59 HALOOOO MAU LAGI HALO HALO (ask for more shear) 3:31:08 YAY THANK YOU (moona gave many shears) 3:32:20 Udah offstream semua ? emang iya, serius ? 3:32:54 Owh thats so cool (sc told about minecraft X netflix collaboration) 3:34:39 WAH SEE ? Where is ollie senpai ? (want to told ollie if she done cleaning the wrong part) 3:35:02 BERSIH BERSIH (Told ollie senpai she done cleaning) 3:36:02 Ollie laugh with kaela "receh" jokes (eat air jokes) 3:36:42 YA MAKLUM LAH JOKES 70 TAHUN (and ollie questioning why suddenly kaela become so old) 3:39:42 WRONG ONE GUYS SORRY, DONT BE MAD TO GRANDMA 3:42:49 Ok ges bentar ya ges, BRB ok just BRB 3:45:36 Kaela is back 3:45:58 LC: kamu ninggalin dia (ollie) kangen katanya, K : BIASA LAH 3:48:00 MANA ORANGNYA, WHERE IS SHE ~ AUOOOOOOO ~ 3:48:14 K: ADA CYAN GAK CYAN, O : Nih ambil, K: YAY SELESAI (kaela ask ollie she have more cyan wool) 3:48:58 OOOO PERFECT MAMAMIA (kaela finish cyan wool part) 3:49:21 MANTAB SELESAI LANJUT LAGI (Told ollie she finish the cyan wool part and she want continue) 3:50:34 Kaela went to bother Ollie after knowing she want to end her stream 3:51:46 Try to jinx the wool will be adios by thunderstorm 3:52:35 LEFT THE GAME ~ (Ollie logout) 3:53:06 WOOOO I ALMOST GOT THUNDER...THUNDER... 3:53:31 We back from offline for a moment 3:56:03 Ini sebanyak ini kotak penuh semua ??? All of this chest full ??? 3:58:44 Ollie on live chat: aku lupa pamit, deluan yaaa, K: OH GPP AKU TAU, OTSU OTSU. 2 HARI JADI KITA LETS GO 4:00:38 Fall into a hole moment 4:01:40 LC: ada bak4boi gasi disini??, K: JANGAN KASIAN BIAR TIDUR ORANGNYA GUYS (bak4boi is the designer) 4:02:39 UDAH BENER BELOM BANG ? UDAH BENER LAH YA ? (Chat bilang ada bak4boi di stream) 4:03:27 OWH BARU DATENG, WELCOME BANG. JANGAN LUPA TIDUR BANG (bak4boi bilang dia baru aja datang) 4:07:24 Nine...JATOH (fall into the hole when put the blue wool) 4:08:12 When you tried your best but you dont succeed ~ 4:08:51 DONT ONE GUY'D ONE GUY'D ME, IM HUNGRY RIGHT NOW. I WILL EAT THE WOOL 4:09:32 WIH MAMAELA ASKING ME IF I WANT NOODLE OR NOT (and kaela replied : I WANT, looks like mamaela watching the stream) 4:11:53 Bukan perlu minum ini, PERLU MAKAN GES 4:14:15 Kaela don't think that this is a very good environment to build 4:15:38 Kaela had dinner at 4pm (Thats why she feels hungry again) 4:21:35 Eh kebalik ? sabar bang, mohon maap bang 4:22:29 Don't be mad at a 70 years old grandma building a Candi 4:23:12 Lagipula dimana-mana gak ada kuli umur 70 tahun. Never try to hired 70 yeard old grandma to build anything
== *Kaela lemao nom nom moment* == 4:24:16 IYAAAAAAAK (Her noodle is coming) 4:25:59 Kaela will afk a bit to eat later 4:26:48 The longer that i take the noodle, it will be easier to eat for grandma right ? 4:28:31 Kaela will not stay on her pc but she's not muting (when go eat) 4:29:44 UUUUUUWWWWW WANGY WANGY U KNOW, YUMMY YUMMY 4:30:44 Kaela suggest chat to c00k noodle if hungry 4:30:55 HMMMMMM YUMMY. I dont want to share, if i share to 5k people, what i gonna eat ? Eat the spoon ? 4:31:51 Kaela will share the soup with 5k people bcs usually kaela didnt eat the soup 4:32:57 Kaela didnt eat in front of her pc. Afraid if keyboard or mouse gonna be dirty 4:33:32 Dont eat wind, later you will get ENTER WIND XIXIXI 4:34:09 Pc chan you want some ? aaaaaaa nyum nyum nyum 4:35:31 Kaela eat so fast (even tho the noodle still hot) bcs she said she dont have cat tongue 4:37:13 Piring ketinggalan moment, forget the plate 4:38:15 Evon tho i am grandma, i have ability to run as fast as possible 4:38:58 Golden teeth all good, tomorrow gonna maintenance 4:39:25 THANK YOU MAMAELA FOR THE FOOD, MAK TIDUR MAK JANGAN NONTON STREAM MULU MAK (Usually papaela is the one who ask mamaela to sleep but now papaela not at home, so kaela ask mamaela to sleep) == *Continuing the build* == 4:40:18 Now continue building 4:43:07 MANA TUH SIH bak4BOI, ARE YOU HERE ? BANGUN BANG WAKE UP WAKE UP 4:45:10 Showing the blueprint she was looking at all this time 4:47:13 This is (Blueprint) really like cross stitch. Ini blueprint tuh kayak kita lagi nyulam 4:50:53 Told viewers where is the cyan color wool in the blueprint 4:52:53 Kaela show the clearer part of the blueprint, kinda same but the color better 5:01:36 realizes she made a frame asymmetrical this whole time 5:05:43 chec the correct frame example, realizes her mistake 5:06:49 now she's overthinking which one is the correct & wrong one 5:10:42 double checking everything, now she understands 5:15:20 Makanya jangan nguli jam 1 ges 5:15:35 kaela is bacckk after an offline again 5:16:59 about internet problems lately 5:21:22 Where is the bed...NOOOOOOOO 5:22:17 My bad my bed 5:22:43 Pillar dulu pillar dulu. Later we connect after this 5:26:20 NENEK INI NANTI MAU BILANG SAMA CUCU NENEK BANGUN CANDI DI GAME (Grandmaela gonna tell all grandson, she finish build candi...in game) 5:27:28 LEFT THE GAME...ALL BY MYSELF ~ (watame logout) 5:29:04 WO AI NI TO GRANDMA SOUND VERY WRONG, GSH LAH 5:30:24 kata siapa pagi² nenek ke pasar? nenek pagi² main GIM! 5:32:31 HE GAK SOPAN KAMU 5:34:43 kaela impressed with the frame progress "uuwoooo, so cool! stairs go durududu!" 5:36:41 remove the blueprint from stream 5:37:50 This holo id cup remind kaela of her first time holo id cup when she build the gate for gelora bung yagoo 5:41:47 "the orange is not enouuugh~" 5:42:42 MASIH MUDAH SUDAH TIDAK SETIA BAGAIMANA NANTI, anak muda zaman sekararang (context pemaloe belok) 5:45:39 MEMANG ANAK MUDA ZAMAN SEKARANG, KALAU NGOMONG SESUATU SUKA DIPLINTIR-PLINTIR 5:46:26 Kaela running out water 5:47:37 Huh salah arah ? Keren sih uweeee uweeee 5:48:54 UWEEEE THATS WHAT WE CALLED GG, GRANDMA GAMING (finish another gate) 5:49:42 Kaela remember something about tyop, one of clipper tyop in twit and clip 5:51:58 OLLIE SENPAI! AKU UDAH BENERIN LOH YG UDAH SELESAI (The part where Ollie already done doing it but is wrong) 5:52:55 Pasti kalian mau dipanggil sayang sama ollie senpai, gak bisa. Cuma kaela 5:53:25 Eh emang ollie senpai sering pangil" viewer sayang ? 5:54:01 Kaela laporan soal bak4boi, Soal baru datang dan disuruh tidur kaela tapi pas disuruh bangun gak bangun 5:55:06 WAH TYPO TYPO! OLLIE SENPAI TIDUR UDAH TYPO! 5:56:34 Its okay ollie senpai if go to sleep, pemaloe will take shift to accompany me 5:59:27 WEEEEEE GG (another gate done) 6:04:42 red frame finished & connected, now "orange juice" frame 6:12:54 Runnimg out of orange~ 6:13:41 Orange full done and about the blueprint still ot finished yet, ask the designer to finish it as soon as possible 6:28:44 Almost done~ 6:29:50 Grandma too much adrenaline 6:30:09 Eh GG, what do we do now? Everything is done 6:31:53 HUH ITS 6 HOURS ?? 6:32:06 UWEEEE DET DERET DEDEDE (check what she made from sky and take some screenshot)
=== *Refreshing Time? Why not?* === 6:34:01 Kaela go to previous holo id cup place aka gelora bung yagoo 6:34:58 Ini bagus nih, proyek mangka tapi bagus buat liat GBY (Looking at GBY from someone unfinished project) 6:36:15 Kaela show the gate of GBY, she work on this gate. Very painful one bcs lot of stairs 6:38:08 Kaela understand about the stairs in mc after finish the gate 6:39:45 Kaela still dont understand how to use voice ingame with the shaders 6:40:30 Playing at the Gelora Bung Yagoo and trying all the mini-game 6:41:58 BRO! 2 years ago I did better (Panjat Pinang) 6:43:49 WUUUUT DEEE WUUUT DEEE YOU CANT CATCH ME (play tarik tambang by herself) 6:45:02 Borobudur is bigger than the GBY === *Post-game Talk* === 6:46:59 Hardcore ? BEEEUUGHH (The start of post talk) 6:48:06 Kaela doesn't know if natsu matsuri event will clash with her birthday again 6:48:26 For Kaela birthday this year, it's gonna be a lot of friends 6:48:56 Kaela aiming for more than 20 guest. Totsumachi? We'll see 6:51:20 Mchan like the idea of this year bday bcs 24 hrs not special anymore and 12 hrs is daily 6:51:51 Cluetamin: The target time of this "things" (event for her birthday(?)), proximately 3 hours 6:54:18 Kaela hope can get more guest 6:55:06 Next week, Kaela will be taking several days off 6:56:07 Kaela still dont know if she can stream today, schedule packed 6:58:22 Is there any pemaloe day event after all? We never know 7:01:20 After all, just hope everything Kaela want to do next week going smoothly 7:05:42 Kaela feels the temp is hot right now 7:06:05 I just really nervous going to the dentist!! 7:08:33 Funny thing when go to doctor. When doctor ask if its painful or not, kaela usually just say no even tho its painful 7:12:48 Actually the dentist have kaela history but still she nervous bcs need talk to doctor 7:15:39 Aku gak suka nyemilin odol sih... 7:17:50 The OffKai gonna be around 2 AM ID time 7:21:15 Kaela think in mng gonna have interesting story 7:21:50 What if internet died during mng? Move house lah (she's joking. She have 2nd ISP) 7:22:36 Check if anyone streaming, she want raid 7:23:20 Daki isnt effective bcs pemaloe didnt sleep 7:24:56 About pc case merch 7:27:18 Merch sarung galon ? EVEN BETTER == *Kaela's Demon????* == 7:28:45 All kaela's crazy idea coming from her demon 7:30:49 CONGRATULATION Advent for the 3D Showcase 7:33:39 Sometimes kaela randon twit is coming from her demon 7:34:31 Kaela feeling guilty about her random twit sometimes make people wake up then she have fight with the demon 7:39:03 What actually this skia thingy is my demon (new lore drop?) 7:44:49 Polka really love morning stream huh ? OHAPOL EVERYDAY ? GG AMAZING (Give applause) 7:47:08 Otsulemao 7:48:14 the stream gonna end now. Uaaaarrrrrgggghhh 7:48:57 Now she tr0lling time tagger by not end the stream but she have karma by missclicked the end button
Thank you Kaela for bring us down memory lane. Was very nice to see the past where one of the first events happened with holoheros. I miss those fun times with everyone. Means alot to us
@@ryuuhyoca7124 wkwk makannya banyak yg ga gua tonton full live/replay nya Kaela, sering ketiduran, cuma beberapa yg nonton full, salah satunya yg collab sama Kanade kemarin wk
Thank you for the stream elaaa, weee this 2 days project almost done yay (jk) But ey thanks for all the hardwork, good luck with all activities today See you on next stream
=== * "【Minecraft】just helping what i can do for the holoID Cup" Timestamps ===
02:06 Stream start
= * Announcement(s) & Info(s) * =
3:07:08 Kaela dont know if tomorrow (today) can stream or not, schedule very crazy (dentist appointment, class and midnight mng offkai)
6:55:06 Next week, Kaela will be taking several days off
7:17:50 The OffKai gonna be around 2 AM ID time
== *Todays job?* ==
04:58 Kaela jobs today: working on beacon
09:46 Kaela tells about her condition rn
19:16 JASA BEACON DATAAANG~ (Kaela on her way to the site)
32:12 Ollie : Semangaaaaaaat~
33:15 Explain why not make beacon in the centre
== *Beacon making* ==
(Many lemao moment while she builds the beacon, feel free to check it one by one)
56:26 Start to build the 1st beacon
1:16:15 Start to build the 2nd beacon
1:29:52 Start to build the 3rd beacon
1:44:10 Start to build the 4th beacon
== 1:54:21 Mid-game SC's reading
== *Next job after the beacon?* ==
2:07:02 Ollie explain what to do for Kaela next job
2:34:46 Kaela ke Ollie : Ya kan?? 2 hari selesai kan ini?? Ollie : Hehe.. menangis..
2:47:35 Kaela tell why she suddenly got enlightenment how to do the frame. Kaela said that is really looks like when she makes cross-stitch(es)
2:57:47 Moona tried to distract Kaela, then Kaela did revenge by triggering Moona's OCD
3:10:01 Gold teeth discussion with Ollie. Is it blessing to have a golden teeth?
4:09:32 WIH MAMAELA ASKING ME IF I WANT NOODLE OR NOT (and kaela replied : I WANT, looks like mamaela watching the stream)
== *The noodle from Mamaela came, Kaela nom nom mid-stream* ==
4:31:51 Kaela will share the soup with 5k people bcs usually kaela didnt eat the soup
4:33:32 Dont eat wind, later you will get ENTER WIND XIXIXI
4:39:25 THANK YOU MAMAELA FOR THE FOOD, MAK TIDUR MAK JANGAN NONTON STREAM MULU MAK (Usually papaela is the one who ask mamaela to sleep but now papaela not at home, so kaela ask mamaela to sleep)
== *The build continues* ==
4:45:10 Kaela showing the blueprint she was looking at all this time
5:15:20 Makanya jangan nguli jam 1 ges
5:26:20 NENEK INI NANTI MAU BILANG SAMA CUCU NENEK BANGUN CANDI DI GAME (Grandmaela gonna tell all grandson, she finish build candi...in game)
5:34:43 kaela impressed with the frame progress "uuwoooo, so cool! stairs go durududu!"
5:37:50 This holo id cup remind kaela of her first time holo id cup when she build the gate for gelora bung yagoo
5:42:42 MASIH MUDAH SUDAH TIDAK SETIA BAGAIMANA NANTI, anak muda zaman sekararang (context pemaloe belok)
6:29:50 Grandma too much adrenaline
6:30:09 Eh GG, what do we do now? Everything is done
== *Going to GBY after the hardwork* ==
6:36:15 Kaela show the gate of GBY, she work on this gate. Very painful one bcs lot of stairs
6:40:30 Playing at the Gelora Bung Yagoo and trying all the mini-game
== *Post-game talk* ==
6:48:06 Kaela's birthday event topic. What she going to do and some cluetamins.
6:58:22 Is there any pemaloe day event after all? We never know
7:08:33 Funny thing when go to doctor. When doctor ask if its painful or not, kaela usually just say no even tho its painful
7:23:20 What merch we gonna have. Daki????, PC Case????, Or even "Sarung galon"??
7:28:45 All kaela's crazy idea coming from her demon
7:47:08 Otsulemao. Trying to tr0ll tagger team but got instant karma.
=== *Full Timestamps are on the reply section* ===
=== *Pre-game Talk* ===
02:21 no L2D bcs her 1st isp tantrum
03:06 Kaela and Moona discussion about their ISP because they have same ISP
04:18 We gonna do our thing, by ourself.. (Kaela telling her and other jobdesc)
04:58 Kaela jobs today: working on beacon
05:50 they ask Kaela to build 4 beacon at each corners
06:34 looking at her materials to build beacon
07:31 ada ya jasa beacon panggilan. aku juga bingung ini pertama kalinya
08:18 Moona chat Kaela buat minjem shulker box
08:55 OK OK OK OK (after tell moona where is the shulker building)
09:13 Jeep is guarding the shop
09:46 about her condition, she not yet ok
11:00 It's okay not to be okay, sometimes, right??
11:32 Ga mungkin mangkrak sih (project nya).. Soalnya kalo mangkrak HoloID cup nya gimana??
12:21 LC: judulny ganti La, Baeacon Installer. K: santai aja g sih, kita kykny g cuma masang beacon
13:05 Kita ga janjian jam tau.. (Kaela n the other builder)
13:16 Kaela simulate their conversation before
14:09 Kaela sempet nanya mulai stream jam brp, cma mereka g bilang beaconny harus jadi jam berapa
15:31 asmr
16:07 Kaela ask her LC if Moona aldy got her shulker box
16:56 yng perlu beacon bukan Moona-senpai tapi Ollie-senpai buat ngeruk tanah
17:31 HAIYAAAAA JUST ONE FUNGUS LAAAH (She try to find mushroom in her storage room)
18:33 Checking her discord
=== *Kaela going to the 'Candi' site* ===
19:16 JASA BEACON DATAAANG~ (Kaela on her way to the site)
19:35 Kaela bingung kenaoa g ad suara rel dari mine cart
19:54 Beacon service is coming to town ~
20:33 HMMMM... HMMMMMMM (Seeing an odd glass block that being placed on the ground)
21:29 Checking if bgm double
22:07 nyari lokasi HoloID Server
22:16 Too many server (Kaela's discord server) laah.. cannot find it
23:08 I'm banana but HoloID not banana
23:27 go to location
23:40 IM COMING BEACON IS COMING ~ (When flying)
24:40 Planning where to place the beacon near the Borobudur
25:48 look at that, the area.... Beacon area is like what??
27:59 ngukur area beacon
29:09 Huh hajimya ? (Join the server)
29:59 I think it's okay to build (the beacon) here..
30:56 bentar ges, mw ngambil kasur.
31:08 HALOOOOO (say hai to ollie)
31:23 IYA IYA BENER BENER (talking with ollie and told ollie she also busy counting)
31:59 Kaela nanya Ollie buat minjem kasur
32:12 Ollie : Semangaaaaaaat~
32:21 Magic bed, suddenly gone (probably lag)
32:39 so, what gonna we do isss...
33:15 Explain why not make beacon in the centre
35:49 Moona ask Kaela to destroy the Borobudur nether portal
39:42 Alasan kaela tidak tanya soal beacon ke senpainya karena kaela sudah dipercaya bikin beacon karena dia sering bikin beacon (All her senpai trust kaela to handle the beacon because kaela often make beacon)
40:03 the problem is, we put the beacon underground. Nanti sinarny g bsa keatas
42:05 Kaela udah nanya ke bawahnya mw seberapa, jadi aku jg g tw
42:43 I think we can still do it because we already get the center.
46:13 LAH LAH LAH LAH GIMANA SIH WHERE IS IT ? (Ollie slain by zombie many times)
46:57 ok, soooooooo.... From what i know
48:19 sebenerny ini 124x124 karena tangganya g muat
49:37 Kaela think if little bit of center area not get cover is okay
50:48 whatwe gonna do is we gonna put the beacon in the red area
52:41 Kaela talking about the wool color not the chunk color (Where she wanna place the bacon)
== *1st Beacon* ==
56:26 ya udah lah ya, langsung aja. Kita bikinny mepet aja dsni
57:20 Ask chat if the beam can pass through water
57:48 Start placing her first beacon around the Candi using gold block
59:33 WOW hajimya ded ???
1:00:33 Ask chat how many layer more
1:00:51 Hajimya ok ? (hajime ded again)
1:01:11 Mohon maaf ya ini, customer nya bilang ga ada airnya ya... This makes extra work... (There is a lot of water below the Candi and her beacon)
1:02:21 Konban dododo ~ (watame join the server)
1:03:11 NAAAAAAAAH... BIG BRAIN MOVE. (She covered the water way using gold block)
1:05:19 Usually we make beacon from the bottom...but (She start from top)
1:06:48 Kaela reset the beacon by destroying some blocks
1:07:58 WHY IS THIS SO BEEG (full beacon)
1:09:59 (Actual time 1h10m23s) WOW (after looking all of the gold, the beacon become long)
1:11:02 LC : Rapihin dulu yg bekas kolam.. K : Okokok
1:11:29 ID SLEEP ONEGAI ~ (Ollie told id member to sleep)
1:11:51 LAAAH (Counting her blocks row, turns out she missed 1 row)
1:13:22 BOOM BOOM BOOM...oh (Wonder why no beam, she thought the beacon already done)
1:13:34 YAY (One beacon done)
1:14:21 CREEPEEEEEEER (One creeper approaching the beacon)
== *2nd Beacon* ==
1:16:15 Start making the second beacon
1:16:42 Kaela complaining about her customer
1:17:48 HAIYAAAAA you know haiya ?
1:18:32 I think this is the first and the last time i accepting a beacon request..
1:19:09 I just gonna said....whats going on my obs (disconnect)
1:19:54 Wait ? is it lagging ? Why the stone feel so soft, 1 punch break (Forgot about haste effect)
1:20:42 Kaela thought the lag is because the beacon is too poewerful
1:21:53 Pesugihannya real ya, buktinya sehari langsung dapat gold
1:23:24 Many gud gud
1:24:25 BOOM (2nd beacon done)
1:25:00 ID ZZZ (told id member to sleep)
1:25:41 LC : Kurang naik 1 block.. K : Gapapalaah... ditutup aja
1:28:29 LAAAAAAH (want to shoot ollie but she cancel it)
1:28:54 Do it? No.. Later she'll forget about the (block) counting
== *3rd Beacon* ==
1:29:52 Start to build the 3rd beacon
1:30:19 OK OK OK OK (after heard ollie voice)
1:31:47 Ollie called Kaela bcs her diamond pickaxe is gone bcs of the zombie that slain ollie
1:32:17 Yaudah lah ambil lah (kaela gave her pickaxe to ollie)
1:32:23 Ollie : Nanti aku balikin. K : AKU ADA SPAARE..
1:33:44 Customer also didnt tell me to bring extra tools..
1:34:37 O: Nanti aku balikin ya. K: GA USAH! AKU UDAH ADA!
1:36:06 Kaela got shot by a skeleton : "Ohh.." (Then continue to work)
1:36:46 The skeleton attack her but she continue build the 3rd beacon
1:37:04 What bow is that?? (The bow that dropped from skeleton got Power II) K : HIH.. (Throw it away)
1:38:40 Kaela never use all her gold, most of gold from knb (reason using gold for beacon)
1:39:08 Ollie : ELAELAELAELAELAAAAAA (Ollie have side quest to make lightning rod)
1:39:47 Ollie fly away again after she said will return the pickaxe, K : Put it on invoice, O : No i dont want to
1:40:20 This one should be finished.. (3rd beacon done)
1:41:15 Kaela planned to change all of the beacon beam color
1:41:56 Ga jadi! Ga jadi gaes ga jadi! She doesn't need me anymore! (Ollie cancelling her request to Kaela about lightning rod)
1:43:20 Kaela asked for cancellation fee. O: Bojomu!
== *4th Beacon* ==
1:44:10 Start to build the 4th beacon
1:47:29 zzzzzzzzzzzzz (sleep time)
1:48:10 I got nothing to do after this... I'm so sad.. Should i stall this??
1:50:16 This is what we called empty thoughts
1:50:48 Asking chat what other tools other than pickaxe that will be affected with 'Haste' effect from the beacon
1:51:45 GUD GUD GUD VERY GUD (4th beacon done)
1:52:13 Kaela chat : SELESAI (FINISH), then what ? end the stream ?
1:52:51 Ask her senpai if there any job again, O : Ollie's route or moona's route ?
1:54:13 What if I just pick Watame senpai route?
=== *SC's reading and looking for a new job to do* ==
1:54:21 Wanna read SC first..
1:56:16 About the plan to build wither skeleton farm
1:58:44 Answer SB question : Tergantung izinnya turun gak
1:59:28 Just leave it there ~ (after chat "i will"). O : Hello will
2:00:17 Wiii wiii wiii wiii (shooting all mobs)
2:01:34 I'm the security of this place rn.. Do you have a problem with that??
2:02:26 LC : Ni ga gabut kan ya?? K : Engga lah, mana ada gabut... I'm.. protecting this place
2:02:49 HUAAA HUAAA HUAAA HUAAA (Spam shoot arrow)
2:03:33 Have idea to grind all zombie and bring it to ollie
2:03:46 Kaela ask other if anything she can help with
2:05:31 Meet with ollie, she give another job
=== *Candi frame job after Beacon* ===
2:07:02 Ollie explain what to do for Kaela next job
2:12:27 Go to wool farm
2:14:44 Last time kaela read blueprint when help yopi with ufo
2:16:19 Went to JP wool farm
2:16:41 Reading Biboo sign
2:17:33 Trying to pronounce cyan
2:17:52 Mbeeeeek mbeeeek mbeeeek
2:20:56 WIIIIIIII (She make ollie shock) and ollie explain again what to do
2:21:58 WOW (setelah ollie bilang "agar bisa memperbudak anak-anak lain" + Creeper)
2:23:36 Now trying to clear mobs but it's too many. K: INAFF! I SAID INAFF!
2:24:41 Put some torch on sand area
2:25:00 LC : Inget anda idol bukan tukang pukul...
2:25:38 Yes, im not iron golem. I am gold golem (Lc said she is cosplaying golem)
2:26:04 Oke.. Mari kita bikin... (Start doing her new job with also seeing the blueprint)
2:28:26 Discussing with Ollie about what they gonna do next.
2:30:01 Start with cleaning the wrong wool placement
2:30:27 NICE (Ollie said now its time for cleaning simulator)
2:33:06 Uwooh now we can play football here.. Let'sgo (The workplace looks so wide after she cleaned the wool)
2:33:52 Tinggal taruh block, 2 HARI JADI LETS GOOOO (kaela said this project can finish in 2 days by just put the block)
2:34:46 Kaela ke Ollie : Ya kan?? 2 hari selesai kan ini?? Ollie : Hehe.. menangis..
2:40:58 If Kaela voice is really far away, she was reading the blueprint (making her face really close to monitor to read blueprint)
2:45:18 Kaela said to ollie she already understand the blueprint
2:46:34 NICE! Disconnect biasa~ (Disconnect and Ollie ask what happened)
2:47:35 Kaela tell why she suddenly got enlightenment how to do the frame. Kaela said that is really looks like when she makes cross-stitch(es)
2:53:57 Even though it's correct, it's bother me so much. HIH! (placing wool)
2:55:53 Kenapa tuh ya ? (Heard ollie panic noise)
2:56:39 EH ADA MOONA EH ADA MOONA (Moona come to borobudur, still using fire resistance)
2:57:47 Moona tries to distract Kaeela on her counting with spamming "What are you doing?" question
2:58:20 Kaela show Moona something that will trigger her OCD
2:59:36 IH SEREM IH KABUR AH, RUN RUN FROM THE MADNESS (Run from area that make her ocd)
3:00:35 O : Kalau salah lagi gimana (What if its wrong again), K: ULANG LAGI AJA, ULANG AJA TERUS (JUST REPEAT IT AGAIN, KEEP REPEAT IT)
3:03:29 Blueprint mengecil ?
3:07:08 Kaela dont know if tomorrow can stream or not, schedule very crazy (dentist appointment, class and midnight mng offkai)
3:10:01 Tanya ke ollie, kalau umur 70 pasang gigi emas itu berkah ? (ask ollie if it blessing wearing golden teeth when you 70 years old)
3:10:43 Ollie become "huh cat meme" when kaela said she already 70 years old
3:15:21 Janganlah engkau menangis ~ (heard ollie cry noise)
3:17:03 THIS IS 2 DAYS PROJECT ! 70 years old grandma trying to build candi borobudur, very strong grandma
3:18:25 Ask the lore of candi borobudur
3:21:09 Kaela sleep alot after play with kanade
3:23:29 Ask if moona have iron + Borrow moona's shear
3:23:52 HAK MILIK, THIS IS MINE NOW (after received moona's shear)
3:24:59 OH YEAH THIS ONE ACTUALLY THE PAYMENT...Wait no i want more. 4 beacon for 1 shear ? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW ?
3:26:39 KEREN JUGA UDAH MAU BERSIH, ALMOST DONE (Clean wrong area)
3:27:31 LC: grandma how are you so fast, K: I AM SUPER GRANDMA !
3:28:50 Kaela feels the wool regenerating by itself
3:29:59 HALOOOO MAU LAGI HALO HALO (ask for more shear)
3:31:08 YAY THANK YOU (moona gave many shears)
3:32:20 Udah offstream semua ? emang iya, serius ?
3:32:54 Owh thats so cool (sc told about minecraft X netflix collaboration)
3:34:39 WAH SEE ? Where is ollie senpai ? (want to told ollie if she done cleaning the wrong part)
3:35:02 BERSIH BERSIH (Told ollie senpai she done cleaning)
3:36:02 Ollie laugh with kaela "receh" jokes (eat air jokes)
3:36:42 YA MAKLUM LAH JOKES 70 TAHUN (and ollie questioning why suddenly kaela become so old)
3:42:49 Ok ges bentar ya ges, BRB ok just BRB
3:45:36 Kaela is back
3:45:58 LC: kamu ninggalin dia (ollie) kangen katanya, K : BIASA LAH
3:48:14 K: ADA CYAN GAK CYAN, O : Nih ambil, K: YAY SELESAI (kaela ask ollie she have more cyan wool)
3:48:58 OOOO PERFECT MAMAMIA (kaela finish cyan wool part)
3:49:21 MANTAB SELESAI LANJUT LAGI (Told ollie she finish the cyan wool part and she want continue)
3:50:34 Kaela went to bother Ollie after knowing she want to end her stream
3:51:46 Try to jinx the wool will be adios by thunderstorm
3:52:35 LEFT THE GAME ~ (Ollie logout)
3:53:31 We back from offline for a moment
3:56:03 Ini sebanyak ini kotak penuh semua ??? All of this chest full ???
3:58:44 Ollie on live chat: aku lupa pamit, deluan yaaa, K: OH GPP AKU TAU, OTSU OTSU. 2 HARI JADI KITA LETS GO
4:00:38 Fall into a hole moment
4:01:40 LC: ada bak4boi gasi disini??, K: JANGAN KASIAN BIAR TIDUR ORANGNYA GUYS (bak4boi is the designer)
4:02:39 UDAH BENER BELOM BANG ? UDAH BENER LAH YA ? (Chat bilang ada bak4boi di stream)
4:03:27 OWH BARU DATENG, WELCOME BANG. JANGAN LUPA TIDUR BANG (bak4boi bilang dia baru aja datang)
4:07:24 Nine...JATOH (fall into the hole when put the blue wool)
4:08:12 When you tried your best but you dont succeed ~
4:09:32 WIH MAMAELA ASKING ME IF I WANT NOODLE OR NOT (and kaela replied : I WANT, looks like mamaela watching the stream)
4:11:53 Bukan perlu minum ini, PERLU MAKAN GES
4:14:15 Kaela don't think that this is a very good environment to build
4:15:38 Kaela had dinner at 4pm (Thats why she feels hungry again)
4:21:35 Eh kebalik ? sabar bang, mohon maap bang
4:22:29 Don't be mad at a 70 years old grandma building a Candi
4:23:12 Lagipula dimana-mana gak ada kuli umur 70 tahun. Never try to hired 70 yeard old grandma to build anything
== *Kaela lemao nom nom moment* ==
4:24:16 IYAAAAAAAK (Her noodle is coming)
4:25:59 Kaela will afk a bit to eat later
4:26:48 The longer that i take the noodle, it will be easier to eat for grandma right ?
4:28:31 Kaela will not stay on her pc but she's not muting (when go eat)
4:30:44 Kaela suggest chat to c00k noodle if hungry
4:30:55 HMMMMMM YUMMY. I dont want to share, if i share to 5k people, what i gonna eat ? Eat the spoon ?
4:31:51 Kaela will share the soup with 5k people bcs usually kaela didnt eat the soup
4:32:57 Kaela didnt eat in front of her pc. Afraid if keyboard or mouse gonna be dirty
4:33:32 Dont eat wind, later you will get ENTER WIND XIXIXI
4:34:09 Pc chan you want some ? aaaaaaa nyum nyum nyum
4:35:31 Kaela eat so fast (even tho the noodle still hot) bcs she said she dont have cat tongue
4:37:13 Piring ketinggalan moment, forget the plate
4:38:15 Evon tho i am grandma, i have ability to run as fast as possible
4:38:58 Golden teeth all good, tomorrow gonna maintenance
4:39:25 THANK YOU MAMAELA FOR THE FOOD, MAK TIDUR MAK JANGAN NONTON STREAM MULU MAK (Usually papaela is the one who ask mamaela to sleep but now papaela not at home, so kaela ask mamaela to sleep)
== *Continuing the build* ==
4:40:18 Now continue building
4:45:10 Showing the blueprint she was looking at all this time
4:47:13 This is (Blueprint) really like cross stitch. Ini blueprint tuh kayak kita lagi nyulam
4:50:53 Told viewers where is the cyan color wool in the blueprint
4:52:53 Kaela show the clearer part of the blueprint, kinda same but the color better
5:01:36 realizes she made a frame asymmetrical this whole time
5:05:43 chec the correct frame example, realizes her mistake
5:06:49 now she's overthinking which one is the correct & wrong one
5:10:42 double checking everything, now she understands
5:15:20 Makanya jangan nguli jam 1 ges
5:15:35 kaela is bacckk after an offline again
5:16:59 about internet problems lately
5:21:22 Where is the bed...NOOOOOOOO
5:22:17 My bad my bed
5:22:43 Pillar dulu pillar dulu. Later we connect after this
5:26:20 NENEK INI NANTI MAU BILANG SAMA CUCU NENEK BANGUN CANDI DI GAME (Grandmaela gonna tell all grandson, she finish build candi...in game)
5:27:28 LEFT THE GAME...ALL BY MYSELF ~ (watame logout)
5:30:24 kata siapa pagi² nenek ke pasar? nenek pagi² main GIM!
5:34:43 kaela impressed with the frame progress "uuwoooo, so cool! stairs go durududu!"
5:36:41 remove the blueprint from stream
5:37:50 This holo id cup remind kaela of her first time holo id cup when she build the gate for gelora bung yagoo
5:41:47 "the orange is not enouuugh~"
5:42:42 MASIH MUDAH SUDAH TIDAK SETIA BAGAIMANA NANTI, anak muda zaman sekararang (context pemaloe belok)
5:46:26 Kaela running out water
5:47:37 Huh salah arah ? Keren sih uweeee uweeee
5:48:54 UWEEEE THATS WHAT WE CALLED GG, GRANDMA GAMING (finish another gate)
5:49:42 Kaela remember something about tyop, one of clipper tyop in twit and clip
5:51:58 OLLIE SENPAI! AKU UDAH BENERIN LOH YG UDAH SELESAI (The part where Ollie already done doing it but is wrong)
5:52:55 Pasti kalian mau dipanggil sayang sama ollie senpai, gak bisa. Cuma kaela
5:53:25 Eh emang ollie senpai sering pangil" viewer sayang ?
5:54:01 Kaela laporan soal bak4boi, Soal baru datang dan disuruh tidur kaela tapi pas disuruh bangun gak bangun
5:56:34 Its okay ollie senpai if go to sleep, pemaloe will take shift to accompany me
5:59:27 WEEEEEE GG (another gate done)
6:04:42 red frame finished & connected, now "orange juice" frame
6:12:54 Runnimg out of orange~
6:13:41 Orange full done and about the blueprint still ot finished yet, ask the designer to finish it as soon as possible
6:28:44 Almost done~
6:29:50 Grandma too much adrenaline
6:30:09 Eh GG, what do we do now? Everything is done
6:31:53 HUH ITS 6 HOURS ??
6:32:06 UWEEEE DET DERET DEDEDE (check what she made from sky and take some screenshot)
=== *Refreshing Time? Why not?* ===
6:34:01 Kaela go to previous holo id cup place aka gelora bung yagoo
6:34:58 Ini bagus nih, proyek mangka tapi bagus buat liat GBY (Looking at GBY from someone unfinished project)
6:36:15 Kaela show the gate of GBY, she work on this gate. Very painful one bcs lot of stairs
6:38:08 Kaela understand about the stairs in mc after finish the gate
6:39:45 Kaela still dont understand how to use voice ingame with the shaders
6:40:30 Playing at the Gelora Bung Yagoo and trying all the mini-game
6:41:58 BRO! 2 years ago I did better (Panjat Pinang)
6:43:49 WUUUUT DEEE WUUUT DEEE YOU CANT CATCH ME (play tarik tambang by herself)
6:45:02 Borobudur is bigger than the GBY
=== *Post-game Talk* ===
6:46:59 Hardcore ? BEEEUUGHH (The start of post talk)
6:48:06 Kaela doesn't know if natsu matsuri event will clash with her birthday again
6:48:26 For Kaela birthday this year, it's gonna be a lot of friends
6:48:56 Kaela aiming for more than 20 guest. Totsumachi? We'll see
6:51:20 Mchan like the idea of this year bday bcs 24 hrs not special anymore and 12 hrs is daily
6:51:51 Cluetamin: The target time of this "things" (event for her birthday(?)), proximately 3 hours
6:54:18 Kaela hope can get more guest
6:55:06 Next week, Kaela will be taking several days off
6:56:07 Kaela still dont know if she can stream today, schedule packed
6:58:22 Is there any pemaloe day event after all? We never know
7:01:20 After all, just hope everything Kaela want to do next week going smoothly
7:05:42 Kaela feels the temp is hot right now
7:06:05 I just really nervous going to the dentist!!
7:08:33 Funny thing when go to doctor. When doctor ask if its painful or not, kaela usually just say no even tho its painful
7:12:48 Actually the dentist have kaela history but still she nervous bcs need talk to doctor
7:15:39 Aku gak suka nyemilin odol sih...
7:17:50 The OffKai gonna be around 2 AM ID time
7:21:15 Kaela think in mng gonna have interesting story
7:21:50 What if internet died during mng? Move house lah (she's joking. She have 2nd ISP)
7:22:36 Check if anyone streaming, she want raid
7:23:20 Daki isnt effective bcs pemaloe didnt sleep
7:24:56 About pc case merch
7:27:18 Merch sarung galon ? EVEN BETTER
== *Kaela's Demon????* ==
7:28:45 All kaela's crazy idea coming from her demon
7:30:49 CONGRATULATION Advent for the 3D Showcase
7:33:39 Sometimes kaela randon twit is coming from her demon
7:34:31 Kaela feeling guilty about her random twit sometimes make people wake up then she have fight with the demon
7:39:03 What actually this skia thingy is my demon (new lore drop?)
7:44:49 Polka really love morning stream huh ? OHAPOL EVERYDAY ? GG AMAZING (Give applause)
7:47:08 Otsulemao
7:48:14 the stream gonna end now. Uaaaarrrrrgggghhh
7:48:57 Now she tr0lling time tagger by not end the stream but she have karma by missclicked the end button
11:32 Daizobudesu
Thanks for the chill stream
thanks for the stream
Thank you Kaela for bring us down memory lane. Was very nice to see the past where one of the first events happened with holoheros. I miss those fun times with everyone. Means alot to us
Otsu! Thank for the fun Minecraft stream, looking forward to the HoloID cup in the future.
Otsu kaelaaa,Thank you for the stream.....Semangat Kaela mangat HoloID
Thanks for the hardwork
Otsuuu kaelaa, terimakasih sudah berjuang selamat bobokk
Thanks 🎉
Banyak yg ketiduran wkwkwk, emang cocok buat nemenin tidur.
Wkwkwk gw udh ngantuk bet nggak ketahan akhirnya nyerah tidur jam 12😔
@@ryuuhyoca7124 wkwk makannya banyak yg ga gua tonton full live/replay nya Kaela, sering ketiduran, cuma beberapa yg nonton full, salah satunya yg collab sama Kanade kemarin wk
Cute intro Kaela
jir kaget tiba2 ganti stream.
otsu guys. the demon is winning.
makasihhh nenek sayang
Thank you for the stream Ela, I already want to see the end result of the Holo ID Cup
Thank you for the stream Ela
otsulemao, thank you for the streamgrandma hhe
Sasuga Ela master builder!
otsudemonela... thanks for the stream
Thank you for the stream Kaela
thank you for the stream, Kaela♡!!
woaaah keren, ga sadar holoID cup
+1 friend, congrats
otsu ela it was fun stream
OtsuLemaooo, thx for stream, i'm gonna wait for HOLO ID Cup
Otsulemao, thanks for the stream!
Thanks For The Stream Kaela
Bye Bye Kaela
Thank You Kaela
Otsu Chat
HoloID Cup 2024
3:10:42 "hah" 😂😂😂
Ah ketiduran, bangun2 udah kelar 🥺
lah sama
Wkwkwk ntar bisa tonton ulang
she said just want help to build beacon. and do a bit helping than she finish it. i want she ollie and moona face when see that
Can some tell me the best level for Diamonds I just got back into mincraft
-54 is still good! have fun playing Minecraft!🏄♀️🫡
@@KaelaKovalskia it's rare to see you reply to a comment
Ampe ketiduran nonton
Thank you for the stream elaaa, weee this 2 days project almost done yay (jk)
But ey thanks for all the hardwork, good luck with all activities today
See you on next stream
caranya restock block yg abis di hotbar kaya di 1:23:46 gini gimana gaes?
Klik tombol scrol di mouse, di klik yah
@@emdas5434 thankss
middle click.
Scroll button nya di teken
thanks for Minecraft steam
pemaloe 1-0 demonela
Thanks keala for good stream kaela shin
The evidence of my typos gone. Thanks for the stream.