Wii-U is one of my favorite purchases of the last few years. The DKC game on it alone sold me and i've been picking up more games here and there so I can have fun with it later on. If they drop the region lock on it, it'll skyrocket in price afterwards.
I really love this series man. Even if I don't watch some of your other vids, I always make sure to watch these if none else at the end of the year. Cheers!
I've really enjoyed the Wii U. And it is definitely my favourite system of the generation. It has felt cool to collect for, too, something really old school and idiosyncratic about the system. It will definitely be a future favourite with collectors and I think that there will be a lot of complete Wii U collections out there, it is now another one of those easy-target, systems to collect complete for, like the Dreamcast was, where it is so under-appreciated that it's value isn't really grasped until a few years have gone by. Nothing but fond memories now for the Wii U.
All of your wiiu video's have been an interesting watch. I have enjoyed hearing all your ramblings on the subject, and hearing some of my own musings on it repeated. Plus all the games you have shown which have intrigued me to aquire them in the future. Anyway your ramblings on the subject have been very fascinating.
I agree! I LOVE my Wii U, so many memories. I think it will be a collector's item 20-30 years from now, so I'm keeping mine. I also think people will look at the original Wii as we do the NES today, but that's a different story.
Failure or not, I own a Wii U and I have no problem with mine. I have Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition and Mario Kart 8 and I have lots of fun online on those games.
yea man, i had a lot of fun with the U. i was skeptical about the switch at first but the more i think about it, i'm pretty psyched. i just hope its got a kick ass battery, and i hope the fact its gonna use carts means the games will by and large be patch-free. it will be such a refreshing contrast to have this home console with super fast load times and no/small updates. the portable nintendo consoles have had brilliant libraries and if those devs continue their work on switch, it'll be a fun time. good bye wii u, you tried some innovation, i salute you for that.
Loved this console, it's too bad it's dead. I'm really disappointed Nintendo decided to bury it instead of trying and repromote it by dropping the gamepad in 2013 or 2014 and putting out a $199 model. It might have revived it. The games really were great, had a ton of great times with it. Zombi U, Smash Wii U and DK Tropical Freeze were the highlights for me as far as exclusives go.
I love my Wii U, as a European I just Got FastRacing Neo on disc today and I liked it very much. I think the 11 games I got for it are perfect as I play all my hardcore games on my PC. Although it wasn't a succes, the games that came out for the console are great and I'm happy I bought mine back in 2014.
Thanks! This is a fav console of current generation for me. So many great exclusives! Actually, this was the last real CONSOLE opposite to post-PC devices such as: PS4 and Xbox One. Sad...
I just can't understand why Nintendo won't drop the price of the Wii U. I know it's not all about graphics and horsepower, but for $299.99, I could buy an Xbox One S. Honestly, what does Nintendo have to loose at this point?
I managed to pick up my Wii U 2 years ago from Argos in the UK for £150 which worked out at around $185. The deals have always been there, but you just have to look for them as they never last long.
I agree. Nintendo should have lowered the price down to $199 with in 2 years of its release. It was to over priced for what it could do. At $199 I probably would have grabbed one. It should be sitting at $149 right now. There are just not enough games for me to justify paying more then that. I only want like 5-6 games on it. I'll just hold off to see if Nintendo doesn't completely screw up the Switch and hope they get that right. Not holding my breath on that though.
I personally love my Wii U. I hacked my console and it has an amazing homebrew following. It's possible that due to it's dead nature, modders can figure out how to remove the region lock through the Kernel/OS. Great things have already been done on the homebrew side, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Can't agree more. High price Complicated architecture not enough third party good first party bombed, commercially. sucked for some, is the greatest thing ever for others.
With the exception of the new Skylanders, I'm happy to say that I'm up to date with my NA Wii U collection (picked up the the SteamWorld Collection and Tumblestone at TRU with a Buy 1/40% off the 2nd deal)... Like you, I've been quite fond of my Wii U play time, even though I play my PS4 more. Anyway, with fees and production requirements lowered, it would be nice if Tecmo finally published Fatal Frame 0... Or maybe someone like Limited Run Games can step in and release some of the more popular Digital titles now?
Hey Adam, great video as always! Did you ever hear/know anything about Call of Duty Black Ops 2 or Ghosts damaging the WiiU's disc drive? I am asking, because when I play'em on my WiiU it reads the disc like crazy and it really doesn't sound good. So I read in forums that people had their regular Wiis crap out on them due to exessive CoD playing, but I can't imagine that a company like Nintendo of all would release a game on their system that would actually harm its drive.
I regret getting rid of my son's Wii U about 2 years ago before they started releasing good first party games but for the life of me, I cannot understand why Nintendo still refuses to give the system a price drop already. I love the switch but I really want another one of these just to play the last few games I missed out on.
Adam, we're still going to get Yooka Laylee on the Wii U with a likely physical release! I don't consider that game an indie title considering the team behind it.
I've never looked at you as reviewing games but a highlight of the console. put the segment back. your the reason I bout a wii u years ago. ... still waiting on that zelda.
I've often wondered about why they won't do this. I think it's because they made the decision to not drop the gamepad, and they don't want to take a loss or burn people who bought it at a higher price. Also they don't want to support it any more, they just want to throw it under the rug.
My thought is lower it to $150 for holidays and get what they can. Otherwise Wiiu systems will be gutted and sold to medical supply specialists like the Jaguar. ha
Bones Jackson That won't happen. It's not going to drop at this point. They have no intention of trying to revive it. They'll just keep the price at $350 until the backlog of consoles is depleted.
With most of the major titles moving to the Switch, absolutely no way to back-up your game saves and the over reliance of an overly expensive controller kind of makes me think this won't be a collectors item as most people think. However if hackers can break open this console much like the Wii, then I think the console will become instantly more desirable.
You should have mentioned shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Darksiders: Warmastered Edition, those are the other two games that will be released for the Wii U in physical form, I'm waiting for the Wii U version of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, actually.
N64 classics- Zelda Ocarina, Mario 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, F Zero X, Diddy Kong Racing, Bomberman 64, 1080 snowboarding, Banjo Kazooie, Starfox 64.... Wii u classics- some zelda HD remakes, Wii U party, Some kid's dance games, Animal Crossing, Wii Sports... There's your problem Nintendo!!
+AdamKoralik The region lock would be a nice parting gift for all the U owners who believed. Sadly, I doubt Nintendo will do it. At best, it will be hacked at some point. As you say in the video, it's over at this point - Even with Zelda on the way, it's coming to Switch too. Frankly, a U release kinda is Nintendo's last reward for it (much like Twilight princess was for Cube). As for other ports..... I'd like to see games such as Mario Galaxy or Star Fox without the gimped controls get a Switch remaster though really, i'm pretty much sick of remasters of relatively recent games at this point (on all formats). I'm all good with remasters of stuff which is two generations removed and earlier but, with some notable exceptions such as GTA V, many do not warrant buying again for relatively small improvements (I'm looking at the Silent Hill collection, the Bioshock remasters and Hitman collection especially). Nintendo have plenty of older games which could do with a remaster (F-Zero GX would be ever so nice) however, I'd like to see them focus more on new stuff. And for the love of god, stop with the ridiculous control gimmicks. Let me play Nintendo and third-party stuff like a normal person and I'm happy out. As for Wii U, expect Wii U priced to clear on the run up to (and especially immediately after) Christmas. This would be the time to strike if you want one. Prices will dip then shoot up in 2-3 years owing to it's low numbers (think Dreamcast and especially it's late-2001 and beyond releases like Rez, Shenmue II and Ikaruga)
The Wii U was a day late and a dollar short. I think so many got burned on the Wii that most were wary of jumping on another Nintendo gimmick. I thought that while the tablet was an interesting idea Nintendo got in a bit too late, by late 2012 Tablets already had a big market and was not some piece of "latest and greatest" technology that Nintendo could capitalize on. As such I thought the Wii U was DOA when it was released and was pretty much right.
I liked that you went over a nice stack of games in these videos previously, it gives me a nice idea of what stuff came out that year and which of them you have something to say about or have some kind of fun experience with. I don't really mind if you're "not good" at presenting the games. But of course, if you don't like doing it in these videos, don't, but my wish is that you would :)
So it's basically the Dreamcast of the 2010s? I enjoyed my Wii U - have about 10 great games for it and 2 mediocre ones. I will hold on to it. If I ever sell it, it won't be soon. I'll buy physical games for it if they are cheap, but I won't buy any virtual console games of the old classics that I've been thinking about getting, I'll wait for the switch if I do that.
I am completely burned out from Nintendo, I think I have committed a sin for myself, but also saved myself from destruction, due to the Fanbases of the other systems. I am not done with Nintendo, I will come back to it someday.
Mad. It was a couple of years back watching your vid that sold me on getting a Wii U. And I wasn't disappointed. It's an amazing machine with amazing games. Shame it didn't sell better but hey, enjoyed the ride.
The WiiU might be the only console I regreted having bought. Not because it's not cool or doesn't have games, because I liked ZombiU a lot, and of course Mario 3D World. But Nintendo kinda doesn't care about Brazil, so it was extra expensive, and the games are still massively expensive here. I could've saved the money I spent on the WiiU to buy a PS4 and that would've been more bang for my buck. Other than that, the console is great, I can see a 'cult following' forming in the future, almost like the Dreamcast today (though DC is better :D).
Yeah I am pretty glad I chose not to get a wii u and went with xbox one. I was really tempted on getting the wii u, I may actually wait for the nintendo switch or save my money for xbox scorpio.
Você é registrado no "My Nintendo"? Quando se compra algo na loja digital da Nintendo, ela costuma dar moedas de ouro em troca que podem ser usadas em descontos para outros jogos. Até mesmo com coisas bobas como: jogar amiibo e vincular as redes sociais ao "My Nintendo" é possível ganhar essas moedas. Não é a melhor das soluções, entretanto foi o jeito que eu segui para facilitar na compra de novos jogos.
I am from Brazil and I have a Wii U. I have a lot of friends that have Playstation and Xbox. We invite each other to play videogames. Do you know what is the best place to play? My house. Nintendo just made the most fun experience. A lot of these games allow more than 4 players! The only good game that the other consoles can do that is Just Dance. I think people miss so much for not buying a Wii U.
I don't really know if it would've been "more bang for (your) buck". It all depends on what kind of games you like. If you like FPS and MMORPG games, then PS4 would've been where to go, but if you like Local Multiplayer (or "Couch Co-Op" as some would say) games, Wii U has that in spades. PS4 doesn't have many good games in the Local Multiplayer department, but Wii U doesn't have much in the FPS department. So, again, it all depends on what games you're into.
it's already a cult following like the dreamcast. I never bought it but now i'm thinking about picking one up because i never buy games on time. i always buy things fashionably late.
It's arguable from what we know right now if the Switch is really even a home console. It's a handheld with a dock. We'll see if/how much extra power the Dock provides. If it's none or very minor then it's essentially a glorified tablet.
R.i.P Wii U. Adam if I never saw your channel I would have not bought one.I have Adam 6 good games for it, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Zelda Twilight Princess HD,Xenoblade Chronicals X the collectors edition of it, Legend of Kay Anniversary with a White case, I wish you luck completing your full set!
It's nice to hear you speak so fondly of the wii u. I wish i could say the same. I bought a wii u in june and I am trying to sell my. Most games I bought just dont have that nintendo magic for me...I'm contemplating on waiting it out for zelda and then sell it or just sell it now..
Inb4 some tool says, "Wah, your room's too echoey. I can't hear anything." Seriously though, glad that someone is doing a video on the Wii U. It may have not been their best console, but I still love it.
I'm curious to see what the post-death of the Wii U will be like. I think it will have a big modding scene, for one reason. The Wii U hardware wise is actually capable of playing GameCube games natively. People have messed around with the OS and copied isos onto it. I wonder if it would be possible to have more official backwards compatibility if someone were to release like a GC disc peripheral for it. I also think coupled with a lot of great games, it will have a brief bottoming out phase for 2-3 years and then climb and skyrocket.
In videos you talk about how uncommon component cables for the GC are, but if people made it more widely easier to do this, I think it would be the new console of choice to play Gamecube on.
I liked watching the stack of games at the end, not cause I wanted your reviews of what the best games are, but what games you enjoyed the most throughout the year. I just find it interesting what you liked and how it compared to what I liked.
I've watched all these videos and it's too bad the Wii U is done. I always liked the mobile aspect of the gamepad for off tv play but the switch will be taking that idea way further. Looking forward to your Switch predictions in the future!
I never bought the Wii U. I might pick one up if I can get one cheap, as in no more than $100. It's not like I have enough time to play the games I already own, but I would like to get one even just for a few games.
Wow, I just got my Wii U this August because I was so hyped for the new Zelda, and could download or play discs of the previous 3D ones I loved. Sad to hear you think it's already done for! Although I am REALLY interested in getting/making a mini drone and finding out if you can control it with the gamepad. That would be amazeballs.
I might have waited for the switch had I known about it beforehand, but then again I never buy consoles when they're brand new since they tend to be overpriced and have too many kinks, so I wait a few years. I'm happy enough with the Wii U and a decent PC.
Adam I know you asked in the ps4 video to leave a comment on how we feel you not including the games, Well if it wasn't for your Wii u 2 years later video I wouldn't Own my Wii U now, Especially if you didn't talk about Bayonetta, It was one of the reasons I got my Wii U was to check out Bayonetta 1&2, It was one of the only exclusives you had that I wanted to check out. You should include your games. doesn't have to be all of them because they wouldn't fit on your desk, I AGREE DROP THE REGION CODING! I'm learning Japanese and there is a TON of games I'd love to play
i picked one up during Sept. this yr and it just happened to be the Wind Waker Bundle for $200! Since i picked up all the worthy exclusives and all the collectors edition games. One day i will start going for a full North American set.
At least half the games I've bought for the Wii U have required updates...so if people are going to collect for it, i would suggest that they open all their games and pop them into the system to get the updates. I don't know of any games that are unplayable without the updates, but it would suck to try to play a game a few years from now and have it crash or not boot or something like that.
I got a Wii U on April of last year and still in the box 1.5 years later. Mario and Zelda is not on my most buy list, the only Nintendo franchise that I love is Donkey Kong Country. Someday I'll open up the box and play DKC Tropical Freeze and a few other games on Wii U, but right now, I have a huge backlog between PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS and not to mention some vintage systems that I need to go through.
4:05 Since you are a "physical guy", are you gonna get Steamworld Heist/FAST Racing NEO as Disc? Of course there's region lock, *but* softmodding allows games to be played without it! Those are very high-quality games!
I respect your reason not to waste time on game reviews, but its not that time consuming to know what you like about the ones you like. What you hate about the most disappointing. What to look out for.
I always enjoy your videos and have to say, I have the same feelings about the Wii U that you do. I LOVE my Wii U. I've had so much fun with it. It has a solid lineup of games, including Super Mario 3D World, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, Splatoon, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, etc. The backwards capability of the system and the Virtual Console expand the library even more. It's a damn shame Nintendo did such a poor job marketing the machine. They should have given it a different name and they should have not forced the gamepad on developers. I'll likely pick up Zelda for the Wii U and then look and see if the Switch is worth picking up. I love Nintendo and their products and hope they have much more success with their next move. The popularity of the 3DS, Pokemon Go, Amiibo and NES Classic Edition is proof to me that Nintendo still has a ton of influence in the gaming industry. They just need to focus more on the games and less on the gimmicks.
Personally, I don't feel burned by it's demise. I only have about 10 games for it but there are lots more out there that interest me. Problem with the WiiU games (as is the case with most nintendo systems) are that the games seem to be holding their value longer thus making obtaining them a bit more out of my range than i would like. Typically newer games for systems like xb1 and PS4 drop in price much quicker. WiiU games aren't doing that (currently) but I am hopeful to get Cpt. Toad and Bayonetta 2 (original ver) and several others for cheap one day.
I know the WiiU had its issues; I personally don't like being forced to use the gamepad, like the wii many times forced you to do motion controls. I like having options especially when spending hundreds of dollars. If the gamepad ever broke gone is the ability to adjust settings and play so many games. Yet, its strange that the switch will probably outsell the wii u at least 8 to 1. The switch is selling wii u recycled, rehashed ports and sequels, indies, very few other 1st party games, and $80 dollar controllers that are unreliable. I play video games to enjoy; the Wii U with its virtual console and though few still excellent games was a lot of fun.
AdamKoralik oh that sucks. any idea if you could just buy the console and not the gamepad? that way maybe save some space. I m hoping a modchip may solve this maybe on the future...
I'm going to be honest, Nintendo could've easily dropped region locking. Mainly because hackers figured out that only one hexadecimal integer could've been changed to allow one Wii U to play all regions. It's like astounding that it was that easy and that Nintendo didn't even attempt to do that later. Although... like I said though hackers did eventually break the region encoding which you can read more about here. gbatemp.net/threads/regionhax-how-to-get-regionfree-on-wiiu.448468/ Still... I really hope the Switch is Region Free, although the rumors have been saying that since it's reveal. So... who really knows at this point.
Not sure I understand your question, and I mean no disrespect. I don't have anything to lose. I was just stating that my Wii U still gets played a lot.
Wii-U is one of my favorite purchases of the last few years. The DKC game on it alone sold me and i've been picking up more games here and there so I can have fun with it later on. If they drop the region lock on it, it'll skyrocket in price afterwards.
I really love this series man. Even if I don't watch some of your other vids, I always make sure to watch these if none else at the end of the year. Cheers!
I've really enjoyed the Wii U. And it is definitely my favourite system of the generation. It has felt cool to collect for, too, something really old school and idiosyncratic about the system. It will definitely be a future favourite with collectors and I think that there will be a lot of complete Wii U collections out there, it is now another one of those easy-target, systems to collect complete for, like the Dreamcast was, where it is so under-appreciated that it's value isn't really grasped until a few years have gone by. Nothing but fond memories now for the Wii U.
Just rewatched your previous two Wii U predictions videos and damn you were on the money each time. Excellent videos.
These videos are great as a podcast so I download a mp3 file of this video and I listen to it where ever I am.
All of your wiiu video's have been an interesting watch. I have enjoyed hearing all your ramblings on the subject, and hearing some of my own musings on it repeated. Plus all the games you have shown which have intrigued me to aquire them in the future. Anyway your ramblings on the subject have been very fascinating.
I really enjoyed the Wii U and I'm sure it will become more respected during the time of the Nintendo Switch
I agree! I LOVE my Wii U, so many memories. I think it will be a collector's item 20-30 years from now, so I'm keeping mine. I also think people will look at the original Wii as we do the NES today, but that's a different story.
This is the kind of video i'm eager to watch every year since 2013, LOVE YOU ADAM !
Totally agree. I usually bypass all of the videos out of this series.
Pab Jul me too
Thanks for watching!
AdamKoralik you're welcome
You really have an underrated channel. You consistently upload good videos.
Yeah, I have a Wii U and it's fun and all but at this point everyone is waiting for the Switch
Ramza Beoulve I guess so.
Ramza Beoulve same i will never forget my fun with smash windwaker hd mario kart 8 xenoblade and others
Honestly at this point I use my Wii U for mainly Wii games and virtual console
Wii U may have been the last non-hybrid, home-console Nintendo ever makes. Kinda sad.
Failure or not, I own a Wii U and I have no problem with mine. I have Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition and Mario Kart 8 and I have lots of fun online on those games.
Wii U, Wii salute U.
For those about to play?
yea man, i had a lot of fun with the U. i was skeptical about the switch at first but the more i think about it, i'm pretty psyched. i just hope its got a kick ass battery, and i hope the fact its gonna use carts means the games will by and large be patch-free. it will be such a refreshing contrast to have this home console with super fast load times and no/small updates. the portable nintendo consoles have had brilliant libraries and if those devs continue their work on switch, it'll be a fun time.
good bye wii u, you tried some innovation, i salute you for that.
Loved this console, it's too bad it's dead. I'm really disappointed Nintendo decided to bury it instead of trying and repromote it by dropping the gamepad in 2013 or 2014 and putting out a $199 model. It might have revived it. The games really were great, had a ton of great times with it. Zombi U, Smash Wii U and DK Tropical Freeze were the highlights for me as far as exclusives go.
I love my Wii U, as a European I just Got FastRacing Neo on disc today and I liked it very much. I think the 11 games I got for it are perfect as I play all my hardcore games on my PC. Although it wasn't a succes, the games that came out for the console are great and I'm happy I bought mine back in 2014.
I love my Wii U. Splatoon and Mario Maker made it worth wild and have definitely made it worth the cost of buying it.
Thanks! This is a fav console of current generation for me. So many great exclusives! Actually, this was the last real CONSOLE opposite to post-PC devices such as: PS4 and Xbox One. Sad...
the cool thing is that not many channels focus on the console, history, etc. even if they did, this show seems to do it best.
Well, not to insult Adam or anything, but what about Gaming Historian?
Norm is a buddy, suggesting him is not at all insulting.
AdamKoralik Yeah, Norman is pretty cool. Also, answering at 3:27 AM?
Junedude433 Isn't the time different in Canada?
I just can't understand why Nintendo won't drop the price of the Wii U. I know it's not all about graphics and horsepower, but for $299.99, I could buy an Xbox One S. Honestly, what does Nintendo have to loose at this point?
I managed to pick up my Wii U 2 years ago from Argos in the UK for £150 which worked out at around $185. The deals have always been there, but you just have to look for them as they never last long.
Although, I should add that Nintendo themselves should lower the price at this point.
Richard Troupe I'll bet that they will as the launch of the Switch comes closer, or after it launches.
I agree. Nintendo should have lowered the price down to $199 with in 2 years of its release. It was to over priced for what it could do. At $199 I probably would have grabbed one. It should be sitting at $149 right now.
There are just not enough games for me to justify paying more then that. I only want like 5-6 games on it. I'll just hold off to see if Nintendo doesn't completely screw up the Switch and hope they get that right. Not holding my breath on that though.
I think we're looking at a 3do situation here.
Damn, it's sad to see it go out. Amazing that they supported it this long with their first party games. Sony did not do the same with the Vita.
I personally love my Wii U. I hacked my console and it has an amazing homebrew following.
It's possible that due to it's dead nature, modders can figure out how to remove the region lock through the Kernel/OS. Great things have already been done on the homebrew side, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Damn you Adam. Everytime I watch one of your videos I end up buying an underdog console. You're so damned passionate about them.
Wiiu the Nintendo Saturn
Switch is nintendo's dreamcast
Tchitchouan Inouane True Story
Can't agree more.
High price
Complicated architecture
not enough third party
good first party
bombed, commercially.
sucked for some, is the greatest thing ever for others.
Very true.
With the exception of the new Skylanders, I'm happy to say that I'm up to date with my NA Wii U collection (picked up the the SteamWorld Collection and Tumblestone at TRU with a Buy 1/40% off the 2nd deal)... Like you, I've been quite fond of my Wii U play time, even though I play my PS4 more.
Anyway, with fees and production requirements lowered, it would be nice if Tecmo finally published Fatal Frame 0... Or maybe someone like Limited Run Games can step in and release some of the more popular Digital titles now?
Hey Adam, great video as always! Did you ever hear/know anything about Call of Duty Black Ops 2 or Ghosts damaging the WiiU's disc drive? I am asking, because when I play'em on my WiiU it reads the disc like crazy and it really doesn't sound good. So I read in forums that people had their regular Wiis crap out on them due to exessive CoD playing, but I can't imagine that a company like Nintendo of all would release a game on their system that would actually harm its drive.
Adam can you show us a pic of your Wii U collection?
he has said in previous videos he doesn't want to show off his collections
I regret getting rid of my son's Wii U about 2 years ago before they started releasing good first party games but for the life of me, I cannot understand why Nintendo still refuses to give the system a price drop already. I love the switch but I really want another one of these just to play the last few games I missed out on.
Adam, we're still going to get Yooka Laylee on the Wii U with a likely physical release! I don't consider that game an indie title considering the team behind it.
I've never looked at you as reviewing games but a highlight of the console. put the segment back. your the reason I bout a wii u years ago. ... still waiting on that zelda.
lower the fucking price already Nintendo. good grief the thing is dead and still $300. I'd like to pick one up but waiting for price drop.
If they only have a few left unsold and aren't making anymore, why would they lower the price?
I've often wondered about why they won't do this. I think it's because they made the decision to not drop the gamepad, and they don't want to take a loss or burn people who bought it at a higher price. Also they don't want to support it any more, they just want to throw it under the rug.
My thought is lower it to $150 for holidays and get what they can. Otherwise Wiiu systems will be gutted and sold to medical supply specialists like the Jaguar. ha
Bones Jackson That won't happen. It's not going to drop at this point. They have no intention of trying to revive it. They'll just keep the price at $350 until the backlog of consoles is depleted.
Can't revive it. Ha. Been dead for years. I'll pick one up eventually. Be funny if the switch is cheaper.
Oh man I remember when you made the one year video of the Wii U. Time flies!
With most of the major titles moving to the Switch, absolutely no way to back-up your game saves and the over reliance of an overly expensive controller kind of makes me think this won't be a collectors item as most people think. However if hackers can break open this console much like the Wii, then I think the console will become instantly more desirable.
You should have mentioned shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Darksiders: Warmastered Edition, those are the other two games that will be released for the Wii U in physical form, I'm waiting for the Wii U version of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, actually.
man i hope the wii u games price dont spike after its discontinued
R.I.P Wii u. honestly, about 6 people will miss you.
I'm one of those 6...
Number 2 of 6 checking in!
Harry Fearns #3 here
ROBinJVILLE it was too early 4 the Wii U to die...
number 5
4 year's already? Time is just flying by. Awesome vid as usual dude and im looking foward to the xbox prediction's :)
N64 classics- Zelda Ocarina, Mario 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, F Zero X, Diddy Kong Racing, Bomberman 64, 1080 snowboarding, Banjo Kazooie, Starfox 64....
Wii u classics- some zelda HD remakes, Wii U party, Some kid's dance games, Animal Crossing, Wii Sports...
There's your problem Nintendo!!
The region lock would be a nice parting gift for all the U owners who believed. Sadly, I doubt Nintendo will do it. At best, it will be hacked at some point. As you say in the video, it's over at this point - Even with Zelda on the way, it's coming to Switch too. Frankly, a U release kinda is Nintendo's last reward for it (much like Twilight princess was for Cube).
As for other ports..... I'd like to see games such as Mario Galaxy or Star Fox without the gimped controls get a Switch remaster though really, i'm pretty much sick of remasters of relatively recent games at this point (on all formats). I'm all good with remasters of stuff which is two generations removed and earlier but, with some notable exceptions such as GTA V, many do not warrant buying again for relatively small improvements (I'm looking at the Silent Hill collection, the Bioshock remasters and Hitman collection especially).
Nintendo have plenty of older games which could do with a remaster (F-Zero GX would be ever so nice) however, I'd like to see them focus more on new stuff. And for the love of god, stop with the ridiculous control gimmicks. Let me play Nintendo and third-party stuff like a normal person and I'm happy out.
As for Wii U, expect Wii U priced to clear on the run up to (and especially immediately after) Christmas. This would be the time to strike if you want one. Prices will dip then shoot up in 2-3 years owing to it's low numbers (think Dreamcast and especially it's late-2001 and beyond releases like Rez, Shenmue II and Ikaruga)
The Wii U was a day late and a dollar short. I think so many got burned on the Wii that most were wary of jumping on another Nintendo gimmick. I thought that while the tablet was an interesting idea Nintendo got in a bit too late, by late 2012 Tablets already had a big market and was not some piece of "latest and greatest" technology that Nintendo could capitalize on. As such I thought the Wii U was DOA when it was released and was pretty much right.
For those who DON'T have a Wii U, I HIGHLY suggest grabbing one NOW. It will become rare and collectible after SWITCH crashes in a fiery death cloud.
this comment did not age well
Fast Racing Neo is the best AG racing game I've played since wipeout on the ps3
I'm sad that the Wii U didn't sell well.
I liked that you went over a nice stack of games in these videos previously, it gives me a nice idea of what stuff came out that year and which of them you have something to say about or have some kind of fun experience with. I don't really mind if you're "not good" at presenting the games. But of course, if you don't like doing it in these videos, don't, but my wish is that you would :)
I bought a Wii U in 2018 when I already had the Switch. And now that I'm collecting games for it I realize how awesome it is.
Great video for a great console
So it's basically the Dreamcast of the 2010s?
I enjoyed my Wii U - have about 10 great games for it and 2 mediocre ones. I will hold on to it. If I ever sell it, it won't be soon. I'll buy physical games for it if they are cheap, but I won't buy any virtual console games of the old classics that I've been thinking about getting, I'll wait for the switch if I do that.
I am completely burned out from Nintendo, I think I have committed a sin for myself, but also saved myself from destruction, due to the Fanbases of the other systems.
I am not done with Nintendo, I will come back to it someday.
Mad. It was a couple of years back watching your vid that sold me on getting a Wii U. And I wasn't disappointed. It's an amazing machine with amazing games. Shame it didn't sell better but hey, enjoyed the ride.
The WiiU might be the only console I regreted having bought. Not because it's not cool or doesn't have games, because I liked ZombiU a lot, and of course Mario 3D World. But Nintendo kinda doesn't care about Brazil, so it was extra expensive, and the games are still massively expensive here. I could've saved the money I spent on the WiiU to buy a PS4 and that would've been more bang for my buck. Other than that, the console is great, I can see a 'cult following' forming in the future, almost like the Dreamcast today (though DC is better :D).
Yeah I am pretty glad I chose not to get a wii u and went with xbox one. I was really tempted on getting the wii u, I may actually wait for the nintendo switch or save my money for xbox scorpio.
Você é registrado no "My Nintendo"? Quando se compra algo na loja digital da Nintendo, ela costuma dar moedas de ouro em troca que podem ser usadas em descontos para outros jogos. Até mesmo com coisas bobas como: jogar amiibo e vincular as redes sociais ao "My Nintendo" é possível ganhar essas moedas. Não é a melhor das soluções, entretanto foi o jeito que eu segui para facilitar na compra de novos jogos.
I am from Brazil and I have a Wii U. I have a lot of friends that have Playstation and Xbox. We invite each other to play videogames. Do you know what is the best place to play? My house. Nintendo just made the most fun experience. A lot of these games allow more than 4 players! The only good game that the other consoles can do that is Just Dance. I think people miss so much for not buying a Wii U.
I don't really know if it would've been "more bang for (your) buck". It all depends on what kind of games you like. If you like FPS and MMORPG games, then PS4 would've been where to go, but if you like Local Multiplayer (or "Couch Co-Op" as some would say) games, Wii U has that in spades.
PS4 doesn't have many good games in the Local Multiplayer department, but Wii U doesn't have much in the FPS department. So, again, it all depends on what games you're into.
it's already a cult following like the dreamcast. I never bought it but now i'm thinking about picking one up because i never buy games on time. i always buy things fashionably late.
Oh good. I strangely enjoy these.
If the Switch tanks like the Wii U did, it will probably be Nintendo last console.
samstar2 the switch might be the last dedicated game console period
It's arguable from what we know right now if the Switch is really even a home console. It's a handheld with a dock. We'll see if/how much extra power the Dock provides. If it's none or very minor then it's essentially a glorified tablet.
yeah if it fails, investors will flip their shit and turn the company upside down if they still fail to listen to them.
***** well 250 for a tablet is pretty dam good look at the ipad line
1301407gl well the switch won't have near the features most likely. Probably very little apps other than basic netflix, hulu, ect.
Wii U lasted 4 years, that’s both impressive and sad
R.i.P Wii U. Adam if I never saw your channel I would have not bought one.I have Adam 6 good games for it, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Zelda Twilight Princess HD,Xenoblade Chronicals X the collectors edition of it, Legend of Kay Anniversary with a White case, I wish you luck completing your full set!
It's nice to hear you speak so fondly of the wii u. I wish i could say the same. I bought a wii u in june and I am trying to sell my. Most games I bought just dont have that nintendo magic for me...I'm contemplating on waiting it out for zelda and then sell it or just sell it now..
I watched tons of your videos about the wii u in the past and that's why I own one today and boy, what a fantastic video game
cool video tech talk about the wii u adam did it work good and do you still have it
Good video Adam. I just picked up mine last week.
@Adam: Will Nintendo continue it's Virtual console for the Wii U with the Switch?
And what about hte future of the virtual console in general..?
Inb4 some tool says, "Wah, your room's too echoey. I can't hear anything."
Seriously though, glad that someone is doing a video on the Wii U. It may have not been their best console, but I still love it.
I'm curious to see what the post-death of the Wii U will be like. I think it will have a big modding scene, for one reason. The Wii U hardware wise is actually capable of playing GameCube games natively. People have messed around with the OS and copied isos onto it.
I wonder if it would be possible to have more official backwards compatibility if someone were to release like a GC disc peripheral for it.
I also think coupled with a lot of great games, it will have a brief bottoming out phase for 2-3 years and then climb and skyrocket.
In videos you talk about how uncommon component cables for the GC are, but if people made it more widely easier to do this, I think it would be the new console of choice to play Gamecube on.
I usually judge a console's deadness is if I have to go into the EB Games more category on their site.
i want one, but wtf why is it still 300???
I liked watching the stack of games at the end, not cause I wanted your reviews of what the best games are, but what games you enjoyed the most throughout the year. I just find it interesting what you liked and how it compared to what I liked.
When would be a good time to buy one real cheap? After the switch or before?
I've watched all these videos and it's too bad the Wii U is done. I always liked the mobile aspect of the gamepad for off tv play but the switch will be taking that idea way further. Looking forward to your Switch predictions in the future!
I never bought the Wii U. I might pick one up if I can get one cheap, as in no more than $100. It's not like I have enough time to play the games I already own, but I would like to get one even just for a few games.
Fast Racing Neo is sick! Got that and Steamworld Collection physical releases. Both are great.
Wow, I just got my Wii U this August because I was so hyped for the new Zelda, and could download or play discs of the previous 3D ones I loved. Sad to hear you think it's already done for! Although I am REALLY interested in getting/making a mini drone and finding out if you can control it with the gamepad. That would be amazeballs.
The new zelda is also coming out for the switch though, no reason to play it on the wii u really unless you just don't want to spend money on a switch
I might have waited for the switch had I known about it beforehand, but then again I never buy consoles when they're brand new since they tend to be overpriced and have too many kinks, so I wait a few years. I'm happy enough with the Wii U and a decent PC.
Adam I know you asked in the ps4 video to leave a comment on how we feel you not including the games,
Well if it wasn't for your Wii u 2 years later video I wouldn't Own my Wii U now, Especially if you didn't talk about Bayonetta, It was one of the reasons I got my Wii U was to check out Bayonetta 1&2, It was one of the only exclusives you had that I wanted to check out.
You should include your games. doesn't have to be all of them because they wouldn't fit on your desk, I AGREE DROP THE REGION CODING! I'm learning Japanese and there is a TON of games I'd love to play
i picked one up during Sept. this yr and it just happened to be the Wind Waker Bundle for $200! Since i picked up all the worthy exclusives and all the collectors edition games. One day i will start going for a full North American set.
Adam next year show the stack of games next year for all the consoles. Please?!?!
At least half the games I've bought for the Wii U have required updates...so if people are going to collect for it, i would suggest that they open all their games and pop them into the system to get the updates. I don't know of any games that are unplayable without the updates, but it would suck to try to play a game a few years from now and have it crash or not boot or something like that.
Adam as a fellow Dreamcast fanboy to another. Do you think the Wii U will ever have a cult following in the future like us Dreamcast lovers ?
The game review is missed. Don't need to give full review but is nice knowing what you liked on the system.
Good video. And thanks Adam. Because of you my ps2 and snes look great on my bad ass hd 60 inch smart tv.
Awesome video Adam! I thought the Virtual Boy was Nintendos least successful console?
+mtshark7 Virtual Boy isn't a console.
There's still on game scheduled for a 2018 Wii U release. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
I got a Wii U on April of last year and still in the box 1.5 years later. Mario and Zelda is not on my most buy list, the only Nintendo franchise that I love is Donkey Kong Country. Someday I'll open up the box and play DKC Tropical Freeze and a few other games on Wii U, but right now, I have a huge backlog between PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS and not to mention some vintage systems that I need to go through.
is the wiiu fullbackwords compatible with all Wii games
+Michael Bentley Yes.
Happy birthday wii u! So glad i got one
please make a video for each Wii U game in your collection.
I don't even plan to ever get a PS4 unless another Sly Cooper game comes out, and I have no use for an Xbox One. I love my Wii U though, it's amazing.
4:05 Since you are a "physical guy", are you gonna get Steamworld Heist/FAST Racing NEO as Disc?
Of course there's region lock, *but* softmodding allows games to be played without it!
Those are very high-quality games!
Steamworld got released here. Fast Racing Neo didn't, but I'm hoping it does. Other wise, yeah, I'll import it.
Oh, really? I didn't know you got it as physical release as well!
Well I keep my fingers crossed for you! :D
I respect your reason not to waste time on game reviews, but its not that time consuming to know what you like about the ones you like. What you hate about the most disappointing. What to look out for.
8:52 That's a jacked up salute, buddy
I always enjoy your videos and have to say, I have the same feelings about the Wii U that you do. I LOVE my Wii U. I've had so much fun with it. It has a solid lineup of games, including Super Mario 3D World, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, Splatoon, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, etc. The backwards capability of the system and the Virtual Console expand the library even more. It's a damn shame Nintendo did such a poor job marketing the machine. They should have given it a different name and they should have not forced the gamepad on developers. I'll likely pick up Zelda for the Wii U and then look and see if the Switch is worth picking up. I love Nintendo and their products and hope they have much more success with their next move. The popularity of the 3DS, Pokemon Go, Amiibo and NES Classic Edition is proof to me that Nintendo still has a ton of influence in the gaming industry. They just need to focus more on the games and less on the gimmicks.
Personally, I don't feel burned by it's demise. I only have about 10 games for it but there are lots more out there that interest me. Problem with the WiiU games (as is the case with most nintendo systems) are that the games seem to be holding their value longer thus making obtaining them a bit more out of my range than i would like. Typically newer games for systems like xb1 and PS4 drop in price much quicker. WiiU games aren't doing that (currently) but I am hopeful to get Cpt. Toad and Bayonetta 2 (original ver) and several others for cheap one day.
Those games likely won't drop in price much. Big nintendo titles never do. May as well buy them now.
***** Before the Nintendo Select version came out it actually went up in price. It was going for $80 on ebay.
Hello Adam, I recently tweeted Sega about a 20yr Anniversary Dreamcast with 250/500gb hddpossibility. What is your take on this idea ?
Fast Racing Neo is great. Had no idea it got a physical release elsewhere until now.
Happy birthday to Wii U!
I know the WiiU had its issues; I personally don't like being forced to use the gamepad, like the wii many times forced you to do motion controls. I like having options especially when spending hundreds of dollars. If the gamepad ever broke gone is the ability to adjust settings and play so many games. Yet, its strange that the switch will probably outsell the wii u at least 8 to 1. The switch is selling wii u recycled, rehashed ports and sequels, indies, very few other 1st party games, and $80 dollar controllers that are unreliable. I play video games to enjoy; the Wii U with its virtual console and though few still excellent games was a lot of fun.
I kinda like when u show the games that came out in the year kinda fit
Adam, love your videos. Please can I buy you a decent mic?
Ha, you want to buy me lav mics?
You deserve to be heard!
I really hope you bring back parts where you talk about various games, Still a great video though but I'm sure I speak for most of us.
btw... how do you play your wii u imports?
Currently, I can't. They're just coasters. I may eventually import some cheap Wii Us.
AdamKoralik oh that sucks. any idea if you could just buy the console and not the gamepad? that way maybe save some space. I m hoping a modchip may solve this maybe on the future...
ebay's your friend...
The Wii U certainly was a bumpy (and exciting) ride wich is now coming to an end.
I'm going to be honest, Nintendo could've easily dropped region locking. Mainly because hackers figured out that only one hexadecimal integer could've been changed to allow one Wii U to play all regions. It's like astounding that it was that easy and that Nintendo didn't even attempt to do that later.
Although... like I said though hackers did eventually break the region encoding which you can read more about here.
Still... I really hope the Switch is Region Free, although the rumors have been saying that since it's reveal. So... who really knows at this point.
nintendo can not afford beign region free... they have full control over their products...
I still love my Wii U.... errr... well... my Mario Maker/Vitual Console box.
Damian Wezzterman What you have to loose?
Not sure I understand your question, and I mean no disrespect. I don't have anything to lose. I was just stating that my Wii U still gets played a lot.
Damian Wezzterman oh okay , sorry to bother you.
Happy Birthday Wii U!🎂🎂🎉🎁🎉🎁