#94 Sensual Trilogy Part 1: Birth - Uma Armengol, Psychotherapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
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    🔥 Welcome To Sensual Trilogy Part 1: Birth
    In this episode you´ll explore the womb's role in sensuality, intuition, and healing. Through the insights of Uma Armengol, a distinguished expert in the realm of womb sensitivity and sensuality, we delve into the transformative power of connecting with our womb space to share with you practical advice on harnessing this connection to enhance your life in various ways.
    🔥 How To Connect With Your Intuition Through The Womb
    The womb, described by Uma as a dark container holding our life's history, DNA, traumas, and triumphs, is the epicenter of our intuition. To tap into this profound source, begin by visualizing your connection to your womb. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart, breathe deeply, and invite curiosity. This simple exercise can pave the way to accessing the wealth of information stored within your womb, enhancing your intuitive abilities.
    🔥 How To Address And Heal Trauma Stored From Birth In The Womb
    The conversation reveals a fascinating aspect of our connection to the womb - it carries not only our personal trauma but also the collective and transgenerational trauma. This understanding empowers us to approach our healing journey with the knowledge that we can reconstruct and reconnect with love, moving beyond the traumas that have been passed down through generations. Healing the womb allows us to break free from repetitive patterns and embrace a future of our own making.
    🔥 How To Reclaim Your Feminine Energy Through The Womb
    For those looking to deepen their connection to their feminine side, Uma advises focusing on womb-centered practices like the meditation and visualization included by the end of the episode. The key is consistency and openness to the insights and sensations that arise. By doing so, you can unlock your feminine energy and embrace a more balanced and harmonious life.
    🔥 Ready To Restore Intuition?
    Tune into it from your womb by exploring receptive states connected to birth here in episode #94: Birth, the first of the Sensual Trilogy with, Msc Relational Transactional Analysis Counseling and Psychotherapy Studies and SE™ Practitioner, Uma Armengol.
    🔥 About Uma Armengol
    Maria Uma Armengol, Msc Relational Transactional Analysis Counseling and Psychotherapy Studies, accredited SEP. She practices Somatic Experiencing as an embodied and integrative approach for therapy and healing. As a grounded and embodied therapist, she trusts her natural energy and wisdom of her body to guide the therapeutic process. She integrates and teaches SE towards the embodiment of the body, mind and heart towards trauma resolution as a fundamental right of the human spiritual evolution process.
    She works with adults and specializes in pre-natal, developmental, attachment, relational, sexuality and nervous system dysregulation due to chronic stress & trauma, chronic PTSD, Addiction, Sexual trauma, and supports creative and spiritual inner liberation and movement forward. She specialises in collective and personal trauma due to cultural, racial, political, sexual orientation, and gender difference and all this is considered as part of the therapeutic healing process.
    She offers personal sessions, case consultations, and group case consultations. She integrates her knowledge and experience and her skills as body worker-masseur. Her clinical background includes object relations, attachment theory, Jungian, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Existential, Neo-Reichian and relational psychoanalysis. She also teaches the principles of "Consent" as a guideline for reconstruction of healthy boundaries. Her grounded embodiment and meditative daily practice support her work.
    Maria Uma is also a graduate from Osho Risk therapist body training in Denmark, former student from Turiya Hanover and Rafia Morgan in the Path of Love school for Inner Liberation, former student of Svagito Liebermeisterin in the Roths of Love and Family constellation and Meera Hashimoto, Meditation & Art Therapy, Nishant Mathews & The Friend. She is also a skilled energy transpersonal masseur therapist. Her practice is based in Oslo and also practices in Helsinki, London & Span where she offers deep transformational residential retreats. She offers Skype consultation practice, as she travels offering international workshops in Europe.
    Her personal and professional research involves living in 9 different countries studying social conditioning & adaptation and a four-year study project in sexual deconditioning and Spiritual Healing.
    Learn more at: / maria-uma-armengol-571...
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