My SIL Kept Dropping Her Kids on Me to Babysit Despite My Busy Work Schedule, So I Told My Brother..

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 184

  • @m96216
    @m96216 8 месяцев назад +399

    My heart was in my throat waiting to hear if Mike got full custody 😂 thank god he did !
    I’m pretty sure Emma was also cheating!

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 8 месяцев назад +25

      I felt the same way, checking the progress bar and hoping there was enough time left in the video for that last update....

    • @DarkEinherjar
      @DarkEinherjar 8 месяцев назад +20

      Although I don't discard that possibility entirely, the story suggests that Emma and her family care too much about their reputation for her to take that risk. I doubt Emma would risk losing mommy's and daddy's safety net over some random guy's sausage.

    • @plsguidemethroughtheabyssmona
      @plsguidemethroughtheabyssmona 8 месяцев назад +6

      I want to know what evidence brother presented for sil to be unfit for half of the custody

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 8 месяцев назад

      @@plsguidemethroughtheabyssmona all he would need is to supeona the testimony of her cousin stating that his wife constantly neglected their children, of OP to do the same, and social media will further be found useful as to collaborate that she partied during the day. (This part is conjecture, but he could also be instructed on the right questions to ask for her neglect to be recorded through conversations)
      Though you can throw money at a court, with a good lawyer, you can override that by reminding the judge that children are more than novelty items.

    • @CherryGryffon
      @CherryGryffon 8 месяцев назад

      Did you watch the video? There were multiple screenshots and multiple witnesses that blatantly display their disregard for the actual children. @@plsguidemethroughtheabyssmona

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar 8 месяцев назад +960

    Somehow, OP's and Mike's parents are even worse than Emma and her parents.
    Anyone who throws their own kids under the bus just to save some friendship is vile scum.

    • @jgrAnimations23
      @jgrAnimations23 8 месяцев назад +58

      Bootlicking to their rich friends so they can experience the finer things in life

    • @CosmicAeon
      @CosmicAeon 8 месяцев назад +40

      it's crazy how god-awful the parents often are in these stories. Often they throw their own kids under the bus just to have a better chance of seeing the grandkids when the wife is cheating on their son etc. Just absolute scum of the earth parents. I dont know how you can spend 20 years raising your kids and then just throw them under the bus for trivial reasons, or to trade them in for younger grandkids etc.

    • @wtichery
      @wtichery 8 месяцев назад

      Both Mike and his wife are arseholes, but mike is the ultimate douche, he seems like he isn't giving his wife any help watching his own children, so she feels like she needs to find a sitter in the family so she only used family members, per his request. It's very clear if they hired a babysitter, they might actually have been functional. They were probably raised that way, a lot of their family probably was, because they say everyone is working besides the third cousin on the SIL's side, I hope they have to get split custody because neither of them are better than another, they're just shitty rich people, no one here is better than another.

    • @vanzy01
      @vanzy01 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @sparrowflyaway
    @sparrowflyaway 8 месяцев назад +110

    Blaming OP for ratting the ex-wife out is stupid. It would've come out sooner or later, there'd have been a bill for a restaurant when Emma was out with the friends, or OP would've had a medical emergency with the twins and had to contact Mike when Emma wouldn't pick up, or Op would've gotten fired and had to find a new job because they spent all their work days watching the twins instead. There's no way this would've remained a secret forever.

  • @christopherbull7856
    @christopherbull7856 8 месяцев назад +119

    At least Mike discovered her true colours early and got out of the toxic relationship with the kids who will be raised the right way

  • @ogieoglethorpe3788
    @ogieoglethorpe3788 8 месяцев назад +25

    why would you let your parents back in? emmas parents were more important to them so now they can kick rocks

  • @rhiarebecca2000
    @rhiarebecca2000 8 месяцев назад +16

    Don’t get why someone has children and just expects others to basically be the parent to their children whilst they act like they’ve got no children or responsibilities😅
    Guarantee she was off cheating with someone and the excuses she came up with are to cover that up, ain’t no way she’d need to be with her friends every single day for hours on end just because of a wedding, there’s other friends available to help the person getting married and I’m sure the friends would be fine with her kids being there.. so yeah defo out cheating

    • @frogbrain944
      @frogbrain944 8 месяцев назад +3

      I also sus that she was cheating, but even if she wasn't, she spent time with her friends not because they needed her help with the wedding, but because she wanted to spend time with them and have fun. It might be that she didn't even help with the wedding preparations, they could just party, who knows. And even if her friends would be fine with her kids being there, the promlem was that she wasn't. She didn't want to look after them, wasn't interested in being a mother, so she used every opportunity to go and have fun, dropping them on someone else

    • @CuteDwarf11
      @CuteDwarf11 8 месяцев назад

      My entitled, estranged older sister is like that. A lot of Emma's dialogue towards OP is similar to what my sister would tell me, except that it was along the lines of "I'm the older sister, so you should do what I say." Or "You're the younger sister, you're the one who's single, and I'm the one with kids, so you should drop everything and be at my beck and call." Or "You should quit your job to look after my kids since you don't have a life, and I do."
      My response : HELL NO!
      I told her that just because she's the one with kids, it doesn't give her the right to expect me to drop everything as soon as she snaps her fingers; if she expected other people to take care of her kids, then she shouldn't have had them to begin with.

  • @sensimania
    @sensimania 7 месяцев назад +4

    When people insist I do them favours after I've repeatedly said "no", I ignore their calls/texts. If they think they can just turn up at my home, the door won't get answered

  • @mb8787
    @mb8787 6 месяцев назад +4

    "It's training for when you become a parent...(!)" Training in what exactly, how to avoid actually being parent, by shirking your own parental responsibility onto someone else..? Yah... no. But with parents like hers, I guess it's no surprise OP feels she needs to ask permission to be a real person herself...

  • @mikkelborby
    @mikkelborby 7 месяцев назад +5

    She... Was... A stay at home mom...
    And she took her kids elsewhere.
    So. She was just a stay at home.
    Yeah. No. That's beyond fucked up

  • @maxthelast
    @maxthelast 7 месяцев назад +1

    The SIL is basically Micah, SIL's family is Dutch, OP's brother is John, and OP is Arthur XD
    (Micah being the bad guy, Dutch joining Micah, abandoning Arthur, but we'll say he abandoned John this time, and OP is Arthur tryna get John to escape Micah and Dutch to live peacefully) Makes sense, somewhat alteast, Right?

  • @jarrodhall3686
    @jarrodhall3686 8 месяцев назад +6

    Don’t do these narcs any favors. Not even once.

  • @rogueshark23
    @rogueshark23 19 дней назад

    Emma said if she knew she had to give up her lifestyle to be a she wouldn't have kids. I mean what did she expect

  • @justmepercy720
    @justmepercy720 3 месяца назад

    In reality, SIL dropped the kids off at your work place.

  • @BGeeTea
    @BGeeTea 7 месяцев назад

    as much as I feel bad for Mike, the OP from the second story has zero spine, jesus h christ.

  • @nano7368
    @nano7368 8 месяцев назад +5

    This ai stories are getting more interesting😊

  • @ladyweasellou3367
    @ladyweasellou3367 7 месяцев назад

    Yeah, I think she would find the door locked.

  • @jgrAnimations23
    @jgrAnimations23 8 месяцев назад +1

    Op's parents remind me of sabo's parents

  • @Mariah9_
    @Mariah9_ 7 месяцев назад

    Why did she bother having kids if she doesn’t want to take care of them? 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @muggyate
    @muggyate 8 месяцев назад +2


  • @InSearchofaFeministUtopia
    @InSearchofaFeministUtopia 8 месяцев назад

    SETH'S need breaks. Not all day everyday, but a truly caring husband, instead od laying down the law, would have arranged responsible childcare for his wife. But not this dude.

  • @adhamelzeny3374
    @adhamelzeny3374 2 месяца назад


  • @cozm0859
    @cozm0859 8 месяцев назад

    Story sounds bs. Too many added details.

  • @rayray2811
    @rayray2811 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @siddharthchauhan749
      @siddharthchauhan749 8 месяцев назад +5

      🏅🤡Here is your clown medal you need to collect 5 of these now and then you will get your 🏆🤡clown trophy.

    • @rayray2811
      @rayray2811 8 месяцев назад

      @@siddharthchauhan749 ohh thanks to you clown. 🤡

  • @I_eat_legos
    @I_eat_legos 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @arcadius3257
    @arcadius3257 8 месяцев назад +923

    Wouldn't be surprised if the brothers ex-wife cheated on him too.

    • @jasminedavis3030
      @jasminedavis3030 8 месяцев назад +124

      Honestly, I suspect as much too. Given how quick mommy and daddy dearest are quick to cover up Emma’s messes, she likely has cheated on Mike. But thankfully not his problem anymore.

    • @ningning565
      @ningning565 8 месяцев назад +36

      Wouldn't be surprised if the kids weren't even his

    • @DarkEinherjar
      @DarkEinherjar 8 месяцев назад +24

      Although I don't discard that possibility entirely, the story suggests that Emma and her family care too much about their reputation for her to take that risk. I doubt Emma would risk losing mommy's and daddy's safety net over some random guy's sausage.

    • @arcadius3257
      @arcadius3257 8 месяцев назад +34

      @@DarkEinherjar I wouldn't put it past her parents to lie on her behalf and even bribe people to stay silent about it to preserve their reputation.

    • @DemonLucifer875
      @DemonLucifer875 8 месяцев назад +16

      Op parents and Emma's parents are real jerks here both mike and particularly emma was not ready for marriage and kids

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig 8 месяцев назад +470

    Parents: We want to avoid a scandal.
    Mike: So teach your daughter to be a decent mother.
    Parents: But we can throw money instead....

  • @vashantiwoodley
    @vashantiwoodley 8 месяцев назад +573

    One thing I have learned from these stories from people who work at home is to NEVER TELL ANYONE YOU WORK FROM HOME.

    • @phaerion9142
      @phaerion9142 8 месяцев назад +30

      I know, people seem to equate at home = not busy, I had to be very bold and serious to get my mother understand that during work hours I am not available for little stuff and distractions, I had to drill into her head that she should treat my shift as if I was at an office far away busy, the only difference is physically I am at home, eventually she understood, but it started from acting like I was idle doing nothing at home available for anyone and being paid for it.

    • @legendarymermaid
      @legendarymermaid 8 месяцев назад +19

      My dad has been working from home since Covid and yet almost every week my grandma (his mom) calls him, can't get a hold of him and then calls my mom complaining that he can't get a hold of my dad. "He's working!" my mom tells her every time, but it's no good. She doesn't get it.

    • @sensimania
      @sensimania 7 месяцев назад +10

      I don't even tell people when I've got the day off from work. People seem to think that I specifically book time off work in order to do favours for them 🙄

    • @Thaddius0
      @Thaddius0 7 месяцев назад +2

      lol yep. my dad eventually had to draw a line because his parents/siblings would compile chores for him to do at family reunions/holidays.

    • @NourAmsterdam
      @NourAmsterdam 2 месяца назад

      Exactly even my teenager took advantage of it 😂😂😂😂. Then I told her to join me for a day , she understood after that day 😂❤

  • @chriscormac231
    @chriscormac231 8 месяцев назад +125

    "she can't eat her cake and have it too"
    Finally someone gets the phrase right!

    • @jendee5566
      @jendee5566 8 месяцев назад +13

      I just learned it really, “Have his Kate and Edith, too.”

    • @zombinosh
      @zombinosh 8 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@jendee5566Is that from Night Patrol?

    • @BIGBLOCK5022006
      @BIGBLOCK5022006 8 месяцев назад +3

      And if she thought that she could have her cake, then she learned that the cake is a lie.

    • @fantasmaghostt5220
      @fantasmaghostt5220 8 месяцев назад +7

      actually its the other way around.. "You can't have your cake and eat it too"

    • @brendadickson9583
      @brendadickson9583 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@fantasmaghostt5220 That's what I thought 😂

  • @un-kyejohn2968
    @un-kyejohn2968 8 месяцев назад +166

    "If she had known that having kids would mean putting an end to having any sort of fun altogether, then she never would've had them." bruh, you should expect that from having children

    • @talicowart9577
      @talicowart9577 8 месяцев назад +25

      I’m willing to bet She was raised solely by a nanny and saw her parents go out and having fun. Also being raised by a nanny, she doesn’t trust them

    • @HinataElyonToph
      @HinataElyonToph 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@talicowart9577 it was mike that didn’t trust them

    • @chinaking918
      @chinaking918 8 месяцев назад +7

      @DW11111mmmhmm. Sound like a quick pregnancy that just happened to happen. She probably only kept them because Mike wanted them. I get parents need breaks (I’m a parent of a boy so I get it) but the constant dropping off and guilt tripping is too much. She should’ve been glad to even get a babysitter for the few days a week she did. Some mothers don’t even get that.

    • @wtichery
      @wtichery 8 месяцев назад +1

      she said she wasn't ready for daycare or nannies, HE said he doesn't trust babysitters, honestly I think Mike was a shitty husband and think it's clear he wasn't doing his share when he was around then she wouldn't have decided to get a sitter in the family without telling him, lots of moms work or go out, why should she LOSE custody instead of getting 50/50? Everyone here seems like an ass tbh, clearly Mike is still asking his sister and now "close friends" of his AND he is thinking about getting a nanny or sitter NOW? but SHE'S an unfit parent? he is literally doing the same thing! And this is coming from someone who barely goes out once a month and is with my children 25/8 one who has special needs and is non verbal, sooo I cannot RELATE to either of them, but a lot of these types have been in my life whether blood or social circles, and I honestly don't blame judge or guilt parents for wanting "me time", even if it's a lot of it, as long as they aren't literally neglectful or abusive, because when people go off to work they're ALSO away from their children (unless it's exclusively while their children are at school) and it just doesn't make sense for that terribly toxic non communicative couple to pretending to be better than one another, both of them admittedly did not have a childcare gameplan and it looks a LOT like mike was not giving her the time because of HIS ideals and she began asking behind his back ONLY because of the pressure and lack of consideration that was given to her from him

    • @13mnpl15
      @13mnpl15 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@wtichery No, SHE said that he dosen't trust babysitter. Later it came out the brother was proposing babysitters/nannys to the SIL but she was trowing "i don't trust them/they are too young for this" on him.

  • @Hamzahyn4
    @Hamzahyn4 8 месяцев назад +95

    This is a breath of fresh air between all the cheating scandals lol.

    • @mcclure3510
      @mcclure3510 8 месяцев назад +12

      Legit. I was expecting a twist where she was dumping the kids on her so she'd have time for her affair partner

    • @thetruth5232
      @thetruth5232 8 месяцев назад +7

      @@mcclure3510 That's exactly what my uncles wife did before my Grandpa caught her with another guy.

    • @mikkelborby
      @mikkelborby 7 месяцев назад +4

      Like she wasn't cheating as well lol

    • @ImaNerdANDaGeek
      @ImaNerdANDaGeek 5 дней назад

      I mean she could have been doing that as well, she freed up a lot of time for herself but dumping her kids on others

  • @RaraAviss
    @RaraAviss 8 месяцев назад +47

    People think It’s immature of me to I say that I absolutely don’t want to have kids. They think I will change my mind. I know I can’t because I would become Emma. And I would hate myself then. I think realising you are not fit to be a mother is mature

    • @Miyukazukii
      @Miyukazukii 8 месяцев назад +15

      Can't stand kids. Got a hysterectomy and told everyone I know that I will not be taking care of babies. When they're older I'll take them to the park or whatever but no babies, no pregnancy, no diapers or changes to my life and schedule. It's fine to be that person if you're upfront. But people put way too much stock into being a parent and try to convince those of us who don't ever want kids that we're selfish. No thanks! I know that would just hurt everyone involved and am choosing to not do the thing that would well and truly ruin my life. If I end up changing my mind adoption is better anyway. Lots of kids going unloved in a sad system and just knowing that would have withered up my useless uterus anyway.

    • @krystaladair2586
      @krystaladair2586 8 месяцев назад +12

      It is 100% mature! For some people, having kids is almost like a requirement to be met in life. I have two kids but fully understand and respect anyone who doesn't want to. And like you said, some people just aren't meant to be parents and that ok. There is way too many people that have children almost as an accessory or due to pressure and as always in the end its the children that suffer. You live your child free life and enjoy it! If you change your mind one day then you do, if you don't then that's fully your decision. Whats actually immature is having kids when you shouldn't. It's all so convoluted to insist on someone having a child when it's obviously not what they want.

    • @wtichery
      @wtichery 8 месяцев назад

      I mean it's great you all have bodily autonomy and don't want children or whatever, but nothing is more wrong with Emma than there is Mike. He is also having his little sister babysit and "close friends from college" so? Really interesting the story from the perspective of the husband's sister who admits he didn't want sitters and just slanders this random woman's character, I highly doubt she was doing much more than dropping them off to get groceries or if she wanted to go out of town to do something, she was sticking by her weirdly controlling husband's wishes and she agreed, keep them around family if you go anywhere. I can't personally relate to this because my mom rarely babysits and would never keep my well behaved but young and one special needs children for more than like 6 hours once a month, but who am I to insult a woman with a larger family who is using her community, village, and support system? and who are YOU to insult her either? She's not anymore unfit than he is, and that is going by outdated stereotypes, it TAKES A VILLAGE and children are genuinely more healthy when raised with families who do this unless there is addiction and risk within the family, not everyone has that sort of family but all the ones I've known that don't have risk only benefited from this sort of family, the ones with risks did not, but they did not benefit from a two or single parent home if one of the family members in the home had risks either.... so the dogpile on this girl for going to a friends wedding is bullcrap, her lying was an issue but a controlling husband is behind it

    • @ashajones7323
      @ashajones7323 8 месяцев назад +1

      this is not true
      Mike asks for help. not drops the kids off frequently, all day, while being a "stay at home parent". Both Mike and OP work. parents/guardians who work usually need childcare while working. nothing in this video points to Mike not caring for his children, while married or while having full custody.
      occasional consensual babysitting is different than dumping your kids on other people without regard for their lives and schedules.
      its a big difference.

    • @gachagoddesskim7630
      @gachagoddesskim7630 4 месяца назад

      True that's actually a mature thing knowing you don't want kids is definitely the first step, I mean if you don't want kids then tell everyone about it that way they know not to get hyped up about you having children if you get married some day

  • @herticate8579
    @herticate8579 8 месяцев назад +60

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, a good way to describe this problem.

    • @monkey-man7430
      @monkey-man7430 8 месяцев назад +1

      With how shallow the ex’s parents are it makes sense as the tree that is her parents is probably only a few feet tall and luckily OP’s and her brother’s parents even though they are just as terrible at least the tree of is them was on top of a hill so when the apples that are op and her brother they fell far away and are nothing like the parents

  • @Riri_734
    @Riri_734 8 месяцев назад +107

    My brother and SIL are trying for kids now but my brother confided in me about SIL, a month ago. Apparently she is not mother material lol. She was the only child and was mostly raised by her grandmother(she didn't even live with her parents until college) while her parents lived their married couple life. SIL wants to get a full time nanny to raise their kid or get relatives to raise them. I'm dumbfounded this was a thing lol. My brother wants to raise the kids the right way though. Now i know why she keeps chastising me to get comfortable with kids(i'm not good with kids), i'm probably a candidate.

    • @beardpapa12
      @beardpapa12 8 месяцев назад +44

      I think your brother should stop trying to have kids with her unless he wants to be a married single father. This is a huge incompatibility issue. In any case, make sure they know you're wayyy too busy to babysit.

    • @mm-ze3lz
      @mm-ze3lz 8 месяцев назад +23

      why is she trying to have kids if she doesnt want kids? your brother needs to stop and rethink the marriage or the idea of children. those kids wont be happy and neither will he.

    • @beardpapa12
      @beardpapa12 8 месяцев назад +12

      @@mm-ze3lz I totally agree. She might want to keep him but she needs to know that she shouldn't sacrifice other people just to keep a doomed marriage going because she's just going to resent having kids she doesn't want and it's totally going to show.

    • @wtichery
      @wtichery 8 месяцев назад +2

      I highly doubt that she SAID "im gonna let family raise them lol 🤪😜 "

    • @wtichery
      @wtichery 8 месяцев назад

      I think it's honestly pretty silly to take a perspective of a sibling in law this seriously, I don't trust the redditor in this video or this random girl to know jack about their brother's partners but what their scummy brothers one sided sob stories are, they are their sisters and don't want to admit their brothers are just some guy so they vilify the "new girl". Online posters and commenters are prime Jerry Springer material tho fr fr @@mm-ze3lz

  • @HinataElyonToph
    @HinataElyonToph 8 месяцев назад +26

    Also in a weird way OPs parents weren’t really Emma’s parents genuine friends. They wanted the friendship as a ticket to glitz and glamour

  • @zylokun
    @zylokun 8 месяцев назад +72

    The SIL wants custody because she thinks she can get child support for it. I'm positive she doesn't give a CRAP about those kids, she just wants the money

    • @frogbrain944
      @frogbrain944 8 месяцев назад +27

      Listen till the end, the reason was explained - she was scared for her reputation and what people would say about her losing the custody. Her parents are wealthy, she doesn't need his child support, but her family care what people think of them
      But either way she indeed doesn't give a crap about her kids

    • @zylokun
      @zylokun 8 месяцев назад

      Just because that's what they said doesn't mean that's what it was. Rich people don't care about "reputation". They can buy it. It isn't about the money itself, it's about hurting him.@@frogbrain944

    • @wtichery
      @wtichery 8 месяцев назад

      she doesn't need his money, he's trying to get child support because he was a trash husband and wants her money all because he wasn't willing to watch his own children so she could go out or to the grocery store for a couple hours

    • @morganablackwater2017
      @morganablackwater2017 6 месяцев назад +1

      She doesn't need cash they are the rich one.
      Gosh its so pathetic that men always think its alway about their money - even if they don't have any...
      Women earn money too you - often more than men do, not to mention inheritance and similar stuff

  • @ayceinquisitor190
    @ayceinquisitor190 8 месяцев назад +11

    "If I had known [I'd have to make huge personal sacrifices] to be a mom, I wouldnt have had kids"
    This is the ultimate source of the issue. The people who want everyone get married have kids are also unwilling to actually teach us about how huge a responsibility that is. We dont live in villages anymore, so living independently means we all have to make independent choices. Not everyone should be expected to become parents. Becoming parents should NOT be in everyone's life plan.
    Of course Emma is a terrible mom, it's not what she wanted! Of course she's in the wrong for how she's chosen to treat her kids, but she also apparently didnt think long enough about motherhood to have made a wise choice.

    • @advancedomega
      @advancedomega 8 месяцев назад +3

      My mother's cousin surprised my mom when she explained that "It is nice to have a babysitter! With a babysitter, it is as if I don't have any child!"
      "So ... why did you have your children then?" thought my mom. She didn't say it, to avoid drama. That was also my thought after hearing her cousin's line of thinking.
      I think it is peer pressure for women to have children, despite the fact that they don't want any.
      FYI, this is Indonesia, a far more traditional country than USA.

    • @morganablackwater2017
      @morganablackwater2017 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@advancedomega it probably harder to get access to contraception, emergency contraception and abortion as well... Poor education on matter and all those issues (Im runaway from "traditional" country so I know the drill) ...and you find out you don't want kids when you already have them - and they your problem cause husband "works" ...if you work as well it doesn't matter its still your job to do most of work around kids and if you not happy with that there is something wrong with you...
      Scary it is really...

  • @BaeBunni
    @BaeBunni 8 месяцев назад +28

    Yea court's usually do side with moms unless they are doing stupid stuff like potentially endangering children. It's very hard to convince a judge even the most mom friendly ones that "Yea I don't have a job I'm a stay at home mom but I ditch my kids every chance I get with people I barely know."

    • @morganablackwater2017
      @morganablackwater2017 6 месяцев назад

      I mean the last part really fall under "potentially endangering"

  • @canineatnight6026
    @canineatnight6026 8 месяцев назад +6

    Honestly. The wedding part is fine if emma just informed about the wedding and at least plan ahead for op or any unfortunate relative who have to take care of the kids. But she already bury her grave by just dropping the kids down consistently and doing for reason that is because is not fun.

  • @Permenantlyexhaustedghost115
    @Permenantlyexhaustedghost115 8 месяцев назад +9

    Some people just aren’t fit to be parents. If she thinks having fun is more important than her kids; she shouldn’t have become a mother.

  • @crazyabe4571
    @crazyabe4571 8 месяцев назад +13

    dumps her kids on any given relative that isn't her parents or in laws for 2 - 6 hours daily, while her husband is at work... sounds like she was having fun with another man.

  • @harshraj-yt6fg
    @harshraj-yt6fg 8 месяцев назад +12

    Wtf is about this first second and third shit

    • @paburrito
      @paburrito 8 месяцев назад +6

      Empty comment section, so is just people trying to feel special by “claiming the first spots”

    • @ssj9devil
      @ssj9devil 8 месяцев назад +3

      ^a fossil from older YT times of like 2014-2017? always around, but it sure has stronger periods of time

    • @JustinAdamson270
      @JustinAdamson270 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@paburritosound like what you did not what they did

  • @CarlArkinRamos
    @CarlArkinRamos 8 месяцев назад +12

    WHY are OP'S parent so f'ed up.

    • @DarkEinherjar
      @DarkEinherjar 8 месяцев назад +8

      I've seen worse... there was this story where OP's boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend and got her pregnant, and her entire family sided with the boyfriend and the friend because they were friends with their parents.
      OP ended up running away from home and going no contact for over 15 years. When they reconnected, her mother still wanted OP to make peace with the ex-bf and the ex-friend, so "things could go back to where they were." Messed up beyond words.

  • @robertraynj13
    @robertraynj13 8 месяцев назад +13

    Yeah, I'd call CPS. "This woman just abandoned her kids at my house. Come get them!"

    • @robertraynj13
      @robertraynj13 8 месяцев назад +2

      Also, after listening to the entire thing, OP is the biggest pushover on earth. she was convinced she was doing the right thing but almost had her mind changed after 1 meeting with SILs mom. 😂

    • @BIGBLOCK5022006
      @BIGBLOCK5022006 8 месяцев назад

      I would've been calling the State Police and CPS.

  • @Raven62
    @Raven62 8 месяцев назад +4

    Anyone who puts reputation, money, glitz and glam over the safety of children are scum of the earth. This goes for both OP’s parents and Emma’s parents.

  • @nataliereeves3594
    @nataliereeves3594 6 месяцев назад +4

    She only wants some custody so she can get child support money from her ex.

  • @chung2055
    @chung2055 8 месяцев назад +7

    Thank goodness Ops brother got full custody of the twins.

  • @merykhan97
    @merykhan97 8 месяцев назад +4

    He needs to get a paternity test.

  • @HWC91
    @HWC91 7 месяцев назад +3

    Can't change a 304 into a housewife

  • @thedorkone1516
    @thedorkone1516 8 месяцев назад +5

    Emma's fucking around on Mike. Her mom probably isn't even sick.

  • @therealninjax8794
    @therealninjax8794 7 месяцев назад +2

    Your parents couldn't look after the kids?

  • @thedreamer6930
    @thedreamer6930 8 месяцев назад +2

    This is sadly how most American women under 40 are these days. Heard this story a thousand ways in the last 15 years. Truly pathetic how far they've fallen.

  • @thelizardqueen9541
    @thelizardqueen9541 8 месяцев назад +2

    'practise for when you have kids of your own' hmm, so when I have kids I should drop them off daily for my SIL to look after? got it

  • @gachagoddesskim7630
    @gachagoddesskim7630 4 месяца назад +1

    No OP you're not the jerk that's why babysitters are paid your basically paying these people their time, because yk their literally sacrificing their time just to watch over your kids rather than doing their own task (idk about you but some babysitters are students so instead of doing homework they watch over the kids)

  • @espionheart6780
    @espionheart6780 8 месяцев назад +1

    NTA the ex sil is a flakey deadbeat with emotional maturity of a crazy teen, it's obvious that the only reason she wants joint custody is because of her parents and nothing else, I hope op's brother gets full custody cause I'm pretty sure they'll treat the kids as do overs but I'm pretty sure they'll end up the same way as their mum cause people like that hardly learn from their mistakes.

  • @mejimiky
    @mejimiky 8 месяцев назад +9

    your parents care more about your in-laws then their own kids

    • @dt4654
      @dt4654 6 месяцев назад

      they were trying to meghan markle their way into rich people circles....but they arent as successful as she is at it.

  • @tommybell4850
    @tommybell4850 3 месяца назад +1

    Op that's ur fault you wanted to be a doormat don't blame her blame urself for being a doormat, blame urself for allowing urself to be a doormat.

  • @lashawnawilliams2056
    @lashawnawilliams2056 6 месяцев назад +1

    I work from home, I cannot tell you how many times people think I do not work. To be honest I work even harder because I do not want ANYONE think I am not working.

  • @yaneriguzman2463
    @yaneriguzman2463 3 месяца назад +1

    It’s ok to wanted to go out once in a while when you have kids but if you don’t want to give your single life after having kids then you shouldn’t have them, i was 19 when I had my first baby never felt the need to go out clubbing or going out with friends but everywhere I went I love to take him with me i am almost 36 and I enjoy being with my kids life is not easy but it’s gets better

  • @royal-wolf
    @royal-wolf 6 месяцев назад +1

    All kids deserve parents but not all parents deserve kids

  • @sarahreaume6659
    @sarahreaume6659 6 месяцев назад +1

    I’m glad that ops brother got full custody as it’s very rare for fathers to gain custody in some areas but I’m also glad that Mike is free from Emma she clearly wasn’t suited to be a mother

  • @michaelgerow3161
    @michaelgerow3161 7 месяцев назад +1

    It's moments like this that family and friends are the worst,F-swearwords

  • @HouseofLisbeth
    @HouseofLisbeth 7 месяцев назад +1

    Holy shit. Kids. Don't. Fix. Things!

  • @rukiakuchiki6187
    @rukiakuchiki6187 8 месяцев назад +3

    Man i get so feed up having to watch someone else kids

  • @IamJacksColon4
    @IamJacksColon4 7 месяцев назад +1

    worse kinds of folks

  • @LyraPyxisVT
    @LyraPyxisVT 7 месяцев назад +1

    good for him, glad he got full custody

  • @doomedfromthesmart
    @doomedfromthesmart 8 месяцев назад +11

    When my kids grew up and asked for college money, I said don't worry about it. Later in life, paid for three weddings (after the fact, didn't want them going all out). One day the kids asked how I paid for everything since I'm just a mechanic, known for foraging in the forest and boiling acorns to make salted caramel acorns, never played the lottery, and live in the same tiny cottage I have for as long as any of them can remember. I explained when I divorced their mom and sold that home, I kept all the money. For 12 years we have been millionaires and lived like people, just so we would live in the real world, not the fake one.
    One was pissed because she wasn't spoiled rotten and I wouldn't give her a chunk (this is why you don't be honest to women in modern America). The boys were happy they learned the real world, knew how to survive if the lights went down, could change a clutch if needed, ECT. She got cut from the will in the following month as a way to shut her up and get the ending threats to stop, they got it split as long as they don't use it for frivolous things or extravagant uselessness.
    Moral of the story. Not all, but some women don't handle money well, and they will end a family for a chance at someone else's money faster than a lightning bolt.

  • @virajpatil1093
    @virajpatil1093 8 месяцев назад +3

    Where can one find such long stories on reddit?

    • @artcasual99
      @artcasual99 8 месяцев назад


  • @ChiyaPrakashi
    @ChiyaPrakashi 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @tartlynerdy
    @tartlynerdy 3 месяца назад

    Op can't be this naive. Emma didn't want to lose custody because she wanted to squeeze child support from her ex-husband. I doubt she would have gotten this idea on her own but most women know how to game the system to benefit the most in the event of a divorce. I think op's parents don't deserve forgiveness because they willfully threw op and their son under the bus to preserve whatever relationship they thought they had with these rich snobs. I'm also very confident that Emma was cheating on op's brother too.

  • @sagaly89
    @sagaly89 7 месяцев назад

    what game are you playing in the background? I'm so curious

  • @BurnSchulz
    @BurnSchulz 8 месяцев назад +1

    How does a 9 to 5 job counts up to a 50 hour week?

  • @Jimmy-cm9ue
    @Jimmy-cm9ue 29 дней назад

    wow i though i was going to hear story about 1 bad mom but it turns out it was 2 yikes

  • @Demonoicgamer666
    @Demonoicgamer666 8 месяцев назад

    His parents don’t care about anything but being popular

    @CJROZZA 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @changedmyname26
    @changedmyname26 8 месяцев назад

    These stories are years old. They are getting boring even if it's new channels.

  • @lumendelsol
    @lumendelsol 8 месяцев назад

    This Women like others, want the kids because they get paid to shop basically while the kid starves like it did when she was a married mom.

  • @adhamelzeny3374
    @adhamelzeny3374 2 месяца назад


  • @genechristiansomoza4931
    @genechristiansomoza4931 8 месяцев назад

    Just say No. Why explain so much.

  • @gramzw7087
    @gramzw7087 8 месяцев назад

    HATE computer voices!!

    • @meme.traveler
      @meme.traveler 8 месяцев назад

      Then dont watch it

    • @gramzw7087
      @gramzw7087 7 месяцев назад

      No worries - I won’t. Lol@@meme.traveler

  • @I_eat_legos
    @I_eat_legos 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @Fiery_Latina_Goatchan_GF_681
    @Fiery_Latina_Goatchan_GF_681 6 месяцев назад

    meh another fake story