Gun shows are they becoming a thing of the past

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @frankbrowning328
    @frankbrowning328 День назад +12

    In my area the prices at gun shows are so ridiculously high that they are rarely worth going to. Its been that way here for close to 10 years

  • @mallardcutter7209
    @mallardcutter7209 День назад +13

    Why go to a gun show and pay twice what the thing is worth ?? Parking fee , entrance fee , high prices , and the endless flea market junk that is not gun related.

    • @soylentgreen7074
      @soylentgreen7074 21 час назад

      They should change the name to the beef jerky, pickle and roofing expo with some guns.

  • @WalterLitwinko
    @WalterLitwinko 16 часов назад +2

    The vendors here in Cleveland Ohio destroyed them.

  • @TomSherwood-z5l
    @TomSherwood-z5l 17 часов назад +2

    I used to go to the locals constantly. They were heavily advertised. Entry fees were not bad and there was always something for a tempting price. Now I have not been to any shows in years. They moved their venue to a rough part of town and what I see of prices and reports is that it will not be worth my risk to go there and browse a bunch of stuff priced at twice what I would pay.

  • @independentthinker8930
    @independentthinker8930 День назад +10

    Yep, unless they reign in the stupid prices.
    I used to go just support them, but it got to bad with pay 12 bucks to be insulted with stupid high prices. No more

  • @chris84662
    @chris84662 День назад +6

    A lot of these vendors still haven't figured out that the panic buying is now over. They are gonna need to keep lowering prices because most gun owners already have a small stockpile of guns. We don't NEED any more guns, but some of us WANT some at the right price.

    • @frankbrowning328
      @frankbrowning328 14 часов назад

      @@chris84662 I dont know how any of them are making any money. On the rare occasion that I go I don't see anyone buying anything

  • @alanmeyers3957
    @alanmeyers3957 20 часов назад +4

    I used to go to every gun show that I could, however, I haven’t been to one since 2009, that’s about when they started to go down hill, all of the scalping, etc.

  • @millcreekrange
    @millcreekrange 22 часа назад +4

    The good ole days of the gun shows are gone I’m afraid. I went to one a few weeks ago and had cash in hand and when I walked out, I was only $20 bucks short as I only bought 5 raffle tickets on a gun that will be raffled off in a couple of months. Prices were high and it just didn’t feel right. I used to go to everyone years ago.

    • @frankbrowning328
      @frankbrowning328 13 часов назад +1

      @@millcreekrange I used to go to them all too. Several years ago there were deals to be had and traded to be made. Not anymore. Crazy prices that are nant times double or more of a local store and tons of garbage thats not gun related

    • @millcreekrange
      @millcreekrange 13 часов назад

      @ Sadly but true. Those days of gun show deals are gone I’m afraid.

  • @farklestaxbaum4945
    @farklestaxbaum4945 День назад +10

    It seems like we've gotten to a point with new guns, where nobody can beat the online prices. And milsurp/ C&R / Antique guns have largely been all bought up. There is a finite amount of military surplus guns, and the demand only increases each year.
    I was going to a lot of gun shows around 2008-2016. I remember getting good deals still in like 2015ish. It seemed like it slowly got to the point where everything was overpriced and a large portion of the show was non-gun related stuff. Another large portion of the shows became local dealers that bought up an entire row of booths and sold their normal inventory at normal price. Also the ticket+ parking got to be well over $20 which was kinda off-putting. This was mainly in Ohio, but I have also been to many shows in PA, SC, FL, IN.
    In some areas you will still find good deals at flea markets. But lately, I have had really good luck at pawn shops. If I have a free afternoon and I can hit 4-5 pawn shops, one of them will usually have a deal or a rare-ish gun.

    • @frankbrowning328
      @frankbrowning328 14 часов назад

      @@farklestaxbaum4945 It always amazes me rhe amount of ammo for sale at double what Walmart sells it for. We still have gun shows charging $10.00+ per box of CCI standard velocity 22lr

  • @3putter3
    @3putter3 День назад +7

    prices are too high

  • @jamesgullo8240
    @jamesgullo8240 21 час назад +3

    Want to pay to get in?
    Want to pay for parking?
    Want to see lots of beef jerky and cheap Chinese knives and throwing stars?
    Want to buy questionable reloads? Hey, squib rounds are fun!
    Want to pay $500 for a used deer rifle for your daughter when you could get the same one new in the box with a warranty for $425?
    Get yourself to a "gun show."
    I havent gone to a show in 20 years.

  • @MitchC357
    @MitchC357 День назад +5

    I don’t go as much. Prices too high.

  • @Soli_Deo_Gloria_.
    @Soli_Deo_Gloria_. 18 часов назад +3

    Unfortunately there was a point in time where vendors at gun shows charge less for an item because they didn't have the overhead of a brick and mortar business... to where they actually charge more... makes no sense.... 🤷‍♂️

  • @PassivePortfolios
    @PassivePortfolios 11 часов назад +1

    $15 admission, $10 parking, overpriced guns and food. No deals on used guns. Why bother going, wasting money and a couple of hours?

  • @corycarlson8712
    @corycarlson8712 23 часа назад +4

    I havent been to a gun show since 2010 and even then the prices were stupid high. A bunch of non gun guys got into guns for the money and clout not because they actually like them and live the life of a gun owner.

  • @RicArmstrong
    @RicArmstrong 4 часа назад

    I remember living in the Maryland and Virginia area during the 90's and early 2000's and they had at least one gun show each weekend within 45 minutes of driving. It was a fantastic time and tons of good deals. I miss those days 😢

  • @Locutis9
    @Locutis9 23 часа назад +3

    I avoid gun shows in Florida nowadays. High prices and poor selection are what drove me away.

  • @FrankCouch1847
    @FrankCouch1847 День назад +3

    COVID ruined them. Prices went crazy high and never came down even after 4 plus years. Now the $15 in gas to get there and 7-9 bucks to get in are a complete waste.

  • @TomSherwood-z5l
    @TomSherwood-z5l 17 часов назад +1

    I liked being able to SEE the gun up close rather than a fuzzy ad on some broker site. Bulge in the barrel? Not gonna see that online. Messed up trigger pull or bad timing? Online seller would probably say he did not test fire. I got some few things pretty cheap from a dealer that took them in cheap and did not want to mess with that stuff outside his regular line. Surprises. Well if they kill the shows off with stupidity, they can set on their guns till they croak I guess.

  • @matthewfortin4335
    @matthewfortin4335 День назад +5

    I have to say YES! The gun shows here in my State have been just awful! People selling socks and mugs and few people are selling guns anymore! I use to go all the time! It really is just a waste of time now! I would rather spend my money at my local shop! I get a better deal there anyway!

  • @ungovernable429
    @ungovernable429 23 часа назад +2

    I'll go back to gun shows when they start selling guns at the coin shows.

  • @MilledSteel
    @MilledSteel 21 час назад +2

    Internet has better deals

  • @cartermorey8647
    @cartermorey8647 День назад +1

    as always kobe great information

  • @Mindokwin
    @Mindokwin 23 часа назад +1

    Used to be in my state a person could sell face to face to another resident with no ffl. Now all guns sold need to go through a ffl so just getting a table and selling my personal guns at a show is out of the question.

    • @alanmeyers3957
      @alanmeyers3957 20 часов назад

      Completely different atmosphere these days, I used to be a member of WAC and went to every show, even had tables for awhile, got tired of the cronies that ran it. Now it’s just a flee market and you can’t walk out with a firearm anymore, what’s the point.

  • @Chebva
    @Chebva День назад +1

    Last time I went to a gun show was during the Clinton Assault Weapons ban. I remember seeing a lot of thumbhole stocks at the show.

  • @jd8mm738
    @jd8mm738 День назад

    It's a shame even in the last 20 years how much it's changed. Going to give a larger venue one a try thats local to me Saturday. Just for something to do

  • @cheekymonkey444
    @cheekymonkey444 18 часов назад +2

    They can all go pound sand. Till prices come back reasonable. I'll deal with my local
    gun dealer. I'd rather see the small amount of profit go into their pockets than these greedy mega dealers. If everyone would STOP buying their overpriced stuff, they'd fall back in line.
    Dealers look on line for pricing. Some fool advertises something for an astronomical price. Do the dealer's figure that's the going price and mark their inventory accordingly.

  • @petercollingwood522
    @petercollingwood522 День назад +1

    In Phoenix it's 15 for parking and 20 to get in the door at the big crossroads of the west show. If you are into new plastic fantastic guns theres little point as you can get them cheaper at a myriad shops in the city or online. If you're into Milsurps or old Wood and iron 22's like me you can forget it. Unless you have "DEEP" pockets. Waste of time in my opinion. I also know two guys in their 80's who just recently liqudated thier lifetime collections of old milsurps from the WW1 period back to the Rebolutionary war and everything inbetween and I know the folks who boght all that. Nearly 1000 guns all told. Would be nice to have that kind of money, but I never will and these things are in the stratoshpere now. As for coins shows there is a big one in Phoenix every month. In fact I think there are possibly more than one. But I get the impression most trading is done online there as well.

  • @FukuYTmark6
    @FukuYTmark6 День назад +1

    I like tacos 🌮

  • @victorshults242
    @victorshults242 День назад


  • @markanderson9061
    @markanderson9061 16 часов назад

    Crossroads of the West used to be great, now it's the same old vendors selling overpriced "you name it", splattered with carnival snack stands and coins. jewelry types ... won't even go into the cost of admission.

  • @mantistobogganmd6580
    @mantistobogganmd6580 23 часа назад +1

    I clicked the video and got an add for new gutters.
    I don’t go to regular recurring gun shows but twice a year there is an antique gun show that I like going to & there
    Is also a twice annual gun swap meet for theoutdoorstrader. I haven’t been to a regular commercial gun show in like two years. I honestly have very little interest in AR’s or Glock clones.