br0ken is indeed the master of close range fights with that shotgun-smg combo. How he makes use of the environment (e.g. houses, rocks, etc) as well as that rewind class is so impressive!
Creo que lo especial es lo siguiente: 1. Tiene una movilidad y habilidad con la escopeta casi perfectas al punto que en un 1 contra 1 es muy difícil conectarle disparos. 2. Lo anterior lo combina con una gran inteligencia, no se desespera, prioriza tener escudos, sabe esperar y moverse para tomar las peleas con ventaja. Esas dos cosas juntas le permiten ganarle a squads, si le faltara una de esas no podría..
Hey so uhhhm great video as always but how did you get your sensitivity like how do you get your own sensitivity please make a video and how you train😁
this boy gives me motivations with his movement aim skill full games i saw his first video with his 52 kills on alcatraz i wish i could play with him once good luck broke hey be gone my brother broken and please never stop
Bro 1 question 06:51 u took off the long range perk...was it to make the game more interesting and fair or it has cons cz I use it regardless whenever I have it
br0ken is indeed the master of close range fights with that shotgun-smg combo. How he makes use of the environment (e.g. houses, rocks, etc) as well as that rewind class is so impressive!
TokyoYt says hi lol
Is Zara cod a joke to you???
@@gauravgaji so u trying to say more fingers more skill 🤡 then the person using 10 finger should be the best player 🤡
@@gauravgaji 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Appreciating one doesn’t mean discrediting the other players :)
Primera vez que lo veo fallar tantos disparos con la escopeta. Prueba de que sí es humano. ❤
He's an honest one right bro? My favorite
Excellent work rewind so helpful to you keep it up 👍
It's the 'Hello' for me 12:31
Emotional damage 😂
Yeah maybe that person noticed it was br0ken 😳
Maybe, but people always betray! I’m thinking that br0ken is not trusting more 😂
He spared my squad yesterday
Broken the alien 👽 op🔥
The most skilled phone player pt 306
The movement I keep struggling for❤
Keep it op bro ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
this guy just breaking the laws of this game😂
Daumen hoch 👍
Weiter so bro
the best shotgun player
Bra u something else😅🙌❤️🔥
br0ken hello super kill Insane 🔥
The commander 🫡♥️
12:22 she wanted peace but br0ken chose vawulence 😂😂
This guy too good wtf😂
Omoh !
The best player who doesn't miss anything
Nice fights br0ken 🔥🔥🔥😱😱😱
Rewind teaching class...🔥🔥🔥🔥
best player in the word 🔥🔥🛸
Niceeeeeee, very nice, best using class I ever seen
Broken is the best
Sheeesh the gameplay bro🔥
Broken the goat
I could watch this all day
The legend💀
You will always be my inspiration to be better than yesterday
8:05 that Insane Squad wipe was freaking awesome wtf😱
Ilove br0ken 🙇🏻♂️
عالی نواختی❤️🇦🇫
The best rewind user. The best player in the game.❤️🐐
He makes it look so easy
Very goooood broken👏👏❤️❤️😍😍
Didn't see someone using rewind class like that OP bro
You are legendry.
Thanks for video 👽👽
You're Insane dude. ♥️👽
Good luck❤️🔥😻
Movement practice tips please
Nice 😊 your insane
14:51 invisible 🔫 game play 😂
Hay jugadores muy buenos en especial con escopetas , Pero este men es de otro planeta ,tiene algo que lo hace especial
Este tipo está roto... Literalmente
Creo que lo especial es lo siguiente:
1. Tiene una movilidad y habilidad con la escopeta casi perfectas al punto que en un 1 contra 1 es muy difícil conectarle disparos.
2. Lo anterior lo combina con una gran inteligencia, no se desespera, prioriza tener escudos, sabe esperar y moverse para tomar las peleas con ventaja.
Esas dos cosas juntas le permiten ganarle a squads, si le faltara una de esas no podría..
I still don't know how many squads eliminated by br0ken with his unbelievable skill 🙏
Edit: He is truly legend for everyone ❤
Hey so uhhhm great video as always but how did you get your sensitivity like how do you get your own sensitivity please make a video and how you train😁
we were waiting for brokens new video and watching old clips and than brOken popped of with a brand naw video😅
that farm fight is so intense had me on the edge of my seat haha
14:31 ..sheeeshh that was fire 🔥
Ay bro u should do more tips n tricks vid 🔥🔥
Broken is the goat!!!
Broken ❤️😍
6:40 Mans grabbed his loadout in half a second
Woooooooow GG z bro 👍 👌
This OG alone too dey collect o
خوده سطح😂😔🖤
You're the king.
You are the best 🥵🔥🔥
GG bro you are GOD of shotgun
امین اینفرنو پس چی🗿اصلا بروکن قبلا اس امجی پلیر بود داش
You great... i love you... you and lotex best player... i use movment in Multiplayer!
Gg broken so amazing you are best player I see in my life
We are AMK❤️
I can define you with one word: LEGEND
this boy gives me motivations with his movement aim skill full games i saw his first video with his 52 kills on alcatraz i wish i could play with him once good luck broke hey be gone my brother broken and please never stop
The Best 🔥
Bro woooow you god pelayer bateel royal .veryyyyy gooooood
The platform clutch is 🔥🔥🔥
Sheesh this gameplay was dope af!
I love how U mostly choose close range fights... using a shotgun and an smg.... that's usually what I prefer...ggs legend..!
Nam you shotguns because it's one tap kills...
Absolutely masterful at close range
The best
Lots of love from @Amk.India
Zu krass und das auf dem Handy du bist Legende, Respekt man 💯🔥
Br0kens power level is definitely over 9000
مثل خودتم🛸بروکن داداشم
Don't you even dare give br0ken a shotgun
Your best video❤️❤️💣💣💣
He killed me right there 😂
brella-ella-e-e hahahahahahahahha 🤣
I love your videos that you play solo vs squad in isolated
yo br0ken ! can you give the song name in your video "just vibing" name plzz ?
This man is the best codm player
سطح مولایی🤘🤩
Big fan broken
We need more bro🤩👍
O.p as always bro😍🤟🏻🔥🔥
Esthetic satisfaction
Tú y lotex llegaron al cod para hacer cosas sobrenaturales ❤️🔥❤️🔥
You are too fast bro 🔥🔥🔥
The best player without doubt
The fact that he only use 3 fingers 🤌
Gotta love the classic smg/sg combo. 😂
lt was great, thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍
I just want to know how you make your thumbnails Mann, so clean no hud showing just clean clips.
Best player 🔥❤️
Too OP 🥶
داووشم بروکن عشق ❤️❤️
The king of close range combat🙌🏿🙌🏿
Finally he is here
Bro 1 question 06:51 u took off the long range perk...was it to make the game more interesting and fair or it has cons cz I use it regardless whenever I have it
13:31 that was a shut up shot 😂
Man I wish I could play you bro, you and many others who don't even have a RUclips channel play really good
No cap!