Always stay safe... just two days ago, near my town, a transporter got stuck in a ditch. A young driver went on to check on them, if they need any help. Someone else ran him over, claimed he didn't see him. Turned out he was drunk. That kid only wanted to help and died that night.
Helping on road is OK but must be done VERY carefuly, can't just walk around like nothing. Few weeks ago 3 truck drivers died here in Spain. It was night. One of the trucks got on fire. Two trucks stopped to help, and a fourth truck ran the 3 of them over. I don't know the exact details of how it happened, where were they, etc... but you just can't step out of a vehicle in the middle of the highway, and if you do, get of the road behind a barrier or something. Run, jump, whatever... but never expect others to see you. This guy was very lucky.
Dumb as fuck to walk like he did. Black ice + high speed = he needs to warn literally a KM if not more before actual stop so people can start slowing down, instead the situation was completely open and visible from where they come and some random man runs out on the road and try to warn you, literally when you already in the situation... idea might be right, but execution ( see what i did there? ) was awful. I work with these questions in a wintercountry, and we warn literally 2 KM before actual road works on a good day, you'd preferably need way more on ice.And if he wanted to help, he should have walked along the highway instead in middle of it...
yeah. but you can't save humanity because most are speeding dumbfucks. as we all could see here. most idiot drivers don't even deserve a driving license. they should be testend mentaly bevor handing it out.
No he doesn't, guy is a moron. All those cars have air bags. Imagine if a bunch of idiots started getting out and trying to direct traffic coming in at 70mph. Everyone needs to just stay in their car and evacuate when safe to do so.
@@Luminosity209 A crash even with air bad is always dangerous, would you rather get hit with an airbag and not get hit at all. It's true that the guy is silly, never stand in the middle of the highway. I didn't know what he was trying to do, he could have stood on the side and scream loudly for the due in the big vehicle. However, he has a brave heart because he tried to warm others, most people would have just stay on the car and park on the side.
This is why i stay off the highways in conditions like that.. live in Michigan U.S.A. right off of I94. Every year we have a multicar pile up if not a few, literlly 30 minutes from where i stay. Had a friend who was in one, that their sedan hit a semi truck that was stopped. Luckily someone was smart and said they needed to get to the tree line up off the side of the road quick and no sooner they got to the tree line, another semi smashed the car flat from behind. My friend still 10 years later has issues around traffic accidents. I've heard of 2 that were over 150 cars each in my lifetime and I'm not even 40 yet.
@@______6057 What you're describing is either bad road maintenance or poor driver training. Probably both if this is happening that often. Highways are the safest type of roads, and this is *especially* true in winter. Tyres also play a key role, I've heard many people in the US drive on all-season tyres year round. They are OK in cool wet conditions (not freezing), but fail miserably on ice or snow. Btw, the accident in the video seems to be on a bridge. Bridges are always prone to sudden icing if a cold wind comes along.
@@uaVeron Он скорее ограничил обзор другим водителям. Видят грузовик, а затора не видят, и объезжают его; когда за грузовиком открывается вид, тормозить уже поздно, скорости большие 90км/ч +
The most basic definition of black ice is a thin coat of highly transparent ice. The reason it is transparent is because it blends in with road pavements since it is so thin, making it nearly impossible to see. It's called black ice since it looks black, like the color of the road pavement it forms on. The term "black ice" in the United States is defined by the National Weather Service as "patchy ice on roadways or other transportation surfaces that cannot easily be seen. It is often clear (not white) with the black road surface visible underneath. It is most prevalent during the early morning hours, especially after snow melt on the roadways has a chance to refreeze over night when the temperature drops below freezing. Black ice can also form when roadways are slick from rain and temperatures drop below freezing overnight
@@darthkek1953 It was ice. You can see that this was on a bridge, or overpass. Bridges always freeze first because cold air envelopes them on top and on bottom compared to roads which don't have air underneath.
3 года назад+16
A well known threat here in Québec. I confirm that it is nearly impossible to see and it is very slippery. And yes, bridges and overpasses are highly prone to develope black ice. So, when it's freezing outside, the best thing to do is to slown down when you approach a bridge or an overpass, especially when there is a curve.
@Double Vision Are you on drugs or drinking too much? I put the definition because it was not available in the description, and no one else in the comment explained it for people that didn't know, like me for example..... Of course I search it on the internet and put it here for the people who don't have a clue what black ice is..... AND HERE IS ANOTHER ONE: The term "black ice" in the United States is defined by the National Weather Service as "patchy ice on roadways or other transportation surfaces that cannot easily be seen. It is often clear (not white) with the BLACK ROAD SURFACE VISIBLE underneath. It is most prevalent during the early morning hours, especially after snow melt on the roadways has a chance to refreeze over night when the temperature drops below freezing. Black ice can also form when roadways are slick from rain and temperatures drop below freezing overnight. """
유감이지만 영상 올린 차량때문에 사고가 더 악화, 확대된 측면이 있음. 편도3차선 길의 한가운데서 저렇게 버티고서 초서행하고 있으니 다른 차들은 1차로나 우측 3차로로 갈 수밖에 없고 그중 순간적인 상황판단에서 3차로를 택한 차량은 첫번째 투싼 suv처럼 트레일러 피하고 사람까지 피하려고 스턴트를 찍거나 아님 제네시스처럼 트레일러 뒤를 들이박는 액션씬을 연출하는 수밖에 없음. 그렇다고 블박차량 운전자를 탓할순 없지만 노련한 운전자라면 내차의 가장 안전한 위치, 그리고 내차의 존재로 인해 2차사고 내지는 타 차에 가해질 위험을 판단하고 길 우측 갓길쪽으로 차량 이동하는 조치를 취했어야 하는 아쉬움이 있음. 가장 안전한 대처는 순간적 판단의 상황에서 우측 트레일러 뒤가 아니라 바로 앞으로 이동하는 것이 나의 안전을 위하고 타차량의 안전에도 도움을 주는 가장 적절한 선택임.
앞에 이미 몇 차례의 연쇄 충돌이 일어나서 도로 상황을 보고 딱봐도 더 사고가 일어날 것을 예측하셨기에목숨이 오가는 상황에서라도 다른 사람들은 안하지만 본인이 직접 차 밖으로 나와 여기가 위험하니 속도를 줄여서 움직여라라고 하는 행동이네요. 정말 존경 받을만한 분 입니다.
Yeah I was thinking the same, he didn't hard break cause that would slide his ride like the rest, just slowly break and steer left and right till you can hard break
@jm gee actually nvm, we would probably just say "that guy." i wonder if that's an american thing? do white people everywhere see themselves as the normal ones? how would i google that?
man's was like i ain't dying today mfs. he dodged them cars like a they dodge bullets in movies. he's a survivor and hero, put his life in danger to warn others. we should all be like this man
I am like him!.. I stopped plenty of time to pull stuff out the freeway lanes 🛣 that would’ve cause a serious accident! If ppl would learn to help each other instead of being so damn selfish, then the world wouldn’t even have this damn virus! Etc!
Insurance companies couldn't care less. Imagine any other service that you pay monthly for, never use, and then when you need it they fight you or jack up your rates to recoup their losses. Car insurance especially is one of the most corrupt systems there is.
The only skid marks are the ones in that guys underwear, for being so close to death. i wonder how many accidents were avoided that we didnt see, because of his actions. Prayers and love to this man.
None from the looks of it, and even worse he started a trend with the other drivers of getting them to get out of the vehicle putting them in just as much danger as he was in
Not really sure that this guy did anything helpful here. Beside endangering himself and others who tried not to overrun him while he was running around on the street. You never ever do this. Never! A way more clever solution would have been either to make people go slower BEFORE hitting the ice, a few hundert meters on the other side of the bridge or having emergency beacons / road flares in the trunk that could be just trown on the street, to warn people without getting in danger to be killed by sliding pickup trucks. They are rechargeable and cost less that 20 dollars, I'm sure you can get them in asia, too.
@@bubblegum0k1oser you re a big guy on insulting, still, the video is cleat: the guy is standing beside the road and keeps running on the road. I don't care why he does, there is clearly no reason to run into traffic on an icy road and extremely dangerous. And yeah, I thing everyone should have at least a minimal amout of security equipment on his car, or at least stay tf away from running through sliding trucks with 60+ miles on black ice.
I once encountered a similar phenomenon. I was climbing a hillock in a traffic jam and suddenly realized that the brakes were not holding and I was sliding back. I opened the door and checked the asphalt, which looked completely black. It turned out that it is covered with a layer of absolutely transparent ice, a centimeter thick. In order not to roll, I had to turn the wheels and steering wheel. Several cars whose drivers decided to overtake us in the oncoming lane flew past, later I drove past what was left of them. I wish everyone good health and never get into such situations!
@@wayneace172 ok- More so referring to how the guy dodged the cars and it was so surreal like a movie scene, no need to get... weird, and boast about what u seen on youtube, its youtube...
@@VCRAGE They have cruise control turned on in their car, and they themselves, at this time, were sticking to the Internet with their eyes. У них в автомобиле включен круиз контроль, а сами, в это время, в интернет глазами за липли.
I've seen black ice in the United States, the southeastern part of the country where I live. It's not funny. People tearing up cars, insurance rates go up, and people getting hurt or killed by something on the road they didn't see. I don't know who Logan Paul is.
Then how come the guy videoing this scene didn't crash and everyone else just kept coming and didn't notice him stopped? I'd say it was a string of MORONS.
@@DmitriyKunin да я в сибири живу у нас гололед постоянно , вот вчера к примеру был , народ тупой просто , если скользко не допирает что ехать надо потихоньку, ну еще можно и неплохо подрифтить
It's called a "Pile Up" happens all the time in snow and ice because there's absolutely no traction. Drivers should've slowed down before even getting near it tho when they saw all the cars wrecked.
@@ninja.saywhat This is an accident... not a culture Ur saying this like saying American have culture of Racist, Ignorance, Arrogance,and Obsession with guns when they probably not~
Hello thanks for the reply to my comment with you where are you from i am Dr James Gardner From New jersey Green Village i am widow three years now with one adopted daughter i am also 57year old i hope to know more to move to gmail hangout and also to text each other on sms
@@sirpizo555 Hi dear Coconut.. yes i am new on here and i am from New jersey green village troy i am widow three year i also 56year old what about yours
댓글이 모두 엔진브레이크 한번도 안써본 사람들이네요. 경험이 없으니 무슨말인지 이해를 못하네...설명도 못하겠네..무사고 운전경력 23년차입니다. 저 멀리 사고난게 보일때부터 엔진브레이크 쓰면 안미끄러진다구요. 그리거 못봤다고해도 아무리 고속도로라도 블랙이이스면 운전할때 자세도 불안정하고 뭔가 미끄럽다는 느낌이와요. 그럼 수동모드로 운전하면서 대비를 해야죠 대비를..확실히 운전도 보면 평소 눈치빠르고 센스있는 사람들이 사고도 안내고 잘함
왜 못쓰는지 알려드릴게요 1. 처음에 차가 많이보이는게 사고난건지 막히는건지모름. 2. 비깜 시야에 들어오고 사고난거인지하고 브레이크 살짝 밟아보면 이미 미끄러지고 당황함. 3. 한번 미끌리면 엔진브레이크고 자시고 생각안남. 급내리막 자주안내려가보거나 엔브 자주안써본사람들은 평소 쓸일이 없기에 절대 못함
If you live in Canada or any other northern country where it snows/rains a lot, you know the pain of black ice . It's like 2x as slippery as regular ice and completely invisible
Gosh man, are you kidding? Do a test-drive in Russia. We dont even have flattened roads (except Moscow) so black ice / ice / snow is our only chance to ride without bumps on the road, cuz all of them are completely hidden by the weather situation finally... And I'm not joking, maybe just exaggerate a little, but still most of this drivers seem blind...
@@ssmodest ну да, блядь огни ж на трассе, ну ёпвашумать... очень безрассудное и беспечное поведение в любом случае, увидеть аномалию и лететь за сотку. но, юг всё-таки, им в диковинку.
If you've never driven on it, you can't possibly understand. The road looks dry but your brakes are your worst enemy and can get you killed in a hurry. Sometimes even letting off the gas quickly can cause loss of control.
*Off-screen* Announcer: You are now a character in a slapstick comedy film. Try not to die. Guy: Who was that? What do you mea- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
WOW! Actually reminded me of the "Key-maker" in the MATRIX and what a flashback: January 13, 1985 at the age of 23, while in the U.S. Army, I hit some black ice coming back to the Base (Camp Zama, Japan) from Tokyo. I was only going approx. 35 mph, but hit the brakes and that was it. My car flipped 3--4 times. My car was totaled and I was injured, but fortunately there were no other vehicles around. I'm glad the gentleman wasn't injured!
내 운전 경험상으로는 도저히 납득이 안가는게 있다면 앞에 뭔 일이 있다는걸 뒤에거 인지 하지 못하고 내달리기만 한다는거에요. 전 고속도로 달리면서 차들이 무슨 일이 있어서 정차 되어 있는지 속도를 줄이고 있는지 어쩌고 있는지 다 구분이 가서 그에 맞게 운전을 하곤 합니다. 저 차들은 무슨 불나방들 같네요. 진짜 인지가 안되는건가???
의도야 어찌됐든 사고요소에 해당되는게 저 아저씨 행동이고 2차,3차 사고를 막기위해서 아저씨가 저렇게 하는건 아니라는 말임. 저렇게 고속으로 뛰어드는 차들 앞으로 사람이 튀어나온다면 어떻게 되는지는 잘 알잖음.. 저 아저씨가 운이 졸라 좋은거지 잘한게 아님. 의도야 감사하지만.
He actually caused all the problem. He is blocking the vision of all the drivers who can't see the accident ahead, then the pull out to go around him wondering why he is stopped on the road and are faced with a mass pile up.
@@rogerc23 Do you actually have a drivers licence? If you see a stopped truck in the middle of the highway you do not reduce your speed, and speed by him? And if you cant see the accident on the 3 lanes and one safety lane from at least 200m then where are you looking and why are you driving. You get in a car you are responsable for more that 1 tone of a speeding weapon so eyes on the road all the time.
Poor guy was just trying to warn other drivers to slow down and almost cost him his life.
Always stay safe... just two days ago, near my town, a transporter got stuck in a ditch. A young driver went on to check on them, if they need any help. Someone else ran him over, claimed he didn't see him. Turned out he was drunk. That kid only wanted to help and died that night.
@@SuperGeronimo999 that’s horrible to hear, I hope the young one is happy in heaven. Rest In Peace
@@paulmcpoopiface1389 19 years old... RIP
yeah and none of them listened
Helping on road is OK but must be done VERY carefuly, can't just walk around like nothing.
Few weeks ago 3 truck drivers died here in Spain. It was night. One of the trucks got on fire. Two trucks stopped to help, and a fourth truck ran the 3 of them over.
I don't know the exact details of how it happened, where were they, etc... but you just can't step out of a vehicle in the middle of the highway, and if you do, get of the road behind a barrier or something. Run, jump, whatever... but never expect others to see you.
This guy was very lucky.
That dude was dodging like a boss, it felt like a movie scene lol
Yeah poor dude
this comment made me laugh outloud😅😂
what the hell is a "boss"
@Zero One σε δε
Yeah ninja
아저씨 레전드 무빙 평생 술안주거리 나였으면 장례식때 영상 틀어달라고 할듯
저때 심장bpm 얼마나 될까?
@@kindchldnd6995180까지 뛸뜻
좋은 기억으로 남지 않을수도 있을 것 같네요 조금 위험하게 대처하셨지만 살아계셔서 정말 다행이네요..
생전 고인의 개쩌는 플레이 될 뻔
와 이게 도대체 몇대가 부딪히는거야;;; 그와중에 말리던 아저씨 순발력 좋으시다
I feel like this was all just an assassination attempt on that poor guy
felt like some kind a South Korean thriller
I mean really.. Geez!
Yeah lol they wouldn't just leave him wherever he went lol
John Wick 6
"Late for work! Again!"
him: "SHUT.UP. GARY."
Guy was like Tom Cruise in an action movie
Yea, did all his own stunts..
@@vallorahn :D stunt double
hey 빙판길 사고
That man deserves a medal tried saving some lives and disaster from happening which nearly cost him his own!!
1st reply ur welcome 🙏
Dumb as fuck to walk like he did.
Black ice + high speed = he needs to warn literally a KM if not more before actual stop so people can start slowing down, instead the situation was completely open and visible from where they come and some random man runs out on the road and try to warn you, literally when you already in the situation...
idea might be right, but execution ( see what i did there? ) was awful. I work with these questions in a wintercountry, and we warn literally 2 KM before actual road works on a good day, you'd preferably need way more on ice.And if he wanted to help, he should have walked along the highway instead in middle of it...
@@TheBonneSwe he moved to the middle because the first slipping car came his way (along the side of the road)
yeah. but you can't save humanity because most are speeding dumbfucks. as we all could see here. most idiot drivers don't even deserve a driving license. they should be testend mentaly bevor handing it out.
이 영상은 매번 볼때마다 레전드다
검은 옷 아재 스턴트해서 겨우 살아남는 장면 너무 충격적이다.. 이래서 사고났을때 도로위로 나오면 안됨…
전방주시 게을리하는 과속위주 운전 안고치면 이런 사고 빈번하게 일어난다
영화 오프닝같음 카메라 무브부터
이번 53중 추돌도 여기죠?
@@kindchldnd6995아 진짜요? 이거 원주에요??
It wasn’t his time to leave this world.
he died the day after from black ice poisoning
@@Polyrytmi that’s not a thing right? Just making sure.
@@saims.2402 It is, look it up.
@@Neity_ my god it is.
@@saims.2402 yo where you get this info from??????????????
That dude deserves a commendation for his actions, hope he got some recognition!
@@mpat100 whic part was funny?
No he doesn't, guy is a moron. All those cars have air bags. Imagine if a bunch of idiots started getting out and trying to direct traffic coming in at 70mph. Everyone needs to just stay in their car and evacuate when safe to do so.
@@Luminosity209 A crash even with air bad is always dangerous, would you rather get hit with an airbag and not get hit at all. It's true that the guy is silly, never stand in the middle of the highway. I didn't know what he was trying to do, he could have stood on the side and scream loudly for the due in the big vehicle. However, he has a brave heart because he tried to warm others, most people would have just stay on the car and park on the side.
@@maxtruong187 You don't get out onto the highway on foot, no matter what. Doesn't matter that he was trying to warn others, what he did was stupid.
Neo: “I can dodge bullets”
This man: “I can dodge fast cars”
lol. adrenaline!
You made my day right now 😂😂😂
he can dodge dodge.
He was crazy as hell
@@keithephesusgoodman8695 he got lucky honestly
0:23 여기서부터 액션씬
겨울되니까 주의하라고 보여주는 알고리즘 ㄷㄷ
@chicag0 0 저런 구간이 생각보다 많습니다. 일기예보 인지 하시고, 한낮에 영하권이라고 하면 고속도로라도 항상 조심하시고 서행하셔야죠..
@chicag0 0 다리나 터널 부근, 음지 등은 블랙아이스가 있으니 서행 및 안전거리(100m)확보 하신 뒤 안전운전 하시는게 베스트인데.. 이게 말이 쉽지 실제로는 어렵습니다. 그리고 주기적으로 타이어 및 브레이크패드 점검은 필수적이구요.
와 댓글 미친ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 빵터짐 ㅋㅋㅋ
The guy nearly had to pay the price for trying to save others! You deserve a medal for that. Hopefully everyone was okey.
Hello dear,Good day how is everything over there nice to see you on here i hope all is well
@@jamesgardner3966 Si, todo bien. Estoy en medio de la calle esquivando autos!
He deserves the Darwin award. All these idiots do. Like slow the fuck down...
its china where ignorance its religion and common sense is afterthought.
@@Rihardololz it's in south korea....
진짜 이건 언제봐도 현대판 데스티네이션~
아저씨 캐리함은 미션임파서블도 혀를 내두를 정도임~
driver: "why is everyone slowing down", passenger: "I dont care, drive faster already".
Yeah, something about being in a car just snaps the common sense right out of ya.
These guys in the video are fucking jokes
@@v1nigra3 nahhh.. it's black invisible ice...actually they accellerated because they braked
@@v1nigra3 u guys do realise that its black ice...
Jokes aside this was very dangerous for the guy, props to him
lol fax
Do they give out driving license to blind people in Korea?
Never be around that many Asian people driving at once.
@@trickydown6969 Ice on the road....which made is harder to slow down for cars from behind.
I have got an english comment for you:
0:25 이분은 애초에 살 운명이었던거같음
재난영화 그 자체였겠네.. 저 분한테는
스릴을 즐기시는군
전쟁터 실감
얼마나 무서울꼬..
무빙 ㄹㅈㄷ
Props to the first dude for drifting and hitting no one and the Guy trying to save them.
He's an idiot almost got hit.
@@samlsd9711 doing his best to warn the other idiots
@Donn Shackelfurd nah, had nothing to do with luck, his time wasn't up, otherwise it would have been a nasty death.
Levels of Spiritual Warfare ~ Fr Ripperger by Sensus Fidelium.
imagine standing on the side of the highway and out of nowhere LiveLeak pops up above your head and everything changes to 144p
i lost
new objective: survive
144p? dafuk?
정말 고마운 아저씨다 ㅠ위험한거 알면서도 일부러 알려줄라고 손흔드는데 ㅜ 복받으실거
@@HAEMULRAMEN 누가 봐도 차 막으려고 하는건데요 그리고 고속도로에서 앞에 길도 막혀 있는데 어떤 사람이 저길 지나가려고 하겠어요? 애초에 사람이 걷는 곳이 아닌데
이미 사고낫으니 조심하라고 앞쪽으로 나와 계신거같은데 손흔드는게 조심하라는거 같지않나요;;::
@@HAEMULRAMEN 바보같은 소리하면 쓴소리 듣는거죠 뭐 ㅋㅋㅋ
@@hj6162 ??손으로 차 막으려하는 병신이 있음? 조심하라고 속도 줄이라고 경고주는거지
@@user-ew3gy2tx4p 아니 문맥 파악 ㅈ도 못하네 저분이 뭐 캡틴이라고 했음? 손짓(제스처)로 알려줘서 차를 막는다는 게 사고날까봐 막아주려는 거라잖아 ㅋㅋ 되도않는 거 시비걸고 자빠지네
Can we take a moment and appreciate the guy effort to stop a disaster that almost cause him his life 3 times
He got hit finally at 0:49 from the black car he was behind. You see him fly backward.
@Jonny Croxville not the time when i saw the video
@Jonny Croxville oh so i guess you busted me! Well its my cat who wrote that wasn't me
It's pretty common to get killed while trying to warn in a situation like this. SO DO NOT DO IT. ONLY FOR NINJAS:
His stupid effort almost caused his life! He should think before doing stupid things like this.
This is why when I see a bunch of hazard lights I begin to slow down.
It's also good to always keep your distance and see whats ahead of you!
This is why i stay off the highways in conditions like that.. live in Michigan U.S.A. right off of I94. Every year we have a multicar pile up if not a few, literlly 30 minutes from where i stay. Had a friend who was in one, that their sedan hit a semi truck that was stopped. Luckily someone was smart and said they needed to get to the tree line up off the side of the road quick and no sooner they got to the tree line, another semi smashed the car flat from behind. My friend still 10 years later has issues around traffic accidents. I've heard of 2 that were over 150 cars each in my lifetime and I'm not even 40 yet.
@The Insufferable Tool drive fast backwards and swerve alot. Guaranteed be the only one the never caught in a pile up like that one in the video.
@@______6057 What you're describing is either bad road maintenance or poor driver training. Probably both if this is happening that often. Highways are the safest type of roads, and this is *especially* true in winter. Tyres also play a key role, I've heard many people in the US drive on all-season tyres year round. They are OK in cool wet conditions (not freezing), but fail miserably on ice or snow.
Btw, the accident in the video seems to be on a bridge. Bridges are always prone to sudden icing if a cold wind comes along.
"SMH" Some idiots shouldn't even be allowed to drive!!!
Хороший человек спасал других рискуя своей жизнью. Огромное уважение ему и спасибо!
И водитель грузовика мог бы так
@@Nohcho8795 ,
водила грузовика всю свою полосу остановил.
О-о-о-Хуеть, бля..!
@@uaVeron Он скорее ограничил обзор другим водителям. Видят грузовик, а затора не видят, и объезжают его; когда за грузовиком открывается вид, тормозить уже поздно, скорости большие 90км/ч +
@@romakukin2122 Вот очень близко к истине по сути.
It never ceases to amaze me how people have no idea what's happening on the road ahead if it's more than a car length in front of them.
And yet there's nothing to keep them from doing what these "driver's" do. I saw this and worse driving a rig.
No kidding, especially in poor weather conditions. I'm a confident driver but I have no confidence in other commuters driving awareness or abilities.
@@Einwetok .. yep.. I did 40K miles a year for about 40 years driving a service van
@@anomalyp8584 what does that have to do with black ice?
The most basic definition of black ice is a thin coat of highly transparent ice. The reason it is transparent is because it blends in with road pavements since it is so thin, making it nearly impossible to see. It's called black ice since it looks black, like the color of the road pavement it forms on.
The term "black ice" in the United States is defined by the National Weather Service as "patchy ice on roadways or other transportation surfaces that cannot easily be seen. It is often clear (not white) with the black road surface visible underneath. It is most prevalent during the early morning hours, especially after snow melt on the roadways has a chance to refreeze over night when the temperature drops below freezing. Black ice can also form when roadways are slick from rain and temperatures drop below freezing overnight
The way those cars were going, I suspect some kind of lubricant leak or bad road surface.
@@darthkek1953 It was ice. You can see that this was on a bridge, or overpass. Bridges always freeze first because cold air envelopes them on top and on bottom compared to roads which don't have air underneath.
A well known threat here in Québec. I confirm that it is nearly impossible to see and it is very slippery. And yes, bridges and overpasses are highly prone to develope black ice. So, when it's freezing outside, the best thing to do is to slown down when you approach a bridge or an overpass, especially when there is a curve.
@Double Vision Are you on drugs or drinking too much? I put the definition because it was not available in the description, and no one else in the comment explained it for people that didn't know, like me for example..... Of course I search it on the internet and put it here for the people who don't have a clue what black ice is.....
AND HERE IS ANOTHER ONE: The term "black ice" in the United States is defined by the National Weather Service as "patchy ice on roadways or other transportation surfaces that cannot easily be seen. It is often clear (not white) with the BLACK ROAD SURFACE VISIBLE underneath. It is most prevalent during the early morning hours, especially after snow melt on the roadways has a chance to refreeze over night when the temperature drops below freezing. Black ice can also form when roadways are slick from rain and temperatures drop below freezing overnight. """
Black ice matters
이 영상에 왜 외국인 댓글 많은지 알겠다. 이정도 화질에 박진감 넘치는 블랙 아이스 영상이 거의 없음. 단연 탑. 최고의 영화같은 생존을 보여주신 아저씨께 박수!!
유럽 같은경우 개인정보 보호 문제 때문에 아직 많이 없음
블랙 아이스 영상중에 거의 원탑
2024년 올 겨울에도 어김없이 추천이 뜨네요. 운전조심하세요~
0:27 운전실력 개미쳤다 진짜
ㄹㅇ 어디 박은 줄 알았는데 멀쩡함
브레이크도 없이 후진주차 해버리네 ㄷ
관성 드리프트
미친 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
마지막에 불빛으로 윙크함
0:26 드리프트 주차 지렷다
@전승헌 순진하네 그런 낚시를 믿노
@전승헌 사기의 사기 ㄷㄷ
아저씨 액션영화 실제 주인공같음..
잘못보면 영화주인공인줄 두번이나 피해가네 성룡급임
ㄹㅇ 놀라서 굳을 수도 있는데 대단하심
알고리즘 머고ㅋㅋ
자세히보면 저ㅈ저씨때문에 안박을라고 가드레일박아준 차가 ㅈ같을듯ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
빙판길 사고 레전드 영상.
어르신. 고생하셨습니다.
Корейский мужик супер ответственный, спасся сам, пошёл спасать других.
Тоже в реках да ?
Точно отвественный. Перед всеми так бегает, притормозите.
В шоссе так не легко разобраться?
@@SulmaxChannel да реки, среагировал на иероглифы, проверил что они корейские, и на black ice.
@@samnetmon как вы знать корейский?
0:27 차 돌리는거 대박이네
커브 예술이다 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋ 존윅보는줄
관성 도리포트
@@강변북로를지나서 나닛? 빙판 도리포트?!
유감이지만 영상 올린 차량때문에 사고가 더 악화, 확대된 측면이 있음.
편도3차선 길의 한가운데서 저렇게 버티고서 초서행하고 있으니 다른 차들은 1차로나 우측 3차로로 갈 수밖에 없고 그중 순간적인 상황판단에서 3차로를 택한 차량은 첫번째 투싼 suv처럼 트레일러 피하고 사람까지 피하려고 스턴트를 찍거나 아님 제네시스처럼 트레일러 뒤를 들이박는 액션씬을 연출하는 수밖에 없음.
그렇다고 블박차량 운전자를 탓할순 없지만 노련한 운전자라면 내차의 가장 안전한 위치, 그리고 내차의 존재로 인해 2차사고 내지는 타 차에 가해질 위험을 판단하고 길 우측 갓길쪽으로 차량 이동하는 조치를 취했어야 하는 아쉬움이 있음.
가장 안전한 대처는 순간적 판단의 상황에서 우측 트레일러 뒤가 아니라 바로 앞으로 이동하는 것이 나의 안전을 위하고 타차량의 안전에도 도움을 주는 가장 적절한 선택임.
햐...진짜 겨울 캐무섭다 안전운전 합시다
0:23 이 아저씨 여기서 살아난게 끝이아님ㄷㄷ.. 0:37에 우측에서 뒷차가 냅다 박는데 빨간트럭없었으면 또 아찔한 상황 나왔을테고
0:48에 빨간트럭차 앞에있는 검은차옆에 서 계시다가 좌측에서 미끌린 차가 검은차 냅다 박고 또 뒤로 넘어지심ㄷㄷ
이정도면 아저씨가 저승문턱 밟으려고 할때 당신은 아직 수명남앗어 돌아가 하고 밀쳐낸수준인데
저 아저씨분은 현재 네번째 생을 살고계십니다...
저 아저씨는 평생쓸 운을 하루만에 다 쓰셨네요..
@@구구덕-y4j 하루보단 10초
회귀를 하셔서 그렇구나~ 어쩐지 잘 피하시더라
앞에 이미 몇 차례의 연쇄 충돌이 일어나서 도로 상황을 보고 딱봐도 더 사고가 일어날 것을 예측하셨기에목숨이 오가는 상황에서라도 다른 사람들은 안하지만 본인이 직접
차 밖으로 나와 여기가 위험하니 속도를 줄여서 움직여라라고 하는 행동이네요.
정말 존경 받을만한 분 입니다.
That landrover at 0:55 threaded that needel. Lined up the off-ramp perfectly, mad respect.
Yeah I was thinking the same, he didn't hard break cause that would slide his ride like the rest, just slowly break and steer left and right till you can hard break
0:24 저 아재 평생 운 다씀ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
저아저씨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄴㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@kevin-pk5nn 그러게요 정신병자들 같음
0:48 회색 세단 차량떄문에 희생자가 발생합니다
까만 제네시스말슴하신거죵?
@@Kekungx 네에 G80차량이 박은 차량쪽에 사람이 피해있엇는데 그대로 박아버렸어요
겨울철 고속도로에서 사고 나면 냅다 뛰어야겠네
사람이 보임?
@@user12p43i2ck ㄴㄴ 다른각도에서 찍힌영상도있고 뉴스에서나온거예요
0:24 This is like a real life Jackie Chan scene. Not because he's Asian but by the nature of him dodging death trying to save lives
and because he is Asian
daily life in the middle east
"Not because he's Asian"?????
@jm gee hey, what would we say if it was a white guy? chuck norris?
@jm gee actually nvm, we would probably just say "that guy." i wonder if that's an american thing? do white people everywhere see themselves as the normal ones? how would i google that?
와 진짜 겨울인데 또한번 경각심을 가지게 되네요 ... 모쪼록 다들 안전운전 하시길...
모쪼록 --> 아무쪼록
@@meltslee985 맞춤법 지적좀 그만
man's was like i ain't dying today mfs. he dodged them cars like a they dodge bullets in movies. he's a survivor and hero, put his life in danger to warn others. we should all be like this man
I am like him!.. I stopped plenty of time to pull stuff out the freeway lanes 🛣 that would’ve cause a serious accident!
If ppl would learn to help each other instead of being so damn selfish, then the world wouldn’t even have this damn virus! Etc!
@Quentin Lennox that's quite a responsible admission. You're not such a dodger after all
Dude was athletic, I will give him that.
That man is an idiot. No one is going to die while in their own car with airbags. The safest thing he could have done was stay in his own dam car
와~아저씨 무슨 게임속 케릭터 같다;; 진짜 죽다 살아났네;;;
This scene has got a big headache for insurance companies. I hope nobody was severely injured.
No trouble for insurance companies: You could not stop your vehicule in time: you are responsible, period.
Insurance companies couldn't care less. Imagine any other service that you pay monthly for, never use, and then when you need it they fight you or jack up your rates to recoup their losses. Car insurance especially is one of the most corrupt systems there is.
132 people died.
@@staples4335 fr?
Well thats why its called insurance. Otherwise people would pay for it for nothing.
1:10 찍는차도 박힘..
이분도 트럭같은데
크읏 치사하게 뒤에서 박다니......!
@@GGam-ja ???
@@GGam-ja 가버렷~~! 응기잇!
블랙아이스가 깔린 길은 브레이크 쭉 밟으면 저렇게 미끄러집니다
0:41 차 처럼 브레이크를 반복적으로 밟았다 뗐다해야 제동이됩니다 알아두세요~~
0:27 에 화려한 턴한사람은 순발력과 위기대처능력이 좋은사람이고 저건 운전 오래했고 잘하는사람인가보네요
슬슬 겨울이 되니까 주의하라고
알려주는 알고리즘
0:38 제네시스 ㅈㄴ 역동적으로 들이받네
스몰오버랩한줄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
에어백 테스트인줄 ..
@@푸르미-k8q 충돌테스트 자체..
@@KUMAKURA_GYU ???진짜요?
Мужик как в Кунг-Фу уклонялся от машин :) - Молодец.
как в кино, в ахуе чел
Потомственный южно Корейский ниндзя, при чём в начале пытается предупредить об опасности.
Он же бля всех предупреждал, там пробка)))
Наверное не один год занимается!.....
Уважение ему!!
The only skid marks are the ones in that guys underwear, for being so close to death.
i wonder how many accidents were avoided that we didnt see, because of his actions.
Prayers and love to this man.
None from the looks of it, and even worse he started a trend with the other drivers of getting them to get out of the vehicle putting them in just as much danger as he was in
@@sramey101 Yup. If anything he made things worse.
Not really sure that this guy did anything helpful here. Beside endangering himself and others who tried not to overrun him while he was running around on the street. You never ever do this. Never! A way more clever solution would have been either to make people go slower BEFORE hitting the ice, a few hundert meters on the other side of the bridge or having emergency beacons / road flares in the trunk that could be just trown on the street, to warn people without getting in danger to be killed by sliding pickup trucks. They are rechargeable and cost less that 20 dollars, I'm sure you can get them in asia, too.
@@bubblegum0k1oser you re a big guy on insulting, still, the video is cleat: the guy is standing beside the road and keeps running on the road. I don't care why he does, there is clearly no reason to run into traffic on an icy road and extremely dangerous. And yeah, I thing everyone should have at least a minimal amout of security equipment on his car, or at least stay tf away from running through sliding trucks with 60+ miles on black ice.
I once encountered a similar phenomenon. I was climbing a hillock in a traffic jam and suddenly realized that the brakes were not holding and I was sliding back.
I opened the door and checked the asphalt, which looked completely black. It turned out that it is covered with a layer of absolutely transparent ice, a centimeter thick. In order not to roll, I had to turn the wheels and steering wheel. Several cars whose drivers decided to overtake us in the oncoming lane flew past, later I drove past what was left of them.
I wish everyone good health and never get into such situations!
Did they finally get him, though? Looks like the heat-seekers may have found him.
Lmao I was thinkin the same
LOL, I just took a big sip of coffee. I had to slowly let it back in the cup after reading this comment.
@@tsuvtom7668 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yeah, at 0:49 the black car he ran behind gets nailed and causes him to get hit by it. You see him fly backward.
여러분 저 아재처럼 괜히 정리한답시고 저러지마십시오 그냥 저 담밖에 있으세요 그러다 괜히 다칩니다
괜히 아재겠어요
디지려고 먼짓을 못함ㅋㅋ
그냥 차에있는 삼각봉인가 그거 반짝이는거 세워두면 되지
this was like one of the most intense youtube video's I've seen
@@wayneace172 ok-
More so referring to how the guy dodged the cars and it was so surreal like a movie scene, no need to get... weird, and boast about what u seen on youtube, its youtube...
@@wayneace172 haha shut up NERD
겨울철 다리 위에는 항상 서행 하십시오. 저녁 시간대에 얼어 녹지 않고 그대로 있습니다.
0:56 이와중에 레인지로버 제동력보소!!!!!!
4륜의 힘
이래서 고급차 타는거여
근데 흰색 스포티지 존나 사고 유발하네
빨리 빠져나가면 될 것을 존나 꾸물거리네
엔진브레이크 사용할 줄 아는 사람인거죠.
자동도 엔진브레이크 사용할 수 있는데 모르는 사람 많아요.
그good!!! 부딪치지 않고 무사히 안착 ~
Man is like a superhero version of George Costanza in that one Frogger episode
удивляет поведение других участников дороги, они что - близорукие...
the behavior of other road participants is surprising, they are shortsighted ...
The most stupid people in the world
@@viktorvasilev8760 Well it is hard to see with reduced ocular openings.. 😁
@@VCRAGE They have cruise control turned on in their car, and they themselves, at this time, were sticking to the Internet with their eyes.
У них в автомобиле включен круиз контроль, а сами, в это время, в интернет глазами за липли.
Good thing this was in Asia, we're all pretty much ninjas and avoid death by default.
nah bro, Logan Paul exposed y'all suicide forest...sorry.
@@rebekaht3077 thats why he took his own life
I've seen black ice in the United States, the southeastern part of the country where I live. It's not funny. People tearing up cars, insurance rates go up, and people getting hurt or killed by something on the road they didn't see. I don't know who Logan Paul is.
Isn't this your standard way to isekai though? 🤔
Then how come the guy videoing this scene didn't crash and everyone else just kept coming and didn't notice him stopped? I'd say it was a string of MORONS.
На такое можно смотреть до бесконечности и думать От чего(кого) они так мчатся? Там наверно позади что то страшное и ужасное.
@@НатальяРезникова-ь5к Надеюсь вы никогда не попадёте на black ice, это лёд!
Zombie Movie lol Dayum!
@@DmitriyKunin да я в сибири живу у нас гололед постоянно , вот вчера к примеру был , народ тупой просто , если скользко не допирает что ехать надо потихоньку, ну еще можно и неплохо подрифтить
Never seen an accident like this, a lot of vehicles involved.
feels like final destination
korean driving culture 🤦♂️
It's called a "Pile Up" happens all the time in snow and ice because there's absolutely no traction. Drivers should've slowed down before even getting near it tho when they saw all the cars wrecked.
@@ninja.saywhat This is an accident... not a culture
Ur saying this like saying American have culture of Racist, Ignorance, Arrogance,and Obsession with guns when they probably not~
@@ninja.saywhat happens everywhere idiot
Мужик жизнью ресковал ради других, уважение безусловно
У меня глаза обуглились, когда увидел, как ты написал слово.
он идиот, авто достаточно безопасны чтобы такой удар выдержать.
@@dellouflue6849 страховка? Нет, не слышали...
смотрю у них тоже дебилов за рулем каждый второй
@@OlegPavlovпро безопасность авто будешь это рассказывать когда тебя расплющит двумя фурами в каком нибудь гётце
0:34 Imagine how cool that shot would've been if he was running towards a camera
Hello dear,Good day how is everything over there nice to see you on here i hope all is well
Hello thanks for the reply to my comment with you where are you from i am Dr James Gardner From New jersey Green Village i am widow three years now with one adopted daughter i am also 57year old i hope to know more to move to gmail hangout and also to text each other on sms
@PlaySomething! hello
@@sirpizo555 Hi dear Coconut.. yes i am new on here and i am from New jersey green village troy i am widow three year i also 56year old what about yours
i told myself exactly the same XD
면허따기전에 엔진브레이크 쓰는법 무조건 의무교육시켜야함. 아직도 엔진브레이크가 뭔지도모르는 운전자가 10에 8은됨.
이건 블랙아이스라 바닥이 얼은지도 모른상태인데 엔진브레이크가 상관있나?
저순간에 뭔 엔진브레이크를 쓸정신이있냐
@@biceps8378저긴 이미 고속이라 엔진브레이크 의미없긴하죠
댓글이 모두 엔진브레이크 한번도 안써본 사람들이네요. 경험이 없으니 무슨말인지 이해를 못하네...설명도 못하겠네..무사고 운전경력 23년차입니다. 저 멀리 사고난게 보일때부터 엔진브레이크 쓰면 안미끄러진다구요. 그리거 못봤다고해도 아무리 고속도로라도 블랙이이스면 운전할때 자세도 불안정하고 뭔가 미끄럽다는 느낌이와요. 그럼 수동모드로 운전하면서 대비를 해야죠 대비를..확실히 운전도 보면 평소 눈치빠르고 센스있는 사람들이 사고도 안내고 잘함
왜 못쓰는지 알려드릴게요
1. 처음에 차가 많이보이는게 사고난건지 막히는건지모름.
2. 비깜 시야에 들어오고 사고난거인지하고 브레이크 살짝 밟아보면 이미 미끄러지고 당황함.
3. 한번 미끌리면 엔진브레이크고 자시고 생각안남. 급내리막 자주안내려가보거나 엔브 자주안써본사람들은 평소 쓸일이 없기에 절대 못함
0:54 디스꼬바리 제동력은 지린다..
저건 제동력 문제 아닌데요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 제동력이 좋다면 어떻게 보면 미끄러져서 꼬라박은 차들이 제동력이 좋다고 할 수 있겠죠. 이건 운전자들 스킬 문제이고 ABS시스템 성능 문제입니다. 좋아요 100개 넘는데 수정하세요ㅋ
ABS 터져서 차 좆나게 달달달다라랄다랃라 거렸을듯ㅋㅋ
@@팩폭-g8t ABS는 시스템인데 뭐가 터진다고 그러누ㅋㅋㅋ 알도 몬하면 가만히 계세요 슨생님ㅋㅋㅋ
김씨 별 그지새끼 끽해봐야 모닝5년할부끊어서 간신히 타고다니는 연봉1800따리년이 감히깝치네 ㅋㅋㅋ
@@KMONQ 응 니김씨
somebody said it wasn't his time to leave the world, i say the world didn't want to mess with him, he is too damn good at this...
If you live in Canada or any other northern country where it snows/rains a lot, you know the pain of black ice . It's like 2x as slippery as regular ice and completely invisible
Если вы живёте в России хоть на севере хоть на юге, где много снега \ дождя вы знаете боль)
Gosh man, are you kidding? Do a test-drive in Russia. We dont even have flattened roads (except Moscow) so black ice / ice / snow is our only chance to ride without bumps on the road, cuz all of them are completely hidden by the weather situation finally...
And I'm not joking, maybe just exaggerate a little, but still most of this drivers seem blind...
@@dmitriydobrynin9528 Согласен, они как будто не смотрят вперёд, что впереди проблемы.
@@ssmodest ну да, блядь огни ж на трассе, ну ёпвашумать...
очень безрассудное и беспечное поведение в любом случае, увидеть аномалию и лететь за сотку.
но, юг всё-таки, им в диковинку.
@@dmitriydobrynin9528 100%
If you've never driven on it, you can't possibly understand. The road looks dry but your brakes are your worst enemy and can get you killed in a hurry. Sometimes even letting off the gas quickly can cause loss of control.
Props to the dude for trying to warn everyone. Nearly got himself killed doing so.
YA 👍
Nameless hero.
1:20 렉카
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 냄새 맡고 왔누
렉카 파티하겟누ㅋㅋ
아싸 오늘회식
Если не знать,что произошло--- можно подумать,что все сошли с ума.
Масло разлили что-ли ? Вроде бы не зима , гололёда не должно быть .
Тот случай когда хорошие дороги + высокая скорость усыпляют бдительность...
Поэтому будьте всегда бдительны
@@СерегаАлександров-щ8ф black ice в названии не о чём не говорит? Этот термин означает, на вид сухой и чистый асфальт покрытый тончайшей плёнкой льда.
Kak b Pocii
This guy’s playing Frogger for real!
Ice Edition
야 저건 진짜 누가 내차 박았는지 확인도 안되겄다......
이래서 고양이 탐정이 있는거임 😂
@@sswcb졸 귀엽네~ 고양이 탐정이 뭐여?
게기판에 0도 이하 찍혀있으면 눈,비,서리 안껴도 무조건 서행하세요.
심지어 기온이 영상이더라도 고가도로나 터널 입출구, 그늘진 곳 등등은 얼어있을 확률이 높죠
@@뭐하늬 물은 0도부터 어는데요 ㅋㅋ학교수업 안들으셨나...ㅋ
@@제임스셀렙 이미 얼어붙은 블랙아이스가 영상에서도 미처 녹지 못하는 환경들을 말씀드린겁니다.
@@제임스셀렙 기온이영상이라도 음지는 얼엇을수도 잇죠 ;; 생각좀하고 말좀 처 내뱉으세요
저거 사고난 사람이
블박 트럭 때문에 시야 다 가리고 어중간하게 있어서 더 사고 많이 났다고 함
ㄹㅇ 나 이생각했는데 이거 말하는사람 1명도 없었음...
높이보니까 딱봐도 대형차같은데 아무것도안하고 가운데서서 멀뚱히 있으니까 다른 소형차량들이 어떻게든 피하려고 몸부림친거지 ㅋㅋㅋ 박으면 좆되니까
그럼 저상황에서 어디로 갈까? 갓길에서 비상등 켜고 깜빡이는거 안보이나? 앞차에 코박고 가다보면 안보였겠네.
댓글러 대댓글러들 머리에 국수사리가 들었나. 대형차던 소형차던 자전거든 도로에 서행 하는 차가 잘못인 경우는 없다. 과속해서 달려오다가 못 멈추는 차가 원인이지
@@jehunchoi1025 중간에 있었으니까 문제라고 생각함...
보험회사 직원이 현장에 왔을 때 머리 터질 듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Русские по рекомендации пришли к этому видео) 2021
Все в один день......
Как-то странно......)
И тут же охуели на каких машинах рядовые корейцы разбиваются...
Так точно))
Запах крови, без сомнения ...
Announcer: You are now a character in a slapstick comedy film. Try not to die.
Guy: Who was that? What do you mea- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
안녕하세요. tvN 박예은 작가입니다. 저희는 사건 사고를 다루는 방송으로 이번에 겨울을 맞이해 겨울철 사고에 대해 다뤄볼 예정인데요. 혹시 해당 영상 원 저작자이신지, 아니라면 영상을 어디서 구하셨는지 자문코자 답글 남깁니다.
0:24 근데 아저씨 시야 오피임 .... 거즘 1티어네;;;;
다 차가 피한거;;;;; 당신 시야는 9티어
@@김민혁-f7m4q 뭔 ㅋㅋ
@@김민혁-f7m4q 차가 다 피한건 맞는데 막상 저럴때 오면 반응조차 잘 못하는거 맞는데??
@@김민혁-f7m4q 아이고 불편러 오셨네요
남들 인생 태클 거시면서 사세요 평~생
@@welding7981 네 보는눈 없이 평생사세요!!
0:27 와 개무서웠겠다 뛰어서 겨우 피했는데 뒤 도니까 차 또 미끄러지고 있네 ㄷ
Happy day for Insurance Companies!
no. they have to cover the costs so not so happy
@@ekinayan5502 thats the joke
올 겨울도 어김없이 알고리즘의 선택! 안전운전 합시다..
WOW! Actually reminded me of the "Key-maker" in the MATRIX and what a flashback: January 13, 1985 at the age of 23, while in the U.S. Army, I hit some black ice coming back to the Base (Camp Zama, Japan) from Tokyo. I was only going approx. 35 mph, but hit the brakes and that was it. My car flipped 3--4 times. My car was totaled and I was injured, but fortunately there were no other vehicles around. I'm glad the gentleman wasn't injured!
어휴,,,, 소름돋는다 진짜 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ 제네시스 에쿠스 대체 몇대가 박고 박힌겨
졸음에 장사없고 눈길에 명차없다 는 옛말이 떠오르네요 ㅎㄷㄷ
내 운전 경험상으로는 도저히 납득이 안가는게 있다면 앞에 뭔 일이 있다는걸 뒤에거 인지 하지 못하고 내달리기만 한다는거에요. 전 고속도로 달리면서 차들이 무슨 일이 있어서 정차 되어 있는지 속도를 줄이고 있는지 어쩌고 있는지 다 구분이 가서 그에 맞게 운전을 하곤 합니다. 저 차들은 무슨 불나방들 같네요. 진짜 인지가 안되는건가???
That brave man was warning cars to slow down. God bless him.
" Hey look ,there's a truck with a dash cam , let's speed up so we can total our cars and be in his viral video "
@@OneUndOnlee i assume you are being sarcastic as the Americans are as
obsessed with celebrity as the koreans or even more so.
@@siriosstar4789 We're all conditioned to be obsessed with celebrities. It's not really a contest.
내가 보기엔 저아저씨가 더 큰사고 안나게 하려고 도로에 있었던거 같은데, 오히려 저분한테 고맙다고 해야하는거 아님? 왜 댓글들이 차에 안치여서 운좋아다 라는 댓글만 있음????
다른거 다 떠나서 차에안치인거 운좋은거맞음 그게 팩트임 한끗차이로 목숨부지한거임 원래 사고나면 갓길로 빠져있어야함 그것도 고속도로인데 미친짓임 저거
머가고맙냐 저새기때문에 십년감수애떨어젓겟다
뒤에 차들이 오다가 저 사람까지 그냥 박았으면 고마운아저씨가 죽고 그 박은사람의 인생도 죽겠죠
@@gunyoungpark1672 미련한거임
의도야 어찌됐든 사고요소에 해당되는게 저 아저씨 행동이고 2차,3차 사고를 막기위해서 아저씨가 저렇게 하는건 아니라는 말임. 저렇게 고속으로 뛰어드는 차들 앞으로 사람이 튀어나온다면 어떻게 되는지는 잘 알잖음..
저 아저씨가 운이 졸라 좋은거지 잘한게 아님. 의도야 감사하지만.
존나 신기한게 어제 이거 알고리즘에 떴는데 오늘 원주에서 50대 추돌사고남 십ㅋㅋ
Checking the road signs and cars, this happened in South Korea. The guy dodging like a boss.
저 아져씨 죽을 고비를 두번 넘기는 순간에도 핸드폰 끝까지 안놓침 ㅎㄷㄷ
맞네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그걸 보셨네
(대충 심한말인데 수정함)
@@elecr3386 알고리즘에 뜰 수도 있는거죠 분탕을 치는 것도 아니고 얌전히 건전하게 잡담까고 있는데 다짜고짜 비꼬시네...
@@elecr3386 ㄹㅇ 수준봐라
0:55 와 씨 랜드로버인가 제동 기가막히네
저런 상황에서는 최대한빨리 차에서 내려 도로밖으로 나가야됩니다
how the hell did they not see this coming from afar? they keep coming and crashing like "wait for me let me join you guys"
I think it's black ice all the way down the road and they lost control way before we see them. I hope so anyway, because this video is baffling.
It clearly shows you've never driven where it snows
you must be living in hot region
asian drivers. sue me now
@@BenjaminNuttinYahoo will find more videos like this filmed in US.
무슨 액션영화보는줄...차가 하나둘 포개지는거 소름ㄷㄷ
ㅁㅊ 영감쟁이 쳐디지려고 무슨짓을 못해ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 괜히 쳐기어나와서 디지려고. 꼴에 중재한답시고 쳐기어나온 모양인데 디질것같으니깐 다시 숨네ㅋㅋㅋ
@@깡-t8d 왜케 부정적이냐 그러고 일상생활 가능하냐?
@@깡-t8d 혼자 ㅈㄴ 흥분해서 발광을 하네 ㅋ
0:24 위빙.더빙 너무 잘피하심
복서했으면 대성했을듯
근데 안피했어도 될것같았는디
Not just that guy dodging all those cars. Somehow the car recording this avoided getting hit. Amazing.
No he got hit in the side at the end. 1:10 unfortunately.
it's a truck and he got hit multi times
He actually caused all the problem. He is blocking the vision of all the drivers who can't see the accident ahead, then the pull out to go around him wondering why he is stopped on the road and are faced with a mass pile up.
@@rogerc23 Do you actually have a drivers licence? If you see a stopped truck in the middle of the highway you do not reduce your speed, and speed by him? And if you cant see the accident on the 3 lanes and one safety lane from at least 200m then where are you looking and why are you driving. You get in a car you are responsable for more that 1 tone of a speeding weapon so eyes on the road all the time.
@@aasgardthor2 LOL!! 😂😁😂😁 says the guy who has never driven in Asia. Thanks for the laugh.
the most reluctant stuntman ever, Guardian angel working over time for that man
They should use this clip in movies, man deserves it 👏🏼
funny ?
@@ejampapaya9488 funny??