Apart from the people, food, culture, art, cars, beauty, history, architecture, design and weather, Italy has very little to offer! Oh and cinema and music!
We moved to northern Italy in 2011 and there was a lot of choice of apartments and villas to rent and the standard residential lease was 4x4 years. Life was good at first and we went to many concerts and operas and explored the Lake Garda region. Shortly after we signed our lease Airbnb exploded on the scene and the results are that at the end of our lease rental properties for long term 4x4yrs we’re scarce that was in 2019. So we found a flat in a small town sway from the Lake but with rotten neighbours. Yes this is a common problem in Italy awful unkind uncivilised neighbours. Screaming kids left unattended a lot and no one cares. So in 2024 we registered with 4 agencies for a new flat we paid a fee to a lawyer that is connected to many letting agents and after 18months there’s nothing available. 4x4yr leases no longer offered we’d be lucky to get a one year lease with the threat that after one year there could be a rent increase or forced to move because of noisy neighbours. It’s become a nightmare and in Spain the locals are openly hostile to tourists and it’s happening in Italy in the big cities. The cost of gas is expected to rise 30% in 2025 if the deal with Russia is not renewed. This gas passes through Ukraine. EU Commission will have to find new sources of gas, but their main interests are to keep financing wars. In 2011 it was a totally different story but the honeymoon is definitely over
Hi, Very interesting your comment... Did you not find anything interesting to rent in any small town around where you are? Generally the rents in the small towns are lower... Personally if i'm you... i would look for the most underrated town or area around you... Simply to have lower cost for the rent, less tourism, and maybe less people around... if you are in the north i guess you are close to the mountains... I would start looking in places higher in altitude but far from the sky resorts, let me know!!!
Ma chi siete? Siete persone o cosa altro? Perché dalle vostre parti i bambini vengono legati o imbavagliati? Pure gli anziani danno fastidio perché percepiscono la pensione. Mi sa che questo maltrattato paese sul quale tutto sputano è uno dei pochi dove ancora esiste un po’ di umanità
Non c’è nemmeno un eremo o una fattoria in affitto in questa zona. In 2011 avevamo un appartamento con2 balconi e vista sul Lago per €550 al mese. Ora L’avvocato specialista in affitti dice che ne anche con €2000 al mese possiamo trovare un appartamento con uno sguardo al Lago grazie ad Airbnb
Hai perfettamente ragione. Te lo dico da italiano sposato con un'americana. Purtroppo il nostro sport nazionale italiano è biasimarci e dire che tutto all'estero è migliore. Non è così. Infrastrutture, trasporti, sistema legale... Non dico che siamo all'avanguardia, ma possiamo competere con tutti. In Italia, fuori dalle grandi città, si può vivere decentemente anche facendo l'inserviente da McDonald, beneficiando comunque di una sanità all'avanguardia, e invece da altre parti non è così. Purtroppo il nostro sport nazionale è biasimarci (è così dai tempi dell'800, c'è scritto pure nell'inno di Mameli). Il nostro grande problema è questo autodanneggiamento negativo. Nessuno dice agli italiani che, per motivi genetici (come tra l'altro dimostri tu, parlando due lingue ed avendo aperto un canale in una lingua straniera), la nostra più grande risorsa è l'IQ, il quoziente intellettivo. Anche gli italiani che qui sono considerati bassi o medi, in altri paesi anglosassoni e non (anche Germania, Francia, Spagna, etc.), appena arrivano primeggiano. Ci si è mai chiesti perché? Forse guardando le statistiche mondiali dell'IQ si potrebbe avere una risposta. Ma nessuno lo insegna ai ragazzi italiani...
Americana? L' America è un continente, non un paese. Ci sono paesi fantastici e persone interessanti laggiù, non c'è solo il paese prepotente e ignorante che pensa di avere l' esclusiva di un continente.
@caliberto5087 Ecco arrivata la testa di dinamite grammar nazi ma in realtà ignorante. "Americano" come sinonimo di statunitense è un uso consolidato nella lingua italiana. Lo trovi anche sulla Treccani. Come è anche consolidato da loro, "I am an American citizen" si intende cittadino statunitense, non certo argentino o haitiano.
Il Q.I. non c'entra... Fino a qualche anno fa avevamo un ottimo sistema d'istruzione. Adesso i pedagogisti sostengono che dobbiamo essere "teneri e coccolosi" che non è un problema sapere qualcosa in meno se si riesce a "gratificare" e "motivare" il ragazzo...
Great video Antonio. I’d rather have a tranquil life in a small town than have a chaotic life in a big city. Better have a lower income and be happy (enough for food, pay bills and eat out once in a while) than a higher income in a big city but lots more stress, risk of violence etc etc.
Sounds like one of my own comments; great reflection 100% true for me too; but it is about maturity too I believe; in my 20's I also preferred to live within the chaos of metropolis.
I am planning to move to Abruzzo this year. I agree with you that there are opportunities, and I have some ideas! I was going to wait another decade so I wouldn't need income. However, I've decided not to wait. I have dual citizenship so I have the ability to be employed. Getting better at speaking Italian is my main focus right now. Non vedo l'ora!
The North as well is very very depressed as for mindset. I know perfectly Italy and many countries of the world. I talk from my own experience. Italy is the mist beautiful and actually rich country in the world. What damages Italy are many Italians.
There is huge potential in Italy. Underestimated and undervalued. Correct. However. 1. The system is all set against the working person. 2. Huge huge debt, from stolen/mismanaged money. And therefore huge taxes on the people to pay that debt. 3. Unwillingness to change the status quo and to keep up with the times. Too much red tape, bureaucracy. 4. Huge number of elderly. With huge huge benefits. That the working person is paying for. 5. No long term investments and vision by the Gov. i.e. no electric plants, all is imported, therefore prices highest in Europe. 6. No value for education, high degrees are not paid. And even worse, the education is terrible. Basically education is the same as in the 1800s. And way way too much attention to humanities, arts, history, literature, in the education, all totally unproductive branches.
Italian, I live in Poland. You are right, but what about Germany, UK, France, Belgium and Holland? Green deal, Islamization, reduction of rights... with the exception of the Eastern Europe is the same in the West😢
@@italyaplacetolove This is absolutely not "matter of facts"; these are his biased interpretations of his own experiences. He is also comparing Italy with - what it seems to me - leftist expectations; Italy is not left and is not a socialistic place and that is what is saving Italy every time. Italy is fantastic but it is; Italy. A unique country in every way. You cannot expect an exotic ananas to have the shape and taste of a cracker; and why would you.
About your point nr 4. Let's highlight that the ones you called "elderly" are, presumably, the ones who, when working, paid taxes for your schooling education, bought the flat where you most probably live in, and saved money in order to offer you a "better life". The problem are the "baby pensioners" who receive a pension while having only worked 17 years. Do you wish the elderly to die in order for you to invest the money at your ease? May I also complete your analysis: a huge amount of money is waisted on migration flows without any and I mean ANY possible return. But that wasn't OUR decision and certainly not in this way.
My friend Antonio, my name is Antonio too and I live abroad too. I live in Belgium and I can tell you although I work here and have a life, I truly miss the south of Italy. I miss the weather as well the general mood of south Italy. The openness and the kindness of the society in general. I believe the future in Italy is in organic food even if we already are among the leaders of that sector, no?
Hi Antonio, Thanks for watching... As I always say there is a lot to do, it's important to visualise where and what we would like to do and work for it... 🤗
I am German and I love love love Italy in every way!!! People, food, landscape, mentality, language, gesturing while speaking 😅 humor, clothes, architecture, designs and so much more. I know for a fact I will move there one day, I feel it in my ❤ even though I haven't pointed out the location yet, I am looking to live close by the sea. Any recommendations from you guys?
I spend 1-2 months in Italy every summer... and I have countless relatives there. I know what it costs to Live in Italy and I can compare it Canada. There is NO COMPARISON in virtually every category. Property Tax Italy = Zero Canada = 5k to 10k per year Electricity Italy $50 / Month Canada $450 / Month 1 Beer Italy - under $1 Canada - $4 1 Coffee Italy $1 Canada $3.50 Olive Oil (1L) Italy $5 Canada $25 Cell Phone Plan Italy $10 monthly Canada $80 monthly Rent 1 Bedroom Italy - $500 Canada $2000 and the list goes on and on.....
I know, i watch a lot of videos from the States, Canada, UK and I see a loto of people complaining for the increasing cost of the life, it was the same in Ireland...
I really don't know in what lost village are those prices from. * In the cities 1 beer costs 3,5 - 5 minimum. * Italy has the highest electricity price in Europe. Italy 32 euro cents for kwh. Canada 14 canadian cents for kwh. Italy almost nothing runs on electricity (all is gas) so your seemingly low bill. (100 euro just for the lights and fridge). * Property Tax - IMU 1000 euro * Rent average 1 bed 750 eur in city, 550 out of city. Any major city is much higher. And the most important difference you forgot: Italy 1500 eur average salary Canada 4000 average salary
How old are these prices?? My parents energy costs are astronomical. Petrol is 2nd highest in Europe (used to be no.1, now overtaken by France). And i can assure you that, speaking as a property owner, you do pay property tax! Olive Oil at $5? Possibly 6-8 years ago, and even then, only when it was on special offer.The only thing you got correct is the price of an espresso, though even there, it depends where you are. And regarding the subject of the video, i have to say that most people (italians) asked the same questions to my parents,,,,,Why? Sadly, nothing to do with the place or people generally. It's the bureaucracy and legal system. Cheers, Antonio.
@@d3r4g45 I guess I have to write more clearly... Beer is less than $1 in Italy at the Grocery.... as for the Bar, in Canada you will not find a Beer under $10 at the BAR.... I HELD AN ELECTRICITY BILL IN MY HAND A COUPLE MONTHS AGO, IT WAS $58 FOR THE MONTH... WAKE UP. In Canada Electric Bills are 300-500 PER MONTH, with just the Delivery Charge being close to 200. IF YOU LIVE IN A HOUSE FOR MORE THAN 6 MONTHS YOU PAY ZERO ZERO PROPERTY TAX WAKE UP. YOU PAY A SMALL FEE ONCE PER YEAR FOR GARBAGE PICKUP. In Canada Property Tax is a Mortgage. Average Salary in Italy is 1700 which is about 3000 CDN and it is a very comfortable living. In Canada you live in a tent if you make less than 2000/mth
Antonio, I agree with you. Italy has tremendous potential and most of all human potential. It is geographically the key to that Mediterranean- Africa, Europe, Asia. The people are creative and brilliant. They make something special out of little. Not to mention solar, geothermal, ability to access solar and natural resources from Africa. There is a reason why the Chinese appreciate and develop Trieste, and Genova..
Opportunities are everywhere in today world, instead of crying now it's time to catch all the opportunities Italy can offer and according to me there are plenty
Antonio, how wonderful! You are so encouraging!!! Thank you for this video which is really for everyone no matter what country they are in or what country they are going to.
I like your mindset, and appreciate your honest, positive responses to comments. Keep telling your story! This video, the first one I've watched on your channel, has got my pro-Italy, entrepreneurial mind engaged. 🙂
Salve Antonio , I enjoyed this video and the topic of relocation and helping people to love, develop and create or catch opportunities that Italy has and can offer is very close to my heart. Forza Italia. Grazie
Opportunities are everywhere... I think it's a must in these days how we can improve instead of complaining all the time, typical italian behaviour!!!!
Happy New Year Antonio, greetings from Southern California! Love your attitude, keep up the good work. Enjoy getting a glimpse inside an Italian mind who’s lived abroad and has a grounded yet worldly perspective.
Seems to me that foreigners appreciate italy more than italians.... They're the perfect example of the grass is always greener on the other side .....but it isnt every country has pros and cons......if you're not happy within yourself then you'll never be happy anywhere 🙏
Many Italians are sick of politics (especially those on the left), and, when there is a right-wing coalition in government that seems to be working well (like in this moment), the former do nothing but demonize them and speak in a very bad way about Italy and its future, especially abroad or with people from abroad. Unfortunately they are like that, they are poor people who have no other way of expressing something other than envying, hating, ruining everything even just for their petty and miserable political "interest" (think about it.....)
True, I'm off of Politic, All I know is that I have to adapt and see the opportunities independently by who is ruling. Italians still believe too much in politics... left, right, for me are all the same... no one will ever make my interests, just me!!!
@36flamingo63 This is my honest experience too; the left fail to see that they have been conditioned into "not caring" about politics and only pour hatred and sabotage the right and they fail to see that this is only because this way the left corruption of our apparato di stato can go on forever even with a rightwing government as that of @GiorgiaMeloni If you are able to see it; this government cares MORE about doing right for also the workers and leftsists than their own parties. We are really extremely fortunate to have such a modern rightwing, english speaking government in place. Many on the left do not care, they have lost hope due to them conditioning each other to lose hope and bla bla bla. I really feel for them and if you have teenagers we must be vigilant that they do not fall into friends from the left with zero hopes and zero ambitions that all seem to, as he says in this video around 9:30 they believe Italy is worse off than other countries; they are being told this by their own political leaders and then they just paraphrase this over and over again. and then they smoke more weeed. Really bad.
Well said Antonio I find that people are too busy looking out and measuring themselves up to other people's lives. You have to look to yourself and develop your own path to happiness and success
It takes several inputs to make a country prosper. You need people, if they have ideas that's even better. You also need well working legal framework. If you're being deceived left and right and you can't counteract that with legal means then only basic activity is possible. Like in Russia where they only produce timber and oil because those are things you can quickly remove from the country, before somebody steals them from you. You don't want destructive people. Let me illustrate the significance. A country in Africa purchased brand new trains from a factory in Europe. Countries in Africa aren't wealthy so for them it was a big deal. As soon as the first train arrived in the country they took it for a test ride on a new track they had built...and crashed the train on that very first ride. Someone in a delivery van tried to cross the track at a restricted location, behind a bend of all places, the van got stuck on the rails. The guy left the van there, went home, didn't leave any warning signs for any incoming train. The video from the train camera was posted on YT. Reading the comments you realize the problem in those countries is that they may have plenty people with good intentions, this group may even constitute a majority. But they won't get anywhere as long as there is a sufficiently large group that is either recklessness enough, or for own (illegal) gains demolishes everything what the well meaning crowd tries to build. In Africa it might be a guy in a van, in Italy it might be the mafia, the outcome is the same.
Excellent video Antonio Some people believe that grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and I believe it is green on both sides . I agree with you on your assessment of opportunities in the south of Italy 🇮🇹 . Yes it take some time but that is the case everywhere . I cannot wait to come to south Italy next month 🌹
I think it’s not the life style Italians complain about, it’s the government and to this I can only say that that is what does not make Italy a paradise… we have awful governments that reflect our history and will take generations to change. I live also in Denmark… good government BUT life is boring! If Italy had such a government, it would then be paradise!!!!! Viva Italia
@@italyaplacetolove Well, you cannot really detach from politics, that's the problem. It is the politics that determines the entire range of your opportunities in a given place, how easy it will be to implement your ideas, whether you can earn enough to have a decent life, the quality of the infrastructure that you will have around you and so on, not to mention education, healthcare etc. And I think that is exactly why people learn that they can better implement their ideas elsewhere. Or they become depressed socialists. Socialists - because they finally realize that the government means so much more than what they were told in the "Capitalism 101" books. Depressed - because they realize that their government will not do what is ought to be done, so there will be no development and no improvement. But there will be a lot of excellent food... unless they keep importing tomatoes from NL, which unfortunately they already do....
absolutely agreed. IT IS A DRAMA. I am a foreigner moved to Italy 3y ago Lazio region. i see that life is great here and while salaries might be higher abroad, cost of living is also much higher abroad. Italians can have a much better life here than abroad / western countries even on lower salaries. Food, utilities all costs are much lower in italy than abroad. Italians like many others only look at the "salary" but not the cost of living abroad.
Many poor regions in Europe has huge potential. That can [only?] be released with less regulation. Lower taxation and reduced government is the next stage.
I agree with you, it's true what you said... but even that doesn't have to stop Italians to be more optimistic, I see opportunities everywhere, I may not become millionaire but make enough to live, and in this hard times, enough it's better than nothing
You are right. Italy has opportunities. I wonder why these young Italians don't buy these houses that cost €1. They can't fix these houses up and then sell them. When I go to Italy, I see opportunities but it seems that Italians don't want to see foreigners succeed. This was a nice subject.
the 1$ houses are in reality 30k$ houses. that you must pay lots of rennovation companies to fix, can't do yourself because of red tape. and you must invest a couple of years to do all that, because Italy. And when you are all done and have spent ~50-100k and 2 years of your life. Congrats, you now have a house in the middle of nowhere that no one wants to buy or rent, in a place that has no jobs.
Let's think about it... At the moment there is one Pizzeria that is on sale... it's a good business with good returns... pity i'm not a pizza maker... To an expat I would always recommend to create a service to help other expats....
@karenoro5229 hahah, the name now is the old cave, I think there is on Google maps, the business is running well and there is a potential... I'm a bit afraid of locals'jealousy, maybe it's just me overthinking... I would stay at the window now and seeing the dynamics in the coming months, is your husband a chef, pizza maker??
There are people who are able to be curious and open. The world is beautiful and while Italy has overall so many beautiful aspect, like all countries, it has its issues. I too have lived in many, many countries and Italy is magical in my view.
Hi Charles, all good here... No, just because the last video was doing well I decided to take a day off... Unfortunately RUclips algorithm automatically stops the views as soon as I upload a new one... 😢
Hi Antonio! Happiest New Year!!! I saw one of your videos months ago, now I have an interest of possibly moving to Italy and was looking for your video and could not find it. I opened my iPad this morning and to happy surprise this video popped up!!!! ❤❤❤ can I email you Antonio?
Hi Suzy, personally I won't recommend you to purchase an abandoned property, first the process to find the buyer through Catasto, Second you don't know if the owner wants to sell, third it could be extremely expensive to renovate the property... Where is the property, which region???
I see, I understand it could be a lovely project, just consider the selling price plus the renovation costs... Is it worth it? That area prices are quite high... I'm going to check the property market now
one more thing. i totally agree with you also about opportunities. In germany or another developed country it is much harder to grab opportunities because it is already developed. Growth is limited and needs significant investment against fierce competition. while south italy has lot of opportunities with much less capital and much less competitors. I see lots of opportunities in the south especially Puglia/Basilicata...
@@Nomad_783 Hi Nomad, I think exactly like you... That's why I've done my big bet by moving here in Basilicata... Ready to see and catch all the opportunities this place can offer... Thanks for watching
Moving abroad isn't for everyone. And not every country is good for every person. I still want the chance to move there (since I'm a dual citizen, that aspect isn't as big of a limitation for me.)
@@karenoro5229 Hahahahah, Slowly slowly... Karen sorry if i'm delaying with my promise... It's on the way... give me just a bit of time more to organize things on the channel tiny bit better... I'm still trying to understand which videos are more successful, Pity that some videos that I really like are not doing well at all... in this one I have used a catchy title... a bit provocative and straight away doing better htan the others
No-one can speak for someone else if they don't know the total situation. Everyone's situation is different. To make Italy work at this time an income source from outside the country would work. Italy lost a lot of people during Covid also. That would have had a hugh impact on the attitude of the people.
@italyaplacetolove True. But you need people to buy. Some things you only buy once in 10 years, other things daily. Need to create a business there is a need for not a want. Need versus want purchasing. To create a business you have to have commitment, courage and money. People outside Italy can see the opportunities. Maybe people in Italy are content with their life and don't feel to need for something else.
@@isabellagalea3170 obviously it's not for everyone to create business opportunities that's why a trend where people from abroad moving to Italy can bring new ideas and fresh money... Life in Italy is better than most parts of europe
@italyaplacetolove Very true. I am Maltese. I understand. Same thing in Malta. Now we have foreigners coming in creating business. Now we have the issue of over population and getting crowded.
Grazie, l'italia é il top! Peccato che l'italiano medio sia complessato, grazie per il video e suggerirei, come un commento sotto, di fare anche qualche video in italiano. Soprattutto questo, magari aiuta a dare coraggio a chi si sente disperato.
Ciao, capisco cosa intendi... un video in italiano potrebbe aiutare... ma il trend in italia e' la negativita', avessi fatto un video cosi' in italiano mi sarei preso una marea di insulti, invece avendo fatto il video in inglese, se leggi i commenti non ne trovi uno negativo... Grazie di cuore per aver guardato il video!!!!!
Good job with this video - kind of tired of videos online of people complaining to no end. Perhaps one of these days you can make a dedicated video on these folks. Would be interesting to see your reaction.
Well, the important thing about you is that you are Italian. So, if you are an Italian and you have a job opportunity in Italy, then absolutely - it is not a wrong decision to move back, it might even be your best decision ever. If you are a foreigner.... then it's much less certain... Italy is really not an expat-friendly country, for plenty of reasons. And this is why it could be a bad decision for a foreigner to move here. BUT, that being said, I myself did exactly that - living in Bologna now, and I am a foreigner:)
The Brit Guy who wrote the comment, just wrote what other italians around him are saying about me!!! The Brit Guy is very nice, one of my best subscribers.... The problem is not the guy... the problem are the italians
I think many native Italians are looking for the government to provide. This may be a politcal factor. However, the new government is putting into place to be an imprenditore. My family in Italy is doing great: they work extremely hard, and they have found success in many sectors. The salaries are low, but prices are low, housing is affordable, and the quality of life is super. If I were younger and my husband was healthier, we would live in Italy. Ci vuole grinta!
Eh,grazie. La tua famiglia italiana sono imprenditori, hanno una fabbrica e fanno i soldi. Eh, grazie al ca--o Patricia, cosi' sono capaci tutti. Tu probabilmente vieni da una famiglia benestante e non ce lo dici. Prova a vivere in Italia facendo il dipendente a 1000 euro al mese. Poi dimmi ancora se ci vuole grinta.
So, explain why Italians historically are emigrating in mass, continuously, and do well anywhere they go. You are just talking without making any sense.
Ovvio che sono italiano, sono rientrato dopo 20 anni all'estero... È la prima volta che vivo nel sud Italia, in Basilicata dove ho comprato casa in un paese di 1000 abitanti
@@karenoro5229 She is welcome Karen, she has a lot to learn... Even with my awful pronunciation, ops she doesn't know how to write in English, I guess she hasn't understood what I said lol
Dear Antonio, if you want a comfortable and modern life for sure you don't chose the depressed (financially and culturally, on the average, of course) South of Italy, which is way less expensive, and probably that is the reason why you picked it up. Quality standards have a price in our sick and distorted western society. You lived in Ireland, a super pricey country, and you know it. So what are you looking for in the end?
Antonio, it is very dangerous for me to watch your videos because I understand you perfectly. This is because I know the Italian language very well and also because my second language is English so by knowing these languages I can listen to you as if you are talking to me directly using my mother tongue. What is so dangerous you must be asking? I will try to explain... For 20 years of my life I lived for a good ammount of time away from my country and so had to stop using my main language and use other languages namely English. The question is what kind of English did I use? It was mainly broken English because most of the people where not English. So these 20 years of living and working abroad had a detrimental effect on my spoken English. So may I suggest that you do some videos in Italain so we could learn from you, this beautiful language rather than making videos in broken English. By talking infront of the camera in English by yourself you are not improving your English!
I have to respectively disagree with your suggestion. Antonio's channel here is not intended to be a Italian language learning channel. However it's a channel about his life including living in the South of Italy. And from an English speaker point of view, I understand well his communication.
I'm a native English speaker and to me Antonio's English is totally fine. He is sharing thoughts and feelings and information clearly and thoroughly. That is all we need.
American English-speaking native here….Antonio does not speak broken English. He is fluent and he is very articulate in conveying his thoughts. I am grateful that he is willing to produce his videos in English so that those of us who are not multilingual can gain insight from a true Italian.
Apart from the people, food, culture, art, cars, beauty, history, architecture, design and weather, Italy has very little to offer! Oh and cinema and music!
I totally agree with you, I would like to add Italian wine (and Perroni beer) to that list also 😀
@@Oscartherescuedog Yes! :)
that won't pay the rent or the bills
hey you have forgotten the landscape and the territory, do you want to put?
What have the Romans ever done for us ?
We moved to northern Italy in 2011 and there was a lot of choice of apartments and villas to rent and the standard residential lease was 4x4 years. Life was good at first and we went to many concerts and operas and explored the Lake Garda region. Shortly after we signed our lease Airbnb exploded on the scene and the results are that at the end of our lease rental properties for long term 4x4yrs we’re scarce that was in 2019. So we found a flat in a small town sway from the Lake but with rotten neighbours. Yes this is a common problem in Italy awful unkind uncivilised neighbours. Screaming kids left unattended a lot and no one cares. So in 2024 we registered with 4 agencies for a new flat we paid a fee to a lawyer that is connected to many letting agents and after 18months there’s nothing available. 4x4yr leases no longer offered we’d be lucky to get a one year lease with the threat that after one year there could be a rent increase or forced to move because of noisy neighbours. It’s become a nightmare and in Spain the locals are openly hostile to tourists and it’s happening in Italy in the big cities. The cost of gas is expected to rise 30% in 2025 if the deal with Russia is not renewed. This gas passes through Ukraine. EU Commission will have to find new sources of gas, but their main interests are to keep financing wars. In 2011 it was a totally different story but the honeymoon is definitely over
Hi, Very interesting your comment... Did you not find anything interesting to rent in any small town around where you are? Generally the rents in the small towns are lower... Personally if i'm you... i would look for the most underrated town or area around you... Simply to have lower cost for the rent, less tourism, and maybe less people around... if you are in the north i guess you are close to the mountains... I would start looking in places higher in altitude but far from the sky resorts, let me know!!!
Please leave Italy, move to Australia, cheap food, cheap rent, and housing, you will love it, Italy is not for you! Enjoy.
Ma chi siete? Siete persone o cosa altro? Perché dalle vostre parti i bambini vengono legati o imbavagliati? Pure gli anziani danno fastidio perché percepiscono la pensione. Mi sa che questo maltrattato paese sul quale tutto sputano è uno dei pochi dove ancora esiste un po’ di umanità
Magari potresti affittare un eremo , potrebbe essere una idea, in Italia c’è ne sono molti
Non c’è nemmeno un eremo o una fattoria in affitto in questa zona. In 2011 avevamo un appartamento con2 balconi e vista sul Lago per €550 al mese. Ora L’avvocato specialista in affitti dice che ne anche con €2000 al mese possiamo trovare un appartamento con uno sguardo al Lago grazie ad Airbnb
Hai perfettamente ragione. Te lo dico da italiano sposato con un'americana. Purtroppo il nostro sport nazionale italiano è biasimarci e dire che tutto all'estero è migliore. Non è così. Infrastrutture, trasporti, sistema legale... Non dico che siamo all'avanguardia, ma possiamo competere con tutti. In Italia, fuori dalle grandi città, si può vivere decentemente anche facendo l'inserviente da McDonald, beneficiando comunque di una sanità all'avanguardia, e invece da altre parti non è così. Purtroppo il nostro sport nazionale è biasimarci (è così dai tempi dell'800, c'è scritto pure nell'inno di Mameli). Il nostro grande problema è questo autodanneggiamento negativo. Nessuno dice agli italiani che, per motivi genetici (come tra l'altro dimostri tu, parlando due lingue ed avendo aperto un canale in una lingua straniera), la nostra più grande risorsa è l'IQ, il quoziente intellettivo. Anche gli italiani che qui sono considerati bassi o medi, in altri paesi anglosassoni e non (anche Germania, Francia, Spagna, etc.), appena arrivano primeggiano. Ci si è mai chiesti perché? Forse guardando le statistiche mondiali dell'IQ si potrebbe avere una risposta. Ma nessuno lo insegna ai ragazzi italiani...
Esatto, va insegnato ai giovani italiani...
L' America è un continente, non un paese. Ci sono paesi fantastici e persone interessanti laggiù, non c'è solo il paese prepotente e ignorante che pensa di avere l' esclusiva di un continente.
@caliberto5087 Ecco arrivata la testa di dinamite grammar nazi ma in realtà ignorante. "Americano" come sinonimo di statunitense è un uso consolidato nella lingua italiana. Lo trovi anche sulla Treccani. Come è anche consolidato da loro, "I am an American citizen" si intende cittadino statunitense, non certo argentino o haitiano.
Finalmente un italiano che ama il proprio paese, purtroppo siamo diventati mosche bianche. Buon anno!
Il Q.I. non c'entra... Fino a qualche anno fa avevamo un ottimo sistema d'istruzione. Adesso i pedagogisti sostengono che dobbiamo essere "teneri e coccolosi" che non è un problema sapere qualcosa in meno se si riesce a "gratificare" e "motivare" il ragazzo...
Great video Antonio. I’d rather have a tranquil life in a small town than have a chaotic life in a big city. Better have a lower income and be happy (enough for food, pay bills and eat out once in a while) than a higher income in a big city but lots more stress, risk of violence etc etc.
Sounds like one of my own comments; great reflection 100% true for me too; but it is about maturity too I believe; in my 20's I also preferred to live within the chaos of metropolis.
Good video. Italy has the best food in Europe imao. This country has huge potentiel, and is underrated by the Italians themselves. Grazie from France.
Problem is that Italian themselves are underrating the Country... this is a disease according to me!!!
@@italyaplacetoloveSame here in France.
I am planning to move to Abruzzo this year. I agree with you that there are opportunities, and I have some ideas! I was going to wait another decade so I wouldn't need income. However, I've decided not to wait. I have dual citizenship so I have the ability to be employed. Getting better at speaking Italian is my main focus right now. Non vedo l'ora!
Do Roberto... There are plenty of opportunities for who wants to see...
The North as well is very very depressed as for mindset. I know perfectly Italy and many countries of the world. I talk from my own experience. Italy is the mist beautiful and actually rich country in the world. What damages Italy are many Italians.
Something is changing... This is my big bet... My job is to foresee opportunities
There is huge potential in Italy. Underestimated and undervalued. Correct.
1. The system is all set against the working person.
2. Huge huge debt, from stolen/mismanaged money. And therefore huge taxes on the people to pay that debt.
3. Unwillingness to change the status quo and to keep up with the times. Too much red tape, bureaucracy.
4. Huge number of elderly. With huge huge benefits. That the working person is paying for.
5. No long term investments and vision by the Gov. i.e. no electric plants, all is imported, therefore prices highest in Europe.
6. No value for education, high degrees are not paid. And even worse, the education is terrible. Basically education is the same as in the 1800s. And way way too much attention to humanities, arts, history, literature, in the education, all totally unproductive branches.
These are matters of fact, true... Even if I totally disagree in future perspective
Italian, I live in Poland. You are right, but what about Germany, UK, France, Belgium and Holland? Green deal, Islamization, reduction of rights... with the exception of the Eastern Europe is the same in the West😢
@@italyaplacetolove This is absolutely not "matter of facts"; these are his biased interpretations of his own experiences. He is also comparing Italy with - what it seems to me - leftist expectations; Italy is not left and is not a socialistic place and that is what is saving Italy every time. Italy is fantastic but it is; Italy. A unique country in every way. You cannot expect an exotic ananas to have the shape and taste of a cracker; and why would you.
About your point nr 4.
Let's highlight that the ones you called "elderly" are, presumably, the ones who, when working, paid taxes for your schooling education, bought the flat where you most probably live in, and saved money in order to offer you a "better life". The problem are the "baby pensioners" who receive a pension while having only worked 17 years.
Do you wish the elderly to die in order for you to invest the money at your ease?
May I also complete your analysis: a huge amount of money is waisted on migration flows without any and I mean ANY possible return.
But that wasn't OUR decision and certainly not in this way.
Italian education is one of the best in the world, and almost for free.
My friend Antonio, my name is Antonio too and I live abroad too. I live in Belgium and I can tell you although I work here and have a life, I truly miss the south of Italy. I miss the weather as well the general mood of south Italy. The openness and the kindness of the society in general. I believe the future in Italy is in organic food even if we already are among the leaders of that sector, no?
Hi Antonio, Thanks for watching... As I always say there is a lot to do, it's important to visualise where and what we would like to do and work for it... 🤗
I am German and I love love love Italy in every way!!! People, food, landscape, mentality, language, gesturing while speaking 😅 humor, clothes, architecture, designs and so much more. I know for a fact I will move there one day, I feel it in my ❤ even though I haven't pointed out the location yet, I am looking to live close by the sea. Any recommendations from you guys?
Stay tuned on my channel, most of my videos are these topics related
It's easy to love a place you visit as a tourist.
I have lived in other countries and notice the difference when a place really calls me.
Puglia, Le Marche, Salento.....
Gardasee. Viele Deutsche haben dort Wohnngen gekauft.
I spend 1-2 months in Italy every summer... and I have countless relatives there. I know what it costs to Live in Italy and I can compare it Canada.
There is NO COMPARISON in virtually every category.
Property Tax
Italy = Zero
Canada = 5k to 10k per year
Italy $50 / Month
Canada $450 / Month
1 Beer
Italy - under $1
Canada - $4
1 Coffee
Italy $1
Canada $3.50
Olive Oil (1L)
Italy $5
Canada $25
Cell Phone Plan
Italy $10 monthly
Canada $80 monthly
Rent 1 Bedroom
Italy - $500
Canada $2000
and the list goes on and on.....
I know, i watch a lot of videos from the States, Canada, UK and I see a loto of people complaining for the increasing cost of the life, it was the same in Ireland...
I really don't know in what lost village are those prices from.
* In the cities 1 beer costs 3,5 - 5 minimum.
* Italy has the highest electricity price in Europe. Italy 32 euro cents for kwh. Canada 14 canadian cents for kwh. Italy almost nothing runs on electricity (all is gas) so your seemingly low bill. (100 euro just for the lights and fridge).
* Property Tax - IMU 1000 euro
* Rent average 1 bed 750 eur in city, 550 out of city. Any major city is much higher.
And the most important difference you forgot:
Italy 1500 eur average salary
Canada 4000 average salary
Oil in Italy is 10e now
How old are these prices?? My parents energy costs are astronomical. Petrol is 2nd highest in Europe (used to be no.1, now overtaken by France). And i can assure you that, speaking as a property owner, you do pay property tax! Olive Oil at $5? Possibly 6-8 years ago, and even then, only when it was on special offer.The only thing you got correct is the price of an espresso, though even there, it depends where you are. And regarding the subject of the video, i have to say that most people (italians) asked the same questions to my parents,,,,,Why? Sadly, nothing to do with the place or people generally. It's the bureaucracy and legal system. Cheers, Antonio.
@@d3r4g45 I guess I have to write more clearly...
Beer is less than $1 in Italy at the Grocery.... as for the Bar, in Canada you will not find a Beer under $10 at the BAR.... I HELD AN ELECTRICITY BILL IN MY HAND A COUPLE MONTHS AGO, IT WAS $58 FOR THE MONTH... WAKE UP. In Canada Electric Bills are 300-500 PER MONTH, with just the Delivery Charge being close to 200.
In Canada Property Tax is a Mortgage.
Average Salary in Italy is 1700 which is about 3000 CDN and it is a very comfortable living. In Canada you live in a tent if you make less than 2000/mth
Antonio, I agree with you. Italy has tremendous potential and most of all human potential. It is geographically the key to that Mediterranean- Africa, Europe, Asia. The people are creative and brilliant. They make something special out of little. Not to mention solar, geothermal, ability to access solar and natural resources from Africa. There is a reason why the Chinese appreciate and develop Trieste, and Genova..
Opportunities are everywhere in today world, instead of crying now it's time to catch all the opportunities Italy can offer and according to me there are plenty
Antonio, how wonderful! You are so encouraging!!! Thank you for this video which is really for everyone no matter what country they are in or what country they are going to.
Thank you Gloria, Always thanks for your great support to the channel
You are so right Antonio 🎉if we open a business in Montemilone is to create jobs! I'll be waiting for the pizzeria place video!
I like your mindset, and appreciate your honest, positive responses to comments. Keep telling your story! This video, the first one I've watched on your channel, has got my pro-Italy, entrepreneurial mind engaged. 🙂
Salve Antonio , I enjoyed this video and the topic of relocation and helping people to love, develop and create or catch opportunities that Italy has and can offer is very close to my heart. Forza Italia.
Opportunities are everywhere... I think it's a must in these days how we can improve instead of complaining all the time, typical italian behaviour!!!!
Happy New Year Antonio, greetings from Southern California! Love your attitude, keep up the good work. Enjoy getting a glimpse inside an Italian mind who’s lived abroad and has a grounded yet worldly perspective.
Thank you Lori, The world is our!!! doesn't matter where we are... we belong to the earth, earth belongs to us
Seems to me that foreigners appreciate italy more than italians....
They're the perfect example of the grass is always greener on the other side .....but it isnt every country has pros and cons......if you're not happy within yourself then you'll never be happy anywhere 🙏
Many Italians are sick of politics (especially those on the left), and, when there is a right-wing coalition in government that seems to be working well (like in this moment), the former do nothing but demonize them and speak in a very bad way about Italy and its future, especially abroad or with people from abroad. Unfortunately they are like that, they are poor people who have no other way of expressing something other than envying, hating, ruining everything even just for their petty and miserable political "interest" (think about it.....)
True, I'm off of Politic, All I know is that I have to adapt and see the opportunities independently by who is ruling. Italians still believe too much in politics... left, right, for me are all the same... no one will ever make my interests, just me!!!
@36flamingo63 This is my honest experience too; the left fail to see that they have been conditioned into "not caring" about politics and only pour hatred and sabotage the right and they fail to see that this is only because this way the left corruption of our apparato di stato can go on forever even with a rightwing government as that of @GiorgiaMeloni If you are able to see it; this government cares MORE about doing right for also the workers and leftsists than their own parties. We are really extremely fortunate to have such a modern rightwing, english speaking government in place. Many on the left do not care, they have lost hope due to them conditioning each other to lose hope and bla bla bla. I really feel for them and if you have teenagers we must be vigilant that they do not fall into friends from the left with zero hopes and zero ambitions that all seem to, as he says in this video around 9:30 they believe Italy is worse off than other countries; they are being told this by their own political leaders and then they just paraphrase this over and over again. and then they smoke more weeed. Really bad.
Well said Antonio I find that people are too busy looking out and measuring themselves up to other people's lives. You have to look to yourself and develop your own path to happiness and success
Agree with you. People must look inside themselves for this happiness.
Toatally agree with you!!!!
It takes several inputs to make a country prosper. You need people, if they have ideas that's even better. You also need well working legal framework. If you're being deceived left and right and you can't counteract that with legal means then only basic activity is possible. Like in Russia where they only produce timber and oil because those are things you can quickly remove from the country, before somebody steals them from you. You don't want destructive people. Let me illustrate the significance. A country in Africa purchased brand new trains from a factory in Europe. Countries in Africa aren't wealthy so for them it was a big deal. As soon as the first train arrived in the country they took it for a test ride on a new track they had built...and crashed the train on that very first ride. Someone in a delivery van tried to cross the track at a restricted location, behind a bend of all places, the van got stuck on the rails. The guy left the van there, went home, didn't leave any warning signs for any incoming train. The video from the train camera was posted on YT. Reading the comments you realize the problem in those countries is that they may have plenty people with good intentions, this group may even constitute a majority. But they won't get anywhere as long as there is a sufficiently large group that is either recklessness enough, or for own (illegal) gains demolishes everything what the well meaning crowd tries to build. In Africa it might be a guy in a van, in Italy it might be the mafia, the outcome is the same.
Ciao Antonio! I think he's from UK living in Chieti Abruzzo region! Great video,very informative! You are so right about everything!
Yes from UK living in Chieti
Excellent video Antonio
Some people believe that grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and I believe it is green on both sides . I agree with you on your assessment of opportunities in the south of Italy 🇮🇹 . Yes it take some time but that is the case everywhere .
I cannot wait to come to south Italy next month 🌹
Waiting for you my friend
Absolutely agree with you; it's all *mindset* and *will* ! 👍
I think it’s not the life style Italians complain about, it’s the government and to this I can only say that that is what does not make Italy a paradise… we have awful governments that reflect our history and will take generations to change. I live also in Denmark… good government BUT life is boring! If Italy had such a government, it would then be paradise!!!!! Viva Italia
Totally agree with you, time to detach from politics
@@italyaplacetolove Well, you cannot really detach from politics, that's the problem. It is the politics that determines the entire range of your opportunities in a given place, how easy it will be to implement your ideas, whether you can earn enough to have a decent life, the quality of the infrastructure that you will have around you and so on, not to mention education, healthcare etc.
And I think that is exactly why people learn that they can better implement their ideas elsewhere.
Or they become depressed socialists.
Socialists - because they finally realize that the government means so much more than what they were told in the "Capitalism 101" books.
Depressed - because they realize that their government will not do what is ought to be done, so there will be no development and no improvement.
But there will be a lot of excellent food... unless they keep importing tomatoes from NL, which unfortunately they already do....
absolutely agreed. IT IS A DRAMA.
I am a foreigner moved to Italy 3y ago Lazio region. i see that life is great here and while salaries might be higher abroad, cost of living is also much higher abroad.
Italians can have a much better life here than abroad / western countries even on lower salaries. Food, utilities all costs are much lower in italy than abroad. Italians like many others only look at the "salary" but not the cost of living abroad.
One of your best videos Antonio. Your defense of Italy and your personal decision make perfect sense to me.
Thank you so much Mark!!!!! Thanks for Watching
Many poor regions in Europe has huge potential. That can [only?] be released with less regulation.
Lower taxation and reduced government is the next stage.
I agree with you, it's true what you said... but even that doesn't have to stop Italians to be more optimistic, I see opportunities everywhere, I may not become millionaire but make enough to live, and in this hard times, enough it's better than nothing
Loved your message. It's so relevant and uplifting and also universal.
Thank you so much!!! Glad you have appreciated 😊😊
You are right. Italy has opportunities. I wonder why these young Italians don't buy these houses that cost €1. They can't fix these houses up and then sell them. When I go to Italy, I see opportunities but it seems that Italians don't want to see foreigners succeed.
This was a nice subject.
Exactly, I see the same as you... i see opportunities that Italian people are not able to see!!!
@In Italia pensano come fregarti nn come fare meglio ce troppo ristograzia mafiosa
the 1$ houses are in reality 30k$ houses. that you must pay lots of rennovation companies to fix, can't do yourself because of red tape. and you must invest a couple of years to do all that, because Italy. And when you are all done and have spent ~50-100k and 2 years of your life. Congrats, you now have a house in the middle of nowhere that no one wants to buy or rent, in a place that has no jobs.
I’m watching you from Ghana 🇬🇭 West Africa 😊
Thank you for watching my friend!!!!
Antonio i need to know what business can i open in Montemilone. How many coffee place there's? Let me what's the potential there!
Let's think about it... At the moment there is one Pizzeria that is on sale... it's a good business with good returns... pity i'm not a pizza maker... To an expat I would always recommend to create a service to help other expats....
Wow! Pizzeria would be great! My husband would like a coffee place or pizza al forno! Let's think about a name for that Pizzeria 😂@@italyaplacetolove
@karenoro5229 hahah, the name now is the old cave, I think there is on Google maps, the business is running well and there is a potential... I'm a bit afraid of locals'jealousy, maybe it's just me overthinking... I would stay at the window now and seeing the dynamics in the coming months, is your husband a chef, pizza maker??
The owner is asking me to make a video of the business... I must do it... Working on it
@@italyaplacetolove yes! A video is a great idea!
There are people who are able to be curious and open. The world is beautiful and while Italy has overall so many beautiful aspect, like all countries, it has its issues. I too have lived in many, many countries and Italy is magical in my view.
The only ones who don't see this at the moment are hte Italians... Time to wake up!!!!
I live in Italy. Electricity at low point is €150 month. High using AC and rlectric heat. €560 month
Thank you.
You are Welcome Frank, Thanks for watching!!!
Ciao Antonio. Sunday, no video. Hope all is well with you and your wife.
Hi Charles, all good here... No, just because the last video was doing well I decided to take a day off... Unfortunately RUclips algorithm automatically stops the views as soon as I upload a new one... 😢
I’m glad everything is okay. It’s good to know by anyone thinking of doing a RUclips channel
Ho capito Antonio still we miss you!🎉🎉🎉@italyaplacetolove
Hi Antonio! Happiest New Year!!! I saw one of your videos months ago, now I have an interest of possibly moving to Italy and was looking for your video and could not find it. I opened my iPad this morning and to happy surprise this video popped up!!!! ❤❤❤ can I email you Antonio?
Watch the video before this one, you will find in the video description, Termoli, cheapest properties for sale
@ Thank you Antonio. I actually saw an abandoned property and wanted to see how I can find out if it is available for purchase.
Hi Suzy, personally I won't recommend you to purchase an abandoned property, first the process to find the buyer through Catasto, Second you don't know if the owner wants to sell, third it could be extremely expensive to renovate the property... Where is the property, which region???
@@italyaplacetolove it is on Bellano Lake Como.
I see, I understand it could be a lovely project, just consider the selling price plus the renovation costs... Is it worth it? That area prices are quite high... I'm going to check the property market now
one more thing. i totally agree with you also about opportunities. In germany or another developed country it is much harder to grab opportunities because it is already developed. Growth is limited and needs significant investment against fierce competition. while south italy has lot of opportunities with much less capital and much less competitors. I see lots of opportunities in the south especially Puglia/Basilicata...
@@Nomad_783 Hi Nomad, I think exactly like you... That's why I've done my big bet by moving here in Basilicata... Ready to see and catch all the opportunities this place can offer... Thanks for watching
Moving abroad isn't for everyone. And not every country is good for every person. I still want the chance to move there (since I'm a dual citizen, that aspect isn't as big of a limitation for me.)
You might transform Montemilone in MONTEMILIONE🎯
Yes! That's the idea! Very soon Montemilone is going to be on CNN newsletter 🎉🎉
@@karenoro5229 Hahahahah, Slowly slowly... Karen sorry if i'm delaying with my promise... It's on the way... give me just a bit of time more to organize things on the channel tiny bit better... I'm still trying to understand which videos are more successful, Pity that some videos that I really like are not doing well at all... in this one I have used a catchy title... a bit provocative and straight away doing better htan the others
Well you are almost @ 2K so let's do it at 2K then! That will give you more time 🎉🎉
Prudente e riflessivo Antonio. Ottimista a tavolino❤😘
Grazie Marina!!!!
Saro' sempre ottimista, il pessimismo sicuro non aiuta....
No-one can speak for someone else if they don't know the total situation.
Everyone's situation is different.
To make Italy work at this time an income source from outside the country would work.
Italy lost a lot of people during Covid also. That would have had a hugh impact on the attitude of the people.
I believe less people... more opportunities... If only italian people could see!!!!
@italyaplacetolove True. But you need people to buy. Some things you only buy once in 10 years, other things daily. Need to create a business there is a need for not a want. Need versus want purchasing.
To create a business you have to have commitment, courage and money. People outside Italy can see the opportunities. Maybe people in Italy are content with their life and don't feel to need for something else.
@@isabellagalea3170 you can sell easily worldwide nowadays, no limits
@@isabellagalea3170 obviously it's not for everyone to create business opportunities that's why a trend where people from abroad moving to Italy can bring new ideas and fresh money... Life in Italy is better than most parts of europe
@italyaplacetolove Very true. I am Maltese. I understand. Same thing in Malta. Now we have foreigners coming in creating business. Now we have the issue of over population and getting crowded.
Grazie, l'italia é il top! Peccato che l'italiano medio sia complessato, grazie per il video e suggerirei, come un commento sotto, di fare anche qualche video in italiano. Soprattutto questo, magari aiuta a dare coraggio a chi si sente disperato.
Grazie mille! Anche io voglio questo video in Italian language 😂
Ciao, capisco cosa intendi... un video in italiano potrebbe aiutare... ma il trend in italia e' la negativita', avessi fatto un video cosi' in italiano mi sarei preso una marea di insulti, invece avendo fatto il video in inglese, se leggi i commenti non ne trovi uno negativo... Grazie di cuore per aver guardato il video!!!!!
And they live in the South.
I love your videos-keep them coming!
Thank you so much Shannon!!! Thank you for watching... Glad you like these types of content 🤗🤗
@@italyaplacetolove Your welcome! By the way-your English is great! I'm trying to learn Italian!
@@italyaplacetolove by the way-I wish I could buy a home for 50,000 euros!
I think i am experiencing the common bureaucracy of Italy 😂😂😂😂we are already at 1.19 and still waiting 😂sto skerzando😂😂
Soon Karen, Soon... :(
Antonio! Your channel is simple the best 😊please make this video in Italian, i think they need to hear from you!
Too early for that... They still need a bit of time lol
@@italyaplacetoloveI have just subscribed 😅 good luck! 🎉
Good job with this video - kind of tired of videos online of people complaining to no end. Perhaps one of these days you can make a dedicated video on these folks. Would be interesting to see your reaction.
That's a great Idea, Thank you so much!!!!
Well, the important thing about you is that you are Italian. So, if you are an Italian and you have a job opportunity in Italy, then absolutely - it is not a wrong decision to move back, it might even be your best decision ever.
If you are a foreigner.... then it's much less certain... Italy is really not an expat-friendly country, for plenty of reasons. And this is why it could be a bad decision for a foreigner to move here. BUT, that being said, I myself did exactly that - living in Bologna now, and I am a foreigner:)
No, I was just looking for a place where I could have lived with less than 1k a month...
@@italyaplacetolove Yeah, I can totally understand your choice! Also, my formula was: food, mountains and sun.
Grazie per questo video
Who cares what a Brit thinks about you and your life....people shoukd concern themselves with their own lives.... MYOB !
Yes Antonio. You are doing the right thing bcz your videos are very unique. 🎉
The Brit Guy who wrote the comment, just wrote what other italians around him are saying about me!!! The Brit Guy is very nice, one of my best subscribers.... The problem is not the guy... the problem are the italians
church here church there italy
Vivo benissimo anche nella mia meravigliosa Roma
I think many native Italians are looking for the government to provide. This may be a politcal factor. However, the new government is putting into place to be an imprenditore. My family in Italy is doing great: they work extremely hard, and they have found success in many sectors. The salaries are low, but prices are low, housing is affordable, and the quality of life is super. If I were younger and my husband was healthier, we would live in Italy. Ci vuole grinta!
Exactly Patricia!!! Totally Agree with your comment!!!! Thanks, Who wants to do and not complaining can find the right path....
Eh,grazie. La tua famiglia italiana sono imprenditori, hanno una fabbrica e fanno i soldi.
Eh, grazie al ca--o Patricia, cosi' sono capaci tutti.
Tu probabilmente vieni da una famiglia benestante e non ce lo dici.
Prova a vivere in Italia facendo il dipendente a 1000 euro al mese.
Poi dimmi ancora se ci vuole grinta.
So, explain why Italians historically are emigrating in mass, continuously, and do well anywhere they go. You are just talking without making any sense.
Next Saturday I will give you the answer... I took a screenshot... Stay tuned
Ok, ma tu sei italiano, dai... si sente benissimo dall'accento.
Non sei venuto a vivere in Italia, ci sei nato, o mi sbaglio ?
Ovvio che sono italiano, sono rientrato dopo 20 anni all'estero... È la prima volta che vivo nel sud Italia, in Basilicata dove ho comprato casa in un paese di 1000 abitanti
Abbastanza fluent ma la pronuncia 😢😢😢... terribile 😱
i do this pronunciation an purpose, It's part of the character i'm playing on RUclips
@ Lo fai apposta? Reciti un personaggio? Why? Non puoi essere te stesso ? Non ne vedo il motivo ... Io non riuscirei a pronunciare cosi' male ... boh
Thanks for your observations Misses for ever young with only 20 subscribers 😂! This channel is not for you! Bye
@@karenoro5229 She is welcome Karen, she has a lot to learn... Even with my awful pronunciation, ops she doesn't know how to write in English, I guess she hasn't understood what I said lol
@@Luisa8783 you didn't understand what I said, Sorry Luisa
L’Italia ma senza gli Italiani: Winston Churchill.
Anche la Gran Bretagna senza gli inglesi diventerebbe quasi un bel paese.
Dear Antonio, if you want a comfortable and modern life for sure you don't chose the depressed (financially and culturally, on the average, of course) South of Italy, which is way less expensive, and probably
that is the reason why you picked it up.
Quality standards have a price in our sick and distorted western society. You lived in Ireland, a super pricey country, and you know it.
So what are you looking for in the end?
Have you ever heard the word "Happiness"?
Antonio, it is very dangerous for me to watch your videos because I understand you perfectly. This is because I know the Italian language very well and also because my second language is English so by knowing these languages I can listen to you as if you are talking to me directly using my mother tongue. What is so dangerous you must be asking? I will try to explain... For 20 years of my life I lived for a good ammount of time away from my country and so had to stop using my main language and use other languages namely English. The question is what kind of English did I use? It was mainly broken English because most of the people where not English. So these 20 years of living and working abroad had a detrimental effect on my spoken English. So may I suggest that you do some videos in Italain so we could learn from you, this beautiful language rather than making videos in broken English. By talking infront of the camera in English by yourself you are not improving your English!
I have to respectively disagree with your suggestion. Antonio's channel here is not intended to be a Italian language learning channel. However it's a channel about his life including living in the South of Italy. And from an English speaker point of view, I understand well his communication.
@@user-vd2nu9pf5zi agreed with you 100%🎉
I'm a native English speaker and to me Antonio's English is totally fine. He is sharing thoughts and feelings and information clearly and thoroughly. That is all we need.
American English-speaking native here….Antonio does not speak broken English. He is fluent and he is very articulate in conveying his thoughts. I am grateful that he is willing to produce his videos in English so that those of us who are not multilingual can gain insight from a true Italian.
His English is well understood very smart and eloquent, you may wanna take your negativity some else,
Ma tuo accento e troppo pesante, per non dire insoportabile!
Don't listen then
Why italian are so jealous about others' italian success! Not supportive at all, that's so sad😢