Mousou♡Express (もうそう♡えくすぷれす)" by Nadeko Sengoku (Kana Hanazawa) Eng sub & Romaji

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 994

  • @kiracomfortinghishomie8351
    @kiracomfortinghishomie8351 5 лет назад +1270

    The virgin Renai Circulation
    The chad Moussou Express

  • @Fr3shSnas
    @Fr3shSnas 4 года назад +1114

    Everybody talking about Renai Circulation, but only true fans of the series know this song, its successor.

    • @DaPixelPenguin
      @DaPixelPenguin 4 года назад +120

      also the better one

    • @dobbstheelf2835
      @dobbstheelf2835 4 года назад +11

      Da Pixel Penguin True

    • @joaopereira7044
      @joaopereira7044 4 года назад +26

      by far the best opening of the monogatari series (and marshmallow justice)

    • @a_randomperson939
      @a_randomperson939 4 года назад +17

      And the darker/reverse version

    • @gamerstartho5289
      @gamerstartho5289 4 года назад +5

      Yep this is the succesor of renai circulation
      Edit: watching bakemonogatari rn

  • @RayAshG
    @RayAshG 7 лет назад +2962

    Me on the outside: Renai Circulation
    Me on the inside: Mousou Express

  • @jukuki4479
    @jukuki4479 6 лет назад +2266

    at 0:46, nadeko is sleeping and there is a box around her. the title, otorimongatari is made of otori 囮 and 物語 monogatari. in otori, the symbol inside the box, 化, means monster. so instead of monster inside the box, its nadeko inside the box. thats basically calling her a monster

    • @samuelmartinez1083
      @samuelmartinez1083 6 лет назад +70

      Ju Kuki thanks for the info

    • @loib
      @loib 6 лет назад +136

      its also "bake", where "bakemonogatari' is. so yea, it kinda refers to renai too

    • @samuelmartinez1083
      @samuelmartinez1083 6 лет назад +1

      GB Magma idk

    • @myrandde1341
      @myrandde1341 6 лет назад +115

      It's a foreshadowing of the events of Nadeko Medusa... Holy fuck..

    • @samuelmartinez1083
      @samuelmartinez1083 6 лет назад +2

      IntricateLunatix por dios, eso tampoco lo lo sabia. Por Dios

  • @Bergzbot
    @Bergzbot 6 лет назад +473

    I love this opening as an animation because it perfectly foreshadows the entire Nadeko Medusa arc. The animation is the complete undoing of the Rennai Circulation animation and this arc is the complete undoing of the character Nadeko Sengoku

    • @VytoneJr
      @VytoneJr 4 года назад +9

      They never even really established her character anyway in bake so this is more like a reveal of what her character really was this whole time.

    • @Shin_FTW
      @Shin_FTW 4 года назад +39

      @@VytoneJr They did establish enough. She was a cute shy girl who was in love with Koyomi. She was overly meek and nice, very quiet. A dandere.
      But this completely unravels all of that. She becomes more aggressive and assertive. Her shyness and meekness gone. She goes from a dandere to a yandere/yangire.
      But you could say that this was in fact the Nadeko that was sleeping inside of her this whole time. It was the true face behind the mask.

  • @Cooob78
    @Cooob78 6 лет назад +623

    who could hate a character voiced by kana hanazawa?

  • @matheuslima6161
    @matheuslima6161 7 лет назад +708

    zenbu, zenbu, zenbu, zenbu

    • @DayneV11
      @DayneV11 5 лет назад +31

      Love that part

    • @ilajoie3
      @ilajoie3 Год назад +14

      ​@@DayneV11I love that part too, but it's a bit ominous

  • @Ringer45
    @Ringer45 Год назад +47

    Arguably the best Monogatari Intro, no doubt

  • @BakaStryx2
    @BakaStryx2 5 лет назад +126

    Sengoku has the greatest and most emotionally powerful arc in the entire series

    • @Shin_FTW
      @Shin_FTW 4 года назад +13

      It was a definite favorite.
      Though in the previous arc when parallel universe X full-power Shinobu asked Koyomi to pat her head, and when Hachikuji kissed Koyomi with "Sorry, I bit your tongue.", those broke me more emotionally.
      But Nadeko's arc in its entirety was definitely more powerful throughout. It might be my favorite.

    • @BakaStryx2
      @BakaStryx2 4 года назад +10

      I made this comment prior to finishing the anime. I still love the Sengoku arc; however, I feel Ougi’s is the is the most impactful. The storyline for that arc actually made me cry, which never happens.

    • @darindial8908
      @darindial8908 4 года назад +3

      only because it gave us time for Kaiki to show us that he's the real god here

  • @ichigahara
    @ichigahara 7 лет назад +232

    When she says doki-doki is giving me chill

  • @cannotlocatethefunny1189
    @cannotlocatethefunny1189 8 месяцев назад +19

    Pretty astounding how this girl went from “Kamisama-Arigatou” to “Now I AM Kamisama”.

  • @dingus1399
    @dingus1399 6 лет назад +187

    0:31 i realized nadeko was about to write ( *"暦"* *Koyomi* )

    • @tiredhider8440
      @tiredhider8440 5 лет назад +8


    • @aureliendegunst8138
      @aureliendegunst8138 4 года назад +9

      and she said "tiresome" as the same time in the music

    • @DarponST
      @DarponST 3 месяца назад

      What does that kanji means on the screen? 0:33

  • @henrytang7025
    @henrytang7025 6 лет назад +396

    You know, her problem is a lot like Hanekawa's. She has unrequitted love, hides her personality and bears too much stress, and boom, you have a murderous alter ego. Except Nadeko is a bit more permanent and a lot more powerful.

    • @henrytang7025
      @henrytang7025 6 лет назад +16

      One-eyed Dragon There was also that teacher who wanted Nadeko to fix the class after the Kaiki thing.

    • @kominatoriku5483
      @kominatoriku5483 6 лет назад +10

      this dude get's it

    • @kominatoriku5483
      @kominatoriku5483 6 лет назад +29

      but in hanekawa's case she would be more depressed while nadeko just went full psycho

    • @elel6252
      @elel6252 5 лет назад +84

      Nadeko admits in the book that she was never really in love with Araragi. She was "in love with the idea of being in love"
      Nadeko uses her cuteness and supposed love for araragi as a shield for heartbreak, expectations, responsibility. Nadeko is a really interesting character. I recommend reading otorimonogatari and koimonogatari if you haven't already.

    • @shroom2692
      @shroom2692 4 года назад

      And Nadeko is kind of a sick bih

  • @kviknayt
    @kviknayt 6 месяцев назад +22

    It's very interesting to me how everyone knows and loves Renai Circulation, which symbolizes Nadeko's superficial cuteness, while pretty much everyone that I've met that's actually into Monogatari prefers Mousou Express over it, which symbolizes Nadeko's much deeper writing. Very excited for the new opening coming up.

    • @GodOfMechas
      @GodOfMechas 6 месяцев назад

      it’s out it’s caramel ribbon cursetard

  • @despacitochungus3156
    @despacitochungus3156 5 лет назад +173

    this is better than renai circulation fight me

  • @uprollsariotvan
    @uprollsariotvan 8 лет назад +1496

    I love how disturbing this song is

    • @bartm993
      @bartm993 7 лет назад +63

      Beautiful chaos

    • @chryssdale5747
      @chryssdale5747 7 лет назад +20

      Why disturbing?

    • @lzongx6484
      @lzongx6484 7 лет назад +231

      It shows the transition from silent-cute Nadeko (symbolised in Renai Circulation where she’s *denying* her love for Koyomi since Senjougahara was already his GF) to crazy-snake-god-Yandere symbolised by this song’s lyrics

    • @TheMike6452
      @TheMike6452 7 лет назад +6

      em like spoilers mate?

    • @aryandaichsanramadhanputra5372
      @aryandaichsanramadhanputra5372 6 лет назад +81

      Well the song progression itself, the chords, melody, and of course the lyrics are very ominous. Kudos to the composer.

  • @temepeku
    @temepeku 7 лет назад +77

    Ahahhaaha... I love how well this fits Sengoku's character.
    If it wouldn't be for Ougi she'd be the scariest thing ever to me.

    • @OtakuOne
      @OtakuOne 7 лет назад +4

      You're scared at Arararagi?

    • @temepeku
      @temepeku 7 лет назад +15

      I mean... first of all spoilers pls.. And yeah, i'd be afraid of Ougi even knowing "her" true identity. Doesn't make her any less creepy tbh..

    • @raggedyexynos6826
      @raggedyexynos6826 7 лет назад +2

      Bu-but.. it's just an araragi

    • @temepeku
      @temepeku 7 лет назад +4

      Snake goddess or a supernatural being that's born from your own supressed negative feels. Ahh.. it's all just opinions, i respect yours so there's no point arguing.

    • @Liezuli
      @Liezuli 6 лет назад +4

      Raggedy Exynos
      >No ahoge

  • @thechrissguy
    @thechrissguy 6 месяцев назад +17

    Why does Nadeko always has the MOST ADDICTIVE tracks?

  • @rizkyarv
    @rizkyarv 7 лет назад +882

    people said in this arc nadeko's gone crazy. nah, she's crazy from the beginning.

    • @MatLCF
      @MatLCF 7 лет назад +138

      Rizky Alkhair
      Not true at all. Sure, she had problems before, but calling her "Crazy" because of them would be way too much. What "broke" her was both the fact that the person she loves couldn't love her back (Remember that she even tried to contact Koyomi during this arc, and he pretty much left her alone anyway - He had his reasons, but it doesn't change the fact) AND she acknowledging the existence of supernatural beings. So, you could say that she got "crazy" somewhere after her first arc (Probably also after her Koyomimonogatari episode).

    • @RainingSaturn
      @RainingSaturn 7 лет назад +1

      Rizky Alkhair. SAVAGE

    • @danilopantaleon1924
      @danilopantaleon1924 7 лет назад +22

      this arc is fucked up! I don't know what to say.

    • @RainingSaturn
      @RainingSaturn 7 лет назад +2

      I agree.

    • @JavoCover
      @JavoCover 6 лет назад +5

      But still damn cute 😝

  • @tysonfontanez
    @tysonfontanez 8 месяцев назад +35

    Otori (囮) monogatari. “Decoy tale”. The kanji 囮 is the kanji “Bake” (化) inside the kanji “Mouth” (口). It’s a monster within a mouth, because Nadeko makes the entire thing up. It’s just a story she tells herself, to justify her own actions.

    • @tysonfontanez
      @tysonfontanez 8 месяцев назад +3

      (Oh and if you didn’t know, “mousou” means “delusion” so the song is “delusion express”

  • @lucaskincanyon7393
    @lucaskincanyon7393 Год назад +13

    Evil Ren'ai circulation.
    Nah, imagine my shock when I found out that this was the villain origin story and the evil arc. Literally did not expect this.

  • @alejandrapedroza14
    @alejandrapedroza14 19 дней назад +2

    Nadeko always ahead of her time, the original delulu girl

  • @whosjoongandwhyishecooking1853
    @whosjoongandwhyishecooking1853 4 года назад +38

    Me on the outside:Mousou Express
    Me on the inside:Mousou express

  • @No0dz
    @No0dz 8 лет назад +983

    I can't help but admire how perfectly Nisio and Shaft nailed the character here. In any media other than anime, it's usual for manipulative bitches to act cute and demure. But having a paragon of moe acting cute to hide her dark side in a seinen anime? That's genius.

    • @venor2612
      @venor2612 6 лет назад +3


    • @yvonne3745
      @yvonne3745 6 лет назад +41

      I like her manipulative side

    • @Walker_Avuze
      @Walker_Avuze 5 лет назад +6

      Try watching classroom of the elite. There is someone with a split personality in that anime and Will surely shock you. And also an amazing anime on its own

    • @One-EyedDragon
      @One-EyedDragon 5 лет назад +35

      In Nademonogatari actually. In Otori we only learn that she's not exactly pleased with her life and she's not some happy "yes" person as she looked before. There she still isn't self, mostly just stress comes out. In Nademonogatari, however, that's where Nadeko is actual Nadeko.

    • @ihatetobethatguybut7175
      @ihatetobethatguybut7175 4 года назад +2

      Isn't that the same thing just

  • @define_jisan
    @define_jisan 7 лет назад +711

    first i thought it was renai circulation reverse

    • @CupoChinoMusic
      @CupoChinoMusic 7 лет назад +100

      more like an alternate version of renai circulation

    • @OtakuOne
      @OtakuOne 7 лет назад +212

      Crkza No, it's more like the TRUE FORM of Renai Circulation.

    • @nyankosage3698
      @nyankosage3698 7 лет назад +28

      I thought it was a sequel to renai circulation

    • @danilopantaleon1924
      @danilopantaleon1924 7 лет назад +63

      This opening shows nadeko's true nature.

    • @soloramv3388
      @soloramv3388 6 лет назад +1

      treinador sans same

  • @user-jg4hs5vd1l
    @user-jg4hs5vd1l 8 лет назад +50

    I love the Renai Circulation leitmotif at the end

    • @IMightBeVanny
      @IMightBeVanny Год назад

      What? Where?

    • @humansbreathe8706
      @humansbreathe8706 Год назад

      @@IMightBeVanny 1:19

    • @IMightBeVanny
      @IMightBeVanny Год назад

      @@humansbreathe8706 I'm not seeing the comparison

    • @humansbreathe8706
      @humansbreathe8706 Год назад

      @@IMightBeVanny it’s the first few seconds of renai circulation

    • @IMightBeVanny
      @IMightBeVanny Год назад

      @@humansbreathe8706 I'm still not seeing the connection between "Demo sonnan ja dame" and "Omoidoori ni naranai"

  • @walterk9916
    @walterk9916 5 лет назад +19

    This is Sengoku's inner continuity of who she is and what she wants basically imploding in on itself and to avoid just becoming a cute empty husk; she wants to destroy all these thing's she's attached to and basically try to remodel and re imagine herself and her image.

  • @Koko-rc3pz
    @Koko-rc3pz 4 месяца назад +6

    I just love how creepy and disturbing this song is. It gives me the chills especially knowing what kind of character Nadeko was before this arc. Also great job to Kana Hanazawa for truly capturing the essence of the song, it couldn't have been this good were it sung by anyone else. If Renai Circulation is a great song, this is a MASTERPIECE.

  • @raggedyexynos6826
    @raggedyexynos6826 7 лет назад +23

    I only want one simple thing, EVERYTHING

  • @gagopoliscool
    @gagopoliscool 8 лет назад +161

    Idk why but i love so much this song xD

  • @lawsne0nx-dg4mingletspl4y2
    @lawsne0nx-dg4mingletspl4y2 5 лет назад +12

    The first time seeing this gave me chills when she did the iconic walk thing backwards

  • @viettrieu3678
    @viettrieu3678 6 лет назад +22

    Nadeko always have the best song

  • @chainsawguyyy
    @chainsawguyyy Год назад +17

    Ever since i found out about this op, i've been sticking to it like superglue. Monogatari openings are phenomenal.

    • @bluefanofeverything4329
      @bluefanofeverything4329 Год назад

      You said it man. This, Mathemagics, Decent Black and Platinum Disco are on my repeats for months.

  • @ceruleanchrodt2293
    @ceruleanchrodt2293 6 месяцев назад +69

    Renai Circulation.
    Mousou Express.
    And now Caramel Ribbon Custard.

    • @DamonCaulfied
      @DamonCaulfied 6 месяцев назад

      Um it’s actually “cursetard”🤓

    • @HSantrie
      @HSantrie 5 месяцев назад


    @ATTACKMASTER360 5 месяцев назад +3

    I love the way the studio shaft presented this opening man when you understand the lyrics you can feel the feeling of being rejected by your crush that you have loved your entire life then you know that love is unrequited and the world around you start to collapse, and you let out your other personality, the Monogatari series is representation of those personality, we humans instead of accepting our alter personality we try to ignore them, and then gradually that side will become your personality. I think most of the people will ignore this comment but i suggest that you have to accept that what you are who you are, anyway the Monogatari series is the best animated series I think many of the people will skip it but trust me it will get better overtime and you will relate to the series.

  • @tristancullum4188
    @tristancullum4188 8 лет назад +416


    • @ZackMeGongagaFair
      @ZackMeGongagaFair 7 лет назад +12

      Tristan Cullum
      *Bumps into someone* >:)

    • @joshjohnson7745
      @joshjohnson7745 6 лет назад +5

      Nadeko aaaaaah shit, run bois

    • @janreiafrica
      @janreiafrica 6 лет назад +1

      Tristan Cullum *Why don't you have a seat?*

    • @Jonny-gz9go
      @Jonny-gz9go 6 лет назад

      @@janreiafrica young skywalker

    • @SYKim_94
      @SYKim_94 5 лет назад

      *walks forward*

  • @NeoSpokenWorld
    @NeoSpokenWorld 6 месяцев назад +8

    I know nothing about Monogatari but this song goes super hard. Definitely a banger

  • @BroMomento69
    @BroMomento69 Год назад +11

    holy shit the uploads of this op arent shadowbanned anymore. best monogatari opening

  • @kanosupers5797
    @kanosupers5797 5 лет назад +64

    I like how everyone is convinced that this is Sengoku Nadeko just after going crazy but in reality there are various things that indicate this is her true self and spoiler warning if you haven't gotten to this arc but if you are watching this opening you probably don't care for soilers it simply have watched it already but I mean for one in this opening you still see she's capable of that kind smile that makes her so lovable but almost immediately you see how she forces herself on to Araragi and when she's seeing everything (zembu) you actually see a rather emotionless expresión on her wich seems to indicate she has a manipulative side to her Sengoku knows she is beautiful she actually treats this as something bad during the anime but with the man she likes she fully expose's her face wears girly dresses and puts him in provocative situations even Shinobu goes and tells her that though she acts like a victim she's just an agresor and I highly doubt that Shinobu was just trying to be a bitch in that scene and let's not forget this is the queen of these monster's we see in the series well former queen also she is more than a thousand years old so I'm fairly confident she can see quite well through people also during this arc it's left quite clear that the so called snake deity wasn't even real it was just an excuse that Sengoku made to finally break her day by day chains showing an outburst at her teacher who pushed all his work on to her and she snapped back at him for it also the akward atmosphere created by the students that tried to curse her this is pretty much slowly revealing the true face of the oh so “sweet" Sengoku Nadeko
    Now please don't misinterpret I think she's a great character it's just that this kind person pent up a lot of shit but because of her personality she kept it to herself but this was pretty much a kind person finally speaking her mind and showing her true colors and eventually becoming a monster the enemy of the man she loves and really in my opinion this all made her a really cool character that I liked very much
    Oh.... Wow might have dragged that out farther than intended..... But.... Hey! That's just a theory a anime theory! Yeah I know this doesn't make so many letters that much more bearable... But I had to

    • @One-EyedDragon
      @One-EyedDragon 5 лет назад +9

      Yes, many people still think she's crazy or something, or she's a terrible person, but in reality she's not. While every other character had their conclusion that shows them after their oddity incident, Nadeko didn't appeared that much after her incident and she's the only character who's darker side was shown on much deeper level in comparison to others. Problem is that continuation of her story have nothing to do with Araragi, or rather doesn't involve him, so Nademonogatari has became an Off Season book that who knows when will be animated, or atleast property translated.
      A few corrections:
      Shinobu is 598 years old, not thousand. She also doesn't care about anybody else except Koyomi. While she's old, she lived isolated life for most part and in reality she doesn't knows anything about Nadeko on deeper level, Shinobu pretty much corrected herself in conversation with Nadeko.
      As for person's true colors, it depends on what you mean by that. In real life, deep inside we are all monsters. Our "true selves" are not bound by morals or social standards. Therfore we all have darker side that we usually keeping in check and none of us are truly 100% ourselves.
      Normally person's psyche is in balance between "true self", social norms and standards we apply on ourselves, individual world view and morals. However, that balance can be shaken or even destroyed as it shown in Nadeko's case. In other words Nadeko has been in two opposite ends of disbalance. Before becoming a God she was all about standards, while her ego/"true self" was suppressed by her. After becoming a God she stopped caring for standards and her look in other people eyes, because they caused her life to be empty, unfulfilling, miserable, and that's when her long suppressed ego/"true self" came out. Our true selves are not purely good or bad. However, we don't hide our real good selves, but hide out bad sides, sometimes even subconsciously, somewhat unaware of how terrible we can be.
      Nadeko's case is special because unlike others who just hide their bad sides, Nadeko was suppressing "herself" completely in favor of being everyone's good girl. When following standards and expectations has pretty much ruined her life, true self came out, who was tired of being everybody's favorite doll, together with stress and all collected over years frustration.
      Simply put, before Nadeko became a Goddess she suppressed her ego in favor of social standards and everyone's expectations, after she became a Goddess a complete opposite happened - she discarded all that in favor of her ego.
      Luckily, hearing words of encouragement was enough to set Nadeko straight to being balanced person with a good heart she always had. After all, her main weaknesses - low self-esteem and zero confidence in herself has been her biggest problems that caused all this.

    • @Magmafrost13
      @Magmafrost13 4 года назад +8

      Dude, ever heard of a comma?

  • @treWavey_30
    @treWavey_30 Год назад +16

    All rise for the best monogatari op

  • @dani05ns
    @dani05ns 10 месяцев назад +4

    Man the begining she walking backwards has such a hidden message from loving Koyomi to hating him, this song hits harder after you watch the whole series...

    • @alias1683
      @alias1683 9 месяцев назад +1

      Since the anime announcement I’ve been rewatching and seeing the openings. Knowing everything gives a delightful experience.

  • @YuZhengwen
    @YuZhengwen 8 лет назад +58

    What fitting lyrics

  • @ThjtCien
    @ThjtCien 8 месяцев назад +18

    Feel bad for people who found Renai Circulation but not Mousou Express

    • @valoriiz
      @valoriiz 7 месяцев назад +6

      yeah they missed out on something even better

  • @Hamorich
    @Hamorich 6 месяцев назад +2

    This song's chorus is still one of the best written notes + chord progression I've ever heard, it's a masterpiece.

  • @dubwubwubstek244
    @dubwubwubstek244 6 лет назад +32

    why am I obsessed with this song

    • @dubwubwubstek244
      @dubwubwubstek244 6 лет назад +1

      One-eyed Dragon No I mean its cute and evil so

  • @brooo000o
    @brooo000o 7 лет назад +32

    *ohhhhh zenbu zenbu zenbu zenbu*

  • @hajimeshino5052
    @hajimeshino5052 5 лет назад +7

    I just love how she says "mendokusai na“. I dont know why.

  • @novaroseoooooo
    @novaroseoooooo 4 года назад +4

    This is such a perfect companion to Renai Circulation in the context of how this arc builds on that arc.

  • @mixstlh
    @mixstlh 7 лет назад +138

    i can't believed this cute kids is Yandere, holy fuck what a yandere anthem song

  • @themyth3686
    @themyth3686 3 месяца назад +2

    Yo this is a masterpiece. I wouldn't change a single note

  • @valoriiz
    @valoriiz 7 месяцев назад +3

    man this song just hits me in the feels for some reason

  • @theorangebear5809
    @theorangebear5809 4 года назад +3

    i love this series for how it points out that all she is cute and nothing else and breaksdown the cute girl moe kawaii girl stereotype

  • @eiichirose
    @eiichirose 6 лет назад +383

    Better than renai circulation tbqh

    • @samuelmartinez1083
      @samuelmartinez1083 6 лет назад +35

      Isaac Harry agree, both are good but i prefer this

    • @popularloon2443
      @popularloon2443 6 лет назад +7

      lemme stop u right there bro

    • @saijacks3464
      @saijacks3464 6 лет назад +41

      But this wouldn't be good without Renai Circulation.

    • @saijacks3464
      @saijacks3464 5 лет назад

      @Ye Hang Yeo yeah I would be inclined to agree but there is a little bit of messing with original song's audio.

    • @Magmafrost13
      @Magmafrost13 4 года назад +1

      90% of monogatari OPs are better than renai circulation thb

  • @triplecrosscounter
    @triplecrosscounter 5 месяцев назад +2

    Still my favorite OP in the entire series. It's so good it made me love nadeko.

  • @carlbatara3852
    @carlbatara3852 6 лет назад +35

    Holy shit this is catchy af

  • @김우진-x5h9s
    @김우진-x5h9s 7 лет назад +2

    thank you for uploading this mousou(delusion express).

  • @mkwstar
    @mkwstar 5 лет назад +20

    Great song, makes me want to go out!

  • @titusg4247
    @titusg4247 3 месяца назад +2

    This opening makes me feel an emotion that doesn't exist.

  • @Stephan_Balliet
    @Stephan_Balliet 6 месяцев назад +10

    Ahhh, theme of the synagogue in Halle))

    • @keisuketakatou
      @keisuketakatou 5 месяцев назад +6

      one time looser - always looser. Aahh, scheisse

  • @Ren-id5ks
    @Ren-id5ks 4 года назад +3

    One of my most fave arcs!

  • @Zero-.-
    @Zero-.- 5 лет назад +101


    • @Philp_who
      @Philp_who 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@fofo-ms6ck Synagogue...

    • @keisuketakatou
      @keisuketakatou 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Stephan_Balliet Scheiße

  • @wensierr1871
    @wensierr1871 11 месяцев назад +6

    Listening while escaping from failed door opening

    • @Ritton.
      @Ritton. 7 месяцев назад +1

      what are you referencing

    • @Croioneill
      @Croioneill 13 дней назад

      ​@@Ritton. A kebab shop

  • @angelpena386
    @angelpena386 6 лет назад +11

    If you sacrifice Nadeko Sengoku, Anna Nishikinomiya & Hiyama Akane on a reverse pentagram you can summon Yuno Gasai...

  • @wyxie_wyxie
    @wyxie_wyxie Год назад +2

    I love how this is just Renai, but dark, twisted, and terrifying

  • @EdgarFL
    @EdgarFL 6 лет назад +19

    the music get so good on 1:00

    • @EdgarFL
      @EdgarFL 6 лет назад +1

      that zembu zembu zembu its so orgasmatic xd

    • @loib
      @loib 6 лет назад


    • @Liezuli
      @Liezuli 6 лет назад +4

      The music gets so good on 0:00

    • @previasens
      @previasens 5 лет назад +1

      The whole thing is good :)

  • @yametekudesai9164
    @yametekudesai9164 26 дней назад +2

    Underrated 🖤

  • @eolha
    @eolha 10 месяцев назад +11

    This went hard in 2019

    • @jennakelly9888
      @jennakelly9888 8 месяцев назад +2

      This still goes hard bro

    • @valoriiz
      @valoriiz 7 месяцев назад +3

      it will always go hard for eternity

    • @tittysucker123
      @tittysucker123 2 месяца назад


    • @constant249
      @constant249 Месяц назад +1

      goes hard in 2025

    • @Croioneill
      @Croioneill 13 дней назад


  • @someguywithacatpfp9284
    @someguywithacatpfp9284 6 лет назад +10

    Nadeko is my waifu you cant change that

  • @AtenaHena
    @AtenaHena 7 лет назад +518

    these translations are inaccurate for example the part where she says "your everything" she's really just saying "everything" which is a big difference in meaning

    • @Allyoutoo
      @Allyoutoo  7 лет назад +85

      atenahena I have doubts there is such thing as accurate translation to lyrics it would end up often half gibberish when translated word to word and when trying to translate meaning you always make an interpertation. I suppose in this case "Your" is added there to match better with events shown in the opening even If its not part of what they say literally.

    • @AtenaHena
      @AtenaHena 7 лет назад +35

      when i mean accurate i mean it still holds the same meaning, of course, its not gonna be words for word but the meaning has to remain the same for it to be correct. As for your assumption, if the translator really did blatantly change the lyrics of the song to "better match" things by their own standard then they really shouldn't be translating the in the first place. It's translation not interpretation

    • @AtenaHena
      @AtenaHena 7 лет назад +52

      the phrases everything, everything, everything are the most important part of the song. It shows the hypocrisy in her thinking where she says "then I only want one thing, everything". By changing it to "your everything" it completely changes here character from wanting everything in the world to actually just wanting one thing. which ruins the point in the first place

    • @Allyoutoo
      @Allyoutoo  7 лет назад +13

      atenahena That would be your opinion, not to mention both "everything" and "your everything" are just as much "one thing" in this context.

    • @hjalmarwinroth
      @hjalmarwinroth 7 лет назад +10

      You obviously are monolingual, so please don't talk about stuff you don't know anything about.

  • @piplupinabasket9035
    @piplupinabasket9035 5 лет назад +28

    Never realised how at the end, the tune to Renai Circulation plays (starting at about 1:18)

    • @fastgoodkiwi9570
      @fastgoodkiwi9570 Год назад +2

      Yep, but the high points are notably absent. Also near the beginning, the tune is quite similar in the same, what a masterclass. Definitely my fav monogatari op.

  • @shinjireference3568
    @shinjireference3568 Год назад +13

    Never seen the show, this song came in randomly on spotify. I love it so much

    • @loyt974
      @loyt974 Год назад +4

      Maybe you could like it, it's monogatari series and you should watch it in emission order, though i warn you there is a lot of talking and loli stuff

    • @ilajoie3
      @ilajoie3 Год назад +1

      You'll also never look at a toothbrush the same way again after watching this anime

  • @Pump-mw5ln
    @Pump-mw5ln 5 лет назад +27

    Im here for a guy who was defeated by a wooden door

    • @IMightBeVanny
      @IMightBeVanny Год назад +1

      "Knock, knock!"
      "Who's there?"
      "THE DOOR!"

  • @aboiwithtea3542
    @aboiwithtea3542 6 лет назад +3

    The first 2 sentences literally describe the whole arc

  • @bluefanofeverything4329
    @bluefanofeverything4329 Год назад +2

    I love how in the subtitles of English and Romaji, the dots of i and j (apparently called tittle), are hearts.

  • @timelineee
    @timelineee 7 месяцев назад +8

    Vegan: Renai Circulation
    Carnivore: Mousou Express

  • @MillionYeninDebt
    @MillionYeninDebt 4 года назад +4

    Every time i watch this im getting goosebumps

  • @Alberto-vj8bd
    @Alberto-vj8bd 5 лет назад +4

    Me alegro de a ver encontrado todos los monogatari :')

  • @lennagamata9250
    @lennagamata9250 7 лет назад +101

    It's very sad really who feels sorry for her renai circulation says about her love now she's just confused and doesn't know what to do

    • @RainingSaturn
      @RainingSaturn 7 лет назад +13

      Lenn Agamata.. You are absolutely right.... It feels like she is reversing all the things the things she did in rennai circulation..!!! And it is very sad to see...

    • @b.blobbentein5774
      @b.blobbentein5774 6 лет назад +10

      Lenn Agamata have you watched the series?

    • @venor2612
      @venor2612 6 лет назад +15

      You haven't watched the series don't ya

    • @kominatoriku5483
      @kominatoriku5483 6 лет назад +17

      no her personality was fake is this song this shows how she really feels, she hates being called cute everyone for example but she never said anything the snake god didn't mess wuth her head he just made her show her true fellings wich made she stab shinobu and araragi

    • @firefoxyt6600
      @firefoxyt6600 5 лет назад +2

      You haven't even watched dthe anime... She's not confused in this opening... This op shows her true personality...

  • @やすだ-k9d
    @やすだ-k9d 6 лет назад +10

    もうそうがね ぼうそうする
    ちょうっときゅうに とびのっていまあいにいきたいの
    いいわけとか りゆうだとか めんどくさいな
    うんめいだから しかたがないよね
    かなわなければ このこいは
    えいえんにさめる ことはないの
    なにもしらない めをとじて
    かわいいままで ほしにねがった
    おもいどおり にならない
    せかいなら もういらない
    ほしいのは ひとつだけ
    ぜんぶ ぜんぶ ぜんぶ ぜんぶ
    おもいどおり にならない
    せかいとか ありえない
    ほしいのは ひとつだけ
    ぜんぶ ぜんぶ ぜんぶ ぜんぶ

  • @maddog_editz
    @maddog_editz 11 месяцев назад +2

    I like how not knowing abt the anime, you will never guess she becomes a crazed, Country-busting Demi-God

  • @tic-tacproductions6926
    @tic-tacproductions6926 4 года назад +3

    I really like how this song paralles the previous renai circulation but makes it darker

  • @mushgar
    @mushgar Год назад +3

    the best track in the series no COMPETITION

  • @paithen7033
    @paithen7033 5 месяцев назад +5

    kami wa ita 🐍🛐

  • @Subham-l5x
    @Subham-l5x Год назад +1

    Zenbu is now my favourite word
    I'll be naming my kid zenbu whenever he/she arrives

  • @EdgarFL
    @EdgarFL 6 лет назад +24

    i though i was renai circulation fan boy but i advance on the anime and here i am

    • @Derplordington
      @Derplordington 6 лет назад +4

      same bro
      platinum disco is still best for me tho

    • @joshperez799
      @joshperez799 4 года назад +1

      Derplordington the kaiki op

  • @Urmom-xt4eq
    @Urmom-xt4eq 5 лет назад +2

    I love this song so much!!

  • @sekiro164
    @sekiro164 6 месяцев назад +16

    When i hear this song i remember that german psycho called anon

    • @Anon-e8d
      @Anon-e8d 6 месяцев назад +7

      Hi, my name is anon

    • @Stephan_Balliet
      @Stephan_Balliet 5 месяцев назад +3

      And I think the holocaust never happened >_< ​@@Anon-e8d

  • @packmen1155
    @packmen1155 5 лет назад +1

    Best opening I've ever heard

  • @m3nta293
    @m3nta293 6 месяцев назад +4

    Still the best nadeko op

  • @1000blunts1
    @1000blunts1 7 лет назад +1


  • @Ssj-dj1tf
    @Ssj-dj1tf 6 лет назад +10

    Using hiragana to write Express in Japanese. A brilliant genius

    • @xKuukkelix
      @xKuukkelix 6 лет назад

      Mousou Ekusupuresu xd

    • @yvonne3745
      @yvonne3745 6 лет назад

      Yep, hiragana is easier to learn and express than kanji, IDK about romaji

    • @MorphRed
      @MorphRed 6 лет назад

      @@yvonne3745 Express is suposed to be write in *Katakana*

    • @yvonne3745
      @yvonne3745 6 лет назад

      @@MorphRed but hiragana is so much easier :((((

    • @MorphRed
      @MorphRed 6 лет назад

      @@yvonne3745 Yeah but Katakana is easy too it's just Hiragana written differently for english word

  • @antomegaytb
    @antomegaytb 5 лет назад +2

    This is soo sad.. But that anime's the BEST !! Gotta rewatch everything from scratch three more times

  • @Dadangdut33
    @Dadangdut33 5 лет назад +4

    When i watch the arc it's really sad because never knew that she would be like this

    • @One-EyedDragon
      @One-EyedDragon 5 лет назад +1

      Like what? Imperfect, human being with emotions and her own problems?

    • @Dadangdut33
      @Dadangdut33 5 лет назад

      @@One-EyedDragon i mean it's kind of fucked up that she became like that because of her rejected love

    • @One-EyedDragon
      @One-EyedDragon 5 лет назад +3

      Think deeper. She became like that because of her life, not rejected love. Her love for Koyomi was a substitution for a dream that she wanted to have just so her life could have meaning, something that kept her away from complete misery. With his rejection and provocations from others all the Nadeko's desperation, stress and negativity that collected over years came out in such breakdown. Because all that time she was pretty much surviving on this one positive feeling of "love", relying on it. Rejection was a last straw. All her life misery that she averted her eyes from, because she had "him", crashed down on Nadeko. All that negativity I mentioned, knowing how worthless and empty her life was, all the expectations that didn't allowed her to be herself - that was a real reason if breakdown.
      Koyomi, in other hand, just made an enemy out of her when he decided to fight her. Maybe he thought he could handle Nadeko, but ultimately provoking stressed out, depressed, agitated Nadeko that were going through severe existential crisis, was a bad idea.
      She became a Goddess on impulse, so she could just throw away her problems and escape. It was sort of "whatever happens, but it's better than right now" decision. She would rather be a God than returning to precious lifestyle. By doing that she escaped expectations, stopped caring for opinions and her hidden childish, talkative and expressive side that she was suppressing came out. However, last problem was Koyomi. He, as someone who were very important and prominent in her life, became her enemy, he was a last remaining pain from her old life. So she thought that getting rid of him will make that pain finally go away.
      As Kaiki mentioned, however, even if she truly started life anew in such way, she would still return to square one, because the fact that she still has nothing and doesn't know what to do remains. Kaiki managed to convince Nadeko to become human because he found her main problem. Love for Koyomi were just keeping her afloat, feeling she created just to find reason to live. Nadeko hated herself, hated her "previous life" and she knows that there's nobody to blame for that but herself, her weakness. She were afraid to do things, try something new because it's didn't suited for what people wanted from her and because Nadeko were always setting herself for failure just by thinking she will fail. Kaiki, gave her courage to live her own life and not be afraid to make decisions. He tells her that failure doesn't mean end of the life, there's no just one reason to live.
      In the end Kaiki "fixed" Nadeko by pointing her mistakes in her previous chained lifestyle. Pretty much proving that the reason for her psychological breakdown was her whole life. And feeling of love were just her attempt to not fall apart and not much more.
      Lastly. We will see Nadeko being more her real self in her next story. Nademonogatari. That’s where she truly shows that she's is very sympathetic person. And, personaly, her development there made me proud of her.

  • @unutentediyoutube3282
    @unutentediyoutube3282 5 лет назад +1

    Underrated! Best one!!

  • @kyizuu
    @kyizuu 5 лет назад +8

    i feel bad for every childhood friend in every anime

  • @gianlucamariani9396
    @gianlucamariani9396 6 лет назад +2

    I love Nadekoo

  • @yayoiminase8157
    @yayoiminase8157 5 месяцев назад +5

    囗 means enclosure ←国(country)simplification
    化 means turn into
    化物 means Monster
    囮 means decoy

  • @swikritiupadhayay4025
    @swikritiupadhayay4025 7 лет назад +2

    No matter how lyrics are.I can't stop listening it.

  • @ardak333
    @ardak333 6 месяцев назад +8

    This song reminds me of a wooden door, dont really know why

  • @Lumix_Corrupt
    @Lumix_Corrupt 4 года назад +2

    So like, I’ve never seen this anime before but I stumbled across this song through suggestion on Spotify, why the hell do I feel so nostalgic for this song to the point of getting a lump in my throat when I’ve never even seen anything related to it before LOL