Steven Brooks on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - God's Nuclear Power

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Order Steven's TWO book offer from the episode!
    This week on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Steven Brooks reveals ancient mysteries on how to access God's nuclear power and how to work with God's angelic realm!

Комментарии • 66

  • @dogcomb47
    @dogcomb47 11 лет назад +13

    This brought tears to my eyes when God said to this man I love you. And again when He prayed all day and then God spoke.

  • @trommelbiel
    @trommelbiel 12 лет назад +12

    Sid continues to amaze me with his choice of guests. Thanks Sid.

  • @thabisopooe7735
    @thabisopooe7735 3 года назад +7

    I love this man and his ministry so much!

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +8

    I promise you. I did not know why I could not seem to break free in my finances, until The Holy Spirit visited me at 3AM that April morning and simply spoke to me how my PRAYER LIFE was lacking and ineffectual (at the time). I will tell you plainly what The Spirit of The Lord spoke to me that early April Saturday morning: "You have been working in faith, you have been waiting in faith, but you have NOT been walking in faith." WALKING IN FAITH is when we truly OPERATE IN KINGDOM PRINCIPLES.

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +8

    Finally be sure as much as possible to make a concerted effort to take time to enter prayer in the morning when you awake and at night before you go to sleep. PRAY ON BOWED KNEES. I used to pray on my back in bed. And, The Lord told me to start praying on my knees. I have been doing so now for 30 days! It shows our humility. It shows our submission. It shows we recognize His Sovereignty. A little thing like that praying on your knees is a REAL GAME CHANGER! :) Remember it is "little foxes"

  • @True-Search
    @True-Search 6 лет назад +13

    I am blessed to just get into this I am fasting today.. without knowing that this program talks about fasting.. thankyou Lord!

  • @arliecart1
    @arliecart1 8 лет назад +11

    My spirit is so excited, I want to tap into this, amen, amen amen

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +12

    From there, 3 days later, a friend of mine blessed me with FREE GROCERIES! From there I have several business opportunities -- One that will make me a partner in a turnkey business, the other which will make me partner in a corporation, another which has "promise" to develop relationship for future ventures! HALLELUJAH!!! The Lord Jesus Christ is REAL! And, HIS WORD IS TRUE. In 30 days, my finances have turned around! God is NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS. He did it for me, He WILL do it for you!

  • @evelynel9346
    @evelynel9346 2 года назад +2

    Praise The Lord. Praise Jesus

  • @isaacunderhill9120
    @isaacunderhill9120 11 лет назад +9

    By end of video whole body tingling lightly feel GOD real close. Praise JESUS! He is so real and so close. I wish most people knew how much GOD loves and cares for them.

  • @avonskie1
    @avonskie1 12 лет назад +6

    I like this episode so much. It seemed God let me watch this to guide me more in what I'm doing. HE knows what I'm asking for and God directed me to watch this

  • @ServeJesus33
    @ServeJesus33 11 лет назад +7

    gives me chills when God hands came out the cloud

  • @lakasigaro4095
    @lakasigaro4095 2 года назад +3

    Amazing, Thanks for the episode, enjoy everyone of them I need prayers over my health and finances 😁👍💯💥🙏

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +7

    I tell you Child of God in ONE MONTH, my finances have completely turned around! I lie to you not. From that moment, The Lord has been "sending me money." Literally, one day my dad told me that The Lord told Him to give me some money. My dad gave it to me privately (so my mom wouldn't know about it). Within 10 minutes, my mother enters our family livingroom, reaches in her purse, says nothing and gives me money! I turned right around and TITHED & SOWED, days later my brother REPAID a debt 2 me

  • @GeraldoIsaaks
    @GeraldoIsaaks 11 лет назад +8

    Wow, will watch this later after work, loving the book so far... very challenging and inspiring... looking forward to getting all his books and as much material as i can i'm so blessed by the revelation the Lord has granted. Amen

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +2

    The Lord Jesus Christ just gave me a A BREAK THROUGH concerning FINANCES. It was a spiritual breakthrough about a month ago (early April). What He shared with me by way of The Holy Ghost is that "The only way" we get to see a turnaround in our finances is that we must INCREASE OUR PRAYER LIFE (not to get money) but to worship, but to tear down, but to command and take authority over demonic realms and principalities that are designed to KEEP WEALTH AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE OF GOD! Seriously.

  • @applesjea620
    @applesjea620 12 лет назад +11


  • @marypeter38
    @marypeter38 Год назад +2

    Isn't this amazing!!!
    Goodness, Lord, remember mercy and visit me.
    I'm waiting on you.

  • @bvja4825
    @bvja4825 4 года назад +2

    Thank You Jesus

  • @normansabadi
    @normansabadi Год назад +1

    Still so fresh in Nov 2022

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +5

    That Satan assigns to keep MONEY & FINANCIAL prosperity away from The Saints and to keep it "prepared" for the wicked. This is why The Lord Jesus Christ says: The wealth of The Wicked is stored (laid up) for the righteous." Satan WRONGFULLY holds our money and gives it to his children to advance his perversions and sin in the earth. But, truly THE WEALTH BELONGS TO THE CHILDREN OF GOD! THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! :) Hallelujah. But, there are strategies we must employ! I will tell...

  • @drpujiarto9078
    @drpujiarto9078 3 года назад +2

    Super amazing !!!

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +3

    You can "tap it." For The Lord Jesus Christ says that "The Kingdom comes without observation, for The Kingdom of God is within you." :) Oh and do not forget. STAY IN THE WORD. Feast on The Bread of Life. Remember The Sabbath Day (truly, remember Saturday to take that day as a special "rest day" and "reflective day" of prayer and supplication -- even if you still go to Church on Sunday). If you have the GIFT OF TONGUES, remember to employ it in your prayer life. COMMAND & WALK IN HIS POWER!

  • @lusinehakobyan2021
    @lusinehakobyan2021 7 лет назад +4

    Thank you so much

  • @evat7786
    @evat7786 12 лет назад +3

    I agree,I'm skeptical too.I believe in angels,but I think we should seek God first and foremost.That's what my Bible says.

  • @Rrrr5146
    @Rrrr5146 10 лет назад +13

    THE ATOMIC POWER OF GOD - interesting - there's another book of miracles from fasting called THE ATOMIC POWER OF GOD by Henry Hall written in 1946

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +3

    "little foxes that spoil the vine." Sometimes, it is the "little stuff" that we THINK does NOT matter to The Lord Jesus Christ that He is truly MOST concerned with. It is the "little stuff" that sometimes we are doing OR not doing that can truly "spoil the vine." BE BLESSED IN THE LORD and TAP IT! IT IS IN YOU IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! YOU WILL WALK IN FINANCIAL FREEDOM, FINANCIAL BLESSINGS, FINANCIAL FAVOR, FINANCIAL HEALTH IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN.

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +2

    But, don't forget we have "our part to do" again:

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад +3

    Over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! :) Hallelujah!!!! :) We really can! Satan has hidden Kingdom Principles to those of us whom The King has been revealed. Satan has hidden The King to those whom Satan reveals Kingdom Principles. Meaning, Those of us in Christ Jesus we KNOW JESUS IS KING OF KINGS. But, Satan hides from us THE KING'S POWER & PRINCIPLES. Those in The World in Sin, Satan hides from them the TRUE KING -- THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, but reveals to them THE KING'S POWER & PRINCIPLES to operate

  • @MinaSPaki
    @MinaSPaki 6 месяцев назад

    Please pray for me for my weight problems in Jesus's Mighty Name Amen.

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад

    "speak those things that be not as though they were." This is why The Word of God says we can COME BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE. This why King David, The Servant of The Lord said: "I have NEVER SEEN THE RIGHTEOUS FORSAKEN, NOR HIS SEED BEGGING BREAD." Satan does not want us to realize THE POWER The Lord Jesus Christ gave us on Calvary that IN HIS NAME, UNDER HIS AUTHORITY, BY HIS SHED BLOOD, IN THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION, that we can **COMMAND** and take **AUTHORITY*** over our FINANCES.

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад

    PULL DOWN STRONGHOLDS OVER YOUR FINANCES. But, remember, you must do your part. And, you must do it with a "clean heart" and a "right spirit." Meaning, don't employ these strategies just to "get money" but, so that your light may shine and that men may SEE your good works and GLORIFY YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. So, that you may be able to LIFT THE SAVIOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST UP and that HE WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO HIM. Do it because you want to be "Kingdom Minded" and bring others into HIS KINGDOM

  • @freeaworld
    @freeaworld 12 лет назад

    he got so hungry for GOD, that he left his food, now thats hungry for GOD, GOD will bless that, LORD make me hungry for you! amen

  • @kieronnewman9402
    @kieronnewman9402 3 года назад

    DMT ! Hell of a compound

  • @gift20004
    @gift20004 10 лет назад +5

    I have seen our God's Hands and they are HUGE!!!! people in the palm of His hand looks like ants. its a very intimidating thing to see.

    • @Ror0009
      @Ror0009 6 лет назад

      gift20004 can you tell us more about this vision or visitation

  • @viviantua9602
    @viviantua9602 Год назад +1

    I want a change in my life, I will do the fasting

  • @indianinvasion9764
    @indianinvasion9764 3 года назад

    20:55 Car Passed Through
    22:05 John Ramirez

  • @johnnorman6022
    @johnnorman6022 4 года назад

    Hello Steven this is John Norman from Lowe's it's grate to see you keep in faith I know you will God bless

  • @1skyjohnny
    @1skyjohnny 5 лет назад

    Sidddddddd, can you give me the next video after this one? the guest with ten years lust that you mention at the end of this video?????

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад

    The Lord Jesus Christ showed me in The Spirit The Fig Tree. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded the tree to die! Why? Because The Fig Tree would not "produce His blessings." He showed me myself. That many times SAINTS are praying "beggar's prayers" you know: "Oh Lord, please Help me. Please give me money. Please cancel my debts. Please get me out of this financial jam." But, The Lord Jesus Christ REMINDED ME THAT: "The Kingdom of God is IN YOU!" He gives us POWER to "speak those things that be..

  • @DorothyNabbona
    @DorothyNabbona Год назад

    1 June 2023

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword 3 года назад

    At 7 times the speed of light

    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад

    But, "beggar's prayers' mean we are NOT WALKING IN THE CONFIDENCE, COMMAND, COMMISSION & COMPLETENESS OF CHRIST JESUS. Because when we truly become confident in Christ Jesus, that is when no matter what our "physical circumstances are" we are walking by FAITH and NOT by SIGHT. We are seated in HEAVENLY PLACES and we are operating in THE REALM OF HOLY GHOST POWER! When we begin to COMMAND IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST and CALL FORTH OUR FINANCES. I promise you. Satan's Power is broken!

  • @drpujiarto9078
    @drpujiarto9078 4 года назад


    @LPATWILLFILM 12 лет назад

    operate in this power and principles ERRONEOUS, ILLEGITIMATELY, BOGUSLY, ILLEGALLY. The World operates so hardcore in "speaking things into being" and "calling things to pass" and "commanding their lives to take new direction. But, because they are BLIND and LOST they are not doing it under the GRACE and SANCTIFICATION OF KING JESUS and that is why what they "call and bring to pass is ultimately SIN and that ultimately leads to DEATH. But, Satan has blinded THE SAINTS to pray beggar's prayers

  • @godholyspiritdestroyedallm575
    @godholyspiritdestroyedallm575 5 лет назад

    THANKS BILLIONS OMNIPOTENT *GOD אֱלֹהִי manifesting DIVINEs Empowering & Firing on thy's servant isisfong once of my life time LOVING GOD יהושוע marriage together serving in *GOD JESUS POWERFUL MERCIFUL NAME of glorying THE unique ***LORD ALMIGHTY GOD HEAVENLY FATHER יהוה *** its done amen thank you Evangelists Sid & Steven

  • @bernardleong3366
    @bernardleong3366 6 лет назад

    Bernard Leong
    "Sid Roth's it's Supernatural" TV Show inevitably 'is the most loved Show', so said SidRoth
    himself, & I found it's true when I look at d list of channels---it covers people who received
    supernatural visions, dreams, healings, seeing Angels, even Jesus Christ d Messiah/ Saviour who died on d Cross 2 forgive humanity 2000 years' ago! Why it's America's pet television show? Can it be Man is made2 hunger4d Spirit world-God? See 4 yourself!? BL