Hello everyone! This old knife restoration was definitely a fun and easy restoration with my new vice. Funny thing is that I got it in the middle of the video. Hey, better ever than never, right 😊 Stay safe and see you next Monday 😊 Boris, Norway
@@FFD_Restorations I've got the 125th anniversary edition of this knife it's not nearly as impressive as this older model. It's really boring. And the handle stains very easy just in moderate use. I've cleaned and sanded it multiple times.
Nice to see old knifes saved. I.m born and raised in Mora and i had practise on one of the knife factorys a short while. Based on that logo on the knife it should be from around 1930-1950. Good job.
Wonderful restoration. I didn't realize until the end of the video that it was an old Morakniv. I have to get that vise! 👍 Also I very much appreciate that you preserve every piece on the restoration that you can, that is the true mark of a faithful restorer of antiquities and relics.
Of all the repair or restoration videos I’ve seen, I believe this is the first craftsman I’ve found who’s been willing to take the time to clean up and repair the handle on the piece being revived. I’m very pleased to have discovered your work. Many thanks!
Mora's are excellent knives , I have 2 of them. My first was the Wilderness model which I bought for 13 dollars from Smoky Mountain Knife Works. The 2nd one I bought from the same place and it was a blade blank of which I think is the same blade as the Clipper. I put a cedar wood handle on it and I made a leather sheath for it. Now I carry it as part of my EDC.
Thank you for sharing such an challenging restoration ... didn't think it would be anywhere close to the beautiful results you achieved ... Wow amazing
Clear epoxy looks great on handles to bro, and it polishes put nice, i sometimes thread tip of tang and put small brass nut on them... great job on knife. Awesome vid!
It’s been a while since I’ve had time to just sit down and watch one of your amazing videos it’s been much needed. Phenomenal work Boris keep it up hope you and the family are doing good.
@@FFD_Restorations probably with a lathe. Offset mounted to get the curvature right. I have respect for both versions. In your case, the end product justifies your decision.
Awesome! Thanks for restoring the wood handle as well- most of other RUclipsrs just replace it and kill the history with it. You coul have split the crack completely, clean the split area and glued it together first (I would use bone glue mix with some rabbit skin glue) to avoid using the 2K fix. If you prefer the used look fantastic (I do) but you can refresh wheathered wood too. Love your work!
Magnificent work! Satisfying to see a true restoration, a lesser craftsman would have taken the easy way out and replaced the handle with some garish or unsuitable imitation. Compliments on your work from UK🇬🇧
Love seeing the old Mora restorations. I am MagnetMan and I have found lots of them in the water in Sweden. I'd love to restore mine but don't have the tools and skill you have. Keep up the good work and I will continue to learn so maybe one day I can restore the many I have collected magnet fishing in Sweden 😁
Unfortunately there will be haters no matter what you do or how good your work is, please don't stop the content. I enjoy seeing other people's methods and maybe something that will help me in the future.
¡Que madera difícil para lograrle una terminación más vistosa! De todas formas se nota que ha cumplido perfectamente con su función y lo seguirá haciendo. Muy interesante.
You gave that old Mora a 2nd life very nice job on the restoration. I believe it’s a Mora #1, I own several when I go to the woods I wear a Mora 1or 2 around my neck Mors Kochanski style.
Great job man I personally would have just made a new handle but I love the fact that you even though there was a huge crack you were actually able to repurpose the original handle and I love the new bench vise I would love to see if you could find a self turning screwdriver to restore
Thanks 👍 I try to save every piece that I can. This handle is at least 60 years old, so it would be shame to throw it away... I really do appreciate watching!
this is better then 99% of other youtube so-called restaurations! With exception of possibly to much material loss of the knife-blade, the other channels should follow You.
3 cheers for the hand-cranked grinding wheel, and where most people throw the handle away, you kept it, and that was a good move. As close to original as it gets.
Excellent work! One of the few that did care to save the wood. This gives an extra quality touch! Perfect! Also the care of saving the original markings is correct! Great job!!!
Thanks Grant! I am chasing them all the time. I have a pile of old knives now and for at least one year shooting material ... which is nice. I don't have to stress too much about finding a good candidate for a video :) Cheers
Fantastic job ! That blade came up great, you did a sterling job on it. The minute i saw you use that hand turn wire wheel and polisher I subscribed. 👌 Greetings from England.
Broken handle and it was still a pain to get it off. Really well made knife, only if it was taken care of over the years. Nice that some one takes the time to give it longer life.
As always mate, it's AWESOME!!! Ihave one advice if you don't mind : with the next wooden handle, you can use the dust after sanding with white glue. It will be strong enough! See you soon!!
Much appreciated mate 😉 Thanks for the tip! Always happy to hear and learn something new! Actually I have stopped using wood glue (white glue, I hope we think the same) because if it comes often with water and such it wears off. I am not talking one or two times, it takes some time to wear off but it is not long lasting. At least from my experience... Take care mate!
Knife came out great. You kept the original handle. I wonder if the handle could be sanded, oiled and polished, even better to show the actual grain pattern instead of what appears to be dirt or soil.
Dude thanks it's the real restoration,not like 90% of scam here on youtube, a little tip: drill a tiny hole on the end of the crack before you do anything else. And one more,back in a days they didn't use a fancy wood on these handles so they painted them, mostly black, sometimes green,paintjib was good with primer and all
@@FFD_Restorations Я только что посмотрел у вас про нож белку ,и по молотку догадался что вы говорите по русски ))) у нас в америке так не делают рукоятки )))
Спасибо За красивый хорошо поставленный фильм очень хорошее качество Интересно на какую снимали камеру сам стою перед выбором Всегоо хорошего и Удачи в развитии канала
Again great job!👌👌👌 High level video!👍👍👍 Restoration perfect as well!😍😍😍 I like old tool transformation!😱😱😱 You are make awesome stuff!😉😃😜 Cool to watch restoration like this!🍺🍩🍷 Thanks for sharing!👍👌😀
I've been watching your videos for a while now, but I've never restored a tool myself. I've decided, however, to do my grandad's old axe. I've noticed you used vinegar, after which you sanded the blade down to bare metal anyway. Does vinegar help sanding off the rust? Thanks for your satisfying videos, btw, and take care 👌
Hey there, that is awesome to hear! Vinegar will help to remove some rust but not completely. Be careful how long you keep it in the vinegar. If it stays too long it will start eating good metal. My main reason for using vinegar is to remove loose rust and dust. Sanding without this step creates a lot of fine dust and it is messy in my opinion. Hope I answered your question! Good luck and be patient ☺️
Hello everyone!
This old knife restoration was definitely a fun and easy restoration with my new vice. Funny thing is that I got it in the middle of the video. Hey, better ever than never, right 😊
Stay safe and see you next Monday 😊
Boris, Norway
Nice.. Mora knife. Made in Sweden.. :D ha de fint Timmy, Sweden
Hei Timmy!
Takk det samme 😊👍
@@FFD_Restorations I've got the 125th anniversary edition of this knife it's not nearly as impressive as this older model. It's really boring. And the handle stains very easy just in moderate use. I've cleaned and sanded it multiple times.
@@mercuryrising9174 handles need to be sealed/treated. Bare wood ofc stains
@@FFD_Restorations эх
Nice to see old knifes saved. I.m born and raised in Mora and i had practise on one of the knife factorys a short while. Based on that logo on the knife it should be from around 1930-1950. Good job.
Wow, that is amazing to hear, thank you so much for info! I appreciate that very much! Beste hilsener fra Norge
Wonderful restoration. I didn't realize until the end of the video that it was an old Morakniv. I have to get that vise! 👍 Also I very much appreciate that you preserve every piece on the restoration that you can, that is the true mark of a faithful restorer of antiquities and relics.
Cool, thank you so much Brian! I try my best, thanks for noticing that 😊👍
Of all the repair or restoration videos I’ve seen, I believe this is the first craftsman I’ve found who’s been willing to take the time to clean up and repair the handle on the piece being revived. I’m very pleased to have discovered your work. Many thanks!
I'm glad you kept the old handle. There's history there that shouldn't always be tossed aside. Nice job!
Thanks Isaac, I couldn't agree more 👍
I always save the wood if possiable
Nice,nice,realy nice.
Mora's are excellent knives , I have 2 of them. My first was the Wilderness model which I bought for 13 dollars from Smoky Mountain Knife Works. The 2nd one I bought from the same place and it was a blade blank of which I think is the same blade as the Clipper. I put a cedar wood handle on it and I made a leather sheath for it. Now I carry it as part of my EDC.
Awesome, thanks for sharing 👍
Thank you for sharing such an challenging restoration ... didn't think it would be anywhere close to the beautiful results you achieved ... Wow amazing
You are so welcome! Thank you for watching!
This is the FIRST honest to god full restoration I have seen that I can sware to...❤👍 keep up your good work...👌
Wow, thank you!
Old knife someone wouldn't want. Turned into a knife everyone one would want. Great job well done.
Thank you very much sir?
Nice work, I also liked that you used classic locksmith tools, especially the file and no electrical aids.
Clear epoxy looks great on handles to bro, and it polishes put nice, i sometimes thread tip of tang and put small brass nut on them... great job on knife. Awesome vid!
It’s been a while since I’ve had time to just sit down and watch one of your amazing videos it’s been much needed. Phenomenal work Boris keep it up hope you and the family are doing good.
Hey Robert!
Thank you so much my man! It is a pleasure hearing from you 😊
We are all good, thanks. Hope you and your closest are well.
Stay safe 👊😊
FFD Restorations thanks all is well just trying to stay busy and stay sane 🤙
OUTSTANDING!!! Thanks for the video
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback ☺️
You are exactly restoring the whole knife, not just the idea of a knife. Great loyalty!
Kudos for keeping the handle. Most youtube restoration channels would have tossed it.
Not ''My Mechanics'' . He would have done a much better job.
@@manuelaffonso2191 by hand or with machines?
@@FFD_Restorations probably with a lathe. Offset mounted to get the curvature right. I have respect for both versions. In your case, the end product justifies your decision.
Nice work, old knives deserve respect, 👍
Awesome! Thanks for restoring the wood handle as well- most of other RUclipsrs just replace it and kill the history with it. You coul have split the crack completely, clean the split area and glued it together first (I would use bone glue mix with some rabbit skin glue) to avoid using the 2K fix. If you prefer the used look fantastic (I do) but you can refresh wheathered wood too.
Love your work!
That is a great suggestion, thank you so much Tomtom. I am so happy to read comments like this and learn. Thank you for sharing!
Magnificent work! Satisfying to see a true restoration, a lesser craftsman would have taken the easy way out and replaced the handle with some garish or unsuitable imitation. Compliments on your work from UK🇬🇧
Nice job on restoring the old Mora
Many thanks 👍
Im glad you kept the handle looks really good well done
Thank you kindly!
Отличная работа, золотые руки. 👍👍👍
@@FFD_Restorations Какая историческая ценность ножа?
Adoro guardare gli artigiani del restauro di oggetti antichi, ci vuole tempo, pazienza e amore, ho la stessa passione. ❤️ Grazie. 🙏🏼
Love seeing the old Mora restorations. I am MagnetMan and I have found lots of them in the water in Sweden. I'd love to restore mine but don't have the tools and skill you have. Keep up the good work and I will continue to learn so maybe one day I can restore the many I have collected magnet fishing in Sweden 😁
That is awesome, thank you very much! Hey, do you sell some of them? I am always looking for challenge to restore by hand 😃
@@FFD_Restorations where are you based? I am in Sweden 🇸🇪 obviously.
Norway ☺️
Unfortunately there will be haters no matter what you do or how good your work is, please don't stop the content. I enjoy seeing other people's methods and maybe something that will help me in the future.
Thank you for the support Chris, that means a lot to me 🤗
Best wishes 👋
Nice Mora . Good job . 👍
Thanks 👍
Impressive that you were able to salvage that old wood handle. Very nicely done!
Thank you sir, much appreciated 👍
Nice restore . Love the new vice will make work much easer .
Awesome, thanks a lot! Vise is amazing 👌
Found your channel as a YT pop up! Glad I found it! Love your work! Now I’m subbed& looking forward to seeing more! ❤ from Texas, USA
Hey, welcome aboard! Thank you kindly 😃👍
Oh and great job. Beautiful knife
Thank you sir!
¡Que madera difícil para lograrle una terminación más vistosa! De todas formas se nota que ha cumplido perfectamente con su función y lo seguirá haciendo. Muy interesante.
amazing job on the knife dude😀
Much appreciated 👍
You gave that old Mora a 2nd life very nice job on the restoration. I believe it’s a Mora #1, I own several when I go to the woods I wear a Mora 1or 2 around my neck Mors Kochanski style.
Very cool! Thanks 👍
I have a knife similar to this the handle I believe to be blaze orange 🍊 very good skinning knife for hunting...😏
Well done!
Mora knife is a good one. especially such old.
Every new video, a new gem, I really enjoy these restorations very much.
Thanks Boris
Wow, that is so nice to hear Nesdel! You are welcome 😊👍
Very nice job. I love old things, from vehicles to tools to furniture to kitchen implements. I fix everything till it wears completely out. Good job
That is awesome 👍
Moras are great knives with really excellent steel.
Great job man I personally would have just made a new handle but I love the fact that you even though there was a huge crack you were actually able to repurpose the original handle and I love the new bench vise I would love to see if you could find a self turning screwdriver to restore
Thanks 👍 I try to save every piece that I can. This handle is at least 60 years old, so it would be shame to throw it away...
I really do appreciate watching!
@@FFD_Restorations no problem man keep making great videos LOL
Bien hecho hermano 👏💪
New vise is sooooo freaking cool. And I agree with your decision to resand and change oil. Looked lots better. Another great video and restoration ❤️
Hell yeah, my favorite 👍
Awesome! Super happy to hear that, thank you so much Latessa 💚
FFD Restorations if you uploaded everyday I would watch them all 🤣 I love your work and I support you all I can.
Very nice work! Nice job keeping as much of the original resources as possible👍🏻
Thank you very much!
this is better then 99% of other youtube so-called restaurations! With exception of possibly to much material loss of the knife-blade, the other channels should follow You.
Thank you sir!
I have 2 Mora knives as my wife comes from that part of Sweden, they carve like a dream!
Awesome, thanks for sharing 👍
Snyggt jobbat!
Second time I have seen this video, I am speechless. Become crazy to have this one or any other restored by your Good self.
Wow, thank you so much 😃👍
3 cheers for the hand-cranked grinding wheel, and where most people throw the handle away, you kept it, and that was a good move.
As close to original as it gets.
Thank you very much Lug!
Excellent work! One of the few that did care to save the wood. This gives an extra quality touch! Perfect! Also the care of saving the original markings is correct! Great job!!!
Many thanks, I appreciate your kind words and of course watching!
Take care
Well done man! I wish I could find so many beautiful old knives like you do!
Thanks Grant! I am chasing them all the time. I have a pile of old knives now and for at least one year shooting material ... which is nice. I don't have to stress too much about finding a good candidate for a video :)
Muchas gracias Eduardo!
Wauuuuu beautyful 😍
Good work! I like that you didn't use electric tools and that you keep the old handle.
Thanks a lot 👍
Fantastic job ! That blade came up great, you did a sterling job on it.
The minute i saw you use that hand turn wire wheel and polisher I subscribed. 👌
Greetings from England.
Much appreciated, thank you kindly!
Cool my friend... Cool.
Thanks 👍
Благодарю за ваш труд! Очень приятные и интересные видео))
Огромное спасибо!
Вот это действительно реставрация. Сохранены все детали ножа, никакого новодела. Хорошая работа, особенно ручной круг полировальный позабавил.
Beautiful restore
Thank you very much!
grit job man amazing
Nice job
Thank you! Cheers!
Broken handle and it was still a pain to get it off. Really well made knife, only if it was taken care of over the years. Nice that some one takes the time to give it longer life.
I agree, also pretty happy that I could save it 👍
You kept the wood! Nice job!
Thanks 👍
Very nice work and a great end result! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much Ken!
Great job!
Richtig gute Arbeit!!!!!!!!!
Vielen Dank 😃👍
Another fine job you did.
Thank you again sir!
Реставрация, это когда старую ручку в эпоксидной смоле пропитал, и так и оставил👍👍👍👍👍.
Very nice Mora knife. Good job! 👍
Thanks Mario 🙂👍
As always mate, it's AWESOME!!! Ihave one advice if you don't mind : with the next wooden handle, you can use the dust after sanding with white glue. It will be strong enough! See you soon!!
Much appreciated mate 😉
Thanks for the tip! Always happy to hear and learn something new!
Actually I have stopped using wood glue (white glue, I hope we think the same) because if it comes often with water and such it wears off. I am not talking one or two times, it takes some time to wear off but it is not long lasting. At least from my experience...
Take care mate!
Great video! What size is that blue vise you were using at the beginning?
Thanks! 4" (10 cm)
Отличная работа! 👍
А где можно приобрести такой гриндер?
Класс,чисто ручная работа,супер.
Knife came out great. You kept the original handle. I wonder if the handle could be sanded, oiled and polished, even better to show the actual grain pattern instead of what appears to be dirt or soil.
Thanks, probably yes 👍
Muy buen video, pero no dices en que introduces el metal para soltar las partículas de óxido, un saludo.
10,000 subscribers 💪😍... You did it! Can't wait til your at 1 million 😉😘
Hey Latessa 👋😊
Thank you, I could't make it without best fans like you 😉
Your wishes are highly appreciated 😄
thats SHARP.
Una restauración PERFECTA Feliz Ano Nuevo. Saludos desde Barcelona Catalonia
j'adore sont outillages manuelle, c'est génial
Great job. Would love to see you make a nice leather sheith for it too
Coming soon! Before end of this year I will start making some leather sheaths...
Thank you for watching!
Great work man..you are doing nicely. Keep it up..going to sub.
Thanks! Much appreciated!
Dude thanks it's the real restoration,not like 90% of scam here on youtube, a little tip: drill a tiny hole on the end of the crack before you do anything else. And one more,back in a days they didn't use a fancy wood on these handles so they painted them, mostly black, sometimes green,paintjib was good with primer and all
@@FFD_Restorations Я только что посмотрел у вас про нож белку ,и по молотку догадался что вы говорите по русски ))) у нас в америке так не делают рукоятки )))
Good jobs
Thanks 👍
Привет мастер Борис👋👋👋 как обычно радуешь новым видео👌🏽 хороший нож и хорошая реставрация , на этой неделе буду отправлять тебе посылку🤝✌🏻🇷🇺
Привет легенда 👋👋👋
Спасибо вам большое 😆👍! Не беспокойтесь, все хорошо 🤝!
And you did it again another beautiful mora.
Wish I can give two thumbs up
Oh wait actually I can👍👍
BTW I like your new vise
Sweet! Thank you so much Richard 😀👍
Cool 😉
So excellent job restoring the mora knife!
I'm wondering how much to purchase it? Do you have a sales page?
No, sorry. Thanks for asking
I would like to ask
Why aren't you making new handles?
and where do you find all these old things?
Usually do, but for this one I decided to keep. It is quite an old knife...
I am finding them on local websites for ads...
Спасибо За красивый хорошо поставленный фильм очень хорошее качество Интересно на какую снимали камеру сам стою перед выбором Всегоо хорошего и Удачи в развитии канала
Огромное спасибо
Я использую Sony FDR-AX33 4k ...
Спасибо Вам Большое ! присмотрюсь и к этой камере Здоровья и Удачи в творчестве
Hi, this is a very nice video, thank you. I do have a question: do you think this knife looked as nice when it was sold for the first time?
Thank you so much! yes I definitely think so even though it was produced in huge numbers at the time.
I see the blade was made by Mora. That is definitely worth a restauration.
Your videos are therapeutic they really help to relieve stress and tension
Nice, I am glad to hear that! Thanks for watching!
Again great job!👌👌👌
High level video!👍👍👍
Restoration perfect as well!😍😍😍
I like old tool transformation!😱😱😱
You are make awesome stuff!😉😃😜
Cool to watch restoration like this!🍺🍩🍷
Thanks for sharing!👍👌😀
Glad you liked it!
Thank you so much, I really do appreciated 👋😃👍
Nice job on a nice Mora knife 👍
Many thanks 😃👍
I only know the Mora knives with red handles. It is a bit like seing a Dala horse without paint. Was there really no trace of red?
Yeah, they were produced without paint as well but those were not so popular 😊
As usual a good restoration
Many many thanks Mats, skål!
I like Mora knives. Nice job👍
Hi Boris! Another nice restoration.
Keep coming those great videos! :)
Many thanks Lukas 😆👍
I've been watching your videos for a while now, but I've never restored a tool myself. I've decided, however, to do my grandad's old axe. I've noticed you used vinegar, after which you sanded the blade down to bare metal anyway. Does vinegar help sanding off the rust? Thanks for your satisfying videos, btw, and take care 👌
Hey there, that is awesome to hear! Vinegar will help to remove some rust but not completely. Be careful how long you keep it in the vinegar. If it stays too long it will start eating good metal. My main reason for using vinegar is to remove loose rust and dust. Sanding without this step creates a lot of fine dust and it is messy in my opinion. Hope I answered your question!
Good luck and be patient ☺️
@@FFD_Restorations That's great! Thank you for your quick response and the advice 👍 Keep making some more great content.
@wekoweko71 no worries! Will do 👍 Have a good one!
sei troppo bravo
What was the solution that you put the blade & fitting into before sanding ?
7% vinegar 😉
Ein wirklich schönes und lehrreiches Video. Perfekt gemacht. Respekt!
Ich danke dir sehr 😃👍
Noch ein deutscher :)
You should build a foot pedal for your grinder/polisher so you can use both hands on the workpiece👌
Where did you get the hand crank grinder/buffer…? Thanks
I bought it in Norway through ads. No worries 😉
Hola donde consigo ese cepillo manual con q lijaste el cuchillo?
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