King Ice Shadow the Hedgehog Diamond Pendant Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 115

  • @GallonTalon
    @GallonTalon 2 года назад +63

    Thanks for going above and beyond with the review, makes sense since i probably wouldnt "wear" it but want to display it in the best possible way

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +7

      You're welcome.
      On the rare occasion I do merch reviews I like to try and give people ideas on what to do with them, this one especially had that whole "I work in the NHS I can't wear this whilst telling someone their skeleton is trying to escape the body!"

  • @ulench6653
    @ulench6653 2 года назад +22

    damn i thought that it was gonne be just a flat 2D jewelry design, but the fact that it's an actual 3D figure pendant it"s amazing.

  • @yonaguy6978
    @yonaguy6978 2 года назад +16

    The maidens will come when the kingice sonichu drip is made

  • @ThatSoni
    @ThatSoni 2 года назад +13

    Dripnik Mechanic

  • @grizzerz64
    @grizzerz64 2 года назад +33

    Would definitely get a Rouge one if available in a heartbeat

    • @Nic_2751
      @Nic_2751 2 года назад +5

      She has become her very desire

    • @grizzerz64
      @grizzerz64 2 года назад +3

      There's just something about her, man. Can't pin point it but I like it

    • @artemishunter4242
      @artemishunter4242 2 месяца назад +1

      She's available lol

  • @lubby9438
    @lubby9438 2 года назад +11

    Ngl I'd get the Sonic one if I could afford it lol, I love that he's in a running pose!

  • @EddVCR
    @EddVCR 2 года назад +3

    Your display ideas are top notch! The figure looks so good with different lighting.

  • @SpacePiggy1409
    @SpacePiggy1409 2 года назад +18

    We need mephlis in crystal form (hope you get why)

  • @_teben_6525
    @_teben_6525 2 года назад +6

    The Drip

  • @PlasmaRevolution
    @PlasmaRevolution 2 года назад +8

    This looks awesome, I'm definitely going to get the Shadow one. ☺

  • @ChipFanXO
    @ChipFanXO 2 года назад +3

    It was made out of that DAM fourth chaos emerald

  • @valfonso678
    @valfonso678 2 года назад +1

    this video has cemented you as my favorite sonic youtuber ever, your comedy always lands somehow and genuinely makes me laugh which I can't say for most youtubers in general.

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +1

      It's 1:11am and I'm currently alone in the hotel...
      Yet this just made me feel warm and fuzzy.

  • @thetruemarioandsonicfanboy
    @thetruemarioandsonicfanboy 2 года назад +4

    Shadow the Hedgehog diamond pendant looks cool and awesome you're very lucky to have it in your collection.

  • @ItsKishaK
    @ItsKishaK 2 года назад +8

    This is actually like dope 🔥🔥 imma get the sonic one and style my whole look around it!


    thank you! awesome
    review definitely going to
    get this been looking for a figure to go in my pc! this shadow chain is perfect!

  • @remoirel8390
    @remoirel8390 2 года назад +3

    i was considering getting the tails one and recently i saw a guy wearing the knuckles one in Costa Coffee which made me want it even more lol

  • @thisiscontent6085
    @thisiscontent6085 2 года назад +3

    “The *drip* “

  • @Peetah.
    @Peetah. 2 года назад +6

    Omg I went to the site and they all look amazing

  • @gerarddip
    @gerarddip 2 года назад +5

    you definitely look like a sonic jewelry enthusiast

  • @enadlr2038
    @enadlr2038 2 года назад +2

    OMG so many diamonds that covered shadow

  • @littleguystar
    @littleguystar 2 года назад +3

    For a second when I saw this video I thought it was still April 1st and I was about to see some dank edgy shadow joke
    Instead, I got to see something quite neat!

  • @rc9145
    @rc9145 2 года назад +1

    Id definitely rock the shadow chain to the sonic 3 movie premiere

  • @veryrealperson3694
    @veryrealperson3694 2 года назад +1

    the drippiest lifeform 💧💦🥶🥶

  • @segaking5846
    @segaking5846 2 года назад +1


  • @katieee_llyn
    @katieee_llyn 2 года назад +3

    As a shadow fan- I envy you 😂

  • @Syiepherze
    @Syiepherze 2 года назад +2

    I'm no physicist, but I think your explanation of the optics checks out.
    Also, funny how the video is experimenting with light on Shadow lol

  • @tidywire423
    @tidywire423 2 года назад

    Hey you're alive! Good to see more videos from you. Been busy?

  • @mikdan8813
    @mikdan8813 10 месяцев назад

    Imagine appearing in your middle school in 2005 sporting this.

  • @tardistroll3494
    @tardistroll3494 2 года назад +3

    I don't normally buy bling but this might be worth it

  • @TooneyBird2468
    @TooneyBird2468 2 года назад +1

    Hey Badnik Mechanic, Disney Dan made a costume evolution of sonic the hedgehog and guess what, you were referenced in the video!

  • @ChevyboyCaprice_
    @ChevyboyCaprice_ 2 года назад

    Thank you for the review! I still have my Tongue of Desire chain from kingice and I wear it when I go out, cash my check, and of course, my music videos! ❤ they came out with the Amy face and I plan on getting one

  • @ATAnders93
    @ATAnders93 2 года назад +1

    I would ABSOLUTELY buy Rouge. Chaos would look cool too!

  • @scavengerreviews5268
    @scavengerreviews5268 2 года назад +2

    Unironically i want this so bad. Vector would be amazing since he already wears drip. My drip would have drip.

  • @thespookymage6294
    @thespookymage6294 2 года назад +8

    If they made a Rouge one I would totally buy it!

    • @BunnyTPerson
      @BunnyTPerson 2 года назад +6

      I've heard that they made it, but then Rouge came out of the video game and stole them all

  • @ygkoz
    @ygkoz 2 года назад

    I bought this the second it became available. Shadow is lit I literally wore this to the sonic 2 movie and got so much compliments

    • @ninjaqii5789
      @ninjaqii5789 9 месяцев назад

      Is it still in good quality when you wear it like not turning green?

  • @Ziyoblader
    @Ziyoblader 2 года назад

    I would be interested in metal Sonic and underrated metal knuckles

  • @addictwiththeart
    @addictwiththeart 2 года назад +3

    Are there certain conditions needed to use the code? For some reason it's not working when I go to buy any of the Sonic collection

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +4

      So I asked about this.
      Apparently it doesn't work "Yet" with the Sonic stuff.
      It seems their 'new' and branded stuff has timed restrictions on it for promo codes. They tell me it should work after 3 months of a product being put on their store.
      Yeah I also wasn't too thrilled to hear that either! So you're looking at may-june before they work.
      I really wish they'd told me that before I uploaded this vid. =/

    • @addictwiththeart
      @addictwiththeart 2 года назад

      @@BadnikMechanic thanks for letting me know!!

    • @Camad
      @Camad 2 года назад +1

      @@BadnikMechanic Worth noting the code STILL doesn’t work with the head pendants despite being out for about a year. Not surprising since this is a popular collection, so they make as much $ as possible.

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад

      ​@@Camad Codes are now working!
      Tried it myself today, code BADNIKMECHANIC now works on all the Sonic items!

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +1

      @@addictwiththeart Thought I'd let you know, Codes are now working! Just ordered something myself and the code BADNIKMECHANIC saved me a good chunk of money!

  • @RobertTheFoxxo
    @RobertTheFoxxo 2 года назад +2


  • @LazyPirate8
    @LazyPirate8 2 года назад +1

    You can ask them for a replacement box on there website?

  • @gmodn
    @gmodn 2 года назад

    Just ordered one! These look so cool!

  • @tortillademaiz1
    @tortillademaiz1 2 года назад +1

    Could this work as a wedding ring?

  • @demoniczzz6965
    @demoniczzz6965 2 года назад +2

    "shadow the driphog"

  • @bushybeardedbear
    @bushybeardedbear 2 года назад +3

    I'm... unironically interested in some of these... But, you'd think Gold pendant and Super Sonic would be instantly put together.
    Or, for instant legendary status?
    Honey The Cat.
    Oh, you a real sonic fan huh, where's your Honey Bling?

    • @bushybeardedbear
      @bushybeardedbear 2 года назад

      Do the kids still say "Bling"?

    • @bushybeardedbear
      @bushybeardedbear 2 года назад

      Oh, and maybe Chaos Emeralds worked into the design...?
      A Shadow Ring to propose to a future Ultimate "Wifeform"? 😏 Not sorry and weirdly it would work on my partner at least...

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +2

      They most certainly do!
      It's a most bodacious word!

  • @nicoswatches
    @nicoswatches 2 года назад

    Is it stainless steel?! Do the color of the chain peel of easily ? I ordered a gold plated chain from king ice which looks like garbage after 5 times wearing it 😒

  • @iAmAllOfMii
    @iAmAllOfMii 2 года назад

    I forgot about this channel and suddenly the RUclips algorithm randomly decides to suggest it to me again. The algorithm is weird.

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +1

      To be fair... my videos do now take ages to upload due to the length of time it takes to research and make them.
      But we have something very... Large... coming in the next 2 weeks.

    • @iAmAllOfMii
      @iAmAllOfMii 2 года назад

      @@BadnikMechanic awesome! Btw don't misinterpret that as me saying that the channel is bad. Your videos are great!

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +1

      @@iAmAllOfMii XD thanks! I like my channel too.
      To give you an idea on how big and how much work went into it.
      A video that I typically upload is normally 1GB. This can vary depending how much HD video is on there vs VHS rips and still images.
      This new video is 10GB.

    • @iAmAllOfMii
      @iAmAllOfMii 2 года назад

      @@BadnikMechanic Oh my gosh! 10 gigs?! o_O

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +1

      @@iAmAllOfMii yeah much like your username it's a monster.
      But I think its also the best video I've done. Its up there with my old die hard and the Surge video in terms of research and the argument.
      But its edited a lot better, also its Sonic related so yay.

  • @VioletaVolnutt
    @VioletaVolnutt 2 года назад

    please make a video on the Sonic Encyclo-Speed-ia

  • @themightygatekeeperdefende9755
    @themightygatekeeperdefende9755 2 года назад

    This goes harder then the stones it’s made of

  • @ninjaqii5789
    @ninjaqii5789 9 месяцев назад

    How has the Chain held up I wanna buy it but i don’t want it if it’ll turn me green

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  9 месяцев назад +2

      Green!? Lol nope, never had any issues with the chain or anything like that.

  • @7niahceulb
    @7niahceulb 2 года назад

    Crazy this exists but very kool. Wish something like this existed with other franchises.

    • @noxscott9814
      @noxscott9814 Год назад

      King ice also has a line of Paxman, batman, halo, and xbox ice just as some examples

  • @Jasper08th
    @Jasper08th Год назад

    Call me crazy, but it looks like they modeled the pendant after the Jakks Pacific figure, or at least in a similar pose

  • @madnessprime2009
    @madnessprime2009 2 года назад +2

    This is a really well made model though as a sonic fan i think this is impressive but can you do a tokyo toy show explained

  • @superplushultra356
    @superplushultra356 2 года назад

    Hey I was looking online and I found a Sonic Movie 2 statue mall display you should make a video on it

  • @LauraAmyWilliamsOfficial
    @LauraAmyWilliamsOfficial Год назад

    I bet my fiancé would love to wear something like this! :)

  • @pinkgamecube
    @pinkgamecube 2 года назад

    There making a amy rose one im so picking it up 🥰💖

  • @tribesvanguard7007
    @tribesvanguard7007 2 года назад

    If chris wasnt in jail he would be having a stroke rn 😂

  • @thetruemarioandsonicfanboy
    @thetruemarioandsonicfanboy 2 года назад +1

    Have you seen Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in the cinemas it looks very amazing Paramount pictures announced there making Sonic the Hedgehog 3 also a doctor Eggman spin-off movie now that is very exciting. Jim Carrey announced he is retiring that's a shame he's a very good and funny actor I wonder who's gonna take his place as Dr eggman by the way I'm a Mario & Sonic Expert I know everything lucky me.

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +1

      So I'll answer everything...
      Not seen the film. Unsure if I will see it since Covid rates are really high and I have to be extra careful due to who I live with. So might have to pass on it.
      Yes, heard about the 3rd one.
      I did a video on this eggman spinoff, personally don't think it's happening, producer's sorta do this a lot, they brainstorm ideas just to get things on the table to explore and then these get 'leaked' and reports "MY GOD! THEYRE MAKING A MOVIE!"
      I don't see an eggman movie ever happening outside of maybe a mini short to promote something.

  • @meatwafflethev3728
    @meatwafflethev3728 2 года назад +1

    Well time to waste money, and I’ll figure out how I’ll be able to pull it off when it arrives time to take it to the strip club

  • @valfonso678
    @valfonso678 2 года назад

    Super Shadow and Sonic made out of gold would be great and shiny

  • @peterpumkineater69346
    @peterpumkineater69346 2 года назад +1

    Silver the Hedgehog would work the best

  • @Nic_2751
    @Nic_2751 2 года назад

    The more Shadow the merrier!

  • @peterpumkineater69346
    @peterpumkineater69346 2 года назад

    Put it on a yellow LED and it will go Super Shadow

  • @bobmclovinelectricboogaloo
    @bobmclovinelectricboogaloo 2 года назад

    It looks cool.

  • @soft_blinks1518
    @soft_blinks1518 2 года назад

    Do you heard about *Iceblingers* I think some rappers buy from them ?

  • @valfonso678
    @valfonso678 2 года назад

    I want a Master Emerald made out of real emeralds

  • @ODDdiddle
    @ODDdiddle 2 года назад +1

    Like your hair

  • @scavengerreviews5268
    @scavengerreviews5268 2 года назад

    I am shadow the hedgehog the ultimate dripform

  • @NightyBatsy
    @NightyBatsy 2 года назад

    Kinda looks like Jakks Pacific's 2.5" shadow figure

    • @BadnikMechanic
      @BadnikMechanic  2 года назад +2

      They actually are around the same size.
      I was going to do a comparison but the video was running quite long and I had a bit too much fun with the how to display section.

  • @overall_great213
    @overall_great213 2 года назад

    He became the fourth chaos emerald… or… er… Diamond? 😅

  • @AndyHappyGuy
    @AndyHappyGuy 2 года назад

    shadow drip

  • @deathhulk8860
    @deathhulk8860 2 года назад +2

    thankfully they are not real diamonds otherwise the price would have been in the thousands

  • @ritaandrunt5767
    @ritaandrunt5767 2 года назад

    Awsome definitely Awsome

  • @tomwilliams7
    @tomwilliams7 2 года назад

    KSI beerus chain No
    Shadow chain yes

  • @darkduckthedarkestduck
    @darkduckthedarkestduck 2 года назад +1

    This looks epic lol

  • @valfonso678
    @valfonso678 2 года назад

    Drip & Learn

  • @anitabath8315
    @anitabath8315 2 года назад +1

    Why is this real?

  • @ConnorSchumann-bd2wk
    @ConnorSchumann-bd2wk Год назад

    They could have made the nose a little longer

  • @DieRomantic5000
    @DieRomantic5000 2 года назад +1


  • @shoolcreates1999
    @shoolcreates1999 2 года назад

    I have the evil Morty pendant

  • @SonicTheSpeedGod
    @SonicTheSpeedGod 2 года назад

    That’s cool

  • @trollface391
    @trollface391 5 месяцев назад

    Hahaha it's very obvious they are using the pvc sonic toy set from aliexpress to make the mold 😁😁😁 which is not a bad thing at all... But I know for a fact that this is the case

  • @Terminal_Apotos
    @Terminal_Apotos 2 года назад

    Surprised you Didn’t know What “Drip” is. You don’t seem that Old.

  • @noneyobuisness8789
    @noneyobuisness8789 Год назад

    I have 1 😂🔥🔥🔥

  • @littletimmythefifth29
    @littletimmythefifth29 2 года назад

    Here at 4,798 views.

  • @Rhiavax
    @Rhiavax 2 года назад

    i see a law suit coming

  • @betaworld5522
    @betaworld5522 2 года назад

    u sound like mr tumble

  • @ralsei3157
    @ralsei3157 2 года назад

    Talk about Sonic Movie 2 coward