Zykov returns! How S.A.M works & her lying plan explained! (Black Ops 6 Zombies Storyline Explained)

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @TheRealBossRPGJoinNow
    @TheRealBossRPGJoinNow 19 часов назад +21

    I swear to god whatever theories this man makes will come true 💀

  • @robertoarreola4656
    @robertoarreola4656 11 часов назад +4

    In the Citadelle des morts easter egg song "slave", I think the songs we have are messages from Samantha. For example "Destroy Something Beautiful" talks about Samantha and Edward where Samantha wants to Destroy Edward's life. The song "Slave" is a song from Samantha to the Terminus crew telling them that she can not be saved and she is a slave to the dark aether and their attempts to save her will be for nothing.
    Samantha is literally telling us as players that she can't be saved through music

    • @MijnNaamIsBurger
      @MijnNaamIsBurger 5 часов назад +1

      Yes, and knowing the ending of MWZ it's most likely they fail regardless if Ava Time travels

  • @JuuustJayden
    @JuuustJayden 14 часов назад +11

    Imagine if Rizztofen attempts to save his son by going back in time and our team fails splitting and fracturing space and time creating the multiverse again. Absolute cinema

  • @weedman0824
    @weedman0824 18 часов назад +3

    I honestly think S.A.M. is Samantha Maxis herself. The AI when first rebooted sounded like Eddy trapped her soul in the AI and he's tricking her into thinking she is just AI (she remembered having hands). And later down the line she figures it out and traps Eddy for revenge.

  • @isobarkley
    @isobarkley 15 часов назад +3

    singlehandedly keeping the storybuffs going man thank you!!

  • @GregoryGunzz
    @GregoryGunzz 2 часа назад +1

    The fact that she calls him Eddie tells me that she has all of the old/original memories of the real Samantha

  • @joshanator7825
    @joshanator7825 15 часов назад +2

    Please keep making these. Your right ppl aren’t making storyline videos like this anymore.

    • @RegenerationOffical
      @RegenerationOffical 4 часа назад

      This is a theory…

    • @joshanator7825
      @joshanator7825 Час назад

      @ are you stupid he has zombies intel in his video which has actual storyline content……………….. don’t reply to me again

    • @joshanator7825
      @joshanator7825 Час назад

      @ don’t like that I like the theory. Then cry about it

  • @masa3032
    @masa3032 4 часа назад

    3:06 nice Easter egg. Time 3;35 like group 935 in the old aether story

  • @indyjoe3150
    @indyjoe3150 12 часов назад +1

    Daddy richtofens always fighting for a better tomorrow

  • @robertbrighton9797
    @robertbrighton9797 18 часов назад +1

    The irony that the voice of Sam / maxis is now literally AI lol

  • @kamtheclam
    @kamtheclam 17 часов назад

    Wow what a vid. Great job!!!! I forgot about that Cold War Samantha intel!

  • @miliguinothe2nd
    @miliguinothe2nd 9 часов назад

    I think "cortex daemon" refer's to samantha's consciousness,it looks like it ties in with mkultra and eddie torturing sam.....so he could have control over her,but now she's free and wants revenge (maybe,even tho sam still is in the dark aether,richtofen tried to replicate her way of thinking through S.A.M.)

  • @noonesgone
    @noonesgone 15 часов назад

    I’m actually surprised how there hasn’t been any contact with Sam in the dark Aether, you’d think with how the Janus team was able to construct a device to free Panos, they’d have done something remarkably similar to Samantha as well.

    • @itzskizzyk5472
      @itzskizzyk5472 6 часов назад

      project janus was never to save sam why would richtofen save sam when he put her there

  • @coopermelton9754
    @coopermelton9754 17 часов назад +2

    I think that the primis crew is still trapped in the dark aether

    • @UwUchibix
      @UwUchibix 11 часов назад

      Primis is dead

  • @DrunkyMcdrunkerson
    @DrunkyMcdrunkerson 18 часов назад +5

    I miss notso

    • @ReaperMain-b8s
      @ReaperMain-b8s 18 часов назад

      Same. I hope they find her in the future.

    • @anhonyquinones4210
      @anhonyquinones4210 17 часов назад

      @@ReaperMain-b8sI think she got turned into hellhounds in MWZ, when you kill a hellhound you can get a dog name tag that says not-so and says something like “you were a great dog”

    • @xbyellowhawk2187
      @xbyellowhawk2187 17 часов назад

      Whos notso?

    • @TeknoSmoki
      @TeknoSmoki 16 часов назад

      ​@@xbyellowhawk2187Sam's dog

    • @noonesgone
      @noonesgone 15 часов назад +1

      @@xbyellowhawk2187Samantha’s dog.

  • @nateputland6228
    @nateputland6228 17 часов назад +1

    I miss Sam voice actor

  • @Beetlebites-e3i
    @Beetlebites-e3i 3 часа назад

    Bro, take a chopper gunner and look around the map. Ontop of the hill you can see a huge building thats potentially the mansion

  • @Bi9Clapper
    @Bi9Clapper 13 часов назад

    I dont know forsure if that's Sam the AI or Dark Aether Sam at the end of Liberty Falls intro

  • @NOT_SOM3A
    @NOT_SOM3A 16 часов назад

    Man i had the same idea that at the final map we do the same thing we did in buried we either choose edward or sam ai with 2 different ending but tbh i think the one where we help sam is the one that will be canon

    • @NOT_SOM3A
      @NOT_SOM3A 16 часов назад

      And she will be the final boss that will be cool af and like hearing edward say you fool i tried to help you like what happend in nuried damn that will be really dope

    • @RegenerationOffical
      @RegenerationOffical 4 часа назад

      @@NOT_SOM3Areused story wouldn’t be good… if they’re gonna go over old ground it really needs to be worth it

  • @averylr32
    @averylr32 14 часов назад

    Really hard to hear you with the back ground music love your vids bro!

  • @Grudgebearer4life
    @Grudgebearer4life 3 часа назад

    Leave it to richtophen to make an a.i. supercomputer and power it with a demon, this guy, I tell ya!!!!

  • @ponyboy237
    @ponyboy237 3 часа назад

    I bet Richthofen is just wanting to resurrect his dead wife
    Also bo6 will mostly end with the crew dying to tie the story to mw3
    is Weaver dead in MW3?
    At some point during or after 1996, Weaver and the Requiem crew traveled to Zaravan, Urzikstan where they used an Aetherium device, leading to their death.

  • @Awesomer555
    @Awesomer555 14 часов назад

    Isn't S.A.M from black ops 3 Gorod Krovi the AI im there

    • @rushworlord878
      @rushworlord878 11 часов назад +1

      No, that's Sophia, Dr. Maxis' past partner.

    • @Awesomer555
      @Awesomer555 2 часа назад

      @rushworlord878 ah I see maybe something similar happened here then

  • @Kix3333ee
    @Kix3333ee 13 часов назад +1

    I hate this storyline

  • @matthewsmith7802
    @matthewsmith7802 13 часов назад

    What if when we colllect everything for the artifact richtofen and sam come popping out the DA and swoop it out our hands like in shadow of evil.
    Or a bigger plot twist that when we use the aetifact to create whate er for richtofen or in the map tey and stop him from using it recreate hisbfamily, we are ment to fail , and reichtofen "creates his family" but when the family forms its actually the primis crew, or dr monty and jumping with joy "it worked it worked thebportal worked, we were able to skip out of there and back in a new universe to fufil our goal."

  • @jonahlink987
    @jonahlink987 18 часов назад +5

    I personally liked mw3 zombies, my friends and i had a good time

    • @nuk4lear
      @nuk4lear 17 часов назад +1

      It was good right? Most my weapons wouldn’t have been levelled if it wasn’t for mwz

    • @jonahlink987
      @jonahlink987 17 часов назад

      @nuk4lear that too!

    • @Mikey-uj3dc
      @Mikey-uj3dc 17 часов назад +2

      It wasn't good past season 1. Also, who cares about the mw guns being leveled? You guys seriously play Snorezone?

    • @nuk4lear
      @nuk4lear 15 часов назад

      @ well yeah it’s good team building with my squad. We enjoy it.

    • @Kix3333ee
      @Kix3333ee 13 часов назад

      The story is awful but playing it was fun