Yemin 490. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 490

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 517

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +63

    Savas a Gulperi: Nos vamos, prepárate. ……No quiero hacerte ningún daño, Iremos al médico. Estarás bien. Confía en mí, Gülperi. Es el doctor que vino ayer, te está esperando. Olvidarás el pasado, no recordarás nada malo. Vamos. Mira, te prometo que estarás bien.
    Cavidan se dirige arriba
    Cavidan: Por Aláh, que sea bueno con la chica.
    Savas a Gulperi: Mira sé muy bien que me escuchaste, levántate que nos vamos Gulperi.
    Vamos, levántate, nos vamos. No me hagas decirlo de nuevo. Sal de la cama y vámonos, Gülperi.
    Cavidan entra en la habitación.
    Cavidan: No hagas eso, mira lo miserable e indefensa que está.
    Savas: Sra. Cavidan, por favor, no interfiera. Creo que está mal. La llevaré al médico. Ella estará bien.
    Cavidan: pero después de esto no va a pasar, vamos déjala, por favor
    Baran: Vine tan pronto como me llamaste.
    Savas Baran, agárrala del brazo y levántala, iremos al médico.
    Baran: no podemos ir hermano
    Savas: ¿Qué quieres decir con que no podemos ir?
    Baran: Como dije, llamé al médico, pero todavía tiene un asunto tiene que ir a recoger un familiar, , puede regresar mañana por la mañana.
    Savas: Maldita sea.
    Se van y Cavidan se queda con Gulperi
    Cavidan: Cariño, sabes que nunca te dejaría, no te preocupes por ellos.
    Emir y Bekir llegan a casa del tío Hasan.
    Emir: somos viejos amigos. lo conoces tan bien como yo. Vamos.
    Hassan a Bekir: Eres mi amigo, bienvenido!
    Se abrazan y Hassan lo recibe con agrado. Emir está contento con ese encuentro.
    Hassan a Bekir: Hemos sobrevivido, ya no será así, vamos se hace tarde.
    Baran: Hermano, no entendí del todo por qué estabas enojado conmigo, el médico regresará, tomaremos a Gülperi y nos iremos temprano en la mañana.
    Savas: Te quedarás aquí. Estarás pendiente de ella, me informarás si intenta salir, me informarás los que vienen y van, me informarás inmediatamente si alguien viene aquí, ¿entiendes?
    Baran: Entendido, pero no entiendo por qué estaré aquí. ¿Hay alguien a quien no quieres que ella vea?
    Savas: Bekir
    Baran: ¿Bekir? Savas: Es el padre de Gulperi Baran: pero… Savas: Baran, no hagas preguntas, haz lo que te digo. Me informarás si ese hombre entra aquí y trata de hablar con Gülperi.
    Baran: Te daré las noticias que entorpecerán, no te preocupes.
    Savas: Como dije, vas a estar pendiente y nunca despegarte, ni por un momento.
    En la granja de Hassan.
    Hasan está sirviendo té.
    Hasan: pruébalo Bekir, en el pasado siempre encontraba fallas en el té que preparaba.
    Bekir: gracias
    Hasan: Buen provecho
    Bekir: Aprecié esos tiempos; dias sin preocupaciones
    Hasan: Te volví a ver, la sabiduría de Dios, ¿por qué no me informaste todos estos años?
    Emir: Tío Hasan, voy a buscar a Gülperi para que puedas verla lo antes posible.
    Hansa: bien por ella. 20 anhelos anuales, tráela y deja que se acabe
    Bekir: No sé, Hasan, no sé, tengo muchas ganas de ver a mi hija Gülperi, pero ¿no es tan fácil? Ella piensa que estoy muerto. Cree que soy el asesino de su madre.
    Si digo que soy inocente, está permitido si eres inocente. ¿Dónde estás?
    ¿No dirá ella, por qué me dejaste en sus manos? ¿Por qué no me cuidaste?
    Hasan: ¿Sabes qué es más precioso que el silencio y el corazón de la persona que tienes delante Dije una palabra que tocará tu dolor Gülperi Te dije un corazón enorme que se ha ido tras su madre, no te preocupes, esto uno te escuchará.
    Bekir: Espero que ella también me perdone.
    Hasan: Nadie más que Alá, Dios se encargará de ello.
    Emir: Mira, no te dejes atormentar por el pasado. Si ella sabe la verdad, sus problemas se pueden resolver, un mal momento nace de ella.
    Así que habla con ella para que pueda quitarse estos recuerdos de la cabeza.
    Dale una nueva vida
    Hasan: Hace años dejaste atrás a una niña con lágrimas en los ojos. Uno por uno, ahora esa niña necesita a su padre para crecer, así que te necesita a ti.
    Bekir: esta bien hablare
    Emir: Les digo que descansen un poco, volveré con Gulperi
    Bekir: Dios nos bendiga a ti y a mí años después
    Emir: Yo no hice nada, pero tú lo harás. La sanarás.
    Narin en su despacho.
    Enfermera: Doctora se siente bien? Narin: Bueno, estoy un poco mareada.
    Enfermera: necesita algo? Narin: No gracias, querías decirme algo?
    Enfermera: Se trata del señor Yanus, sus delirios han aumentado, ahora se queja contra alguien llamado Nalan. Narin: Probablemente es su esposa que falleció. … solicitemos una consulta a los servicios psiquiátricos. Si es posible que la Sra. Necla se ocupe. Que comience terapia antidepresiva. Podría quedarse en la clínica por un tiempo.
    Enfermera: Está bien doctora, creo que él está pasando por un momento difícil, que no ha podido superar.
    Narin: Es una cosa muy difícil, claro, acaba de perder a su esposa y a su bebe en su vientre, que Dios le de paciencia.
    Enfermera: Amén, hablaré con el psiquiatra.
    Sheriye en la cocina esperando que Minuver resuelva sus diferencias con Mulay. Minuver regresa y le dice a Sheriye que le hizo una trampa (juego) para que se encontrara con Mulay. Minuver le cuenta que se reconciliaron y que su respuesta fue positiva. Le dice que Mulay quiere conocer la familia y hablar con ellos. Ambas están contentas y Minuver agradece a Sheriye que la ayudó con este asunto.
    Emir contestando su teléfono: Lo escucho señor.
    Hombre: No quería molestarte pero pensé que no debería olvidarlo.
    Pensé que tenía que hacerlo.
    Emir: No lo sé.
    Hombre: En el mercado, el propietario de una gran empresa de construcción ofrecerá un negocio conjunto muy peligroso para discutir con usted.
    Emir: ¿Quién es, lo conozco?
    Hombre: Sabri, quien ha sido expulsado.
    Emir: ¿Qué dijiste? Ni siquiera estaría en el mismo entorno con alguien que está tratando de obtener ganancias a través de medios inapropiados, y mucho menos haciendo negocios juntos.
    Emir a Cavidan: Que ha pasado mamá? Parece que ocurrió algo. ¿Tuvo un momento de crisis?
    Cavidan: No, no es nada de eso. Mira, te vas a enojar enseguida, si, claro, pero ya pasó.
    Emir: Mamá, cuéntame más
    Cavidan: Savas…
    Emir: ¿Por qué no me dijiste?
    Cavidan: Iba a tomar a Gulperi y llevarla al médico, afortunadamente Baran vino y le dijo que el médico no está disponible en este momento, tuvo que dejarla.
    Savas, está investigando en Internet y recuerda haber intentado convencer a Gulperi para que hiciera el tratamiento. Su teléfono suena
    Savas: ¿Bekir, está ahí?
    Baran: No hermano, Tarhun acaba de regresar y se fue.
    Savas: Entonces no trajo a Bekir con él?
    Baran: No fue así, estaba solo, tampoco llevó a Gulperi, no está en condiciones de salir.
    Savas: Baran, ten cuidado. No podemos dejar que Bekir entre en la casa. No podemos dejar que hable con ella. Baran: Está bien hermano, no te preocupes, estaré atento.

  • @ayshaboujamaa8919
    @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +29

    NarKem⭐⭐❤❤👈👈 THE perfect matching pair💋EVER 😍 professional actors 💋attractives ❤shiny💞great performances💕💕YAG💋CAN💞👏👏 GIVE us 👍👍NARKEM 💐characters🌹🌹with their amazing🌟 chemistry 🌼with phenomenal 🎊sparkle🎀

  • @hannarie5768
    @hannarie5768 2 года назад +19

    Narin So Much Beautiful Day by Days
    I love her very much 😍😍

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +55

    En la habitación de Gulperi
    Melike: Vamos, querida. Solo una cuchara. Vas a enfermarte.
    Esto también entristece a Yigit. Querida... te pondrás mejor. Mira, estamos aquí contigo.
    Emir entra a la habitación.
    Melike: Ni siquiera comió un bocado. No sé qué hacer. Emir: Comerá más tarde.
    Melike sale.
    Emir: ¿Te gustaría salir un minuto? Podemos hablar. El clima es bueno. Volveremos si no lo quieres. Pero creo que será bueno para ti. Ven, vamos. …….¿Confías en mí?
    Kemal en su oficina. Tocan a la puerta, es la secretaria.
    Secretaria: Aquí tiene señor Kemal.
    Kemal: Si no hay más, cierre las reuniones.
    Secretaria: Le queda una última reunión. Pero no es urgente, si desea podemos posponerla.
    Kemal: Está bien, pospóngala para un día libre de la próxima semana.
    Secretaria: Bien, como guste.
    Kemal llama a Narin.
    Narin: Mi esposo emocionado, estoy bien, no te preocupes
    Kemal: Como sabrías que te lo preguntaría?
    Narin: Qué como lo sabía? Pues me has estado enviando mensajes cada 15 minutos durante tu reunión, qué cómo estoy, qué cómo me siento? No te estas concentrando en tu trabajo hoy.
    Kemal: Mi trabajo es este, preguntar cómo estás, si estás bien, si estás feliz, comprobando para asegurarme que todo está bien. …. Por qué te quejas o qué? Narin: Jamás, si no escucho tu voz ni leo tus mensajes no estaré bien.
    Kemal: Me hice cargo de todos mis asuntos, tenia una reunión final que la pospuse, estaré ahí contigo pronto. Narin: Está bien, nos vemos.
    Baran: Qué amable de su parte venir. Todos mis problemas se van volando cuando te veo.
    Fidan: ¿Cuántas horas has estado parado aquí? Debes estar cansado, ¿verdad?
    Baran: La tarea es importante. El cansancio viene con él.
    Fidan: Hice un poco de té. Debes estar mareado por no beber nada.
    Baran: Ni siquiera preguntes. Ha empeorado en las últimas dos horas.
    Fidan: Ven a beber un poco de té y comer. Te sentirás mejor.
    Baran: Esa es una gran idea, pero mejor no me voy de aquí. Soy los ojos y los oídos de Savas en este momento. Necesito saber cada movimiento de Gulperi.
    Fidan: Esa pobre chica parece que no puede moverse. Ven y descansa un poco. Puedes volver al jardín después de eso. Además, ya casi no nos vemos. ¿Será que podré ver tu cara?
    Baran: Sé que me extrañaste, aunque que no puedo moverme, vamos comamos un bocado en la casa. Podríamos ponernos al día.
    Fidan: Vamos.
    Emir sale de la casa con Gulperi sin ser vista por Baran ya que se distrajo tomando una merienda con Fidan en la casa.
    Emir a Gulperi: No hay nada que temer. Vamos a hacer una expedición. Te gustará, vamos.
    hasan: Paciencia Bekir
    Bekir: ¿Cuándo vendrán?
    Hassan: Vendrán, no has esperado todos estos años, solo esperen un poco más.
    Bekir: todas las noches, todas las noches antes de irme a dormir hasta por la mañana, he pensado en su madre y hoy conoceré a mi hija. Durante años hablé con Gülperi en mi cabeza y la llamaba mi hija y la abrazaba. Lo que te hayan dicho es mentira mi hija. Perdóname, hija mía, yo no maté a tu madre, hablaba con Gülperi en mi cabeza todas las noches, pero no pensé ni un momento que pasaría y todavía no lo creo.
    Hassan: La sabiduría de Allah es incuestionable, así que mantén tu corazón en paz, Gülperi verá la pureza de tu corazón. Bekir: ¿Creíste que lo hice?
    Hassan: Ni una sola vez le di una oportunidad a lo que sucedió allí hace muchos años. Nunca supe exactamente qué sucedió allí, pero sé que tú no eres así. Nunca podrías haber hecho algo así. Ni siquiera lo pensé. Sé mucho cuánto la amabas.
    Bekir: ¿Cómo podría hacer tal cosa? Me moriría de miedo si se dañara un cabello de su cabeza. La amé más que a mi propia vida.
    Escena retrospectiva de Bekir con su esposa (padres de Gulperi)
    “Mamá de Gulperi: ¿dónde has estado?
    Bekir: Llegaré pronto, no tengas miedo, es solo cuestión de tiempo, si Dios quiere, nos esperan buenos días. Mamá de Gulperi: Así espero.
    Bekir a un niño pequeño: Te diré algo pero nadie te escuchará, se quedará entre nosotros
    Mamá de Gulperi: Este collar pertenece a Gülperi, dáselo a mi hija y dile a mi hija que lo lograremos para que no tenga que preocuparse.
    Bekir: entiendes esto
    Chico: Está bien, lo tengo.
    Bekir: Está bien.
    Chico: Dios te bendiga hermano
    Bekir: gracias
    Bekir a la mamá de Gulperi: Ahora mira, este problema en el que estoy metido.
    Te prometo que recuperaremos a nuestra hija, tenderemos una trampa y cubriremos nuestras huellas. ¿Puedes venir?
    Madre de Gulperi: no puedo ir
    Bekir: Nos volveremos a encontrar con nuestra hija.
    Mamá de Gulperi: Está bien, vamos entonces
    Kazim: a donde vas hermano?
    Bekir: déjanos en paz
    Kazim: te vas hermano, nos dejarás?
    (no aparece la transcripción ni la traducción automática en esta parte)
    Kazim: Si te vas, si dejas tu tierra y te vas, te detendré por cualquier medio necesario.
    Bekir Está lejos, Kazim saca su arma
    Kazim: Me escucharás, Bekir ¿Me entiendes? Si te digo que no te vas no te vas a ir, maldita sea.
    Madre de Gulperi: Está bien.
    Bekir: No tengas miedo
    Bekir a Kazim: ¿qué vas a hacer, matar a tu propio hermano?
    Kazim: Gracias a Dios te veré por última vez no te irás, no irás, no irás
    Se dispara un tiro y la madre de Gulperi es herida.
    Bekir llora por su esposa : Para, para, por favor, (llama a su esposa por su nombre)
    Kazim deja caer el arma al suelo. Kazim: No quería lastimarla Bekir, fue sin querer. Ocurrió cuando ella se cruzó frente a ti. Bekir toma el arma y apunta a Kazim
    Bekir: dirás que maté a mi esposa!!!!
    Kazim: Bueno, eso diré.
    Bekir: ( parece decirle a Kazim que se vaya)
    Bekir llora con su mujer en brazos.
    Bekir: Nur, Nur, Estoy solo, no pude protegerte”
    Fin del recuerdo. CONTINUA

  • @merlypineda2227
    @merlypineda2227 2 года назад +15

    Kemal is so sweet to Narin... It's a delight to see a husband that sweet to his wife...

  • @merlypineda2227
    @merlypineda2227 2 года назад +11

    Thank you for Kemal and Narin's scenes,,, they make me watch this series

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +63

    Savas: Te lo advertí, te dije que esto era un asunto familiar, pero no me escuchaste y te metiste esto en la cabeza.
    Emir: Estoy haciendo ahora lo que deberías haber hecho hace mucho tiempo. Ella va a estar bien, ¿no lo entiendes?
    Savas: Tú eres el que no entiende, te dije que la situación será aún peor.
    Lo que estás haciendo es inútil. Tu esfuerzo es inútil. Uno de ellos murió después de enterarse de que su asesinó a su madre.
    Bekir sale de prisión
    Savas: ¿Me reconoces? Soy Savas.
    Bekir: creo que te reconozco, no has cambiado
    Savas: Bekir, sea como haya sido, dejaste a tu hija a los siete años, si estás pensando en continuar donde lo dejaste con tu hija, me importa un demonio. Mataste a la madre de esta chica. ¿Que vas a hacer de ella?
    Emir: Está bien, suficiente. Hemos hablado de todo. Mantente al margen.
    Savas: ¿Crees lo que dijo? esa niña quedó huérfana durante veinte años. En 20 años, ¿olvidará al asesino de su madre? Ella nunca te perdonará. Ahora abre los ojos Bekir.
    Bekir evita que Emir vaya tras Savas.
    Savas: Bekir, Gulperi sabe que estás muerto. Se va a quedar así. La dejarás sola. No la haremos pasar por el mismo dolor otra vez. ¿Me entiendes?
    Savas se va.
    Narin en el hospital donde el paciente la agarró por su brazo.
    Narin: mira, suelta mi brazo.
    La enfermera tropieza con Kemal cuando él está a punto de entrar a la habitación del paciente.
    Enfermera: Lo siento mucho señor Kemal.
    Narin a la enfermera: Burcu, vamos a refrescar al paciente.
    Paciente: ¿Es difícil el embarazo?..... es difícil contestar mi pregunta, supongo que tienes un hijo para apoyarte en tiempos difíciles.
    Narin a la enfermera: Debe darle un sedante también al Sr. Yunus, para que descanse un poco.
    Enfermera: Enseguida lo haré.
    Narin: Este suero te quitará el dolor y te dará sueño para que descanses bien, vendré a revisarte nuevamente, mejórate pronto.
    Narin sale de la habitación.
    Kemal: Ese hombre te dijo algo….. estás bien Narin?
    Narin:.. mi estómago (naúseas)
    Bekir: Este hombre me hizo recordar, después de todo este tiempo vengo a mi hija, no tengo explicación, no, no puedo.
    Emir: Mira, te equivocas. Ella te necesita ahora mismo. Pase lo que pase, sea lo que sea, eres su padre.
    Bekir: Es como él dijo, el que sale después de todo este tiempo no puede llamarse padre, sino una persona desleal y sin escrúpulos.
    Bekir se da la vuelta
    Bekir: guardia, guardia, abre la puerta
    Emir: Está bien, Bekir mira, eres su padre, harás todo lo que puedas por ella, no puedes contenerte más, no puedes evitarla. Ella no confió en mí durante mucho tiempo. Ella no ha dicho una palabra, no ha comido ni un bocado de comida, yo digo que nadie merece una vida así, fui terco, dije que la curaría, para curar las heridas a tiempo. Lo logré, se olvidó de reír, recordó, mejoró, dije está bien, recobró el sentido, pareció olvidar su dolor, o no sé, eso pensé, tal vez estaba creciendo por dentro. Pero lo estoy tomando ahora, me duele mucho. Pero no, ella siempre está herida. Hago lo mejor que puedo. Eso es todo. Me enteré de la historia completa, tú eres lo que falta en su vida. eres su familia, eres su padre, dices que le faltaste por mucho tiempo, pues aquí está tu oportunidad. Aprovecha la oportunidad de arreglar los errores, toma las medidas. Dile la verdad en su cara. Si conocieras a tu hija, créeme, borraría esos 20 años como con un bolígrafo. Mírame a los ojos y te diré, vine a pesar de que estoy enojado porque dejaste a tu hija sola entre esos opresores porque creo que solo tú puedes curarla. Vamos, si no vienes conmigo y haces lo que digo, es cuando te conviertes en un asesino.
    Kemal lleva a Narin a su oficina: Siéntate, te sientes mejor, no?
    Narin: Estoy bien, no te preocupes, tu también siéntate, te estas cansando por mí, mejoraré pronto.
    …. No me mires así, estoy embarazada Kemal, todo esto es normal.
    Kemal: esta bien pero me preocupo mucho…. Yo te observo mucho (o algo asi)
    Narin: No tiene nada que ver con tener náuseas, sería como estuviera en casa. Se trata todo sobre las hormonas, así que es un proceso natural, no debes preocuparte tanto.
    Kemal: Yo digo que no, pero….
    Narin: Pero es que papá entra en pánico si no estoy comiendo. Tienes razón, tengo náuseas, me duele el estómago, me duele la espalda, mi tarea está aqui, estoy ganando peso ahora, pero estoy bien con todo esto. Cuando llevamos en nuestros brazos a nuestros hijo e hija en el futuro, cuando pensamos en todos estos problemas, veremos que todo pasa, ya no queda nada.
    Kemal: Entonces veo que todo va a cambiar. Narin: Así que no hay necesidad de entrar en pánico.
    La enfermera toca a la puerta.
    Narin: adelante….. un paciente?
    Enfermera: Se trata del archivo del señor Yunus.
    Narin: el sedante hizo efecto
    Enfermera: Logró que se durmiera inmediatamente. … Muchas gracias doctora.
    Narin a Kemal: Qué paso? Por qué lo tomas asi? ¿Ahora me dirás que no debo quedarme?
    Kemal: El señor Yunus parece un poco extraño, no me gusta mucho cuando estás ahí con él.
    Narin: El señor Yunus fue un paciente involucrado en el accidente, esto es normal en muchos casos. He visto muchos pacientes así, así que no hay de qué preocuparse.
    Kemal: Bueno, ten cuidado también, no te vayas sola cuando lo examines, ¿de acuerdo?
    Narin: ¿Será que estas condiciones están relacionadas con mi embarazo en estos días?... Estoy bromeando y me divierto también. …… Ah! Kemal, tenías una reunión!!! Kemal: Ah!!! lo olvidé
    Narin: vamos, debes irte.
    Mulay: Si, no sabes lo feliz que estoy de que los dos no hayamos entendido. hermano sultán. Quiero que primero conozcas a mi hermano sultan, pero él es realmente bueno, muy limpio de corazón, es muy amable con nosotros.
    Minuver: Lo quieres.
    Mulay: Señora Minuver, tómate tu tiempo, no quiero que pienses que estoy apresurando las cosas. Yo…
    Minuver: queda de su parte
    Mulay: Si estás de acuerdo, quisiera pedirte conocer a tu familia. ….oh dios mío! He ido tan rápido. Tu respuesta fue positiva, pero actué con tanta prisa, lo lamento, perdóname.
    Minuver: No, eres bienvenido, sé tus buenas intenciones pero primero quiero hablar con mi hija.
    Mulay: Está bien. Minuver: No puedo hacer nada sin hablar con ella.
    Mulay: Está bien, está bien. … hablarás con ella y luego me dejas saber.
    Minuver: De acuerdo….No puedo traerlo, seria en la casa, ellos son comprensivos.
    Mulay: Cómo no, te acompañaré de regreso a tu casa.
    Minuver: está bien.
    Savas llama a la puerta en la mansión.
    Fidan: ya voy, ya voy
    Ella abre las puertas y le da la bienvenida a Savas. El se dirige arriba a la habitación de Gulperi.
    Cavidan: ¿Qué está pasando Fidan?
    Fidan: No entiendo, era Savas subió y sin decir nada. CONTINUA

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 года назад +1

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

    • @adabeatriz4017
      @adabeatriz4017 2 года назад +2

      Gracias por tu valioso tiempo 👏🏼😇🙏🏼

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +2

      Myrna medina translates into spanish ... google translate into my language very well ... so I enjoy your translation ... Thank you for your kindness 👏

    • @marildadias4732
      @marildadias4732 5 месяцев назад

      BRASIL 🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 2 года назад +19

    Poor the old man. He also withdrew from everyone, just trying to figure out life without his wife. He loved her more than anything in this world. She was his rock and his precious. He just got lost for twenty years alone in the cell. 😢😢😢

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +61

    Bekir está llorando mientras hacia el relato de lo sucedido a Hassan.
    Bekir: Así me ha caído tal cosecha. Después de todo esto que me ha pasado, que si vivo, que si estoy preso. Lo único que me quema el corazón es mi añoranza por mi hija, no la dejes sola, y si me perdona, no le quitare los ojos de encima.
    Hassan: La prueba de todos es diferente en esta vida Bekir. También has experimentado un gran dolor y una gran dificultad y ninguna palabra que pueda decirte será suficiente para consolarte, al menos recuperarás a tu hija. Tienes que recuperarte, así es como ella te verá.
    Emir: Mira, todo lo que he hecho hasta ahora es porque pensé en ti. Lo hice por la bondad de tu corazón. ¿Lo sabes bien?
    Gulperi asiente
    Emir: Creemos que todo lo que hemos conocido y en lo que hemos creído es cierto, por ejemplo, no podemos darnos cuenta de que no conocemos a las personas que crees que conoces en absoluto.
    no. Si llega el día y nos damos cuenta de que estamos equivocados, nos daremos cuenta de que lo que creíamos que es verdad, es mentira. Ahora sabrás que lo que creías que era bueno y correcto, realmente es incorrecto, mira es como lo que te han dicho de tu pasado. No hay razón para todo el dolor que has sufrido en el pasado. Ya verás, no hay una sola verdad. Te digo que todo llegará a su fin. Gulperi no olvides este proceso por favor no olvides que esto no es cierto.
    Kemal llega al hospital.
    Enfermera: Bienvenido señor Kemal.
    Kemal: Saludos, está Narin? Enfermera: No, está en la clínica, le avisaré lo antes posible. Puedes bajar si quieres, ella debe estar por allí. Kemal: Gracias.
    Narin en la habitación del paciente Yunus: Sientes frio en tu brazo?
    Yunus: Estoy bien, no te preocupes.
    Narin: Tu azúcar puede bajar durante el día por los medicamentos. Te enviaré un estabilizante.
    Yunus: Estoy bien Nalan, no te preocupes.
    Narin: señor Yunus, mi nombre es Narin, soy su médico. Descanse un poco, volveré a verlo.
    Yunus: Espera, Nalan, no te vayas. Vámonos de aquí Nalan, los dos solos.
    Kemal está a espaldas de Narin y escucha lo que Yunus le dijo.
    Hasan: Bekir, en qué estás pensando, ya has comido, ven y siéntate. Haz lo mejor que puedas y deja pasar el resto mientras el agua fluye y encuentre su camino.
    Emir y Gulperi llegan a casa de Hassan para encontrarse con Bekir.
    Bekir: Hija!!! Mi hija!!
    Emir a Gulperi: Creí que te quitaría el dolor, me equivoqué. Eres la única que conozco que puede hacer eso. Has acumulado todo este dolor dentro de ti, pero ya quedó atrás. Tienes una nueva vida por delante, la oportunidad de hacer las paces con tu pasado y continuar tu vida de una manera pacífica y escucharás todos los hechos del protagonista y héroe de la historia….. tu padre.
    Bekir: Mi hija eres preciosa.

  • @kristine_chzarhinemadlen
    @kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 года назад +33

    As Narin is pregnant 🤰 she's became more beautiful and beautiful 💕😘💋💐🦋

  • @island_girl97
    @island_girl97 2 года назад +53

    Translation of Gulperi and Emir's scenes (1 through 5)
    Scene 1
    Savas: I warned you, I told you this was a family matter, but you didn't listen to me and got in over your head.
    Emir: I'm doing now what you should have done a long time ago.
    She's going to be fine, don't you understand that?
    Savas: You are the one who doesn't understand, I told you the situation is even worse
    You're making it so futile. Your effort is futile. One of them died for the father after finding out that his father murdered her mother.
    Bekir gets out of prison
    Savas: Do you recognize me? I'm Savas
    Bekir: I think I recognize you, you have not changed
    Savas: Bekir, what's in seven is in seventy? And if you're thinking of picking up where you left off with your daughter, I don't give a damn. You killed this girl's mother. What is she going to do?
    Emir: Okay, enough. We've talked about everything. You stay out of it.
    Savas: Do you believe what he said? that girl was orphaned for twenty years
    In 20 years, will he forget his mother's killer? She'll never forgive you
    Now open your eyes Bekir.
    Bekir stops Emir from going after Savas.
    Savas: Bekir he knows you're dead. It's going to stay that way. You will her alone. We won't make her go through the same pain again. Do you understand me?
    Savas leaves
    Scene 2
    Bekir: man comes to mind after all this time
    You have my daughter, no explanation, I can't.
    Emir: Look, you're wrong. She needs you right now. Whatever happens, whatever happens, you're her father.
    Bekir: Is it as he said, the one who comes out after all this time cannot be called a father, but rather a disloyal and unscrupulous person.
    Bekir turns around
    Bekir: guard guard, open the door
    Emir: Okay, Bekir look, you are her father, you will do everything you can for her, you can't hold back anymore, you can't hold her back. She didn't trust me for a long time. She didn't say a word, didn't eat a bite of food, I said no one deserves such a life, I was stubborn, I said I would cure her, to heal wounds in time. I succeeded, she forgot to laugh, she remembered, she got better, I said okay, she came to her senses, she seemed to forget her pain, or I don't know, I thought so, maybe she was growing inside.
    But I'm taking it now, it hurts so much. No, she is always hurt.
    I'll do my best. That's it. I learned the full story , you are what is missing in her life. you are her family, you are her father, you say you lacked time or here is your opportunity.
    Take an opportunity to fix whatever you have broken, take action. Tell her the truth to her face with that
    If you knew your daughter at all, believe me, she would erase those 20 years with a pen.
    Look into my eyes and I'll tell you, I came even though I am angry that you left your daughter alone among those oppressors because I think only you can heal her.
    Come on now, if you don't come with me and do what I say. That's when you become a murderer
    Savas knocks at the door
    Fidan: I am coming
    .She opens the doors and welcomes Savas. He heads upstairs for Gulperi's room.
    Cavidan: what's going on Fidan ?
    Fidan: I don't understand that was Savas and he came in and left without saying anything.
    Savas: We are leaving, get ready
    I don't mean you any harm
    We'll go to the doctor. You'll be fine. Trust me, Gülperi.
    Doctor from yesterday is waiting for you
    you will forget the past, you will not remember anything bad
    Let's go. Look, I promise you, you'll be fine.
    Cavidan heads upstairs
    Cavidan: Allah, may you be good to the girl
    Savas to Gulperi: I'm telling you look I know very well that you heard me ,get up we are leaving Gulperi
    Come on, get up, we'll go. Don't make me say it again. Get out of bed and let's go, Gülperi.
    Cavidan enters the room
    Cavidan: Don't do that, look how miserable and helpless she is
    Savas: Ms. Cavidan please don't interfere I think it's bad I'll take her to the doctor she'll be fine
    Cavidan: but it won't happen after that, come on let go
    Baran: I came as soon as you called me.
    Savas Baran, grab her arm and lift her up, we'll go to the doctor
    Baran: We can't go brother
    Savas: what do you mean we can't go ?
    Baran: As I said on the way in, I called the doctor, but he still has an issue, he has to go to pick it up, he can return tomorrow morning.
    Savas: Damn it
    They leave and Cavidan stays with Gulperi
    Cavidan: My baby, you know, I would never leave you, don't worry about them
    to be continued

    • @island_girl97
      @island_girl97 2 года назад +35

      continuation of Scene 2
      Emr and Bekir arrive at Uncle Hasan's
      Emir: we are old friends. you know him as well as I do
      Come on.
      Hassan: This is my friend, welcome
      At Emir's
      Baran: Brother I didn't fully understand why you were angry with me, the doctor will return, we will take Gülperi and go early in the morning.
      Savas: Tell me you are staying here. You will keep an eye on her, you will inform me if she tries to go out, you will report what comes and goes, you will inform me immediately if anyone comes here, do you understand?
      Baran: I understand but I don't understand why I am waiting for here
      Is there someone you don't want her to see?
      Savas: Bekir
      Baran: Bekir
      Savas: this is Gulperin's father
      Baran: but
      Savas: Baran, don't ask questions, do as you're told.
      If that man steps in here and tries to talk to Gülperi
      Baran: news that will hinder, i'll give it to you, don't worry.
      Savas: As I said, you're going to keep an eye and never take off, even for a moment
      Back to Hasan's
      Hasan is serving tea
      Hasan: taste it Bekir, in the past I always found fault with the tea I brewed.
      Bekir: Thank you.
      Hasan: Bon appetit
      Bekir: I appreciated those times; carefree days
      Hasan: I saw you again, God's wisdom, why didn't you inform me all these years?
      Emir: Uncle Hasan, I'm going to get Gülperi so you can see her as soon as possible.
      Hansa: good for her. 20 yearly longing wish, bring her and let it be over
      Bekir: I don't know, Hasan, I don't know, I want to see Gülperi my daughter so much, but isn't it so easy? She thinks I'm dead. She thinks I'm her mother's killer.
      If I say I'm innocent, it's permissible if you're innocent. Where are you?
      won't she say, why did you leave me in their hands? Why didn't you take care of me?
      Hasan: Do you know what is more precious than silence and the heart of the person in front of you I said a word that will touch your pain Gülperi I told you a huge heart that has taken after its mother, don't worry, this one will listen to you.
      Bekir: I hope she'll forgive me too
      Hasan: No one but Allah, God will take care of it
      Emir: Look, don't let be haunted by the past. If she knows the truth, her problems can be solved, one bad moment is born out of her.
      So talk to her so that she can get these memories out of her head.
      Give her a new life
      Hasan: Years ago you left behind a little girl with tears in her eyes One by one now that girl needs her father to grow up, so she needs you
      Bekir: ok I will talk
      Emir: I say you guys get some rest, I will come back with Gulperi
      Bekir: God bless you and me years later
      Emir: I didn't do anything, but you will. You'll heal her.
      Scene 3
      Emir answering his phone: Listening
      Man: I didn't want to bother you because I bought it, but don't forget
      I thought I had to.
      Emir: I don't know
      Man: On the market day the owner of a large construction company is very harmful to meet with you, so think that you will offer joint business.
      Emir: Do you know who I am?
      Man: Sabri has been expelled
      Emir: What did you say? I wouldn't even be in the same environment with someone who is trying to make a profit through improper means, let alone doing business together.
      Emir to Cavidan: mother obviously had a crisis moment.
      Cavidan: No, it's nothing like that. Look, you'll get angry right away, okay, right, it's already come and gone.
      Emir: mom, tell me more
      Cavidan: Savas
      Emir: Why didn't you tell me?
      Cavidan: He was going to take Gulperi and take her to the doctor, fortunately Baran came and told him that the doctor is not available at the moment, he had to leave her.
      At Savas', he is doing research on the internet and recalls trying to convince Gulperi to do the treatment. His phone rings
      Savas: Bekir is here?
      Baran: No brother, Tarhun have just returned.
      Savas: So he didn't have Bekir with you
      Baran: It wasn't like that, he was on his own, he didn't come out, it's not a good situation to come out either
      Savas: Baran, be careful. We can't let Bekir in the house. We can't let him talk to her
      Baran: Okay brother, don't worry, I'll keep an eye out
      In Gulperi's room
      Melike: Come on, dear. Just one spoon. You're going to fall ill.
      This makes Yigit sad too. My dear...You'll get better. Look, we're here with you.
      Emir walks in
      Melike: She didn't even eat a bite. I don't know what to do.
      Emir: She'll eat later.
      Melike leaves.
      Emir: Would you like to go outside for a minute? We can walk. Weather is nice. We'll come back if you don't want it. But I think it will be good for you. Come on, let's go. Do you trust me?
      Scene 4
      Baran: How nice of you to come, Ms. Fidan. All my troubles fly away when I see you.
      Fidan: How many hours have you been standing here? You must be tired, right?
      Baran: The task is important. Tiredness comes with it.
      Fidan: I made some tea. You must be dizzy from not drinking any.
      Baran: Don't even ask. It's gotten worse over the last two hours.
      Fidan: Come and drink some tea and eat. You'll feel better.
      Baran: That's a great idea but I better not leave here. I'm Savas' eyes and ears right now. I need to know Gulperi's every move.
      Fidan: Does that poor girl looks like she can move? Come and rest a little. You can return to the garden after that. Besides, we never see each other anymore. I'll get to see your face.
      Baran: Did you miss me? Since you said she can't move, let's have a bite. We could catch up.
      Fidan: Come on.
      Emir to Gulperi: There is nothing to be afraid. We're going to do an expedition. You love it. Come on.
      To be continued

    • @island_girl97
      @island_girl97 2 года назад +15

      The last part will be posted tomorrow. Have a wonderful night everyone

    • @tasbeehmohamed9201
      @tasbeehmohamed9201 2 года назад +4

      @@island_girl97 🌹🌹🌹🌹

    • @hannarie5768
      @hannarie5768 2 года назад +5

      @@island_girl97 Thanks dear
      You helped us much

    • @nancyrobayo5266
      @nancyrobayo5266 2 года назад +4

      @@island_girl97 thank you, 🤗

  • @pujifauziah1854
    @pujifauziah1854 2 года назад +22

    Kemal suami yang sangat perhatian dengan istri nya .dan Kemal selalu ada untuk Narin ..
    Pasangan yang sangat serasi dan romantis..
    Narin Kemal is the best ...👍👍👍❤❤❤

  • @kasimxojaeva2724
    @kasimxojaeva2724 2 года назад +25

    KEMAL💘NARIN ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🔥🔥🔥🔥😘😍👍👍👌

  • @MyChantik
    @MyChantik 2 года назад +17

    Im yemin fans since reyhen era 😉 but i love narkem couple more then main couple, but in this episode is the best cz narin look so pretty with that little baby bump nd hairstyle. Good job thumb up.

    • @isnandiarilman3326
      @isnandiarilman3326 2 года назад +6

      I have the same opinion with u, in this episode narin look so beauty in maternity style ...young doctor with little baby bump.

    • @sintenremen4364
      @sintenremen4364 2 года назад +5

      Yeah im yemin fans too cherrs 👏👏 specialy narkem just advice narin is beauty young doctor should be someone who young more handsome then kemal ....felt in love with her make kemal jealous. Please dont change narin hairstyle ..she looks so pretty with straight hairstyle.

    • @ayshaboujamaa8919
      @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +2


  • @yaimery3076
    @yaimery3076 2 года назад +25

    " Narkem Scenes Translation 490". ( Part 1)
    " Scene 1".
    Narin: You take care of every piece of dough.
    Nurse: I'm sorry Kemal Bey.
    Yusuf to Narin: Mu question is, is it difficult, I guess a person does not have a child who will stand by you at such time, don't you.
    Narin to Nurse: And let us give you a sedative, Mr Yunus, let him rest for a while.
    Nurse: I'm just going to take it.
    Narin to Yunus: This serum will take your pain, it will bring you sleep, you can rest well, I will come to check again.
    Kemal to Narin: It that man video this is for you. It was a full moon. Are you Okay?
    Narin: Please..
    "Scene 2".
    (I don't understand this part of the conversation between Narin and Kemal).
    Narin: What would it be like if I wrote the whole thing? It's about hormones, the natural process, I say there is no need to worry, but there is no need to worry.
    Kemal: But..
    Narin: There is no panic father, are you right, I have nausea, my stomach hurts, my back hurts, my homework is there now I'm overweight, but I'm okay with all these problems in the future. As soon as we hold you in our arms, the thought is all gone, nothing remains there.
    Kemal: I see it, everything will change.
    Narin: So there is no need to panic. Come here.
    Nurse: I am a human.
    Narin: What did you do to do ?
    Nurse: Dolphin color file and tranquilizer, my teacher fell asleep immediately.. Thank very much.
    The nurse leave the room.
    Narin: What is it? Why did you take it? Come on now, tell me.
    Kemal: Mr. Yunus. It's a bit strange. (I don't understand this part) Don't you go alone without condolences.
    Narin: Is your pregnancy special? I'm joking these days, we have fun too, Kemal you forgot , you forgot, if I go.
    "Scene 3".
    Mulayim: Don't know how happy it made me that these two of us didn't change. Yes, brother Sultan, I will let you know first. I want you to meet first so bro I'm not saying come but it's really good is a very pure hearted person. You will love us very much. He can't give you a little too much. Don't slur your words, I rushed things so he doesn't want you to think. When her answer was positive, but I acted in such a hasty, I'm sorry.
    Minuver: No, I have your good intentions and you're kindly, but I need to talk to my daughter first. I can't give anything without to her.
    Mulayim: Find wood for your daughter. Then you can let me know.
    Minuver: Okay. I can't bring them, they are merciful.
    Mulayim: How is it not, he is accompanying you and to the woman.
    Minuver: Okay.
    " Continue".

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +2

      Thank you 🌼🥀🌼

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +9

      " Narkem Scenes Translation". ( Part 2)
      " Scene 4".
      Nurse: Teacher, are you okay?
      Narin: I'm fine,
      Nurse: Are you sick? Do you need something.
      Narin: Thank you, were you going to say something?.
      Nurse: Yunus or his delirium has increased. Nalan was always.
      Narin: It can lie in a continuum ( I don't understand this part)
      Nurse: Okay sir, I think he went through a very difficult period and still hasn't adapted.
      Narin: It's a very difficult thing. Of course, he just lost his wife and baby in his womb may God give patience.
      Nurse: Amin teacher. I'll see a psychiatrist.
      " Scene 5".
      Sheriye: Again and with mercy, God willing, did you come Nilo without something bothering you?
      Minuver to Sheriye: Are going to crack me up to eat this city Ms. You played the game.
      Sheriye: There is good news. Stop and tell me what you said.
      Minuver: He asked if the answer was positive.
      Sheriye: You didn't have it.
      Minuver: I said it's in the draft..
      Sheriye: Thank you. Only my Lord, good luck. There is a difficult Amine, but I was so afraid that it is a memory of Allah, I said to myself, I screwed up a city or a prison sack of figs. What are you going to do now.
      Minuver: But the solution is you find it and it's gone.
      Sheriye: What our Lord has given is solved. Well daddy knows things very seriously.
      Minuver: There is one more thing.. Let's burn the city.
      Sheriye: What's wrong?
      Minuver: Mr. Bland will come to ask for me.
      Sheriye: And the internet board is like this.
      Minuver: No, early bird.
      Sheriye: My dear friend, good luck, I hope.
      " Continue".

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +1

      Thank you 😘

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад +7

      " Narkem Scenes Translation". ( Part 3)
      " Scene 6".
      Kemal is in his office.
      Kemal: Come, come.
      Lady: It's Friday, and..
      Kemal: If there's anything else.
      Lady: You have a meeting I'll go too took it but it's not urgent, I can postpone it if you want.
      Kemal: Okay, isn't it an empty place next week.
      Lady: Is something else if you don't, I'm going to leave.
      Narin: My excited husband, I'm fine, don't worry.
      Kemal: Where do you get it.
      Narin: How did you know I'll ask how it is?
      Kemal: Happy to ask how you are. Are you okay.
      Narin: Checking out everything and welcome to play and I'm busy reading my messages.
      Kemal: If I never hear your voice I got all my work done I had a meeting I postponed it I'll come to you.
      Narin: Okay.
      End of Call.
      Nurse to Kemal: This Welcome Mr. Kemal.
      Kemal: Welcome, we found it nice. Is Narin inside?
      Nurse: Narin Hodja, I'll let you know right away..
      Kemal: Okay.
      Narin to Yunus: Will drop your sugar in that day, I'll come suddenly from drugs.
      Yunus: I'm fine, don't worry about me.
      Narin: Yunus Bey, My name is Narin, your doctor, get some rest, I'll come back for the check-up.
      Yunus: Nalan Don't go. let's go from here Nalan just the two of us.
      Note: Yunus is crazy, very crazy.
      " The End".

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +3

      @@yaimery3076 thanks for translation. But about Yunus Bey, he’s crazy and it frightening but also very sad because he thinks Narin is his pregnant wife who died in the accident. He’s in deep depression and denial about it to the point that he is recreating his life with Narin as his dead wife. He need mental help like therapy and where are his family and friends to come and give support? It’s devastating to lose a pregnant wife because it’s as if you starting your own family and your hopes and dreams invested in that family and now it’s all gone. This guy is in the same state like Gulperi except He is delusional and Gulperi is severe depression. He can’t bear to accept his wife died. Narin must stay away because she’s the target of his delusions. Another dr must help him not Narin. It will just be worse for her as he sees Narin as his wife.

  • @wandapagan3061
    @wandapagan3061 2 года назад +7

    Hay bendito Sra.Myrna la nesecsitamos por favor no nos deje...gracias.

  • @sutirahsutirah1689
    @sutirahsutirah1689 2 года назад +14

    😭😭😭 I cried a lot watching this series... Maybe because I was orphaned since childhood. Bekir & Hasan's meeting was so touching. 😭💔

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +20

    CAPITULO 490
    Parte 1ra: 20 años después.
    Hoy 20 años después Bekir volvió a ver el sol fuera de una celda, el rostro envejecido marcado por la tristeza, lo espera un hombre profundamente enamorado de su hija.
    Lo sacó de la cárcel para que su amada saliera de la suya, porque Gülperi en verdad está presa. Emir quiere liberar a su amada de la maldición y estigma por la calumnia sobre el asesinato de su madre.
    Dos hombres fuera del portón: uno lo cree inocente y quiere que todos sepan la injusticia cometida. Sobretodo Emir quiere que Gülperi quede libre de resentimiento, y del estigma sufrido por su madre.
    Dos hombres fuera del portón de la prisión
    El primero: un príncipe que ama al hada de su hijo y por ella es capaz del mayor heroísmo. Emir es un hombre justo que no toma decisiones sin meditarlas, buscado la verdad y la misericordia. En un principio buscó a Bekir aunque lo creía asesino de su esposa, pero se encontró que lejos de ser una fiera era un hombre muy humillado que le cuenta el horror de lo ocurrido.
    El otro hombre, también es un príncipe, pero no lo sabe.. Savaş cree a Bekir culpable y perpetúa la maldición dpor todos sus días y le prohíbe vea a su hija, Gülperi debe seguir viviendo en la mentira.
    Savaş quiere borrarle su mente a Gülperi que olvide su pasado, la existencia de este hombre que es SU PADRE., Sin embargo en ese pasado, están están años de horror vividos con Kasin y Beyhan, la ha sometido,, pero de esos no habla, la tortura a la que Beyhan la ha some
    En la mente de Gülperi está Emir, su generoso amor, Yiğit el hijo nacido en su corazón, Cavidan la madre que nunca pudo disfrutar. Su amado se le acerca y ella no siente miedo, de hecho cuando huía se escondió en los lugares donde vivieron momentos íntimos, y sus memorias frlicesque conserva todas se relacionan con Emir.
    Emir quiere una vida llena de amor y perdón, sin tener que inclinar la cabeza, ante nadie. Tantas veces Gülperi le habló de ese padre que creyó muerto y las experiencias eran hermosas, lo vio a él trabajando la madera, su papá le enseñó.
    Savaş la quiere con una mente libre de experiencias, su modo de tener oportunidad con ella? Yo conozco ese tratamiento al que psiquiatra quiere someter a Gülperi, porque un pariente muy cercano lo recibió. ES ESPANTOSO, largo y a partir de este la persona queda sometida a medicamentos de por vida. Es mentira creer que se borran sólo los recuerdos de las experiencias traumaticas, se borra TODA LA MEMORIA, las felices y los traumas. d
    Dependiendo el número de procedimientos la persona puede recobrar algunas memorias, pero en realidad lo borra TODO.
    Emir con seguridad y respeto se opone a ese tratamiento porque cree en la sanación de su vida por la VERDAD Y EL PERDÓN. El busca la verdad e investiga personalmente lo ocurrido.
    Savaş perdió la fe en la VERDAD, en realidad él cree que la mentira es la verdad. Su arrogancia es una pantalla donde oculta sus inseguridades. El no puede ceder ni en apariencia la imagen de hombre poderoso, mientras Emir por el contrario a pesar de estar en 👖 Jean y un polo es amado y respetado por su princesa.
    Quien tiene autoridad sobre Gülperi? Emir ya no es su esposo, no tiene autoridad legal sobre Gülperi. Emir es su amado, ella confía en él, no la obliga a nada, pero Gülperi le cree. El la ha llevado a su casa, donde todos la AMAN.
    Quién tiene autoridad sobre Gülperi? Savaş es tan imponente que cree que hay que seguir sus instrucciones pero así Gülperi no reacciona. El está hablando lo que sabe y esto lo aprendió del cómplice del asesino BEYHAN. Por qué Savaş a diferencia de Emir ni investigó lo ocurrido? porque desde niño esta era la verdad en su familia, y uno no va por la vida cuestionando todo
    Emir no se impone, no le impone a Gülperi..Si no quiere comer ahora? Más adelante comerá. La está tratando como a una niña? Quizás, pues él sabe que desde entonces comenzó a sufrir, pero también la trata como una mujer a la que no la coharta, cree en que juntos superarán lo sucedido. Emir no cree sólo en Gülperi, cree en una vida junto a ella, por eso le dice a Yiğit que todo será mejor que antes.
    Cuando Emir llevó a Bekir a casa del tío Hassan comprobó la veracidad de sus palabras. Hassan recobró el amigo, un verdadero gozo de encontrarse, ni un solo reproche, un fuerte abrazo , y Emir disfruta al verlos y sonríe.
    Savaş ya ha aprendido que Emir no se rinde, y seguirá en su empeño del encuentro del padre y la hija y por eso pone al "enamorado " Baran de vigilante de Emir 😂.
    La lógica dice que en la condición en que está Gülperi, no saldrá de la casa, pero ella que no reacciona ante nada, al llamado de Emir ante su invitación de paseo, confía. (Cuántas veces Emir le ha extendido la mano, espero que pronto ella se la extienda a él)
    Sin embargo Gülperi no tolera la presencia de Savaş, sus palabras, siquiera puede mirarle. Mala voluntad de Savaş al proponer este tratamiento para Gülperi ? NO, Savaş es un niño herido y tiene una visión distorsionada de la vida, no conoce lo que es una familia y quien se supone fuera un padre siempre lo despreció. Para que hace falta un padre en la vida según Savaş ? Pero la experiencia de Emir es diametralmente opuesta, su padre lo amó tanto, además Emir ES PADRE!!
    Gülperi se está recuperando, ella comienza a tener esperanza, ya no es la mujer a quien Emir pidió saliera de su oficina y mientras Beyhan no se acerque no habrán nuevas heridas, pero mientras Savaş insista se recrudecerá la calumnia y Beyhan seguirá atacando.
    Sanar viejas heridas es muy doloroso, pero Gülperi ha dado tanto amor que este será su refugio. Emir la ama, Gülperi es su presente y futuro. Bekir sera un gran suegro que jugará con Yiğit y ayudará a cuidar a las niñas mientras Gülperi y Emir van a tomar café ☕a la orilla de la playa.

    • @malikmohsin2753
      @malikmohsin2753 2 года назад +2


    • @daisycorcho470
      @daisycorcho470 2 года назад +3

      Gracias muy bonito relato y verdades de dos diferentes personas!!👏👏

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 года назад +1


  • @MsIsma22
    @MsIsma22 2 года назад +27

    Savas has no right to ask Gulperi to forget the past. It is her past she must face the truth and move on to the future. Your family stole her life now you want to erase their wrong. Shame on you savas

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +2

      Is the Savas the little boy Bekir gave the necklace to give to Gulperi in the past flashback ?

    • @adamghammouri8613
      @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад +3


  • @rnayusubova455
    @rnayusubova455 2 года назад +20

    Hamiləlik Narine yaramış ,çox gözəl olmuşsun,,🤰🌤️🌤️🌺🧚🧚🌙🌝

  • @katya_georgieva
    @katya_georgieva 2 года назад +19

    The Clever Emir, how he played Savas😁 Savas didn't expect that Gulperi could meet with her father out of the mansion🥰

  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 2 года назад +31

    If anyone tries to convince Gulperi to run away with them, it would be Emir. Even with that state she only believes in him. 😁😁

  • @auliapingkan5276
    @auliapingkan5276 2 года назад +20

    Narin looks so beauty more nd more.

  • @ayshaboujamaa8919
    @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +14

    🤔NARIN will be kidnapper 🤨another sycho 🥺crazy man will hurt💕NAR💞KEM💞 and their babies 💔

    • @arisroman6892
      @arisroman6892 2 года назад +6

      I hope not. If that happens, this will be the series of kidnappers. Reyhan, Feride, and Narin, more than anyone she has been kinapped.

  • @ayshaboujamaa8919
    @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +22

    The toxic patient allows himself more and more and would like to be alone with the beautiful doctor, but in the background Kemal is waiting, ready to pound his face! The atmosphere in Yemin is visibly thickening!

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад

      Narin need to transfer the guy to psychiatric hospital before things get worse. He needs mental help.

    • @adamghammouri8613
      @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад +1


  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 года назад +22

    Kemal too much in love with Narin to the point he forgot his job🤣🤣🤣❤️♥️

  • @teresasomeso2286
    @teresasomeso2286 2 года назад +27

    Un excelente episodio, amor de un padre que tuvo que estar separado de su hija , los recuerdos muestran que fue condenado por un delito que no hizo, espero que Gülperi crea a su padre y recupere su felicidad, ¿ que interesante el próximo episodio?

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +18

    I can’t believe it was kasim who killed gulperi’s mother. Kasim had the audacity to point a gun to his brother and even pull the trigger, he had the intention of killing his brother and his wife. The fact that he did kill bekir’s wife, she took the bullet for bekir and died. But kasim framed his own brother and got him sent to jail for 20 whole years. But not only that kasim abused gulperi her entire life verbally physically and mentally. His one niece, and he knew his brother was innocent and he was the one who killed his own brothers wife. I feel really bad for bekir poor guy lost his wife but also his young’s daughter who he never had the chance to see grow up. Bekir missed gulperi so much the way he was crying and had trouble getting up, he was nervous meeting her. But he wanted to embrace her, gulperi is shocked to see her dad but also she thinks her dad killed her mom and that’s why in tomorrows episode she ran away into the forest.

  • @darlenepaul2630
    @darlenepaul2630 2 года назад +15

    glad to see Gulperi some better, trusts Emir and walks with him to uncle's house, meets baba for first time since her mother died. hope she listens to her dad tell the truth, and they can reconcile and enjoy time together with EMIR'S family👍☺️❤️💜💕

  • @cicek7984
    @cicek7984 2 года назад +21

    Narin ❤️Kemal supersi Yemin vuran yüreyi ⭐⭐👑👑👈

  • @stelacouto3367
    @stelacouto3367 2 года назад +25

    Que tudo se resolva para Gulperi e ela possa ser feliz ao lado dessa família que tanto a ama 😍😍

  • @ximeoso9
    @ximeoso9 2 года назад +17

    Estás novelas turcas son muy raras, no entiendo por qué todo el mundo se cree con derecho de opinar y tomar decisiones en la vida de los demás, van organizando matrimonios como si fueran cualquier cosa, a los que hacen maldades los perdonan mil veces y los reciben en la casa como si nada, llega gente a las mansiones a instalarse, nadie dice nada y para colmo llegan a mandar 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ No podría vivir en una cultura así

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +1

      In the eastern part of the world such things are common... See the Indian series... Turkiye has 2 parts east and west...maybe this is their eastern part

  • @fatimamarques9222
    @fatimamarques9222 2 года назад +25

    Grande Emir enfrentado tudo e todos para ajudar a mulher que ama 💘💘🌺🌺

  • @perlachan659
    @perlachan659 2 года назад +15

    Traducción de las escenas de Gulmir
    Savas: Te lo advertí, te dije que esto era un asunto familiar, pero no me escuchaste y te metiste en la cabeza.
    Emir: Estoy haciendo ahora lo que deberías haber hecho hace mucho tiempo.
    Ella va a estar bien, ¿no lo entiendes?
    Savas: Tú eres el que no entiende, te dije que la situación es aún peor.
    Lo estás haciendo tan inútil. Su esfuerzo es inútil. Uno de ellos murió por el padre después de enterarse de que su padre asesinó a su madre.
    Bekir sale de prisión
    Savas: ¿Me reconoces? soy savas
    Bekir: creo que te reconozco, no has cambiado
    Savas: Bekir, ¿cuánto hay en siete está en setenta? Y si estás pensando en continuar donde lo dejaste con tu hija, me importa un carajo. Mataste a la madre de esta chica. ¿Que va a hacer ella?
    Emir: Está bien, suficiente. Hemos hablado de todo. Mantente al margen.
    Savas: ¿Crees lo que dijo? esa niña quedó huérfana durante veinte años
    En 20 años, ¿olvidará al asesino de su madre? ella nunca te perdonara
    Ahora abre los ojos Bekir.
    Bekir evita que Emir vaya tras Savas.
    Savas: Bekir, sabe que estás muerto. Se va a quedar así. La tendrás sola. No la haremos pasar por el mismo dolor otra vez. ¿Me entiendes?
    hojas de sava
    Bekir: el hombre viene a la mente después de todo este tiempo
    Tienes a mi hija, no hay explicación, no puedo.
    Emir: Mira, te equivocas. Ella te necesita ahora mismo. Pase lo que pase, pase lo que pase, eres su padre.
    Bekir: Es como él dijo, el que sale después de todo este tiempo no puede llamarse padre, sino una persona desleal y sin escrúpulos.
    Bekir se da la vuelta
    Bekir: guardia guardia, abre la puerta
    Emir: Está bien, Bekir mira, eres su padre, harás todo lo que puedas por ella, no puedes contenerte más, no puedes contenerla. Ella no confió en mí durante mucho tiempo. Ella no dijo una palabra, no comió ni un bocado de comida, yo dije que nadie merece una vida así, fui terco, dije que la curaría, para curar las heridas a tiempo. Lo logré, se olvidó de reír, recordó, mejoró, dije está bien, recobró el sentido, pareció olvidar su dolor, o no sé, eso pensé, tal vez estaba creciendo por dentro.
    Pero lo estoy tomando ahora, me duele mucho. No, ella siempre está herida.
    Lo haré lo mejor que pueda. Eso es todo. Me enteré de la historia completa, tú eres lo que falta en su vida. eres su familia, eres su padre, dices que te faltó tiempo o aquí está tu oportunidad.
    Aproveche la oportunidad de arreglar lo que haya roto, tome medidas. Dile la verdad en su cara con eso
    Si conocieras a tu hija, créeme, borraría esos 20 años con un bolígrafo.
    Mírame a los ojos y te diré, vine a pesar de que estoy enojado porque dejaste a tu hija sola entre esos opresores porque creo que solo tú puedes curarla.
    Vamos, si no vienes conmigo y haces lo que digo. Ahí es cuando te conviertes en un asesino.
    Savas llama a la puerta
    fidan: ya voy
    .Ella abre las puertas y le da la bienvenida a Savas. Se dirige arriba a la habitación de Gulperi.
    Cavidan: ¿Qué está pasando Fidan?
    Fidan: No entiendo que era Savas y entró y se fue sin decir nada.
    Savas: Nos vamos, prepárate
    No quiero hacerte ningún daño
    Iremos al médico. Estarás bien. Confía en mí, Gülperi.
    El doctor de ayer te está esperando.
    olvidarás el pasado, no recordarás nada malo
    Vamos. Mira, te prometo que estarás bien.
    Cavidan se dirige arriba
    Cavidan: Alá, que seas bueno con la chica.
    Savas a Gulperi: te digo mira se muy bien que me escuchaste levántate que nos vamos de Gulperi
    Vamos, levántate, nos vamos. No me hagas decirlo de nuevo. Sal de la cama y vámonos, Gülperi.
    Cavidan entra en la habitación.
    Cavidan: No hagas eso, mira lo miserable e indefensa que es.
    Savas: Sra. Cavidan, por favor, no interfiera. Creo que es malo. La llevaré al médico. Ella estará bien.
    Cavidan: pero no va a pasar despues de eso, vamos suelta
    Por favor
    Baran: Vine tan pronto como me llamaste.
    Savas Baran, agárrala del brazo y levántala, iremos al médico.
    Baran: no podemos ir hermano
    Savas: ¿Qué quieres decir con que no podemos ir?
    Baran: Como dije al entrar, llamé al médico, pero todavía tiene un problema, tiene que ir a recogerlo, puede regresar mañana por la mañana.
    Savas: maldita sea
    Se van y Cavidan se queda con Gulperi
    Cavidan: Mi bebé, ya sabes, nunca te dejaría, no te preocupes por ellos.
    Emr y Bekir llegan a casa del tío Hasan
    Emir: somos viejos amigos. lo conoces tan bien como yo
    Hassan: Este es mi amigo, bienvenido.
    en lo de emir
    Baran: Hermano, no entendí del todo por qué estaba enojado conmigo, el médico regresará, tomaremos a Gülperi y nos iremos temprano en la mañana.
    Savas: Dime que te quedas aquí. Estarás pendiente de ella, me informarás si intenta salir, informarás lo que viene y va, me informarás inmediatamente si alguien viene aquí, ¿entiendes?
    Baran: entiendo pero no entiendo porque estoy esperando aqui
    ¿Hay alguien a quien no quieres que ella vea?
    Savas: Bekir
    Baran: Bekir
    Savas: este es el padre de Gulperin
    baran: pero
    Savas: Baran, no hagas preguntas, haz lo que te digan.
    Si ese hombre entra aquí y trata de hablar con Gülperi
    Baran: noticias que entorpecerán, te las daré, no te preocupes.
    Savas: Como dije, vas a estar pendiente y nunca despegar, ni por un momento.
    Volver a lo de Hasan
    Hasan está sirviendo té.
    Hasan: pruébalo Bekir, en el pasado siempre encontraba fallas en el té que preparaba.
    bekir: gracias
    Hasan: Buen provecho
    Bekir: Aprecié esos tiempos; dias sin preocupaciones
    Hasan: Te volví a ver, la sabiduría de Dios, ¿por qué no me informaste todos estos años?
    Emir: Tío Hasan, voy a buscar a Gülperi para que puedas verla lo antes posible.
    Hansa: bien por ella. 20 anhelos anuales, tráela y deja que se acabe
    Bekir: No sé, Hasan, no sé, tengo muchas ganas de ver a mi hija Gülperi, pero ¿no es tan fácil? Ella piensa que estoy muerto. Cree que soy el asesino de su madre.
    Si digo que soy inocente, está permitido si eres inocente. ¿Dónde estás?
    ¿No dirá ella, por qué me dejaste en sus manos? ¿Por qué no me cuidaste?
    Hasan: ¿Sabes qué es más precioso que el silencio y el corazón de la persona que tienes delante Dije una palabra que tocará tu dolor Gülperi Te dije un corazón enorme que se ha ido tras su madre, no te preocupes, esto uno te escuchará.
    Bekir: Espero que ella también me perdone.
    Hasan: Nadie más que Alá, Dios se encargará de ello.
    Emir: Mira, no te dejes atormentar por el pasado. Si ella sabe la verdad, sus problemas se pueden resolver, un mal momento nace de ella.
    Así que habla con ella para que pueda quitarse estos recuerdos de la cabeza.
    Dale una nueva vida
    Hasan: Hace años dejaste atrás a una niña con lágrimas en los ojos. Uno por uno, ahora esa niña necesita a su padre para crecer, así que te necesita a ti.
    Bekir: esta bien hablare
    Emir: Les digo que descansen un poco, volveré con Gulperi
    Bekir: Dios nos bendiga a ti y a mí años después
    Emir: Yo no hice nada, pero tú lo harás. La sanarás.
    Emir contestando su teléfono: escuchando
    Hombre: no te quise molestar porque lo compré, pero no te olvides
    Pensé que tenía que hacerlo.
    emir: no lo se
    Hombre: En el día de mercado, el dueño de una gran empresa de construcción es muy perjudicial para reunirse con usted, así que piense que le ofrecerá un negocio conjunto.
    Emir: ¿Sabes quién soy?
    Hombre: Sabri ha sido expulsado
    Emir: ¿Qué dijiste? Ni siquiera estaría en el mismo entorno con alguien que está tratando de obtener ganancias a través de medios inapropiados, y mucho menos haciendo negocios juntos.
    Emir a Cavidan: la madre obviamente tuvo un momento de crisis.
    Cavidan: No, no es nada de eso. Mira, te vas a enojar enseguida, vale, claro, ya pasó.
    Emir: mamá, cuéntame más
    Cavidan: Savas
    Emir: ¿Por qué no me dijiste?
    Cavidan: Iba a tomar a Gulperi y llevarla al médico, afortunadamente Baran vino y le dijo que el médico no está disponible en este momento, tenía que dejarla.
    En Savas, está investigando en Internet y recuerda haber intentado convencer a Gulperi para que hiciera el tratamiento. Su teléfono suena
    Savas: ¿Bekir está aquí?
    Baran: No hermano, Tarhun acaba de regresar.
    Savas: Entonces no tenía a Bekir contigo.
    Baran: No fue así, estaba solo, no salió, tampoco es una buena situación para salir.
    Savas: Baran, ten cuidado. No podemos dejar que Bekir entre en la casa. No podemos dejar que hable con ella.
    Baran: Está bien hermano, no te preocupes, estaré atento.

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +26

    I really love how emir is there for bekir and believes him and reassured him that everything will go well. He was eager for gul and bekir to meet he didn’t waste any time. He knows how important gulperi is to bekir, bekir lost his wife but also he never got the chance to build a relationship with his own daughter gulperi. Gulperi has so much love and trust for emir so she’ll come around and learnt the truth and she’ll eagerly want to build a beautiful relationship with her dad. Emir is patient with gul he knows that she’ll learn the truth but I love how emir is just there for her and not leaving her side. He even stays in the room with her when they go back home and he’s trying to comfort her. Emir is done with savas 😂he’s like he keep’s interfering with me and my woman’s life. Like emir is so protective of gul he’s like fed up of savas trying to erase gulperi’s bad memories, she won’t heal properly that way.

  • @sujathasridharan8245
    @sujathasridharan8245 5 месяцев назад

    It was so nice when both emir savash worked together to save gul.but now again savash and emir are at odds

  • @متفائلهادم
    @متفائلهادم 2 года назад +10

    لكن الانتصار للحب في كل العلاقات الإنسانيه ✌️✌️✌️✌️💟💟💟💟

  • @sasafilendem5483
    @sasafilendem5483 2 года назад +3

    Love Gokberk's hair. Suits him very much.

    @LUCYBANTHA 2 года назад +15

    Ls Escenas entre el Tio Hasan y el padre de Gulperi, realmente me conmovieron mucho me hicieron llorar y de verdad este señor que la esta haciendo del padre de Gulperi me impresiono que logro transmitirnos sus emociones de dolor

  • @Dorthy32
    @Dorthy32 Месяц назад +1

    Emir is very stubborn , he very smart man 😂

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 2 года назад +29

    Reyhan y Emirrr TARUN giuramento 1y2 Superrrr originale 🕺💃👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

    • @danielazamfir3251
      @danielazamfir3251 3 месяца назад


  • @rahmamohammad3519
    @rahmamohammad3519 2 года назад +17

    Emir very good 💕💕💕💕💞💌🇪🇹🇪🇹🇹🇷🇹🇷

  • @mimimelody-bl1tc
    @mimimelody-bl1tc Год назад +1

    They said that Gulperi thought that her father killed her mother. But if I remember right, earlier in the series, in one of the episodes Gulperi said that her uncle killed both of her parents. I'm watching it on tv in another language and I don't know if maybe there was a mistranslation? Or did Gulperi really once said that uncle killed her parents and later the plot was changed? I'd appreciate if someone who remembers that episode and knows the answer could reply!

  • @MsIsma22
    @MsIsma22 2 года назад +6

    I am not understand this analogy of this man taking a fall for a sadistic brother. He rather rotten in prison instead of sending the arrogant murderer behind bars. He chose Gulperi’s dead mom over his living daughter. I can’t believe behan has the audacity to mistreat Gul know her husband murdered her mother.

    • @murieljah5480
      @murieljah5480 2 года назад +4

      from beyhan's behavior I thought she was the guilty one my guess was off😱

    • @MsIsma22
      @MsIsma22 2 года назад +2

      @@murieljah5480 me too, but she knows the truth and still behave in such manner.

    • @arisroman6892
      @arisroman6892 2 года назад

      @@murieljah5480 me too.

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +1

      It doesn’t make sense. Unless Beyhan and family framed the guy or threatened him somehow and he did it to save Gulperi.

    • @eh3725
      @eh3725 28 дней назад

      ​@murieljah5480 Beyhan knew Uncle committed the sin. Self righteous Beyham delt with it by denial. I also think Beyhan was Jelous of Gulperis mother.

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +22

    Yemin 4, ayer superó mis expectativas. A pesar de que quedan muchos "entuertos" por solucionar, son capítulos cargados de emoción y sentimientos
    Lamento que esta sea una temporada final de Yemin, pudo ser la inicial de otra serie.
    Lamentablemente son dos historias que se desarrollan paralelamente. Muy distinto si se hubieran unido.

      @LUCYBANTHA 2 года назад

      Totalmente de acuerdo de un tiempo para acá los capítulos se pusieron super intensos y lleno de emociones, como dices hubiera sido genial otra temporada o porque no pueden hacer un spinoff, asi como aca en america del norte esta muy de moda

  • @Dorthy32
    @Dorthy32 Месяц назад

    Savas. Sorry Baran had a wonderful time with his fiancée. He didn't have time to keep an eye on Gulperi.😂😂😂😂😂

  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 2 года назад +21

    💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞👏👏👏👏👏

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +8

    One thing I love about Gulmir is that in every difficult obstacle they come across they’re always there for each other. But also they’re love grows more and more, they learn a lot about each other while dealing with theses obstacles. Plus they both trust each other a lot and do anything and everything to protect one another. Which makes them such a beautiful couple, gulperi is stuck in her own world that only emir can enter. Emir is very patient when it comes to gulperi, he doesn’t want to do anything that will upset her. Plus he just wants her to be able to know the real truth and not the lies she was fed. Emir is aware that she’ll come around and listen to her dad, emir also knows that gulperi needs some time to accept the situation it’s not easy for her.gulperi will accept her dad, but right now she’s still in shock. Can’t wait to see what unfolds tomorrow. Savas just wants to help them out but he’s doing it the wrong way, and he thinks since emir isn’t going to take her to erase her bad memories I will do it. He wants to help Gulmir out but he’s causing more harm than good, I know gulperi won’t have her bad memories erased. She trusts emir and yes she’ll think about at first. But we all know she won’t have that happen emir will always be one step ahead of the game, and if he’s not ahead of the game he’s always there to protect gulperi. He knows savas tried to take gulperi to the doctor but he lost, emir beat savas and took her to meet her dad. One thing I also love is emir being there by gulperi’s side by the chair and speaking smoothly to her.

  • @mehrangizsabokdel5500
    @mehrangizsabokdel5500 2 года назад +13

    Cok gozal bölümde bu gün , Gulperi ve Amir güzel ouciidelar. 👌🤏💯💯

  • @mariyamargretjose
    @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад +16

    Two episodes without Beyhan 🥳🥳🥳

  • @anabrito4442
    @anabrito4442 2 года назад +29

    Um episódio realmente bom!
    Cheio de emoção!
    Que lindo o abraço entre o tio Hassan e o pai da Gul! Guanto sofrimento se vê neste homem,e não é para menos:viu sua esposa ser assassinada, foi condenado a pagar por um crime que não cometeu,e agora descobrir o que sua filha vem sofrendo 😭
    Espero que agora com a ajuda do Emir vejamos ele lutar por justiça,por ele e por Gulperi!!
    Claro que não vai ser neste primeiro encontro que a Gul vai se recuperar, também não dá pra esperar que ela o abrace!
    E o melhor de TD foi não ver a bruxa louca da beyhan e seu ódio sem sentido!

    • @RadmilaIdimum
      @RadmilaIdimum 2 года назад +5

      Браво за задњу опаску! Parabéns pelo último comentário!🌹

    • @mariadasoledademotasilva904
      @mariadasoledademotasilva904 2 года назад +6

      Episódio muito bom!
      Ao que parece, quem matou a mãe de Gul foi Kasim, o pai de Savas. Isso explica porque Savas se preocupa tanto com Gul.

    • @RadmilaIdimum
      @RadmilaIdimum 2 года назад +1

      @@mariadasoledademotasilva904 Саваш је заљубљен у Гулпери, то и птице знају. Такође, његова мајка - Бејхан, како схватам, била је заљубљена у Гулперијиног оца. Опет, Савашев отац је био заљубљен у Гулперину мајку. Ко ће ово расправити?
      Savas está apaixonado por Gulper, até os pássaros sabem disso. Além disso, sua mãe - Beihan, eu entendo, estava apaixonada pelo pai de Gulperia. Mais uma vez, o pai de Savash estava apaixonado pela mãe de Gulper. Quem vai discutir isso?

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 года назад

      ,@Maria da Soledade Mota e Silva, sim foi kasin quem matou a mãe da Gul! Espero que TD verdade seja revelada

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 года назад +1

      Obrigado 🌺

  • @sutirahsutirah1689
    @sutirahsutirah1689 2 года назад +3

    Now, Emir looks slimmer than before 🤔🤔🤔 or workouts? 🤣

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +9

    Todays ep was amazing I really loved it all. Emir being there for bekir and like he’s eagerly excited to reunite bekir with his daughter gulperi. Bekir is such a sweet and innocent man who’s own brother ruined his life but also gulperi’s life too. I think bekir might have learned gulperi was abused by kasim and beyhan. I’m really happy that bekir meet gulperi even if now she’s in shock and also trying to distant herself for her dad she’ll come around. Especially when gulperi learns the truth and learns it was kasim who killed her mom she won’t ever leave her dads side. She loves her dad a lot but because of the lies she been fed she’s afraid. I really love how emir is always by gulperi’s side, he loves her a lot and he wants to be able to hear her voice again but also to be able to see her smile again and for her to start fresh with him but also with her dad. Gulperi only trusts emir and her love for him grows more and more each day. She only listens to him, but with everyone else she’s shut out,she only reacts when she hears emir and yigit. Emir and yigit mean the world to gulperi, the fact that she went for a walk with emir to enjoy outside was cute. It shows how much she loves and trust emir a lot.

  • @torach4478
    @torach4478 2 года назад +2

    Narin's patient looks bad... When there is Kemal ...he seems to be aware that Kemal is her husband ... on the other hand he still thinks of Narin as his wife

  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 2 года назад +21

    Yemin 1, 2 sezon piękny 💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞

    • @alqudawhite
      @alqudawhite 2 года назад +4

      بس الجزء الأول والثاني ناجح اما الجزء الثالث والرابع فاشل والمشاهد ماتقبل الغجرية مع أمير ومعاملته بلطف بعكس ريحان تحملت ظلم أمير وجافدان المجرمة والعذاب اللي تحملته كاتبة السيناريو تنصر الباطل على الحق

    • @mariamparker3157
      @mariamparker3157 2 года назад +1

      Stop this Reyhan& Emif

    • @mariamparker3157
      @mariamparker3157 2 года назад +2

      Sorry Emir

  • @loubnahaouach6659
    @loubnahaouach6659 2 года назад +14

    Good emir bravo

  • @manuelafielcarelavremealui1818
    @manuelafielcarelavremealui1818 2 года назад +4

    Super frumos! Î-mi doresc s-a fie un final fericit Am inteles ca a fost schimbat de multe ori!

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 2 года назад +20

    Reyhan è Emirrr TARUN REYTING TOTALE 💃🕺💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💪💪💪👊👊👊❤❤❤ 🐣 🦁💐

    • @danielazamfir3251
      @danielazamfir3251 3 месяца назад

      Ma faci sa rid la cit ești de redusa mintal, ai creierul în ceata

  • @sameneshamsuddin2451
    @sameneshamsuddin2451 2 года назад +2

    Savas u don't have to care soo much for Gulperi ,Emir is thre,u just takecare of your mother send her for her brain check up,😃😃

  • @Dorthy32
    @Dorthy32 Месяц назад +1

    Wow..Savas scared about the truth, the Emir will find out the savas mother husband killed Gulperi mother long time ago. .😮

    • @eh3725
      @eh3725 28 дней назад

      I always thought so. It was the only thing that made sense. That's why her Aunt and Uncle hated Gulperi so much. She was a reminder of pass sins.

  • @glorializetegonzalez4613
    @glorializetegonzalez4613 2 года назад +5

    MYRNA MEDINA 🙏🏻 puede traducir en español 🙏🏻 por favor muchas gracias y sobretodo mucho bendiciones 🙏🏻

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 2 года назад +27

    Reyhan y Emirrr TARUN giuramento 1y2 Superrrr originale 👫👫❤❤❤

    • @danielazamfir3251
      @danielazamfir3251 3 месяца назад


  • @virginiaortega1727
    @virginiaortega1727 2 года назад +7

    Gulpery debe escuchar a su padre reencontrarse con el e irse con el y recuperar algo de tiempo perdido y Emir también ocuparse de su hijo y ablarle de su mamá y después el tiempo dirá

    • @josefaaguacil2168
      @josefaaguacil2168 2 года назад +1

      Así estaremos otros cinco años más no por favor

  • @steniakmieciak5785
    @steniakmieciak5785 2 года назад +7

    Obrączka na palcu ojca Gulperi-mówi wszystko. Ja nie mam wątpliwości, że to dobry człowiek.

    • @bazylianowak1135
      @bazylianowak1135 2 года назад +4

      Może Emir się czegoś nauczy od przyszłego teścia, chociażby jak się traktuje pamięć o zmarłych. Jak pani zauważyła ''obrączka na palcu ojca Gulperi mówi wszystko,'' a Emir swoją i żony zakopał w dole, głęboko. Mógł zostawić na pamiątkę dla syna, nie każdy postępek {w tym przypadku zły} da się wytłumaczyć cierpieniem, żalem.

    • @steniakmieciak5785
      @steniakmieciak5785 2 года назад +3

      @@bazylianowak1135 Widać, kto bardziej kochał swoją żonę.🙂

    • @bazylianowak1135
      @bazylianowak1135 2 года назад +1

      Widać, widać ''jak na dłoni'' jak to się mówi.

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan 2 года назад +30

    Emir ve Reyhan

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 2 года назад +25

    Emirrr y Reyhan TARUN questo Yimin stagione 1y2 💏💑💯💯💯💯💯💯🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

    • @danielazamfir3251
      @danielazamfir3251 3 месяца назад


    • @danielazamfir3251
      @danielazamfir3251 3 месяца назад

      Ai rămas în urma cucoana, ai rămas cu moarta de Rahyan și te așteaptă în iad sa o încălzești 😂😂

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 2 года назад +18

    Rayting za wczoraj odc 489 Total 1,47 ABC 0,92 AB Poza klasyfikacja, nie zmieścili Yemina. Wszyscy czekają na koniec. 🙈🙈🙈🙈🤣🤣

  • @rnayusubova455
    @rnayusubova455 2 года назад +7

    Düşündüm de,heç yerimi ?Munevverin ərə getməsi ,gerek deyildi?!!!Şehriyeni evlendirme bilmedin,Münevveremi qalmış??Doğru deyil,

    • @turkanzulfiyye5458
      @turkanzulfiyye5458 2 года назад +1

      Ayıb, vallah ayıb. Melahet inanın ki sevinir. Çünki Yeminde onun rolu neden ibaret idi. Qessabla evlenir deye diqqet merkezinde qalmaq isteyirse, çox yanlış fikirleşir. Menim yaddaşımda o kameraçeken kimi iz buraxdı, oyunçu kimi deyil

    • @cicek7984
      @cicek7984 2 года назад +2

      @@turkanzulfiyye5458 afetin cok gözel yazmışlar👍👈

  • @ankakowalska1623
    @ankakowalska1623 2 года назад +26


  • @sujathasridharan8245
    @sujathasridharan8245 5 месяцев назад

    First hug of emir and gul.after 490 episodes 😮

    • @danielazamfir3251
      @danielazamfir3251 Месяц назад

      490 cu s1234 Idioat-o, prost-o și handicapata mintal

    • @eh3725
      @eh3725 28 дней назад

      To be fair Gulperi didn't join the series until episode 400 so it only took 90 episodes ❤

  • @mariavazquez8366
    @mariavazquez8366 2 года назад +6

    Que bueno Gulpiery que tu papá no es culpable de la muerte de tu mamá poco a poco todo va saliendo bien para tu tranquilidad fue un capitulo extra ordinario me gustó mucho y tu Emir cuanto amas a Gupiery

  • @qonc5331
    @qonc5331 2 года назад +10

    Hızır Şehriyye üçün şiir de yazdı, günlerle qapıda durdu, amma Şehriyye bu işe qol qoymadı. Münevver 2 - 3 defe qessabı gören kimi eşq vurdu başına. Razılıq verdi.

    • @cicek7984
      @cicek7984 2 года назад +1

      Allah siz güldürsin bizim evdeklerd esbleşitle Münevvere

    • @cicek7984
      @cicek7984 2 года назад

      Qönçe senden birşey soruşum menim önim cıxdı melahet bir fotrafın altın yazmışlar ki nolar cavab verin Yağmur hanım evlenib soy adına sonda başka adneklenmiş

    • @cicek7984
      @cicek7984 2 года назад

      @@qonc5331 he mende ele düşnirem .

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan 2 года назад +34

    Ozge ve Gokberk

    • @ankakowalska1623
      @ankakowalska1623 2 года назад +5


    • @zumrapavlic4316
      @zumrapavlic4316 Год назад

      Odlicna serija iredovno je pratim, ipuno se zahvaljune.

    • @christinafan4476
      @christinafan4476 Год назад

      They are lovers in real life

    • @danielazamfir3251
      @danielazamfir3251 3 месяца назад

      ​@@ankakowalska1623Ozge Yagiz =mizerie umana și o mare zdreanta specialista în bărbați. 💩😈🤑💩😈🤑💩😈🤑💩🤑💩😈🤑💩😈🤑💩😈🤑💩😈🤑💩😈🤑💩😈🤑💩😈🤑

  • @murieljah5480
    @murieljah5480 2 года назад +9

    Baran " the Spy" 🤣🤣

    • @taislaoliveira6796
      @taislaoliveira6796 2 года назад +4

      O espião que só faz besteira,quem manda ficar de flerte com Fidan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @mariacardo85
      @mariacardo85 2 года назад +2

      @@taislaoliveira6796 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😋😋😋

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +16

    Emir knows that bekir didn’t kill gulperi’s mother, he’s aware that bekir is just a sweet guy who got robbed of his own life but also not being able to see gulperi grow up and not being there by her side. Emir was so happy to reunite gulperi and bekir together, when emir takes his hand out for gulperi so they can go for a walk was cuteee. Emir really rally loves her a lot but also he cares for her. Gulperi trusts emir a lot and that’s why she goes out for a walk with him. And they seem to enjoy their walk, and emir tells her something I’m not sure what he said but he was letting her know how much he care for her. Emir was super happy just watching gulperi and bekir stare at each other 😂, but gulperi she’s still in shock. But also the lie she was told for I believe beyhan told her. But not worried because gul will learn the truth and learn her dad is innocent.

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +3

      Hopefully that’s the case. And why Savas against the meeting any thoughts??

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +3

      @@tanseelou806 gulperi will come already for her dad, especially when the witness tells her he saw kasim pull the trigger and he killed her mother and it wasn’t her dad. In fact her dad was protecting her mother, gulperi is just afraid right now but upset too. She’s going to end up learning the truth that’s what will heal her. Emir isn’t wasting time because he wants her to learn everything about the past so she can move forward. This means a lot because he wants to be able to officially announce that they’re a couple but he knows the first thing is for her to confront her past and learn everything from her dad. Savas seems like he just genuinely cares for gul like family not in any romantic way that some think. He just pities her and also believes her dad and her shouldn’t build a relationship, he himself seems like he doesn’t know kasim killed gulperi’s mother. But once he does know he’s going to back away and he’ll feel bad for the way he spoke to bekir. And he’ll even end up helping emir out too,savas is just being around Gulmir to help them out. He wants gulperi to be happy with emir but he doesn’t know that erase gulperi’s memory will cause more damage than good. Emir knows what’s best for gulperi and he knows her a lot more. One thing I truly love is that gulperi and emir trust each other a lot and only listen to each other❤️

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +3

      @@samiraomar7566 wow thank you for informative reply. I’m not a Savas fan. I’m just waiting for him to leave town. I don’t think he is needed since he told his mom to leave the Tarhun’s alone. I want him to pack his bags leave Istanbul. I think Emir is doing a great job. He doesn’t need a side kick and especially one that is pining for his woman on the inside.😝

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +3

      @@tanseelou806 emir is so fed up with savas, he’s aware that savas wants to take gulperi to the doctor to erase her bad memories. Emir knows savas is just trying to help them but he’s not letting emir handle things, emir knows gulperi a lot because she’s the woman he loves so much. I think savas will end up with so woman who he falls in love with or even oya who knows who he ends up with. But I don’t think savas means bad he seems like an alright guy but I just like how he’s not letting emir handle all this. He keeps thinking emir is making the wrong decision but in fact it’s him. Emir knows what’s best for gulperi, and she only listens to emir and she trusts emir a lot.

    • @daliayehia4742
      @daliayehia4742 Год назад

      Thank you

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan 2 года назад +26


  • @مشاعر-ذ8ب
    @مشاعر-ذ8ب 2 года назад +1

    اذكركم بصيام الخميس ترفع الاعمال لله. وصلو الوتر

  • @i.1303
    @i.1303 2 года назад +6

    Emir irritates me. Gulperi is NOT your wife. YOU chose to divorce her

  • @qonc5331
    @qonc5331 2 года назад +6

    Münevver Allah size xeyir versin 😄 Nazmiye sizi de yada saldı, özü de bu cür.

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 2 года назад +25

    Reyhan y Emirrr TARUN REYTING TOTALE 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯❤❤❤🕺💃💪💪💪👊👊👊

    • @alqudawhite
      @alqudawhite 2 года назад +5

      الجزئين الاخير فاشلين بدون ريحان اما جوليبري الغجرية ممثلة فاشلة والسيناريو فاشل وأمير بعد موت ريحان وخروجها من المسلسل قلت شعبيته

    • @masraninaning5519
      @masraninaning5519 2 года назад

      Seri 4 seri idiot pisikopat horror gulperi 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎sakit jiwa

  • @nathalievalade5787
    @nathalievalade5787 2 года назад +7

    Maya are you going to translate the episode of today….Thanks 😘

  • @gulnaramelikova7386
    @gulnaramelikova7386 Год назад +1

    Gülperi is so beautiful

  • @alidenesirova9423
    @alidenesirova9423 2 года назад +5

    Ən gozəl Əmir Gulpəri,yarasirlar həyatdada sevgili olsunlr

  • @فاطمةشري
    @فاطمةشري 2 года назад +13

    بالتوفيق والنجاح لكم الجميع أن شاء الله يا رب 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @MayaMaryDrama
    @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +8

    Summary E490: The return of the Past.
    Emit keeps listening Savaş who can’t stop confront Emir about the current situation. He reminds him that that he warned him already and makes him understand that this is a family matter, in which Emir shouldn’t interfere.
    But Emir is having enough of Savaş unrelated words, that he too confronts him with the reality. Something they should’ve done earlier which is what he does now. And again he reminds Savaş, that if Gülperi would confront her past, she will get better, why doesn’t he understand him.
    Savaş and Emir just keep confronting each other with their own opinion about what should be a better option for Gülperi’s healing process. Savas’s opinion is to keep that door to the past closed because if Gülperi finds out that her father is the murder of her mother, her father will be dead to her anyway.
    - just like I explained in the promo, why Savaş is being this protective, because it’ll hurt Gülperi even more if she finds out that her father was her mother’s murder. But both of them are right in this situation, Gülperi will be devastated finding out the truth about her father disappearance and Emir allowing her to confront that past go through this pain and disappointment in order to close that chapter. -
    Nothing will change Emir’s opinion who’s very confident about the decision he made.
    Bekir finally out of prison after 20 year, and the first new face he got to see, is Savas’s who’s not really satisfied to see him, as he worries about Gülperi. But the feeling is likewise, as Savaş rushes to Bekir and asks him if he remembers him and introduces himself properly, whom Bekri clearly remembers.
    But the introduction was not everything that Savaş wants to confront Bekir with whom he asks if he truly thinks he could continue with his daughter where he left which won’t change as much as his poison. - this means the poison he already injected in the past won’t change if he would meet her again, because he still carries it him, which is the poison of a murder. What Savaş thinks. -
    Bekir tries to stay clam as well as Emir, but Savaş is not finished yet, that he confronts Bekir with the only “truth” he knows and that it’s him being the murder of Gülperi’s mother. A statement which truly angers Savaş and at the same time hurts Bekir very much, that his lowered gaze got up all the sudden, and looks at Savaş angrier.
    Savaş can’t hold his anger back, that lastly he asks him, what will he eventually do, play daddy with Gülperi.
    This was too much for Emir, that he interfered eventually, and tries to silence Savaş, telling him that they talked about everything and he shouldn’t interfere.
    But Savaş is still not done, who now puts his last fuel in to the painful fire of Bekri whom he confronts with the opinions he has which is that he left his daughter for 20 years, nothing would make her forget the murder of her mother of 20 years while she will not even forgive him. It should be enough for him that he already killed her mother, now he don’t even let her rest in peace. Something which Bekir should think about carefully.
    Emir is now definitely having enough, as he knows the truth ab out the past, which Savas is not aware of. He wants to step in for Bekir, but Bekri hold him back which emir respects carefully but definitely not calm.
    Again, Savaş tries to reach out to Bekir and reminds him that Gülperi knows that he’s dead which should remain like this. He warns him somehow that he shouldn’t meet Gülperi and make her go through the same pain again.
    Savaş said what he had to say and left, leaving Bekir drowning in his fatherly guilt and pain, while Emir was not able to defend him.
    - I’m so looking forward to his face, when he finds out the truth! Don’t be mad at Savas, who also just wants to protect Gülperi, just like Emir does. Only for him the past should be closed in order to move on, while Emir wants her to face the past in order to move on. Both of them are right. But Emir knows how deep Gülperi is falling as he always saw what she was going through, while Savaş only saw it from the outside. But just seeing her like this is more than enough for Savaş to not being able to endure his own pain of seeing her like this. In my opinions it’s also not Savaş fault in this because he also only knows what has been told to him over the years, from Beyhan as we know that Kasim was not really a role model father.
    Bekir heard from Savaş what he was thinking all time long and yet ignoring them in order to see his daughter. As Bekri is willing to give up and even go back to prison he just fears that what Savaş said might come true, Gülperi not accepting him. But Emir is not willing to give up, not after he came this far. He tries to hold on to him and reminds him that whatever happened or happens, you’re her father.
    And to be able to convince him, Emir finally tells him in what kind of state Gülperi is stuck in. She’s alone, she doesn’t eat, she doesn’t talk. Even though he tried as much as he could to help her overcome this period of time this pain, which was successful and yet he realized that everything was growing inside her. He reminds Bekir that he’s her father and he should take this opportunity and talk with her, reach out to her and tell her what truly happened. Emir knows Gülperi very well, better than Savaş like I always say, that with his calming voice he assures Bekir, that Gülperi will erase those 20 years with a pen. And lastly Emir confronts Bekir with his opinion about this situation, which is that despite his anger towards him, for leaving his daughter alone with oppressors he came to reach out to him because Emir knows that only he can heal her, which made Bekir even more ashamed about himself.
    One last word which should clear Bekir’s thoughts of guilt and fear and Emir tells him, that if he doesn’t that’s when he’ll become a murderer.
    Now it’s up to Bekir to make the right decision, to either leave his daughter alone again or face her and take her back in his arms.
    - Emir again proved to everyone and even to the father, how much he loves and cares for Gülperi, that he would move mountains for her, just to see her again like she used to be. Trying to smile, be strong and next to him. Emir wants his Gülperi back, and for that he’s willing to ignore his anger, his feelings everything, like always, in order to help her. I love our GülMir! - I’m on Emir sides on this one, how can a father leave his daughter to his cruel brother knowing how his character is. Even if he lost his wife, his love, he should’ve stand on his feet, take his daughter and leave. He left anyway and was paying for a crime he never did, at least he could’ve left with his daughter. I loved this scene very much, because Emir is getting Bekir attached to his father role which he lost in the last 20 years. He became the voice which Feride was for him in Season 3. Emir learned his lesson and understood his position and since than it even deepened his father position, the only reason I like season 3. -
    At the Tarhuns, all of the sudden, someone tries to break the door. impatiently and it is an angry Savas who rushes straight to Gülperi.
    Fidan and Cavidan are quite surprised and frightened by Savas's sudden and angry arrival, that the worries reappear.
    Gülperi is silent and still in her world. She sees only the one point in her life that hangs somewhere in the air.
    Savaş rushes into Gülperi's room and wants to take her with him, but Gülperi, who suddenly sees Savaş standing in front of her, tilts her head away from him in fear.
    A fact which hurts Savaş and yet he understands the reason for it. So he tries to make her understand with a caring voice that he really doesn't want anything bad for her. He explains to her that he only wants to make her feel better.
    He asks her to trust him, which Gülperi has heard but can' t do. Gülperi associates Savaş only with pain and suffering, and the words of the trust cause her even more pain. She covers her ears in order not to hear Savaş and to return to her world where she has heard nothing and no one all this time.
    Carefully he tries to explain to her, that she will be fine in order to close up the past. She will heal promise he makes her. But Savaş is not reaching out to her, it hurts him seeing her like this, distancing herself deeper again, from him, for the world, that now he tries to get closer to her. He grabs her, willing now to force her coming with him, that his soft voice got louder, because he truly wants to see her get out of that world she putting herself in to. He admits, that he knows that she hears him so he wants her to get out of there.
    Gülperi’s pain deeps with every word of Savaş, that his yelling doesn’t really help. He pushes her even more in to the whole, Gülperi was able to get out a little bit. Gülperi keeps covering her ears, harder than before willing to escape the pain the voice of Savaş is causing her, but unsuccessful.
    - Gülperi's protective factor of her discomfort around Savaş, her closedness and the covering of her ears, show that the outside world has entered her world through the medication she is taking. But for Gülperi this is just more painful, to hear and see the others who want to move her out of her world, while in her world she was just alone and heard only the realms of her pain. Something she had accepted. -
    PART2 Down Below!

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +6

      Cavidan comes in and moves Savaş away from Gülperi, begs him to leave her alone. Savaş explains himself, that he doesn’t want any harm for her, while he just wants to take her to the doctor. But Cavidan’s protective shield explain to Savaş, that he can’t force her. Savaş just ignores Cavidan and orders Baran to grab Gülperi so that they can leave, which even Baran declines. - a funny scene for me! -
      A quite confusing answer for Savaş, who got to know that the doctor had to leave. Not so good for Savaş, he leaves immediately.
      Even though Gülperi was still alone in her world she at least was able to hear what’s around her. But now Gülperi just wants to escape the world again like she did before. Fear was the reason for her to stay in her world, which is now again a reason for her to escape this world.
      She gets back inside herself to protect herself, but Cavidan is there, giving her comfort and protection, making her aware that she would never have let her go with him. she would never let it happen. The care of a Mother Gülperi needs during such a time.
      The sun shines and the green place of Hasan Amca welcomes Bekir in to the free world. Scared whom he might see or meet, Emir gets him attached to the world he once left, to a person whom he also left behind. His friend Hasan Hoca, a reunion that never allowed a friendship to disappear.
      Not only the audience got overwhelmed of the reunion of two friends who are like brothers, Emir too, who’s truly happy to see some progress through his efforts. A moment which Hasan Amca never thought he would see again. And thanks to Emir they will find our everything. A moment which Emir felt very proud about, being able to help.
      - This was such a heartwarming scene, where two friends who are like brothers, could see each other again and continue where they have been left. -
      Meanwhile Savaş is stuck, who actually wanted to rush the therapy process before Gülperi sees her father. A confusion for Baran, who thought that his Abi is angry at him for telling him the bad news. Even clarifying to Baran, what the purpose for his anger is, Baran is just perplexed and made a intense scene very funny, - at least for me.
      - Like I always say, Savaş efforts have nothing to do with hiding anything from the past. Of course, there is still something going around in the past of the Aksoy’s but Savaş truly just wants to help Gülperi to heal. For him not confronting the past closing the door to the past is a way to move on and heal, just like he did it to himself, as he closed the door to the past with Kasim, his denial and his harm. Therefore, as it seems to work for him to close that door to the past, he wants Gülperi to take that step too and close it and move on, but he doesn’t understand that her case is different then his. Gülperi was abused by everyone, while she has been left alone knowing her parents, Savaş was only abused by Kasim while he had Beyhan who protected him. Having at least one person believing in you, and holding on to you is enough to feel protected and not alone. Gülperi had that through her grandmother, until she left her too. -
      At Hasan Amca, the three men in Gülperi’s life sitting side by side and reunited and lost and surrounded by the pain of the past.
      The worry of his friends concerns Hasan Amca very much, that he would like to know why his friends remained silent all this years, which Bekir doesn’t have an answer to. While the two lost friends are starting to recall the past Emir is willing to leave and get Gülperi to meet her father as soon as possible, something which Bekir is afraid of and yet is longing for.
      Her thinking of him as her mother’s murderer and being dead, burns Bekir deep inside, that he’s afraid of the questions Gülperi would ask him leaving her behind. A confrontation which he will find hard to find any answers for. But Hasan Amca yaninda, to remind him that silence is more painful. Gülperi’s heart is strongly connected to her mother that she will listen to him, he definitely shouldn’t worry about that.
      But listening and forgiving are two pairs for shoes, which Bekir is afraid of, asking Hasan Amca if she would forgive him. But even Hasan Amca doesn’t have the answer to this question which only Allah (God) has. Emir too, tries to give him some hope and convince him of the move to talk with Gülperi, which would help her to heal and let go of the pain.
      After one last guiding words of Hasan Amca, which give Bekir the chance to help his daughter to heal and grow again, while she’s still the little girl he left behind, Bekir is willing to talk with her.
      A weight of relief fell of off Emirs heart, happy to move on with the next step. Ready to finally being able to get Gülperi while Bekir thanks him and praying for him for being blessed.
      As Emir left, and Bekir is accompanied by his tears of relief, guilt and pain he takes out his handkerchief with the initial of his wife’s name “N”. A sign and prove for Hasan Amca, how much Bekri truly is loves and is missing his wife, a moment filled with sadness.
      Back home, ready to get Gülperi, Emir finds his mother all distressed, that he worries about Gülperi right away. As Cavidan knows the son, she hesitates to tell him what really happened earlier, that she just irritates him with words that everything will be over.
      Well those words made Emir more curious what might have happened, that he wants to go to Gülperi where Cavidan jumps in and eventually tells him what happened. Savaş came, which made Emir angriest than he already is about him and it became worst, as Cavidan continued to explain to him, that he wanted to take Gülperi to the doctor, and yet was not able too.
      Emir just can’t believe what kind of move Savaş was willing to take that he tries to calm himself and yet just worries even more about Gülperi.
      At home, Savaş tries to find more information about EMRD (A psychotherapy method in field of psycho trauma therapy) while he recalls the moment when Gülperi turned away from him. - A hurtful moment for Savaş who tried to show Gülperi another side of his but never succeeded. -
      Baran keeps informing his Abi, about every move which is happing at the Tarhun’s and that he should be very careful and paying attention if he sees Bekir. Savaş is as angry as Emir is, willing for Gülperi to heal.
      Through the encounter with Savaş, Gülperi’s grief depend even more, that she’s present like she always is and yet is lost at the same time. Melike Abla, who can’t endure it any longer seeing Gülperi like this, tries to give her at least something to eat to be able to gain some energy but in vain. A little bit of movement has been made by Gülperi, as Melike Abla mentions Yiğit, who’s also sad about his Peri Kizi. Reaction to Yigit’s name and his sadness, is the improvement of the medication Gülperi takes, that hearing Yigit being sad about her, makes her sadness and brings her more pain. But those feelings are stronger than her own strength, that even for Yigit she’s not willing to eat anything. As Gülperi is able to hear them, Melike Abla tries to remind her, that they are all with her.
      Emir came in and sees Gülperi at the same spot like he left her. Assuring to Melike Able that she will eat later, Melike Abla leaves and Emir is now reaching out to her.
      He wants her to take a walk with her, to see the beautiful weather, which would do her good. He’s willing to bring her back, if she doesn’t want to anymore, but in his opinion it will do her good. He reaches his hand out to her like he always does, to help her get out of the hole in which she keeps herself in. While reaching out his hand to Gülperi, he asks her if she trusts him, waiting for her move as answer. - A beautiful move to make her reach out to him and hear him, while he wants to keep accompanying her. Because he knows that if it comes from him Gülperi will try to take that step. -
      Gülperi hears the words of Emir, who are attached to her heart and mind that the struggle between getting out of her zone or staying is a weight which her heart is not able to endure. This pain of struggles brings tears to Gülperi, who’s still accompanied by them. Gülperi sees the hand of Emir, which is reaching out to him, while she heard his words of trust.
      -Gülperi knows that she can only trust Emir not matter what that the look at his hand was for the drama effect, as earlier, she refused to even listen to Savaş. Especially as soon as he asked her to trust him she covered herself, while as Emir asks her if she truss him she hears him out and sees him. - I felt so sad at during this scene, because of Gülperi and her pain inside. She hears Emir, and his words, which always give her comfort and yet she feels stuck. Stuck in herself, willing to get out but fears. Her pain and her fear is understandable, that you need to take a closer look and have an understanding for the human psychology. Not everyone is the same and that’s something a lot of people forget. -
      And the beautiful Peri Kizi left her hole of loneliness in which she left herself in with the help of Emir and her trust in him.
      Gülperi is afraid to take the next steps as soon as she was outside. She sees the outside world, but is afraid of it, that she stands right where she is not willing to take the nest steps. But Emir is there, and just reminding her that there is nothing she can be afraid of. They are just going in to the forest, which she likes the most.
      Eventually, Gülperi being accompanied by Emir and her trust in him, takes the next steps which she actually fears.

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +7

      - Gülperi will always trust Emir, no matter what, because he’s the one who truly reach out to her, listened to her and helped her. He’s the one who gave her the chance and saw her for whom she is. Emir is the one who started the process for Gülperi to see and find herself and her father is the one who needs to finish it. - For that scene I truly wished they would be holding hands. But I know Emir, as long as she’s still not his on paper, he won’t touch her for an inch. One of the character features I truly admire about Emir. -
      While Emir helps Gülperi to explore the outside world again, Bekir is drowning in his own pain and is nervous. He admits to Hasan Amca, that every night he thought about his first meeting about with his daughter, where he would ask her for forgiveness and tell her the truth and that they lied to her. He wanted to hold his daughter in his arms and hug her. Every night he would meet and talk with Gülperi only in his head, that he truly can’t believe it would happen for real.
      The wise words of Hasan Amca never fail, that he remind Bekir about the power and the wisdom of Allah.
      As they are talking about the current situation, Bekir asks Hasan Amca, if he knows what they did to him, or even what happened. Hasan Amca only answer the question that he knws how much he loved her, which Bekri agrees too falling in to his tears and pain.
      - Now we know from whom Gülperi has the endless crying, from her father! :/ -
      And Bekir tells Hasan Amca the story of the past and what truly happened.
      Flashback: Bekir wants to escape with Noor (his wife) and leaves Gülperi behind, willing to rescue her. Noor hands over her neckless as an emanet (entrusted) to her daughter to a little boy. While Noor finds it hard to leave without her daughter, Bekir assures her that they will meet again. Willing to take the step and move Kasim is right behind them to keep his bother who should get rid of his wife. But Bekir is not willing to leave his wife and believes in her innocents. But Kasim’s family honor is very import to him, that he doesn’t want Noor near their family any longer and he should burry her. But Bekir is not willing to do so and stands in front of his Noor. But Kasim is having enough of this nonsense, that he pulls out his gun to frighten his brother and prevent him from leaving. He keeps warning Bekri, if he would leave or stay. With his last warning all of the sudden Kasim pulls the trigger, which he himself can’t believe he did after all, as he pointed the gun on his brother. And it’s Noor who got shot, jumping in front of Bekir to protect him. And Noor falls in to the arms of Bekir and died immediately, while Bekri fell with her in his pain, anger and sorrow and Kasim can’t believe what just happened. Bekir takes the gun of Kasim and points it out to his Abi who explains to Bekir, that he actually just didn’t want him to leave and yet fears for his life himself. But Bekir who’s immediately lost in his own grief confront his brother that he killed his wife and tells him to leave. Just leave and Kasim runs away like a coward, while Bekir begs his Noor to wake up again.
      - Their fight for their love story reminds me of Emir and Gülperi, who also keep protecting each other from guns and anything else. Kasim didn’t learn his lesson at all that he repeated the same circumstance 20 years later with Gülperi E394, which is one of my favorite episodes. - And I was again right, two days ago I told you that Kasim killed the mother. Truly sorry, not sorry! Ps.: How heartless can someone be, killing the mother of a child, leaving his brother in prison and then torturing their child, from whom he took the parents away. Usually the uncle is like the father, but Kasim was a monster! In my opinion his anger has been built up because of his fear for the truth to come out and even his guilt, that he couldn’t handle his own feelings and anger towards himself. Therefore, he pointed it all on the poor Gülperi, who’s not to be blamed for anything, and yet he saw in her mother, who according to him is the culprit and the reason for losing his brother and killing her. This family needed a family therapy a long time ago. -
      And the killer of Noor was Kasim, who already is paying for his sins in his grave, even if it was just an “accident” during the heat of the moment. For what, for honor and pride!
      Now Hasan Amca found out the truth of the past, which was a burden for Bekir all of the years. He went through that pain, but what hurt Berkir the most is his longing for his daughter, whom he left alone. But the words of Hasan Amca help him to pull him together, as he will talk with his daughter after all, despite all the hardships he went through.
      Bekir is waiting to see his daughter after 20 years who is on her way alongside Emir. Side by side, Gülperi sees the trees who once where her home and friends, but doesn’t care about them at all, and just follows Emir.
      Before arriving at Hasan Amca’s house of comfort, Emir holds on to Gülperi and tries to remind her that whatever he does he does it because he cares for her and wants the best for her. - Aww Emir! - Words which Gülperi is aware of a long time ago and silently agrees too with while nodding with her head.
      But the reminder is not everything Emir wants to get Gülperi attached to. He keeps holding on to her and gets her attached to words which are important to the upcoming event, which is waiting for them. And so Emir explains to Gülperi, that not everything seems as they would now, for example people. What of one day they’ll find out that the truth might be wrong, while the bad would end up to be good after all.
      Following those words, Emir refers now to Gülperi’s past. He tries to get her attached, to what has been told to her, which might not be the truth after all, while her pain will be released with the truth.
      Gülperi listens to Emir carefully but gets confused, unable to understand what he tries to refer too. Emir keeps his attention to Gülperi, and calls out to her willing for her to understand him, repeating that there is only one truth. And they continue their path to the truth.
      - Emir refers to this one truth, because he wants to get her attached to that one truth which she would find out form her own father, while the ones who made her suffer, and brought her to this state are not worth to believe in. Even if she went through pain, because of the lie, she should believe that there is only one truth. -
      Bekir is getting more and more nervous, unable to sit not breathe. The moment gets closer, while he should just keep his trust in fate.
      After 20 years, the moment came where Bekir is finally able to see his Gülperi again. He’s nervous, Hasan Amca is happy and informs him with his relieved smile on his face.
      Bekir slowing turns around and sees Emir and Gülperi coming towards them.
      Emir nervous himself and confident about the step and choice he took, sees how Gülperi looks at him very much confused. She sees the stranger in front of her and has no idea who he might be. She looks at Emir, who brought her here, hoping for an answer, but gets none for that moment. So she looks again at Bekir and hears how he refers to her as his daughter. It is a shock for Gülperi, who can' t understand who is standing in front of her. Gülperi goes into herself and tries to reconnect with her past until Emir guids her thourgh her thoughts.
      - I truly don’t know how to explain the face expression of Emir, because during the past few scene’s Gökberk was very much influenced by his breakup from Özge, that his performance lost its touch and it felt like as he just wants to finish the last shooting’s as fast as possible. -
      He explains to her the situation, thinking that he understood her pain and yet he never really did, because only the one going through the same would undertand her best. He knows that she kept all her pain inside herself but now it’s over he assures her and getting her attached that a new life is waiting for her, because all her pain will remain in the past.
      She got the chance to make peace with her past and start over, while she has to listen to the truth from the hero of her story.
      - Emir said that because of the good night story Gülperi once told Yigit, where she was scared to take the hand of prince who came along because she don’t wanna hurt him, she stayed in the hole alone, which is also true and I explained before. Because the darkness in which Gülperi stayed in the story is the darkness of her pain she kept inside herself. Emir tried very carefully to make the weak heart, mind and emotions of Gülperi attached to the upcoming circumstances that he just doesn’t want her to fall again in her hole. He wants her to be sure that her trust in him is not wasted and will never be. -
      Gülperi still doesn’t understand what Emir is referring too until he told her who’s standing in front of her. “Your father!”
      A shocking fact for Gülperi, who can’t believe that her dead father is standing in front of her, all of the sudden after all those years. A man who is a stranger to her, who opens his arms willing to take his daughter in his arms to satisfy his fatherly longing for his daughter.
      - Gülperi is standing still and falling in her pain and her perplexed shocking moment again. Heart touching moment for Gülperi and Bekir. Just heartbreaking how Bekir is longing for his daughter whom he missed for 20 years while Gülperi can't believe that her father is standing in front of her. It's time for Gülperi to face her past and close that chapter, that darkness, that pain. But we have to wait for Thursday's, like always to see the outcome. -
      That’s it!
      I’m truly sorry that I actually already explained and predicted to you everything before!

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +6

      Ps.: Hey my Dears, sorry but these days I’m not able to upload the summary faster as it takes some time to write them and because of work. That’s why they have been uploaded the next day. Thx for your understanding!

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +1

      @@MayaMaryDrama thanks I enjoy your summary as usual 🌷❤⛵🙂 not worries I am willing to wait

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад

      @@sandraherrera2247 😘❤️😘❤️ you're welcome dear!

  • @sujathasridharan8245
    @sujathasridharan8245 5 месяцев назад

    Narin is looking so pretty in straightened hair.curly hair looked messy.

  • @halinastera3092
    @halinastera3092 2 года назад +3

    4 sezon serialu jest NAJLEPSZY ..... SZKODA ŻE SIĘ KOŃCZY
    gdzie jedno za drugiego bez zastanowienia, gotowe jest oddać swoje życie

    • @bozenakromer2793
      @bozenakromer2793 Год назад +2

      Swoje życie dla męża i syna poświęciła tylko Reyhan, a teraz nikt jej nie szanuje i nie wspomina. Scenarzysta zbudował szczęście Gulperi na nieszczęściu Reyhan. Kto tego nie rozumie, to tak na prawdę nie ma uczuć i zadawala się bylejakością.

  • @فاطمةشري
    @فاطمةشري 2 года назад +18

    Ozge Ve Gokberk 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

  • @romilaagard7621
    @romilaagard7621 6 месяцев назад

    Ups :)
    Wao wap Se ven tan lindos tan enamorados Kemal y Narin, ellos son como los principales en esta etapa; la pareja de Emir como que no dice nada es mantequilla es como tan complicada, se ve como enfermita:(

  • @SitiAminah-ei4js
    @SitiAminah-ei4js 2 года назад +10

    yemin 1n2 tetap unggul bravo super tak terlupkan Emir Reyhan❤❤❤👍👍👍👍

  • @متفائلهادم
    @متفائلهادم 2 года назад +11

    هذا المسلسل يجسد واقع اجتماعي سواء دول عربيه او اوربيه لان حتى الدول الاوربيه يوجد عنف واهانه للمرأه عجيب فعلا الكثير من الرجال لاتملك انسانيه وغبيه يعني ابن عمها قاتل ولا يرى ضرب واهانه امه لبيري واتأكد من أمير يقدرها وينطيها اهميه شعر بالغيره وبنفس الوقت يتحكم بيها ويهينها هذه النماذج الأفضل أن تتعالج نفسيا

    • @ayshaboujamaa8919
      @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +2

      تسلميلي الانسان يتسلط على لاضعف منه وهذا سفاش كان اعمىعلى معاملة اهله البائسين للبنت والان اصبح حامي الحمى لما امير ادخل وغيرة شو الغيرة يعني الاهتمام الحماية الاحتواء لا لانها انثى ومن يقضم التفاحة الاول هذه مجتمعات ذكورية فقط

    • @متفائلهادم
      @متفائلهادم 2 года назад +3

      @@ayshaboujamaa8919 شكرا على الرد تحياتي.... بكل صدق افرح اذا رأيت او قرأت عن فتاه تنصر المرأه بالطريقه الي تراها مناسبه لازم يوصل صوتنه لكل بقاع العالم 🌏 بالعلم ترتقي الأمم✌️💡💟🌸

    • @ayshaboujamaa8919
      @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +2

      @@متفائلهادم المهم يوصل لبيوتنا اولا و التفرقة بين البنت و الولد لسى قائمة فينا وان شرف كوكب الارض تحمله المراة و تعاقب لوحدها و الذكور مالهمش ذنب لن نتقدم عشرملم و لكن ما يقتلني حقا ان من تعمل هذا الام التي تربي على هذا التي هي مراة ليس الكل بس تسعة و تسعون بالمئة اما العالم اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااه لا نسمع الاطرش

    • @متفائلهادم
      @متفائلهادم 2 года назад +2

      @@ayshaboujamaa8919 والتربيه لها تأثير كبير..... دور الاب والام هو الأساس.... حتى اذا الحرب قويه من كل جانب وخصوصا البيوت التي تربت فيها البنات لكن الامل موجود وتوجد بنات صاحبه مبادئ لاتقبل بالظلم تجاه نفسها وتجاه اي فتاه وتقدم الدعم بكل أنواعه.... عندي امل يوصل لكل بيت لان توجد عوائل تهتم بالقضايا الاجتماعيه ✌️💡🌸💟

    • @ayshaboujamaa8919
      @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 года назад +1

      @@متفائلهادم امين و يا ريت 🤔🤲🤲

  • @shahzaibkhan9694
    @shahzaibkhan9694 11 месяцев назад

    I love ❤Narkem couple they make my day happy 🥰❤

  • @abeersadek9006
    @abeersadek9006 2 года назад +18

    Emir and Ygit and Goulperi are the most beautiful 🌺🏆👌♥️🌷🌺

  • @andja..m4359
    @andja..m4359 2 года назад +14


  • @danielazamfir3251
    @danielazamfir3251 3 месяца назад

    Emir +Gulpiri =iubire adevărată de la prima vedere. Emir a făcut pentru Gulpiri o mare pasiune și sacrificiu pina la căsătorie pentru ca o iubeste cu mare dragoste.

  • @haneyuzun9112
    @haneyuzun9112 9 месяцев назад

    Emir varmı senin gibi güzel insan bu dünyada 🧡🩵💚🌻

  • @pilaraguirre9676
    @pilaraguirre9676 2 года назад +3

    El final de yemin , ya fue grabado , o Nasmiye lo está pensando según como se desarrolla la novela

  • @Dorthy32
    @Dorthy32 Месяц назад

    Narin❤Kemal❤ beautiful marriage couple❤

  • @diwataemerson4520
    @diwataemerson4520 2 года назад +8

    Only Emir and Reyhan bring Yemin alive...Now sorry Rip Yemin...this episode is nonsense

  • @halinamikowska7370
    @halinamikowska7370 8 месяцев назад
