This was a time of full employment, most men could find better paying job than street sweeper, even if it was worker in a factory that wasn't profitable without state subsidies. These women were from the less educated strata of society of course, who didn't have much other job choice, women were allowed to be non-working housewifes (men had to work by law), but for that they would have needed a man who supports them (also no pension, only widow's alimony or something).
Köszönöm szépen a feltöltést! Üdvözlettel
This was a time of full employment, most men could find better paying job than street sweeper, even if it was worker in a factory that wasn't profitable without state subsidies. These women were from the less educated strata of society of course, who didn't have much other job choice, women were allowed to be non-working housewifes (men had to work by law), but for that they would have needed a man who supports them (also no pension, only widow's alimony or something).
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