Amman Cuzzy your Friend Fadila Sorcerer Soussie is on the Attack Won't let sleep I have to work tomorrow that Fadila Sorcerer Soussie wants me to lose this job too,,, Amman Cuzzy do you know what we shall take away From the whole people is you know when Punishment comes it touches almost every one Apart from those The Glorious One Allah keeps safe. The Ruh.
مذا يحدث في فرانسا
سيمرر القانون وسيعمل الفرنسيون سنين طويلة، والحكومة ماضية في قارارها، وما ينتظر الشعب الفرنسي في قادم الأيام أدهى وأمر. أهلا بكم في نادي العالم الثالث
Amman Cuzzy your Friend Fadila Sorcerer Soussie is on the Attack
Won't let sleep I have to work tomorrow that Fadila Sorcerer Soussie wants me to lose this job too,,, Amman Cuzzy do you know what we shall take away From the whole people is you know when Punishment comes it touches almost every one Apart from those The Glorious One Allah keeps safe.
The Ruh.
وين العرب في هذي القناه المفروض يسمونها سكاي نيوز لبنانيه