Matt Bomer is just amazing. It's a bit unfair to look like him and be so talented and an all around great guy. He is quite honestly one of the nicest people.
He'd lost weight for the pilot of the "The Last Tycoon" -- thankfully, he's fit and healthy again now, and they've already told him he doesn't have to be so thin for the series :)
He hit the genetic roulette jackpot. So handsome, very talented and comes across as a genuinely nice guy. Have enjoyed watching him in so many of his projects. Was bummed when The Last Tycoon didn't get a second season.
ladies, to our great shame, men like Matt Bomer aren't born, they're made in a highly secretive research lab once every10 000 years. does he at least have a straight twin brother? may god hae mercy on my poor, poor ladyboner
Matt Bomer is unbelievably good looking...perfect features, nice smile and those eyes...forget it. However, Stephen Colbert is the love of my TV watching life and I can't quit him. In my eyes, he's just as perfect.
I think he finally announced he was out in 2011 or so. But, it was always an "open secret" that Matt would never confirm nor deny. Matt said he was himself on the film sets, so people knew in general.
Such a nice humble guy and so acttractive matt , he’s also a really good actor cause in all his work he’s just very masculine and convincing as a straight dude
What the first i saw in him is his eyes.. he really have beautiful eyes.. everytime i saw him, the first thing that attract me to him is his eyes.. like just seeing his eyes make me melt.. how lucky is his husband to have him..
THERE IS NOT A PERSON ON THIS EARTH (alright, those that I've come in contact with, that have also come in contact wtih Matt) that don't love this man. Matt Bomer you are unique!
Dammit I just finished a Cupcake Wars marathon on TV and the first thing I watched when I got on RUclips is Stephen Colbert and Matt Bomer eating cupcakes... looks like my cravings for cupcakes isn't going away anytime soon.
Eastfist you are really stupid...he isn't effeminate at all!!!! He's masculine. Why do you think he's so gay here? Because of the dance??? I don't see that dance as gay because it is not. Why do you people have to say" he looks gay" even when he doesn't??
I've never seen an interview with him. I'm so used to seeing him as Neil Caffrey (charming, cool and straight lol). However watching this interview, you can tell he's gay.
It must be so wonderful to wake up every morning with Matt Boomer laying next to you. Knowing that he is your husband. A gay man's ultimate dream come true.
this dude was designed in a lab, so symmetrical
Would you hit it?
I pictured Russell Crowe when he was in great shape during Gladiator, choking Matt-and I got harder than Chinese calculus😳😳😳🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
@@TolyTheTolerBear I am uncomfy at this statement
Let no straight woman lament that Matt Bomer is gay, and let no gay man lament that he is married. The fact that he exists is more than we deserve.
This might be the most accurate statement ever uttered about the universal love for Matt Bomer.
True ❤
Matt Bomer is an ethereal being that demands to be immortalised as a statue.
So... a(n) (Tolkien) elf?
Matt Bomer is one the the most objectively beautiful human beings I have ever seen.
Matt Bomer is just amazing. It's a bit unfair to look like him and be so talented and an all around great guy. He is quite honestly one of the nicest people.
I am entirely convinced that the only reason Colbert is doing the show are the flirting and the food
Stephen also wanted to meet actors from Lord of the Rings.
who wouldn't flirt with matt bomer though, you should see james corden drool over him
Matt Bomer eating a chocolate cupcake and dancing: PRICELESS!
After Stephen referred to Matt as "boy" and "baby", I was half expecting Matt to in turn address him as Daddy.
That would’ve been hilarious lol
Right! RIGHT?!
Thanks for fueling my fantasies!
yo man!
+xHaniffax yes I am yo
now and forever!
Neal and Burke to the end. Love the show!
He is LITERALLY flawless. Try as I might, I can find no flaws on this man. I hate it but love him so
Matt Bomer makes me feel things...
He's just the most beautiful person alive right now. Like, gloriously gorgeous... Lord.
It's cool how Matt is humble and respects people 👌
Neal Caffrey!! Burke is looking for you!
+AZA yes it is second chance but it was cancelled
Matt Bomer is the finest man I have ever seen in my life.
Oh god why is he so hot
yeah, and Matt's not to bad himself
+Moodi AL abdualjabar He is looking insanely skinny, kinda troublingly so...
He'd lost weight for the pilot of the "The Last Tycoon" -- thankfully, he's fit and healthy again now, and they've already told him he doesn't have to be so thin for the series :)
He hit the genetic roulette jackpot. So handsome, very talented and comes across as a genuinely nice guy. Have enjoyed watching him in so many of his projects. Was bummed when The Last Tycoon didn't get a second season.
Cupcakes+Matt Bomer+Dancing= WHAT A DAY!
what a time to be alive!
+frankinsane and myrrh tell me about it. ❤
frankinsane and myrrh is z
ladies, to our great shame, men like Matt Bomer aren't born, they're made in a highly secretive research lab once every10 000 years. does he at least have a straight twin brother? may god hae mercy on my poor, poor ladyboner
He has a straight brother, not as cute tho
This man has my whole heart
I'm not gay. I just like Matt Bomer, Henry Cavill, Mads Mikkelsen and Tom Hardy.
Why is he beautiful, i can't take it.
Matt Bomer give us some more White Collar!!!!
The best thing i've seen today its matt bomer in general but also mat bomer eating that cup cake like is nobodys bussnies!
Matt Bomer is unbelievably good looking...perfect features, nice smile and those eyes...forget it. However, Stephen Colbert is the love of my TV watching life and I can't quit him. In my eyes, he's just as perfect.
LOL, life should be this fun and light hearted.
i must be eating the wrong cup cakes because i didn't dance like that. i feel cheated now.
I wish I could Like this comment more than once 😂😂
Jacy M
matt seems like such a cool and chill dude
It's so true, when we take a bite of something delicious we must dance lol
Makin' movies makin' songs and fightin' round the world.
This is exactly how I dance every morning with my nuttela sandwich 😊
+Sharon Landman You're living life, good on you!!
Wow, Matt Bomer is a really good actor. I didn't realize he as so "out" IRL.
I think he finally announced he was out in 2011 or so. But, it was always an "open secret" that Matt would never confirm nor deny. Matt said he was himself on the film sets, so people knew in general.
He is such a doll
Wow, if a bite of chocolate cupcake is all it takes to see Matt Bomer looking so hot, let's keep those cupcakes coming!
LoL, true!
that eye roll.....darn matt!!! mom just ran in becuz of my scream
Such a nice humble guy and so acttractive matt , he’s also a really good actor cause in all his work he’s just very masculine and convincing as a straight dude
I'm like men now.
+Antonio James lmaoo
+Antonio James You're men?
This clip should be titled 'Two Handsome guys eating cupcakes.' The dance Matt gives after taking a bite is priceless...and hot.
he's so funny 😂😂 and lovely 💓😂😂 and insanely handsome...of course
A jawline for days.........
What the first i saw in him is his eyes.. he really have beautiful eyes.. everytime i saw him, the first thing that attract me to him is his eyes.. like just seeing his eyes make me melt.. how lucky is his husband to have him..
i cant stop looking at his jawline
"Jawline for daaays." ;)
That little dance of Matt it makes me remember the way David Tennant moved when he was acting as Cassandra in the Doctor's body.
THERE IS NOT A PERSON ON THIS EARTH (alright, those that I've come in contact with, that have also come in contact wtih Matt) that don't love this man. Matt Bomer you are unique!
I do not believe he is 38.
Queen6032 now 41
Gaysssssss dont crack
@@ppp5707 he is not 52 he is 42 now ok
@@ppp5707 math is hard
Dammit I just finished a Cupcake Wars marathon on TV and the first thing I watched when I got on RUclips is Stephen Colbert and Matt Bomer eating cupcakes... looks like my cravings for cupcakes isn't going away anytime soon.
I need a gif of them dancing with their cupcakes 😂😂
i love Matt Bomer so much
the last tycoon sooo good
luv him
LOL that was hilarious when matt was like YAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS
Nope I'm not calling him Matt Bomer. I'm only calling him NEAL CAFFREY!
He is becoming more and more flamboyant now.
Jay Bourne that's not true. Because of the dance?? People you're so ignorant
Matt Bomer is Ken doll personified. He is so beautiful it's gotta be some kind of a joke
Matt Bomer makes me question my sexuallity... wtf man. I needa go do some push up or somthing manly now
Valar Morghulis being gay doesn't mean being less manly
I always kinda thought that cupcakes were silly until I saw Matt Bomer eat one.
Well, shit, this is a testament to how good Matt Bomer can act. He's clearly gay here, but wouldn't have guessed he was in his onscreen performances.
Eastfist you are really stupid...he isn't effeminate at all!!!! He's masculine. Why do you think he's so gay here? Because of the dance??? I don't see that dance as gay because it is not. Why do you people have to say" he looks gay" even when he doesn't??
I'll be forever devastated that I'm not Matt Bomer.
omg the end 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It must be a Southern thing to dance after biting some good food.
Lauren Told I guess so.
Matt bomer, eating a muffin, my life is complete
Hahaha, Stephen was so prepared for this shit 😂😂
Am I the only one who wants to see Stephen Colbert and Matt Bomer make out? 🙋🙋🙋
+Nina D. no. ;-)
Bye !!!
No you're not..
N D yes you are
Well great, now I want cupcakes and it's 7.30 am. Gahhhhh.
Matt bomer is an unreal level of beautiful
Matt Bomer... IS Neal Caffrey.... there was no character... he was playing himself.... I am now sure of it!
Matt is so funny the way he was eating the cake it's really fun to see and really he is so handsome I love matt
That dance… :)
I wasn't expecting the happy dance damn
I've never seen an interview with him. I'm so used to seeing him as Neil Caffrey (charming, cool and straight lol). However watching this interview, you can tell he's gay.
he is a brilliant actor
I thought this was out of his radius. How did he manage to be there?
Wow, this comment got way less likes then it should have, good joke man!
@@ceciliecrusoe7204 I think we are a little out from White Collar. People on here more know him for his more recent roles.
Peter is still on his way....
3:16 legend says that in that moment, a thousand women got instantly pregnant, some folks say some guys got pregnant too, but I don't know about that
That suit though....
whoa Neil.
If there was any doubt before, I'm 100% gay now.
OMG!!!! I LUV THIS!!!! 😍😍😍😍
Bomer likes his daddies!
Matt has that classic Rob Lowe thing going on!... charming
omg, no one can resist an urge to flirt w/ Matt ))) and my thoughts 'bout cupcakes would never be innocent again )))
Got a chub at the double cake.
wow i think i'm in love
Colbert is so funny!!
This is for magic mic..and I passed
Matt Bomer is dreamy, his husband is a lucky man.
How does he even make eating a cupcake look sexy?!
What a good looking guy.
Tom dancing is hot, Stephen dancing is comedy lol
It must be so wonderful to wake up every morning with Matt Boomer laying next to you. Knowing that he is your husband. A gay man's ultimate dream come true.
Anyone's dream come true no matter the gender.
*Briefly wars between facepalming and patting myself on the back*
I have the same reaction when I eat chocolate cupcakes too.
no doubt the Bakery got all the bomb frosting we love these cupcakes like Rach Adam loves Gosling!
In some culture that what Newly married couples did on wedding....(but not cupcake is Wineglass)
If I ever turn gay, it would be because of him.
Cupcake-dance gif someone, please!
+Glitchy Sh$t YAY! Thank you so much! ❤
His husband is so lucky
Neil Caffrey 😍😍😍😍
Matt Bomer is so hot eating that cup cake and shaking it!
Matt Bomer is a total icon
jeeesus matt bomer why you gotta do this to us? especially the ladies who know there's no chance
what? colbert makes him eat sweets to humanize him and he does a sexy dance?! that's not fair.
If only that cupcake new how lucky it is... I'm so jelly right now :')