BATTLEFIELD 2 MOD : WW3 (BATTLEFIELD 2042) full gameplay PC

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 7

    @LORDSAMZYGAMING  17 часов назад

    Join me in my discord channel for more

  • @phanomyphantom
    @phanomyphantom 5 дней назад +1

    Ngl I Think The Map Is Too Big For Bf2 Ai, The HUD Looks Good Though

      @LORDSAMZYGAMING  4 дня назад

      I get it though
      Looks just like the br/conquest map like the actual bf2042
      And the I had to play this map cause it okay and runs well
      The most maps that was In this game doesn't work well because it lags and my fps drops due to the fact that I use a low end pc 😕

      @LORDSAMZYGAMING  4 дня назад

      Most of his maps contains too much textures causing the game to lag a lot

      @LORDSAMZYGAMING  4 дня назад

      Thanks for the comments on the HUD
      It made me feel like I'm actually playing a real bf2042 even though I don't have a PlayStation
      But I'm so glad someone brought the idea to make the mod of it 😊

  • @alphonsusodunze6291
    @alphonsusodunze6291 2 дня назад +1

    Link please