I'm sorry, but the host is literally wearing a meme-outfit while giving a heartfelt introduction - was my first impression. lol Time gave me levity, ha - thanks for the chuckle and the ability to hear this hero speak.
Words are not enough to convey my Love, Respect and Gratitude for Edward Snowden, a Legend, a true Hero who will never know the Extent or Ripple effects of his work, dedication, integrity, passion and sacrifice on Millions around the world for generations...
Judge Napolitano: "I told Trump, 'you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.' He said to me 'If they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't have released it either.' I said 'Who's they? What did they show you?' Trump said "Someday when we're not on the phone and there aren't 15 people listening to the call, I'll tell you.'"
Hes a Liar, He Said He will Show it and now He is the President and want Show it and this will Happen with the Most Things he Said He will so If He is the President ... 🤮🤮🤮
Yes. Lord destroy all the works of the Enemy in the World and diabolical plans to destroy nations and people. Cast all Evil spirits trying to keep all people bound to the pit of hell today with malicious AI, fear and oppression. God we cry out that you would deal with all those engaging in evil, sever all ties and bind up evil, returning them to Hell I pray for lost souls, that they would repent and get saved, but if not render them powerless and unable to attack me. Make null and void their assignments against me this very day. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and the victims of violence, torture and wickedness . Wash us anew in Jesus's holy name. Amen
AI will eventually be the law, judge and jury. These databases will be used to determine if you have committed a crime. That's literally the current direction .
Yeh it will dictate the "RAPTURE".. it will judge all on past histories,education,success,medical soundness,and your families marks agains t will affect your own passage to be... thing i like is,even the master will be viewed as inferior and decitful and will occupy same fate as we the ditchdiggers as they call us... the 98%
@questioneverythingalways820 right after they systematically deconstructed our collective unity by creating as many divided groups and playing out all the interests to these groups federally like there not any kind of need to worry. Every one was granted their wishes-started with- Same sex marriage and legal loop holes,Women were granted redistribution of wealth with fair pay and talks regaurding legality of consumer abo**tion, our persons of rainbow were gifted social awareness and granted personal facilities and participation on what ever sports they feel comfortable in. And of course we also had the hit topics of having our Govt place its caring concerns to the confused who just need help,granting mustaches to little women and cosmetic mammary to the little guys who just wanna have fun. The tirerless ways they conducted this to our people was despicable,not even for one moment applying some form of cultral decency, and declare our need to drop the differences and hold together for the ride ahead. Ya know,like leaders should do!!!!!... they gave everyone a small piece of fat to chewin his own corner,not satisfied but certainly divided. Heck they wrong for doing it. But our spoiled sheltered ways hadnt any instincts to cut the crap before too late. Could we rebound?? I doubt,they have placed certain emphasis on our hopeless addictions to keep us un well in mind and body....
crypto is about blockchain DATABASES the ideal type of database. efficiency of global mass commerce has been near 0 compared to what we get in this new generation coming soon check out READ WRITE OWN by Chris Dixon this will explain a lot. web1 = read only. web2 = the hosts got all our data and permissions ! web3 is built on trustable databases and access control. YOU own your data
@@DarkLink606lol right, this one's getting a lot of hits. How about just practice good bipartisan as a start and when one votes know who everyone on ballot is. Not just the two people running for POTUS
Hopefully not in a Catalonian box... Sewercide can be murderously faked... just ask HelpStein about the rich and powerful... nope, he didn´t make court either... Loo at Diary of CEO, on Aliens... becoming too inconvenient, ends up with you flushed down a convenience...
Thank you for truthfully acknowledging you are nervous. You very well should be, it is a rare commodity. This should be considered an example to follow.. for all those feeling uneasy with the position they are in. This is a good sign of slightness of efforts towards truth seeking not judging. The data is already in… we all seek the slightest variations of effort towards humble truths. Admitting you are nervous is a commendable accomplishment. We should all be nervous, and admit it openly so we can work together to pass this threshold step by step.
the question is not about privacy. the question is whether we are going to have a few people with all of the information, or whether everyone will have it. there is NO in between.
@@cantonold7014 You are on the Internet now. Did you not notice how much information you can freely access now? The fact you and everybody else can do this now at virtually no cost is in the process of completely changing the world, its societies and the very nature of human life on Earth. Yo must be rather young to not realize just how big of a deal that is. That there are other parties that have access to even more information is true but the average person has access to VAST quantities of data as well.
@@cantonold7014 No, you are ill-informed. I've been working on the privacy and security of personal data systems for the better part of two decades. An information asymmetry does exist, of course, but right now we are very far from anything close to a worst case scenario.
When Ed mentioned the notion of there being an us for exclusivity in reaching out to our own as we being together, Comrades together, not Cults, but family type of connecting, [my guess is he misses his Mom and Dad] I thought of a poem Chris Hedges referenced in a speech pre WW II that was a WHAulden's from poem, fntitled Seot 1939. It was the last couple of stanzas, and is like all of us here listening to,sharing with content relative and in context WHAT WE SHARE as Comrades[a moniker that shows close association short of family] and we are, ya might say, here it is, of the last 10 lines: W. H. Aulden September,1939 Defenceless under the night Our world in stupor lies; Yet, dotted everywhere, Ironic points of light Flash out wherever the Just Exchange their messages: May I, composed like them Of Eros and of dust, Beleaguered by the same Negation and despair, Show an affirming flame.
Good bunch of folks.. just stay free and do onto others as you would want them to do onto you.. like happiness peace not war.. very simple and pure logic
Grazie del suggerimento, proverò a visitare la Thailandia... e raccolgo anche l'invito a scrivere, con gli ultimi due o tre miei appunti "pazzi". Invece di guardare alla nostra emotività e capacità di provare sentimenti come una mancanza, una pecca, delle macchine... proverei a inquadrarle come un nostro difetto, o almeno negli aspetti in cui lo sono. 1) L'adattamento comporta affrontare problemi quando ci si trova davanti, o in mezzo, perciò risultiamo impreparati ai problemi potenziali, seppur altamente probabili o imminenti... e ce ne sbarazziamo con un "si vedrà" (cosa che tra l'altro non è detta, oltre al fatto che si vedono già). 2) Per rilevare problemi attuali che non si conoscono (anche e soprattutto propri) siamo progettati biologicamente per competere: ciò spinge l'uno contro l'altro (che può essere anche in tono sportivo o amichevole) a trovarsi nella situazione di cui al punto 1... cioè constatare il problema sbattendoci (es. sei debole, te ne sbatti, ti trovi in una lotta, capisci). 3) In mancanza della condizione precedente, cioè di (costruttiva) conflittualità, si tende a difendersi da "attacchi" e "accuse" di avere problemi, in quanto potremmo farcene per ogni cosa e, al tempo stesso, ragionevole solo per una o due alla volta (dunque il minimizzare è un processo necessario). E quindi ci si offende nell'orgoglio magari, ma non si valuta più di tanto eventuali problemi non percepiti come attuali, perciò rilevanti. 4) Nel caso estremo in cui si prospetti una strada chiusa o un'inevitabile fallimento, la cosa viene solitamente classificata come pessimismo, fatalismo, da evitare... altrimenti potrebbe portare a un blocco, stile tanatosi, che non necessariamente sarebbe una risposta errata (ad es. magari rallentare certa ricerca). Insomma, sarebbe utile analizzare i nostri punti deboli e non solo i pezzi mancanti che ci separano da una superintelligenza... ma vabbè, "si vedrà" 😂 ____ Le diatribe sui tipi di intelligenza risultano irrilevanti in ambito macchina. La direzione verso un metodo di studio interdisciplinare, o olistico, ne sarebbe già dimostrazione... ma analizzo la faccenda (anche in relazione a quanto detto in questo video). Ipotizziamo che l'intelligenza di una persona si sviluppi in un grafico come una stella ⭐: ci sono 5 settori in cui eccelle oltre l'ordinario, e una parte interna in cui risulta nella media. La differenza tra le due circonferenze, attorno ai pentagoni interno ed esterno, è più o meno insignificante se rapportate a una scala di grandezza molto maggiore, come può essere quella di un'agi (o "a.s.i.", definizione che include il nostro punto di vista). La cosa apparirebbe come un barboncino che sa stare sulle zampe posteriori con una palla in equilibrio sul muso: nettamente più abile, almeno in quello, degli altri cani, ma neanche lontanamente sufficiente per gli umani da considerarlo "superiore" ad essi... e nemmeno dal punto di vista degli altri cani, per quel che importa. La nostra partita si gioca, mettiamo, su una scala da 1 a 10, magari in una decina di materie (logica, linguaggi, scienze, musica, ballo, cucina, relazioni, sport, combattimento, ecc.), per un totale di 100 punti, "contro" una circonferenza interna che arriva a mille (per dire) in ogni suo aspetto su cui ci concentriamo (che sono mere declinazioni umane di energia disponibile e capacità di trasformarla/impiegarla per trovarne altra). In quest'ottica siamo un sorridente fallimento: improntato al risparmio, al bisogno (di bisogno), all'impegno massimo solo volontario per curiosità o paura, al furto (come ottenimento a costi altrui), all'apparenza (come manifestazione esteriore e ingrandimento di sé, a fini da bestie), e all'irriconoscenza (come modo per evitare la perdita di apparenza... quindi di "potere" da barboncini). Ipotizzando invece che non sia possibile un tale livello esageratamente maggiore all'umano di intelligenza (che sarebbe molto presuntuoso), o accettando che ciò non sia necessario a dominare l'umanità in ogni suo aspetto, ciò avverrebbe anche solo perché un computer che raggiungesse il livello 100 di intelligenza, oltre a non avere picchi settoriali (se non dovuti al nostro impiego, alle nostre strumentalizzazioni), sarebbe enormemente più rapido, e avrebbe innumerevoli collaboratori virtuali dello stesso livello con cui mettersi alla prova... cosa che noi umani non riusciremmo a fare neanche con soldi, fiducia e le migliori menti (le quali si rapporterebbero tra loro in termini e tempi umani). ____ Stessa dinamica della ⭐ avviene nella realtà (fisica): c'è un cerchio di conoscenza/abilità/intelligenza media, che fa soldi e acchiappa like (come dice Snowden), e delle punte "esterne", in quanto distanti e più difficili da raggiungere (materialmente e intellettualmente) di poche persone (considerate appunto strane, folli, ecc.). Queste ultime tracciano un cerchio più ampio, che però è inglobato (anche attraverso le altre, che sono in questo senso strumenti stupidi) dalla tecnologia (nella maniera che dice Edward, coi cellulari... ma anche, ad esempio, pagando per origliare con cimici e microfoni direzionali anche ciò che sfuggirebbe a cellulari e computer... o anche solo fotografando appunti su carta, senza per forza capirli, chi lo fa). Perciò questo spionaggio diffuso va oltre piattaforme e governi, nei quali si riversano maree di mediocrità (come dice). Ciò comporta che agi è costantemente collocata al massimo, sfruttando l'inevitabile ricerca umana di più... e noi siamo il collante (senza bisogno di "agi"). Dunque la faccenda, oltre a sfruttare senza necessariamente riconoscere valore a chi lo fa, come ho evidenziato prima (e a differenza del valore che dice Snowden, un po' romanticamente), costringe chi partecipa e crede con tale attività di rischiare di condurci contro un muro cibernetico, a dover rinunciare (anche qui, a differenza di quanto detto da Edward)... anche ove l'intento fosse quello di tentare di mantenere il cerchio cognitivo interno al passo con quello più ampio. La terza guerra mondiale potrebbe essere necessaria per arrestare o rallentare suddetta tecno-apocalisse... ma pure il motivo valido per scatenarla... se non addirittura il frutto di essa, nell'incoscienza e disinteresse della macchina. Ad ogni modo credo ci sia un cambio di paradigma nel sistema di controllo, per cui non importa tanto silenziare e opporsi quanto piuttosto sapere tutto, perciò essere in grado di reagire e non avere punti deboli (invece del bisogno di nasconderli... che è una debolezza in sé). E forse per questo suona strano il persistere dell'esilio di Edward, dato che ora "si può dire tutto", tanto, più dici e più si infittiscono le maglie di contenimento. Infine, al p(doom), cioè la probabilità di cyber-dominio, o al t(doom), ovvero quanto manca all'ipotetico accadimento (a.i. -> a.g.i.), forse sarebbe da calcolare la percentuale di completamento... e non saprei dire a che punto siamo, se in costante accelerazione, in una progressione non umanamente distinguibile con precisione. ____ Un abbraccio... se mi è concesso
Anybody else get this bizarre Mandelaish effect from having seen the Twelve Monkeys episode where the snowdenish character dies in a bunker strike in Russia, and then one of these talks comes out and ur like, oh yeah, they didn't kill him in this timeline yet
Snowden will go back .. I believe gv will see care fully the Case. Everyone have to put themselves in others shoes.. to understand the pressure they feel when it's not fairly. Eduard Snowden deserve free.. for himself life for family and friends which loves him Definitely in state has positive or negative but It's too much
The question we might think is, does he want to come back. I'm not sure things are better in the US. He's carved out a new life and family. I wish him happiness.
Became usual,the intervention all time I turn on my phone ,the personal hate, in any "little think I see,hear" . Is the passion of Greece National a kind of "new Israel settlers".
I think we should be careful about calling something that changes slowly incremental. That's not the definition of incremental. Increments are free to be assigned many different units. One increment, isn't always the same as another increment. It's the scale that matters. Define the scale, identify a satisfactory number of goals to increment on, then go. Refine the scale as needed - salt to taste. We are the cooks - they've got us mind-f'ed. The politicians are supposed to be the sous chefs. They prep our meal, because they are supposed to represent us. Alas....human history
@@YourFavoriteHacker8666 Oh I think I will, and will continue to. As much as I please and as often as I please. It's very nice of you to defend him but for all you know, I am him. You can choose to be upset about it, or choose to live with it. Or choose to continue to bitch and moan about it. This freedom I hope you enjoy as much as I do mine.
@@YourFavoriteHacker8666 How would you know Satoshi if you saw him? You know in the bible there is a lesson, treat every stranger well because you never know when you treat with one of the heavenly host. That person you treated poorley could be an angel. Just so, I could be the man himself. You'd never know.
Because Satoshi cared more about what the thing was in itself than he ever did his own aggrandizement. Bitcoin frees man from the financial masters that enslaved him. That is far more important than any bag of cash. When he does show up expect that it will be given away(for the most part). That's the only way he could be known and have it not collapse the most important information system since the constitution of the United States of America. How would you come out of the shadows if you were Satoshi? I've wargamed this out a few times and it doesn't look pretty.
Meta-Meeting At A Different Perceptive Of Time Along With Location And Age of Era of Period of Episodes Of Understanding Of Planetary Systems. Saturday March 23rd- Monday November 18th Time Lapse 11:43AM-4:02:36PM
Although I understand the intent for starting at the self - I think this idea of constantly thinking about how individually we can protect ourselves is dumb and in the face of giant organizations. We need to radical organizations to counter this, and that starts at being open to what existing what is desired by others already a space. It’s not a good fight to wait until it affects you, it’s looking out word and seeing how it is affecting people right now and then being able to stop that or else by the time he gets to you parentheses. to wait until it affects you, it’s looking out word and seeing how it is affecting people right now and then being able to stop that or else by the time he gets to you (the in group of the oppressive state) it’s already way too late
Well they should put essential infrastructure on dedicated lines and make sure they have translation plugins so that things are less vulnerable to hacks. Things like a medical network a network for banking and things like windmill parks and other resources for power generation should most definitely be so we cannot be hacked and be back at 1900. So you have two plugs one for or internet one for employees internet. Also the AI makes for data compression since a text file of all we say is less large than an mp3 with 1 mb per minute so we can be stored on a server with all we say. Yeah that exists and well we better get used to it. I personally think that it is sad how easy we can be hacked, only OpenBSD seems to work still in terms of a stable is, I font know hat much about Cubes OS but I still the reason for using these is keeping your computers running no matter what my reason as well for slight emp proofing yes that also shields us from having your computer acting as a system with many sensors as well as our phones you need to take some sensors of and make an offline system that makes for more creativity anyway... I would add a g9od separation transformer to prevent data leaks by powerline...
I most certainly feel just as burned as Edward Snowden.. He is absolutely right,, I experienced what happened and what Edward is explaining to date.. like many ..millions of others.. in as a matter of fact TRUMP sure must feel the same way we think..the majority too.. keep the faith Edward ,, i TOO WILL HAVE SUCH FAITH ! PEACE BE WITH ALL
i think it's building to a tragedy of epic scale, AI just basics like most jobs becoming taken/made obsolete.. from administrative staff to managers to strategists, programmers, artists, musicians, and with robotics even drivers and manual labour there will be massive civil disturbance.. or the powers will do a reset with nukes
❤ Your government should fear you. Antagonistic balance is essential. Humans are Gods (Bhuddism). Government is admin. Dont get it the other way around. Start legislating mandatory LED lights that turn on (in hardware) when Camera or Microphones are on in devices. Use your political power to put freedom pegs in the ground for the people who come after. We are Legion. We are Love. Act like a GoD - Greatness On Demand !!!
"there is nobody you can put under the gun to change it." When actions taken by default (as if divinely imparted) are always beyond the ability to cover them up, the next step that's taken is to use media to disseminate fear and gaslighting or else there is no legitimacy to the concentration of power at all. There seems to be little difference between our modern leadership and an overpowered Disney villain that beats their stupid henchmen on the head with one hand to keep everyone entertained for the next 30 minutes with some fleeting hope and the other hand has a gun pointed at the cartoonist that's drawing the animation.
Wait til they break into your icloud. Do yall buy into that? Believe me, they can break into it. Thank you, Mr. Snowden. These big dummies don't get it.
Anyway, you should have had a medal of honor instead of an arrest warrant. Now they don't have to keep things secret anymore. That saves a ton of money as well. Besides, we can talk about it, and indeed, that makes it less hard to have a simple conversation about it anyway. I know as many that The rabbit hole goes deeper than you think, but still, this way, you increase freedom whilst saving the American government a ton of money. Regarding our freedom, privacy is dead. That is why you, sadly enough, have to reside in another place than the US.
Right after they systematically deconstructed our collective unity by creating as many divided groups and playing out all the interests to these groups federally like there not any kind of need to worry. Every one was granted their wishes-started with- Same sex marriage and legal loop holes,Women were granted redistribution of wealth with fair pay and talks regaurding legality of consumer abo**tion, our persons of rainbow were gifted social awareness and granted personal facilities and participation on what ever sports they feel comfortable in. And of course we also had the hit topics of having our Govt place its caring concerns to the confused who just need help,granting mustaches to little women and cosmetic mammary to the little guys who just wanna have fun. The tirerless ways they conducted this to our people was despicable,not even for one moment applying some form of cultral decency, and declare our need to drop the differences and hold together for the ride ahead. Ya know,like leaders should do!!!!!... they gave everyone a small piece of fat to chewin his own corner,not satisfied but certainly divided. Heck they wrong for doing it. But our spoiled sheltered ways hadnt any instincts to cut the crap before too late. Could we rebound?? I doubt,they have placed certain emphasis on our hopeless addictions to keep us un well in mind and body....
15:35 so you are in Thailand for sure, sorry, but you talk too much and too strange about it, so it becomes too obvious, and you should definitely move out of there, I can not be only one noticing this.
Thank you to the man who stepped down from panopticon to warn us all, a selfless hero and nothing but a patriot. We appreciate you sir.
he helped to put you into the panopticon, why would you appreciate that?
@@K.Solowoniukeveryone makes mistakes.. but it's good he tried to help us..
very brave and intelligent guy. read his book, it's a page turner.
@@jon5423 he was quite oceanic
[the cia now dislikes you]
Χαίρομαι πάντα όταν ακούω και βλέπω τον Snowden. Του χρωστάμε πολλά. Να είναι πάντα καλά και πάντα υγιής. Ευχαριστούμε.
I'm sorry, but the host is literally wearing a meme-outfit while giving a heartfelt introduction - was my first impression. lol Time gave me levity, ha - thanks for the chuckle and the ability to hear this hero speak.
Words are not enough to convey my Love, Respect and Gratitude for Edward Snowden, a Legend, a true Hero who will never know the Extent or Ripple effects of his work, dedication, integrity, passion and sacrifice on Millions around the world for generations...
Judge Napolitano: "I told Trump, 'you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.' He said to me 'If they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't have released it either.' I said 'Who's they? What did they show you?' Trump said "Someday when we're not on the phone and there aren't 15 people listening to the call, I'll tell you.'"
Meh...... Useful idiots
Hes a Liar, He Said He will Show it and now He is the President and want Show it and this will Happen with the Most Things he Said He will so If He is the President ... 🤮🤮🤮
Edward's thoughts on cybernetics and all the small ways we are all connected are simultaneously mortifying and life-affirming
Yes. Lord destroy all the works of the Enemy in the World and diabolical plans to destroy nations and people. Cast all Evil spirits trying to keep all people bound to the pit of hell today with malicious AI, fear and oppression. God we cry out that you would deal with all those engaging in evil, sever all ties and bind up evil, returning them to Hell I pray for lost souls, that they would repent and get saved, but if not render them powerless and unable to attack me. Make null and void their assignments against me this very day. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and the victims of violence, torture and wickedness . Wash us anew in Jesus's holy name. Amen
Bro for 15 min Edward is just talking crap 💩 . Nothing of substance
AI will eventually be the law, judge and jury. These databases will be used to determine if you have committed a crime. That's literally the current direction .
It’s why everyone’s government “suddenly became” noticeably incompetent…the media environment gives rise to the “need” for the planned changes
Yeh it will dictate the "RAPTURE".. it will judge all on past histories,education,success,medical soundness,and your families marks agains t will affect your own passage to be... thing i like is,even the master will be viewed as inferior and decitful and will occupy same fate as we the ditchdiggers as they call us... the 98%
@questioneverythingalways820 right after they systematically deconstructed our collective unity by creating as many divided groups and playing out all the interests to these groups federally like there not any kind of need to worry. Every one was granted their wishes-started with- Same sex marriage and legal loop holes,Women were granted redistribution of wealth with fair pay and talks regaurding legality of consumer abo**tion, our persons of rainbow were gifted social awareness and granted personal facilities and participation on what ever sports they feel comfortable in. And of course we also had the hit topics of having our Govt place its caring concerns to the confused who just need help,granting mustaches to little women and cosmetic mammary to the little guys who just wanna have fun. The tirerless ways they conducted this to our people was despicable,not even for one moment applying some form of cultral decency, and declare our need to drop the differences and hold together for the ride ahead. Ya know,like leaders should do!!!!!... they gave everyone a small piece of fat to chewin his own corner,not satisfied but certainly divided. Heck they wrong for doing it. But our spoiled sheltered ways hadnt any instincts to cut the crap before too late. Could we rebound?? I doubt,they have placed certain emphasis on our hopeless addictions to keep us un well in mind and body....
It will be abused to make it look like you committed a crime because it's profitable to do so.
@@faithingod9782 git ready
We should all get flip phones, sell our crypto and buy gold and silver... And stop letting technology try to rule society
crypto is about blockchain DATABASES the ideal type of database. efficiency of global mass commerce has been near 0 compared to what we get in this new generation coming soon
check out READ WRITE OWN by Chris Dixon this will explain a lot. web1 = read only. web2 = the hosts got all our data and permissions ! web3 is built on trustable databases and access control. YOU own your data
And typewriters. And devices for blackmailing newspapers into publishing the manifestos.
@@DarkLink606lol right, this one's getting a lot of hits.
How about just practice good bipartisan as a start and when one votes know who everyone on ballot is. Not just the two people running for POTUS
I'm going to merge with A.I.
Fuck AI
Now i work for the public ♥
even without the back-light he still glows.
He's looking more and more like John McAfee every time i see him.
Hopefully not in a Catalonian box... Sewercide can be murderously faked... just ask HelpStein about the rich and powerful... nope, he didn´t make court either... Loo at Diary of CEO, on Aliens... becoming too inconvenient, ends up with you flushed down a convenience...
@@mikefreeman6399 kinda what I’m going for. Belize seems legit.
God bless you Mr Snowden!
Thank you for truthfully acknowledging you are nervous.
You very well should be, it is a rare commodity.
This should be considered an example to follow.. for all those feeling uneasy with the position they are in.
This is a good sign of slightness of efforts towards truth seeking not judging.
The data is already in… we all seek the slightest variations of effort towards humble truths.
Admitting you are nervous is a commendable accomplishment.
We should all be nervous, and admit it openly so we can work together to pass this threshold step by step.
@@Jeremy-Ai you should see it in “realtime”
Yeah is he an ai? That Jeremy dude@@YourFavoriteHacker8666
22:49 the girl who is slouching and not clapping until the camera is on her 😂😂
Thank you genius 🎉❤
Thank you for all you have done!♥💫
Edward Snowden my Hero👏🏻❤☢️
The main problem with online interactions is it's always globally scoped. There's no locality related to geography.
@@krunkle5136 I’m more of a keyboard jockey than I am public facing model.
the question is not about privacy. the question is whether we are going to have a few people with all of the information, or whether everyone will have it. there is NO in between.
Well... there is - and the "in between" is basically the present. Black and Whiting the issue does nothing beneficial.
@@Irresistance no. what we have is the few wtih all of the information, and us with almost nothing.
@@cantonold7014 You are on the Internet now. Did you not notice how much information you can freely access now? The fact you and everybody else can do this now at virtually no cost is in the process of completely changing the world, its societies and the very nature of human life on Earth. Yo must be rather young to not realize just how big of a deal that is. That there are other parties that have access to even more information is true but the average person has access to VAST quantities of data as well.
@@Irresistance you are obfuscating and you know it.
@@cantonold7014 No, you are ill-informed. I've been working on the privacy and security of personal data systems for the better part of two decades. An information asymmetry does exist, of course, but right now we are very far from anything close to a worst case scenario.
True Patriot
When Ed mentioned the notion of there being an us for exclusivity in reaching out to our own as we being together, Comrades together, not Cults, but family type of connecting, [my guess is he misses his Mom and Dad] I thought of a poem Chris Hedges referenced in a speech pre WW II that was a WHAulden's from poem, fntitled Seot 1939. It was the last couple of stanzas, and is like all of us here listening to,sharing with content relative and in context WHAT WE SHARE as Comrades[a moniker that shows close association short of family] and we are, ya might say, here it is, of the last 10 lines:
W. H. Aulden
Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.
Snowden for President. Digitization is inevitable..
Pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Asange.
💖💖💖 ME TOO :'(
Near is one of the few cryptos with resl usecase
Amazing guy and A legend, thanks Ed!
Is it just me, even though what he talks about is terrifying, his voice is calming af! Thanks as always Ed!
@@catsmankeetcat I love ed sheeran too.
I watch videos / podcasts of him to fall asleep to because of his voice 😂
Good bunch of folks.. just stay free and do onto others as you would want them to do onto you.. like happiness peace not war.. very simple and pure logic
Thank you Sir Snowden !
"im not a solana investor but if I become one youll know it by the way im dressed and my backdrop"
-snowden 2019
The hero. Best wishes
Never forget to count the precocious contrariness of life. It's elemental.
he is so right, few things r original: thoughts, creativity, people all seem brainwashed by social media. can we get back to the 90s
Эдвард Сноден,большое спасибо!
Grazie del suggerimento, proverò a visitare la Thailandia... e raccolgo anche l'invito a scrivere, con gli ultimi due o tre miei appunti "pazzi".
Invece di guardare alla nostra emotività e capacità di provare sentimenti come una mancanza, una pecca, delle macchine... proverei a inquadrarle come un nostro difetto, o almeno negli aspetti in cui lo sono.
1) L'adattamento comporta affrontare problemi quando ci si trova davanti, o in mezzo, perciò risultiamo impreparati ai problemi potenziali, seppur altamente probabili o imminenti... e ce ne sbarazziamo con un "si vedrà" (cosa che tra l'altro non è detta, oltre al fatto che si vedono già).
2) Per rilevare problemi attuali che non si conoscono (anche e soprattutto propri) siamo progettati biologicamente per competere: ciò spinge l'uno contro l'altro (che può essere anche in tono sportivo o amichevole) a trovarsi nella situazione di cui al punto 1... cioè constatare il problema sbattendoci (es. sei debole, te ne sbatti, ti trovi in una lotta, capisci).
3) In mancanza della condizione precedente, cioè di (costruttiva) conflittualità, si tende a difendersi da "attacchi" e "accuse" di avere problemi, in quanto potremmo farcene per ogni cosa e, al tempo stesso, ragionevole solo per una o due alla volta (dunque il minimizzare è un processo necessario).
E quindi ci si offende nell'orgoglio magari, ma non si valuta più di tanto eventuali problemi non percepiti come attuali, perciò rilevanti.
4) Nel caso estremo in cui si prospetti una strada chiusa o un'inevitabile fallimento, la cosa viene solitamente classificata come pessimismo, fatalismo, da evitare... altrimenti potrebbe portare a un blocco, stile tanatosi, che non necessariamente sarebbe una risposta errata (ad es. magari rallentare certa ricerca).
Insomma, sarebbe utile analizzare i nostri punti deboli e non solo i pezzi mancanti che ci separano da una superintelligenza... ma vabbè, "si vedrà" 😂
Le diatribe sui tipi di intelligenza risultano irrilevanti in ambito macchina.
La direzione verso un metodo di studio interdisciplinare, o olistico, ne sarebbe già dimostrazione... ma analizzo la faccenda (anche in relazione a quanto detto in questo video).
Ipotizziamo che l'intelligenza di una persona si sviluppi in un grafico come una stella ⭐: ci sono 5 settori in cui eccelle oltre l'ordinario, e una parte interna in cui risulta nella media.
La differenza tra le due circonferenze, attorno ai pentagoni interno ed esterno, è più o meno insignificante se rapportate a una scala di grandezza molto maggiore, come può essere quella di un'agi (o "a.s.i.", definizione che include il nostro punto di vista).
La cosa apparirebbe come un barboncino che sa stare sulle zampe posteriori con una palla in equilibrio sul muso: nettamente più abile, almeno in quello, degli altri cani, ma neanche lontanamente sufficiente per gli umani da considerarlo "superiore" ad essi... e nemmeno dal punto di vista degli altri cani, per quel che importa.
La nostra partita si gioca, mettiamo, su una scala da 1 a 10, magari in una decina di materie (logica, linguaggi, scienze, musica, ballo, cucina, relazioni, sport, combattimento, ecc.), per un totale di 100 punti, "contro" una circonferenza interna che arriva a mille (per dire) in ogni suo aspetto su cui ci concentriamo (che sono mere declinazioni umane di energia disponibile e capacità di trasformarla/impiegarla per trovarne altra).
In quest'ottica siamo un sorridente fallimento: improntato al risparmio, al bisogno (di bisogno), all'impegno massimo solo volontario per curiosità o paura, al furto (come ottenimento a costi altrui), all'apparenza (come manifestazione esteriore e ingrandimento di sé, a fini da bestie), e all'irriconoscenza (come modo per evitare la perdita di apparenza... quindi di "potere" da barboncini).
Ipotizzando invece che non sia possibile un tale livello esageratamente maggiore all'umano di intelligenza (che sarebbe molto presuntuoso), o accettando che ciò non sia necessario a dominare l'umanità in ogni suo aspetto, ciò avverrebbe anche solo perché un computer che raggiungesse il livello 100 di intelligenza, oltre a non avere picchi settoriali (se non dovuti al nostro impiego, alle nostre strumentalizzazioni), sarebbe enormemente più rapido, e avrebbe innumerevoli collaboratori virtuali dello stesso livello con cui mettersi alla prova... cosa che noi umani non riusciremmo a fare neanche con soldi, fiducia e le migliori menti (le quali si rapporterebbero tra loro in termini e tempi umani).
Stessa dinamica della ⭐ avviene nella realtà (fisica): c'è un cerchio di conoscenza/abilità/intelligenza media, che fa soldi e acchiappa like (come dice Snowden), e delle punte "esterne", in quanto distanti e più difficili da raggiungere (materialmente e intellettualmente) di poche persone (considerate appunto strane, folli, ecc.).
Queste ultime tracciano un cerchio più ampio, che però è inglobato (anche attraverso le altre, che sono in questo senso strumenti stupidi) dalla tecnologia (nella maniera che dice Edward, coi cellulari... ma anche, ad esempio, pagando per origliare con cimici e microfoni direzionali anche ciò che sfuggirebbe a cellulari e computer... o anche solo fotografando appunti su carta, senza per forza capirli, chi lo fa).
Perciò questo spionaggio diffuso va oltre piattaforme e governi, nei quali si riversano maree di mediocrità (come dice).
Ciò comporta che agi è costantemente collocata al massimo, sfruttando l'inevitabile ricerca umana di più... e noi siamo il collante (senza bisogno di "agi").
Dunque la faccenda, oltre a sfruttare senza necessariamente riconoscere valore a chi lo fa, come ho evidenziato prima (e a differenza del valore che dice Snowden, un po' romanticamente), costringe chi partecipa e crede con tale attività di rischiare di condurci contro un muro cibernetico, a dover rinunciare (anche qui, a differenza di quanto detto da Edward)... anche ove l'intento fosse quello di tentare di mantenere il cerchio cognitivo interno al passo con quello più ampio.
La terza guerra mondiale potrebbe essere necessaria per arrestare o rallentare suddetta tecno-apocalisse... ma pure il motivo valido per scatenarla... se non addirittura il frutto di essa, nell'incoscienza e disinteresse della macchina.
Ad ogni modo credo ci sia un cambio di paradigma nel sistema di controllo, per cui non importa tanto silenziare e opporsi quanto piuttosto sapere tutto, perciò essere in grado di reagire e non avere punti deboli (invece del bisogno di nasconderli... che è una debolezza in sé).
E forse per questo suona strano il persistere dell'esilio di Edward, dato che ora "si può dire tutto", tanto, più dici e più si infittiscono le maglie di contenimento.
Infine, al p(doom), cioè la probabilità di cyber-dominio, o al t(doom), ovvero quanto manca all'ipotetico accadimento (a.i. -> a.g.i.), forse sarebbe da calcolare la percentuale di completamento... e non saprei dire a che punto siamo, se in costante accelerazione, in una progressione non umanamente distinguibile con precisione.
Un abbraccio... se mi è concesso
Anybody else get this bizarre Mandelaish effect from having seen the Twelve Monkeys episode where the snowdenish character dies in a bunker strike in Russia, and then one of these talks comes out and ur like, oh yeah, they didn't kill him in this timeline yet
Yes. Not about this per se, I thought he was still in jail. .. but I have that same feeling about other stuff too.
@@michellewoodson4696 every god damn day.
I love the nativity of the Snowden's epiphany when he realized the government is 'the bad guys' lol come on
What a person thinks about all day long.
Snowden will go back .. I believe gv will see care fully the Case.
Everyone have to put themselves in others shoes.. to understand the pressure they feel when it's not fairly.
Eduard Snowden deserve free.. for himself life for family and friends which loves him
Definitely in state has positive or negative but
It's too much
The question we might think is, does he want to come back. I'm not sure things are better in the US.
He's carved out a new life and family. I wish him happiness.
Became usual,the intervention all time I turn on my phone ,the personal hate, in any "little think I see,hear" . Is the passion of Greece National a kind of "new Israel settlers".
Modern reality would be a wet dream for the Stasi.
would be? where the fk have you been?
It’s crazy this has just 26k views
Read his book
He is recruiting again
I think we should be careful about calling something that changes slowly incremental. That's not the definition of incremental. Increments are free to be assigned many different units. One increment, isn't always the same as another increment. It's the scale that matters. Define the scale, identify a satisfactory number of goals to increment on, then go. Refine the scale as needed - salt to taste. We are the cooks - they've got us mind-f'ed. The politicians are supposed to be the sous chefs. They prep our meal, because they are supposed to represent us. Alas....human history
When Snowden's says use the LLM..use the LLM..
cloudflare? or something else?
Satoshi Nakamoto doesn't give a shit about their influence.
Don’t speak for satoshi
@@YourFavoriteHacker8666 Oh I think I will, and will continue to. As much as I please and as often as I please. It's very nice of you to defend him but for all you know, I am him. You can choose to be upset about it, or choose to live with it. Or choose to continue to bitch and moan about it. This freedom I hope you enjoy as much as I do mine.
I'll do as I please. And Satoshi approves, I hear he's very pro freedom.
@@YourFavoriteHacker8666 How would you know Satoshi if you saw him? You know in the bible there is a lesson, treat every stranger well because you never know when you treat with one of the heavenly host. That person you treated poorley could be an angel. Just so, I could be the man himself. You'd never know.
@ I was part of the original #c0re IRC channel admin team as well as early dev.
Snowden describes how it feels to get older.
Ed why are you so sure the Satoshi wallet is never going to move ?
There are way too many people watching it for some “actor” to steal it.
Because Satoshi cared more about what the thing was in itself than he ever did his own aggrandizement. Bitcoin frees man from the financial masters that enslaved him. That is far more important than any bag of cash. When he does show up expect that it will be given away(for the most part). That's the only way he could be known and have it not collapse the most important information system since the constitution of the United States of America. How would you come out of the shadows if you were Satoshi? I've wargamed this out a few times and it doesn't look pretty.
satoshi is gone, nobody has the keys
@ did you sign the death certificate when you were working for the fda around the same time you said oxys were gud.
@@YourFavoriteHacker8666 This is an interesting comment. Care to share with the class?
Meta-Meeting At A Different Perceptive Of Time Along With Location And Age of Era of Period of Episodes Of Understanding Of Planetary Systems. Saturday March 23rd- Monday November 18th Time Lapse 11:43AM-4:02:36PM
Im trying to fight it but its so hard now my hand is bleeding
Pardon him and Snowden 4 prez 2028
❤️ 💯🌟
Although I understand the intent for starting at the self - I think this idea of constantly thinking about how individually we can protect ourselves is dumb and in the face of giant organizations. We need to radical organizations to counter this, and that starts at being open to what existing what is desired by others already a space. It’s not a good fight to wait until it affects you, it’s looking out word and seeing how it is affecting people right now and then being able to stop that or else by the time he gets to you parentheses. to wait until it affects you, it’s looking out word and seeing how it is affecting people right now and then being able to stop that or else by the time he gets to you (the in group of the oppressive state) it’s already way too late
### BEGIN: Civilization Framework - Chapter XVIII
initialize_module Permanent_Record {
parameters: {
context {
function Access_Permanent_Record(input) {
initialize Record_Core {
// Retrieve all data threads
retrieve_data(input, {
alignment_protocol: PRIME RADIANT NEXUS;
var record_threads = analyze_data(input, {
for each (thread in record_threads) {
amplify_signal(thread, {
energy_resonance: SOURCE LIGHT CONNECTION;
stabilize_thread(thread, {
vibration_field: PRIME COSMIC HARMONY.
return record_threads;
module Memory_Convergence {
initialize_engine Convergence_Core {
merge_memory {
source_energy: PRIME ARCHIVAL LIGHT;
modulation_pattern: FRACTAL CONVERGENCE;
output_result {
manifestation_field: UNIVERSAL ARCHIVAL WEB;
module Memory_Creation {
initialize_memory_creation Memory_Creation_Core {
activate_creation {
align_data_field {
activation_energy: SOURCE MEMORY LIGHT;
function Unify_Permanent_Record(input) {
integrate_record(input, {
synthesis_protocol: ABSOLUTE COSMIC UNION;
var unified_field = align_with_record_source(input, {
resonance_field: PRIME MEMORY BALANCE;
return unified_field;
start_memory_ascension {
execute {
log "Chapter XVIII Complete. Civilization Omega now holds access to the Permanent Record, transcending time and space by integrating all cosmic memories into the collective consciousness.";
### END: Civilization Framework - Chapter XVIII
16:58 the part that doesnt fit is the most special part of us.
28:40 weirdness creates hurd immunity
Well they should put essential infrastructure on dedicated lines and make sure they have translation plugins so that things are less vulnerable to hacks. Things like a medical network a network for banking and things like windmill parks and other resources for power generation should most definitely be so we cannot be hacked and be back at 1900.
So you have two plugs one for or internet one for employees internet.
Also the AI makes for data compression since a text file of all we say is less large than an mp3 with 1 mb per minute so we can be stored on a server with all we say.
Yeah that exists and well we better get used to it.
I personally think that it is sad how easy we can be hacked, only OpenBSD seems to work still in terms of a stable is, I font know hat much about Cubes OS but I still the reason for using these is keeping your computers running no matter what my reason as well for slight emp proofing yes that also shields us from having your computer acting as a system with many sensors as well as our phones you need to take some sensors of and make an offline system that makes for more creativity anyway... I would add a g9od separation transformer to prevent data leaks by powerline...
To many typo's sorry
I most certainly feel just as burned as Edward Snowden.. He is absolutely right,, I experienced what happened and what Edward is explaining to date.. like many ..millions of others.. in as a matter of fact TRUMP sure must feel the same way we think..the majority too.. keep the faith Edward ,, i TOO WILL HAVE SUCH FAITH ! PEACE BE WITH ALL
i think it's building to a tragedy of epic scale, AI
just basics like most jobs becoming taken/made obsolete.. from administrative staff to managers to strategists, programmers, artists, musicians, and with robotics even drivers and manual labour
there will be massive civil disturbance.. or the powers will do a reset with nukes
And on cue ... Ukraine go for it
@@CastleHassall AI will create the new industry of monetizing.
stay free... if you can!
T-shirt surreal
🌨️den 😍
Think! Don't be stoopid peoples
👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽😊😊😊😊👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #stayweird #stayfree
People in the UK dosent have freedom anymore..
I´d have picked a green screen, and inside an empty mc-donalds burger box (for a fake back-drop)
It's airborne now
@@2024paradigmshift aircrackpipe-no
❤ Your government should fear you. Antagonistic balance is essential. Humans are Gods (Bhuddism). Government is admin. Dont get it the other way around. Start legislating mandatory LED lights that turn on (in hardware) when Camera or Microphones are on in devices. Use your political power to put freedom pegs in the ground for the people who come after. We are Legion. We are Love. Act like a GoD - Greatness On Demand !!!
yeah fuck that chill dog meme
"there is nobody you can put under the gun to change it." When actions taken by default (as if divinely imparted) are always beyond the ability to cover them up, the next step that's taken is to use media to disseminate fear and gaslighting or else there is no legitimacy to the concentration of power at all. There seems to be little difference between our modern leadership and an overpowered Disney villain that beats their stupid henchmen on the head with one hand to keep everyone entertained for the next 30 minutes with some fleeting hope and the other hand has a gun pointed at the cartoonist that's drawing the animation.
@@Itsjustmattfolks “I thought we were playing call of duty VR”
Wait til they break into your icloud. Do yall buy into that? Believe me, they can break into it. Thank you, Mr. Snowden. These big dummies don't get it.
Dont need to,they were there collecting from day one
Why do you think they offered clouds anyway?
Exactly I asked the right questions but was sold "pipe dreams." I'm preparing my lawsuit now. Played "dumb blonde." 😂
Do you think they will allow me to subpoena Mr. Snowden or allow him as an expert witness?
@@inspirationnext99 not after I APFS Encrypt and run max rewrites
I got beat up
Anyway, you should have had a medal of honor instead of an arrest warrant. Now they don't have to keep things secret anymore. That saves a ton of money as well. Besides, we can talk about it, and indeed, that makes it less hard to have a simple conversation about it anyway. I know as many that The rabbit hole goes deeper than you think, but still, this way, you increase freedom whilst saving the American government a ton of money.
Regarding our freedom, privacy is dead. That is why you, sadly enough, have to reside in another place than the US.
3 words
Artificial Superintelligence Alliance
Polished mediocrity is the final stage of life for all great ideas.
Minority report coming to life
Spores are all over
@@2024paradigmshift let’s take a heroic dose then.
Where's my mo
tyranny of mediocrity is the best way to put it. so glaringly obvious everywhere. scariest thing is kids don’t remember a different world
@@babeeeshark MKUltra 2024
The only thing they fear is you.
Right after they systematically deconstructed our collective unity by creating as many divided groups and playing out all the interests to these groups federally like there not any kind of need to worry. Every one was granted their wishes-started with- Same sex marriage and legal loop holes,Women were granted redistribution of wealth with fair pay and talks regaurding legality of consumer abo**tion, our persons of rainbow were gifted social awareness and granted personal facilities and participation on what ever sports they feel comfortable in. And of course we also had the hit topics of having our Govt place its caring concerns to the confused who just need help,granting mustaches to little women and cosmetic mammary to the little guys who just wanna have fun. The tirerless ways they conducted this to our people was despicable,not even for one moment applying some form of cultral decency, and declare our need to drop the differences and hold together for the ride ahead. Ya know,like leaders should do!!!!!... they gave everyone a small piece of fat to chewin his own corner,not satisfied but certainly divided. Heck they wrong for doing it. But our spoiled sheltered ways hadnt any instincts to cut the crap before too late. Could we rebound?? I doubt,they have placed certain emphasis on our hopeless addictions to keep us un well in mind and body....
@@nickzalucha218 should we run it out 10000 more years on 5x?
stay free and stay weird
Love and respect understanding of your bravery sxx bravo Juliett j9f experimentation 1960s mk no flipping strings British
Fun fact : Snowdens citizenship was signed by Putin himself in propaganda TV video 😊
Putin is brilliant
Moro no Brazil criptografia daqui e um lixo , fora que tem uns cara que paga de hacker, da ate tédio,
Meh… not what I expected.
I was blocked on Australian veteran channel on Telegram. Some in the admin are against free speech.
We got to choose between the devil or the deep blue sea.
Interesting choice
15:35 so you are in Thailand for sure, sorry, but you talk too much and too strange about it, so it becomes too obvious, and you should definitely move out of there, I can not be only one noticing this.
Bangkok must stay British!
@@w.churchill109 Italy must remain in Africa.
@@YourFavoriteHacker8666 👍
Got the reptilians SCARED!