Love it. Whoever is reading this God is healing you from that sickness, mental illness, pain, addiction and restoring you. Those that rejected you shall know that you serve the most high God.
Really PRAISE HIS HOLY SUPREME NAME~ I smoked cigs for 30 years. Panic when trying to quit ~ Fasting & prayer ~ seeking His will ~ I'm on the end of day 4 of not smoking. I will run this race His way hence & onward ~ No turning back No turning back
Lord Jesus, I believed you Die in the cross for our sins, and I believed You will return . I thank You Father for the food and everything i have, Amen . Thank you for the messenger, for wake up us
Because God sent his son to earth. And Jesus lived on earth for 33 yrs and was put to death by the Romans. He showed that his death did not cause him permanent death. He returned to show the disciples that you now can if you choose to live beyond the grave. Because he died for our transgressions. You must accept Jesus believe in Jesus and confess your sins to Jesus. But also turn from your sins to focus on Jesus. Live your life for him bu tell others about him. Gods word is a great way to get to know Jesus. He knows you. He held you before you were placed in your mothers womb. He loved your first. He still loves you and very much wants you to reach out to him. He not only loved you but he died on a cross so that you can live.
@ He willingly "gave" His life. There was no resistance on His part at all. He fulfilled the prophecies of Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22. it was ordained and the reason was ordained as well.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
No one knows when the end of time will be! Not even Jesus himself as he stated in the book of Matthew! All that we know for sure and we have known for generations is that we must be ready! Do not be afraid, do not loose heart, share the Gospel and live according to Yehshua teachings! ✝️❤️🙏
Omg but he does give us signs!! Jesus Christ how hard is that for you people to understand? He says look for these signs.. 🙄🤦🏾♀️ we already know nobody knows what DAY. But he does tell us that we should watch for signs that are listed in Mathew 24…
@@ChildofGod-q7j yes i agree with you there are signs especially for us living in this last generation and this signs are for all generation for those who are in the early cenutry and to us as the last generation we are actually blessed we see prophecy being fulfilled in the past century of generation and to our generation in which we see in the Bible history and eschatology
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Kristen K. You are correct we are living in the End Times. It began in May 1948 when Israel became a new Nation. Jesus told us that when you see this that generation shall not pass without all End time prophecies being fulfilled. In 1967 Israel (in the 6 day war) took possession of Jerusalem. Just recently (in 2020) Israel acquired possession of the Temple Mount. Israel has everything needed to restart the Daily Sacrifice. The Daily Sacrifice will begin soon and will last 1010 days. (+ or - 3 1/2 days. 30 days later Tribulation will begin. This Covid 19 brought about the Covid 19 Notification and it is implanted in your phone now (if you live in USA). A vaccine is not even ready yet this Covid 19 Notification is already here. With it you will be notified by blue tooth if someone near you has not been vaccinated. This is one of the necessities the Mark of the Beast will use. And so this Covid 19 Notification is a Forerunner for the Mark. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. God Bless You.
@@gerritjakobi This is actually fairly simple. In 1900 mankind for 2000 years after Jesus used a horse and buggy for main transport. Yet, in only 69 years stopped this horse and buggy, brought in the automobile and even put a man on the Moon. When Satan is cast to earth for him to fulfill prophecies he must have access to information gathering that rivals that ability he had while in Heaven. Satan can do very little to man, he must do his work through man. This means man has to have the ability for Satan to use against man. (Otherwise he would not be proving man is evil, but rather HE is evil.) One possible exception is I think he can do limited miracles although I would like to know if they are true miracles or just miracles because mankind doesn't understand its possibilities. Satan now has all the "tools" of man necessary for fulfillment of prophecies that he commits. Who would think he is now going to take a nap? Satan has always sped up as man's technologies sped up.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Wow! I am amazed by the knowledge of these two Biblical Scholars. I try to keep up, but can not. But it is enthralling! I too can hardly wait for Jesus to return.! Thank you for this presentation! I accept the offer of Jesus's salvation. I pray in agreement with you for the salvation of all! Glory to God!
To accept the offer of the free gift of salvation one obey the Gospel. John 3v3-5 = Acts 2v38-39 for the promise 🎁 is unto you and to your children and to *all* that are afar off, even as many as the LORD Our GOD shall call. Believers are commanded to walk blameless as well. ONE LORD, ONE FAITH...Peace
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Signs of his return. Jesus said no one, not even him would know the time. Only God Almighty. Have you ever thought he is waiting for his flock to wake up to the evils of this world and turn to him. He is a merciful God, we are blessed the Holy Spirit is still with us. Please don't look at it literally. Try to look at it through the scriptures and ask for discernment from Christ to help you understand. We all are sinners. Christ came to save us from sins and provide us with his grace which is our salvation. The tragedies will come closer together and become rumors of wars, earth quakes in different places and a lack of morality. Do you think God agrees with cloning, changing the DNA of his children. These Frankenstein monsters have all that technology. If you don't believe the demons are let loose on the planet? Just look at the lack of morality and faith in God.
We all have broken God's perfect moral law and sinned against Him. We all have lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked with lust...the list goes on and on. Our righteous destiny is hell as God being holy and just needs to punish every sin. The Bible says that God is so pure that no sin can enter into His glorious presence. But God is also love. He loves us so much that He suffered for us on the cross so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can wash away all our sins and make us truly righteous before God. Repent, turn from your sins to Christ today. Believe in His death and resurrection. Choose Jesus. Choose life. Whoever earnestly seeks Him always finds Him. Seek Him and you shall find. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
@@Filthy_Larry depends what you mean by that, like do you enjoy people dying and loosing their jobs? Or do you mean you enjoy the time you have now and that your at home and spending time at home with family or pets?
@@Filthy_Larry well Idk what to tell you🤷♀️ But I wouldn't say your evil either, like you are wrong for enjoying the thought of sight of seeing people suffer in these times but it's not like you pray for it to happen and you don't have anything to do with anything, right? I'd suggest you talk to God about it cuz it is a problem but it's fixable!!
I'm a lukewarm Christian. At some points not talking or praying to God. A fire has been lit underneath me. We don't have much time left, we don't know when we will die or when christ will return. I'll tell you this I was not prepared. I'm studying I'm getting stronger in his word. I hope however reads this knows this. God still loves you. He chose you when he made creaation!! You are not a mistake!!! He still loves you. He wants you to come to him. He's not going to love you any less beacuse you have sinned, or think he does not want you. He wants you, God wants you his kingdom!!. Amen
I used to watch Day of Discovery with my parents when I was a child. What a joy to see that Rev. Richard DeHaan ‘s grandson(?) is involved in the program. AND ... that was excellent teaching by Rev. Jimmy DeYoung. I didn’t know Day of Discovery was still on the air. It is a comfort to see this during these times. Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away, but His Words will not pass away. ❤️
Wow I absolutely LOVE encouraging and powerful to see the scriptures being fullfilled!!! Praise you JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Very well said,in our very eyes help us Lord open the eyes of our hearts and the mind of our understanding,this is the time to live for Christ time is running out brothers and sisters
@@ourdailybread Amen! The king of kings, our savior comes soon! I have a question. Do I understand Daniel 8:19-21 correctly? Does it mean with Media Covid and with king of Persia the killing of Qasem Soleimani and the king of Greece the patriarch Bartholomeos I. who is in a conflict with the Russian patriarch now? Thank you for the information!
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
I love DOD, but especially the videos with Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung. Nostalgia is a beautiful and comforting thing. That's what these episodes are for me.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
I just found you on RUclips it's been 40 years since I've been saved I'm 65 but it's a pleasure to see you again can you give me information about this last time I cost come May 31st I sure would like some more input I've gotten a lot but I don't watch TV, watch that New Year's I don't read newspapers I only learned one book in my life that was the Bible I didn't go to school for kids but I study to show myself approved or gold good workmanship on the Lord good workmanship unto the Lord anyway love you your brother in Christ Philip
In 2016 Jesus gave me a dream and in the dream he said, YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO GET READY!! I Feel like time is urgent, He’s coming back, and he’s at the door🚨it’s time to repent and turn from sin! Please🙏😞TIME IS RUNNING OUT
The website of the awaited imam mahdi The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
View The World Is On Reset By God on You Tube by Afzal Ali. It is to bring it to it's ordained end in eternity , either in the New Earth with Jesus or the lake of fire with the devil the anti-christ, the false prophet and unbelievers. Revelation Ch. 17 in relation to the system of the anti-christ. Shalom.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Hello my friends this video has brought me here today! And i cant thank enough to jesus for sacrificing for us... and i believe in jesus christ i trust him with all my heart amen.
Lord, I know that I will be going in the rapture, but I just want to repent one last time before you come. I love you lord and I can’t wait to be with you forever! ❤️✝️
The website of the awaited imam mahdi The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Janette Davis yes king james was a masonry they were also in the ministry it’s not new some were rogues too joseph smith had recieved instructions from the almighty and the eternal promises there fore had a covenant .freemason is based on you being a better man or person and a better society. My brother is the first of our race to be initiated into the lodge He also prays with me which means masons can be in the christain church as well the temple endowment given to them was divine in which they recieved revelations from God .He never mentioned them being Evil all he said to me was people have nostalgia towards them and God is good and that we have the same faith . Nothing wrong with kjv it’s not all over the place cause i learnt dispensation as a pose to calvinist theology it’s adaptable and easy to learn .
Revelation was written to 'Bondservants.'Rev1:1 Are you a bondservant/slave to a cruel Master, the Law? There is no end of time. The earth abides forever. Ecc 1:4. There was an end of the old covenant 'age' which the King James Version rendered 'world.' It was in transition in the first century but all the old types and shadows were passing away. Heb 8:13. The end of all things was near to them. 1 Pet 4:7. Man in his carnal mind does not understand the kingdom of god. Luke 17:17-21.
No one knows the day or the hour, not even the son, but know ye this, the signs I spoke of are clear. Be ye prepared for return, don't worry about that day, sufficient for the day are the troubles thereof. Blessed is the people of whom upon my return, are both vigilant and faithful. Of such my good and faithfully servants, they shall reign with me through all eternity"
God bless you all and thank you Jesus for without you I am nothing please give us all the strength that we will need to get through these days and guide us as you see fit so that we may serve you we love you and we believe in you in your name I pray thank you
I was blessed to be directly in the path of the solar eclipse across America And when it happened I screamed out for joy and happiness because the Lord made it and it was beautiful
Love and peace to world from Jesus Christ and I'm a born Muslim and believe in Jesus Christ and we are the army of Jesus Christ may we live our life with forgive one another and welcome Jesus Christ with unconditional love to him and mankind ❤️
I am taking a wonderful Scriptures Class that helps me get to know what others think about God’s Scriptures! The questions have the best answers! God found my family after 10 generations! A Sephardic Jewish Family!
Rapture is false doctrine. 666 comes before 777. Antichrist comes first to deceive many by saying you can fly away w him to save your soul. Just know to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord.
DANIEL 9:24: "70 weeks are determined upon "THY PEOPLE and THY HOLY CITY..." The church was not around for Jacob's first 69 weeks, and is not on earth after Revelation 4:1. ISRAEL disobeyed the land-rest sabbatical years for 490 years (70 weeks of years). Thus the 70-year Babylonian captivity. Seventieth week has nothing to do with the Bride of Christ.
🇨🇦🌹🌷🌹forgive us our sins Lord., thank you Jesus Christ for the finished work on the cross., ✝️🐑🙏🏼🤗 I pray you will draw all my family unto you Lord., save them all from the fires of hell!
Be ready God is coming soon many of us talking about that this day is the last days but i tell you we are living in the last minute! Please if you do not have Jesus in your life , repent your sins now before it's too late , accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and God will change your old life to a new not love the world use the world to love God. KNOW GOD and make HIM KNOWN. JESUS loves you.
His Promise is all the Kingdoms of this World if we Worship him in Heaven! The "Christ" is the Dragon, as Revelation is his Testimony, he who sits upon the Right Hand of GOD, and he is holding a Scroll. He came into the Flesh, he Rose on that 3rd Day, and now he comes quickly! :) We know who that is!
My church here in Indianapolis actually has the gumption to talk about the end times. I’ve never been to a church that even wanted to approach the topic other than just read the scripture. I believe we are living in an important period leading up to the end times. Be wary of the coming persecution.
The Bible specifically says not to have Religious Teachers for a good reason. Matthew 23:8-12 - 8 “Don’t let anyone call you ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. 9 And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father. 10 And don’t let anyone call you ‘Teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you must be a servant. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Ecclesiastes 7:20- For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. Romans 3:23- for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
@@theredboneking Kenneth Wuest translation of that passage renders the original meaning better. It has to do with teachers exalting themselves and students exalting them as well. Paul’s admonition to avoid such arrogance and haughtiness echoes the Word’s of Jesus. Teachers are one part of the fivefold ministry though. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth. The end of the world Jesus spoke of was as he said soon to come. That was the destruction of Jerusalem. There’s a lot of religious teachings out there that are false and are taught in seminary schools. I’ll refrain from elaborating but all I can say in a short space is the book of Revelation isn’t what they say it is.
@@DeanLangley It’s all over the New Testament to end all religious teachers, not just Revelation. I can understand why too. There is an evil force out there that is so powerful that it has completely taken over Christianity. I take every Church, every religious channel and every religious person with a grain of salt. Hebrews 4:14 - Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. Matthew 23:8-12 - 8 “Don’t let anyone call you ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. 9 And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father. 10 And don’t let anyone call you ‘Teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you must be a servant. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Hebrews 2:17 - Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Hebrews 8:1 - Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; Hebrews 9:25 - Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; Ask yourself why the Star of Remphan is displayed so openly. Why Christians are not taught the location of Babylon. Multiple verses in the New Testament tells you exactly where it is. And it just so happens to coincide with the Star of Remphan.
Love it. Whoever is reading this God is healing you from that sickness, mental illness, pain, addiction and restoring you. Those that rejected you shall know that you serve the most high God.
Amen Received!
Amen. Lord bless you brother
Thank you brother .I was feeling so down so rejected by my own children, but Yahuwah knows .Hallelujah Maranatha and Yahuwah bless you and keep you
I smoked cigs for 30 years. Panic when trying to quit ~ Fasting & prayer ~ seeking His will ~ I'm on the end of day 4 of not smoking. I will run this race His way hence & onward ~
No turning back
No turning back
Lord Jesus, I believed you Die in the cross for our sins, and I believed You will return . I thank You Father for the food and everything i have, Amen . Thank you for the messenger, for wake up us
Because God sent his son to earth. And Jesus lived on earth for 33 yrs and was put to death by the Romans. He showed that his death did not cause him permanent death. He returned to show the disciples that you now can if you choose to live beyond the grave. Because he died for our transgressions. You must accept Jesus believe in Jesus and confess your sins to Jesus. But also turn from your sins to focus on Jesus. Live your life for him bu tell others about him. Gods word is a great way to get to know Jesus. He knows you. He held you before you were placed in your mothers womb. He loved your first. He still loves you and very much wants you to reach out to him. He not only loved you but he died on a cross so that you can live.
@ I would love to help you the lost shouldn't fear Jesus is with us
@ He willingly "gave" His life. There was no resistance on His part at all. He fulfilled the prophecies of Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22. it was ordained and the reason was ordained as well.
@ bible says..
@@janehubbard5129 Those are true words
The KING is coming!
AMEN and he that endures to the END, the same shall be saved. ONE LORD, ONE FAITH... Peace
Cant wait 🙏
Another King Herod!
dont be surprised by his skin of burned brass coloring.
We are all waiting .Its going to be according to his time .Thank you Father .
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
@@ahmedjeovani1475 Nobody cares my dude.
No one knows when the end of time will be! Not even Jesus himself as he stated in the book of Matthew! All that we know for sure and we have known for generations is that we must be ready! Do not be afraid, do not loose heart, share the Gospel and live according to Yehshua teachings! ✝️❤️🙏
We can't predict when it's coming, but if it's already here, then it is not a prediction.
@@aseeds7785 although he does send stated in Bible. Love 2 u. God Bless!!!!!!
Omg but he does give us signs!! Jesus Christ how hard is that for you people to understand? He says look for these signs.. 🙄🤦🏾♀️ we already know nobody knows what DAY. But he does tell us that we should watch for signs that are listed in Mathew 24…
@@ChildofGod-q7j yes i agree with you there are signs especially for us living in this last generation and this signs are for all generation for those who are in the early cenutry and to us as the last generation we are actually blessed we see prophecy being fulfilled in the past century of generation and to our generation in which we see in the Bible history and eschatology
But your gospel has been changed alot. I'm sorry but that's truth
Thank You Jesus. May thy will be done in your name; Amen.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Do u have to baptized in order to be saved?
@@Marco.91 No, you have to be saved for a baptism, but you don't need to get baptised if you are saved
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
@@ahmedjeovani1475God bless you brother for telling the truth. 🤲
Jesus is king✝️❤️
I feel like it’s gonna happen sometime in our lifetime idk why
Kristen K. You are correct we are living in the End Times. It began in May 1948 when Israel became a new Nation. Jesus told us that when you see this that generation shall not pass without all End time prophecies being fulfilled. In 1967 Israel (in the 6 day war) took possession of Jerusalem. Just recently (in 2020) Israel acquired possession of the Temple Mount. Israel has everything needed to restart the Daily Sacrifice. The Daily Sacrifice will begin soon and will last 1010 days. (+ or - 3 1/2 days. 30 days later Tribulation will begin.
This Covid 19 brought about the Covid 19 Notification and it is implanted in your phone now (if you live in USA). A vaccine is not even ready yet this Covid 19 Notification is already here. With it you will be notified by blue tooth if someone near you has not been vaccinated. This is one of the necessities the Mark of the Beast will use. And so this Covid 19 Notification is a Forerunner for the Mark.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. God Bless You.
@@gerritjakobi This is actually fairly simple. In 1900 mankind for 2000 years after Jesus used a horse and buggy for main transport. Yet, in only 69 years stopped this horse and buggy, brought in the automobile and even put a man on the Moon.
When Satan is cast to earth for him to fulfill prophecies he must have access to information gathering that rivals that ability he had while in Heaven. Satan can do very little to man, he must do his work through man. This means man has to have the ability for Satan to use against man. (Otherwise he would not be proving man is evil, but rather HE is evil.) One possible exception is I think he can do limited miracles although I would like to know if they are true miracles or just miracles because mankind doesn't understand its possibilities.
Satan now has all the "tools" of man necessary for fulfillment of prophecies that he commits. Who would think he is now going to take a nap? Satan has always sped up as man's technologies sped up.
Hey 🙏🏾💯
The next 10 years will be interesting
2033 October 8th Saturday morning Sukkot 1
I believe that HE died for OUR sins and ascended
. And THAT HE will come to take us with him .WE are eagerly and patiently waiting.🙏🙏🤲
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
@@ahmedjeovani1475 Jesus was not a prophet like Moses. He was better than him, He is Lord.
Maranatha. Romans10:9-13.
God forgive my sins, and my kids mother's sins, and our family,sins, and all of those whom need to be forgiven in jesus, Jesus name,Aman,
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Me too my entire generation
I believe in Jesus and I accept him into my heart.
I pray for discernment during this time of great confusion!! God Bless all reading this!
Agreeing with you in prayer, Musicmaker 4Him!
🙏 I pray for discernment as well
Me too! God please give me discernment
We were too busy with finding clues to predict the end instead of living a life worthy of salvation.
I am amazed by the knowledge of these two Biblical Scholars.
I try to keep up, but can not.
But it is enthralling!
I too can hardly wait for Jesus to return.!
Thank you for this presentation!
I accept the offer of Jesus's salvation.
I pray in agreement with you for the salvation of all!
Glory to God!
To accept the offer of the free gift of salvation one obey the Gospel. John 3v3-5 = Acts 2v38-39 for the promise 🎁 is unto you and to your children and to *all* that are afar off, even as many as the LORD Our GOD shall call. Believers are commanded to walk blameless as well.
I can't wait for our Father to come.
I love you so much God.
In Jesus Name Amen
Alicia 🌺😇🙏🏼..💜💙🤎❤️🤍💖💗🌷🌸
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
I am more than ready, I am tired of this world. So much Evil, so much total desdain for God. Lord come quickly because I we your people are tired.
Glory To God
14 years ago this was recorded ... look at all the tragedies that have happened since this recording.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Wow. I wonder their thoughts today. God Bless everyone 🙏
@@BIBLE-TALK135 Ron Kenoly was sure a legend!
Especially the great reset
Signs of his return. Jesus said no one, not even him would know the time. Only God Almighty. Have you ever thought he is waiting for his flock to wake up to the evils of this world and turn to him. He is a merciful God, we are blessed the Holy Spirit is still with us. Please don't look at it literally. Try to look at it through the scriptures and ask for discernment from Christ to help you understand. We all are sinners. Christ came to save us from sins and provide us with his grace which is our salvation. The tragedies will come closer together and become rumors of wars, earth quakes in different places and a lack of morality. Do you think God agrees with cloning, changing the DNA of his children. These Frankenstein monsters have all that technology. If you don't believe the demons are let loose on the planet? Just look at the lack of morality and faith in God.
We all have broken God's perfect moral law and sinned against Him. We all have lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked with lust...the list goes on and on. Our righteous destiny is hell as God being holy and just needs to punish every sin. The Bible says that God is so pure that no sin can enter into His glorious presence.
But God is also love. He loves us so much that He suffered for us on the cross so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can wash away all our sins and make us truly righteous before God.
Repent, turn from your sins to Christ today.
Believe in His death and resurrection.
Choose Jesus.
Choose life.
Whoever earnestly seeks Him always finds Him. Seek Him and you shall find. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
I know that My Redeemer Lives: So come Lord Jesus your people await you return and your rule.
Perfectly said!
I can't wait ,❤
We need to be ready for the coming of the Lord.
I look around now and truly believe the time is near. I hope I'm ready.
Am i evil if I admit I’ve been enjoying the pandemic and end times?
@@Filthy_Larry depends what you mean by that, like do you enjoy people dying and loosing their jobs? Or do you mean you enjoy the time you have now and that your at home and spending time at home with family or pets?
@@mvhcs89 both.
@@Filthy_Larry well Idk what to tell you🤷♀️ But I wouldn't say your evil either, like you are wrong for enjoying the thought of sight of seeing people suffer in these times but it's not like you pray for it to happen and you don't have anything to do with anything, right? I'd suggest you talk to God about it cuz it is a problem but it's fixable!!
@@mvhcs89 maybe I’m a necessary evil.
I love Jesus so much. He loves us.
Amen Thank you Almighy God Amen ❤ 🙏 🙌
I'm a lukewarm Christian. At some points not talking or praying to God. A fire has been lit underneath me. We don't have much time left, we don't know when we will die or when christ will return. I'll tell you this I was not prepared. I'm studying I'm getting stronger in his word. I hope however reads this knows this. God still loves you. He chose you when he made creaation!! You are not a mistake!!! He still loves you. He wants you to come to him. He's not going to love you any less beacuse you have sinned, or think he does not want you. He wants you, God wants you his kingdom!!. Amen
I used to watch Day of Discovery with my parents when I was a child. What a joy to see that Rev. Richard DeHaan ‘s grandson(?) is involved in the program.
AND ... that was excellent teaching by Rev. Jimmy DeYoung. I didn’t know Day of Discovery was still on the air.
It is a comfort to see this during these times. Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away, but His Words will not pass away. ❤️
Do you believe we are in end of days now?.
Even so come Lord Jesus!!!
Wow I absolutely LOVE encouraging and powerful to see the scriptures being fullfilled!!! Praise you JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Very well said,in our very eyes help us Lord open the eyes of our hearts and the mind of our understanding,this is the time to live for Christ time is running out brothers and sisters
He is the one true God
Thank you 🙏🏼 everything becomes clear! Always focus on Jesus Christ 🙌🏼
@@ourdailybread Amen! The king of kings, our savior comes soon! I have a question. Do I understand Daniel 8:19-21 correctly? Does it mean with Media Covid and with king of Persia the killing of Qasem Soleimani and the king of Greece the patriarch Bartholomeos I. who is in a conflict with the Russian patriarch now? Thank you for the information!
Love with the love of Christ!!
The battle has been rough but imma keep going for I serve a God who will never leave nor forsake me in Jesus name
We should all repent 💜 and not stay distracted through social media
Amen,amen I pray that soon we will see our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ 🤗
Thank you ODB for an insightful video. Always enjoy your very well produced videos. May God continue to bless your ministry.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Yeshua HaMashiach. YES, he is coming. Watch and Pray. Amen, come quickly.
So exciting to see whats going on and sad at the same time. Praying and praying 🙏 getting my house ready
Amen, Jesus is coming back as he said‼️🙌🏾
I hope he comes soon. I am literally watching evil grow before my very eyes. It’s taking over politics and all aspects of life.
This certainly is our prayer as well!
Klaus schwab?
I'm waiting and watching and looking up. Jesus gave us the command to watch.
Amen. Jesus is coming soon🙏
Thank u JESUS ..COME SOON...frm philippines...
Can't hardly wait !
I love DOD, but especially the videos with Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung. Nostalgia is a beautiful and comforting thing. That's what these episodes are for me.
Keep looking UP UP UP! Jesus is coming soon 💕☝️🙌🙌
The website of the awaited imam mahdi
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
I just found you on RUclips it's been 40 years since I've been saved I'm 65 but it's a pleasure to see you again can you give me information about this last time I cost come May 31st I sure would like some more input I've gotten a lot but I don't watch TV, watch that New Year's I don't read newspapers I only learned one book in my life that was the Bible I didn't go to school for kids but I study to show myself approved or gold good workmanship on the Lord good workmanship unto the Lord anyway love you your brother in Christ Philip
Jesus temples are we whom receive Him. But it's nice to hear prophesy , we can be ready of the return of Our King and God Jesus Christ.
Love to hear their thoughts today ..
Even so, come Lord Jesus, come.. Baruch haba b’shem Adonai. Be ready, at ALL TIMES.
In 2016 Jesus gave me a dream and in the dream he said, YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO GET READY!! I Feel like time is urgent, He’s coming back, and he’s at the door🚨it’s time to repent and turn from sin! Please🙏😞TIME IS RUNNING OUT
I want to get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus!
I do too
The website of the awaited imam mahdi
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Really enjoyed what Jim had to say! He is right on point!!!
I'm always ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ...
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
These dudes are STEEPED in prophesy. Awesome video.
i always pray to God that people will open their hearts to the Lord
Thank you for your prayers.
Even so come,Lord Jesus come❣
The King is coming soon AMEN AND AMEN
Thank U For Being Here😍
The End Time has Come.. Every Christian must be prepared for His second coming
View The World Is On Reset By God on You Tube by Afzal Ali. It is to bring it to it's ordained end in eternity , either in the New Earth with Jesus or the lake of fire with the devil the anti-christ, the false prophet and unbelievers. Revelation Ch. 17 in relation to the system of the anti-christ. Shalom.
@@afzalali9531 Thank you
The website of the awaited imam mahdi Nasser Mohammad Yamani
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Philip Nejudne i have to correct your sentence: The End Time has Come.. Every Single Human on earth should be prepared for His second coming
@@jesusisback2385 My apology.. yeah you are right
Right here waiting po me Lord to keep stronger in my faith and heal me oh Lord..pls Lord
Jesus is coming ! May god have mercy on my soul
God Bless you for this wonderful video!! worth watching over,... & over!!
Thank you. I really enjoyed your teaching. Fully scriptural.
Everyday we are getting closer and closer to the end, may God guide us all.
Thank you, Lord, for making me see the light. Please bless those people who believes in you. 🙏🙏🙏 Heal our land, oh Lord! Amen.
God is so in control !✝️✝️✝️ wow just beautiful city! Theresa Rose 🌹❤
Keep teaching Christ as our Saviour everywhere. Be prepared always. His temple he will build I believe. Br ready.
Our Lord is coming soon
Yes our father is coming
Hello my friends this video has brought me here today! And i cant thank enough to jesus for sacrificing for us... and i believe in jesus christ i trust him with all my heart amen.
We are delighted to hear of your trust and faith in Jesus!! May you draw closer to Him each day!
Lord, I know that I will be going in the rapture, but I just want to repent one last time before you come. I love you lord and I can’t wait to be with you forever! ❤️✝️
Repentance is a multiple times a day thing. Repent and give thanks to the Lord for His Word every day.
The website of the awaited imam mahdi
The last caliph chosen by Allah in his land at the end of time
Choose your language and read his data mahdialumma. com
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ 👑🙏🏽.
I Love Jesus! My Lord And Savior!
The king is near revelations are being played out in front of us during these times it will be Glorious all praise our lord jesus
Janette Davis yes king james was a masonry they were also in the ministry it’s not new some were rogues too joseph smith had recieved instructions from the almighty and the eternal promises there fore had a covenant .freemason is based on you being a better man or person and a better society. My brother is the first of our race to be initiated into the lodge He also prays with me which means masons can be in the christain church as well the temple endowment given to them was divine in which they recieved revelations from God .He never mentioned them being Evil all he said to me was people have nostalgia towards them and God is good and that we have the same faith . Nothing wrong with kjv it’s not all over the place cause i learnt dispensation as a pose to calvinist theology it’s adaptable and easy to learn .
Revelation was written to 'Bondservants.'Rev1:1 Are you a bondservant/slave to a cruel Master, the Law? There is no end of time. The earth abides forever. Ecc 1:4. There was an end of the old covenant 'age' which the King James Version rendered 'world.' It was in transition in the first century but all the old types and shadows were passing away. Heb 8:13. The end of all things was near to them. 1 Pet 4:7. Man in his carnal mind does not understand the kingdom of god. Luke 17:17-21.
Jesus is coming soon ! Amen!
No one knows the day or the hour, not even the son, but know ye this, the signs I spoke of are clear. Be ye prepared for return, don't worry about that day, sufficient for the day are the troubles thereof. Blessed is the people of whom upon my return, are both vigilant and faithful. Of such my good and faithfully servants, they shall reign with me through all eternity"
He's Coming Our Lord
God bless you all and thank you Jesus for without you I am nothing please give us all the strength that we will need to get through these days and guide us as you see fit so that we may serve you we love you and we believe in you in your name I pray thank you
Lord Jesus forgv me n my entire generation n people around..may we b rapturable 24/7
I was blessed to be directly in the path of the solar eclipse across America And when it happened I screamed out for joy and happiness because the Lord made it and it was beautiful
Jesus will return in the air and once to earth again to rule and reign for 1000 years.
Love and peace to world from Jesus Christ and I'm a born Muslim and believe in Jesus Christ and we are the army of Jesus Christ may we live our life with forgive one another and welcome Jesus Christ with unconditional love to him and mankind ❤️
Amen Aisha!
I love you God 🙏❤️
Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.
I am taking a wonderful Scriptures Class that helps me get to know what others think about God’s Scriptures! The questions have the best answers! God found my family after 10 generations! A Sephardic Jewish Family!
Titus 2:13. Looking for that "blessed hope" and the appearing of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as he comes to rapture us home.
Rapture is false doctrine. 666 comes before 777. Antichrist comes first to deceive many by saying you can fly away w him to save your soul. Just know to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord.
DANIEL 9:24: "70 weeks are determined upon "THY PEOPLE and THY HOLY CITY..." The church was not around for Jacob's first 69 weeks, and is not on earth after Revelation 4:1. ISRAEL disobeyed the land-rest sabbatical years for 490 years (70 weeks of years). Thus the 70-year Babylonian captivity. Seventieth week has nothing to do with the Bride of Christ.
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. ✝️🛐
Acts 2:21
thank you good servants🙏 I love you🔥🔥🕊
🇨🇦🌹🌷🌹forgive us our sins Lord., thank you Jesus Christ for the finished work on the cross., ✝️🐑🙏🏼🤗 I pray you will draw all my family unto you Lord., save them all from the fires of hell!
I love my God please pray for me to keep me in his way
Jesus my lord.the way of our Lord.
Anen God bless you thank you Jesus Christ love you my need god is coming back Tu
Be ready God is coming soon many of us talking about that this day is the last days but i tell you we are living in the last minute! Please if you do not have Jesus in your life , repent your sins now before it's too late , accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and God will change your old life to a new not love the world use the world to love God. KNOW GOD and make HIM KNOWN.
JESUS loves you.
His Promise is all the Kingdoms of this World if we Worship him in Heaven! The "Christ" is the Dragon, as Revelation is his Testimony, he who sits upon the Right Hand of GOD, and he is holding a Scroll. He came into the Flesh, he Rose on that 3rd Day, and now he comes quickly! :) We know who that is!
My church here in Indianapolis actually has the gumption to talk about the end times. I’ve never been to a church that even wanted to approach the topic other than just read the scripture. I believe we are living in an important period leading up to the end times. Be wary of the coming persecution.
The Bible specifically says not to have Religious Teachers for a good reason.
Matthew 23:8-12 -
8 “Don’t let anyone call you ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. 9 And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father. 10 And don’t let anyone call you ‘Teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you must be a servant. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Ecclesiastes 7:20-
For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
Romans 3:23-
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
@@theredboneking Kenneth Wuest translation of that passage renders the original meaning better. It has to do with teachers exalting themselves and students exalting them as well. Paul’s admonition to avoid such arrogance and haughtiness echoes the Word’s of Jesus. Teachers are one part of the fivefold ministry though. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth. The end of the world Jesus spoke of was as he said soon to come. That was the destruction of Jerusalem. There’s a lot of religious teachings out there that are false and are taught in seminary schools. I’ll refrain from elaborating but all I can say in a short space is the book of Revelation isn’t what they say it is.
@@DeanLangley It’s all over the New Testament to end all religious teachers, not just Revelation. I can understand why too. There is an evil force out there that is so powerful that it has completely taken over Christianity. I take every Church, every religious channel and every religious person with a grain of salt.
Hebrews 4:14 -
Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.
Matthew 23:8-12 -
8 “Don’t let anyone call you ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. 9 And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father. 10 And don’t let anyone call you ‘Teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you must be a servant. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Hebrews 2:17 -
Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.
Hebrews 8:1 -
Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;
Hebrews 9:25 -
Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others;
Ask yourself why the Star of Remphan is displayed so openly. Why Christians are not taught the location of Babylon. Multiple verses in the New Testament tells you exactly where it is. And it just so happens to coincide with the Star of Remphan.
Thank you ODB
Most assuredly He is coming!