Damon Albarn and Ray Davies perform Waterloo Sunset

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 488

  • @jackmclean878
    @jackmclean878 7 лет назад +230

    The little smile damon gave when Ray started playing parklife

  • @soph6990
    @soph6990 3 года назад +303

    i love how happy Damon gets when Ray starts playing park life

    • @nigefal
      @nigefal Год назад +12

      Even funnier that it threw Damon for a second.

    • @bigblurfan
      @bigblurfan 4 месяца назад

      Yeah so sweet!❤

  • @Harvester236
    @Harvester236 10 лет назад +683

    You can tell by watching this and listening to the Kinks catalogue that they were a huge influence for Blur. I never realised how similar Damon's voice is to Ray's.

    • @Gogettor
      @Gogettor 3 года назад +3

      Absolutely! Love Tk

    • @Gogettor
      @Gogettor 3 года назад +24

      For Tomorrow could have easily been a Kinks tune

    • @jonnylampis5466
      @jonnylampis5466 3 года назад +2

      Think that is for the oldest Damon's way..

    • @tryharder75
      @tryharder75 3 года назад +28

      Parklife sounds like a kinks album if you squint your ears

    • @halredlus4614
      @halredlus4614 2 года назад +11

      The thing is, when you are among the first, and among the best, you set a high bar. Kinks were truly something.

  • @LS-mi8xj
    @LS-mi8xj 3 года назад +212

    Damn Damon's voice does do that song justice!

    • @MrComposerguy
      @MrComposerguy Год назад +2

      Correct it was Gracious of Ray to Have him Sing

  • @Harrylechat01
    @Harrylechat01 Год назад +39

    Damon looks like a happy little boy meeting Santa Claus when Ray starts strumming the into the Park Life, but in 30 years it'll be a future star in awe of Damon. Hope I'm still here to see it!

    • @mikeryan4055
      @mikeryan4055 5 месяцев назад +6

      I think we are all already in aww of Damon, he is an absolute genius

  • @brettsparkes8610
    @brettsparkes8610 4 года назад +324

    The Parklife bit makes me smile so much. The respect Damon has for Ray is very obvious

    • @jandroelfenomeno
      @jandroelfenomeno 2 года назад +29

      the respect Ray gave back is just so joyful

  • @benzykaram
    @benzykaram 5 лет назад +150

    The chemistry is magic - like father and son.

  • @mina-hs6br
    @mina-hs6br 7 лет назад +188

    Damon is so perfect I'm in agony

    • @reikisanbernardo
      @reikisanbernardo 3 года назад

      Yessssssss 😍💓😍💓😍💓😍💓😍💓🙌🔥

    • @forastero4ever
      @forastero4ever Год назад

      and now make to him a cake, lol !!

  • @Pazernator
    @Pazernator Год назад +30

    Ray's seemingly un announced tribute to Damon must've blown Damon's mind! and also a "baton passing" moment in a way for us.

  • @Ardianax
    @Ardianax 9 лет назад +212

    BRILLIANT! It's like the veteran giving the blessing to the new kid on the block. I love it.

  • @robbiepeterh
    @robbiepeterh 2 года назад +154

    6:20 well done Damon for reinforcing the astonishing rundown of E, Eb, D, C# 👏 with backing vocals because that’s the truly astonishing and unusual part of the songwriting in this song.

    • @palms159
      @palms159 Год назад +8

      I think the upwards line in the original is better (e-f#-g-a), I guess Damon didn't want to go that high.

    • @austinralphson
      @austinralphson 12 дней назад

      @@palms159 I disagree. I think the falling chromatic line is lovely. Each to their own though!

  • @ndines6237
    @ndines6237 5 лет назад +70

    Damon’s voice is so beautiful

  • @funkyfru
    @funkyfru 18 лет назад +130

    I really enjoyed that. Ray sounded great and bloody hell Damon looked pretty!

    • @evilclowntje
      @evilclowntje 3 месяца назад

      First comment after 17 years. Plenty of time to come up with something funny or original, but alas...

  • @pau1056
    @pau1056 5 лет назад +178

    someone loses it at 7:58 and honeslty same

    • @belle-fz3qn
      @belle-fz3qn 6 месяцев назад +3

      me because its literally damon albarn

  • @jackhebert2140
    @jackhebert2140 4 года назад +211

    Literally two of my biggest heroes. Some of England’s finest songwriters and musicians

    • @d.thomasmoore3020
      @d.thomasmoore3020 3 года назад +2

      True- 2 of the finest song writers. There are Kinks songs that outdo the Beatles to us fringe dwellers...

    • @andrespalacios1122
      @andrespalacios1122 2 года назад +3

      @@d.thomasmoore3020 There are plenty of Kinks songs that fit that bill... As well as lots of Stones songs. And many of the Who. The four bands were at the same and very high level. What happens is that many are embarrassed to say it...
      No matter if you're misfit or mainstream.

    • @robertfoshizzle
      @robertfoshizzle Год назад +8

      @@andrespalacios1122 Yeah, in a way, it's a shame, how all the big British bands of the '60s were pitted against each other by the press and fans -- especially when we all know now that most of those guys were very cordial with one another. Pete Townshend and Ray Davis are huge admirers of each other's music. John Lennon and Keith Richards performed "Yer Blues" together at the Rock 'n Roll Circus around, I think '68 or so. Keith Moon and Ringo Starr were close friends. Charlie Watts and Kenney Jones of the Faces/Small Faces (and later, the Who) were also close friends. I love pretty much all of the great British "invasion" bands, and all have added so much to my life -- even as a Millennial who wasn't born for another 20 years after all these great bands became household names.

  • @britpopwh0ree486
    @britpopwh0ree486 3 года назад +77

    this is the perfect song for damon albarn to cover, it sounds so good with his voice :)

    • @valdotc8559
      @valdotc8559 Год назад +1

      Damon himself said something like that about this song

  • @beatlelennon9168
    @beatlelennon9168 5 лет назад +31

    When ray started parklife (that's legendary).
    So lovely.

  • @charlottewortley8319
    @charlottewortley8319 6 лет назад +134

    This melted my cold heart and I nearly cried. Nearly, but not quite.

    • @gavrielharris7408
      @gavrielharris7408 4 года назад +4


    • @andresnieto6946
      @andresnieto6946 3 года назад +8

      I lost the battle and cried

    • @lifehaqs40
      @lifehaqs40 2 года назад +5

      The world may make your heart feel cold at times but that's a problem with the world and not with your heart ❤

  • @conniec94
    @conniec94 5 лет назад +682

    damon's level of attractiveness is actually frightening.

    • @patrickrevilles723
      @patrickrevilles723 4 года назад +6

      I prefer him animated haha

    • @gigaware4533
      @gigaware4533 4 года назад +1

      Connie Craig good for what? Tryna get sum? Lol

    • @gbwildlifeuk8269
      @gbwildlifeuk8269 4 года назад +11

      @@gigaware4533 she never said he was good for anything. She said his attractiveness was frightened.

    • @gigaware4533
      @gigaware4533 4 года назад

      Spiral Architect what? A bit how? Lol being white ?

    • @gigaware4533
      @gigaware4533 4 года назад +1

      Spiral Architect ok I guess I could see that... my bad just seemed like a low blow 😅, just based on what she was stating about a guy with large bone structures in the face etc I thought you were being a troll 🤣 I can kind of see it though she has great cheekbones and a similar shape but she’s a pretty lady and he’s a pretty guy 😅

  • @AntjeWeh
    @AntjeWeh 9 лет назад +78

    5:38 Damon Albarn appears ..

  • @patmcdonagh8939
    @patmcdonagh8939 3 года назад +51

    Beautiful version of Waterloo Sunset, one of the best I’ve ever heard.

  • @thejunkie83
    @thejunkie83 Год назад +6

    How can anyone not love Ray Davies.............

  • @PKFreakz
    @PKFreakz 10 лет назад +70

    this is one of the most beautiful thing I've ever heard

  • @sophieb8161
    @sophieb8161 7 лет назад +156

    damons so attractive its ridiculous

  • @kathleenscott8610
    @kathleenscott8610 Год назад +11

    This duet with Damon Albarn and Ray Davies of "Waterloo Sunset" is brilliant. There's a magical chemistry between two of the greatest English musicians of the time. Love this masterpiece song's lyrics and rhythm 🎭 🎸🎤🎶❤️‍🔥. From Ont. Canada 🫶

  • @oscarmullen
    @oscarmullen 3 года назад +10

    Ah yes, Ray ‘Davis’. Love that man.

  • @thomrussell2130
    @thomrussell2130 6 лет назад +24

    I get chills when ray smiles at Damon

  • @CarlyBoothheartsmovies
    @CarlyBoothheartsmovies 4 года назад +23

    What a beautiful performance of that song. And Damon was a total dreamboat back in the day.

  • @dorianedwards8522
    @dorianedwards8522 3 года назад +14

    What a frickin' genius! What a songwriter....... what an icon.....

  • @loyaltycoon
    @loyaltycoon 17 лет назад +52

    One of the greatest versions of this tune, no matter what any of you say!
    Hats of to Damon for having the B***s to get on stage with a true legend and not mucking it up!

  • @davejack6421
    @davejack6421 9 лет назад +39

    Never seen this before superb though. Makes me appreciate Brit pop more as it was a frightening 20 years ago. I love the Kinks, Small Faces and The Who. Now I see there influence on brit pop and especially Blur who I have grown to like as a 60s inspired and modern band.

  • @justanuna1697
    @justanuna1697 4 года назад +31

    This just convinces me further that Damon is an actual angel

  • @Jazzyjaz1
    @Jazzyjaz1 3 года назад +4

    I am still so in love with Damon omggg

  • @deka7x921
    @deka7x921 7 лет назад +18

    I literally teared up during the second chorus of Waterloo Sunset

  • @matthewrider3612
    @matthewrider3612 4 года назад +67

    As an American who came up during Britpop, I must say, this is a very "English," and a very "90s," performance😎 🇺🇸🇬🇧

    • @alixfarron6730
      @alixfarron6730 3 года назад +1

      Uh, 60s

    • @valdotc8559
      @valdotc8559 Год назад

      @@alixfarron6730 He said the performance, not the songs

    • @MrMurkosullivan
      @MrMurkosullivan Год назад

      They are actually just performing the songs live, with minimal effects, both lighting and soundwise? Yeah, so much better than ameritrash products.

    • @davidscothern8513
      @davidscothern8513 Год назад +6

      @@MrMurkosullivan As a Brit, I think that's quite a graceless response. No need.

    • @SepulchreBrit
      @SepulchreBrit 7 месяцев назад

      Wrong flag for the English, try 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • @rossburree8581
    @rossburree8581 2 года назад +13

    Wow. I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve heard this. It’s insanely beautiful.

  • @FirstMultitude
    @FirstMultitude 7 лет назад +11

    Damon's fave jam, so a dream come true for him I'm sure...

  • @michaelbell5238
    @michaelbell5238 Год назад +2

    I was just reading an article about this on my Google news feed. So i came a searching! 💜✌🏽🎶🎸

  • @AlexCavielles
    @AlexCavielles 17 лет назад +16

    one of best duets ever!!

  • @demonweber666
    @demonweber666 2 года назад +3

    Well, i cant believe that im JUST finding this, 2 of my favorites.2022 is already fantastic, just for this!

  • @robertallan4916
    @robertallan4916 8 месяцев назад +2

    Waterloo Sunset is one of the greatest English songs of the modern era.

  • @dramamine6199
    @dramamine6199 3 года назад +6

    this is my favourite performance. very wholesome

  • @edwardhanrahan4143
    @edwardhanrahan4143 2 года назад +4

    Luck to have seen them both play. Two of Britain's finest songwriters 🤍

  • @MissPerriwinkle
    @MissPerriwinkle Год назад +1

    one of the alltime gr8 songs...

  • @veralys
    @veralys 3 месяца назад +1

    Qué privilegio el de los que estuvieron en la actuación de Ray Davies !

  • @220773
    @220773 9 лет назад +127

    Blur were the band that, in my opinion, drew more from the Kinks compared to any other band in Britain, and I supose it's the same for the rest of the world...

    • @mirsakassandra5598
      @mirsakassandra5598 8 лет назад +18

      blur from the kinks
      oasis from the beatles
      wait a sec...

    • @220773
      @220773 8 лет назад +17

      Oasis didn't pick anything up from the fab four IMO. They always sounded much closer to a loud version of T. Rex...

    • @fernpolliks9029
      @fernpolliks9029 4 года назад +10

      Gianmaria Framarin loool ur mad if u think the Gallaghers weren’t completely and utterly trying to be the Beatles in every way

    • @kimchi_b
      @kimchi_b 4 года назад +7

      @@fernpolliks9029 The Oasis Beatles comparisons were how they were sold (It's all marketing), and of course the band bought into that to help buy their success. Not saying they didn't become a great band. But, if you look into it, all the insiders say it was just as fake media nonsense as the Blur versus Oasis supposed 'battle' for number one.

    • @youjoker9647
      @youjoker9647 3 года назад +2

      @@220773 are you joking?

  • @popscenez284
    @popscenez284 6 лет назад +7


  • @paulwrightson115
    @paulwrightson115 10 месяцев назад +1

    Love this. Damon's quality and Ray is British royalty.

  • @kevanbrown7620
    @kevanbrown7620 2 года назад +5

    Got to be one of the most perfect pop songs ever written. It's been 1 of my favourite songs for over 45 years. That melody is just beautifully melancholic.

  • @charmieswanstone
    @charmieswanstone Год назад +1

    Underrated singer and gorgeous too !

  • @garethebbrell5521
    @garethebbrell5521 9 месяцев назад +1

    Omg I don’t know how I haven’t seen this before but maybe I have. The 90s were pretty hectic. In any case, ace and the respect shown between the new and old guard is brilliant. Love it, wished I was 25 again.

  • @jimmyh5565
    @jimmyh5565 2 года назад +39

    Two of the greatest English musicians of my lifetime. You could argue that both have been overshadowed
    by lesser talents.

  • @SparkyTunes
    @SparkyTunes 10 месяцев назад

    A thousand years old.. Youre gunna live forever m8!!!
    All because of your amazing music..
    I wish I could leave such a legacy 4 my kids.. Legend.. Respect!

  • @Neearm
    @Neearm 2 года назад +5

    F*ing brilliant.

  • @speedy7834
    @speedy7834 Год назад +2

    This gave me goosebumps in 1995. It gives me goosebumps in 2023 😊

  • @Isleofskye
    @Isleofskye 4 года назад +4

    What an Honour and Privilege for him to perform with a Musician of his accomplishments and pedigree !
    .....I just hope Ray appreciates it....

  • @janiceyam3382
    @janiceyam3382 2 месяца назад

    So beautiful, love love love❤❤❤

  • @johnstewart6980
    @johnstewart6980 Год назад

    Ray is an amazing song writer, singer and person.
    Ray Davies for President in 2024....He can and will make this
    world a better place.
    You are The Best Ray !

  • @undiesclawfoot
    @undiesclawfoot 16 лет назад +12

    RD & DA are both huge talents. Waterloo Sunset is a top drawer classic whether you like it or not. These guys are teaming up to give us a new take and theie intention is what is more admirable than anything else. BTW, i loooove it.

  • @marcovila1127
    @marcovila1127 9 лет назад +7

    Love both

  • @nicolamoran7548
    @nicolamoran7548 7 лет назад +3

    Love everything about this. 2 London landmarks right there.

  • @smspencer69
    @smspencer69 Год назад +1

    I remember this fondly. Great to watch and listen again!

    • @quintessence4736
      @quintessence4736 Год назад +1

      Me too. I was one of the "kids" sitting on the floor in front of them that night... Back in the days when I had hair🥲

  • @merlinadenise8195
    @merlinadenise8195 6 лет назад +5

    Damon king of my heart 😭♥️

  • @paulmulcahy4187
    @paulmulcahy4187 Год назад +1

    2 bloody legends,

  • @robertzofall7288
    @robertzofall7288 5 лет назад +5

    Gives me goosepimps,can`t get better than these 2 together!

  • @AgustinaLopsta
    @AgustinaLopsta 10 лет назад +12

    5:46 Damon

  • @bigblurfan
    @bigblurfan 4 месяца назад

    I love Damon and this song!!❤

  • @youjoker9647
    @youjoker9647 3 года назад +3

    To the Bone, kills me every time. So heartfelt :felt like that about one girl when I was a soppy youth. Still cuts me when I hear it 34 years later. Amazingly it's a Duran Duran song. You can't chose a song like that, it chooses you! 😊

  • @Langy24
    @Langy24 Год назад

    Absolutely Brilliant

  • @lors999
    @lors999 16 лет назад +4

    this is bladdy brilliant, albarn and davies both are excellent talented musicians, it's moments like this which make you feel proud to be english!

  • @markswinegar6835
    @markswinegar6835 10 лет назад +9

    its great, he was made to sing this song.

  • @pearl.jasmine
    @pearl.jasmine 7 лет назад +12

    My life is now complete

  • @matthewrider5906
    @matthewrider5906 2 года назад +1

    The #MadFerItAmerican here... And this is just pretty damned brilliant, innit it, Damon singing 'Waterloo...' Very nice, indeed.

  • @jadeslone1652
    @jadeslone1652 8 месяцев назад

    The most amazing duet I have ever seen

  • @brianwalsh6666
    @brianwalsh6666 Год назад +1

    What a beautiful duo! So much talent and passion... Keep coming back

  • @johngammon963
    @johngammon963 Год назад


  • @mightym2
    @mightym2 9 лет назад +2

    How cool is that! Ray is always great.

  • @tuturura
    @tuturura 17 лет назад +3

    it's great at the end how people can't contain their excitement and joy and start shouting! great moment

  • @matthewlacey5307
    @matthewlacey5307 Год назад +1

    Fantastic hand shake at the end

  • @rosalynch1087
    @rosalynch1087 Год назад +1

    no this actually made me cry

  • @franciscodesousa2999
    @franciscodesousa2999 10 лет назад +4

    wonderful perfomance.

  • @gerrycoogan6544
    @gerrycoogan6544 Год назад +2

    What splendidness!
    In fact, this is so splendid that it is arguably the epitome of British splendor (and you can't get splendider than British splendidness.)

  • @patriziarossi9396
    @patriziarossi9396 10 лет назад +3

    The King is the King ...I love this performance

  • @lorenx6650
    @lorenx6650 2 года назад +3

    i want to pull my hair out this is so amazing if i had been in the audience i think i would have fallen on my knees for these two

  • @TexRipley
    @TexRipley 16 лет назад +3

    This is what I used to love about Mark Radcliffe fronted 'The White Room'. It was one of those progs for me that I had to be in to watch, we didn't have a damn VCR, so had no choice, and me living up north in the sticks always cursing the lucky buggers in the audience. Excellent music from all genres, and extra special moments like this. I remember Q magazine (or some such) doing a 'White Room' tape that had this on, which I played till it busted.. this took me right back, nice one..!

  • @drstevie
    @drstevie 6 лет назад +2


  • @manuelquiroga7994
    @manuelquiroga7994 Год назад

    How beautiful.

  • @billbaggins1688
    @billbaggins1688 Год назад

    Just lovely.

  • @neilpeace7734
    @neilpeace7734 2 года назад +2

    What a fabulous acoustic version of you really got me. Outstanding. Great video thx so much for posting. 🙂 Incidentally, I went shopping earlier and for some reason Waterloo sunset was going through my head .... 🤔😄

  • @sergei_mikhailovich
    @sergei_mikhailovich Год назад

    Damon Albarn is a legend in his own merit, but here's, he looks so honored when the legendary Ray Davies started playing his song.

  • @Wearethewingmakers
    @Wearethewingmakers Год назад +2

    That acoustic version of you really got me though! ❤️⭐️👋

  • @raydaisiesstudios
    @raydaisiesstudios 7 лет назад +2

    My two heroes, this is a wonderful video.. I needed this

  • @elliea8807
    @elliea8807 7 лет назад +2

    I would cry of joy if I saw this in person

  • @MichaelStefano-k3b
    @MichaelStefano-k3b 2 месяца назад

    Damn… Ray Davies is a master songwriter (and handsome too)… this must have been a huge moment in Damon’s career.

  • @beaflat
    @beaflat 17 лет назад +2

    This is a great performance - trust me - beauty is in the eye of the beholder - same sort of thing with music - you need to find your soul!!

  • @AerisNotAerith
    @AerisNotAerith 9 лет назад +5

    Omg that was beautiful.

  • @brianmcd9492
    @brianmcd9492 2 года назад +1

    Guitar magic and great singing lads🙂

  • @ericbitbol183
    @ericbitbol183 10 лет назад +1

    Thanks . very good moment

  • @glennhfriedman4571
    @glennhfriedman4571 3 года назад

    2021 and just saw it . and love it .

  • @garethhyland656
    @garethhyland656 Год назад +1

    What a combination. Damon is so so cool