ENFP and ESFP: Te Child (Extroverted Thinking)

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

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  • @stevester9148
    @stevester9148 4 года назад +16

    A lot of ExPs I know are actually bosses, managers or running a business because they're in their 40's and have a great access to this function.

    • @stevester9148
      @stevester9148 4 года назад +1

      ​@Niklaus Stefansen and ESFPs are air-head jocks and cheerleaders crushing beer cans on their foreheads.

  • @heritage.home.crochet
    @heritage.home.crochet 3 года назад +5

    I cosign to all of this, I love logic, I love when things are just laid out and it's a logical progression and you arrive at a destination using logic as the vehicle. I also love organizing other people's stuff or setting something straight for someone else. But I find it interesting that naturally we ENFPs don't enjoy organizing or doing tedious activities if they are a reoccurring thing that only benefits we ourselves alone. So long as it's for someone else and it isn't too frequent, it's super exciting!
    I also HATE when someone tells me how to do something I already know how to do or try to make me do it their way, because it stifles my creativity and makes me feel like I'm stuck in a box or convention that I don't care for.
    And I'm such a boss. I am amazing at delegating and knowing what to do, I just suck at finding a systematic way to do things that meet my Si criteria in timely manner before my Ne gets excited about something else. If I had a personal assistant, there would be no end to the things I could do! I'm gonna start my own business one day!

  • @davidcesar2044
    @davidcesar2044 3 года назад +13

    OH SNAP this was posted recently. Love it. ENFP here.
    Because crap happened during 2020...my Te went into full gear:
    Marie Kondo was my best friend
    Cleaning and decluttering schedules became a thing
    Bullet journaling/planner was something for me
    AND I even considered minimalism...well to a certain extent.
    Any other ENFP or ESFP done anything like this?

    • @Lindamorena
      @Lindamorena 3 года назад +1

      Actually yes I organised my makeup and dresser draws, decluttered my wardrobe I surprised myself.

    • @heritage.home.crochet
      @heritage.home.crochet 3 года назад +1

      Yes, I went crazy organizing and redoing the decorations in my husband's apartment. We got married in March of 2020 so under the stressful stimuli of the pandemic vs the change in life circumstances I just went on an organizing spree. But I think that was more Si as opposed to Te.

  • @fmafan123456789
    @fmafan123456789 4 года назад +6

    Always a blast listening to this lovely duo!! Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge!!

  • @alyssa8658
    @alyssa8658 3 года назад +2

    I was looping for a while and thought I was ESTP instead of ESFP and it took me a while to know I had Fi over Ti, especially since before looping, Fi was obvious, but when I started to loop, it's like all of that disappeared and now I'm trying to develop Fi.

  • @alastairpaisley6668
    @alastairpaisley6668 3 года назад +4

    So, what happens in an E*FP/I*TJ relationship? Do both of them think of themselves as a parent while viewing the other as a child?

  • @sirbradfordofhousejones
    @sirbradfordofhousejones 4 года назад +1

    12:01 ouch... I felt that in my soul.

  • @augustopolveiro2523
    @augustopolveiro2523 3 года назад +1

    can you do relationship description/advice videos? (I have a VERY challenging INTJ-ESFP relationship here)

  • @sirbradfordofhousejones
    @sirbradfordofhousejones 4 года назад +5

    Freak in the spreadsheets? SAY NO MORE! Wink wink

  • @devinbrines
    @devinbrines 3 года назад

    Good work

  • @Nyalloyd
    @Nyalloyd 3 года назад

    Amanda needs to watch some Dodo and get the tears flowing! 😂

  • @devinbrines
    @devinbrines 3 года назад +1

    What type is the chick on the right? Nice video

    • @TypeCastHeroes
      @TypeCastHeroes  3 года назад +2

      Amanda is an ENFP. She's the blonde in the video. I'm an INFJ (Jessie, the redhead)

  • @ashutoshsingh221
    @ashutoshsingh221 4 года назад

    FYI Amanda doesn't like 6 shirts on one hanger

  • @YouilAushana
    @YouilAushana 7 месяцев назад

    Te = "game". You heard it first here