3 wood Vs 5 wood | Taylormade Sim2 Max test

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 104

  • @sidwhalen2669
    @sidwhalen2669 3 года назад +3

    Spot on. I recently switched from a 3 wood to a 5 wood and getting much better results. 3 wood I might carry one out of five over 200 yards and now three to four out of five shots over 200 yards carry with my 5 wood.

  • @jarl1989
    @jarl1989 3 года назад +3

    I have a driver, 3w, 5w, 4H etc.
    I just barely used the 3w because I just couldn’t hit it from the deck. And when there was an opportunity for it I just screwed it up and thinking, why did I try it again for maybe that once of a life time perfect hit? So I pulled it out of the bag and sold it. Hitting the 5w now and going much better. Better 15 yards shorter and on the fairway then mis hit a 3w and a roll out 30 yards further down the fairway.

  • @annefilippobertozzi7601
    @annefilippobertozzi7601 3 года назад +3

    I used to higher the loft of my old callaway 3 wood to 16^, in order to use it easily also from the deck.
    The sim max has also a HL 3 wood (16.5^), that should work for both needs, carry distance and landing angle.
    I just ordered, based on my fitter’s suggestion...

  • @wallstreetoneil
    @wallstreetoneil 3 года назад +2

    My experience playing with many different types of golfers, that something like a 105mph+ Driver Swing Speed is where you will actually both use a 3wood and it will be an optimal club to carry in your 14-club bag. Even at a 100mph Driver swing speed, on shorter Pars 4s, most golfers at this swing speed will reach for their Driver - whereas if you are a 105+, you will consider 3wood/Driving iron/Hybrid - so if they aren't even hitting off the tee, it won't be optimal off the fairway. Carrying both 5&7 is then more optimal

  • @AriesDragon888
    @AriesDragon888 3 года назад +3

    Thank you very much for those thoughts and ideas. I have evolved through seeing the advantages recommended by so many of the higher degrees of loft in basically all the clubs. I am therefore thinking of going ahead with a 12 degree lofted TM driver, the Taylormade SIM2 Max 3HL (16.5 degree loft) and then eliminating the 5 Wood with a 7 Wood TM SIM2 Max at 21 degree loft (giving a bit of space between the two clubs).

  • @tonyrichards4741
    @tonyrichards4741 3 года назад +4

    Such a good video, it explains why my 3 wood is left in the garage. I'm going for a fitting next week will be looking at 5 and 7 woods/ rescues

  • @nealhamamura4263
    @nealhamamura4263 Год назад

    I just made this change to 5 wood and took 3 wood out of my bag. Everything you said is true and has helped me.

  • @jsowins
    @jsowins 3 года назад +1

    You have completely described my challenges with 3 wood. Loft is your friend for low speed players.

  • @pauldamato4394
    @pauldamato4394 3 года назад +1

    Great timing on the video. I am shopping Sim 2 Max and was leaning towards the Max D at 16 degrees to sort of split the difference in loft between a 3 and a 4. I now will go compare the 5 as well and see where it takes me. Thanks.

  • @cindybaumker4796
    @cindybaumker4796 2 года назад

    Very--very--"VERY" helpful and informative. Thanks for taking the time to make the video!

  • @johnkraus5454
    @johnkraus5454 3 года назад +1

    Ditched the 3 wood years ago. My 5 wood carries about 225 which was the same as the 3 wood. Difference being that the 5 wood was straighter, higher & easier to hit more consistently. Most recreational golfers aren't good enough to hit the 3 wood off the deck but their ego convinces them otherwise.

  • @ktmracing3135
    @ktmracing3135 2 года назад

    Do you think hit and feel similar? I have a sim max 2 5 wood and absolutely love how consistent I am with it. I want to pick their 3 wood.

  • @mattwilliams3104
    @mattwilliams3104 3 года назад +6

    I play the sim ti 5 wood and it's an absolute beast. I feel like I can't miss the fairway. Stock ventus blue is great too

    • @owenrivard8832
      @owenrivard8832 3 года назад

      Do you play a 3 wood too or just 5 wood? I find my 3 wood is close to my driver and can’t hit it consistently off of fairway at all I def need to look at a 5 wood and give it a chance

    @GOLFADDICT65 3 года назад

    i agree...just got fitted and ordered the PING G425 10.5 Driver / 5 wood / 7 wood......and 26 and 34 degree hybrids...can't wait till they arrive....cheers from Canada

  • @BayBrimsta
    @BayBrimsta 11 месяцев назад

    I have been struggling with my 3 wood off the deck. This video makes total sense I will give the 5 wood a try 💯

  • @fwood1231
    @fwood1231 2 года назад

    Interesting video. I carry Sim2 Max 5W and PXG 0211 7W and love both of them. I also have a Mavrik 3W that I just don’t really get it to perform for me. So you’re talking about lofts and how they’ve changed through the years and I started looking at some old clubs in the garage. (Some really old clubs) And I found a 70’s to 80’s 5 wood (Spalding Executive EZ) that’s 21 degrees, like my 7 wood. Hit it and just crushed it so easily. 😮 And an old persimmon 4 wood I found in my clutter… same happening, crushed it. 😵‍💫 Maybe I should just start playing again with some old clubs. 🤣

  • @billmurray8238
    @billmurray8238 Год назад

    Lightbulb moment. Thank you Ali! I hit my Callaway BB Fusion 5 wood so well, but always hankering to include a 3 wood in my bag.I recognise all those skanky low right shots. Swing speed 85mph - Doah! Will stay in the fairway comfort zone and enjoy my golf more....

  • @JDi77le
    @JDi77le 3 года назад

    A video that a lot of golfers need to watch! 👏🏼👏🏼

  • @gregschulte2953
    @gregschulte2953 2 года назад

    this video is right on. I carry a 16* Hogan 4 wood and a Sim2 max 18* 5 wood. Only 2 degrees apart but the Hogan is 20 yards longer off the tee and much easier to hit than a 3 wood. I will use the 5 wood anywhere, a very good 205-210 club. If I only could keep one in my bag, it would be the 5 wood.

  • @thomashounsfield4239
    @thomashounsfield4239 3 года назад +2

    What club speed are you hitting at

  • @markhansen3111
    @markhansen3111 8 месяцев назад

    Just picked up a sim 2 max 5 wood and I am eager to try it out. I needed a longish club that I could hit from tight lies in fairways. The bermuda grass in our Florida fairways goes dormant in winter months and many times my lie is on the ground..... literally. A 5 wood for longish fairway shots would be huge.

  • @JH-zn9tc
    @JH-zn9tc 2 года назад

    I recently added a 3-wood to my bag after learning to hit my 5 and 7 wood very well...love the 3W now as I can get driver like distance off the tee with it and 20 more yards with it than my 5 wood off the turf...

  • @jsowins
    @jsowins 3 года назад

    Distances not #'s on the clubs, good advise, thanks

  • @kanointhephilippines8082
    @kanointhephilippines8082 2 года назад

    For me I game the Sim 2 Max 3 and 5 wood, they both are in my bag. The 5 wood replaced my 3 iron. But here in the Philippines I play the same 18 hole course 3 times a week, my bag may be set up different if I had the opportunity to play other places. Thanks for the content and your thoughts. How blessed we are to be able to play this wonderful game.

  • @jacekgrob8860
    @jacekgrob8860 Год назад

    Loved the video it makes all the sense in the world. I carry a 3W and use it only off the tee. I hit my 5W consistently from the fairway and it's my best club off the tee.

  • @markfitzpatrick360
    @markfitzpatrick360 2 года назад

    Bought the 5 wood today and binned the Ping G410 3 hybrid. It’s like a dream club

  • @SuperHemiv8
    @SuperHemiv8 3 года назад

    Great video. I too gave up on the three wood and now use a tour edge four wood and swing much more confidently. I only take a three wood on short courses for tee shots.

  • @NemocadNo1
    @NemocadNo1 3 года назад +1

    Fantastic video. The shots you were hitting with the 3 wood were the ones I hit in my lesson last week with a 3 off the deck. I switch to a 5 and gained 210 carry! I felt I could hit the 5 like a 4 iron, de-lofting the club, but still gaining the height which results in more distance. Keep up the good work, Just subscribed!

  • @encinobalboa
    @encinobalboa Год назад

    I learned how to hit fairway woods off the little tee. When I got comfortable, I moved to the turf.

  • @JorgeMorales-do5pr
    @JorgeMorales-do5pr 3 года назад

    Great video, thanks. Was I looking for. Question, I have sim 2 ti 3 wood, can i up the loft and cut the shaft to match like 5 wood or maybe like 4 wood ? Because I have sim 2 rescue #3 19 degree

  • @mrgolfdogs
    @mrgolfdogs 3 года назад

    Think I am going to give a 5 and 7 wood a try and dump the 3 wood for some of the reasons you have shown.

  • @cliveelleforde
    @cliveelleforde 3 года назад

    I have a Sim3 and a 5hybrid, and always the 5 is the go to club for accuracy then distance off the fairway as well as a great chipper around the green👍

    • @ktmracing3135
      @ktmracing3135 2 года назад

      Do you think hit and feel similar? I have a sim max 2 5 wood and absolutely love how consistent I am with it. I want to pick their 3 wood.

  • @neiltaylor1765
    @neiltaylor1765 3 года назад +4

    Thats why I've got a 16.5° TS2 in play

    • @kymstock1852
      @kymstock1852 3 года назад

      I tried a F9 Cobra at 16 degrees ( 3-4W) too. My swing speed ( 85-90 mph with Driver) just wasn't enough to hit it well off the deck. A F9 Cobra 5-6 wood was much better for me.

  • @doanhp76
    @doanhp76 3 года назад

    This is me. I went in for a 3 wood fitted and came out with a 5 wood purchased. It's so true for mid and high handicap.

  • @gavinthomas8882
    @gavinthomas8882 3 года назад +1

    Uncanny. I was on the trackman 2 days ago and i was really struggling to get consistent strikes with a 3 wood. Try the 5 wood says the pro. I was much more consistent. It was a lot easier to hit. I ordered a g425 5 wood. It will hopefully be here in a few days.

  • @stangetz534
    @stangetz534 3 года назад

    5 simmax2 wood or 3 ping g 425 hybrid?

  • @TimVerdouw
    @TimVerdouw 3 года назад

    Did a custom fit and got the Sim2 5 wood. Still having a hard time to hit it right, but that's probably because I don't have years of experience yet. Sometimes it goes beautiful and sometimes it sweeps down immediately after my swing. Anyway, great video. Happy to have the 5 in my bag!

  • @skinax1
    @skinax1 3 года назад

    I have 3 wood and 4 hybrid. Will order 5 wood now as it is a no-brainer. What about 7 wood vis-a-vis 4 hybrid. A little confused now.

  • @unknownKnownunknowns
    @unknownKnownunknowns 3 месяца назад

    what about High Loft 3 woods and 5 woods?

  • @anthonyfarmer8387
    @anthonyfarmer8387 3 года назад

    Great video, describes me well. I hit an old 5 wood (Callaway RAZR) which Is one of my favourite clubs but I’d like more carry. Do you think a more modern 5 Wood (G425, ST-X etc) should give me that?

  • @BEAN9999
    @BEAN9999 3 года назад

    What club would you recommend for me between my 5.5 degree driver and my p790 udi 2 iron set at 15 degrees? I do also use a original one mini driver but I struggle to hit it off the fairway.

    • @neiltaylor1765
      @neiltaylor1765 3 года назад

      You can get 12.5°/13° fairway wood might fill the gap

    • @AliTaylorGolf
      @AliTaylorGolf  3 года назад +1

      Depends how far you hit driver and P790

    • @BEAN9999
      @BEAN9999 3 года назад

      @@AliTaylorGolf driver 320-330
      2 iron 250-260.

    • @BEAN9999
      @BEAN9999 3 года назад

      @@neiltaylor1765 I think you are right I tried my old long tom 2 wood and was hitting it around the 280-290 mark. It is 12 degrees I believe.

  • @isleofdeath
    @isleofdeath 3 года назад

    Add loft to 3w or deloft 5w If i aim at 17 degree loft? I fear that the face on the 5w would be too open.

  • @TheUppalpatel
    @TheUppalpatel 3 года назад

    superb video. works wonders for me since I started the 16.5 TS2 in play. Thanks.

  • @markbean2777
    @markbean2777 3 года назад

    A lot of confidence to actually swing hard but still in control.. works for me...if u get a decent finish position usually means a decent shot

  • @timdench2583
    @timdench2583 2 года назад

    Great video. Thanks for the explanation

  • @S.forbes
    @S.forbes 3 года назад

    I have a 3W @15 degrees and 5 wood @19 degrees . I can shape the 3w off the tee better but I can Launch the 5w off the deck better. 5 woods should definitely be in more golfers bags they are such a good forgiving club.

  • @jaysp1910
    @jaysp1910 3 года назад

    Seems to me a lot of golfers have driver and 5 wood.set ups. The new 5 wood replaced my old 4 wood.

  • @Robk363
    @Robk363 3 года назад

    You have one of the most effortless swings I've ever seen. How the hell do you hit your 5 Wood over 200 yards carry? I hit mine about 170 and I feel like I'm swinging out my boots 😅

  • @cameronloveless1751
    @cameronloveless1751 3 года назад

    Great vid Ali. I absolutely love my Tour Edge CBX 18* 5W. I hit one into a green last week that carried over 225 yards and actually spun back 2 feet!! (Soft green clearly 😜). 5W is great firing at greens on Par 5’s and has also become my fairway finder on shorter/tighter holes.

  • @theamaturegolfer7798
    @theamaturegolfer7798 3 года назад

    Would you use a 3 wood & 5 wood? I’m a 9 handicap & don’t have issues striking a 3 Wood off the deck. Would you say there’s a big enough gap to justify having both a 3 & 5 Ali? Cheers mate.,love your channel mate. Keep up the good work matey. 👏👏👏

    • @AliTaylorGolf
      @AliTaylorGolf  3 года назад

      Not for me, hence 3 wood and 7 wood but my lofts are 14.5 and 20.5

  • @lavrentievv
    @lavrentievv 3 года назад

    No ball speed or club speed?

  • @johnholzle2977
    @johnholzle2977 11 месяцев назад

    I switched to a 5 wood and have a lot better luck with it. I have the sim2 max titanium. I accidentally changed out the shaft to a 3 wood shaft and don’t know why it works so well but picked up20 yards carry on the swap.

  • @DrGolf-li4jt
    @DrGolf-li4jt 3 года назад

    I went to 5 wood and took 3 wood out of bag. I hit it great most of the time. Also carry a 7 wood and 9 wood.

  • @jnordwell
    @jnordwell 3 года назад

    Yes. This is me in a nut shell.. and I'm in the process of finding a 4 wood or 5 wood for my bag

  • @granthodges9860
    @granthodges9860 3 года назад +1

    About to take TaylorMade M6 3 wood out of the bag and getting fitted for the new Ping G425 7 wood. I carry a TM 3/19 Rescue ( keeper ) which I can hit reasonably well but I’m looking forward to the higher flight and consistency of the Ping. I’ve just got to do my part.

  • @markbroderick1525
    @markbroderick1525 3 года назад

    Great video Ali,I've got a fitting soon,I'm in market for a 3 wood ,but I'm not comfortable hitting it,hoping my fitting will get me with a 4/5 wood,testing needed 🏌️⛳👍

  • @owenrivard8832
    @owenrivard8832 3 года назад

    That’s it you described my problem to perfection I’m booking myself a fitting with my head pro to compare my 3 wood to 5 woods. My 3 wood goes close to my driver when hit it off the tee so it’s a pointless club for me. I’ve got some dog legs at my course where the 5 wood would be perfect off the tee

  • @LMFNinja
    @LMFNinja 3 года назад +1

    Great video Ali.I have Sim2 3, 5 and 7 woods. Each club has a unique purpose and I am confident hitting all of them. I agree that many amateurs would be better served playing a 5 wood as opposed to a 3 wood.I also believe that many amateurs ignore the 7 wood which is a very easy club to hit and which is so beneficial in many instances. All the best. Cheers mate.

  • @greggstepp9910
    @greggstepp9910 3 года назад

    I carry the Sim2 Max driver, the Sim2 Max 5W and a Ping G400 7W.

  • @AsadKhan-lm6yr
    @AsadKhan-lm6yr 3 месяца назад

    Lovely explanation

  • @ctkbiz7322
    @ctkbiz7322 2 года назад

    Thank you for amazing video

  • @albertsantoro7083
    @albertsantoro7083 3 года назад

    Great video!

  • @banditbaker1675
    @banditbaker1675 3 года назад

    Great vid Ali, I'm possibly looking to change out my old and battered Diablo 3Wood this year, with a new Fairway Wood, so I will take your advice and ignore the number and just look for which one gives me the flight & distance that I need👍

  • @pb12661
    @pb12661 3 года назад +1

    if you're a player who can't reach par 5's in two, you're about 95 percent towards the "you don't need a 3-wood group" already.

    • @markh9246
      @markh9246 3 года назад

      I can hit most par 5s in 2, but 80% of time i lay up to my perfect 120 yardage. It is a wasted club for me. I even hit 4 iron 2 times and then chip on, borin golfer. Or smash driver 320 and then layup with 7 iron lol

  • @lkae4
    @lkae4 2 года назад +2

    For folks struggling with 3 and 5 wood off the tee, maybe learn to hit a 1/2 driver swing. Much bigger sweet spot. And just forget about hitting fairway wood off the deck if you don't have time to practice it regularly.

  • @James_Vaughn
    @James_Vaughn 3 года назад +1

    Good video. So many guys I know carry a 3w out of obligation it seems. I mean, they rarely ever pull it out, and when they do it usually doesn't go well. I guess people think longer shaft + lower loft = more distance, when in reality it only provides the potential for more distance, not a guarantee. To be fair, a lot of guys do, on occasion, hit a great shot with the 3w, and the desire to want to repeat that shot is pretty strong.

  • @nicholasmihail9270
    @nicholasmihail9270 Год назад

    I have a rbz hl 3 wood, that's a 17° and I currently hit it better and further then my driver 😅

  • @markderby9416
    @markderby9416 3 года назад

    Great video Ali👍😊 I game G410 5 wood 17.5 love it, just like the driver not gamed a 3 wood for many years just as you have said in the video😊👍its a love hate thing 🤣🤣

  • @anthonybennett4274
    @anthonybennett4274 3 года назад

    you just described me 3 wood off the fairway no good today but rescue good going to get rid of my 3 wood and eventually get a 5 wood

  • @mattdonovan4860
    @mattdonovan4860 3 года назад +1

    I carry 3 wood for tee shots and 5 wood for off the deck for this exact reason

    • @AliTaylorGolf
      @AliTaylorGolf  3 года назад

      That’s perfect because you understand what works for you

  • @nickr3115
    @nickr3115 3 года назад +1

    I have always found my 5 wood so much more useful than my 3 wood. Hence 3 wood stays at home!

  • @invisaman75
    @invisaman75 3 года назад

    A shot using 3 wood off the deck has to be an almost perfect lie whereas with 5 wood the lie could be marginal. I carry both a 3 and a 5 wood. I use 3 wood mostly off the tee when the driver is not a good option and 5 wood is used off the tee on a long par 3. Off the deck, I would not approach a green with my 3 wood but I would use the 5 wood instead. If it's a par 5 on the 2nd shot, If I can't reach the green, the lie is good and the fairway is wide I might use a 3 wood to get as close as possible.

  • @irvinlee1800
    @irvinlee1800 3 года назад +1

    took my 3 wood out and replaced with a 5 wood. never looking back

  • @mrpuck68
    @mrpuck68 3 года назад

    What about 7 woods?

  • @josephinecampbell3196
    @josephinecampbell3196 3 года назад

    I have both. I put one in the bag according to what course I am playing. So I have a choice.

    • @ktmracing3135
      @ktmracing3135 2 года назад

      Do you think hit and feel similar? I have a sim max 2 5 wood and absolutely love how consistent I am with it. I want to pick their 3 wood.

    • @josephinecampbell3196
      @josephinecampbell3196 2 года назад

      @@ktmracing3135 I would say yes, it is similar.

  • @benthomas5151
    @benthomas5151 3 года назад

    I took 3 wood out of the bag 2 months ago my 5 wood goes 180-190 meters with my swing speed
    Any more than that its a layup
    Lets me play a extra wedge

  • @robertcain844
    @robertcain844 3 года назад

    That sounds like me and I don't use my 3 wood, so going to try the 5 I think 🙂

    • @AliTaylorGolf
      @AliTaylorGolf  3 года назад

      Sounds good 👍

    • @Shsiebeie
      @Shsiebeie 3 года назад +1

      @@AliTaylorGolf just got a sim 5 wood.better for me because I am only 14 and I have a lower swing speed so I can get the ball up on the air easily

  • @lesliemateka4193
    @lesliemateka4193 7 месяцев назад

    3 is best club in bag

  • @NineEyeRon
    @NineEyeRon 3 года назад

    I’m buying the 5 and 7 wood, 5 wood these days is like the old 3 wood and 7 wood is an old 5 wood. Why buy a 3 wood?

  • @paulnutbrown9836
    @paulnutbrown9836 9 месяцев назад

    If you swing at that speed a 5 woods pointless as well

  • @williamwooldridge2718
    @williamwooldridge2718 3 года назад

    Yes Sir & yes sir.....no to watch for solutions :)

  • @jpbernie72
    @jpbernie72 3 года назад +1

    First! I have a three, five, and seven.

  • @evanontheregular3491
    @evanontheregular3491 3 года назад

    Who the fuck hits a 7 iron 130 I hit mine 180+ then some rollout 130 is a hard gap or a light pw

  • @damonkatos4271
    @damonkatos4271 3 года назад

    Just get a 16.5 degree

  • @callumararity7857
    @callumararity7857 3 года назад

    You’ll be happy to be out of that closet tomorrow.