Still...... As I mentioned in previous updates, hope that there're some generals that appear in the campaign and conquest mode only like azai nagamasa, oda nobutada, oda nobukatsu and imagawa yoshimoto would be available for us to recruit since they're kinda important characters in the shogun. Hope that those new generals are including them. (p.s. since I told that several times, I just copied that previous comment and pasted it here)
Still...... As I mentioned in previous updates, hope that there're some generals that appear in the campaign and conquest mode only like azai nagamasa, oda nobutada, oda nobukatsu and imagawa yoshimoto would be available for us to recruit since they're kinda important characters in the shogun. Hope that those new generals are including them.
(p.s. since I told that several times, I just copied that previous comment and pasted it here)
and azai nagamasa
The coolest and most exciting Conquest series to play
Yeah 👍
you should make that one city in zama level 4 again, now its too easy
Incas america please