Why on earth asking this rider, who needs to work at her own riding, to ROUND THE NECK more? There is no teaching going on here. I feel for the rider because she is not taught! Her shoulder blades, her seat, too narrow, etc. nothing is said that could help her and the horse, of course as a result.
I love dressage ❤🐎❤️🐎 0:21
The outside seat bone, rein and leg is keeps him aligned in the lateral movements. The in side aids keep the bend and impulsion.!
Unlock the rider's shoulder..for a start?
He looks tricky. Well ridden!
Why on earth asking this rider, who needs to work at her own riding, to ROUND THE NECK more? There is no teaching going on here. I feel for the rider because she is not taught! Her shoulder blades, her seat, too narrow, etc. nothing is said that could help her and the horse, of course as a result.