Aliens: Is It WRONG for Christians to Believe in Them?

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @sattaurnikki
    @sattaurnikki Год назад +351

    I used to believe in aliens when I was younger. But I have come to learn that if they exist, they are fallen angels. 😊❤

    • @MGWaweru
      @MGWaweru Год назад +12

      We are the aliens :-) 1 Peter 2:11

    • @billguyan1913
      @billguyan1913 Год назад

      Not angelsbut (probably) angel human hybrids like the Nephilim. The people abducted by these beings invariably say that they've had experiments done on them, usually sexual.

    • @nxh2897
      @nxh2897 Год назад +5


    • @TheGuitarReb
      @TheGuitarReb Год назад +5

      @@MGWaweru Yea, Bigfoot seems to think we're aliens.

    • @Gary-fq8cx
      @Gary-fq8cx Год назад

      So something that mankind doesnt even know exist you have taken and defined it as something from your favorite religion. Only Christians. 😂

  • @alantasman8273
    @alantasman8273 Год назад +168

    The similarities between supposed alien encounters and demonic encounters is startling. They include, levitation, the ability to walk through walls, telepathy, the smell of sulfur, the ability to defy known laws of physics, sexual molestation etc. Hummm

    • @nxh2897
      @nxh2897 Год назад

      and both are not proven to be true, although there is a high possibility of aliens existing and 0% probability of demons and ghosts

    • @Redrobin-ms8fr
      @Redrobin-ms8fr Год назад +16

      E X A C T L Y!!

    • @Redrobin-ms8fr
      @Redrobin-ms8fr Год назад +15

      Of course, this is how many atheists explain away the belief in God and the angelic, claiming that it all stems from encounters with extraterrestrial beings.

    • @TrevoltIV
      @TrevoltIV Год назад +31

      My father saw Enki as an alien. Enki is the Sumerian "god" of wisdom, intelligence, and more. He telepathically contacted my father and was telling him all this. This is a very long story so I'll cut it short, basically he ruined my dad's life with bad advice, told him to show me the aliens' lights in the sky since we were both atheists and would believe it I guess, and refused to show my mom the same (presumably due to her belief in God and protection from Him).
      In my own conclusion, I can say with probably 98% certainty that aliens are fallen angels. The bible even says pagan gods are really demons. It makes far too much sense, and with the fact that I've personally witnessed very likely to be related to it, I'm convinced. What kind of highly intelligent, well meaning alien race contacts you to ruin your life and get you addicted to meth so that you never see your kids again for the next 10 years? Probably sounds a lot closer to demons, because that's what happened to my dad after all this.

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад +7

      @@TrevoltIV Very, very sorry, Trevolt.
      Many blessings to you and your family.

  • @evermoremystic17
    @evermoremystic17 Год назад +144

    I’ve been obsessed with this topic as a little girl seeing all the videos and documentaries on the subject until I stumbled across a video where an abductee was terrified to the point she invoked the name of Jesus and the abductions stopped! It was a jaw dropping moment not to mention a paranormal podcast mentioning a group of people doing a seance and a grey alien popping up. It definitely opened my eyes. I would highly recommend LA Marzulli’s channel as well as interviews with researcher/explorer Timothy Alberino. There is so much to the UFO/ET phenomenon than what meets the eye. It definitely seems to tie into a “great deception.”

    • @mattbroussard7409
      @mattbroussard7409 Год назад

      Exactly I thought that's what this video would be about! Non believers will reject the point of view of this video not based on science but because of the overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence of "alien" encounters and abductions. There are literally interdimentional beings attacking, oppressing, and deceiving people all over the world. These are demonic not alien.

    • @TrevoltIV
      @TrevoltIV Год назад

      It is a deception. They will tell you they are well meaning and have been either watching over us for a long time, or created us. They'll tell you the pagan gods (such as zeus, Enki, Enlil, etc.) were actually them, but I promise you they are fallen angels and demons. The bible even straight up says the pagan gods are demons, I can't remember the verse but look it up.
      The bible is more real than any mocker could ever prove life on other planets to be. In fact it also says in the end days, scoffers will come, worshipping their images of corrupt men and images of animals, reptiles, and other things that creep. I first interpreted that as referring to evolution, but it's been brought to my attention it's also talking about idols (images of animals which other religions worship), so whether it's a double meaning I don't know, sure seems like it could be though.
      Read the bible if you haven't, you'll randomly come across very useful information that unlocks the real truth to everything you see being thrown at you, it's like having a superpower against all propaganda, never needing even the internet to realize you're being lied to. It's amazing!

    • @tylermclean6352
      @tylermclean6352 Год назад +6

      Disclosed: Deceiving the World by Little Light Studios is hands down the best presentation of this deception I've seen.
      Also Starfall is good.

    • @temjiu9915
      @temjiu9915 Год назад

      Not only that, bit if you talk to the people who track this stuff worldwide, the ONLY instances where someone has stopped the abduction process was to call out in Christs name. And every single time, the "aliens left immediately". Also, look at some of the new world order stuff going on right now. Like the introductory act at the summer games in the UK, where they had people representing each nation gather together under a huge Bull idol to worship it, and it started with each of these people receiving a "crystal" from space that guided them to the bull for the worship. It was crazy scary to watch that, but if you think about it, and add that to the equation, the "aliens" coming out could easily be part of the great deception.

    • @toolegittoquit_001
      @toolegittoquit_001 Год назад

      Alberino is certifiable 🥺

  • @thepiggyprophet
    @thepiggyprophet Год назад +33

    Alien means "strange or foreign," we had aliens visiting our planet and it says it in the Bible. Those were the angels sent from God, as they are strange and foreign to our planet, these are the only aliens that ever came to this planet and the only aliens that exist outside it.

    • @Bigmouth660
      @Bigmouth660 Год назад

      So what of ufo spaceships? I've seen many different kinds. Doing impossible maneuvers. Bell, ball,cigar,saucer. I've seen them with my own eyes.
      They all cannot be human.
      I'm a Christian and have had experiences. Before AND after being saved.
      The more I read the Bible the more I see things. God made many creatures. It's rude to say God didn't make something when he did. Demonic or not. We are all creatures of the most high.

    • @Scorpion-my3dv
      @Scorpion-my3dv Год назад +5

      "angels" 🙂

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 Год назад +3

      @Laughing at pseudo-science preachers Show us solid proof and we'll get back to you.

    • @joedee1863
      @joedee1863 Год назад

      The word Alien is derived from the word LIEN, which in commerce refers to a legitimate claim, or confiscation of property in liu of a debt.
      An alien means NO LIEN
      Therefore an alien resident is someone who has no legitimate claim to land or occupancy the same as a native.
      Some one who is an alien has no right to be here.

    • @mariosangermano
      @mariosangermano Год назад

      @Laughing at pseudo-science preachers You have a lot of blind faith. According to those who hold your view of billions of years, we should have seen massive alien life forms. We should have by now built civilizations with them. So, where are they? it's been billions of years, where are they??. The only UFO's we've encountered are demons deceiving the unbelieving.

  • @suechapel1443
    @suechapel1443 Год назад +16

    What's so wicked is all the millions spent on this when we have so many suffering humans that need it 😢

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад +1

      Sue: With regard to SETI, I think you're correct: it would be more worthwhile and ethical to divert the money to famine-relief, clean water, etc.👏
      (Although I am pleased to note that some positive scientific discoveries have been made from general space research - and that, I would encourage.)
      In a wider context, however, I think that far more is spent on nuclear bombs and their delivery than on SETI. Consider the vast outlay: instead of using the money to relieve malnutrition, there is a willingness, instead, to spend billions on evil; then, a preparedness to use the weapons on non-combatant men, women and children - indeed, in order for such weapons to constitute an effective "deterrent", there has to be.
      It's obscene! (Just to threaten their use seems to me to be immoral; moreover, if they were used, the suffering they would cause would be incalculable...)
      Now that, in my view, is far more wicked.😭

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад

      @Laughing at pseudo-science preachersHello, "Laughing".
      I'm with you 100% about the evil of prosperity teachers - although not, I suspect, for the same reasons.
      I think your perspective equates prosperity teaching with genuine Christianity; mine does not. And, since we're on the subject of "pseudo", mine holds that such teachers are dangerous pseudo-Christians who contribute to human suffering; "televangelists", yes, but not evangelists of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ - and I know a great many of my fellow-Christians would agree with me on this. (And they also belong to churches that send money out - not to "rake it in" - in order to ease human suffering.)
      I wonder... can we at least agree that, while prosperity teaching is definitely evil, the use - or threatened use - of nuclear weapons represents, on the scale of things, an even greater evil...?
      Also... that, while science has helped to ease human suffering, it has also contributed to it? (Back to nuclear weapons, again - and the development of other weapons, too...) So, yes: I can, indeed, care about science - including some of the achievements of space exploration - and human suffering simultaneously; but I see no contradiction between that and my Christian faith.
      One other thing about space exploration: some of it was fueled by the "Cold War": not exactly laudable, in my opinion! But good things have still come out of it - I accept that.
      Turning to the subject of "pseudoscience sources", while I agree that there are, indeed, pseudoscience sources (those promoting the idea of a "flat Earth" spring to mind), I am very aware that our general definition as to what else constitutes "pseudoscience" parts ways when it comes to the subject of evolution v creation.
      So... what constitutes "good use of science"? How might we define "pseudoscience"? How do we define "Christianity" and what it means to be a "Christian"?
      Weighty issues - sometimes, more complex than we may think.
      By all means, let's continue to debate them...
      Thanks for your contribution to the discussion, "Laughing".

    • @jamiebraswell5520
      @jamiebraswell5520 Год назад

      ​@@laughingatpseudo-sciencepreach"At least scientists are actually doing science"
      Science that results in the here and now and eases human suffering is great, but much more money is funneled into things which have no impact on our lives at all. You already knew that. Those mega-church ministries and prosperity gospels are not of God and are clearly warned about in the Bible, yet many are clueless because they do not really know God. All they are seeking is things that gratify as opposed to the real truth of God. The semantics do not matter as the money being wasted on science and money-grubbing ministries could indeed be used to alleviate a lot of suffering simply by providing food and shelter for the impoverished as well as programs that are truly designed to get them on their feet and able to provide for themselves again. Theorizing about planets that can only be seen by the ultra expensive James-Webb telescope is a fruitless endeavor that only provides ideas that can never be proven. Is it interesting to see the images? Yes. Does it effect our lives in any way? No. Scientific fields which cover things beyond the here and now are wastes of vast amounts of money that pursue truths that can never be substantiated as absolute fact and do nothing at all to better our lives. You might as well give the money to mega-churches for all the good it does.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 Год назад +1

      Certainly we should help the poor...but even Jesus said "the poor will always be with us". The study and application of Gods creation in science and technology is capable of new inventions that will help the poor as well. We should always consider that money spend on studying God's creation for the purpose of good is not money wasted.

    • @travisbicklepopsicle
      @travisbicklepopsicle Год назад

      What is wicked is organizations such as Answers in Genesis chronically misrepresenting and lying about science all the time, and also building ridiculous fake 'museums' and charging entry fees, conning the public out of their money thinking that they are actually learning about reality when the 'creation museum' is just a pile of nonsense, and also consider the fact that most natural history museums are free to enter.
      AIG is also big on creation science, which isn't even a thing, contributes absolutely nothing to the world like real science does, make no predictions, leads to no new advancements, etc.
      Learning as much as we can about space is most definitely worth it; we never know what advancements it may lead to.
      Edit: I'm pretty sure AIG does donate to charities and stuff like that, so that is one good thing they do.

  • @PatSantry
    @PatSantry Год назад +19

    When I was in the army, at Ft. Eustis, VA there's something similar to the Avrocar, basically a flying saucer the army was working on back in the 50s.

    • @--..-...-..-.--....
      @--..-...-..-.--.... 11 месяцев назад

      You weren't supposed to divulge that information!!!!!!!!!!!🚨🚨🚨🚨

  • @soon2bsaint680
    @soon2bsaint680 Год назад +31


    • @newcreationinchrist1423
      @newcreationinchrist1423 Год назад +4

      Yes, they're demons

    • @sattaurnikki
      @sattaurnikki Год назад +2

      Amen. ❤😊

    • @ashleychurchill9779
      @ashleychurchill9779 Год назад

      That’s what I figured out that aliens are fallen angels they keep people from Jesus so it makes sense they are aliens.

    • @TheDivineCallingofJesusChrist
      @TheDivineCallingofJesusChrist Год назад +2

      Literally I have a video series called the age of deception and it starts with aliens and UFOs Giants and Genesis 🤣♥️

    • @TheDivineCallingofJesusChrist
      @TheDivineCallingofJesusChrist Год назад

      Yes this is the great deception. I've been doing further research into Revelation 9 and the locusts that come from the bottomless pit. Makes me think of CERN and an alien invasion. Perhaps they're trying to recreate Jacob's ladder except all that gets them is to open the bottomless pit.. Makes me think! Not sure entirely but their definitely demonic beings those that come from the abyss I presume.

  • @jae1297
    @jae1297 Год назад +65

    I have seen unidentified flying objects on multiple occasions. I got saved young and have known the Lord my whole life. I've studied astronomy since childhood, and I know that I have not mistaken a planet or comet or other astronomic body for a UFO. That being said, I never believed in life on other planets (aliens) and was confused about the things that I saw, until I looked into the topic of the fallen angels in more detail, and God revealed to me that the things I saw were the deceit of the devil and his fallen angels. This interpretation, for me, was confirmed when I started hearing the stories reported by "abductees," who said that the "aliens" claimed to be our creators and will return to "save humanity," a total contradiction to the Word of God. I believed this interpretation of the UFO's being caused by fallen angels for years before I ever heard any other Christian speak of it. I will admit that the last UFO that I witnessed very well could have been some governmental experimental aircraft, despite its defiance of accepted technological capabilities. At any rate, I believe that the entire subject matter of UFO's and aliens, in the secular world, is a massive deceit of the devil to lure people away from God Y-HW-H and to make the one world religion an easier trap to fall into.

    • @arkangeln910c8
      @arkangeln910c8 Год назад

      I hear you. I saw those entities many years ago. I was never able to determine what was exactly what I saw, although they looked like some sort of spheres of diffuse light. They were traveling in line, above the house, late one night, and i lost the count of them. At some point I felt threatened and jumped instinctively back, and understood they were NOT friendly. In Ephesians 6:12, Saint Paul explains us that those UFOs are manifestations of demons, not angels, and that they are evil, and are deceiving the whole world. Atheists have propagated the idea that these metaphysical entities are "vehicles of extremely advanced extraterrestrial civilisations", that they are watching us, in a similar way like a human scientist watches his fish in experiments. We, as Christians, must denounce that deceitful atheist propaganda, so that ignorants and spiritually weak people understand and find the truth and convert to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Him be given the Glory the Power and the Honor for ever, Amen.

    • @user-ry6vd9vj9q
      @user-ry6vd9vj9q Год назад +5

      Well put

    • @jamiebraswell5520
      @jamiebraswell5520 Год назад +5

      Well spoken.

    • @2l84me8
      @2l84me8 Год назад

      How do you know you weren’t just mistaken and there really were life forms on other planets?

    • @williamloman4228
      @williamloman4228 Год назад +4

      @@2l84me8 how will you get there to find out? How will they get here to let you know? At light speed it takes almost two years just to reach our outer galaxy. No solid object can obtain and sustain light speed, or Mach for that matter.

  • @Kiapooh
    @Kiapooh Год назад +66

    Personally, I believe what the world calls aliens are actually fallen angels. They had to go somewhere and help their master reak havoc since they chose to follow him when he was kicked out of heaven. (Read the "whole" story of Lot and Abraham) Who was banging on the door??
    (Not sure if they'll mention this in the video as I am posting this at the beginning of the video)

    • @Scorpion-my3dv
      @Scorpion-my3dv Год назад +1

      ​@@KellyVisionPictures be careful with some of his stuff. I've watched it and I agree with some of it and disagree with other parts of it. Not big on the book of Enoch.

    • @KellyVisionPictures
      @KellyVisionPictures Год назад +2

      @@Scorpion-my3dv I don't have a problem with it. Because as doctor heiser States... It is similar to having commentaries that we have today, on The Bible that we read today. And that time, that's how the Jewish people viewed it. The writers of the New Testament Gospels refer to it as well.

    • @vaeshethblade931
      @vaeshethblade931 Год назад

      @@Matrix_Mechanic Because it is verified at every level. Genetic research has single-handedly killed the theory of evolution and simultaneously substantiated the Bible narrative; but the Bible holds true everywhere it can be checked: historically, archaeologically, and scientifically. As to the "Aliens are fallen angels" theory, you need to read your Bible. Both Peter and Jude tell us that fallen angels are not free to rebel against God, "wreak havoc" , or anything else. Angels who sin are imprisoned to await Judgement.

    • @KellyVisionPictures
      @KellyVisionPictures Год назад +3

      @@Matrix_Mechanic Nobody can prove that The Bible is true to you. That is something you have to discover for yourself.
      There is a lot of evidence within The Bible and secular history that can prove this to you. It is not a two minute thing. It is a journey. It takes effort and time to find and consume the information.
      The Bible is the truth. Jesus is the truth. Jesus is the messiah our savior.
      I hope and pray that you will begin this journey and you will discover this.

    • @fatherofjman2475
      @fatherofjman2475 Год назад +7

      @@Matrix_Mechanic for me it was historical discoveries and science. This is a bit long winded so i understand if you dont read it, but you may find it interesting nonetheless.
      Every culture has a flood myth. Not every one has the arc on the side of mount Ararat. The bibles story is validated in my eyes because there is a large structure made of petrified wood matching the exact proportions of the arc on the mountains side, which is incidentally where the bible claims the boat landed.
      Secular sources of historical figures such as egyptian scribes recording a fight between a pharoah and davids great grandson.
      The proven existence of biblical figures like pontius pilot, the brothers of jesus, etc.
      All things that are conveniently left out of western educational systems.
      Then there is the genetics. Secular scientists have shown 2 separate genetic bottlenecks (meaning everyone sharing the same ancestor.)
      Well the bible covers that with the creation and then the flood.
      Basically i find that no actual science disproves the bible. The ones they claim do such as Geological layers and Cosmological distances are actually covered by scriptures as well and the scientific processes that support them are flawed.
      For example in geologies case, rock layers are claimed to be formed by millions of years of erosion which they calculate by measuring how quickly wind and water weather things today. Funnily enough a globe spanning disaster of floods and storms like the great deluge would actually leave similar erosional evidences. The question is time or dynamics, did it happen over a long period and little changes, or over a short period and huge ones.
      The cosmic light background is another big one, some stars are 55billion light years away correct? That would imply that the universe is at least that old right? However scripture claims that God said he stretched the heavens. And furthermore we know gravity effects light. How many different gravitational fields slowed or sped up that light? There is no accurate calculation on that because they don’t even know all the different kinda of celestial bodies out there, let alone the number of them between here and there.
      In short, the questions that science cannot answer the bible seemingly can, the errors and anomalies in data cease to be so anomalous when viewed through the lense that god created these things in particular ways for particular reasons.
      I mean think about what stands to be gained by the powerful and evil if god no longer influences the world, then they can shape morality, history, science, to justify and allow anything. In short, once they destroy god they think they can take his place and make the rules. The evil people of the world have to hide their deeds while there is a moral law, destroying the one who wrote that law and making their own allows them to operate in the open without fear of reprisal.
      Unfortunately for them…if god is a real being as I believe him to be. What they seek is little more than pissing in a hurricane, and its bound to get messy.

  • @jpascua3824
    @jpascua3824 Год назад +16

    I remember E.T., Alf, and Mork & Mindy. Nano, nano! 😊
    On a more serious note, love your show!

  • @jaksonvice807
    @jaksonvice807 Год назад +42

    I have been talkin about the alien deception for over 30 years and it's so good to see you guys on board and bringing this truth to the world and most importantly to Christians cuz this will be the issue that causes the great apostasy(in my opinion) 2Thes 2

    • @harpintn
      @harpintn Год назад

      Aliens are part of the great delusion that is talked about in the Bible.

  • @revelation8199
    @revelation8199 Год назад +6

    He said that there hasn’t been any “earth-like” planets discovered and that this is evidence that the Bible is correct and earth is the only planet with life but this isn’t true. Astronomers have discovered 55 earth like planets in our galaxy alone and they keep finding more. The fact that there’s billions of other galaxies in the universe means there could be an absurdly large amount of planets that could support life.

    • @strider7637
      @strider7637 Год назад

      They are lying about finding “earth-like” planets. Real science is testable and Observable evidence. So if there really are “earth-like” planets out there, don't tell me there are- SHOW ME. Let us see it with our own eyes!

    • @user-jl2pq7zj2p
      @user-jl2pq7zj2p 2 месяца назад

      Yes possibly but only one with God children

    • @revelation8199
      @revelation8199 2 месяца назад

      @@user-jl2pq7zj2pThat’s fine if you want to believe that but they’re arguing that no other earth like planets have been found which is completely false.

  • @coolhandluke6840
    @coolhandluke6840 Год назад +18

    It'll be their excuse for the Rapture!

    • @adel8632
      @adel8632 Год назад

      That would be one massive alien abduction.

    • @defyyourlogic487
      @defyyourlogic487 Год назад +3

      @Laughing at pseudo-science preachers You won’t be laughing on judgment day. Hope you find Christ.

  • @newcreationinchrist1423
    @newcreationinchrist1423 Год назад +47

    I believe they are demons. With everything surrounding them and what we've heard, yeah. Demons. 🙏✝️

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +1

      The demons are all alive, well, and assembled at the nearest gun show.

    • @manthanoepignosis1560
      @manthanoepignosis1560 Год назад +2

      @@stevepierce6467 Non Sequitur

    • @BKNeifert
      @BKNeifert Год назад

      @@stevexracer4309 No, aliens are demons. Especially when you see what they will do, and the gross kinds of technologies they'll bring. I have a little bit of experience in this field. It is a demonic apparition, taken on a bodily form.

    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад

      @steve pierce
      I've known a lot of guys who liked going to gun shows, and every single one of them would lovingly shoot an insane person to prevent the murder of children, or die trying.
      How many killers of the innocent go to gun shows?
      A lot of murderers hang around Planned Parenthood, just doing their evil jobs and smiling at one another every day.
      Would you say there are probably a lot of demons at abortion clinics?

    • @Scorpion-my3dv
      @Scorpion-my3dv Год назад +1

      ​@@stevexracer4309 nobody here cares if you laugh at us. You do realize that, right? If you don't like what christians have to say on this, perhaps you should read elsewhere.

  • @erockmusic100
    @erockmusic100 Год назад +11

    For those that didn't get the video...... there are fundamental beliefs that God specifically addresses in the Bible. We are free to question and explore creation with Godly perspective but if there are contradictory pieces of information to God's word, then we are to make man wrong and a liar. God doesn't lie and he isn't the God of confusion. What he says is the truth and the only truth. The scripture is the truth.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад +1

      But the concern, and purpose of the video is: how to we convey this to non-believers who wont believe in a creator god, but will darn near believe ANYTHING else? LOL

    • @Dan_Gleebalz
      @Dan_Gleebalz Год назад

      ​@inconnu4961 What if the person believes in the God of creation, but believes that God is also a God of laws. Not just moral laws but the laws of nature, as well? And what if that person believes that God, in order to create the heavens and the earth, used those natural laws taking billions of years to do so? More germane to the topic, what if that person believes there are other worlds inhabited by people very much like us? What if, in fact, that person speculates that because we are created in God's image, aliens, extraterrestrials, whatever you want to call them are indistinguishable from us?

    • @vshah1010
      @vshah1010 10 месяцев назад

      Oh, we are free to question, but if it doesn't match God's word, then man is a liar. Then we are not free to question it. This seems like a self fulfilling outcome to me, and not logical.

    • @beestoe993
      @beestoe993 8 месяцев назад

      I absolutely, whole hardheartedly believe in the Bible as the word of God. But I also reject the silly notion that this Earth is the center of the Universe and the epitome of Gods creation. I think it is absurd to believe that there is no other life out there. I see no contradiction in that and the Bible. But I don't concern myself with alien life either. God is in control.

  • @anoc5345
    @anoc5345 Год назад +53

    I appreciate that Answers in Genesis always share the gospel in their videos ❤

    • @denvan3143
      @denvan3143 Год назад

      Evolution isn’t science, it is a Victorian era philosophy based in the racist worldview of Charles Darwin. The evidence to support his philosophy has not appeared in 160 years.
      The problem with extra terrestrial, alien life is the basic premise of life arising spontaneously. Darwin never addressed that, laboratory experiments have never produced life.
      The biggest hurdle for evolution is the biological instructions in DNA, which is contained in all living things. DNA is code; there is no code without a coder.
      Edwin Hubble‘s’s disclosure in the 1920s of the red shift show the universe had an origin. Secular scientist have no explanation for creation apart from a Creator. Their only explanation is “it just happened.” That is a disassociation between cause-and-effect, a believe in magic.
      Fred Hoyle‘s discovery of fine-tuning demonstrates the laws of physics or exactly, so as to make life possible. Secular scientist have no explanation for this other than “it just happened.“ Again, magic.
      Secular biologist, have no explanation for the biological instructions in DNA. The explanation is “it just happened.“: Magic.
      The issue was not “if you don’t have another explanation, it must be God” but, rather, what explanation do you have for the origin of the universe, the laws of physics and biological instructions apart from a consciousness? I don’t believe in magic, I believe in a mind behind all of creation.
      The answer evolutionists have is not scientific.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 Год назад +1

      @Laughing at pseudo-science preachers Jesus said that those who deny Him before man, He will deny before the Heavenly Father.

  • @bevintx5440
    @bevintx5440 Год назад +15

    We would consider that some of the “living creatures” mentioned in the Bible rather strange looking. A good example is what Ezekiel saw in his visions of God and John in Revelation.. The Bible also says that some have entertained angels unawares. So, yes it could easily be possible that angels account for ”some” UFO sightings.

    • @rofishy2
      @rofishy2 Год назад

      The ufo’s would have to be the fallen angels because they are bent on one thing and that’s to be a delusion to the truth because they hate God and everything good that he created. They’re even attacking our right to eat. The government is very satanic and pride themselves as being Illuminated. The only angel that is one of God’s and is coming to earth is the one during the tribulation that will preach the gospel to every nation and every language day and night and warning the world to not receive the mark, the rest are of the Antichrist and the NWO agenda aka the great reset. When the rapture happens and the great restraint is out of the way, the light show of the fallen angels begins.

  • @deltadom33
    @deltadom33 Год назад +9

    The common thing we always get in the culture is conspiracy theories about reptilians

  • @girlonfire6067
    @girlonfire6067 Год назад +7

    I'd always had questions about the whole alien/ufo thing and many many theories until i stumbled upon LA Marzulli. Everything he talks about he can back up with scripture. He has done so much work and research in that field and i do believe he is on to something there

  • @Scorpion-my3dv
    @Scorpion-my3dv Год назад +8

    According to the bible, the only other beings that exist besides God and humans, are angels and demons. They exist in a different dimension. Heaven and hell are different dimensions so that's how we can explain them being able to appear and disappear at will. Also, demons appear before Kings during the Great tribulation.

  • @bondgabebond4907
    @bondgabebond4907 Год назад +5

    It's good to hear that Earth was manufactured to support life. Even the Moon is necessary. We have season (climate change), we have mountains, valleys, rivers and oceans. We have incredible beauty in the millions of different life forms from trees to birds. Really is amazing how everything was designed to sustain life.

  • @KittyChanU2
    @KittyChanU2 Год назад +20

    When I believed in aliens it was because I really wanted something to save me and take me to a better world.
    Now I know it was Jesus I was looking for all along, amen!
    and an interesting point on alien abductions (which I never experienced) But anyway when people who are suffering from them if they call out for Jesus when it happens, the experience ends immediately.

    • @kyrangaunt4644
      @kyrangaunt4644 Год назад +2

      The devil's deceptions in my opinion

    • @KittyChanU2
      @KittyChanU2 Год назад +1

      @Kyran Gaunt definitely 100 % substitute Aliens for Jesus.

  • @BadlandNP
    @BadlandNP Год назад +13

    There was an old sci-fi novel called "Missionary from Space" I think. It was written 'ok,' but also approached the topic from the point of view that even IF there are other folk out there, God would have provided them with a Savior for their sins as well. And so as they became free, and technologically advanced, they used their tech to spread God's Word! It is an interesting read, and thought provoking to those on the fence about 'aliens.'
    In today's world, and in the novels world, it would be unthinkable that an "advanced civilization" would be sending missionaries to little old Earth.
    Do extra terrestrial 'aliens' exist? In my opinion, no. God's Word is clear, we are to focus on Him and the intricacies of His Creation, beginning with our souls and the souls of those around us. "Aliens" are a distraction, and an excuse, to keep folk from researching their Creator.

  • @mike34744
    @mike34744 Год назад +17

    It’s very possible Aliens are angels.

    • @sattaurnikki
      @sattaurnikki Год назад +9

      Fallen angels. 😮

    • @mike34744
      @mike34744 Год назад +1

      @@sattaurnikki could be but at the same time how would fallen angels still have access spacecraft if they were cast down to earth?

    • @manthanoepignosis1560
      @manthanoepignosis1560 Год назад +1

      @@mike34744 Good question! Perhaps the Earth system is included if God made the sun, moon, and stars for us(Genesis 1:14-19). In Genesis 1:6 God made the firmament and placed it between the waters above and the waters below. Later in Genesis 1:14-19, it states that He places the sun, moon, and stars in the firmament. In my opinion, this could be part of the Earth system. Also, it seems like Satan and his angels that followed him, are attached to the natural world. Just a thought. The created beings known as angels, which is a generic reference to the many types of job titles given to the heavenly host, are much more knowledgeable and powerful than we are. Their access to materials(chemistry) and understanding of mechanics (physics and engineering) most likely give them the advantage to create space craft.

    • @fredclarke801
      @fredclarke801 Год назад

      Or the other way round?

    • @BKNeifert
      @BKNeifert Год назад

      @@mike34744 It's Satan's design. He's creating this lie to dupe people into the end days. Once you see them, you may be fully deluded. But, I won't be.

  • @SpicyInvalid
    @SpicyInvalid Год назад +5

    See if you can examine the evidence and determine where in the Bible God commands us to celebrate easter and Christmas... since we are on the topic of checking biblical sources! Shalom, and God Bless.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад +2

      what does God say about computers & cell phones? What does the Tanahk say about ALL the things added that werent expressly written in it?

    • @SpicyInvalid
      @SpicyInvalid Год назад +2

      @@inconnu4961 Thank you for your comment.
      First, God and the Bible say there is nothing new under the sun... further, it highlights how mankind will always try to create their own rituals that were never ordained by God. Refer to the story of the Golden Calf, and later how Israel was divided and Jeroboam took the ten tribes up north and created his own priesthood replete with new idols, holidays, and rituals that God never ordained.
      Also, I think we can all agree that History repeats, and it repeats because we fail to understand the lessons of His story. As Einstein said insanity is when a person or persons repeat the same mistake over and over and over (etc.) again expecting a different result.
      Indeed, it would be a lot more simple to just keep the Holy days (holidays) that have already been proscribed by God himself than to invent new ones. And, tools such as cell phones and computers and the like is a different subject matter entirely. So, let's stay on topic! Shalom. and God Bless you.

  • @arthurzettel6618
    @arthurzettel6618 Год назад +2

    Putting God into a box and saying that God didn't create intelligent life somewhere else in the vastness of space is restricting the Fathers absolute power.

  • @samuelplacensia9979
    @samuelplacensia9979 Год назад +5

    I’m a Christian myself and I have seen UFOs on many occasions.

    • @nitarose44
      @nitarose44 Год назад

      By definition of a UFO, most of us have seen one or more. That doesn't mean it was an alien space ship.

    • @--..-...-..-.--....
      @--..-...-..-.--.... 11 месяцев назад

      Me too!🍻🍺

    • @user-no1yt5eq8o
      @user-no1yt5eq8o 10 месяцев назад

      There are ufos,I saw one with my gram hovering over river. and there is life on other planets. Why would they just be there. Hanging out in sky. Think your coveting up

  • @FrankPCarpi
    @FrankPCarpi Год назад +6

    It's difficult to find intelligent life here on Earth, I don't have any hope of them finding any out there.

  • @wandaholland2702
    @wandaholland2702 Год назад +27

    Pluto...once a planet, always a planet😂

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 Год назад +3

      Pluto self-identifies as a planet. Its nouns are Terra Firma Outmost.

  • @Martin-qn1sx
    @Martin-qn1sx 9 дней назад +1

    I used to believe in the secular understanding of the world I just assimilated it to my biblical understanding. Now I believe the Bible strictly, I love that this ministry gives me that intellectual topic that I once got from startalk but this comes with a biblical lens so it significantly better. I thank G-D he used this ministry to open my eyes

  • @Krullmatic
    @Krullmatic Год назад +6

    They're wanting answers from their master, Satan! They will get their answers soon enough, when the Tribulation starts! God Bless everyone and I love you!🙏❤️❤️❤️🙏

  • @ladyhumblebee2784
    @ladyhumblebee2784 Год назад +11

    After having several encounters with what I thought was aliens and demons before Christ redeemed me, I have now come to the conclusion that they are just fallen angels

  • @abviajr
    @abviajr Год назад +5

    If one will read the Book of Enoch, the Book of Ezekiel, one will find that God tells us of Aliens. However, they are called, "The Watchers" Even Daniel briefly refers to "The Watchers" in the Book of Daniel...I hope this helps. Many blessing, my Friends~~~

    • @garywilson7992
      @garywilson7992 Год назад +1

      Now your not supposed to think like that, although I agree entirely, you see we’re supposed to believe that they are Demon’s, Spiritual Demon’s, that for some unknown reason found it necessary to build a physical Craft that allowed them to fly around to & fro, and with assorted lights on it & inside it, so they could see better, and for us to see them so we didn’t accidentally have a collision. Sounds logical to me, Demon’s that require a space craft.

  • @microfarmers
    @microfarmers Год назад +1

    When I was 12 years old, I was deep in the forbidden forest when I became encapsulated in a beam of light. A chill ran down my spine as I prayed to the God of Man! I don't remember anything else until hours later! Can I get a Halalujua!

  • @williamloman4228
    @williamloman4228 Год назад +5

    Has anyone ever questioned the supply chain, maintenance programs, etc these ETs would require to operate light years from their home planets. I’ve never heard it discussed.

    • @opticFPV
      @opticFPV Год назад +1

      They might not need supply chains/maintenance lol. If they're traveling lightyears in seconds, their technology is far beyond anything we can comprehend. Besides, if you can travel lightyears in seconds, why WOULD you need supply chains? Literally just hop back home in 5 seconds if you need to.

    • @williamloman4228
      @williamloman4228 Год назад

      @@opticFPV doubtful it could be accomplished. Can you even imagine the speed required to move one light year in seconds. The speed of light 299 792 458 m/s. It’s how many light years to the nearest star? In order to reach this speed limit, particles have to be massless, and any other particle which has mass won't be able to reach this speed. Thus, only particles of light, photons, can travel at this speed.

    • @opticFPV
      @opticFPV Год назад +1

      @@williamloman4228 Who says the ship needs to "move" at all? Bending spacetime around it so that the ship technically remains stationary (the occupants would not experience any acceleration) is the going theory on how it would work, and it's theoretically possible with enough energy.
      Stole this from an article:
      "The ship itself does not violate the Einsteinian prohibition on faster-than-light travel because, within its bubble of spacetime, the ship is not traveling faster than light. To a stationary observer, the ship would appear to be moving at light speed (or close to it). But it is actually the surrounding distortion of spacetime that is driving the bubble from origin to destination, kind of like a surfer riding a wave. Consequently, the ship is not empirically moving faster than light relative to anything else in its bubble. Yet if the ship and light leave the same space at the same time, the ship might get there faster than the light does."
      The only barrier of entry to this kind of technology really is energy. I imagine that if a super-advanced highly intelligent race is out there somewhere, they've probably figured out a far better energy source than we know of, so that barrier might not be a barrier at all for them.

    • @williamloman4228
      @williamloman4228 Год назад

      @@opticFPV as you say, “the theory is.” As for a super intelligent race, God, his angles and the body of Christ is out there. They fit all the imagination these theorist try to give the alien race, except they don’t need a ship for travel.

    • @opticFPV
      @opticFPV Год назад

      @@williamloman4228 Don't get me wrong, I'm of the opinion that what we call "aliens" could be what the Bible describes as angels or fallen angels too. But the Bible also mentions the "metal chariots of the Gods" more than once.
      “And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron. And they gave Hebron unto Caleb, as Moses said: and he expelled thence the three sons of Anak.”- Judges L 19, 20.
      Ezekiel 1 is another interesting example, and so is basically everything about the Nephilim and Anakim.
      My take (right now, it changes) is that the Bible was written by people who explained things in the best way that they could with their knowledge at the time. I fully believe God exists, I just think that the nature of God and/or angels/demons from the heavens may differ from the way the authors of the Bible describe them.
      Think for example if someone was able to time travel back to the days of Noah with modern technology, say for example a fighter jet. The people of the time wouldn't have anything to compare a fighter jet to in their language, so they may describe it as a "chariot" that flies, or something along those lines.
      The same could be said of aliens. If the "aliens" as we think of them in their modern definition suddenly showed up back in Noah's time in their UFOs with their advanced technology, the people of the time would likely describe them as being "gods" or "godly beings" who fly around in metal chariots.
      Keep in mind that *none* of this disproves God, and in fact it only strengthens my personal faith to think about things this way. Angels could be good aliens and demons could be evil aliens. Regardless of what they are, they were all created by the same supreme being, God.

  • @tone9358
    @tone9358 Год назад +2

    Why does AiG bother with this topic. If we never find extra terrestrial life, they would claim, “because god wouldn’t make other life.” If we did, they would claim, “because god made other life.”

  • @kateburk2168
    @kateburk2168 Год назад +8

    Just think dwelling on the subject puts one on dangerous ground. Like seeing how close to the edge of a cliff without falling off.
    IMO, God simply told other worlds, "Off Limits" until this place is cleaned up!

    • @matthewadamczak4631
      @matthewadamczak4631 Год назад

      I heard something like this yesterday. It makes sense in how it was explained.

    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад +1

      You're right in saying the Bible does not tell us about livjng on Mars.
      The purpose of the Bible is to tell us about God, and to warn us about the peril we face as sinful creatures, and to explain the only salvation we can ever hope to be offered, so we can escape the peril.
      Since the existence of life on other planets, or the possibility of it, or the lack of these, have nothing whatsoever to do with our eternal destinations as people, there was no need for God to discuss them in the Scriptures.
      It would only have confused people anyway.

    • @frankmartin8471
      @frankmartin8471 Год назад +1

      Yeah, it's really dangerous to think for yourself, and to be skeptical of rote dogma.

    • @mehallica666
      @mehallica666 Год назад +1

      ​@@MercuryRisingFast I can respect that.

    • @mehallica666
      @mehallica666 Год назад

      ​@@joshuakarr-BibleMan So you don't think it's a problem adding to God's word?

  • @user-ki9gd2bk5q
    @user-ki9gd2bk5q Год назад +7

    If there was any kind of et's the Federal Government would find a way to give them foreign aid.

    • @--..-...-..-.--....
      @--..-...-..-.--.... 11 месяцев назад

      They are coming in illegally! They're trying to steal our jobs!😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  • @jerryking1375
    @jerryking1375 Год назад +3

    Get a grip. Whether a person believes in aliens or not, has nothing to do with their Christian belief.

  • @AvaNoe
    @AvaNoe Год назад +2

    It’s not just Hollywood; explain the actual sightings.
    You can’t just talk it away.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      What sightings? Give us specific examples so we can examine the 'proof'? besides, the average atheist DOES explain it away! Virtually no one you meet, has ever done the science experiments nor math problems for the science they are convinced is real. they refer to a book, written by men! they have faith as much as any religious person has!

  • @thomasforsyth8329
    @thomasforsyth8329 Год назад +5

    Thank you for this video. God bless.

  • @scottguitar8168
    @scottguitar8168 Год назад +2

    It's not necessarily that atheists don't want any Gods/Goddesses to exist, especially if they are loving in nature. It is that we have nothing good to support even the possibility of such Beings should they actually exist. Maybe one day we will, but not yet. Alternatively we have plenty of evidence that life exists, even intelligent life on this planet. That alone certainly grants a real possibility for other intelligent life in our universe, especially considering the size and considering we already have evidence for thousands of planets that can support life. Even if the life that exists out there isn't as intelligent as life on this planet, we at least know it is possible and even likely that life exists elsewhere. Apologists like to make straw men arguments for why atheists don't believe Christianity in particular and the case they attempt to make for their God's existence is actually aimed more towards their Christian followers because there have been plenty of Christians to reason their way out of belief. Imagine what that would do to the Christian economy if followers could know for an absolute fact that Christianity is false and a different God and religion was absolutely true. It isn't just a matter of any old God existing for Christians who make a living from it. It must be their God or their living dries up. For a skeptic, the order of reasoning would be first to identify if the possibility can be reasonably demonstrated. Next would be demonstrating an actual Intelligence is required. Next would be is this Intelligence required for this existence or all existence to rule out alien intelligence vs. Godly Intelligence. From there it would be how do we demonstrate one God vs. plural Gods/Goddesses and finally being able to reasonably demonstrate the whole picture. This doesn't even address questions concerning humans and possible afterlives. A possible scenario is that God/s created the universe for life to come and go, where death is the final end. Just because Gods exist doesn't necessarily equate to eternal life for everyone. Likewise, eternal life does not guarantee the existence of any Gods. Theists tend to work in reverse, they observe events and then attempt to create a stories of the supernatural as why they occurred, which is why there is plenty of room for theists to reason their way out of theism.

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 Год назад +1

      I appreciate your statement but there are two problems with it that I think you miss. First is this, "we have nothing good to support even the possibility of..." This isn't even close to true and I think you should know this and so I'm going to go out on a limb and say the problem how you qualify it. When you say "nothing good," you are revealing your bias. Not bad bias necessarily but you reveal your conclusion, not the inexistence of reason and evidence for God. When you qualify things like, "no good support," or "no good evidence," then you aren't really saying there isn't any evidence. The statement admits to the existence of evidence. You are just saying that you are not convinced by the evidence and any evidence you aren't convinced of is "not good."
      Second, I understand the reasoning behind the argument that.... so many planets equal so many chances for life.... but it actually ignores the facts we know. Life is a miracle, regardless of the size of the universe. There just simply isn't enough time. Its such a miracle that we don't have any right to say "we at least know it is possible and even likely that life exists elsewhere." The math just doesn't allow such statements to be taken seriously.

  • @Heisrisin3
    @Heisrisin3 Год назад +3

    I' have never heard of any report of an extraterrestrial helping someone, doing any good, or bringing any benefit in any way.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      Atheists think that aliens, that they dont know, will be more kind and benevolent than people! They live in a world of make believe!

    • @FlandiddlyandersFRS
      @FlandiddlyandersFRS 5 месяцев назад

      @williamreeve5376 You're obviously delusional.

  • @2l84me8
    @2l84me8 Год назад +1

    Belief is not a conscious decision we make. Either you are convinced of something or you’re not. There is no choice in the matter.

  • @eddieboggs8306
    @eddieboggs8306 Год назад +6

    Aliens or actually Demons disguised as aliens?

    • @brianbowman7348
      @brianbowman7348 Год назад

      Demons, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
      Psalms 104:5
      "He set te earth on its foundations, that it may never move."
      Joshua 10:13
      "So the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nations took vengeance upon its enemies."
      The sun and moon were stopped, not the earth because the earth in stationary.
      The sun and moon were created on the *fourth* day in direct contradiction with the concept of solar systems.
      No dinosaurs, no "alien planets," no "space" whatsoever. Just fallen angels meeting out their hatred of humanity.

    • @defyyourlogic487
      @defyyourlogic487 Год назад

      UFOs are satanic illusions and/or government test crafts. That’s final.

  • @kenzeetwo
    @kenzeetwo Год назад +2

    The only life recognized in the Scriptures is human life, plant life, animal life and angelic life (which would include the holy angels and the fallen angels or demons). There is no mention of extraterrestrial life beyond these categories. God tells us why He made the heavenly bodies: "Let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so" (Genesis 1:14-15). All of this is for the advantage of those dwelling on the earth.

  • @rickkrockstar
    @rickkrockstar Год назад +4

    It would be a great irony, if aliens came to earth and said to evolutionists, What Do You Mean You Don't Believe in GOD.

    • @jamiebraswell5520
      @jamiebraswell5520 Год назад

      Aliens are not consistant with what the Bible says, and the Bible is all we need regarding truth. Such ideas are a waste of time.

    • @travisbicklepopsicle
      @travisbicklepopsicle Год назад +1

      Don't you mean atheists? There are plenty of biologists / geneticists and others working in the Life Sciences who believe in a god of some sort. Don't understand why you need to use the word, 'evolutionists'..?

  • @kenzeetwo
    @kenzeetwo Год назад +1

    Pluto is a complex world of ice mountains and frozen plains. Once considered the ninth planet, Pluto is the best known of a new class of worlds called dwarf planets.

  • @timothyhorton8445
    @timothyhorton8445 Год назад +5

    In my mind Pluto will always be a planet. I like the reference in Isaiah to God creating the earth "to be inhabited". I had never associated that before with God intentionally tuning our planet for life.

    • @heatherL4834
      @heatherL4834 Год назад

      Me either. It makes sense, though.

    • @travisbicklepopsicle
      @travisbicklepopsicle Год назад +1

      Pluto has been reclassified; it is now considered to be a dwarf planet. This is based on evidence, not opinion. Pluto is one of the five identified dwarf planets in our solar system.

  • @robertsandberg2246
    @robertsandberg2246 Год назад +1

    Not only do Seventh Day Adventists believe that there is life "out there", but they believe that those worlds are unfallen! They say that the "sons of God" in the beginning of the book of Job are the inhabitants of these unfallen worlds.

  • @iamdrumatix
    @iamdrumatix Год назад +9

    Anything not born on earth is an alien, by definition. This includes angels.

    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад

      I don"t think angels were born.

    • @iamdrumatix
      @iamdrumatix Год назад

      @@joshuakarr-BibleMan not originated on or from the earth is alien

    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад

      There are angels appointed to protect or lead nations and cities.
      Michael is for Israel.
      Satan apparently is for Tyre.
      The angel for Babylon was feminine.
      These beings are not human.
      They are not alien either, except to our minds.
      They were clearly appointed by God, and cannot therefore be alien.

    • @nxh2897
      @nxh2897 Год назад

      true but angels dont exist

    • @iamdrumatix
      @iamdrumatix Год назад

      @@nxh2897 not to the blind and to those who have not yet awaken

  • @UncleOx
    @UncleOx Год назад +1

    I'm a firm believer in a literal 6 day creation but I believe this talk is as self-indulgent as atheism. There are many proven phenomena in creation that the Bible neither reference nor even mention. The fact of the matter is that the purpose of the Bible is to call sinners to repentance and to proclaim the Glory and Grace of God. It's not intended to be a science manual. So, let's have some humility. The answer to the question this video poses is, we simply do not know.
    BTW. The Phoenix lights weren't at all proven to be flares. In fact, if you have even the tiniest bit of knowledge of flares, you would know that they simply do not behave like the Phoenix lights.

  • @Torby4096
    @Torby4096 Год назад +5

    The way God has filled every place on earth, even the most inhospitable places with living things, it would not really surprise me if there was moss or something out there. But only a creationist could possibly account for it.

    • @frankmartin8471
      @frankmartin8471 Год назад +1

      Brain eating amoeba is a blessing upon humankind, along with tape worms, crab lice, fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. None evolved. All individually created as a blessing for us.

    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад +4

      @Frank Martin
      The Earth waz cursed when man chose to abuse it.
      In fact, all creation groans in anticipation of the cleansing it is to receive when sin and death are finally destroyed.
      I don't know whether you are being coy, or whether you legitimately don't understand anything from Scripture.
      If it's the latter, then you would do well to listen rather than speak.
      If the former, then it is a blessing for you, even in your unregenerate, natural state, to hear the truth.

    • @Torby4096
      @Torby4096 Год назад

      @frankmartin8471 Well, hard to see how that can be a blessing. Same as poison ivy, and I am just getting over that. Remember, the fall messed everything up.

    • @SuperDavidEF
      @SuperDavidEF Год назад

      @@Torby4096 Poison Ivy is only "poisonous" to us. For some animals, it is food.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      @@Torby4096 He was being sarcastic! i really wish we had a universal marking to denote sarcasm, because few seem to recognize it any more! We are all way too literal these days!

  • @synoptic1047
    @synoptic1047 Год назад +2

    I must respectfully disagree . To assume that anyone/everyone who considers/wonders if extraterrestrial intelligent life exists or at some point has wondered what something was (after witnessing an undeniable ‘ufo’ for example), is solely based on the notion that they ‘don’t want God’ or that ‘they want something else’, seems rather unfair. My dad is a perfect example, a devout Christian who is against believing in the paranormal, same as you, and only goes for Biblical reasoning behind everything. He was a fighter pilot for the Navy for 20+ years and happened to have one experience with a ‘ufo’. He says it was undeniable that what he had seen was beyond all our understanding of physics/flight. It wasn’t a spec or a quick glimpse, it was the real deal, and in broad daylight. He doesn’t like talking about it, and has only spoken about it with me upon my asking, which I seldomly ever do. He doesn’t go searching for the answers for he believes it was something operated by demonic forces, which I can definitely say he might be right, but at the same time, it still leaves him with the question of ‘what really was the thing he saw’? Anyone with an experience such as his would be left with that question. It’s a very real question to have after witnessing something so extraordinarily bizarre. That doesn’t mean he is ‘searching for another answer’, or that he ‘doesn’t want God’ (that I can assure), nor does the event rule his thoughts, but again, rather is (imo)a very normal response to witnessing such a thing. Again, he doesn’t like me bringing it up/or speaking about it. He trusts that our Heavenly Father may reveal the answer to him in this life or the next, but only if He so chooses to. He’s fine either way, but I can tell he’d like to know, as would I. He doesn’t waste time in speculation on it or things of bizarre nature. He simply takes what he saw at face value, as I mentioned previously, and assumes it’s related to something demonic.
    My dad is a man of God. And at the same time is left with the question of ‘what was it actually that he had witnessed’. Again it’s not something that rules his mind, but is merely a realistic question to a very real experience. ‘Only God has the answer’ is what he believes as do I.
    Sorry for my repetitiveness I just wanted to make myself properly clear. Much love and God bless.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      I am confused as to what the point of this novella was. Are you trying to get us to agree with a point? Or was it a vehicle to tell an interesting testimony. if we KNOW there are unexplainable things, like angels and the created beings with 4 heads that worship GOD day & night, how does anything we experience contradict our view of the Bible? i think there point holds true, and you might be lying somewhere in your testimony! either you are looking for an excuse to say there are aliens so this proves 'something' they say is wrong. i dont think you are being ENTIRELY honest with us about something, or you left out crucial details.

  • @frankshannon3235
    @frankshannon3235 Год назад +3

    One interesting thing about aliens is that they REFUSE to travel in a ride that isn't highly customized. None of this assembly line stuff for them.

    • @chubbyclub2502
      @chubbyclub2502 Год назад

      Well if aliens exist we don't really have evidence of your claim.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад +1

      Thats a long way away. Might as well ride in style, ya know!

  • @williamburroughs9686
    @williamburroughs9686 Год назад +1

    IF we do find life on another world, it doesn't mean that evolution is right. Isn't it possible that God created life on other worlds, and we simply don't know anything about it?

  • @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx
    @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx Год назад +4

    Looks like based on the comments here that people just cannot endure sound doctrine. You can trust in man or you can trust in God not both.

    • @davidandthatotherguy1369
      @davidandthatotherguy1369 Год назад +2

      I mean man wrote the Bible so...

    • @nxh2897
      @nxh2897 Год назад +1

      we trust evidence, not a story book

    • @davidandthatotherguy1369
      @davidandthatotherguy1369 Год назад

      ​@@nxh2897 The Bible is supported by evidence.

    • @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx
      @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx Год назад

      You guys are subscribed to a Bible based channel. What are you even doing here? A noble act of enlightenment out of the goodness of your heart? No you hate God because your deeds are evil.

    • @nxh2897
      @nxh2897 Год назад

      @@davidandthatotherguy1369 such as.......

  • @nmariejenkins2041
    @nmariejenkins2041 Год назад +5

    I vote yes for Pluto.

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад

      "Yes" for the planet; "no" for the Roman god!

  • @Love-sv7vg
    @Love-sv7vg Год назад +5

    Those who believe in aliens are greatly deceived bcus they're fallen angels

    • @talleneagle1974
      @talleneagle1974 Год назад

      Fallen angels are the ones who rebelled against God there are still angels in heaven which isn't some magical city in the clouds it's outer space and that's where God and the angels are from so they are trying to deceive us and will come first pretending to be Gods so the alien invasion will happen and many will worship them i believe many are already here running our governments. The bible clearly states they can look as men.

    • @travisbicklepopsicle
      @travisbicklepopsicle Год назад +2

      Interesting opinion

    • @CultOfSol777
      @CultOfSol777 Год назад

      Depends on which one you believe. Some are indeed fallen. Some not. We were created by aliens too, by a higher force/divine beings and they are simply able to move around higher dimensions while we are on the lower ones. And they all protect the tree of life which was given to us humans. But with the fall from Eden, the world became dark and only few understood it as they were tempted by the serpent to go after lust. We moved into a primitive state of conciousness. Remember in the bible the flying fire chariots? I will tell you, this were flying ships and nothing else! This chariots were described in all religions and myths. And this is only the iceberg of everything. The fallen angels could simply be the ones, who betrayed the higher beings to serve a different law. There are higher beings, who look like us. Remember, we humans were created in the image of god? Who was he? Maybe he looked like us? The gray aliens are probably not so friendly to us or serve another master. And they live inside our planet, that is for sure. Just look at their eyes, they are huge and black so they can absorb more light as they had to move in darkness underground. We are light beings, they are probably not. We will find out the truth one day... Also why it´s them, who abduct humans all the time, so they can experiment? They try to study our bodies, they try to understand our nature.

  • @Mindmartyr
    @Mindmartyr Год назад +2

    Why would God make a universe this massive with a bunch of neatly packed together spheres & make it all empty dead space except for one planet? What a waste of a perfectly good universe

  • @PafMedic
    @PafMedic Год назад +5

    I Was Born 10 Days After We Walked On The Moon For The 1st Time,I See Weird Things When Im Out With My Scope At Times.There Are No Aliens,I Do 151% Believe That,Enjoy Your Channel,And You Have A New Sub,God Bless Always ❤️🙏🏻❤️

    • @chubbyclub2502
      @chubbyclub2502 Год назад +1

      Why 151 percent? It only goes to 100% and it is so specific.

    • @PafMedic
      @PafMedic Год назад

      @Fred the 47th As Earlier Stated,Im 53,If You Dont Like The Way I Type,Block Me,Its Not On Purpose,And Who Are You To Judge…Especially This Channel…God Bless

    • @PafMedic
      @PafMedic Год назад

      @@chubbyclub2502 ,Wow,I Didnt Realize Both C’s In Specific Have Different Pronunciations…Nice Job Trying To Cut Someone Down😂😂😂😂Better Luck Next Time,God Bless…You Will Be Judged Someday…Stop Judging Others

    • @chubbyclub2502
      @chubbyclub2502 Год назад +1

      @@PafMedic No I'm legitimately just curious why you used 151% percent. I'm a Christian too.

    • @darronr.desantis5098
      @darronr.desantis5098 Год назад

      He wasn't "judging" you. He was correcting your syntax. There's a big different between the two. Be humble & learn it. Stop whining about your "victim mentality", or being "judged", or "persecuted". I doubt ever truly experienced what those really mean in context.
      And what makes you think that Christians won't be judged.
      The Word of God in The Bible says that all will one day stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
      And we will be judged (even Christians) according to our works we did in life, not our faith.
      The Bible also says that "those whom the LORD loveth, He chasteneth.", which is another word for judges or punishes or disciplines, out of His great, righteous, perfect love (or charity).

  • @tammygibson885
    @tammygibson885 Год назад +2

    The Pheonix lights was not flares. Not even close. I can't believe you agree with that! I'm not saying yes or no to ET's but they could've come up with a more realistic solution.

  • @christopher7725
    @christopher7725 Год назад +4

    Why can’t aliens exist?

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      Because they dont pay taxes, and they would likely vote republican! LOL ( this is sarcasm, for those who dont understand sarcasm)

    • @Aneia-qz6rn
      @Aneia-qz6rn Год назад

      Duh, didn'tja listen? Cuz they said so.

    • @user-jl2pq7zj2p
      @user-jl2pq7zj2p 2 месяца назад

      They do they are just not from another planet or outerspace

  • @pja0102
    @pja0102 Год назад +2

    This whole debate does not matter to me or to my faith. Maybe there is other life out there, maybe there is not.
    What good would it do us, or even the early isrealites, if Genesis 1 said “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and a planet called Gordo in the galaxy posidon that is located 500 billion light years away.”
    Then we would have people saying there is definitely life out there and the whole of human history would focus on that instead of focusing on God.
    God reveals himself in the Bible, and tells us the salvation story. He tells us what we need to know, not what we do not need to know. And the existence of other worlds that He may or may not have created life on is something that we simply do not need to know.

  • @gregoswald7723
    @gregoswald7723 Год назад +5

    6:30 So if you identify a flying object as a UFO, then it becomes an identified flying object?

    • @blu2697
      @blu2697 Год назад +1


    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      I think it was a joke. Good job missing the joke, though!

  • @GizmoFromPizmo
    @GizmoFromPizmo Год назад +2

    This drive to find extraterrestrial life consumes trillions of dollars. The Atheist religion teaches that non-living things can create living things. In fact, this philosophy is taught and popularized by the high priest of Atheism, Carl Sagan, who said, "The universe wanted to know itself and so it created life." Living things cannot produce minerals and minerals cannot produce life. It's a universal constant but the Atheist religion needs to believe in this fairy tale. It's a big money maker for them.

  • @archibaldling8621
    @archibaldling8621 Год назад +3

    God is awesome ❤

  • @KenMikaze
    @KenMikaze Год назад +1

    In hindsight, for us, earthlings, God is alien. He was made known to us, through Christ.

  • @mariadelcarmenramos1382
    @mariadelcarmenramos1382 Год назад +3

    To me. Makes no difference. 6days or 8 BILLION years. I LOVE HIM and i will do as i am told

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      Exactly! how does any of that affect your finite experience in the world?

  • @ericschmit5911
    @ericschmit5911 Год назад +1

    The Bible does not talk about dinosaurs either. That does not mean that the Bible in untrue. The existence of aliens does not negate the Bible either.

  • @mtthom8630
    @mtthom8630 Год назад +3

    All fools deny there is GOD THE CREATOR…

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад

      All the other fools insist there is such a creature.

    • @mtthom8630
      @mtthom8630 Год назад +2

      @@stevepierce6467 sir you would be the fool.. we will both find out one day maybe in the very near future. But I pray I’m not a fool and recognize that we are not an accident and a divine creator made all of this. I’ll pray for your foolishness may God help you find salvation through his eternal son Jesus Christ.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +1

      @@mtthom8630 Actually, I apologize for calling anyone a fool. Each of us believes certain things which are disbelieved by others. It doesn't make us fools, just average humans following our thoughts.

    • @mtthom8630
      @mtthom8630 Год назад +2

      @@stevepierce6467 the Bible says all are fools that don’t believe. I’m just saying scripture that I do believe.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад

      @@mtthom8630 Oh, well, I tried.

  • @brendaalexander3347
    @brendaalexander3347 Год назад +5

    I am almost positive I saw angels in the sky.

  • @kiloknight94
    @kiloknight94 Год назад +27

    just like dinosaurs use to be called dragons/ behemoths. aliens use to be called demons/ fallen angels. i remember watching 'The Fourth Kind' years ago before i really came to understanding God when i still believed in evolution n aliens kinda stuff and the entire time it had me convinced it was about aliens until all the weird scenes about "old forgotten language" and "possessions" even one of the possession talks, the "alien" says it is god. i watched it once and didn't think anything of it only it was a cool alien movie. when i started getting closer to God and rewatched it i kept thinking it doesn't make sense for it to be about alien ET life its about demons

    • @Gary-fq8cx
      @Gary-fq8cx Год назад +2

      😂😂😂😂😂😂 No one in history has every call dinosaurs dragons or behemoths. When fossils were first discovered they called them what we call them now. Dinosaurs. You will say anything to try to make your religion true.

    • @JonesteadFarm
      @JonesteadFarm Год назад +1

      I agree. If interested listen to author and researcher Gary Wayne as he goes into great detail about all of this.

    • @Myrridan19
      @Myrridan19 Год назад +5

      ​@@Gary-fq8cx dinosaur fossils were not named as such until the 1800s. Yes, there are many historical counts of dinosaur bones being labeled as from dragons (typical for Asia) or giants (typical for Europe).

    • @Gary-fq8cx
      @Gary-fq8cx Год назад +1

      @@Myrridan19 Prove it.

    • @Myrridan19
      @Myrridan19 Год назад +7

      @@Gary-fq8cx it's not a secret. Sir Richard Owen invented the term "dinosaur" in 1842. You can find references to when dinosaur bones were found in ancient history pretty easily. It's even on the wikipedia page for "dinosaur."

  • @orionx79
    @orionx79 Год назад +1

    Odd you'd think original sin would have been satan betraying god, Instead of a man and a women that didnt know good from evil before the betrayal.

  • @SilasCole88
    @SilasCole88 Год назад +6

    13:15, It's not the only degree with no evidence or data, Psychology is another field with no evidence or data.

    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад +1

      Psychology has plenty of evidence and data.
      The research goes back to before it was called _psychology,_ when it was called _behavioralism_ or _behavioral science._
      One could argue there were forms of it before then too, when it might have been called anthropology or philosophy.

    • @SilasCole88
      @SilasCole88 Год назад

      @@joshuakarr-BibleMan You should really think about what you are saying. How do you prove that someone has a mental illness without first taking the "patients" word for it? Or how does one prove they don't have a mental illness that is accused of mental illness? Example, if someone says that they see people who are not really there how then does one prove that objectively without taking their word for it? Look at the problems we have now when it comes to this made up "science." Do people really think they are a women when they are not? And if they do, are you going to take their word for it as evidence that they are a woman? How do you know they are not lying? Biblically, these people are only trying to cover up sin by calling it a disease.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      @@joshuakarr-BibleMan There is NO data on par with what hard sciences consider data. Even psychologists themselves concede it, and what is passing for psychological science now is even MORE suspect! Its basically pseudo science than real science.

    • @user-jl2pq7zj2p
      @user-jl2pq7zj2p 2 месяца назад

      Try shrooms then get back to me if your lucky.

    • @SilasCole88
      @SilasCole88 2 месяца назад

      @@user-jl2pq7zj2p Psychology is based only on what someone says, and people lie. You can't demonstrate or objectively show that psychology is true. Just because something is called science doesn't mean that it is science.

  • @calwoodruff730
    @calwoodruff730 Год назад +1

    I haven’t seen anything in the bible that says god did not create other planets?! Do we really think we are the only ones? Isn’t that somewhat narrow sighted and egotistical of us? Would God create the vast universe, so massive and beautiful, just for our little planet?

    • @gregm6894
      @gregm6894 Год назад

      I've not heard anyone deny that God created other planets -- He clearly did. None that we know of are habitable. To begin to add to what the Bible doesn't say is a dangerous and bottomless pit. The Bible doesn't say that God did not inhabit some distant planet with chocolate bunnies -- should we accept the notion that He did? There is zero proof of life elsewhere in the Universe. As these gentlemen so correctly pointed out, the notion that there is stems solely from a desire to disprove the existence of God. Your point seems to me to simply be an accommodation to that baseless viewpoint.

  • @TheGuitarReb
    @TheGuitarReb Год назад +6

    Jesus said "My Father has many mansions" It's in the Bible.

    • @Bigmouth660
      @Bigmouth660 Год назад

      And a different flock

    • @piercelee9421
      @piercelee9421 Год назад +1


    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад +2

      Jesus was telling us there is room for people, and it won't be overcrowded.

    • @TheGuitarReb
      @TheGuitarReb Год назад

      @@joshuakarr-BibleMan The Universe is indeed a big place to be. Maybe infinite!

    • @joshuakarr-BibleMan
      @joshuakarr-BibleMan Год назад +1

      @Obe Doobie
      The universe is not infinite. God told us He made it, and most of it in a single breath, when He made the Sun and the Moon and the stars in the sky for signs and for seasons.
      Really, just the light escaping between stars is enough of a drain on the mass of the universe to prove it had a beginning at some point.
      Either that, or thermodynamics is flawed and something continues to create matter and energy.

  • @joshuakohlmann9731
    @joshuakohlmann9731 Год назад +1

    If you already believe in something that lacks evidence and is scientifically impossible, why not something that lacks evidence and is scientifically possible? Better yet, reserve belief until you actually _have_ evidence.

  • @sirthomas1001
    @sirthomas1001 Год назад +5

    Good stuff... I always enjoy listening to these lectures.

  • @JLTrj00913
    @JLTrj00913 Год назад +2

    Don't get me wrong, I am a strong believer in Christ, but aren't there exoplanets that are orbiting the habitable zone of their star and being just the right temperature for liquid water? I'd like only Christians to answer this

    • @arkangeln910c8
      @arkangeln910c8 Год назад +1

      This Cosmos seems virtually infinite; but even if it is not infinite, and even if the Bible does not say it, for God Almighty, the Creator of this Cosmos, NOTHING is impossible, and therefore, I do believe that God Almighty created life forms in other worlds, either in this galaxy or in distant galaxies, because to me, it would be a terrible waste if the whole universe was devoid of any life. So, I also believe that God Almighty could have created life forms that could be different completely to the ones in planet Earth, living in conditions not necessarily compatible for our existence. I am not talking about microbes or animals, but creatures with awareness and intelligence, who understand and recognize their God, the Creator of the Universe. So, whatever the case, those intelligent life forms are so distant in both time and space from us, like the abyss that separates Death from Life, and therefore, they are absolutely irrelevant for us, and vise versa. This planet is our World, our home, other inhabited planets are not our business (No. UFOs are NOT aliens visiting our world. Do not be deceived by the demonic atheist propaganda). But in this world, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for us, in atonement to our sins, so that anyone who believes in Him does not die but have eternal life with Him. In the End, the Spiritual world, all life forms of this Cosmos shall be in front of our God and Creator.

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад +1

      Hello, RJ! I'm a Christian, so I guess I qualify(!) - I became born again at the age of 24, nearly four decades ago. (Up to that point, I was an atheist.)
      From what I understand, you're correct about the exoplanets. However, the water problem - as I see it - is this: just because water is present, can we extrapolate and conclude that life also exists? (Also, it's more than just the presence of H²O that matters: there's the distance from the sun - the "habitable zone" that you mentioned, so that water may be present; type of sun; size of planet/gravity; ratio of oxygen to other gases; rate of spin...: all these - and more - need to be just right to support life - well... life "as we know it", that is!)
      Moving on... if water can lead to evolution, why do we need God to kick-start the process in the first place? Moreover, I believe theistic evolution is a dead-end. Theistic evolutionists gain little respect from atheistic evolutionists - in my view, rightly so - as they try to interpret scripture in an attempted accommodation. (Example: Richard Dawkins demolishing former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams on tv.)
      In essence, I believe it boils down to this:
      Evolution = no God v Creation = God: take your pick!
      Here's what I believe: if God set evolution in motion, how do we get round the "millions-of-years-of-suffering-and-death-before-the-Fall" problem? What kind of "just God" would allow this? Why would he declare everything "good" at the creation of Adam and Eve? (Not my definition of "good"!)
      I cannot worship such a "god": deistic, at best; unjust and dissembling, at worst!
      Of course, putting aside evolution, God could create directly on other worlds: certainly easier than creating the whole universe! (And this may be what you believe, as opposed to theistic evolution - although, not knowing you, I can only speculate...) But then, we have a whole new can of worms:
      Would there not be more evidence for life on other worlds in the Bible? (I mean... a little more explicitly referenced than the - sometimes, invoked - "other sheep" in John 10:16...?) Would Jesus have to die multiple times, on these other worlds? (Either, for their versions of the "Fall", or - because the Fall on Earth damaged the whole of creation?) Would some worlds remain sinless, nevertheless - but how would that then jibe with the whole creation "groaning" because of the fall of Adam and Eve?
      Too many problems for my mind to cope with, RJ! No, I'm with Occam: more than one explanation...? Go with the simpler one - unless there is good evidence for the more complex.
      Hope what I've written has made some kind of sense...
      At any rate:
      God bless,

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      @@philfoster8789 Great response! I am surprised so many Christians need to be convinced of their faith in this way.

  • @jameslowry1
    @jameslowry1 Год назад +6

    A lot of what you are saying was true of me before I came to the LORD as I wouldn't even entertain the idea that the earth is the only place where life exists but that was before I came to know that when you know the LORD you don't need know anyone or anything else

    • @akkafietje137
      @akkafietje137 Год назад

      It shows the almighty power of God, to make billions of planet, while only one was dedicated to his children.

    • @jameslowry1
      @jameslowry1 Год назад

      @Akka fietje YES AGREED and I have trouble believing GOD created the entire universe in a single day because it is the earth he took six days over not the universe as he done all that in a single day and that includes what we can't see or has been discovered

    • @akkafietje137
      @akkafietje137 Год назад +2

      @@jameslowry1 God is able to create the whole universe + the earth including all animals and plants, in the twinkling of a eye.
      But He divided the complete "interior" of the earth in 6 days, only to create for his children a workweek of less then 7 days.
      Because that is the most perfect ritme for humans

    • @jameslowry1
      @jameslowry1 Год назад

      @@akkafietje137 YES EXACTLY if GOD be GOD he could have created the entire universe earth included in six seconds or one sixth of a second but if he had of done that it wouldn't be pattern of work and rest we could follow which is why he took six days but you are right GOD has such power that he only has to speak the word and if you have the power how long does it take to issue a command so it is not the fact that GOD could create everything in seconds but rather trying to understand or grasp that I have problems with

    • @akkafietje137
      @akkafietje137 Год назад

      @@jameslowry1 God bless you, James

  • @GizmoFromPizmo
    @GizmoFromPizmo Год назад +2

    The bible does NOT say that God cursed the animals. "We speak where the bible speaks and where the bible is silent, we are silent." Anything more than that is of evil. Anything more than that is to go beyond what is written. Anything more than that is the way to Rome.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      But are we REALLY silent? I know you wish to be silent about that, but at any other time will you remain silent? I think I understand your point, and its not entirely wrong, but simply short-sighted! GOD never explicitly says anything about aliens, or ghosts etc, but we still imply things from the Bible.

    • @GizmoFromPizmo
      @GizmoFromPizmo Год назад

      @@inconnu4961 - Aliens and ghosts notwithstanding. The video says that God cursed the animals. I need Book/Chapter/Verse for that claim before I'll believe it.
      To say that God cursed the animals because, "Aliens", is a non sequitur.

  • @CMIKAEL1172
    @CMIKAEL1172 Год назад +3

    Dear Brother,
    I believe there is life on other planets. Since we were the only to fall. God won’t let a fallen world interact with the sinless. We are the 1 out 100 who Messiah came to save. Just my thoughts.
    I enjoy your sight very much and hope to visit the ark some day.

  • @FEBC23
    @FEBC23 Год назад +2

    Dump the globe guys, it is FLAT !!!

  • @ramirobarrera2845
    @ramirobarrera2845 Год назад +4

    I'm a Christian and believe there is possibility that aliens exist. And its not even close to his argument of saying im looking for the meaning of life or bc im looking to fill my life with something other than God. Completely disingenuous argument.

  • @morganophelia5963
    @morganophelia5963 Год назад +2

    Mark 16:15-16
    King James Version
    15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, *and preach the gospel to every creature*
    16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
    Revelation 5:13
    King James Version
    13 And *every creature* which is in heaven, and on the earth, *and under the earth* and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

    • @talleneagle1974
      @talleneagle1974 Год назад

      Every creature in heaven, it amazes me that when people talk of heaven it's always some magical place or a cloud city or some invisible place. Its outer space it clearly says this in the Bible heaven is where the stars are God and the angels are ALIENS they are not of this world. Why do people not use common sense and logic it's like nobody has critical thinking skills and Christians don't use them when reading the Bible. An alien is just a word to describe an intelligent life form not of this world.

    • @morganophelia5963
      @morganophelia5963 Год назад +1

      there's actually 3 heavens :
      1. the sky above
      2. outer space (which is outer darkness)
      3. and what I call heaven heaven which is the throne where God sits.
      4. try to critically think
      5. also stop being so presumptuous and ask people what they are talking about next time , also I do find it interesting you would hone in on that considering that was not the main focus of my scriptures as I clearly made bold my main points.
      6. good day.

  • @jaksonvice807
    @jaksonvice807 Год назад +7

    I have lots of reasons for knowing/believing that the UFO that I not only saw but came within 10 or 15 ft of was nothing more than a hologram and that's the short story! However, when I observed this hologram image out in the middle of nowhere with several friends I wasn't a Christian and at that time believed it was an authentic UFO, I couldn't explain how it disappeared/accelerated away so fast and made zero noise!

    • @chubbyclub2502
      @chubbyclub2502 Год назад +2

      Ooooh give the long story I'm actually very interested. I am a self proclaimed conspiracy theorist(and Christian) and there's this project called project Blue Beam that involves unifying everyone under one religion either by making a holographic image of an alien invasion to unite everyone by a common threat or making a holographic image of deities to make everyone be unified under one "deity"

    • @jaksonvice807
      @jaksonvice807 Год назад +3

      @@chubbyclub2502 the Bible speaks of a one-world religion under Lucifer perhaps that's the one you're referring to? Either way if we're going to be victorious through this most difficult time in human history it's only going to be because we get close to God and commit our ways to him! The manual(Bible)that God gave us is our Guiding Light! Study it don't read it, meditate on it don't read it, and the more you get into the Word of God the more the Word of God will get into you!

    • @chubbyclub2502
      @chubbyclub2502 Год назад

      @@jaksonvice807 Tell me about the holographic image.

    • @sackettfamily4685
      @sackettfamily4685 Год назад

      You know, I have also concluded that the ufo I saw was likely a hologram as as well! I reported it to the website tracking sightings , but it never sat well.

  • @eatallnowsavenone4later342
    @eatallnowsavenone4later342 Год назад +1

    Don't forget about the movie,Contact.

  • @rickwarner516
    @rickwarner516 Год назад +4

    So true big picture we are created by God and for God His will .

  • @2risingfall38
    @2risingfall38 Год назад +1

    Actually the bible addresses angelic UFOs with Ezekiels wheel. The angels are supernatural created beings, but unlike God they still require vehicles to traverse the heavens.

  • @travisbicklepopsicle
    @travisbicklepopsicle Год назад +5

    Nobody knows if extraterrestrial life exists.
    What we do know, however, is that there are practically countless planets in the observable universe. Before 1995, when the first exoplanet was discovered, we didn't know this.
    We also know that the laws of physics, chemistry, etc., appear to be the same everywhere, so there seems to be a good chance that what we would call 'life' does indeed exist elsewhere in the universe. Also, it may not necessarily be carbon-based life.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      Thats great theory. But until we hold atheistic science to the same strict burden of proof as Biblical science, it means very little.

    • @travisbicklepopsicle
      @travisbicklepopsicle Год назад +3

      @@inconnu4961 just to clarify a couple things: I don't have any theories, there's no such thing as atheistic science, and there's no such thing as biblical science. There's also no such thing as 'scientific proof'.

  • @edgarlawrence1885
    @edgarlawrence1885 Год назад +1

    I'm a jesus believer and I have seen a UFO but it doesn't contradicts my belief, in Job Satan and other Angelic beings were present with God, where was the meeting in the Air? So why is it hard to believe that demons can transform and transport in the air

  • @ahh-2-ahh
    @ahh-2-ahh Год назад +4

    Are there other worlds like earth?.... Yes!
    Are we to meet or have contact? .... No, there is no purpose to that.

    • @frankmartin8471
      @frankmartin8471 Год назад +1

      A need to learn is the only purpose needed.

    • @Gary-fq8cx
      @Gary-fq8cx Год назад

      So you know that in 300.000 years we will never ever have first contact. How did you come to know the details about humans future? You dont. You simply made stuff up

    • @ahh-2-ahh
      @ahh-2-ahh Год назад

      @@frankmartin8471 learn about ourselves & our purpose w God b4 u want to learn about other worlds!

    • @Gary-fq8cx
      @Gary-fq8cx Год назад +1

      @@ahh-2-ahh Ok...first prove a god exist and we will follow your advice. 😒

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      @@Gary-fq8cx First prove that YOU exist ( that you are NOT a bot, a hologram nor an allergic reaction spicy food)!

  • @trenton1190
    @trenton1190 Год назад +1

    If by aliens you mean devils, no.

  • @RickBeckham
    @RickBeckham Год назад +3

    I believe there is life beyond our planet..the universe is big and vast for there not to be...Im a Christian and its not wrong for me to believe that there is life else where . It doesn't change anything..i believe in Jesus Christ..

    • @captainuseless2120
      @captainuseless2120 Год назад

      Yeah. I think the “Aliens are counter biblical” idea is silly. Yeah. God made us special, handcrafted the Earth for our inhabitance. That’s hardly proof that he could not or would not create others. Even if God had no intention of us meeting. Yes, secularists definitely get almost worshipful about the possibility of their existence, but humans can make idols of many things. That on its own does not invalidate the existence of those things.

    • @talleneagle1974
      @talleneagle1974 Год назад +1

      Yes, and angels are in heaven which is actually outer space. Why do most Christians think heaven is some magical city in the clouds. It clearly says in the Bible its outer space. I highly doubt we're the only life and they didn't create other planets with life. In ancient times if someone told you about angels coming down from outer space you would think okay so they fly. The only example then of anything that flys were birds with wings. So in my opinion that's why we depicted angels with wings.

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      @@talleneagle1974 You dont know why some Christians think Heaven is the clouds? LOL how about our Christian iconography, going back hundreds of years! this is what we were taught!

  • @clintpospichal6498
    @clintpospichal6498 Год назад +5

    I've even heard some Christians use Ezekiel chapter 1 as their belief in aliens

    • @matthewadamczak4631
      @matthewadamczak4631 Год назад

      I've heard the same thing. I didn't really believe it. I do admit, though, that I've considered it.

    • @geoculus5606
      @geoculus5606 Год назад

      Why would they say it's aliens in Ezekiel if they believe? Interesting.

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад +1

      Indeed, Clint! (Verse 4+...) Erick von Däniken, beginning with "Chariots of the Gods?" -1968; and, before that, Carl Sagan/S. Shklovskii, "Intelligent Life in the Universe" - the chapter mentioning "paleo-contact -1966.
      Not exactly "Christians", of course(!) - but a lot of this stems from their writings.
      By the way, an interesting point: von Däniken is a convicted fraudster; he even wrote one of his books while in prison...
      Make of that what you will!

    • @talleneagle1974
      @talleneagle1974 Год назад

      Well according to the bible the heavens are actually outer space and God and the angels are in heaven they're actually what we consider aliens and they are intelligent life forms not of this world that have the ability to manipulate time and space. The fallen angels were just "aliens" that rebelled against God and they will be back and the atheists will definitely worship them and probably many Christians because they will act like God's so get ready for the great deception coming.

    • @jamiebraswell5520
      @jamiebraswell5520 Год назад

      Revelation has a lot of strange imagery...that doesn't mean it is space ships and aliens. The same is true of Ezekial. People need to be careful about projecting their ideas of aliens onto the Bible.

  • @theman12888
    @theman12888 Год назад +1

    When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
    Genesis 6:1‭-‬2
    The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
    Genesis 6:4
    Sons of God = Spiritual beings

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      Well, the Nephilim decided to stop bothering the daughters of humans long before the sons of humans have! they got smart!

  • @RyanMarice
    @RyanMarice Год назад +3

    Isaiah 45:22 is taken out of context here. 5 minutes in, they ignore the inhabitants of the heavens in the Bible to prove their assertion that only Earth is inhabited.
    They also erroneously state that the idea of alien life comes from the theory of evolution.
    They also erroneously state man was given dominion over all creation, while it is actually the earth.

  • @willprc4903
    @willprc4903 Год назад +2

    Waste of time to watch this video. Now I'm glad I haven't wasted my time and money going to Answers in Genesis in Kentucky.

  • @GizmoFromPizmo
    @GizmoFromPizmo Год назад +3

    The word "perfect" in Greek and Hebrew means "complete". Something can be complete without it conforming to the modern definition of what perfect is.

    • @chubbyclub2502
      @chubbyclub2502 Год назад

      I don't get it. Please elaborate.

    • @joykeebler1916
      @joykeebler1916 Год назад

      The word 'perfect' means within/without into calculations of and towards -

    • @joykeebler1916
      @joykeebler1916 Год назад

      PERFECT means complete

    • @joykeebler1916
      @joykeebler1916 Год назад

      In-other-words, the word 'perfect' is of a mathematical definition with.

    • @joedee1863
      @joedee1863 Год назад

      Gizmo - like a perfect cup of tea for me. Problem is.... My Mrs. hates it.😝