Just today I was told that my insurance won't cover a referral to a specialist or an MRI. My GP thinks I need to see someone and have an MRI to confirm I may or may not have cancer from what he's seeing in my blood test results. The radicalization of Americans increases every day.
these two really are tone deaf to classism, which is super disappointing of Samantha. maybe they'll figure it out.
If only he'd stopped for an eyebrow wax, he'd be a free man today.
I thought that she asked Luigi to pull down his mask to prove that his face matched his driver's license or a photo ID.
Obamacare is the reason parents can keep their under 26 yr old kids on their insurance. Thank you Obama!
Just today I was told that my insurance won't cover a referral to a specialist or an MRI. My GP thinks I need to see someone and have an MRI to confirm I may or may not have cancer from what he's seeing in my blood test results. The radicalization of Americans increases every day.