Trina - Going Ham! HOT!!


Комментарии • 6

  • @kendrapressley
    @kendrapressley 14 лет назад

    TRina....I am glad you are back. The game been missing you! I know that there has been a lot of new female rappers out...but they were just holding your spot! LOVING IT TRINA!

  • @inabrathwaite8935
    @inabrathwaite8935 6 месяцев назад

    Shout to Orlando, Apopka,
    Tallahassee and Jefferson County, Colorado, Denver police and Aurora ÷ by ADS and y'all

  • @TitanClan11
    @TitanClan11 14 лет назад

    keep lookin at the suggestions to the right of your screen. Trina's good ;-)
    What You Lookin At!?!

  • @arieljonez1
    @arieljonez1 15 лет назад

    TRiNA BETTA DEN NiCKi MiNAj iF Y0U ASk MEh!! , i L0V3 Y0U TRiNNNAAA!!!

  • @bzbreezy014
    @bzbreezy014 15 лет назад

    oh shyttt---- mi bytch went nn on disss