he's so relatable...like it hurts. and i think it's why a lot of ppl love him so much, we're all just dumbasses with broken brains trying our best to just live...this was wonderful thanks!
the transition between "so you cant make me stay" and "i stay".... holy SHIT dude ur mind........... galaxy brain. im crying in the club. but fr what a beautiful collage and really captures q's depression perfectly and, dare i say, mood
with every season i understand quentin more and more. when i started watching this show he annoyed me but it was th matter of time for me to start being as 'annoying' as i thought he was. this similarity scares me but at the same time i'm glad that i have representation in someonw who's trying to fight as hard as he can. fifteen yo me would be shocked but i love coldwater with my whole heart and wish him eternal happiness. thank you for this edit
when i started the show he annoyed me so much and then i realized what annoyed me: the fact that he was so alike to me. it's so rare to see this illness being well represented in tv and they did it painfully perfect. quentin is my depressed superhero and it hurts.
am i actually crying right now??? this video is so beautiful. depression is close to me, so i understand quentin at some points. thanks for the video, it's wonderful!!
I love how you even put some queliot in there without even meaning it its just that since the begi they always had a really great bound you can't deny that even if you don't ship it ( _how? they are canon_ ) Really love this you portrayed him perfectly !!
Q is the only fictional character I balled my eyes out for I guess it’s because he was so relatable or maybe it was because I felt more understood by a fictional character more than my own family.... but Q will always no matter what be the only character I ball my eyes out for
TW AND SPOILERS This show saved my life in one of the worst points, through the end of residential, through an abusive relationship that I blamed myself for. The first book was given to me by a kid that I was impatient with who just by chance had it and was going to let me read it on my last night and gave it to me instead.... I read it time and time again homeless being beaten and raped by someone who promised shelter and care and it kept me pushing, This series has always found me in my darkest and for his entire plot time I hated Quentin I thought he was annoying as fuck... until he died and he spoke about his pain and his fear that he had just finally found a way to kill himself. In that moment I realized I hated Quentin because I am Quentin.... I'm now in such a better place in my life I've gotten through so much and I've found so much strength and reassurance in this show and I'm so glad there's so many other people that this show has touched the lives of. To anyone reading this, I know it's so hard to believe I know because I felt it but I swear to you I promise you with everything that I love that if you keep fighting and keep holding on that you can do this, you can beat the hell that you were facing I promise you every single one of you I promise you. You can fight and you can stay I know you can, if you've been holding on for too long let yourself have the time to cry to feel and know that that's okay just please please stay here. Stay here for the things like the show that give you light and happiness and know that there are so many more things like this out there in the world just waiting for you to stumble on them. Every single one of you are beautiful and strong and every single one of you are magicians.
Ive had no friends for a while because I feel the same way as Quintin I always break everything this show has been my fillory of sorts and seeing it end is sad but like Quintin said the end of one story is just the beginning of another
If magic comes from pain, the 'Q' lovers can bring him back again. If fantasy is real, we could forgive the tyrant that thought taking him away was a good deal.
Does anyone know another show or movie that’s like the magicians where the main character suffers from stress anxiety and depression other than my life
I've never seen this show. I just looked up this dude's scenes cuz I've had 3 separate people tell me I reminded them of this character. Jeez. I'm not even nearly so dramatic hahaha
he's so relatable...like it hurts. and i think it's why a lot of ppl love him so much, we're all just dumbasses with broken brains trying our best to just live...this was wonderful thanks!
the transition between "so you cant make me stay" and "i stay".... holy SHIT dude ur mind........... galaxy brain. im crying in the club. but fr what a beautiful collage and really captures q's depression perfectly and, dare i say, mood
with every season i understand quentin more and more. when i started watching this show he annoyed me but it was th matter of time for me to start being as 'annoying' as i thought he was. this similarity scares me but at the same time i'm glad that i have representation in someonw who's trying to fight as hard as he can. fifteen yo me would be shocked but i love coldwater with my whole heart and wish him eternal happiness. thank you for this edit
when i started the show he annoyed me so much and then i realized what annoyed me: the fact that he was so alike to me. it's so rare to see this illness being well represented in tv and they did it painfully perfect. quentin is my depressed superhero and it hurts.
This is seriously so amazing and it just captures Quentin's pain and his struggle with depression. It is such a beautiful piece of art! 💜
i love how this lowkey turned into a queliot video for 30 seconds there
i was trying to show the impact the monster is having on q but ya lol
one thing I love abt this show is how u can see Q progress. from that scared anxious, depressed boy to a strong man who died saving the world
am i actually crying right now???
this video is so beautiful. depression is close to me, so i understand quentin at some points. thanks for the video, it's wonderful!!
oh god. I'm here after the s4 finale and i'm not okay.
I love how you even put some queliot in there without even meaning it its just that since the begi they always had a really great bound you can't deny that even if you don't ship it ( _how? they are canon_ )
Really love this you portrayed him perfectly !!
this made me rly emotional cause i relate so much with q and his entire character is so important to me, so thank u!! ur incredibly talented
I love this video so much, even after *gestures wildly around at everything*
This hurts so much but is so good
This is such a beautiful mix of scenes and audio. I can't wait for my friend to watch to a point where I can show her this without spoiling her!
That was fantastic. But also the Queliot parts 😥😥😥
Q is the only fictional character I balled my eyes out for I guess it’s because he was so relatable or maybe it was because I felt more understood by a fictional character more than my own family.... but Q will always no matter what be the only character I ball my eyes out for
This is why I refuse to watch season 4&5
Again, this is stunning. You storytelling ability is out of this world! I love this so much! You make the best quentin/queliot video!
omg it's funny meeting you here... hi!
I still have not been able to rewatched that last episode. I just cant😭
i think it's ironic that q's magic is *fixing*
This is amazing. Love it.
I really liked the Queliot touch at the end. And Quentin. 🥺❤️
this hurts me so much.. I have no words to describe it
Oh, this made me cry in the best way, thanks for creating it ❤
he's my depressed superhero...
This was actually amazing and deserves all the views.
This is great video! You made amazing job to show Quentin's complexity!
I'm sobbing. I miss him so much
I'm so sorry to everyone grieving right now. I've been having anxiety thru the roof since the season finale.
The magicians is for me what filiory is for Quentin
Hey look I'm crying again because my two favorite things Radical Face and the Magicians got combined again
i miss him 😢
i would love to watch a version of this now that season 4 is finished. i believe it could be beautiful, or at least extremely intense
that shit hurted!
TW AND SPOILERS This show saved my life in one of the worst points, through the end of residential, through an abusive relationship that I blamed myself for. The first book was given to me by a kid that I was impatient with who just by chance had it and was going to let me read it on my last night and gave it to me instead.... I read it time and time again homeless being beaten and raped by someone who promised shelter and care and it kept me pushing, This series has always found me in my darkest and for his entire plot time I hated Quentin I thought he was annoying as fuck... until he died and he spoke about his pain and his fear that he had just finally found a way to kill himself. In that moment I realized I hated Quentin because I am Quentin.... I'm now in such a better place in my life I've gotten through so much and I've found so much strength and reassurance in this show and I'm so glad there's so many other people that this show has touched the lives of. To anyone reading this, I know it's so hard to believe I know because I felt it but I swear to you I promise you with everything that I love that if you keep fighting and keep holding on that you can do this, you can beat the hell that you were facing I promise you every single one of you I promise you. You can fight and you can stay I know you can, if you've been holding on for too long let yourself have the time to cry to feel and know that that's okay just please please stay here. Stay here for the things like the show that give you light and happiness and know that there are so many more things like this out there in the world just waiting for you to stumble on them. Every single one of you are beautiful and strong and every single one of you are magicians.
So yeah, I love your video edits
This hurt. But I love it.
Ive had no friends for a while because I feel the same way as Quintin I always break everything this show has been my fillory of sorts and seeing it end is sad but like Quintin said the end of one story is just the beginning of another
If magic comes from pain, the 'Q' lovers can bring him back again. If fantasy is real, we could forgive the tyrant that thought taking him away was a good deal.
Such a lovely and very well edited video. I know it's been a while but I'm trying my luck: from which episode is the scene at 02:17?
thanks! that's from the scene after the monster kills the psychic guy in 4x09, I'm pretty sure :)
@@theprincessandthepie Thank YOU so much! I wasn't quite sure :)
Does anyone know another show or movie that’s like the magicians where the main character suffers from stress anxiety and depression other than my life
Now that Q is gone, who's going to fix my heart?
herzaman kalbimizdesin reis
I've never seen this show. I just looked up this dude's scenes cuz I've had 3 separate people tell me I reminded them of this character. Jeez. I'm not even nearly so dramatic hahaha
I relate to this character so much I look very similar to him
the music was way too loud at some points but i loved your editing 💙
I'm not mentally ready for this , i'm not , what about my lovley ship (Queliot) now? my heart hurts!
Links to clips? Please
Good video but the music is too loud
What exactly did Quentin mean by his brain breaking sometimes?
He is not crazy... In the books... 💔 Why they writed this, I don't know.
And Queliot? Fanfiction, really?
But actors are good, yeah.