Clones Saving Clones

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 344

  • @florence9606
    @florence9606 3 года назад +1706

    Major props to that ATTE gunner who sniped an incoming rocket out of the air with the main gun. What an awesome shot!

    • @Karzipp
      @Karzipp 3 года назад +46

      I thought the same thing

    • @broyogurt3000
      @broyogurt3000 3 года назад +138

      Bruh don't forget to give props to the clone that dodged the rocket too. That was badass

    • @osmacar5331
      @osmacar5331 3 года назад +40

      @@broyogurt3000 he even paused a moment too

    • @Jesse-oi2ly
      @Jesse-oi2ly 3 года назад +37

      The communication between the clone trooper and the gunner was on pointtt

    • @WhatIsThatThingDoing
      @WhatIsThatThingDoing 3 года назад +12

      You know it's not battlefield 4 because the droid wasn't killed by the rocket getting sniped.

  • @melromarcdubois3448
    @melromarcdubois3448 3 года назад +1310

    “Tank 2, port side!”
    Tank 2 then proceeded to nail the most impossible shot in all of Star Wars save for the shot that blew up the Death Star

    • @capslatt7208
      @capslatt7208 3 года назад +96

      That clone’s call-outs in Call of Duty would always save your life 😂

    • @TheDakkaman
      @TheDakkaman 3 года назад +108

      I’m gonna argue that was a better shot. The exhaust port wasn’t flying at Luke except by relativity. I vote that clone gets to be the Star Wars protagonist.

    • @Moxilock
      @Moxilock 3 года назад +63

      I mean, Luke had the force, which is basically aim assist, so I'm willing to argue that tank 2's shot was the best

    • @Rogue_Nine416
      @Rogue_Nine416 3 года назад +39

      keep in mind that the missile was flying towards him at a speed of a few hundred mph, so that gunner would've had to have not only some VERY good gunnery skills to be able to hit such a (from the front) small target at such high speeds but he would've had some REALLY sharp reflexes to be able to hit it within the 2-5 seconds it took before making impact with the AT-TE

    • @thegloriouskingkronk8422
      @thegloriouskingkronk8422 3 года назад +97

      None of you even mention the fact that the Clone who gave the warning sidestepped a fucking missile

  • @lukehans5342
    @lukehans5342 3 года назад +732

    Jedi are better at remembering the names of clones when my mom can’t remember which child out of 5 is talking

    • @blitzenproductions2846
      @blitzenproductions2846 3 года назад +24

      My mum gets mine and my dad's names wrong way too much

    • @lukehans5342
      @lukehans5342 3 года назад +21

      @@blitzenproductions2846 I’ve been called my uncles name so many times, it might as well be my new name

    • @justsomeguywithamustache5173
      @justsomeguywithamustache5173 3 года назад +16

      99 can remember all of his brothers

    • @decanusseverus8773
      @decanusseverus8773 3 года назад +10

      I think after a while they just stop caring mentally, I only have 3 siblings and she literally calls me my sisters name or says “daughter” in reference to me and I’m a dude

    • @top_banananaplays
      @top_banananaplays 3 года назад +9

      My mum keeps calling me Ronni.
      Ronni is the cat

  • @StarWarsExpanded
    @StarWarsExpanded  3 года назад +361

    Together brothers!

  • @PatrickPanzerschreck
    @PatrickPanzerschreck 3 года назад +685

    0:41, still one of the most badass moments in all of Clone Wars. Not only did that trooper just casually dodge the missle but he also imedietly thinks about warning the AT-TE and to top that all of the gunner hits the projectile mid-flight out of a spin. Damn!

    • @jakubwojcik6953
      @jakubwojcik6953 3 года назад +73

      Yeah. That's one of few moments where clones really feels too be far superior to droids because of their creativity and fast-thinking.

    • @odstvi9512
      @odstvi9512 3 года назад +28

      If the gunner missed he might have hit the guy who warned him

    • @randomanimatorandgamer9392
      @randomanimatorandgamer9392 3 года назад +4

      Heck yeah

    • @rubylucylefty
      @rubylucylefty 3 года назад +13

      He’s already warning them as he dodges, it’s crazy!!

    • @justalemon8173
      @justalemon8173 2 года назад +6

      Then he just says Great shot! Lmfao

  • @Joobvideos
    @Joobvideos 3 года назад +240

    Kix: the aggressively over-protective medic, gotta love him

    • @zimma2474
      @zimma2474 3 года назад +12

      He almost exposed order 66 too

    • @RonkOfGhash-VA
      @RonkOfGhash-VA 2 года назад +5

      @@zimma2474 kix didnt almost expose order 66, that was fives.

    • @warun1t32
      @warun1t32 2 года назад +14

      @@RonkOfGhash-VA Kix actually did almost expose order 66… In the comics he gets captured by the separatists and is put in a cryogenic chamber, the ship he’s in is shot down but gets sent onto a planet far away in a hyperspace thing then is saved by bounty hunters a long time later.

    • @RonkOfGhash-VA
      @RonkOfGhash-VA 2 года назад +1

      @@warun1t32 oh yeah i sadly never got to read that comic but i did know about the comic and kix getting frozen in carbonite it was i believe. I was gonna read it eventually, but never got the chance to buy it. Gonna do that soon tho :)

    • @cellorosemusic12
      @cellorosemusic12 Год назад

      I know I wish we had more about him!

  • @kindsnapped3363
    @kindsnapped3363 3 года назад +271

    the clone who destroyed a rocket with the AT-TE was epic

  • @helljumper_212th7
    @helljumper_212th7 3 года назад +1250

    props to everyone but Wrecker. dude didn't even check the pilots

    • @WhereWeRoll
      @WhereWeRoll 3 года назад +504

      Pilots are always dead they lack the necessary plot armor

    • @peachdevils3893
      @peachdevils3893 3 года назад +9


    • @Hobnob21
      @Hobnob21 3 года назад +82

      Pilots usually die in crashes

    • @Brwinka
      @Brwinka 3 года назад +44

      They were already dead

    • @chrislaurent1137
      @chrislaurent1137 3 года назад +157

      To be honest, for anyone who watched that episode, That Dwarf Spider droid manage to directly hit the cockpit of the gunship so yeah, that pilot was definitely dead before he crashed

  • @AbioticSquare0
    @AbioticSquare0 3 года назад +168

    The “Tank 2” scene is the best imo, cause of the level of reflexes ,coordination, trust and accuracy they must have.

    • @AlexWithington
      @AlexWithington 3 года назад +2

      I just love the reaction afterwards

    • @justasimplegamer129
      @justasimplegamer129 6 месяцев назад

      DNA came from Jango so they pretty much have that aspect from the original.

  • @ilyaalexandrovich917
    @ilyaalexandrovich917 3 года назад +1291

    Hevy saved not 4, but thousands of clones on Kamino too.
    True hero.
    upd: wtf did I just cause

    • @jonathonrodriguezthomas6457
      @jonathonrodriguezthomas6457 3 года назад +55

      if not millions

    • @firstnamelastname3410
      @firstnamelastname3410 3 года назад +78

      Mans basically saved the entire republic tbh cause without him ventress would’ve gotten the clone DNA and there wouldn’t be able to ever be any more clones and who knows what the CIS would do with the DNA

    • @CT--gu5ng
      @CT--gu5ng 3 года назад +39

      99 was also a true hero. He proved to everyone that he is not afraid and that he died protecting his home and his brothers

    • @nerfchogathbuffrengar5433
      @nerfchogathbuffrengar5433 3 года назад +20

      Fives was about to save the whole Republic but at least he saved a few people

    • @brodyking7095
      @brodyking7095 3 года назад +2

      @@nerfchogathbuffrengar5433 Too bad.

  • @jepoacacs-2216
    @jepoacacs-2216 3 года назад +167

    Rest in piece, the undeserved heroes of the Republic:
    Gone, but never forgotten

  • @designationc6042
    @designationc6042 3 года назад +33

    Clone: was I a good friend
    Death: were an amazing brother

  • @jediclonekag13
    @jediclonekag13 3 года назад +73

    Us: Clone saving clones
    Clones: Brothers saving brothers

  • @artud2158
    @artud2158 3 года назад +32

    See clones celebrating when reinforcements came in brings out a tear....

  • @danielyanudov8507
    @danielyanudov8507 3 года назад +84

    Another reason we love the clone wars

  • @kaboomkieboom8777
    @kaboomkieboom8777 3 года назад +39

    “Live to fight another day” 🖖 Go in peace Hardcase. Thanks for being another great example of character and personality that brings this series to life

  • @Jesse-oi2ly
    @Jesse-oi2ly 3 года назад +26

    0:41 Is legit one of the best clonewars moments imo

  • @StarWarsExpanded
    @StarWarsExpanded  3 года назад +89

    Thanks to everyone that suggested scenes for the video the other day!

  • @orbital1862
    @orbital1862 3 года назад +17

    0:42 Fastest call-outs and teamwork in the whole Clone Wars.

  • @ClonedGamer001
    @ClonedGamer001 2 года назад +9

    Can we talk about 0:20
    The way Jesse just takes charge and all three of them immediately spring into action. Well oiled machine.

  • @SWDude2710
    @SWDude2710 3 года назад +45

    This is true brotherhood!
    If you were to compare the badassery and skill of the Clones to any movie army/faction not from Star Wars, I'd say the 300 Spartans from Zack Snyder's 300!

  • @miacyr3125
    @miacyr3125 3 года назад +10

    The clone's little cry at 0:08 just breaks my heart😢

  • @seeve2274
    @seeve2274 3 года назад +51

    We need a live action war movie with clones. Like Dunkirk but star wars. Disney doesn’t understand what people actually want.

    • @rex198
      @rex198 3 года назад +2

      I wish they had done one with temuera Morrison but he's probably too old now. He's the only one I can see being the clones in live action though

    • @seeve2274
      @seeve2274 3 года назад +2

      @@rex198 I agree some what. But if they looked I’m sure they could find someone that could own the role. Sorta like Dee Bradley Baker.

    • @mreevee7785
      @mreevee7785 3 года назад +6

      I've literally only ever seen a single person asking for this, and thats right now. And how do they not understand what fans want? We're getting an ahsoka show, a boba fett show, and the bad batch, a show similar to the clonewars. I think youre the one who doesn't understand what the majority of people want lmao.

    • @mreevee7785
      @mreevee7785 2 года назад

      @Ben even if you think those sucked, that doesnt mean the fans didnt want them before they came out?

  • @Zeknif1
    @Zeknif1 3 года назад +12

    "Clones saving Clones."
    Y-Wing pilots: That's literally our job.

  • @dart_the_diver
    @dart_the_diver 3 года назад +15

    this video: exists
    Kix: "allow me to introduce myself"

  • @quindeb8831
    @quindeb8831 3 года назад +10

    0:42 - 0:47 Really enjoyed this part

    • @kantsaveme635
      @kantsaveme635 2 года назад +1

      Man literally came in clutch with the assist ngl.
      They did not have to go that hard

  • @sapphirewingthefurrycritic985
    @sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 3 года назад +17

    0:53 I think you can see the clone that got injured and had the alibi for it in the interrogation scene.

    • @erebus9217
      @erebus9217 2 года назад

      What do you mean exactly?

    • @oxvancool8310
      @oxvancool8310 2 года назад

      @@erebus9217 in that episode there's a clone traitor that sells out his fellow clones so Rex and Cody go interrogate clones to discover the traitor

    • @erebus9217
      @erebus9217 2 года назад

      @@oxvancool8310 oh yeah

  • @James-ok7ii
    @James-ok7ii 3 года назад +5

    yoda said he could tell the difference between the boys just by their personalities, you can see true brothership here

  • @fives-theloyalsoldier6247
    @fives-theloyalsoldier6247 3 года назад +6


  • @milestaylor-charlemagne6311
    @milestaylor-charlemagne6311 3 года назад +4

    "We're shoulder to shoulder on those front lines...Brothers. And sometimes we may quarrel, but together, we are united.

  • @robbiekelsey6572
    @robbiekelsey6572 3 года назад +61

    To use its clones saving clones to them it’s brothers helping brothers

  • @enviousgaming3250
    @enviousgaming3250 3 года назад +4

    the fact that a clone shot a rocket down with another rocket shows just how fucking amazing they were

  • @anomaly2652
    @anomaly2652 3 года назад +5

    We'll never know who tank 2 is directly, other than the fact that he is one hell of a shot.

  • @winniesia
    @winniesia 2 года назад +1

    0:47 This clone looks like he just a football match score 😂

  • @mr.w2047
    @mr.w2047 3 года назад +7

    Good soldiers protect their Brothers

  • @johnmalkowski9485
    @johnmalkowski9485 2 года назад +1

    Wrecker literally left the pilot when it exploded

  • @Commandercodyfan
    @Commandercodyfan 2 года назад +2

    Man Rex got a straight shot oh his chest ngl tha commando droid got a real hot shot

  • @insertfunnynamehere8617
    @insertfunnynamehere8617 3 года назад +12

    1:00 it’s bothered me how they didn’t even attempt to see if the pilot/pilots were ok

    • @cameronnewton7053
      @cameronnewton7053 2 года назад +2

      I think it is because he knew the dropship would explode and he wanted to save the troopers because they had the best chance of being saved

    • @Edge0626
      @Edge0626 2 года назад

      I think at that point they probably just thought we were conditioned to just assume clone pilots die in those kinds of crashes.

  • @indianaowensbonez
    @indianaowensbonez 3 года назад +4

    When the bombers came in and saved the clones and Jedi ass I was on the edge of my seat

  • @AnkaraMessi-p8g
    @AnkaraMessi-p8g 2 года назад +1

    0:18 they sound like angry birds lol

  • @warddonglim8534
    @warddonglim8534 2 года назад +2

    notice the clones that shouts like angry birds at 0:18

  • @J-dogd
    @J-dogd 3 года назад +2

    0:11 I just noticed that the y wings coming in sounds just like the ju87 stuka bombing run siren noise

  • @perttilaamanen44
    @perttilaamanen44 3 года назад +3

    0:44 even jedis cannot shoot the rocket launcer like that

  • @Dcraft_TNT
    @Dcraft_TNT 3 года назад +2

    0:40 coolest moment in starwars

  • @OthnielKenobi
    @OthnielKenobi 3 года назад +1

    "Thanks, 99! Good job!"
    "LOOK! There's more!"
    *throws another grenade at the kids*

  • @terrified057t4
    @terrified057t4 3 года назад +2

    My guess is that the Clones' HUD can show consciousness and other medical stuff, so there's no wasted effort in trying to revive a fully dead man.

  • @artud2158
    @artud2158 3 года назад +5

    Dee Bradley Baker better receive something through out the clone wars, Rebels, and other shows and games for playing the best Soldiers

  • @Golden-fv4gm
    @Golden-fv4gm 3 года назад +3

    These clones had feelings and were super smart and badasses and fast and friendly and had free emotional thoughts and opinions but sadly order 66 happened and than after star wars 3 everything changed sadly

  • @tacotaco1239
    @tacotaco1239 3 года назад +1

    When wrecker flips the gunship, you can see the body of the pilot flopping around in the cockpit.

  • @thexreaper6930
    @thexreaper6930 3 года назад +2

    Who ever voice acts the clones must be making a metric ton of money for bringing out all of these clones' personalities and characteristics.

  • @Bennahr_Fett
    @Bennahr_Fett Год назад +1

    Kicks and Oddball should both be promoted.

  • @robertcurry389
    @robertcurry389 3 года назад +1

    Next stop: Clones roasting clones

  • @nyorito5208
    @nyorito5208 2 года назад +1

    Clone narrowly dodges a rocket and calls the warns the ATTE gunner resulting the most impressive shots

  • @Zero-mn2qw
    @Zero-mn2qw 2 года назад +1


  • @noct2260
    @noct2260 3 года назад +2

    I'm always sad when a clone dies on screen. 🙁

  • @RoachRepublic
    @RoachRepublic 3 года назад

    Echo with green honestly looks really good

  • @Kai1665
    @Kai1665 3 года назад

    The way they treated 99 is excellent.

  • @Haxxer82
    @Haxxer82 3 года назад +6

    Just opened this channel and saw a post 29 seconds ago

  • @GamingMarioYT
    @GamingMarioYT 3 года назад +7

    You should do “Jedi saving Clones”

  • @maxsotomayor3674
    @maxsotomayor3674 2 года назад

    All Clone Troopers are Brothers, they look out for each other

  • @chasekirkfishing4592
    @chasekirkfishing4592 3 года назад +2

    Love your content

  • @thundersp9217
    @thundersp9217 3 года назад +1

    1:07 wrecker didn’t check if the pilot was alive 😔

  • @luka5146
    @luka5146 3 года назад

    You got to love some clone boys

  • @mapleman6981
    @mapleman6981 3 года назад

    Makes happy, Makes me smile🙂

  • @hevyc8353
    @hevyc8353 3 года назад +9

    When Wrecker lifts up the gunship and tosses it on the other side,i could not to not notice the clone pilot in it and he didnt even check for him.Just turned other way round and it exploded with the pilot.

  • @kainepeterson6638
    @kainepeterson6638 3 года назад +2

    Not clones, MEN!

  • @YasonYou
    @YasonYou 3 года назад

    0:44 that was sick.

  • @lordph2048
    @lordph2048 3 года назад

    We live to fight another day.
    Just hit different now

  • @elliot8207
    @elliot8207 3 года назад

    I really like the green echo in the thumb nail

  • @NightSentinel8432
    @NightSentinel8432 2 года назад


  • @magni5712
    @magni5712 3 года назад

    0:40 yo that clone is a Gigachad

  • @ethanwong5013
    @ethanwong5013 3 года назад +1

    During thorns last stand, a shock trooper jumps infront a shot from behind him.

  • @slavcity406
    @slavcity406 3 года назад +2

    Wrecker: flips LAAT to save clone but forgets about the pilot :(

  • @marshalllatta2073
    @marshalllatta2073 3 года назад +3

    They are more than clones they are brothers

  • @Verdun16
    @Verdun16 3 года назад

    clones are legends

  • @Frostbyte501
    @Frostbyte501 3 года назад

    Tank 2 needs jaig eyes and the medal of honour.

  • @8-random258
    @8-random258 2 года назад

    The clones that the "All for One and One for All" seriously

  • @wolfpack5943
    @wolfpack5943 3 года назад

    Clones together STRONG

  • @faramundusfrankia9153
    @faramundusfrankia9153 3 года назад

    Therapist: relax son, green echo doesn’t exist
    Green Echo:

  • @unicow5044
    @unicow5044 2 года назад

    I only realized just now there was a dead pilot’s body flopping around in that gunship wrecker flipped over

  • @halilgundz
    @halilgundz 3 года назад +2

    Make jedi saving jedi :))

  • @fnaaaf1
    @fnaaaf1 3 года назад +2


  • @kevinyoung6082
    @kevinyoung6082 3 года назад +1

    What 5’s did for his brother Tuff was unreal but the chip never went too the Jedi order. Maybe the war would of ended differently aye.

  • @qidn7775
    @qidn7775 2 года назад

    If Tup didn't go crazy, he would've made it as ARC trooper, no doubt.

  • @afton.z6212
    @afton.z6212 2 года назад +2

    poor gunship pilot they didn't save him when they saved cody☹️😞

  • @bluelambda
    @bluelambda Год назад

    1:04 F for the pilot

  • @dogfield1253
    @dogfield1253 3 года назад +1

    Ah yes, the brother hood.

  • @travisallicott9562
    @travisallicott9562 3 года назад

    Never behind leave solider brothers

  • @jetles1091
    @jetles1091 3 года назад

    0:11 me and the boys when we join the match and the boys be like

  • @spacetoast3501
    @spacetoast3501 3 года назад

    I’m hyped on Jedi saving jedi

  • @Edwin21221
    @Edwin21221 3 года назад +1

    I will wait for jedi saving jedi

  • @PrestigeFrost
    @PrestigeFrost 3 года назад

    "Brother together strong"

  • @SuperJumpBros
    @SuperJumpBros 3 года назад

    Nice, good soldiers follow orders

  • @JoshuaVilla44
    @JoshuaVilla44 3 года назад +9

    Next clone saves civilians?

  • @Capt_boba7732
    @Capt_boba7732 2 года назад

    Clones: yaho

  • @thomasking49
    @thomasking49 3 года назад

    I am so happy

  • @lordrageda3477
    @lordrageda3477 3 года назад +1

    For the republic!

  • @josiaspatricio7730
    @josiaspatricio7730 3 года назад

    In 1:04 you can see the dead clone pilot and the next scene is wrecker just going “ boom” 😂 like if nothing happened

  • @eryowww
    @eryowww 3 года назад

    Thanks Rex

  • @lendleguanzon4753
    @lendleguanzon4753 3 года назад

    Clones together strong