Ямар 12 үг сонгосныг хараарай

  • Опубликовано: 29 июл 2022
  • Give a credit Шагнал өгөх
    You deserve to have a credit for what you did.
    I see where you are coming from чамайг ойлгож байна
    I see where you are coming from, but I can't totally agree with you!
    Let's get real яг яс юм нь дээрээ
    Let's get real, we don't have enough resources to do this!
    Get along with ойлголцох
    I want to get along with everyone in our group.
    Fair to say үнэндээ
    I think it is fair to say that I have been a good employee over the past years.
    Get some ideas ойлголттой болох
    I would like you to get some ideas about what we do.
    That will be great болж байна
    If we can finish this work this week, that will be great.
    Pressure is on ачаалалтай байх
    We have to complete this within this month, so the pressure is really on.
    Walk through харах
    Please walk me through little bit more about this idea
    Looking for хайх
    What exactly are you looking for in a relationship?
    You got this чи чадна I know you got this!
    Pull up хийж гүйцэтгэх
    If there is anyone who can pull this up, it's gotta be you!

Комментарии • 10