Why does it feel like Lannon is the weird one in the family that was kinda weird as a child but then slowly grew up getting more unusual, and now he talks to a camera while shooting babies in their heads with a nail gun😂 btw can't wait for one mil yessssssss lazarbeam ur the best!
I know I was joking but omfg I'm almost crying lazarbeam actually freaking liked it holy crap, sorry lazar god it was a joke I've been a bloody legend since 150k I live in Sydney and am going to Dubbo zoo soon because isn't that we're u used to work, btw ur the best content creator and are my favourite RUclipsr by far, I would really appreciate it if u could give me a shoutout subscribe to my channel or react to one of my cringeworthy videos, thanks so much luv ya lazar god!
LazarBeam:"Lets shoot a baby.Never thought I'd say that on my channel." Me:"Wait you never thought you'd say that on YOUR CHANNEL, what about real life?"
Your "safety armor" should be the new design for a fortnite skin (Edit I didn't notice until a month later but my phone auto corrected it to fortnight srry guys) (Another edit thanks for the likes)
When Lazarbeam hits 1 million my life will be complete I've been watching him grow since his Vince Wilfork Video and he is the only RUclipsr I've stayed loyal to all these years
`hahahahhahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahahhhahahahahahahahhhahahhhahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhhahahhahaahhahhaahhahahaahhahHHHhaahahahahhahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahhhahaahahahhhahaahahahahhhhaahhahHhHHahahahahhahaahhhahahaahahhahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhahahhahhahahahahahahhahahhahhaahhhhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaiim had at tyupeing this took 5 hours
I put family friendly in the tags... accurate?
LazarBeam no its bloody awesome
LazarBeam Super.
Lazarbeam sure
LazarBeam hey dude
LazarBeam bloody lengendv
Lannan at 7:39:
"We are trained professionals"
Also Lannan:
*Proceeds to miss 10 consecutive shots
Anonymous 7:37
spams h and a
Why does it feel like Lannon is the weird one in the family that was kinda weird as a child but then slowly grew up getting more unusual, and now he talks to a camera while shooting babies in their heads with a nail gun😂 btw can't wait for one mil yessssssss lazarbeam ur the best!
I know I was joking but omfg I'm almost crying lazarbeam actually freaking liked it holy crap, sorry lazar god it was a joke I've been a bloody legend since 150k I live in Sydney and am going to Dubbo zoo soon because isn't that we're u used to work, btw ur the best content creator and are my favourite RUclipsr by far, I would really appreciate it if u could give me a shoutout subscribe to my channel or react to one of my cringeworthy videos, thanks so much luv ya lazar god!
kobster iii
kobster r
kobster he got it
Huge respects should be paid to lazar’s parents, they let him do this in their own house
Bodhi: "Yay Child Slavery"
why just why🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
In pretty sure lannan told him to say that
we just cant hit the baby
How cute
Hahaha child slavery is SOOOO funny!
Lannen: It’s raining outside
Australia(on fire): HMMMMMMM those were the good days
Xx pikaloop xX that’s why my lagoon name is Australia
I suck at Smash bros ????
I laughed when bodhi said. “YAY child slavory!!!” LOL
I’m pretty sure it’s bodie and slavery
Sry I’m OCD
@@spitfire1136 No its actually Bodhi but yes it is Slavery
I don't give a shit
Fuck yea bitchessss
hell ye
fuck dat shit
“With that said let’s shoot it in the eyeball” best line in the damn video
I literally went into the comments after that line XD XD XD so agreed dude
No it it "yay child slavery"
“We are trained professionals!” *misses every shot*
Haha that’s funny
ExplodingOrange YT very funny
I'm a trained professional at fucking my dog 🐶
GoldenEagleStudios knew somebody would commet this i was going too but
“Yay child slavery”
That made me laugh 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Gracie gaming Tube ! Same
im nine
Did someone ask?
100 subs without videos challenge no?
Ye lol
Who thinks lazar bum needs more subs he deserves 100m
No 999999999999999999999
More that t series
Cool Cat Music but less than pewds
Hello 👋👌👌👌👌
Not me
Been years im going to college and i still come back to watch these old vlogs gotta love it
LazarBeam:"Lets shoot a baby.Never thought I'd say that on my channel."
Me:"Wait you never thought you'd say that on YOUR CHANNEL, what about real life?"
Welp, we've got him...
Fr tho
LazarBeam: "Lets shoot a baby. Never thought I'd say that on my channel."
Me:*turns on lightsaber*FBI OPEN UP
1:29 I see that it runs in the family...
7:04 I didn’t see that coming
Yet the baby
Me 2
I love these old vlogs and I really hope that he brings these back sometime
RUclips won’t allow him to
@@Tyrelshed123 you’re right, they’re fun to go back and watch though
Nobody: Hey look paper
Lannan: It could attack at any moment
Paper as a predator. Now that is funny
You got FPS Russia but then you have FPS Australia.
You r a bloody legend
Clorox Bleach he cant give u spmething u already had buddy.....
donald trump v
Clorox Bleach ok dead meme......
donald trump sorry can't hear u over all the racism and kies
donald trump spelt last word wrong lies
LAZAR "I'm a trained professional"
This is why he’s called a bloody legend
Karrtar-KRAFT underrated comment
Your right
Lazarbeam:WTF MATE ITS A BLOODY BABY!?!?(get it)
Logan Ede 😂 lol
4:57 Nail Gun Bottle Cap Challenge🔥🔥🔥
Man i miss these vlogs but i still love every vid new or old
I lost my tooth while watching,
My hands got bloody,
So does that mean I belted the 'bloody' like button???
Hahahahaha give it an Oscar
*Top 5 Best Jokes*
Brianna B this is the modern generation WE ARE DDDOOOMMME
Depends. Did you hit the like button?
Oh god, it's LazarBeam's evil doppelganger: LaserBeam!
Lazarbream: Shoots fake baby with nail gun
Add Revenue: Ight ima head out
Hahahahaha stupid
"It can't burst in long distances, so I just shot it in the face"
So it's basically a Pump Shotgun?
i thought that was going a dirty route ngl re-read it with a dirty mind and bang
lazar you nailed all of them
Budom tsssssss
That is a really bad pun
Lannan: here I have nailed a baby to the wall
Yes.. and?
@@brunkage1 shut up it was just a sentence
Cant believe I heard the words come out a persons mouth
I see another has come back for nostalgia
@@brunkage1 He thinks it's funny because if you said that in any other situation it would be weird
I laughed so hard when Brodie said "yay child slavery
Nah. The blanks line was better
@Timothy Kilpatrick it’s Bodhi just saying
I’m watching this in 2021 and do think you can do more vlogs you bloody legend.
Your "safety armor" should be the new design for a fortnite skin
(Edit I didn't notice until a month later but my phone auto corrected it to fortnight srry guys)
(Another edit thanks for the likes)
Erika Lanae fortnite*
Geert Lifestyle it’s called auto correct, ever hear of it?
He IS Autocorrect
Erika Lanae poop
@@karenclaims3870 fortnut*
lazar beam your channel has reached an all time legend.
Lazarbeam 2017:
lazarbeam 2019:
Any guesses for this year's word?
@@lloydzeroa.k.aforger6990 code Lazar
GD Xeno no, its kitty
@@lloydzeroa.k.aforger6990 Beam
he's the only youtuber i'm willing to see adds for
I think we can all see that he's going to be a great dad
Not to be a bummer but he will be if he becomes one
@@magmafrog9283 that wouldn’t make you a bummer we know he will be a great dad
Very good dad
We gotta appreciate everything Lazars parents do for him, thanks Lazar dad and mom
LAZARBEAM: Were Trained Professionals.
ALSO LAZARBEAM: Misses Every Shot.
4 years later still the best RUclipsr in Australia
6:43 matrix baby
he tanks it all
im going to get a bloody legend shirt
Kaptain Benno what are you 9 years old
I already got one
Alex Gomez no u
Kirby b o i why does your fucking RUclips name say boi in it. That’s something a child like you would say
Alex Gomez Rude
When Lazarbeam hits 1 million my life will be complete
I've been watching him grow since his Vince Wilfork Video and he is the only RUclipsr I've stayed loyal to all these years
The original
And pregnancy vitamin
Andrew Horton same
i have watched since very first gta 5 mods like the santa one and the angry planes
Andrew Horton me too
Andrew Horton same
“We have shit laying around that could kill an army” 😂😂😂 most iconic quote
Lazarbeam: Dad can i come back home
Dad: why?
Lazarbeam: to destroy the house
dad: ok
dageo gaming lol
To good
dageo gaming HaHAHAHAhAHAHLOL
@@kaitlynthompson151 r/woosh
absolutely nobody:
Bodhi: "yay child slavery"
@@pennywise3279 omg ur penny wise
@@gaynabates7530 yea
Kid: yes uncle Larry
LazarBeam: Just do work child
it's uncle lanny
It’s uncle Lanny
7:12 He took the term “baby on board” to a whole new level
RIP Borris
Borris the turtle tortise
Borris was a good baby it died from brain damage with a nail gun
the tortle
I've seen you comment in fortnite vids. Rip tomato town
Nailed it
Floris Van Leeuwen I get the pun
Floris Van Leeuwen thats a bad pun
Floris Van Leeuwen ha
Ur not very punny
I love how he says “we’re trained professionals” as he is wearing a life jacket and flipping the helmet flap down 😂 also happy new year lazarbeam 🙏
Why comment this on a 2 year old video, about 3 weeks after new year...
Benjy Thorpey idk lol
Btw it's um 2020 of 2 yrs ago
be used to work in construction
meeqan aylia yeah but the way he takes precautions are dumb yes he literally is a trained professional, but he was specifying that certain part
Lannan: we are trained professionals
Also lannan: we’re gonna die
LIKE THE COMMENT if you don't.. your not a bloody legend!
Claudia King k
Guimzy Msp Read. The. First. Reply.
Lazer: do not try this at home.
Me thinking: where the he'll is a kid going to get a nail gun.
Perhaps they could get one from the garage or the shed
A hardware store
blank king you spelled lazar wrong
@@winsorfamily6574 auto correct my bad
@@coolsunnclasses762 the question is how do they get enough money to buy a nail gun
lazarbeam: we are traind profetionals
*misses every shot*
Im letarlly im stormtrooper its in mi blood
had to whatch this after 4 years and its still great
Lannan: “We just can’t hit the baby”.
Shoots in face
Im waiting for 1 mil👌👌👌🤝
Only 3k more
LazarBeam: don’t do this at home
Everybody: let’s try it
Me : dosent do it at home but at my friend's home
O don't worry I will not
Sike you got the rong number
Well if he said dont do it why's he doing it?
He’s doing it for content
the only part I got happy when i finally knew his father was enjoying it
Pasta sauce - fatality
Eoin Clenaghan Lol The Fatality Name Could Be Blood Relish
Is it ironic that I call my friend pasta infection because he tripped on pasta
Lazarbeam family
1. Lazarbeam
2. Sisterbeam
3. Fatherbeam
4. Nephewbeam
5. Motherbeam
6. Brotherbeam
Pirate captain 😁.
4. Bodhibeam
“Don’t try this at home”
Then I’ll try it out side
I tried to out pizza the hut
I’ll try it out at my nans
Ill do it in my neighbours house
FBI avoiding his own rules
That child is a comedic genius.
2:36 mans looking like a gta character
When I read the title I thought it said Nail gun vs Kids.
`hahahahhahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahahhhahahahahahahahhhahahhhahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhhahahhahaahhahhaahhahahaahhahHHHhaahahahahhahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahhhahaahahahhhahaahahahahhhhaahhahHhHHahahahahhahaahhhahahaahahhahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhahahhahhahahahahahahhahahhahhaahhhhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaiim had at tyupeing this took 5 hours
oh god
👁👄👁 ngl I kinda thought it too
69th like 😏 nice
elijah fernandez nice job, you found the joke
“Little Boris...
You’re about to go night-night.”
Boris johnson
@@lukerawdon224 yes
I was watching that as I read this comment
Imagine the nail gun was added in fortnite🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Fortnite Wizz I would get way more wins m8
Alia would make a great video about that 😂
Fortnite Wizz
But what if Boris was added
It strengthens wooden structures
From 7:40 - 7:45 we are trained professionals ‘misses every shot’ LOL
Great content
Trying to aim at the pasta sauce
Ninja: WhAt ArE yOu AiMiNg aT?!?!?!?!
Lol yea
Lazarbeam: Hi DAD!
Dad: you’re an embarrassment.
So true.
why is that so accurate
True af
NoT TruE 😤
Hes the bes utuber ever
“Let’s shoot a baby!”
-Lazarbeam 2018
The Legend27 This was posted in 2017**
Great quality
The Legend27 2017*
Kill all babyz
2 more years to this bloody legends bad luck after breaking that mirror
No one:
Lazarbeam : I can do what da fak I want here ""Yeets hammer"" 0:43
Note: lazarbeam will yeet anything
Not wrong
When your kidnapper says something that means your going to die 6:20
no one:
literally no one:
me: since when is spaghetti sauce a childrens toy?
I was wondering the same thing
It isn’t
Usually I don't laugh at comments but thats funny
@@geoffreygreen7322 why thank you kind sir
@@hypr3796 why thank YOU kind sir
"Don't try this at home"
Me: *Rocks up to my school with a nail gun.
*staple gun has left the game*
Lazerbeam: “ the main reason I want to move is to destroy my dads house”
Lazerbeams dad: “ your an embarrassment”
*you're* an embarrassment
Never seen your videos before, but this just made me subscribe!
Lannen has had enough of Boris 💀
4:48 that’s when the bottle cap challenge even started
Lannan: We have shit that’ll kill an army!
Me: Sounds like a fun house!
what about shrek?
7:04.... im dead 😂
Mitchell Ward I
Speek of a bloody legend lazar beam is a legendary legend.
2:31 epic please make this a Fortnite skin
@@futurenarwhals1288 why?
I'd instantly buy it...
And call it: dumbass Aussie being irresponsible
JACKSEPTIBRO :3 honestly when I saw him in the suit I was like, “ if fortnite doesn’t make this a skin, I will literally kill myself
7:04 yeeess i knew he would do the sledge at some point XD
Lannan: it’s like they don’t even know us!
Me: wait are they supposed to know you?
Jaxon Fante tv interviewer almost a year later “I have no clue who lazerbeam is”
I wish you did more of these vlogs these days g
I can't wait till lazarbeam gets 1 mil bloody legends
me to ive been checking every day
Gavin Baker I know right
1:27 *Yay* *child* *slavery*
Edit thanks for 114 likes
rip x Xxxxx SAD
No bitch
Ya want some slaves call 503
technically its not if he is wanting to
6:08 you will be an awesome parent
Literally love these videos
I hope he realizes that it would be easier to swim without the life jacket on his leg.
No one:
Absolutely no one:
No one on the planet:
Not even in the universe:
Bodhi: *Yay child slavery!*
2020-2019= old memes
Matt Stallman my heart has never been so warmed yet shattered at the same time
@@schoolreject1683 I think my lungs died laughing at this hilarious comment! With an extra funny, not 2, not 3, but 4 'no ones'
@@schoolreject1683 insult to original commenter about how many times he said no one to some extent, even 1 ruins the comment but 4...
Lol I was the 100th like
2:33 iron man: I think we have some one to fight thanos
The baby activated ultra instinct! 🤣
“ can’t get in trouble with this one it’s just a bottle of orange soda” oi nah that’s Donald Trump 😂😂
loved it when he said that i died laughing
Anyone watching in 2019 when Lazars saving season 10 in fortnite
LAZAR:2 years ago
Lazar in the past yes not YEET
JJJAASOONNNITB WALKER oww im not alone to watch his old movies
And me
You *nailed* those toys, Lazar XD
You’re probably the funniest guy I’ve ever seen