Although the solution is correct, I think there is an additional detail that should be mentioned. Black can play Bd8, which prevents all Ra8, Qb8 and Qe2 checkmates . In that case, Qb5 will still be a checkmate.
It's interesting to note that in these chess puzzles, whenever there is a rook and king on their original squares (as in the case for black in this puzzle), an assumption can be made that neither piece has moved, which would then permit castling. However, castling is not permitted anytime the king is in check or moves through or to a checked square. As such, in this puzzle, there is no first move for white that would enable black to castle legally as a response.
I was certain with Qd4 but in the end realized that Rh7 negates that checkmate in two. Amazing puzzle, lots of thinking, thought process. Thank you very much.
Yes this isn't mate in 2, but a better way to play this is RxB A5. After that the king is forced to move to D8, or otherwise R to A8 - checkmate. Then there is nothing stopping white from Knight X H8 and take his rook. For the flawless victory :)
This one was too easy even for me. Thank you for another confidence booster. Something tells me that our host will soon be dropping the proverbial hammer.
Lovely problem, this kind is my fav not too many pieces but still tricky. As another comment said ...Bd8 seems to parry all the main checkmates except Qb5.
Although the solution is correct, I think there is an additional detail that should be mentioned. Black can play Bd8, which prevents all Ra8, Qb8 and Qe2 checkmates . In that case, Qb5 will still be a checkmate.
Great find
Bd8 Qb5 mate was shown in the Qg5 line earlier in the video, jus sayin 😎
The bishop could also move to d8, preventing all the mate moves presented. Then the Queen to b5 would be mate.
It's interesting to note that in these chess puzzles, whenever there is a rook and king on their original squares (as in the case for black in this puzzle), an assumption can be made that neither piece has moved, which would then permit castling. However, castling is not permitted anytime the king is in check or moves through or to a checked square. As such, in this puzzle, there is no first move for white that would enable black to castle legally as a response.
Good point.
I was certain with Qd4 but in the end realized that Rh7 negates that checkmate in two. Amazing puzzle, lots of thinking, thought process. Thank you very much.
I found it in a few minutes ... neither obvious nor impossible ... enjoyed this problem 😊
Yes this isn't mate in 2, but a better way to play this is RxB A5. After that the king is forced to move to D8, or otherwise R to A8 - checkmate. Then there is nothing stopping white from Knight X H8 and take his rook. For the flawless victory :)
This one was too easy even for me. Thank you for another confidence booster. Something tells me that our host will soon be dropping the proverbial hammer.
When the Queen moves it connects with the Rook, King and Knight and it required all these connections. Enjoyed the puzzle, thanks.
As soon as I saw that b4 had the potential for a checkmate after a queen sacrifice, I felt pretty sure I was onto something 😂
5:28 Moving Queen to B8 would be a checkmate also, which is the same as moving the rook to row 8 once the path is cleared.
No, it isn't a checkmate, Qb8+ is answered by Bd8. (The following checkmate would be move number 3.)
@@ralkadde You're right. I forgot about the bishop protecting the King.
Lovely problem, this kind is my fav not too many pieces but still tricky. As another comment said ...Bd8 seems to parry all the main checkmates except Qb5.
I solved this - I must be improving thanks to your daily puzzles.
I solved it too, I might be improving also. I solve about 3/4 of the 2 move puzzles these days, I used to solve less than half
@@4231jerome That's very good - I'm nowhere near that yet -may never be.
4:20 wait but isn't Qb8 checkmate?
Yes, in 3 moves, not 2
Got this when the thumbnail came up. Nice one!
I found this one! Always makes my day. :)
queen sac puzzles are always hilarious !!
Nice key and four different mates!. Easy and enjoyable
Again, easy as Sunday morning, as Lionel says.😊
An easy on this time round. After you have solved a few of these they become easer.
Easy one! But good for a sunday😊
Not too difficult, thank you. :)
Good one!
Hmm. I was close with Qd4, but now I see that Rh7 kills that.
This is sooo beautiful 😂
Good puzzle but I got it easily . So will call it easy 🙏
Yep, found that one!
Another easy one. Easy because it only took me 30 seconds to solve. ^^
Got it immediately!
Invariably, if you sacrifice your best piece in these puzzles you end up winning! (/s of course. Love these puzzles.)
Yes, I found it😊
What about Qd4 and then Qd7? I don’t see a black move to prevent this. Am I missing something or is this a viable checkmate solution?
Rh7 defends.
That was as far as I got. The rook can be moved to guard d7.
I had a similar idea in 1. Qd1 threatening 2. Qd7 mate, and if Black plays 1...Bd2, then 2. Ra8 is mate, but 1... Rh7 instead stops the mate on d7.
Got it!!
Queen D4 and then D7 should also work.
Qd4, Rh7