Super, da möchte man sofort mittanzen. Elegant, die Freude am tanz zu sehen, die Leichtigkeit der Interpretation der Musik und immee genau auf die Musik abgestimmt. So schön anzuschauen.
wow ur really good. I wish I could get good like u. I don't care if u copied me. which u probl didn't but if u did I don't want to kno. anyways nice dancing .
Музыка, хореография, исполнение, костюм, декорации - все прекрасно!
Super, da möchte man sofort mittanzen. Elegant, die Freude am tanz zu sehen, die Leichtigkeit der Interpretation der Musik und immee genau auf die Musik abgestimmt. So schön anzuschauen.
So sublime and elegant! I wish the videographer had captured better zooms of your amazing technique❤️
The 🎶 music & the dancer is so beautiful. Enjoying, watching & listening over & over again.✌👍💞😍💗
Бесконечно можно смотреть!
Как нежно красиво. БРАВОООО
восхитительная Марта!!! необыкновенная красота и нежность!!!
This entire setting and everything is so enchantingly beautiful. Gorgeous!
Excelente presentación Marta me gusta su estilo, saludos desde El Salvador !!!
Lo más! Marta Korzun. Genia
from BG-BRAVO!восхищение!
Elle est magnifique et elle danse bien elle a du talent
Superba si frumoasa foc
In love with her Outfit
Love your dance...Marta keep it up stay blessed love you 😍😍😍😘😘
Красота грация Так держать
Maravilhosa! ❤🌷
Love you Marta
So beautiful! This is my favorite song so i like it even more :)
it's great.... i want studi this dance
Marta I love your dance and your costume.
This is the genius
Merry Chrismas
Where is she from?
Woooooooow 😍😍😍
Marta es fantastica ♡
Paula Medina в в порядке с документами все нюансы по телефону не было возможност в
Лилия Исламова no entiendo
te ves muy hermosa Marta y tu disfraz divino
Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Super gorgeous dance and goddess!
linda belíssima
Nice 💃
so beautiful my dear artiste belly danse
wow ur really good. I wish I could get good like u. I don't care if u copied me. which u probl didn't but if u did I don't want to kno. anyways nice dancing .
TE amo hermosa
بحبك موت
Namber one
Creo q deberia moverse mas en los golpes de pecho o cadera :v
بناااات شتركو بثناتي ونوروها حتحبوها كتير ببحبكننن
Aburridisima como siempre
مملة اوي