Millions of people don't know about the Secret of nail clippers!Amazing Ideas😱

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 8

  • @MilaG-k9k
    @MilaG-k9k 8 часов назад

    Умелые ручки 😊💕

  • @syedzulqarnain3311
    @syedzulqarnain3311 2 дня назад +1

    Why using knife?

    • @AmazingSmart-ngth
      @AmazingSmart-ngth  2 дня назад

      The knife is used for precise and quick cutting. Do you have any other safe and effective ideas for this?

  • @Kazimir-x8s
    @Kazimir-x8s 3 дня назад +2

    Диз и жалоба на спам.

    • @AmazingSmart-ngth
      @AmazingSmart-ngth  2 дня назад

      Sorry that the video didn’t meet your expectations. We’re always working to improve the content quality. Do you have any suggestions on how we can make it better?

  • @Razi-m7b
    @Razi-m7b 2 дня назад +1

    مدتی است که تو فضای مجازی، تکنسین الکترونیک فراوان شده اونم با ایده پرت وپلا ومزخرف به شعور مردم توهین میکنند همینی که الان شاهد آن هستید، دکتر ،پروفسور ،تکنسین الکترونیک ووو....دست بردارید از این افکار ساختنی های من دراوردی از این تجویزهای پزشکی که معلوم نیست از کجا آورده اید ؟! خجالت نمیکشید از این ساختنی های بیهوده و مزخرف

    • @AmazingSmart-ngth
      @AmazingSmart-ngth  2 дня назад

      Your opinion is respected. The goal of these videos is to showcase creativity and find simple, cost-effective ways to solve everyday problems, not to claim expertise in engineering or medicine. Many viewers find these ideas inspiring and use them to improve their skills. However, we appreciate your feedback and will certainly strive for better content. What suggestions do you have for improving this type of content?

    • @inventor.0169
      @inventor.0169 2 дня назад

      عصبانی نشوید😢