What's the most UNFAIR thing a Dungeon Master ever did to you?🅿️4

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • What's the most UNFAIR thing a Dungeon Master ever did to you?
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    DND players, what was your funniest “nat 20” moment? (r/askreddit)
    What stunt did your D&D players pull that completely derailed the campaign?
    DND players, what was your funniest “rolled a 1” moment? (r/askreddit)
    DnD players: What is the most creative character you've seen someone play as?
    DND players, what was your funniest “nat 20” moment? Part 2 (r/askreddit)
    What’s the DUMBEST thing a player rolled for and Succeeded?
    D&D players, what was the NAT20 that made your DM facepalm?
    What's the funniest thing PC's latched onto? #1 (r/dndstories)

Комментарии • 109

  • @Micboss1000
    @Micboss1000 4 месяца назад +80

    Goblins burned down your village and you want revenge? I know a guy...

  • @josephradley3160
    @josephradley3160 4 месяца назад +26

    First campaign.
    Session zero.
    I play a human barbarian. Thinking that keeping it simple would make good learning experience.
    Between session zero and one DM asks me to change characters to "better balance the party."

  • @WildfireDruidlvl18
    @WildfireDruidlvl18 4 месяца назад +6

    First time ever playing DnD, an acquaintance offered to bring in a DM he knew so me and a few other new players could try it out. We spent about an hour delving a cave with quite an excessive amount of near death rolls and situations. At the end of our excursion, we come face to face with an angry ancient red dragon. Turns out it was preplanned by my acquaintance and the DM to just TPK all us new players so they could get a good kick out of it. Almost made me not want to play again. Almost; dont worry, I'm currently in a great campaign

  • @BufusTurbo92
    @BufusTurbo92 4 месяца назад +12

    Level one, first campaign we ever had.
    DM pits us against an intellect devourer.
    Imagine the rest. The man couldn't balance encounters for toffee.
    Same guy a few levels later had us face an entire bugbear clan. TPK. We came back with new characters and we found the corpses of our previous ones and the DM described with abundance of detail how my former half-elf female had been decapitated, stripped, and her privates "thoroughly used" by the bugbears.

    • @cliff1446
      @cliff1446 4 месяца назад +9

      Wow, that's a horrible DM.

  • @alphons1456o
    @alphons1456o 4 месяца назад +19

    Second DM really disappointed me. I was making a bet that the dragon was an illusion and the real one was hiding behind the party the entire time. Somehow, the reveal that "Uh, he's got Max HP now instead of average" is even more distressing...

    • @ethanwilliams1880
      @ethanwilliams1880 4 месяца назад +2

      The dragon was stupid, he probably didn't want the big bad to go down without a hitch, probably wanted it to mean something to his players. What he didn't understand was the player's perspective wasn't that the boss was easy and lame, but that they could think up a way to overcome the challenge. It's hard to gauge sometimes what the players are feeling, even IF they are open about it. Otherwise he did nothing wrong. The first encounter had legendary actions, the second one had legendary resistances, pretty par for the course at high level against bosses.

  • @kinsan89
    @kinsan89 4 месяца назад +4

    So this is unrelated to the topic of this specific video, but I love it too much not to share.
    I play Dragonlance with a party I found through StartPlaying. I am playing a Triton re-skinned as a version of Sea Elves that descended even further into the oceans, and I'm a Storm Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric multiclass, going for a "I am the storm" vibe. I have a trident as my spell casting focus, and it's pretty sick.
    One night we had just finished off a large story roleplay bit, and we were traveling through the northern wasteland areas where it sometimes floods the canyons. Flood waters start to approach, so we start to climb the rock walls, but then we are ambushed by a duo of Chuul. I tried to climb the wall higher on my turn after casting a Fireball, only to have an opportunity attack from a hidden guy hit me and now I'm grappled. Thankfully he misses his attacks on his turn and I pass the poison save. Back to my turn when the DM asks me to make a grapple escape check, I instead say to him "So, do you know how Kurt Cobain's career ended, right?" to everyone's confusion. When he says "Yes, why?" I respond by telling him that I would like to use my trident to aim a Thunderwave at myself UPWARDS, willingly fail my saving throw, transmute the damage to Cold, then use my Tempestuous Magic bonus action to safely glide myself down onto the top of the cliff. I take about 7 damage (because of course I roll 14 on 2d8 when I am only damaging myself) because of my Cold resistance, and I am left with a DM who sat in silence for nearly a full minute before asking why I had to mention Kurt Cobain like that

  • @zewombocombo9993
    @zewombocombo9993 4 месяца назад +5

    So a player and I went into a green liquid that basically that made us forget our bodies and mind (which just meant that we had to use a blank character sheet and had no memories of our life at all) and we had to collect rings to get our basic skills back such as walking speed and dc. This wasn't a problem due to those ring just floating down the green ooze to us. I tell you this to explain why I couldn't stop what was about to happen to me. At the top of where the ooze was flowing, the enemy that we were suppose to kill was there (a custom monster). Initiative was rolled and the monster's turn was used to attack me, I failed the dex save, and I was immediately one shot by the creature. It was the first round of combat and I was immediately taken out of the fight. No worries, I can still survive if I make my death save I thought. First death save was a 2. Next turn I thought that there is no way I can crit fail this save, the chances of that happening are so slim to none. A Natural One. Just like that I was dead and couldn't be brought back to life because magic doesn't exist in this campaign. The DM did let me continue to play my character with a bullshit reason as to why, but decided to give me a permanent hp reduction of -17 because in his words," Can't let you die without any consequences." The part that really irked me real bad is what he said a couple of seconds later was," Maybe this will teach you to not be so reckless." I then reminded him that I did absolutely nothing during that fight, which caused him to get flustered. He replied (in somewhat of a joking manner)," O-oh, well still this will remind you to be careful in combat haha." So now I'm a level 7 rouge/ranger with a max hp of 24.

  • @blancathewhitedemon6107
    @blancathewhitedemon6107 4 месяца назад +14

    Had a DM in a westmarch tell us we needed to gather information on some bandits.
    So when i asked around the recently attacked village every villager preceeded to berate my cleric for disturbing them but were helpful to everyone else(even gave them items). So i decided to keep watch nearby for potential attacks and got attacked. Even when the team came to my aid, the dm preceeded to only attack my cleric. I only survived due to high AC.
    I left midway through the session. Only to find out the DM still used my character, not only without my permission, but almost got my character killed without me being there.

    • @Joseph_Stuntn
      @Joseph_Stuntn 4 месяца назад +4

      How did your character not die then? Did your party members just try really hard to keep you alive?

    • @blancathewhitedemon6107
      @blancathewhitedemon6107 4 месяца назад +5

      @@Joseph_Stuntn not certain, I wasn't there to see it. Most likely other PCs trying to keep my character alive

  • @CheesyChez421
    @CheesyChez421 4 месяца назад +14

    This is something that one of my players got really mad at me for when I DMed a homebrew campaign:
    (This was also my first time ever DMing a game, no pre-written, no module, no nothing)
    Party started out in my main city of the continent seperated in the High city and the Low city with only an elevator to get them up and down between the cities.
    One of the RNG items I gave put for loot was a flying carpet. As the story went on, they were being chased by the guards of the High City and had to escape to the Lower City via said elevator. For whatever reason that he didn't explain, he wanted to use the flying carpet to go back up to the High City. I looked at the rules on the flying carpet item I gave which said "it only floats/levitates off the ground it is on, it doesnt actually fly on its own", so because of that I told him "No" and he got extremely frustrated with me to the point where he's literally yelling in my ear about it on the car ride back to his house and I could not wrap my mind around why he was so upset. Sure, he wanted to do something I wouldnt let him, but i explained my reasoning and also told him I didnt want to split the party up because that doesnt work at all. This person is also a DM and has experience running games which made it even more confusing and bewildering for me. Really just thought he was being selfish at the table and I didnt like it. Eventually he dropped out of the campaign which i was glad because he just kept getting more and more toxic as the game went on.

  • @billcox8870
    @billcox8870 4 месяца назад +7

    A DM cast hypnotic pattern. Two rounds later I entered the area where the spell had been cast and I had to roll a savings road to make sure I don't get affected by hypnotic pattern even though it goes off in a single round and players have several rounds to try to shake off the effects. I argued that it shouldn't be ongoing in that area and he just responded with, you just want easy mode. I don't like rule changes that are made on the Fly Like That

  • @dannyleo5787
    @dannyleo5787 4 месяца назад +7

    Had a dm just flat out hated my blue grunge named oolaka. It was a simple character driven campaign about who we were in the world, yet whenever it came down to my character he showed little to no regard to my lore I poured sweat and tears into, what made it worse was the dm forcing new lore into mine without approval by mockingly saying that my tribe was at war with three black dragons in the same swamp area.. Granted it was a cool concept, yet that's not what i wrote down as to why oolaka left. Towards the end of the campaign, dm wanted my character dead by a ramdom black dragon for his irony... I rolled a nat 20 to evade the incoming attack, dm took it personally. So using what was given to me by my items collected, I outsmarted the dm by using the swamp environment to oolaka's advantage by having the creature charge at me with unreasonable rage towards me, not realizing til it slid across the fresh mudd from recent rainstorm to impale the dragon below its jaws and out its brains while oolaka jumped on the nearest tree to avoid being caught. Dm wanted to save his dragon but the rest of us just called out his bs. We don't talk anymore, I still have my level 14 grunge waiting for a new adventure and safe to say i hope to have a dm with more a open mind to having unique characters instead of being a puritan dnd.

  • @Wbfuhn
    @Wbfuhn 4 месяца назад +2

    Some people should never DM. Doesn't matter how good they are at it. Putting players in scenarios that will hurt them emotionally, without presenting the idea first, is an a-hole move and if they do it because they like seeing others get hurt, you can walk away, or you can one up them by not showing any emotion. In fact, rub it in their face by appearing to be eager for another adventure to find resolution.
    If your DM is trying to get a reaction, don't give them one.
    This is hard when your young, I understand, but this is a level of maturity and a great way to poker face.

  • @trueblade39
    @trueblade39 4 месяца назад +9

    "You are the most dangerous person on the battlefield."
    This one line infuriates me because it justifies focus-firing a PC with everything the DM has currently available to get that person knocked out/killed. In Descent Into Avernus, by the time my Fighter was capable of doing upwards of 150 HP in one turn (burst damage, she could only do it if she had her once per long rest buffs and Action Surge so it was a one-off thing), the DM resorted to saying that over and over to explain why he'd drop everything he was doing to make a point of having every one of his minions curbstomp my Fighter from that point onward. It got to the point where I realized that it was going to happen every in every boss fight. So when the others were all "yeah let's go pick a fight with the second most powerful devil in Avernus, ON HIS OWN TURF", I wasn't enthused because I already knew what the DM was going to do.
    Also, I won a 1v1 with a devil general with over 180 HP and he "conveniently" remembered after I dealt the killing blow that this general had Regeneration, so it could heal 20 HP each turn, would only die if reduced to 0 HP while taking radiant damage, and had a bunch of orthon minions who immediately sneak attacked me after I dealt the attack that SHOULD have won me the duel. Duel. As in, "a fight between two people where everyone stands down until one person wins". Despite me making a clear stipulation that the devil's orthons were to stop attacking my party during the fight, who were all incapacitated by a Glyph of Warding trap spell, they attacked them anyway. So I had to attack the orthons to get them to stop, then solo the general, and then after the general attacked me I had to fight him. And after he explained why the general wasn't dead, he condescendingly told me that "I violated the terms of the duel by attacking the orthons." You know, the orthons who were supposed to stand down during the duel.
    If someone could throw the book at this guy, make it Sun Tzu's the Art of War. And please beat him over the head with it if it doesn't take.

  • @MechbossBoogie
    @MechbossBoogie 4 месяца назад +10

    Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Brian for doing a good job?

  • @assassincharizard
    @assassincharizard 4 месяца назад +2

    7:49 same.
    We're playing Rime of the Frost Maiden. I'm a Bugbear fighter and me and our assassin rogue squared off against a yeti. Our ranger, wizard, cleric and bard as back up protecting the guy we went to rescue. I'm holding a torch, and smack the yeti in the face for a surprise round, but when I asked about it, I was not allowed to apply my bug bear surprise attack's extra damage. Also, the DM ruled that the torch doesn't deal fire damage and rules it as a club instead. (I learned later that this was to avoid the yeti's Fear of Fire trait giving it disadvantage on it's attack rolls and ability checks.) Even still, we deal massive damage between me and the rogue. The DM decided that this yeti, having been beaten to a bloody pulp and nearly dead in the first two turns of round one of combat, needs more hit points. He says "yeah I'm just going to beef up this yeti so it isn't over too quickly." Okay fine fair enough. This thing then proceeded to wail on all of us for a while until we beat it down to near death again. Oh-ho! But according the DM, apparently now it thinks the best course of action is to chase after the guy we are escorting- running straight through the entire party taking opportunity attacks from everyone in the proccess just to get to him. We down the damn thing and think it's finally over, and this was still a pretty cool encounter.
    But we're not done yet. Not even close. Oh no. We haven't suffered enough. As the yeti charged through all of us, he apparently tackles the wizard and knocks him into death saves, then claws through the guy we were there to rescue all in one swing while being attacked bybthe whole party!Then, for good measure, as it falls down dead, it pushes the guy off an 80 foot cliff into a ravine! So, being a bounty hunter type, my bugbear starts to get rope out or the rogue to climb down to get the guy's body, since we were commissioned to bring him back. The dm tells us the ravine is over 100 ft deep now, and that it's too far to climb, but reassures us that we won't lose our pay. So we say okay and return to the quest giver without him. I then asked if I could write this quest giver down as an ally in the appropriate spot on my character sheet and the DM says "why would he ever want to see you guys again? He'll only ever be reminded of how you told him his husband was dead and didn't even bring him back his body for a proper burial." I was seeing red as I said "this is specifically what I was trying to do but was told it was unnecessary!" The DM just said "I thought you meant you just wanted the money." When I then got irritated and explained that the whole point of us taking these types of side quests was to introduce us to the area and establish connections throughout, DM just brushed it off with something along the lines of "welp I guess it's too late to do that now"

  • @sebastienbusque2312
    @sebastienbusque2312 4 месяца назад +5

    Damn... you actually read my comment! (I'm the one with the "don't-give-two-shits" party"). I wasn't sure I'd ever be read, to be honest. Thanks!

  • @doitsumania660
    @doitsumania660 4 месяца назад +6

    Strap in for this one. My friends and I were doing a Harry Potter based campaign and our DM (Erik!) decided his DMPC WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER! Putting everyone else into a box, The smart one, The rich one, the strong one, the comic relief. He put himself into the tri-wizard tournament and walked through with little regard to the actual story ( side note, he said he as keeping to the movies as he hadn’t read the books. Red flag 🚩! But didn’t even keep to the continuity of the movies!) he was a Muggle born who grew up in the hood! His life was hard! (his dad worked for Microsoft in campaign) he could speak snake! Screw the main cast! Old voldy wanted to kill him! The abomination! He got Slytherins wand! He forced everyone into unhealthy relationships. When my character tried to set healthy boundaries with his SO in RP, the character SLAPPED HIM! His excuse, “it’s a girl thing.” Cue me and my other friend, both of us women, going “what do you mean by that?” Only for this SLIME to say “Oh no I just saw it in a novella.” And went on like it didn’t just happen! One of the other players had his SO nearly DIE because “character development.” The other was forced into a one sided relationship and it was borderline abusive. The worst part for me other than being shoved into the rich boi box and getting slapped was at the end of the campaign. The battle of Hogwarts. Anyone who knows their series knows this is it, the big climactic fight. My character with no roll and no save, gets knocked out and misses the entire battle. Not able to use anything from my lvl 20 class mods or spells, knocked out. Yeah. Thank goodness we cut ties with him when we did. Sadly this isn’t the only campaign he messed up. Maybe I will continue the story of Erik the DM. It is a lot. I curse your name Erik. You know who you are!

  • @Shukuyou
    @Shukuyou 4 месяца назад +8

    The only thing I would like to cry 'Unfair!' about are time zones. 90% of the groups I see that are looking for members are from the US. I'm from Sweden. No matter how much I want to play again, starting at 1 am is not possible for me.

    • @rineraanakiir
      @rineraanakiir 4 месяца назад

      I am Norwegian….. one of my groups play from 3 am to 7 am on a Saturday morning

    • @SaxtonGaming1401
      @SaxtonGaming1401 4 месяца назад

      I know how you feel, I'm in France and I've pretty much been forced to settle for a one-shot at midnight Saturday.

    • @sleepinggiant4062
      @sleepinggiant4062 4 месяца назад

      That's not anyone being unfair to you.

    • @TheMightyBattleSquid
      @TheMightyBattleSquid 4 месяца назад

      I'm in the US but for a long time I worked night shift so I understand your pain. You'd think between time zones and other shifts we'd have at least *a* game to apply to every now and then.

  • @thundertwonk1090
    @thundertwonk1090 4 месяца назад +3

    Dm: "Roll Deception"
    Me: "But I'm telling the truth"
    Dm: "He doesn't know that"
    Party: 🖕😡🖕

  • @Nyghtking
    @Nyghtking 4 месяца назад +3

    Dm had a helper NPC drop poison in a vial, I rolled to see what it was and failed, the DM reminded me I could taste of smell it to try and roll again, had he not mentioned that I was going to check the other vials that had fallen out.
    When I opened the vial the mystery poison became a 45 foot cloud kill that essentially forced a save every turn, and if you failed would damage you heavily until you found the cure.
    As a result it killed me and the character next to mine.
    The poison, as it turned out, was homebrewed.
    It felt unfair because from my perspective there was no way I could have avoided that and up until the GM reminded me it hadn't even crossed my mind that there were other methods I could use to test it, both of which required me to open the poison.

  • @DBArtsCreators
    @DBArtsCreators 4 месяца назад +5

    Worst thing? My DM forced me to DM almost an entire session (2-4 hours out of a 6ish hour session), running a "dungeon" made out of my character's traumatic backstory (party was teleported into my - until this moment amnesiac - character's memories) and needing to present it all to the party on the spot.
    The DM literally walked out of the room when he started the swap, refusing to let me not do the DMing unless I wanted the session to end then & there (he never gave me nor anyone else a headsup that this would be happening; just took an old idea he'd previously said "no" to me on and turning the idea up to 11). Keep in mind that (do to other campaign issues going on), I tried to use this scenario to have my character off herself (Death Cleric; not a hard thing to do) but the DM literally disabled this by pulling out a bullshit power from an NPC that made me heal whenever I took Necrotic damage, and having other NPCs and the party hold my character down so I couldn't try anything else.
    Then, after I finally finished DMing the "dungeon" / scenes, the original DM comes in, resumes his railroading, and says "Happy Birthday to me! Now I don't have to deal with your character anymore!"
    That I was - and still am - pissed off is an understatement.

  • @ethanwilliams1880
    @ethanwilliams1880 4 месяца назад +1

    Since lots of comments are sharing, I'll follow suit. This one's been on my chest for years. My oldest friend DMed a campaign in his homebrew world in pathfinder 1e. Because of life stuff, I was late to the campaign. He told me not to roll a character, but to take this DMPC he made as my character. It was a golem wizard with a bone golem, following the other players around helping out for some reason. Its stats were kinda terrible, but the golem was pretty good, so I put my time into it.
    A couple months later, I've leveled up, I've personalized the character with magic items, characterization (which it didn't really have before), feats, etc. At this point, we run into another player he was planning to introduce to the campaign (also another friend of mine). This player had been in an extended solo campaign I wasn't aware of (even though they were both close friends), and the DM was planning on merging the two together. The guy shows up with his solo campaign character, decked out in special gear, and tries to take the lead immediately, but then sees my golem and attacks it. His justification? It looked undead and his character hates undead. This despite the fact that I enchanted a set of large-sized full plate for it (for AC purposes), which it was currently wearing, it wasn't undead, and the situation was not at all tense.
    Well the DM tellls him to go ahead since it's "roleplaying" and so I decide to defend my precious creation. After all, without it, in the wild, without the facilities to create another, my character is a underpowered wizard with limited spells and bad stats, and golems are VERY expensive to make in that system. The DM then says "Were not gonna do pvp, just let him kill it." Naturally, I refuse, so he has a meteor fall out of the sky and kill my character and golem with no save. Rocks fall you die, unironically. I got up and left, and all the people in the game (including the bystanders) talked my ear off about how I overreacted and I should just move on and make a new character.
    Weeks later, I did just that, because these people were my main friend group at the time, and I make bad decisions (that's right, there's more). It was a sorcerer with much better stats and a focus on "save or die" spells. Naturally, the DM started making all monsters have very high spell resistance. I had spell penetration feats, so this was partly mitigated. It got to the point where I had every spell pen feat, and the enemies had as much spell resistance as C'thulu (yeah there's a PF 1e statblock for him). The DM eventually made the creatures immune to my "save or die" spells, then later made them immune to magic when I used other spells instead. That's where it all ends, but only because the campaign fell apart (shocker).

  • @darkphoenix539
    @darkphoenix539 4 месяца назад +3

    I couldn’t attend two or three sessions, when I came back I discovered that during my absence my character was turned from respected teams motherfigure, level 10 cleric into heavily pregnant, fingerless, mindless slave … character development …

    • @coreyfogarty4469
      @coreyfogarty4469 4 месяца назад +1

      Wtf!?, did the DM get called out & punished at least?

    • @darkphoenix539
      @darkphoenix539 4 месяца назад +1

      @@coreyfogarty4469 Nope, also after learning that my character wis and int is permanently 1 and 2 respectively i just quit and as far as i know appart of "the best laugh this group ever had" there were no other consequences

    • @coreyfogarty4469
      @coreyfogarty4469 4 месяца назад +1

      @@darkphoenix539 the best laugh!?!?!?!?!?, nawww that group nasty.

  • @TeamMeunierYT
    @TeamMeunierYT 4 месяца назад +1

    One thing that was strange was in an RP server awhile back. There was basically a version of Wild/Unstable Magic (which I hardly understood until recently), that I wanted my charactrers immune to because I didn't feel comfortable risking them basically being contorted by a 1/1,000 chance. The fun thing is that LITERALLY NOBODY had an issue with it, not even the HOST. It was only on one random April Fool's in 2023 that he was like "okay y'know what, no more invulnerability". In terms of opinion, it was basically me and my buddy thinking that was BS, and him still thinking it was "fair". Here is the thing, too, I said "I wouldn't bring my characters there anymore", implying I'd just make one. He took it like I was done RP'ing there because of it, and he overreacted and even hit a few personal words. Granted the drama and words shared by me and him are both regrettable, but it still sucks. I'm well over it now, but I have heard he consistently has irritated the others on occasion, so I've never been happier about being banned from a server in my life. Oh yeah, he banned me from the server too.
    (I'm not necessarily complaining about this, or fishing for anything, but it's like the only story of "Dungeon Master Bullshittery" I have to tell.)

  • @rayroberts5644
    @rayroberts5644 4 месяца назад +1

    The worst dm ive played with (and theres been a few) would have "special guests" show up mid game and join us at the table.. my last game with them the special guest was a guy that had SA me and his character immediately started making moves on me before he could even sit down at the table .. i grabbed my stuff and left , never went back. The DM knew about the situation and still pulled that. The dm ended up getting black listed at the hobby shop and word spreads fast in small towns

  • @graveyardshift2100
    @graveyardshift2100 4 месяца назад +9

    That first one wasn't even unfair. It was just dickery.

    • @nabra97
      @nabra97 4 месяца назад +1

      I mean, it isn't inherently wrong - thought I don't see much games where it has place, - but it's something you absolutely need to mantion the possibility of before the start of the campaign

    • @thezerowulf2046
      @thezerowulf2046 4 месяца назад +2

      It's wasn't wrong at all. The player had a family and wanted to leave them ro go out into the world to heal others, only to not be there when their village needed healing the most. That's a pretty good tragic story

  • @MitchellTF
    @MitchellTF 4 месяца назад +3

    A PC in my Shadowrun game drugged my character while I was using AR, which was treated like VR, in the FIRST session, and literally the first time I used my Technomage tricks, then had my character fed to ghouls because I missed session, because the drug he used caused me to apparently be unconstious at that time
    So...I just never showed up again.

    • @Adanu191
      @Adanu191 4 месяца назад +4

      And the GM was ok with this? A first session PK is absurd.

  • @blazaybla22
    @blazaybla22 4 месяца назад +3

    I’m about halfway through and still haven’t seen an instance of someone instantly walking away

    • @yaqbulyakkerbat4190
      @yaqbulyakkerbat4190 4 месяца назад +3

      None of them did. Tragically

    • @f145hr3831jr
      @f145hr3831jr 18 дней назад

      @@yaqbulyakkerbat4190 It probably was the first time such a thing happened to them and didn't know it wasn't normal.

  • @yungo1rst
    @yungo1rst 4 месяца назад +1

    We were going on a quick trip to a nearby ruin for some gear for our npc. the npc is a king who was frozen in time or similar with a slow time plane. i was a scholar, a third party class in pathfinder as i am a old man. my buddy is a archer with an artifact bow of the Elven Goddess, with a mind of her own. The Sun cleric is spent from adventuring to rescue the king and is staying behind to rest up, as he is our only caster. we took a boat to the island fortress, as it was night shadows were moving about. we did not think much of it as we already knew about the goddess of the night was active in the mortal realm and we fought her a few times. we go inside the building ready to fight some arcane creatures, but in her own glory was the goddess of the night, waiting for us just inside the entry way. the scene goes dark, and we go to the morning. the sun cleric thinks we were getting in local trouble or something and goes to meet with the other clerics of this lands gods. I and the archer ambush the scene as npcs, with the archer, obliterating the head of the other gods cleric. The bow is mentally crying as she is a merciful bow, but that feature is turned off because of the goddess curse. Then the Arcane shadow zombies rise up all around the city, and we have to leave the continent.

  • @jacksparrowismydaddy
    @jacksparrowismydaddy 4 месяца назад +1

    okay I know nothing about Ravenloft but my dm told us that we cannot escape Ravenloft, that even if we do have a portal out to our own world some weird god hand will grab us and drag us back...so with that in mind, we had gained cool treasure... then out of the blue some random thieves beat us up, steal our shit, and throw us in a portal they just so happened to have to kick us out of Ravenloft. and no weird god hand...
    this was also the dm that overrode me and said my character turned around to look at my naked party members junk just so the dm could laugh about how small it was. that party member used to date his current gf at the time... so he used me to emasculate my friend. -.-

  • @elchuniloco8
    @elchuniloco8 4 месяца назад +2

    This happened to me recently and i'm still processing if what happened was bullshit or not but i want to share it:
    For context, we are in a server where we play oneshots connected to the same universe, if we complete any oneshot we get money to buy items for ANY character that we had.
    In the last oneshot that we had, i was playing as a Glassya Tiefling Astral Way Monk, we got hired by the famous chef "Flaco Ramsay" (Gordon Ramsay but with a spanish name pun) to get eggs from a griffin, he only needed one but the desired amount was three and he gave us a cart to carry those and a paper about the griffin. While we were going to the beast's cave, we noticed something odd about the griffin's traces since it walked too much for being a flying race.
    Once we reached the cave and go inside it, we found the griffin's corpse and her eggs, the DM decided to throw a dice to see how many eggs were there, we got a total of 5 eggs. The dwarf fighter throws a nat 20 on perception and notices an invisible creature behind us, starting combat. I also get lucky and get a nat 20 on initiative so i act first.
    DM: So, what are you going to do?
    Me: I'm going to throw dirt on it.
    DM: OH! Oh...! I see. Throw me a sleight of hand check and a attack roll to succeed.
    I do poorly on the first roll but the attack roll is good enough to make the creature's face visible, turning the boss fight into a beating that lasted one round with each strike making it smaller. But once is the creature's turn? It jumps straight to the eggs and attacks ALL FIVE OF THEM instead of us. The dwarf fighter manages to land the last hit on the creature making it dissapear from existence but we could only save one egg, the bare minimum for the job. I felt that Flaco Ramsay would be dissapointed.
    After the fight, i had an idea.
    Me: Hey, what if we take away the griffin's corpse? I mean, i heard that the claws are valuable.
    Elf rogue: Oh, yeah. Can we?
    DM: Good job noticing that! The chef had handed you a paper with details about the griffins, you can make all kinds of meals with that, but most of you guys have no strength to carry it and the cart can only carry the egg.
    Me: Don't worry, i have arms of the astral self, i can use my wisdom instead of strength.
    DM: Oh, that's nice. Dwarf would had to do strength checks if he carried that alone.
    We managed to carry the last egg and the griffin back to the restaurant and managed to get the full reward anyways, not the best case scenario but it was good.
    What still baffles me is that when i asked the DM why the creature attacked the eggs instead of us, he said that it was sent to kill the griffin and destroy her eggs, that's it. We never managed to figure out who sent it, but i imagine that the last attacks happened because the DM may had overshot it by adding too many eggs because of the dice. He is FAR from terrible, keep in mind how he rewarded my actions, he probably didn't want to get into trouble with the other DMs of the server because, again, the oneshots share characters' wealth and loot.

    • @cliff1446
      @cliff1446 4 месяца назад

      Weird, but rather tame

    • @elchuniloco8
      @elchuniloco8 4 месяца назад

      @@cliff1446 as a sidenote, Flaco Ramsay was racist with my character because i was a tiefling, passive but still...

  • @silverknight5569
    @silverknight5569 4 месяца назад +3

    Stripped my druid/cleric dragonborn of all magical abilities and then railroad any attempts to get them back.... this was after a series of bad sessions and was the action that resulted in the game being ended and the group disbanded (I now dm a avatar legends group with the other remaining people from the group sans him)

  • @Snowthree
    @Snowthree 4 месяца назад +1

    So here's my story. I was playing in an online Pathfinder group. I was relatively new to Pathfinder and not the most overly experienced by any means, but I knew the basics and everything. I have a barbarian wizard that was made possible through a very specific build and subclass. I won't pretend like she was some amazing character but, as a wizard, she was obviously highly intelligent. She also had a quest that, for the life of me, I can't remember the purpose of but it involved the fey in some way. Now, everyone knows fey can be tricky creatures and, both in and out of character, I knew this. So when we inevitably had to deal with the fey my character was very careful in how she dealt with them.
    IRL I work a lot in politics. While I'm no legal expert I do see a bunch of contracts pass by on a regular basis. My character was highly intelligent and knew what to expect as well so she had done her research and prepared very specific wording beforehand specifically to avoid situations in which the fey could take advantage of an unclear or hazy word. To top it off I had used real-life contracts, stuff actually approved of by real lawyers, as the basis. I may not be a law expert but I knew I needed to be careful.
    We go into the fey realm and, immediately, need to make a deal for information on the quest. Okay. My girl and I had both prepared exactly for this. We had a contract up and ready which contained a very specific clause that payment could only be made upon the success of the quest. This is important. NOT FAILURE OR SUSPENSION! IRL I had good reason to suspect the GM just wanted to get rid of me for a variety of reasons and even overhead him talking about it in discord chat at one point. So I knew his gameplan. Get me to agree to something, then make it impossible, and kill off my character.
    Whelp, guess what? We make our deals, all very carefully worded because dealing with fey, and head out. Almost immediately we get beset upon by enemies who are basically immune to all weapons, magic, and stuff. We manage to succeed because of a quirk in a characters build that let them do just enough damage, but it was clearly a fight we were intended to lose. The quest goes on for a month and, eventually, the other players just want it to end. They're tired and want to do other stuff. So we agree to stop. I didn't have much of a choice because, otherwise, she would have been questing on her own. So the GM says that, because we failed, my characters soul is forfeit because of the contracts. I disagree and point out to all the clauses and wording I had used to ensure exactly this *didn't* happen.
    He proceeded to flip his shit, post a description of how my character died, and everything. I can't remember if I got banned or if I left of my own accord, but either way, I kind of felt like there was no point in continuing on with the group.

    • @xei2694
      @xei2694 4 месяца назад +1

      Did the other players side with him, or were they just as bad?

    • @Snowthree
      @Snowthree 4 месяца назад +1

      @@xei2694 Honestly, they just wanted out. The fights were taking forever because only one person could even *hurt* the bad guys and it was me. When wielding a bloody normal, unmodified, dagger. 1d4 damage. I'm sure you can guess the thrills.

  • @LisaVGG
    @LisaVGG 4 месяца назад +1

    The most i can think of for this was a TPK DM i had played with for one session in High School. It was a school club and our usual DM wasn’t there that day, so my friend ran a one shot. A one shot that consisted of multiple back to back fights meant to whittle down our characters, which was annoying but did give me one of my favorite moments in D&D. I’ll save that for a more fitting question though, unless people are curious in which I’ll tell the tale in the replies

    • @lainhyugatha3762
      @lainhyugatha3762 4 месяца назад +1

      Do tell! Sounds interesting.

    • @LisaVGG
      @LisaVGG 4 месяца назад +1

      @@lainhyugatha3762 So one encounter was a group of fairies, just about four or five of them, and most of them were single-handedly taken out by my character. I had the bright idea to do a spin slash like I’m Link, and managed to kill every single fairy except one. The remaining one fell to the ground, thanks to her wings being broken, and so I made fun of her. My friend ruled it as a Vicious Mockery, so I got to kill a bunch of fairies single-handedly. My favorite moment to happen so far in D&D, none of the other wacky things that have happened have topped it and i don’t think anything will

  • @ren_suzugamori1427
    @ren_suzugamori1427 4 месяца назад +1

    Limit PC Options. I was part of w Westmarch server, and this server had a branching server for all the actual quests. I had two instances of this branch server outright revoke homebrew options that were allowed in the first server. For the first instance, i played an air genasi fetlock rogue multi-class with a decapitated right arm due to first server reasons that was replaced with a robotic one made by an Artificer with homebrew augments made by a certain D&Dtuber who was host of first server. On the first quest with the augmented arm, apparently the gm didn't allow it, so it's just a normal mechanical arm with no new tools. Thanks. Next character is more of a pair, since i love duos. They're a pair of PCs with classes made by matt mercer. Blood Hunter and thet Ghost Class. There was w backstory reason why, Ill explain as a reply. Guess who couldn't have their ghostly companion? THIS GUY! I eventually left the server because real life, but man, fuck the westmarch for being so inconsistent!

  • @Desertskunk
    @Desertskunk 4 месяца назад

    First session of a tristat custom campaign and my first ever tabletop, my character got attacked by surprise by a platoon of soldiers with automatic weapons who mowed him and his family down without me getting a single roll in. DM then proceeded to remind me of his house rule: if you dont have a character that is alive, you dont get to sit at the table.
    This was in my house, since his group had lost their last place to play, so i basically got relegated to my room so they had a place to say. Needless to say, i told yhem to leave a few hours later and did not make a new character for the campaign.

  • @ryanfladung8490
    @ryanfladung8490 4 месяца назад +1

    So I got an old tail from my dnd 5e days. My first time playing dnd as well. I’m a pathfinder player now and this experience basically ruined all love I had for dnd. I was playing a rogue( dnd rogue is why I love pathfinder rogue), I was our scout and trap finder. I was like 14 and had a stupid but cool idea while in combat. So we had an ogre barbarian pc in the group who could grow large during rage. I asked him if I could leap over him and do a cool dropping attack on the enemy ahead. The player says yes. The player then narrates his character throwing me to a wall and the dm narrates my body being turned into paste. At no point did he punish the other player for breaking an agreement or destroying a kids character( dude was 40)

  • @minows1
    @minows1 4 месяца назад +1

    Eberron, first session.
    My draconic barbarian is holding a door with the help of a veteran guard from a pack of Gnolls. I declare myself raging to keep the door shut. It didn't work. They enter, combat start, very low initiative, the attack me, I said I take half damage as I was raging. The DM said that no, that I will start raging on my turn. Most of the Gnolls attacked me, I didn't got to my turn, not the party or the DMPC veteran healed me. Two awful death saves and my character died in the first 30 minutes.

  • @gelgaroth3266
    @gelgaroth3266 4 месяца назад

    Just last night my dm decided to show us just how powerful the people from the ancient village we just unsealed were by having one give my character a bro punch to the shoulder, that shattered my armour. MY. PLUS. THREE. FULL. PLATE. ARMOUR. I went from 25AC to 14.

  • @Weaponx603
    @Weaponx603 4 месяца назад +1

    Basically cheated an entire fight. The session before this happened my Lizardfolk rogue came across a group of lizardfolk. He successfully assassinated their leader because he was weak and amassed an army of 20 lizardfolk. There were 2 Co-chiefs (CR 6), and 18 normal lizardfolk, CR 1/2. My goal was to reclaim their homeland by fighting alongside them to take back the swamp the Kingdom took from them. We went there, and the DM said they had an army of 15 elementals because they were “prepared for this attack.” So the fight began, and it was a struggle. I didn’t know how much health they had but I knew it was less than a hundred. By the time the damage calculations said one elemental was dead, it wasn’t. I told the DM the elemental should’ve been dead at this point. He then told me they had higher health in because they were “prepared.” Then when my rogue kept stealthing and landing sneak attacks the elementals really started going down. (Pretty good for a level 10 character, but a +13 to stealth helps a bit) When one of the Co-chiefs killed an elemental with their greatsword I asked the DM how much damage carried to another elemental with the cleaving rule. He then said swords don’t really cut all the way through people. A sword really doesn’t travel through the body of an air elemental!? Also it’s a sword, it cuts through people! Even with this I dealt with the BS and through hiding and sneak attacks I took out the all but one elemental. The DM then said the last elemental, which was an earth one, caused a landslide that crushed the party so it could escape. I made it out, the rest of the surviving lizardfolk died and so did the ranger! So long story short. The DM threw 4 level 10 players and their group of lizardfolk against an army of elementals, and when tactics almost beat the army he did one final F U and killed all of the lizardfolk and a player just so the lizardfolk wouldn’t get their homeland back or something.

  • @ethanwilliams1880
    @ethanwilliams1880 4 месяца назад

    The worst one by far was the spelljammer example. Incidently, all the ones before it aren't that big a deal, and the ones after it are all fked up too.

  • @garyboyles5762
    @garyboyles5762 4 месяца назад

    Royalty free idea: What pushed the 'healer' character over the edge? Comical or otherwise.

  • @austinmcbain9894
    @austinmcbain9894 4 месяца назад +1

    I made a rogue character who’s parents passed away in An exploding city, this was done by a character in a campaign I ran where they started to go mad fue to time magic (seeing alternate time lanes constantly)
    The Dm was actually the creator of that character and mines whole purpose was to hunt this character down for revenge (there was supposed to be this whole scene where he finds out that they had to die to some BBEG)
    In comes session 3 and the DM takes me to a cave, has me see my living parents, and they say “she’s not the bad guy” word for word…….. I was a bit upset
    Was it fair that I chose this as a character concept? Probably not but he said he was cool with it apparently not since after that session he told me “now there’s not a reason your character hates mine” entire backstory gone

  • @phobiawitch835
    @phobiawitch835 4 месяца назад +1

    Ah, yes. I didn’t walk away right off the bat, but mine? It’s mainly 2 events that tie together into 1, despite months apart. Thiught there’s a LOT more to the story, including a minor detail.
    Event 1: Playing a cleric. Been a good lil half orc all game, going above and beyond to help others. Worship a goddess of mercy and redemption. There is a single enemy I attack and say does not deserve mercy (he was a necromancer, something my goddess hated, who was literally torturing people and using mentally unstable asylum patients for his experiments). DM strips my powers right away. Which I still call BS on considering literally no one else ever lost abilities, even if their alignment completely contradicted Class Restrictions (this was PF1e).
    Event 2: Queue months of still doing good, but Out of Character becoming absolutely drained because I’ve been forced to become the party’s moral compass as the only Good aligned character (all others were LN, TN, or CN. I was NG). Another party member dies right before my character is brought back to life (will cover that in the Minor Detail section). I literally have to stitch their body back together (that DM LOVED to mutilate party members when they died). When deciding how to bring them back, since I am told I can’t cast revival magics (a rule I later learned was not true. That’s not how negative levels worked), we have 2 options. Basically curse them to be undead but with free will (it’s a weird homebrew spell), or, a more warlock-like route with a book someone found in the area that would bring them back with a price. I say I’m good with either. DM then immediately messages me saying “No, you aren’t allowed to be okay with either idea. If you let the party do either of these, I’m taking your powers again”. And I’m not even allowed to tell the group Out of Character, so I have to try and convince them in character, leading to a LOT of heated argument for no reason.
    Minor Detail: While my character was dead, DM decided to do a minor Afterlife RP. Which involved ny character helping decide the fate of another soul. I said let them be redeemed. I end up getting a “prize”, in the form of an item that basically says “no one is allowed to do anything fun in combat now”. If we ever killed a Humanoid(WHICH IS 90% of what we were fighting!) NPC via coup de grace (a tactic we’d had to resort to a few times by grappling, tying them up, and then killing because they were HUGE threats), or we hurt any Humanoids that weren’t hostile (which meant eveb 1hp of damage, which could include playful slaps and shoulder punches), everyone I’m allied with within a certain range would get a -1 penalty THAT WAS CUMULATIVE. And it only went down by 1 every 24 in game hours. The “benefit” is that it raised the DC of my spells by 2, but only if they don’t do damage. Which I was a Fire based cleric. Outside of spells to buff the party, all my choices were meant for heloung deal damage. It was thankfully an item that would require 48hours of readinf to gain the benefits of. I flat out told the DM when I got the details “yeah, I’m never using this”.

    • @xei2694
      @xei2694 4 месяца назад

      Sounds like the DM was imposing his horrible worldview on the players.

    • @phobiawitch835
      @phobiawitch835 4 месяца назад

      @@xei2694 I wouldn’t be surprised, considering ny time as a DM for him had him play a morally grey paladin (who he made into a DMPC when he left my game, and a BBEG at that), and he also brought in PCs from an only game he was in (including his Evil Necromancer Half Orc) as this old sidequest that, really was just a distraction and took away from Downtime we could have used. The way he played it made 2 of them fairly neutral, his necromancer “redeemable”, and the Paladin (who he had issues with the player of apparently) an utter douche.
      There is a LOT more to ut than all that, but those are just a FEW reasons I ended up leaving and ghosting that DM.

  • @yaqbulyakkerbat4190
    @yaqbulyakkerbat4190 4 месяца назад +1

    Lotta my friends refuse to ever play dnd again or any tabletop rpg thanks to bad DM's

  • @g33kaholic24
    @g33kaholic24 4 месяца назад

    This one was wild

  • @brumplewumple250
    @brumplewumple250 4 месяца назад +1

    We were still in the scheduling phase a week before starting to actually play (This was all via discord) and I shared my schedule to the Dm so we could find a day we were all free. Fast forward about a week or so, he messaged the chat, saying that the session was to be on Sunday. I was confused, because i remember that i have another game on Sunday. I checked my schedule message that I sent, and I made a mistake and wrote that my session was on Saturday and not Sunday. I message the Dm about this in the group chat, saying that i made a mistake and that i actually have a session on Sunday, and that i accidentally marked it on
    Saturday. He replied asking if this was a joke or not, and i told him that it was the truth. A minute or two later, i no longer have access to the server. I went to message him, but got no response. About an hour later, I got a message from the other's in the game, re-inviting me to the server, and they filled me in on what happened. As soon as i told the Dm that i couldn't play on Sunday, he kicked me from the server. The other's started telling him off for the stunt he just pulled and his excuse was that this was the sixth time this week someone fucked up, and he's had to re-schedule (Different games) and he just didn't have any pacients left. After more arguing, the Dm just left. Although the others were able to recycle to the game, as the main idea was doing high level oneshots to test homebrew monsters, and the other's also had stuff to test. Since my schedule just didn't align with the other's i wasn't even able to play anyway. We still have a happy ending though because one of the players posted a game ad on the server that lined up perfectly with my schedule and I was able to join!

  • @leatcanned
    @leatcanned 4 месяца назад +1

    In shadowrun, another player walked into a lone star depot, with no Id, no disguise, no anything, lied sbout being my character, turned on a 14 die locked self fraging autolocking computer with a false face and reversed order keyboard, and ordered a hit on another player (something I couldn't have done) by using a minor technomancy mcguffin. Dm did not explain how, just said it happened, other player didn't get cuaght or questioned. I got boned and other player was a prick, said he did it becuase I questioned him, (in character, lone star, ex vet.).

  • @postapocalypticnewsradio
    @postapocalypticnewsradio 4 месяца назад +1

    PANR has tuned in.

  • @JP-eh4ee
    @JP-eh4ee 4 месяца назад

    We were in a tunnel i was a warlock and was in the back. There were many players in front of me. All the orcs targeted me and didn't even try to hit tye other players

  • @bassmikemikepugh8971
    @bassmikemikepugh8971 4 месяца назад

    Worst that's happened to me...geeze this is going back a ways. I was in a play yourself Rifts game, where I was rifted, conveniently while out in the woods on a hunting trip with a friend. Now, during rifting, there is a chance for mutation to better fit the rifts world. My friend was transformed into a Moonwarper (a badass magical werewolf). Thanks to some bad dice rolls I stayed a normal squishy human, but the DM let me keep my hunting rifle, which will become pertinent later in the story. Now being a squishy human, I was pretty much useless in a world where megadamage was a thing. Laser rifles did more damage than a nuke! Several sessions go by with me basically being a backline cheerleader. Until we get rifted into a different universe, Faerun. Now according to the DM, weapons that couldn't exist in the world (crazy laser and plasma guns, which most of the party had) ceased to exist, or blew up the next time they were used. But here I was with my trusty old bolt action hunting rifle and 30 rounds of ammo. All of a sudden, I had a time to shine. The party came up on a tribe oforbs, i told the party to wait, knowing that what the dm and I agreed on was when I was out of ammo that was it. I got up on a hill and started to take out the orcs. One by one they fell, till their shaman teleported, kicked me in the side, pointed his finger and whispered "power word die." No sage, that was it. 8 months of hiding behind friends cuz I was squishy to just die like that. The game lasted two more sessions, then we all quit. Worst time gaming ever.

  • @arkron81
    @arkron81 4 месяца назад

    I didn't walk away, because I've known the DM from a previous campaign and I know this was a lapse of judgement from him. But if it was any other DM I'd have left the table right then and there.
    That said, this happened a couple years ago. We were playing a Curse of Strahd campaign. At aroud the fifth session I started feeling like my character (a paladin) wasn't really fit for the group, so I wanted to make a new one. The DM and I discussed possibilities to retire my current character, and after a bit of back-and-forth we reached an agreement: my character would strike a deal with the local cultists to ensure a safe return home in the next session.
    Now, next session comes along, and we have a run-in with Strahd. And what does the DM make Strahd do? He mind-controls my character (failed the save) and teleports out of the field taking my character with him. That is how my character ends up 'retired': by becoming the vampire's mindless thrall. I was FURIOUS because that is not what we decided, and he told me that the cultists would've betrayed my character anyways and handed the poor sap to Strahd anyways.
    For the record, the campaign didn't last too long, though, but for reasons outside of that incident. Two of the four players had shift changes in their jobs that prevented them from participating.

  • @bogdankoldunenko8430
    @bogdankoldunenko8430 4 месяца назад

    The last one is totally fair. If a character keeps "role-playing" temper tantrums or wants to disrupt the story because "that's what my character would do" and then wants other players to praise/flatter/implore them to be normal - kick them from the call, or in the head if playing face-to-face. Either make characters that can engage with the party and the story or go play single-player)))

  • @golett0331
    @golett0331 4 месяца назад

    The one that happened recently:
    We were sailing to an island, when suddenly Eldritch Beings decided to attack our boat, instantly kill a PC and turn them to stone, and start destroying the boat. We're level 5, have fuck all gold, and this is the only ship we have in a seafaring campaign. We get teleported away, through DM fuckery, and roll luck to see if our one mode of transportation between islands, in a campaign about island hopping, is destroyed. The person who rolled rolled the needed nat 20, so our ship wasn't destroyed.
    We limp our way to the island, I ask to see how much it would cost and how long it will take for my character, proficient in carpenters tools, woodcarvers tools and water vehicles, to fix it to a point that we can sail it to the docks for proper repairs. Nope, too damaged to repair it to a point I can sail it the short distance, but I could attempt to repair it to a sea worthy state, but would more likely break it beyond repair. When I organise some shipwrights, the DM describes them sailing the boat to the docks, before starting repairs.

  • @tazman2253
    @tazman2253 4 месяца назад

    Varacose the Vain. elf fighter with high Charisma. PRetty boy elf with big damn axe and thing for causing pain, was literally his main character trait. He didn't like people. So did not do much in the way of being charismatic. We captured a cultist and the rest of the party decided that we should hand them over to the Npc inquisitors that the DM was introducing into the world. A nat 20 intimidation check to describe just how much pain this person would go through if he did not give us the information meant nothing because I was not an inquisitor so I knew nothing about torture.

  • @dragonicstarblade2049
    @dragonicstarblade2049 4 месяца назад

    most of these DMs are the kind who think it's them VS players.

  • @yonatanevron2428
    @yonatanevron2428 4 месяца назад

    2 things:
    1. In a boring ass adventure (going around miles and miles of land with no guiding lines nor helpful NPCs. A waste of time)
    Ended prematurely with a single combat encounter: starting off with the party falling down a 40ft hole, and the enemies having a turn WHILE WE FALL
    sorry, but falling doesn't work like that
    Either everyone acts during the fall, or it's instantaneous.
    2. Just..running a Varock against two level 5 characters, both injuried, no magical items. How are we supposed to deal with a creature that can one shot a character when there's only two of us?

  • @earthbit.
    @earthbit. 4 месяца назад

    Regarding the Skyrim story: If it’s any consolation, it sounds like that DM didn’t really understand the Elder Scrolls lore and would have butchered the world building. Gods in TES are incredibly weak for something that mortals would call gods. Most of their power was burned up in the creation of the world, so they can only act through miracles and champions who act on their behalf. Akatosh manifesting in Oblivion was only possible thanks to Martin. So the idea of a god in this universe appearing in the flesh to personally smite a mortal is kind of insane. It’s the daedra who have real power, specifically the Daedric Princes. They’re basically the same thing as the gods, except they didn’t get involved in creating the mortal world so they got to keep all their power. But even if it was a Daedric Prince your DM was using, that still would have been wrong because the princes can’t do much of anything in the mortal world due to divine barriers that protect it. DM would be aware of that if they played Oblivion. They can cause various sorts of mischief in the mortal world, so MAYBE they could smite someone… but appearing from the clouds? That’s not exactly the Daedric style. Even for the good princes.
    I invite anyone to correct or amend me though, because I haven’t played Elder Scrolls Online and have no idea what is in that game. What I’ve said comes just from the last 3 mainline games.

  • @nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115
    @nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 4 месяца назад +2

    Cancelling the game sessions...

  • @some_Russian_dude
    @some_Russian_dude 4 месяца назад +1

    Lets see there was this one time. I was playing a character that hates demons and a pc came to do a session who just happened to be a demon. We were on a river when this happened as it appeared on the deck of our ship suddenly. Wanting to get the group into doing more rp i had my character fling their sword at the demon and missed on an 11, fair enough. But what happened after was the bs the dm said the sword got launched into the river because it bounced off the demons chest. I immediately went in after it and made a roll to find it. 15, nope, 19 nope, 29? Nope!
    Dm: ooh just one off from finding your sword.
    Had to spend like 2k gold to get another one.
    2nd time there was a big giant moonbeam just sitting there in the middle with a skeleton next to it. I asked is it just a normal skeleton? dm said yes. So i asked if i could grab the skeleton by its rib cage and hold its body in the beam to kill it. Dm said sure but it will cost all my actions. Rolled a 23. Failed.
    Says it rolled a nat 20. I said oh well it still has to add modifiers. Dm:i doubled its proficiency. I dont do rule of cool.
    Its like Why did i even roll.

  • @sleepinggiant4062
    @sleepinggiant4062 4 месяца назад

    All in one game: Showered the martial characters with magic items while giving them an equal split of the gold and I only got a split of the gold, then said he was being fair by letting me spend the gold on magic items. Changed how my character's abilities worked on the fly, nerfing them regularly. Would not let me change characters. The last one made me walk.
    It's a game. You should not care about fictional characters dying. If that's a line for you, you should not be playing D&D.
    Wait wait wait, you survived unfair encounter after unfair encounter? Doesn't sound like they were very unfair. Sigh. Yes, legendary resistance makes spells flat out not work. In fact, they can roll to save and see if they make it before using it.
    Walls are not unfair.

  • @MerlinCross13
    @MerlinCross13 20 дней назад

    Pathfinder; DM either misread the rules, misunderstood it, or just didn't like the Paladin after stompping through Book 1 of the Strange Aeons module/Adventure Path. ANYWAY, Gibbering Mouther ends up fighting us, Paladin gets grappled. It does 1d4 damage of Bite + 1 Con damage per round. DM rules that because in it's attack block it has 6 bite attacks and it wording was 'Of Bite Damage", this would happen... 6 times. I want to stress that this thing can eat you whole/swallow/engulf; and even the damage from that is only 6d4 and only TWO Con damage.
    Paladin was quickly dead and when I woke up the next day, the discord we used for the game was deleted along with the roll20 page.

  • @jhonmarston1040
    @jhonmarston1040 4 месяца назад

    Oh boy the entire 1st campaign I ever played was full of unfair DMing

  • @ComicBookGuy420
    @ComicBookGuy420 4 месяца назад

    My murder hobo of a bard has an obsession with gold, and will loot anything and everything, i dont see it as a bad thing but the party like their jokes
    Our DM, after granting gold to the others while we were looting bodies that i may or may not have had anything to do with, he granted me a skull
    So as a true actor, my bard struck the alas poor yorrick secne from Hamlet
    One persuasion check later for a reluctant DM, and thats how this murder hobo got an enchated skull

  • @connormitchelmore8341
    @connormitchelmore8341 4 месяца назад

    Dumbest thing about the dragon with max health is that a max health dragon has less than 1000 health, so the dm was still fudging the hp smh

  • @ApleDap
    @ApleDap 4 месяца назад

    Letting to many people in and splitting the groups and giving my brother “the new dm” all the chaotic players

  • @benjaminfinlay829
    @benjaminfinlay829 4 месяца назад

    That DM in Story 2 was blatantly cheating in an attempt to beat the party.
    Because a Red Dragon maxes out at 812 HP. Not _well over a thousand!_
    _Nothing_ in DND (that isn't homebrew) has even a thousand HP.
    The absoltute max is the Tarasque at _990._
    So to need to deal 1000+ damage to kill it...
    He has to have _ignored_ the initial hit, in addition to giving it maxed out HP.
    Not cool. Not one bit.
    I agree with the OP. I would _not_ be returning to that table!

  • @roguejacket
    @roguejacket 4 месяца назад

    Gonne try and defend a bit. For the first story, was it a serious campaign? Have the players tried returning to their homes before? I have done similar things where I hinted at multiple things going on to see how they act and what they choose to go towards.
    The second story. If it was a one shot meant to not be continued, then I see the possibility of him using boss monsters he had made and never used and wanted to see how they handled in combat. The banishing and near instant kill would have been like never getting to pull the trigger and I get it.
    For the lie part, I would have either given him a pass or fully committed like he did. Cause if it has already been going on, then let the train roll, btw I'm in a campaign where a pc hates/distrusts half the crew including my character for not disclosing my race in the first 10mins so I get it.
    The final one I feel like defending a bit would be the players one where they had a campaign that has already been going on a bit and had their characters set on a certain path and were hardened by the story. If they see it as some random person being threatened that they don't fully know or trust, then yes it is believable that they let the new player die. Granted they are jerks for that and should have discussed some things before starting that would give the newbie more of a chance, but committing to the character regardless of the scene is part of the fun. Be it a stupid barbarian, a insane dwarf, a distrusting trifling, or a ex dullahan monk that is now mortal for the first time needing to sleep, eat, and apparently is affected by alcohol.

  • @jimmusthegrimmace
    @jimmusthegrimmace Месяц назад

    the first DM did literally nothing wrong. sometimes tragic things happen. this whole first story sounds like a player who cannot handle that bad things happen to good people for seemingly no reason sometimes.

  • @thezerowulf2046
    @thezerowulf2046 4 месяца назад

    That first one is pathetic on the count of the players. Dm is better off without them

  • @Khaoscntrl
    @Khaoscntrl 4 месяца назад

    New DM here and I’m a bit confused on the first one. The later context that he’s done cruel things before is fair but this sounds less like a dick move and maybe more like there wasn’t enough communication between dm and players to figure out what was wanted out of the campaign? But maybe I’m missing context or the point? I’d love someone else’s view here. Because I definetly had a character who loved his family and village and DM decimated them by session 4 I think off screen. I wasn’t hurt necessarily I was kind of pumped cause it was a new thing for me to explore with the character. But again maybe I’m missing something? Sounds like they needed a session 0 of “hey man I like this family don’t hurt them in the campaign please”

    • @xei2694
      @xei2694 4 месяца назад

      It wasn't done by the villain, or even a plot hook, and was irrelevant to the story.

  • @Luckylight3566
    @Luckylight3566 4 месяца назад

    This is probably not going to be read but anyway so as level ones he put us in a town with 1000 gold each but guess what in this only town that could only get you 9 normal copper knifes and then you would be broke. Also that is the only shop also we find the only quest and we get told to clean up and kill all the goblins in a cave. Also we were told the goblins were hostile and will kill on sight. So we enter the cave and I roll a 17 to doge a trap and I think I survived and doge it no no no it failed in needed a 18 to doge a normal goblin trap. So I think oh well I guess I’ll take 1 d4 damage no no no it is dead it is an instant kill and I die. So second guy in playing ok I go to the light at the end of the tunnel. So I enter that area and what our party sees is not 50 goblins not 200 goblins not ducking 500 goblins but 1 ducking thousands goblins that as we were told will kill on sight. So logically I run into the light thing at the end of the tunnel and die. That’s right the thing gust killed me no saving through no nothing. So 3 guy ok so um what do we do? That’s right we get told we sould have negotiate with the non-negotiable goblins. So ya I just kill the caricature and left.

  • @redsnake188
    @redsnake188 4 месяца назад

    I mean so far that first one just sounds like a really good dm. I enjoy tragic stories. I wouldve hunted down those goblins an gone anakin on them.

    • @xei2694
      @xei2694 4 месяца назад +1

      He didn't allow the players to hunt the goblins. It had no story significance, and even if it did, he should have discussed with the players beforehand the prospect of losing what they hold dear.

  • @crowverra5343
    @crowverra5343 4 месяца назад

    I'm making my own ttrpg called "Dice N' Dreams"

  • @Ralpheo
    @Ralpheo 4 месяца назад +2

    New age D&D players getting triggered just because sometimes it doesn't go your way.

    • @jasonrustmann7535
      @jasonrustmann7535 4 месяца назад

      That's what I'm hearing a lot of here.

    • @Ralpheo
      @Ralpheo 4 месяца назад +1

      @@jasonrustmann7535 I remember a time when you were happy you to just survive a single session, let alone a campaign.