Exercise Scientist Critiques HIS OWN Old Training Videos

  • Опубликовано: 22 ноя 2024

Комментарии • 2,8 тыс.

  • @Celso_Luis
    @Celso_Luis Год назад +6348

    This is so inspirational, Mike.
    To go from a life of crime terrorizing Hell's Kitchen and being chased by Daredevil... to becoming a world-renowned scientist and bodybuilder... oh great, now I'm crying.

  • @Football__Junkie
    @Football__Junkie Год назад +8360

    This guy is probably the worst one yet. Glad you roasted him Dr Mike.

  • @JackgarPrime
    @JackgarPrime Год назад +3337

    I didn't think Mike could look any more like a grown baby, but here we are with Young Mike!

    • @cagneybillingsley2165
      @cagneybillingsley2165 Год назад

      that's an extreme autism phenotype

    • @Bolt892
      @Bolt892 Год назад

      It's the massive amounts of steroids@ch-yq5yn

    • @tonajki
      @tonajki Год назад +14

      There was that one studio setup where both his chair and the table were white, that made that particular video come close to your stipulation

    • @perfectmarnon
      @perfectmarnon Год назад +55

      arn't we all just grown babies tho?

    • @MarkBigley
      @MarkBigley Год назад +5

      @@perfectmarnonwell done.

  • @charlescalabritto7132
    @charlescalabritto7132 3 месяца назад +718

    What you and your people did to House Atreides was unforgivable.

  • @kYiaTi
    @kYiaTi 7 месяцев назад +124

    Honestly Dr. Mike is such an example for how sweet and calm many of the big guys are. Like, seeing him just on a picture or in the gym you would never expect the way of his videos being that calm and him laughing at himself :) Love it

    • @8jaime8
      @8jaime8 5 месяцев назад +8

      I think he’s 5’6”, so not what most would consider a big guy. He does seem cool AF in any case.

    • @totallyfrozen
      @totallyfrozen 3 месяца назад +14

      He’s big. He’s not tall, but he’s big.

    • @HailChristTheKing
      @HailChristTheKing Месяц назад +3

      @@totallyfrozenI’d call him burly, not big. “Big” includes the connotation of extreme width combined with an average to above average height, he doesn’t qualify. However he is a strong burly powerhouse.

    • @stefizeta
      @stefizeta Месяц назад +5

      @@HailChristTheKingstop this he is big, just not tall

  • @barneythedinosaur4877
    @barneythedinosaur4877 Год назад +1591

    Dr Mike telling me not being able to talk to women is giving me better gains is the exact type of positive reinforcement I needed.

    • @RenaissancePeriodization
      @RenaissancePeriodization  Год назад +851

      Who needs women when you have weights and constant thoughts of self-doubt, I say! - Dr. Mike

    • @markymarksthirdnipple8305
      @markymarksthirdnipple8305 Год назад +35

      @@RenaissancePeriodization don’t forget the body dysmorphia!

    • @burnthrust
      @burnthrust Год назад +3

      Life would be miserable without 😺

    • @Andriej69
      @Andriej69 Год назад +27

      @@burnthrust It still is, even WITH 😺

    • @burnthrust
      @burnthrust Год назад +5

      @@Andriej69 🤣🤣

  • @Gas-Stn-Sushi
    @Gas-Stn-Sushi Год назад +2585

    Young Mike looking like he sneaks grilled cheese sandwiches into restaurants in case they don’t have them on the menu.

    • @nickread2623
      @nickread2623 10 месяцев назад +310

      Hes been making them at night

    • @Sib666
      @Sib666 9 месяцев назад +196

      Wasn’t expecting the Shane Gillis reference, but I had the exact same thought 😂😂😂

    • @crackerbarreIkid55
      @crackerbarreIkid55 9 месяцев назад +87

      Got that cheee, Mikey?

    • @juliakruppartman5819
      @juliakruppartman5819 9 месяцев назад +18

      Nah, he looks like one of the dudes on Brighton Beach, cursing in Russian and eating semechki (sunflower seeds)

    • @heather.be.thy.name3.16
      @heather.be.thy.name3.16 8 месяцев назад +11

      Best fucking comment ever😂

  • @Lionheart40529
    @Lionheart40529 Год назад +551

    Smooth Dr. Mike isn't real, he can't hurt you.
    Smooth Dr. Mike:

  • @yustas9596
    @yustas9596 7 месяцев назад +128

    that "dlya dushi" will hold a special place in my heart going forward. Some sets are not for hypertrophy indeed, they are dlya dushi. Had no idea you still spoke Russian, Misha.

    • @ggbb5621
      @ggbb5621 2 месяца назад +11

      он русский?

    • @lewash
      @lewash 2 месяца назад +18

      @@ggbb5621 русский еврей, да

    • @JohnDoe-z2r
      @JohnDoe-z2r 2 месяца назад +5

      @@lewash interesting

  • @geoff_lol
    @geoff_lol 7 месяцев назад +1269

    Bro really got handsomer as he got older

    • @somefuckstolemynick
      @somefuckstolemynick 5 месяцев назад

      That says more about young Mike than old Mike tbf

    • @rangequeen
      @rangequeen 5 месяцев назад +60

      Dudes are lucky that way (dramatic sigh)

    • @linnickschlanter4712
      @linnickschlanter4712 5 месяцев назад +44

      I mean, he was also way higher in body fat

    • @mikehuff9793
      @mikehuff9793 5 месяцев назад +17

      Be careful talking like that around the good Doctor 😂

    • @Nexis1701
      @Nexis1701 5 месяцев назад +13

      I mean.. the bar wasnt that high

  • @corenko
    @corenko Год назад +13081

    Young Dr Mike looking like my autistic uncle

  • @agentperry8347
    @agentperry8347 Год назад +547

    I have implemented barking in my training program and I can now bench 1000 kilos! Thanks 😊

    • @turo302
      @turo302 Год назад +40

      Pretty mediocre considering the barking

    • @dusk6159
      @dusk6159 Год назад +10

      Kyriakos' zercher lift type of barking

    • @nompumelolo
      @nompumelolo Год назад +1


    • @SmoltingWassie
      @SmoltingWassie 9 месяцев назад

      I highly doubt you now hold the world record in the bench press. I don’t see what you gained by lying and fooling all the well meaning people who liked your comment. Is this an achievement to you or something? Just trying to understand what you stand to gain from such a statement

    • @agentperry8347
      @agentperry8347 9 месяцев назад

      @@SmoltingWassie it's a joke moron

  • @chrisleigh8989
    @chrisleigh8989 Год назад +346

    It's so true about pull-ups. Before watching Mike I could do 18 pull-ups as a max set...I can now do 10, maybe 11. Explosive up, slow all the way down to full stretch, repeat. Thanks Dr Mike, for showing me the error of my ways.

    • @GunnarStahl99
      @GunnarStahl99 11 месяцев назад +2

      Cause you could, nobody cares eitherway son, it’s like why tell someone you didn’t even know you did 18 which could be true or not just to hope someone will care, it’s sad 😔 existence

    • @chrisleigh8989
      @chrisleigh8989 11 месяцев назад +86

      @@GunnarStahl99 You've lost me. Whose existence is sad?

    • @vlada
      @vlada 10 месяцев назад +31

      Dr Mike will tell you that his explosive, stretch, slow method is the cornerstone of his training, BJJ and lovemaking philosophies.

    • @viscoush4ystak
      @viscoush4ystak 8 месяцев назад +1

      two months in gym, i can do zero, any tips for me??

    • @viscoush4ystak
      @viscoush4ystak 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@erwinjacobs86 thnx for the r eply mate, i will slightly modify my backday routine and implement some of this tips.
      how long did it take u from 0 pullups to 10? so i can rate my progress better
      btw keep going strong and let the gainz come ))

  • @stevenburrito7032
    @stevenburrito7032 6 месяцев назад +1277

    Teenage Mike looks like Darth Vader without his helmet.

    • @Jonjonsmith123
      @Jonjonsmith123 5 месяцев назад

      Lmaaaaoo I can’t unsee it now.

    • @Zergrush66
      @Zergrush66 5 месяцев назад +29


    • @SouthIslandSk8
      @SouthIslandSk8 5 месяцев назад +5


    • @SonOfUberTuber66
      @SonOfUberTuber66 5 месяцев назад +6

      The casting for young Vader / Anakin should have been a beefy / wider guy, 100% totally agreed. Not Hayden's fault, but he was miscast.

    • @stevenburrito7032
      @stevenburrito7032 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@SonOfUberTuber66 Agreed, since the original Vader actor was a literal bodybuilder, David Prowse. Though my comment stands on its own merit based on Mike's big white dome alone.

  • @trentt6622
    @trentt6622 8 месяцев назад +34

    Strong as hell. Damn. As a former college athlete and long time lifter it’s unbelievable how easy you make this weight look.

  • @Exxeron-ob3tv
    @Exxeron-ob3tv 9 месяцев назад +34

    The most important thing I have learned for the betterment of my health from your videos is to work diligently on my sense of humor. It has made the physical aspects a great deal easier.
    Many thanks.

  • @JGD185
    @JGD185 Год назад +428

    Young bald Mike reminds me of a baby Kingpin, just starting to realize his true strength

    • @Heyght
      @Heyght Год назад +9

      He is still bald

    • @moonknight4053
      @moonknight4053 Год назад +6

      Hahahaha true, except kingpin is like 6’7, but yea does look like kingpin

    • @michaelscott8845
      @michaelscott8845 Год назад +3

      I thought Judge Holden lol

    • @drunklorry3406
      @drunklorry3406 10 месяцев назад

      He reminds me of Tesak when he was in his early 20s

    • @Heyght
      @Heyght 10 месяцев назад +1

      He reminds me of fat majin bu

  • @marca3929
    @marca3929 Год назад +143

    The years have been kind to Dr Mike, looks way better older

    • @harshrajjadhav940
      @harshrajjadhav940 2 месяца назад +2

      Growth hormone beefing up the face structure does help too.

  • @findinghomieostasis4929
    @findinghomieostasis4929 8 месяцев назад +32

    You’ve been putting the work in and doing videos for all of this time. That is awesome! At least you have old videos to look back on and poke fun at. So many people poke fun at others and they have no videos of their own for others to critique. Keep up the awesome work 💪🏻

  • @CannyValley-bi8nq
    @CannyValley-bi8nq 5 месяцев назад +18

    Omg, im surprised Dr.Mike is of Russian origin (zero accent) - but now i understand why his constant sarcasm is so close to my heart.

    • @erguxx
      @erguxx 5 месяцев назад +6

      Та же ситуация)

    • @IsraelCountryCube
      @IsraelCountryCube 3 месяца назад +1

      @@CannyValley-bi8nq is he actually russian?

  • @Super-Dave-Outdoors
    @Super-Dave-Outdoors Год назад +296

    You were great as Uncle Fester in the 1991 Addams Family movie

  • @lorenzo9t9t90
    @lorenzo9t9t90 Год назад +519

    That set of 275 for 8 in the OHP is impressive af

    • @-TK-
      @-TK- Год назад +50

      He squats and presses like a weightlifter. Idk what it'd look like but i bet he could clean and jerk a shit ton.

    • @vidarrodinsson2237
      @vidarrodinsson2237 Год назад +30

      Mike posted this video just to flex on us with this lift

    • @JonathanCodes-ol1cm
      @JonathanCodes-ol1cm Год назад

      Not really. I can OHP 315 for 6 reps

    • @jacob2808
      @jacob2808 Год назад +104

      ​@@JonathanCodes-ol1cmgood for you

    • @BGeezy4sheezy
      @BGeezy4sheezy Год назад

      That’s just an insane level of strength.

  • @themarquis336
    @themarquis336 Год назад +11

    This guy is fucking brilliant. No bullshit, very little ego and tons of actual knowledge and generosity to share it.
    Also, your face changed so much in all these years, you're very good-looking, man.

  • @rewind9536
    @rewind9536 5 месяцев назад +30

    20:00 Best sales pitch ever.

  • @parkourninja21
    @parkourninja21 5 месяцев назад +7

    Lol, I love how chill you are with your past self. This video is a treasure.

  • @bmacrules
    @bmacrules 10 месяцев назад +21

    I'm so appreciative of this channel. I'm a very recent lifter and it's just so awesome knowing that I am learning weightlifting the proper way from the very start!

    • @MRphipps54
      @MRphipps54 3 месяца назад +1

      Good job brother. Just stay consistent. Shit will try to get in the way, STAY.. CONSISTENT

  • @MrTheBoziex
    @MrTheBoziex Год назад +325

    didn't know Guga is so strong

    • @mcfarvo
      @mcfarvo Год назад +40

      Was expecting him to dry age his own Wagyu A5 beef slab cut off of his own back

    • @Bolt892
      @Bolt892 Год назад +5

      hahahaha this

    • @thetimeisninefifteen
      @thetimeisninefifteen Год назад +8

      Wow it is uncanny

    • @zmb5501
      @zmb5501 Год назад

      Very handsome. Send Jason that pic.

    • @SilverSlugs16
      @SilverSlugs16 Год назад +4

      Enough talking, let’s eat!

  • @mcfarvo
    @mcfarvo Год назад +258

    Fair play, Mike, critiquing your own lifting 🫴 👏 💪

    • @dark-o
      @dark-o Год назад +1

      He's a baddass 🔥💪❤️😂

    • @mcfarvo
      @mcfarvo Год назад +1

      @@dark-o an intellectually honest and good faith communicator generally, precious man, our beloved Mike

    • @haidermoyedm3901
      @haidermoyedm3901 9 месяцев назад

      And gay​@@mcfarvo

  • @RaiderDan
    @RaiderDan 3 месяца назад +2

    A truly awesome person makes fun of others, and takes time to laugh at themselves as well. Cheers to u Dr. Mike

  • @holmesd5003
    @holmesd5003 8 месяцев назад +3

    Great video! we all learn as we age and hopefully get better as we go. I turn 50 this year and feeling very strong, mostly due to my years of building a solid foundation. You have been fortunate enough to have built a solid foundation of muscle mass over the years, regardless of technique. The amount of weight you were moving at a young age, combined with some genetics and nutrition put you were you are now. I see young guys "ego lifting" at the gym all the time. Part of me is like yea not good at all, but the other part of me remembers that I did the same stuff as a young man as well. Those young guys have built up a passion for training hard, maybe not the smartest, but its the passion that will keep them there day in and day out in the gym. I believe that is what's most important, hopefully they learn more along the way..

  • @DaftJaxxMaims
    @DaftJaxxMaims 10 месяцев назад +29

    Your approach and transparency has single handedly gotten me back into working out. This means so much to many of us. Love the app❤

  • @lucas82
    @lucas82 Год назад +374

    I wonder if young Mike has the same sense of humour as adult Dr. Mike or if that is something that developed over the years?

    • @RenaissancePeriodization
      @RenaissancePeriodization  Год назад +441

      I always had a kernel of it there, but it has definitely evolved over the years. Well, devolved, really. - Dr. Mike

    • @Theohybrid
      @Theohybrid Год назад +6

      @@RenaissancePeriodization😂😂😂 yooo

    • @Flahtort
      @Flahtort Год назад +5

      TBH sometimes it seems like it is too much harshness on himself.

    • @Zatracenec
      @Zatracenec Год назад +2

      It was always the same, only it sounded sad in the past and now it sounds funny. :-D Just kidding....Dr. Mike is awesome.

    • @frankcooke1692
      @frankcooke1692 10 месяцев назад +6

      @@RenaissancePeriodization If you looked like that, you would have to have a sense of humour.

  • @ordinarryalien
    @ordinarryalien Год назад +10

    0:21 Thanks for giving us the coordinates again, Captain. Very thoughtful of you. 👽💚

  • @authines
    @authines 8 месяцев назад +2

    It’s crazy your quads are still popping so well even at a higher weight 😮. I think that’s great you can openly critique your own lifts as well.

  • @julespetrikov
    @julespetrikov 4 месяца назад +7

    Dr. Mike getting universal recognition in the literal sense in the first minute. Congratulations.

  • @hoofstermon2982
    @hoofstermon2982 Год назад +152

    you're awesome mike, i started out a fat blob with hard asthma and no girl in sight and all i had was my first android phone with a workout app.
    it was a scary experience at the start being new and not sure if my technique was even right, if i had your videos back in the day i'd be absolutely set.
    so from 2010 till now i am able to do hard out sessions in the gym and my asthma is almost non existant, 5km runs are doable also.
    keep bringing on the sweet informative training videos and tips :)

    • @iijj
      @iijj 9 месяцев назад +23

      What about them girls tho?

    • @BlackIronHero
      @BlackIronHero 9 месяцев назад +25

      ​@@iijjhe's doing those 5k runs to chase them down the street

    • @rageagaintstheNWO
      @rageagaintstheNWO 8 месяцев назад +1

      he didn't say he has money@@iijj

    • @lothar654
      @lothar654 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@iijjplot twist. He's calling his dick asthma. Now read it again. It's non existent now adays

    • @DILFDylF
      @DILFDylF 7 месяцев назад +1

      mfw still no gf 😔

  • @ParvParashar
    @ParvParashar Год назад +92

    Really loved the video thoroughly! It’s so fun to look at your old training videos and listening to your current perspective on it. I highly appreciate all the extremely valuable advice you gave on the technique and lifting in an efficient way to maximize hypertrophy. Your technique is a thing of beauty. It’s just so artistic and aesthetically appealing. Now, I’m more focused on perfecting my technique, slow and controlled eccentrics and pausing at the bottom stretched position of the lift. I’m always trying to make the exercise more challenging by adding extra range of motion and not using momentum and using muscular power to move weight. Thanks for being such an important figure in my lifting journey! It’s much appreciated. 💪👍🙏

  • @HeadCannonPrime
    @HeadCannonPrime Год назад +172

    Damn this video took some guts to film. And mike certainly had some big guts. 🤣
    But 275x8 overhead press is pretty damn impressive!

    • @JonnyD3ath
      @JonnyD3ath Год назад +10

      I can’t even DL 275 for 8 😂

    • @bastiaanbogers4114
      @bastiaanbogers4114 11 месяцев назад +4

      It is insanely impressive.

    • @Scrubsgetrekt
      @Scrubsgetrekt 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@JonnyD3ath Keep up the work and good things will come, consistency will lead to gains, there was a time where i could barely lift half my bodyweight, but i hit 308lb(140kg) for 14 reps recently, hoping for 200kg in the near future ( best is 170kg) recently restarted after 7 years off, regrets are present from losing the gains of my best years but, vast potential for improvement is there regardless of what age you start, just keep going at a pace that you can keep for year after year, never stress, there's loads of time for gains, and no time for grains if your stomach is angry.

  • @TheMAV777
    @TheMAV777 8 месяцев назад +2

    Wow, I’m so glad you posted this. Even your face got better.

  • @walterlampert1753
    @walterlampert1753 2 месяца назад +1

    As an old former olympic lifter I can attest to the impressiveness of your presses. 275 for 8 done very strickly is no joke. The heavy squats looked great. Kudos to you. I am impressed.

  • @clarkyow1418
    @clarkyow1418 Год назад +66

    Old Dr. Mike: TANK
    Dr. Mike now: A refined and more precise TANK

    • @Royan.C
      @Royan.C Год назад +8

      wouldnt old dr mike be young dr mike?

    • @cesarandrade1987
      @cesarandrade1987 8 месяцев назад

      Went from KV 2 to an Abrams lol

  • @trappart9209
    @trappart9209 Год назад +24

    It's hard to express how much I appreciate and adore Dr Mike as person

  • @thexellyz5135
    @thexellyz5135 Год назад +38

    this is an absolute hood classic. thanks for the fun mike

  • @croixboix
    @croixboix 5 месяцев назад +90

    Your videos, content, and info are just awesome Dr. Mike. I'm a Broadway performer and personal trainer; huge fan of yours. Thank you! Hope to run in to you at some point in New York

  • @adairtl
    @adairtl 4 месяца назад +2

    Dude, I feel bad for the younger version of you. He was most likely doing the best he could for the time, his age, and the knowledge out there. You have obviously come a long way in your training and diet. I know I am impressed, but dude you are a beast! That bench...fast or slow...was impressive. I was fluffy when younger, you just matured like a fine vintage. Be kind to yourself dude.

  • @ujustme123
    @ujustme123 11 месяцев назад +604

    As a Russian speaker - your pronunciation of "for the soul" in Russian, was very good. I'm surprised.

    • @imbaby5499
      @imbaby5499 11 месяцев назад +120

      Isn't Dr. Mike of Russian descent?

    • @igorspie8241
      @igorspie8241 10 месяцев назад +103

      He pronounced the name and the phrase like a Russian. 0% accent

    • @drunklorry3406
      @drunklorry3406 10 месяцев назад +237

      ​@@igorspie8241well, he was born in 1984 in USSR and left Russian only whrn he was 7 years old, probably kept speaking Russian at home for some time. He is the Russian Jewish

    • @timonschneider6290
      @timonschneider6290 8 месяцев назад +63

      @@imbaby5499he's full on russified ashkenazi jew, grew up there I believe.

    • @bulletz4life
      @bulletz4life 8 месяцев назад +14

      @@drunklorry3406I was born in the US and speak fluent russian, its not hard if you have soviet parents.

  • @rvdr26
    @rvdr26 Год назад +207

    Oh yeah, if I could sumarize all RP videos in just one single quote, it would be something like: "Slow eccentric, full range of motion." I think that's pretty much it.

    • @dark-o
      @dark-o Год назад +29

      Forgot the pause 😂

    • @lepari9986
      @lepari9986 Год назад +72

      Pause at the stretch! And some sex jokes.

    • @tcurrid8059
      @tcurrid8059 Год назад

      Gay sex jokes. Also if he likes you he'll DM foot photos, for a price.@@lepari9986

    • @supercal333
      @supercal333 Год назад +14

      ... choose exercises that stretch the muscle under load for maximum hypertrophy.

    • @Natie-vw8vt
      @Natie-vw8vt Год назад +13

      "As if you're going to do another"

  • @grimtrigg3r
    @grimtrigg3r Год назад +4

    Dr. Mike vids bring me so much joy. He is a gem!

  • @premodernprejudices3027
    @premodernprejudices3027 8 месяцев назад

    Dr. Mike, after Jocko, is my favorite trainer/motivator on the internet. Thank you, Dr. Mike, for sharing all of your wisdom and experience.

  • @soom878
    @soom878 6 месяцев назад +2

    wow its crazy how much better dr mike looks now, wow handsome guy, rarely see that people look way better when they are older.

  • @nobodyspecial.1312
    @nobodyspecial.1312 Год назад +33

    Just found your channel 2 days ago and have watched a handful of your videos thus far. I am honestly so excited about how much I've already learned from you in regard to how to structure workouts and how to perform the exercises with the most safe and effective form. Thank you for your work, looking forward to learning more.

  • @cain6981
    @cain6981 Год назад +7

    Wow i can see how you developed such a great personality.. for real though good for you throwing this out there.

  • @Tomiply
    @Tomiply 9 месяцев назад +8

    3:04 Instagram came out 13 years ago, so it actually was around back then if it's 11 years ago as you said lol

  • @danielstarr9037
    @danielstarr9037 8 месяцев назад +10

    I’ve followed your 4:45 advice to a T for 30 years now 😎

  • @l-kazak-l
    @l-kazak-l 4 месяца назад +1

    I think as the channel grows we become more attached to dr mike and speaking for the community and also personally i would love to see more from the life of dr mike as i would find it very interesting, great content idea imo

  • @ParvParashar
    @ParvParashar Год назад +6

    Your strength is highly commendable! You’re just astonishingly strong. You always motivate me to train really hard. 💪

  • @Behindjoonao
    @Behindjoonao Год назад +23

    That OHP strength is absolutely fucking insane.

  • @christopher-johnbompas9729
    @christopher-johnbompas9729 Год назад +328

    I love the self-depreciating humour, Dr Mike. Only fools can't laugh at themselves.

    • @qkunder
      @qkunder Год назад +4

      He is a true fool 😂 That's why he CAN laugh at himself!

    • @tsp8855
      @tsp8855 10 месяцев назад +2

      Only fools isnt the correct OF in question

    • @DILFDylF
      @DILFDylF 7 месяцев назад +1

      Humor that pokes fun at myself: 😐
      Humor that loses value over time: 😂

    @SAIFULLAHJAMIL 4 месяца назад +2

    5:15 SPOT ON! I did today at my Chest & Back workout. Felt amazingly strong.

  • @onyxsolo1
    @onyxsolo1 7 месяцев назад +4

    @ 1:57 - The Einsteinian level of mental preparation for that lift is undeniable.

  • @Theohybrid
    @Theohybrid Год назад +15

    Doc, you’ve grown into your looks, man! Plus, your doc credit adds in addition to your humor. Great job guys at the RP

  • @Phonexwing
    @Phonexwing Год назад +10

    this is genuinely one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen

  • @chrisweidner4768
    @chrisweidner4768 Год назад +5

    I’m always adjusting and criticizing my training. Problem at 65, it’s difficult to undo the errors of a lifetime. Keep working on the process.

  • @auggied6760
    @auggied6760 9 месяцев назад

    I give you a perfect score on this video for being brave enough to critique yourself. It's not an easy thing to do. Kudos.

  • @fortunateson123
    @fortunateson123 Месяц назад

    Just here to say that I love your work on here. Thank you for making fun content and content we can learn from.

  • @Queazyboot3
    @Queazyboot3 Год назад +35

    Dr Mike is like a fine wine, he gets better (looking) 😩 with age

    • @Requilith
      @Requilith Год назад +6

      I think he just looked terrible when he was younger because he didn't give a shit and all, and takes better care of himself now. Might be completely wrong tho, but that's my guess

    • @TheEko42
      @TheEko42 Год назад

      ​@@Requilithits all about body fat guys, of course you will look like shit with over 25% body fat.

    • @Flahtort
      @Flahtort Год назад +2

      @@Requilith i mean, he looks better now, but he wasnt terrible back then...

  • @KrishnaWashburn
    @KrishnaWashburn Год назад +25

    Lots of us don't get hot until our thirties, Dr. Mike! I wasn't hot until about thirty-four. It's better to be a late bloomer, if you ask me. It makes school reunions particularly fun.

    • @caseylynnn38
      @caseylynnn38 Месяц назад +1

      This made me feel like I still have time to be super hot. Thanks!!!

  • @BlackBeetleRokusho
    @BlackBeetleRokusho Год назад +14

    Scott the video guy is the friend we all need.

  • @LetsTravelOurWorld
    @LetsTravelOurWorld 4 месяца назад +1

    First of all you were not ugly. You might not have been SUPER handsome but you were not ugly. Second, even in your younger days you were f'ing STRONG! Only a very small percentage of humans in this world could lift those weights for those reps. Great video.

  • @jeremyarmstrong7857
    @jeremyarmstrong7857 5 месяцев назад +9

    4:20 me too bro....

  • @davidrichardson9032
    @davidrichardson9032 Год назад +4

    Handsome boy. Grats on all the hard work you put in paying off Dr Mike

  • @diegomelgar5866
    @diegomelgar5866 Год назад +10

    Scott being the best off camera sidekick

  • @MrDjhealth
    @MrDjhealth Год назад +11

    Mike looked like pro boxer Butterbean when squatting and John Belushi doing bent over rows

  • @jamesoneill8901
    @jamesoneill8901 2 месяца назад

    You are quite a character - In a good way lol. The courage and self confidence you show making fun of yourself is inspiring 🎉 Thanks for the very entertaining video 🎉🎉🎉

  • @chade3400
    @chade3400 4 месяца назад

    The close grip bench video is crazy for so many reasons. So much mass, both on you and the bar but how it is also a very good example of how to not control an essentric

  • @Greetings-Earthlings
    @Greetings-Earthlings Год назад +6

    old mike is awesome, would love to see more of him

  • @BrofUJu
    @BrofUJu Год назад +42

    Young Mike thought picking up girls meant... physically picking them up.

  • @andyfatknob9403
    @andyfatknob9403 Год назад +5

    The 275 overhead press is craaazyyy even if that was after Dr Mike became enhanced! Crazy

  • @6eostorm
    @6eostorm 8 месяцев назад +1

    I’m so happy to find this channel it’s very informative and entertaining af Dr. Mike is hilarious 😆

  • @cye299c8
    @cye299c8 Год назад +6

    dude these pullups are actually ridiculous considering your bodyweight. one of the best sets ive seen.

  • @zzddb
    @zzddb Год назад +4

    I recently hust discover your channel even though I'm into coaching since 2009 and it is such a great channel. Cheers from Israel Dr Mike

  • @thefraw
    @thefraw Год назад +31

    you're a fucking legend mate. the milky way is in the local group which is inside the virgo cluster which is inside the laniakea supercluster

    • @bp56789
      @bp56789 Год назад +2

      Pfft astrology

    • @chrisgarrett9939
      @chrisgarrett9939 Год назад +3


    • @nathanbinford5715
      @nathanbinford5715 Год назад +2

      Laniakeans are number one!

    • @bp56789
      @bp56789 Год назад

      @@chrisgarrett9939 Whatever you call it, it's all bullshit! The moon is flat!

    • @Nemo42239
      @Nemo42239 3 месяца назад +1

      I had to scroll too far for this answer. Thank you.

  • @Ghostchocobo
    @Ghostchocobo 7 месяцев назад +1

    That looking up for squats part drove home a massive realisation for me

  • @regulardefense
    @regulardefense 8 месяцев назад +1

    Love this video, it shows how anyone can improve over time.

  • @thoreaurug2142
    @thoreaurug2142 Год назад +24

    You were great in Full Metal Jacket

    • @c450-v2b
      @c450-v2b 7 месяцев назад

      that was him in the bathroom huggin his gun? whoooaa

  • @AdamMc192
    @AdamMc192 Год назад +6

    Wow Mike you really had that Uncle Fester looking going on, Halloween after all! What a Glow up

  • @JuliusCaesar103
    @JuliusCaesar103 Год назад +4

    4:00 positive rage for the planet wtf lmao

  • @ShaggyLizard
    @ShaggyLizard Месяц назад +1

    It’s wild that you went into bodybuilding and not powerlifting. Def built for that.

  • @ketorising81
    @ketorising81 14 дней назад +1

    Real brave putting that image in the thumbnail. Young Mike giving off Brendan Frazier Make-a-Wish vibes.

  • @stoinkus468
    @stoinkus468 Год назад +37

    Like a fine wine Mike, like a fine wine.

    • @felixhe3891
      @felixhe3891 Год назад +6

      You suck it empty to the last drop?

    • @NorbertDz
      @NorbertDz Год назад +6

      ​@@felixhe3891bro 😂😅

  • @thapelomaraisane8705
    @thapelomaraisane8705 Год назад +10

    Man, Dr. Mike has BEEN in the trenches. This is like those rare moments when your uncle suddenly unravels tome upon tome of lore at 3am! Love it!

  • @Irrational_Pie
    @Irrational_Pie Год назад +7

    Massive props to Mike for throwing up that picture of him looking like Boss Baby

  • @633striker
    @633striker 3 месяца назад

    This is my favourite video so far!

  • @origamistuffs
    @origamistuffs Год назад +6

    Lol we're all clowning on young Dr. mike but his videos have given me the most gains out of everything else

  • @kadaj7269
    @kadaj7269 Год назад +7

    “This is an older person and doesn’t have a lot of hope left.” Hahaha so good.

  • @allentempleton2429
    @allentempleton2429 Год назад +12

    Mike is the best still the smartest guy in the game and always makes me laugh. It's OK that you looked like a serial killer in the old days. We still love you.

  • @602Dallasfan
    @602Dallasfan Месяц назад

    Im so happy Uncle fester found health and happiness in his life 🤙🏽🤙🏽💪🏽

  • @sampaxs
    @sampaxs 4 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for this video

  • @matriaxpunk
    @matriaxpunk Год назад +68

    -My therapist: 50 year old obese cancer survivor woman Dr Mike isn’t real, it can’t hurt you.
    -This video: exists.

  • @kaktusdono
    @kaktusdono Год назад +8

    Hearing Dr Mike say a few words in Russian out of the blue with almost no accent was so surprising to me :D

    • @Flahtort
      @Flahtort Год назад +3

      Me too when I witness that for the first time! Later he responded that he actully from Russia. Really cool for me, as Russian.

    • @Flat0Line1
      @Flat0Line1 8 месяцев назад +1

      no accent at all) yep, so maybe he is not only Mike, but Mikhail)