*TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 5:51 / End: 7:15:41) ------- *[AddictedRyS]* 4:29:01 *IRyS:* “Might Call it a day after *_one_* more quest” 5:09:37 *IRys one 40 minute "expedition" later:* "Is this considered a quest guys?" 5:22:18 Starting a Quest.. 5:38:55 Starting _another_ Quest… 6:01:40 *IRyS:* "Acutal last quest.. Actual actual actual last Quest.." 6:13:22 “This so fun guys! this is too fun for it's own good!" 6:18:37 *“Final” Actual Quest Season 5:* “Let’s do the ann0ying one, and call it a day..” 6:30:14 *IRyS:* Ok I’m Actually gonna call it a day.. I've been playing for 6.5 Hrs.. *Chatl*“Rookie Numbers” 6:32:05 *Too busy Hunting to Shill”* Merch sales were still on until an Hour ago… 7:12:12 “I’m streaming more than I sleep..” *Bonus:* 6:31 " had a dream i was playing Monster Hunter... *[PhrasingRyS]* 47:13 "I know you husband isn't home right now!" 3:04:32 _”Stimulated~”_ 3:15:21 “How many times is he gonna flash me?” 3:25:31 ”Did I just get Smashed? I got smashed” 3:29:44 “You’ll become my furry armor!” 4:00:22 “Oh no! It’s gonna smash me!” 4:36:42 “Its too Big!! I can't Roll out of it! ..Why am I so tired?”- > 4:37:20 “It’s some hard Bone” *[Hanami With CHADCAST]!* 3:39:55 *Hanami With Chadcast!* / Rys didn't take any pictures yesterday 6:57:35 Story continued / Meeting Bae’s Mom! *[Low ManaRyS]* 7:21 How's IRyS' Mana Level? 2:59:33 "Oh No.. The Blood moon is making IRYS’ stomach hurt…' 2:59:57 IRys takes a "Mana replenisher" 3:07:15 "Being low on mana S*cks!" 3:26:35 *Chat:* ”Skill issue” *AngyRyS:* "I’m low on mana! Who knows what I could do!” *[SINGRyS]* 3:13:00 “Flashlight lizard~” 3:38:03 “Telll me Why~” 5:46:06 "There she goes~ There she goes Again~" 6:04:15 "Fruit Salad~ Yummy Yummy~" *[KidnappeRyS!]* 6:20:41 “Steal their Babies!” 6:21:14 “Don't worry, your children are in good hands..” 6:21:42 “I need to kill more of these don't I? ‘ 6:22:24 "Apparently.. I want Two children! *One is not enough!* So let me just kill you guys.. ‘ 6:22:57 “Let me just Kill some more..” 6:23:18 “The chicken's trying to steal an egg too! Hey! That’s my job!” 6:24:12 Post massacre: “Peace and quiet..” 6:24:22 “We only need one baby stealer on the screen” 6:25:07 “Oh no They're coming back.. And I went through the effort of _killing_ them!” 6:26:58 What a Fabulous kidnapper am I!" *[DevilRyS]* 3:09:37 "Sorry I killed your Girlfr1end" 3:38:51 “Everything must die in my presence” - Hope 4:04:45 “I’m killing your babies!” 4:27:40 “Come on and Just die! Hurry up and just die! Already!” 5:26:55 “It's just walking around, minding it's own buisness.. Sorry dude, I'm gonna have to capture you alive!” *[BackseatRyS]* 3:41:54 Asking Chat to backseat her 5:36:40 *Chat:* Fertilize your honey -> 5:37:16 *IRyS backseats The backseating of the backseaters* “If You’re gonna backseat… backseat like you mean it!” *[GENERAL HIGHLIGHTS]* 12:18 IRyS' Pet Pig! *Poogie!* 20:04 Hope Decends! 27:52 *RamboRyS* 1:02:22/1:06:49 FaintRyS 2:02:05 "Oh, I'm stuck in it:s P00P!" 2:52:12 *PainRyS sounds* 2:52:25 "Where the _FUDGE!"_ 3:02:09 *ExcitedRyS:* “Ooh! is she gonna die? Is she gonna die?!“ 3:24:05 *FLUFF:* Huh? huh?? Huh?? It so *Puffy!* Fuwa Fuwa?! 3:30:51 /3:35:22 BlindRyS 4:38:09 *When KidRyS used to Roll* (AdultRyS tried it and felt her life was In danger…) 4:50:50 *DogRyS* “I love how I sniff everything” 4:54:00 *Fainting* HUH???? OYu cat l: do that twice!” that:s not fiar!” ‘ 5:13:02 Hot Topic Hime 6:50:18 IRyS learned Nintendo are shuting down Wii U and 3DS servers.. (RIP Splatton 1) 6:55:20 MewRyS 6:56:03 *SnekRyS: Ssssss~* ------- *QUESTS* / *EXPEDITIONS AND HUNTS* *[EXPEDITION]* 25:14-28:50 *Hunt:* Great Jagras 32:53-44:01 *Hunt:* Pukei-Pukei 47:11-54:51 *Hunt:* Rathnian (It left..) 56:11- 1:13:54 Anjanath 1:16:00 *Expedition Complete!* 1:19:04 Talking to the Field Team Leader *[QUEST: The Enroaching anjanath ]* 1:21:24 Start! 1:43:21 *Objective Complete!* 1:45:14 Talking to the Commander *[QUEST: *Hunt Baroth]* 2:01:32 *Hunt:* BAROTH 2:16:27 *Objective Complete!* *[QUEST: OnNE for the History Books]* 2:26:34 *Scene:* Zorah Magdaros "Godzilla!" 2:29:00 CannonRyS 2:38:55 *Next Phase* Head oto hitching post / destroy magma Cores 2:51:39 *Next Phase:* Repel attacking Nergigante 2:52:44 *Scene:* 2:55:03 *Quest Complete!* 2:55:40 Pass through the fissure *--CORAL HIGHLANDS--* 3:01:27 *Scene:* New Area *[Base]* 3:03:08 Research Base 3:03:08 Talking To The Third Fleet Master *[EXPEDITION]* 3:07:20 Start! 3:12:01 *Scene:* Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Intro 3:12:45-3:20:06 *Hunt:* Tzitzi-Ya-Ku 3:21:50-3:36:11 *Hunt:* Paolumu 3:41:28 *Expedition Complete!* 3:42:12 Talking to the Third Fleet Master 3:53:40 Talking ot COmmander *[QUEST: Baloooning Problems]* 3:56:23 Start 3:58:36 *Scene:* Paolumu Intro 3:59:22 *Hunt:* Paolumu 4:28:03 *Quest Complete!* 4:31:57 *Scene:* *[EXPEDITION]* 4:35:28 *Scene:* Radoban Intro 4:36:11-4:56:22 *Hunt:* Radoban 5:01:30-5:08:13 *Hunt:* Great Girros 5:09:58 *Scene:* *[QUEST: Snatch The Snatcher]* 5:22:22 Start! / Tutorial: Capture quests 5:26:50-5:32:18 *Capturing:* Kulu-Ya-Ku 5:32:47 *Quest Complete!* *[QUEST: Royal Relocation]* 5:39:30 Start 5:46:32-5:57:00 *Capturing:* Rathian *[QUEST: Special Arena - Rathian]* 6:03:52 Start 6:05:03- 6:12:10 *Capturing:* Rathian *[QUEST: Gettin' Yolked in the Waste]* 6:19:20 Start! 6:22:10 Egg *1!* 6:26:58 Egg *2!* ------- *(SC READING IN THE REPLIES)* ------- o7
*SC READING* ------- 6:31:45 *CHATTING ROOOM* 6:32:00 Toom uch Hunting: *IRyS Merch Sales are Over..* 6:34:23 *It’s always plugged in With mana* "plug it in~ plug it in~" 6:35:13 "I’m Gonna read superd Quickly! _ACTUALLY_ for once!" 6:35:59 *Moona! Raid!* 6:36:14 Signing with the Gold Ink 6:37:36 IRyS recommends The series *Rebooting* 6:38:54 Insect Glaive Master *Ina* 6:40:15 Fruit Salad~ Yummy Yummy~ 6:40:26 Acutal Monster Hunter Dad 6:41:34 Wishing the best for a Mauled Poodle.. 6:45:01 IRyS might play story quests off stream 6:45:21 IRyS learns the monsters were Acted out by People in Mocap! 6:46:00 Mana dificiency Tea Reccomendation 6:47:05 *"I do say* Monster hunter is hard to get into" 6:49:33 Masterank Equivalent for IRyS in Splatoon 2 6:50:18 IRyS saw they are shuting down Splatoon 1 servers… 6:50:39 "One Day that will pto Spla-Toon-Two-Too" 6:51:21 They are Shutting down The DS too! "DS is my childhood!” 6:51:36 IRyS remmebrrs Begging her Parents for Wi-Fi / *(DadaRyS Impression)* 6:55:20 MewRyS 6:56:02 *SnekRyS: Ssssss~* 6:57:35 *IRyS’ outing with CHADCAST* / *Meeting Bae’s Mom!* 6:59:00 Getting sick Now is a lot Bigger risk to IRyS ever since she started streaming 6:59:32 GyattRyS 7:01:30 Would IRySChange for a new Life? 7:02:40 *Famous BabuRyS:* "Yeaahh!! *New Wife!"* 7:04:16 MonHun Multiplayer Scaling (3 Player is the W0rst) *[Games]* 7:06:51 FGO *vs*GBF 7:07:30 Idolmaster Games. / Shironeko / Alice Gear 7:08:59 Kancolle 7:12:12 “I’m streaming more than I sleep..” 7:12:38 IRyS‘ upcoming schedule / 25 25 Lethal Company Collab 25 Hours From Now ------- 7:13:55 ByeRyS 7:14:12 Gravity Ending 7:15:41 Secret Ending ------- Take care Everyone! o7
3:02:12 You sounded so damn disappointed that she lived. I'm loving the Monhun addiction, the time flies by watching you the same way it does for you while playing! Hope your low mana levels don't bother you too much longer, but I gotta say I do enjoy how sassy you get around this time. Honestly surprised how open you are about this kind of stuff now too It's pretty nice
Ideas: Main story onstream, Optional & Investigation & Events quests offstream, capture the big monsters that you have seen to unlock their arenas. The element of the weapon is important in game in my opinion, so I recommend getting one weapon for each element: Water, Fire, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon. Every time when you enter the Hunting Location (aka the quest map), you need to find the monster traces and increase the scoutfly level(a mini bar on the right side of the screen when you find the traces). Level 2 will lead you directly to the monster. So, finding the monster traces is always the first step to finding the monster xD 1:23:19 the loudout helps you to quickly manage your inventory, store the stuff you don't need and take out the stuff you need. So, it is worth spending time to set up the loudout. 1:23:51 the circle thing on the bottom right of the screen (not the cute Nephilim) is the radio meun. Quick select the item you wanna use with the R joystick so that you don't need to press square and circle to select the item. It's also worth spending time to edit it. Good luck!
Watching you play MHW was supposed to scratch an itch, not worsen it, but here we are You're doing great learning the basics and downing monsters this early. At this rank, Paolumu's heavy slam is really telegraphed, so as long as you watch carefully and not get caught in the middle of a long animation, you should be able to dodge it fairly easy. Also, it's usually very tempting to complete your full attack combo to try get as much mileage as possible, but sometimes cutting it short and repositioning rewards you more. You'll probably learn this from experience as you get familiar with the minute details of the SWAX and as you observe monster attack patterns more. Happy to see you're having fun! Remember that if you get tired of hunting, you can wear a gathering set and go on an expedition running around picking up items. It can be relaxing just observing the environment and ecology of the World.
Just a few funny moments 4:38:10 Imagining smol IRyS spin dashing like Sanic is cute. Now days, her attempts at rolling sound more like just curling up like a roly poly 5:49:55 Asking turtles to save her 5:50:49 Frog tangent. Anyone know what frog video she's talking about? Sounds cute when she copies them 6:51:32 Prehistoric IRyS lived without wifi. 6:51:57 Funny Dadimpression 6:55:30 IRyS has been Mewing the entire time... Mew 6:55:48 Multiple rolling r's attempts. Sounds like a snake hissing
Awesome stream today, IRyS, I would watch dozens of more just like this if you were to continue grinding out some MonHun on stream. Btw, did you know there's other ways of boosting your health besides eating at the canteen or camp? You can use a Max Potion to get +50 boost (doesn't stack with food) or an Ancient Potion that maxes your health AND stamina. Those two are perfect for using after you cart and can't re-up your food buffs. Also, Nutrients and Mega Nutrients increase your max health to a smaller amount. You're doing great, I always like watching you play. 1:35:56 IRyS was so immersed that she tilted her head upwards IRL to face up to the Anjanath! That's great! It's so cool that you're on that level of enjoying the game.
I know you're a busy person, but if you wanna look like Celty from DuRaRaRa! Wear the Great Girros armor and the Radobaan helmet, it has good Thunder protection for when you wanna fight Fauna later on, and you get to look cool while doing it.
Nice, good to see more people getting into monster hunter. switch axe tip: Sword or axe mode can be charged/powered up to increase the damage of each hit for a while. charging sword : land sword hits, circle combo gives the best boost to the charge meter. Eventually it will start causing extra explosions with each cut. charging axe : Do heavy slam combo. press circle three times at least, then press triangle for a unique combo. Then axe glows and does more damage, part break and stagger. This combo just has to be executed once. Even if you miss and hit air, axe mode powers up.
You can do the big slam with just one circle, just don't press triangle until after your character flashes red. Once you get used to the timing it's completely natural, and you don't have to look at your character at all. You can skip two whole swings this way.
@@krpajda what you said got me very interested, until I tested it. Its true that its less presses, but its not actually faster. A single press of circle will do 2 slams. Its not faster than pressing circle twice, you get animation locked in. Then when you time this glow and press triangle, before he does heavy slam, the character does the third circle, then the heavy slam. Its the same thing. Its interesting that its less presses, but tested damage doesnt seem to change. I think its a thing in rise where you can skip 1 circle for heavy slam during certain axe combos. Doesnt seem to be a thing in world.
If you press circle again after the red flash it will do an extra swing or two before the slam. If you press all 3 of them and then triangle before the red flash it won't slam
@@krpajda What you've shown is a 5 hit heavy slam right? 6 if we insert draw attack. Standard fastest possible is the same. Its 5 hits. I tested some more, I think its the same because Im not actually counting my circle presses. Im counting the hits while I mash circle. The hunter does extra hits( the missing wild swings) with the 2 press method you've shown, then ends with the usual heavy slam. It still ends up with 5 hits, he doesnt skip anything. If you mash till hunter lands three blows, then triangle, it ends up as 5 still.
@@krpajda im inclined to think that its prob better, 10% faster, maybe it recovers sword mode a little better? Because its a unique input, and a more difficult one for the combo. So far, I cant see anything.
Good hunts Hime! You've learned how to capture monsters, slowly picking up monster patterns, and have been slowly improving your SwAxe skills (those 20 carts offstream must've really helped too). A 7hr long stream, playing beforehand, and dreaming about Monster Hunter... yeah, the MonHun addiction has spread Also, as a fellow fashion hunter. Definitely, don't overgrind Low Rank because some of the later sets even in midgame are really cute or cool looking and you start unlocking the layered armor feature too. So try to prioritize more defense and hp or skills that give bonuses towards to attack early on. You might look like a clown but mixed sets are the way that early Anyways, enjoy your sandwich and hype for the eventual more MonHun and all the LC collabs too!
Loved the running joke of beating the monster way before it appeared in the main story, then having to pretend it's the first time running into it Was also nice seeing you try bowguns for a bit, I was an old Light Bowgun main in my last run! Tip: both bowguns can be modified at the Workshop, and Heavy BG can equip a shield. Just remember to by ammo after a mission!(it's dirt cheap)
Great progress today IRyS, I'm glad you enjoy MonHun so much in just a very short span of time. Most people took so long to get into MH and it took me years even though I'm playing MonHun for 10+ years at this point And you're improving as a hunter at a good pace! One thing I'm glad to see is that you don't beat yourself up too much for carting, it's a good thing because carting will teach you what kind of mistake you did in the hunt so you can avoid it later on! Sometimes you even punch above your weight class too, and you come off victorious despite being under geared is impressive. So no, you definitely don't have skill issue at all. Just simply the case of diamond in the rough that's honing herself against the new monsters!
Seeing you get absorbed into this game reminds me of when I used to play. Exploring new areas, gathering, upgrading gear, hunting new monsters, and facing challenges... I really loved the game back then. It makes me happy to see you seem to feel the same, especially how you keep challenging monsters multiple times while enjoying the game. There will be even tougher monsters ahead, but I'm eager to see you take on those challenges like today. Anyway, thanks for the long stream today. Personally, I'm a bit worried about your sleep schedule, so I hope you get a good rest tonight
Another successful hunt. Nice work today. Remember, time getting knocked down or having to heal is time not DPSing. The stun and damage animations really penalize face tanking (as you may realize). P.S- The Health Booster unlocked after Zorah Magdoros.
The longer the MonHun stream, the better I could watch this all day, just as much as you could play this all day. There's something about this game that's just addicting, even just watching it
Thanks for more MHW! Hunting cannot be stoppable!!! It was impressive that you hunted Anjanath very smoothly! You can be the good hunter! See you TOMORROW!
That was really fun IRyS, especially seeing you improve and doing things your own way, sometimes we get stuck in our own ways of playing so seeing a different playstyle is really interesting. Don't worry too much about playing it efficiently or using the meta builds, just have fun with it, its far to easy to get burnt out trying to get max builds/damage/etc. I hope you're also able to play with jp senpai's, and thanks to you, lots of EN's got interested in playing, thanks again for the fun stream
Got me smiling too hard IRyS it's way too much fun watching you successfully hunt and body these monsters Hoping you get Iceborne soon! It adds the clutch claw, which let's you grapple to the monster and use the switch axe's new move "Zero Sum Discharge". The explosions that come from it are nearly unparalleled
Thank you for streaming today :)... I had a very busy morning and it was leaving me in a bad mood but when I came back home and managed to listen to you again live, it made me feel so much better! There are clear signs you're improving with the game, it takes time and many hours but you're already getting there dear nephilim (at least you're doing much better than when I started!). Honestly I think you're quite a good gamer in general I don't really believe it when people say skill issue on chat but I think it's more of a joke on that point :D! I'm glad you're enjoying the grind with the monsters and now I wanna restart the game as well and learn a new weapon during the next days lol. It's just so fun and engaging watching you that people just wanna play Monster Hunter World all over again. By the way when you'll buy the expansion of Iceborne keep in mind that it will be added the Clutch Claw with the tutorial, that item is "vital" to make openings with the monsters where you can hit them hard or weaken their parts (for example you can "soften" hard parts of the monsters and do orange damage on them or push the monsters to collide against others or walls and being knocked down). Sorry that I'm so weak to your personality! XD I honestly keep liking you more just for being this chill and cheerful even when feeling low with your mana. I think it's a very underrated trait or not common. Keep being awesome, I love the way you are! And thank you for inspiring me everyday, no matter how bad my day goes you just have this superpower of removing all of the negativity from me and making me feel better in general!
When playing the game for longer than you sleep is still not enough, what do you do? You play it in your dreams! It's nice to see that you've been having so much fun with the game And as if all this monster hunting is not enough, we're getting an LC collab tomorrow, AND another one later this month? Long stream otsukaRyS
You joked about proper backseating so throw some hopefully helpful info here. Though you definitely don't need any backseating when it comes to Switch Axe. Since you're always carrying Honey, you can use it to craft better potions with the free ones you get at the start of Quests. Definitely do all of the quests given to you by the NPC's since it'll unlock additional or expanded features. The Harvest Box is great for getting more items for Potions, Shock Traps, Flash Pods, and other useful items you haven't needed yet. And definitely keep up with better Defense for your armor, don't worry about the Armor Spheres, you'll get much better ones later on.
Oh yay you now already a Pro Hunter in my eyes! You have almost all the important knowledges in MHW and you have improved so much on hunter-skill today! Gotta catch up the vod for seeing your cool moments, and good progress and good job IRyS! Can't wait to see you destroying more cool and strong monsters, and even having fun with holomems!! Thank you for the long stream and Otsu! See you tomorrow night LC collab Hope your mana debuff recover soon. Have a nice meal and rest. Take care.
Thank you for today's awesome Monster Hunter World stream taking down that Attack on Titan and congratulations for the first(?) capture, Hime-sama IRyS! And also cutest Poogie ever of all time!
You did great, IRyS! You're not doing too badly as a newbie! I wouldn't worry too much about grinding for armor. You're currently still in Low Rank, and you get High Rank armor later that are much better. Just pick an armor currently you like, stick to it by upgrading it, and then continue on the story to get to High Rank where you can truly start grinding!
Lady IRYS Thank you for the perfect live broadcast. Your live broadcast is really nice and high quality. I'm so happy to be a subscriber to a cute girl like you. I'll always support you. The reason I love you is because you are a sweet girl and the effort you put into your videos makes me love you even more.⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
thanks for the stream as always IRyS. For a monster hunting/capturing/egg-stealing stream, it's oddly comfy I started playing Monhun the other day too and watching you having so much really makes me want to drop work and go hunt for hours on end like you did but sadly work is work See you tomorrow at LC collab, can't wait to see the new update and the hilarious deaths that will come out of it
I went to bed early and woke up in time to see the last minutes of the stream, all according to keikaku Wow 7 hours, I'm glad you're enjoying the game. Collecting body parts from exotic monsters it must have been a good hunt, I'll catch up with the VoD later. It's also impressive how you can endure so long with just drinks and candies while being low on mana, you must be used to it but for me you're built different lol it worries me a bit though, I hope it's not too bad for your health Otsu and have a good rest (and good food!), gracias por el stream
6:56:02 cute xD wish I could teach you how, it's hard to explain, it's like making bubbles with the tip of the tongue, making the tongue vibrate isn't easy huh
Thank you for the long MHW stream!! This game is so addictive I could see you play for even longer and I'm enjoying watching it! You having so much fun is definitely contagious! And I love the comfy chatting we get from it! Also very nice to see you improve at it and hunt lots of monsters! Maybe get cart'ed a lot too Really good job today HimeRyS! Looking forward to the LC collab tomorrow! Hope you rest well IRyS!
I really never thought you'll be hook in the best game and my most gameplay of all time. I'm so excited for you to meet more cool monster and experience and see cool armors here and there!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow for the LC collab!!
Otsu and thank you so much for the long stream! Good job hunting today and made some progress in main story! I agree that keep proceeding in main story is more important than grinding lower rank monsters and materials as you would change better gears very soon with higher ranks materials. No need to worry about gears crafting unless you feel hard to clear the main story quests~ And yea inventory loadout helps a lot for your pocket management, it's like save and load function for your inventory so you always just bringing necessary items for quests by loading the set before quests Enjoy your sandwich and have a good rest later IRyS~ take care
This game is probably more addictive than elden ring because you have bait teammates, and the dragon won't restore to full hp and and you have to fight again if you die, just don't die 4 timesYou're already pretty good at the game , you just need to learn more about the items and the dragon's movements, and you'll be full control of the game
Nice hunting today IRyS and great progress too I'm really glad you're enjoying MHW its been a lot of fun watching also make me want to buy the game again and restart thank you for the stream
Glad to see you having fun playing monster hunter, but I didn't expect it to even show up in your dreams. Heck, this stream was even longer than the last mon hun stream, so this might become your longest gaming series too.
Thanks for another MHW stream! As some people said, we suggest you not grind too much at your current progress since there will be much to grind at later part. Hope you keep the motivation and enjoy the game till then
*TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 5:51 / End: 7:15:41)
4:29:01 *IRyS:* “Might Call it a day after *_one_* more quest”
5:09:37 *IRys one 40 minute "expedition" later:* "Is this considered a quest guys?"
5:22:18 Starting a Quest..
5:38:55 Starting _another_ Quest…
6:01:40 *IRyS:* "Acutal last quest.. Actual actual actual last Quest.."
6:13:22 “This so fun guys! this is too fun for it's own good!"
6:18:37 *“Final” Actual Quest Season 5:* “Let’s do the ann0ying one, and call it a day..”
6:30:14 *IRyS:* Ok I’m Actually gonna call it a day.. I've been playing for 6.5 Hrs.. *Chatl*“Rookie Numbers”
6:32:05 *Too busy Hunting to Shill”* Merch sales were still on until an Hour ago…
7:12:12 “I’m streaming more than I sleep..”
*Bonus:* 6:31 " had a dream i was playing Monster Hunter...
47:13 "I know you husband isn't home right now!"
3:04:32 _”Stimulated~”_
3:15:21 “How many times is he gonna flash me?”
3:25:31 ”Did I just get Smashed? I got smashed”
3:29:44 “You’ll become my furry armor!”
4:00:22 “Oh no! It’s gonna smash me!”
4:36:42 “Its too Big!! I can't Roll out of it! ..Why am I so tired?”- > 4:37:20 “It’s some hard Bone”
*[Hanami With CHADCAST]!*
3:39:55 *Hanami With Chadcast!* / Rys didn't take any pictures yesterday
6:57:35 Story continued / Meeting Bae’s Mom!
*[Low ManaRyS]*
7:21 How's IRyS' Mana Level?
2:59:33 "Oh No.. The Blood moon is making IRYS’ stomach hurt…'
2:59:57 IRys takes a "Mana replenisher"
3:07:15 "Being low on mana S*cks!"
3:26:35 *Chat:* ”Skill issue” *AngyRyS:* "I’m low on mana! Who knows what I could do!”
3:13:00 “Flashlight lizard~”
3:38:03 “Telll me Why~”
5:46:06 "There she goes~ There she goes Again~"
6:04:15 "Fruit Salad~ Yummy Yummy~"
6:20:41 “Steal their Babies!”
6:21:14 “Don't worry, your children are in good hands..”
6:21:42 “I need to kill more of these don't I? ‘
6:22:24 "Apparently.. I want Two children! *One is not enough!* So let me just kill you guys.. ‘
6:22:57 “Let me just Kill some more..”
6:23:18 “The chicken's trying to steal an egg too! Hey! That’s my job!”
6:24:12 Post massacre: “Peace and quiet..”
6:24:22 “We only need one baby stealer on the screen”
6:25:07 “Oh no They're coming back.. And I went through the effort of _killing_ them!”
6:26:58 What a Fabulous kidnapper am I!"
3:09:37 "Sorry I killed your Girlfr1end"
3:38:51 “Everything must die in my presence” - Hope
4:04:45 “I’m killing your babies!”
4:27:40 “Come on and Just die! Hurry up and just die! Already!”
5:26:55 “It's just walking around, minding it's own buisness.. Sorry dude, I'm gonna have to capture you alive!”
3:41:54 Asking Chat to backseat her
5:36:40 *Chat:* Fertilize your honey -> 5:37:16 *IRyS backseats The backseating of the backseaters* “If You’re gonna backseat… backseat like you mean it!”
12:18 IRyS' Pet Pig! *Poogie!*
20:04 Hope Decends!
27:52 *RamboRyS*
1:02:22/1:06:49 FaintRyS
2:02:05 "Oh, I'm stuck in it:s P00P!"
2:52:12 *PainRyS sounds*
2:52:25 "Where the _FUDGE!"_
3:02:09 *ExcitedRyS:* “Ooh! is she gonna die? Is she gonna die?!“
3:24:05 *FLUFF:* Huh? huh?? Huh?? It so *Puffy!* Fuwa Fuwa?!
3:30:51 /3:35:22 BlindRyS
4:38:09 *When KidRyS used to Roll* (AdultRyS tried it and felt her life was In danger…)
4:50:50 *DogRyS* “I love how I sniff everything”
4:54:00 *Fainting* HUH???? OYu cat l: do that twice!” that:s not fiar!” ‘
5:13:02 Hot Topic Hime
6:50:18 IRyS learned Nintendo are shuting down Wii U and 3DS servers.. (RIP Splatton 1)
6:55:20 MewRyS
6:56:03 *SnekRyS: Ssssss~*
25:14-28:50 *Hunt:* Great Jagras
32:53-44:01 *Hunt:* Pukei-Pukei
47:11-54:51 *Hunt:* Rathnian (It left..)
56:11- 1:13:54 Anjanath
1:16:00 *Expedition Complete!*
1:19:04 Talking to the Field Team Leader
*[QUEST: The Enroaching anjanath ]*
1:21:24 Start!
1:43:21 *Objective Complete!*
1:45:14 Talking to the Commander
*[QUEST: *Hunt Baroth]*
2:01:32 *Hunt:* BAROTH
2:16:27 *Objective Complete!*
*[QUEST: OnNE for the History Books]*
2:26:34 *Scene:* Zorah Magdaros "Godzilla!"
2:29:00 CannonRyS
2:38:55 *Next Phase* Head oto hitching post / destroy magma Cores
2:51:39 *Next Phase:* Repel attacking Nergigante
2:52:44 *Scene:*
2:55:03 *Quest Complete!*
2:55:40 Pass through the fissure
3:01:27 *Scene:* New Area
3:03:08 Research Base
3:03:08 Talking To The Third Fleet Master
3:07:20 Start!
3:12:01 *Scene:* Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Intro
3:12:45-3:20:06 *Hunt:* Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
3:21:50-3:36:11 *Hunt:* Paolumu
3:41:28 *Expedition Complete!*
3:42:12 Talking to the Third Fleet Master
3:53:40 Talking ot COmmander
*[QUEST: Baloooning Problems]*
3:56:23 Start
3:58:36 *Scene:* Paolumu Intro
3:59:22 *Hunt:* Paolumu
4:28:03 *Quest Complete!*
4:31:57 *Scene:*
4:35:28 *Scene:* Radoban Intro
4:36:11-4:56:22 *Hunt:* Radoban
5:01:30-5:08:13 *Hunt:* Great Girros
5:09:58 *Scene:*
*[QUEST: Snatch The Snatcher]*
5:22:22 Start! / Tutorial: Capture quests
5:26:50-5:32:18 *Capturing:* Kulu-Ya-Ku
5:32:47 *Quest Complete!*
*[QUEST: Royal Relocation]*
5:39:30 Start
5:46:32-5:57:00 *Capturing:* Rathian
*[QUEST: Special Arena - Rathian]*
6:03:52 Start
6:05:03- 6:12:10 *Capturing:* Rathian
*[QUEST: Gettin' Yolked in the Waste]*
6:19:20 Start!
6:22:10 Egg *1!*
6:26:58 Egg *2!*
6:32:00 Toom uch Hunting: *IRyS Merch Sales are Over..*
6:34:23 *It’s always plugged in With mana* "plug it in~ plug it in~"
6:35:13 "I’m Gonna read superd Quickly! _ACTUALLY_ for once!"
6:35:59 *Moona! Raid!*
6:36:14 Signing with the Gold Ink
6:37:36 IRyS recommends The series *Rebooting*
6:38:54 Insect Glaive Master *Ina*
6:40:15 Fruit Salad~ Yummy Yummy~
6:40:26 Acutal Monster Hunter Dad
6:41:34 Wishing the best for a Mauled Poodle..
6:45:01 IRyS might play story quests off stream
6:45:21 IRyS learns the monsters were Acted out by People in Mocap!
6:46:00 Mana dificiency Tea Reccomendation
6:47:05 *"I do say* Monster hunter is hard to get into"
6:49:33 Masterank Equivalent for IRyS in Splatoon 2
6:50:18 IRyS saw they are shuting down Splatoon 1 servers…
6:50:39 "One Day that will pto Spla-Toon-Two-Too"
6:51:21 They are Shutting down The DS too! "DS is my childhood!”
6:51:36 IRyS remmebrrs Begging her Parents for Wi-Fi / *(DadaRyS Impression)*
6:55:20 MewRyS
6:56:02 *SnekRyS: Ssssss~*
6:57:35 *IRyS’ outing with CHADCAST* / *Meeting Bae’s Mom!*
6:59:00 Getting sick Now is a lot Bigger risk to IRyS ever since she started streaming
6:59:32 GyattRyS
7:01:30 Would IRySChange for a new Life? 7:02:40 *Famous BabuRyS:* "Yeaahh!! *New Wife!"*
7:04:16 MonHun Multiplayer Scaling (3 Player is the W0rst)
7:06:51 FGO *vs*GBF
7:07:30 Idolmaster Games. / Shironeko / Alice Gear
7:08:59 Kancolle
7:12:12 “I’m streaming more than I sleep..”
7:12:38 IRyS‘ upcoming schedule / 25 25 Lethal Company Collab 25 Hours From Now
7:13:55 ByeRyS
7:14:12 Gravity Ending
7:15:41 Secret Ending
Take care Everyone! o7
Thank you!
Thank you for the time stamps
1:20:55 it’s always nice to watch new players reactions to the upgrade canteen cooking scenes.
12:40 "default poogie is the cutest" definitely true, but wait 'till you get the butterfly outfit for it
3:02:12 You sounded so damn disappointed that she lived. I'm loving the Monhun addiction, the time flies by watching you the same way it does for you while playing!
Hope your low mana levels don't bother you too much longer, but I gotta say I do enjoy how sassy you get around this time. Honestly surprised how open you are about this kind of stuff now too It's pretty nice
This game is SO good. Spent 2k hours playing it. Glad people still play it to this day.
Ideas: Main story onstream, Optional & Investigation & Events quests offstream, capture the big monsters that you have seen to unlock their arenas.
The element of the weapon is important in game in my opinion, so I recommend getting one weapon for each element: Water, Fire, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon.
Every time when you enter the Hunting Location (aka the quest map), you need to find the monster traces and increase the scoutfly level(a mini bar on the right side of the screen when you find the traces). Level 2 will lead you directly to the monster. So, finding the monster traces is always the first step to finding the monster xD
1:23:19 the loudout helps you to quickly manage your inventory, store the stuff you don't need and take out the stuff you need. So, it is worth spending time to set up the loudout.
1:23:51 the circle thing on the bottom right of the screen (not the cute Nephilim) is the radio meun. Quick select the item you wanna use with the R joystick so that you don't need to press square and circle to select the item. It's also worth spending time to edit it.
Good luck!
Watching you play MHW was supposed to scratch an itch, not worsen it, but here we are
You're doing great learning the basics and downing monsters this early. At this rank, Paolumu's heavy slam is really telegraphed, so as long as you watch carefully and not get caught in the middle of a long animation, you should be able to dodge it fairly easy.
Also, it's usually very tempting to complete your full attack combo to try get as much mileage as possible, but sometimes cutting it short and repositioning rewards you more. You'll probably learn this from experience as you get familiar with the minute details of the SWAX and as you observe monster attack patterns more.
Happy to see you're having fun! Remember that if you get tired of hunting, you can wear a gathering set and go on an expedition running around picking up items. It can be relaxing just observing the environment and ecology of the World.
Just a few funny moments
4:38:10 Imagining smol IRyS spin dashing like Sanic is cute. Now days, her attempts at rolling sound more like just curling up like a roly poly
5:49:55 Asking turtles to save her
5:50:49 Frog tangent. Anyone know what frog video she's talking about? Sounds cute when she copies them
6:51:32 Prehistoric IRyS lived without wifi. 6:51:57 Funny Dadimpression
6:55:30 IRyS has been Mewing the entire time... Mew
6:55:48 Multiple rolling r's attempts. Sounds like a snake hissing
Another Rolling Rs sound effect obtained
Awesome stream today, IRyS, I would watch dozens of more just like this if you were to continue grinding out some MonHun on stream. Btw, did you know there's other ways of boosting your health besides eating at the canteen or camp? You can use a Max Potion to get +50 boost (doesn't stack with food) or an Ancient Potion that maxes your health AND stamina. Those two are perfect for using after you cart and can't re-up your food buffs. Also, Nutrients and Mega Nutrients increase your max health to a smaller amount. You're doing great, I always like watching you play.
1:35:56 IRyS was so immersed that she tilted her head upwards IRL to face up to the Anjanath! That's great! It's so cool that you're on that level of enjoying the game.
IRyS and her "one more game" shenanigans never gets old
IRyS saying that she tried to Sonic roll irl a few years ago is the cutest thing I've heard in a while. That's great hahaha
I know you're a busy person, but if you wanna look like Celty from DuRaRaRa! Wear the Great Girros armor and the Radobaan helmet, it has good Thunder protection for when you wanna fight Fauna later on, and you get to look cool while doing it.
Nice, good to see more people getting into monster hunter.
switch axe tip: Sword or axe mode can be charged/powered up to increase the damage of each hit for a while.
charging sword : land sword hits, circle combo gives the best boost to the charge meter. Eventually it will start causing extra explosions with each cut.
charging axe : Do heavy slam combo. press circle three times at least, then press triangle for a unique combo. Then axe glows and does more damage, part break and stagger. This combo just has to be executed once. Even if you miss and hit air, axe mode powers up.
You can do the big slam with just one circle, just don't press triangle until after your character flashes red. Once you get used to the timing it's completely natural, and you don't have to look at your character at all. You can skip two whole swings this way.
@@krpajda what you said got me very interested, until I tested it. Its true that its less presses, but its not actually faster. A single press of circle will do 2 slams. Its not faster than pressing circle twice, you get animation locked in. Then when you time this glow and press triangle, before he does heavy slam, the character does the third circle, then the heavy slam. Its the same thing. Its interesting that its less presses, but tested damage doesnt seem to change. I think its a thing in rise where you can skip 1 circle for heavy slam during certain axe combos. Doesnt seem to be a thing in world.
If you press circle again after the red flash it will do an extra swing or two before the slam. If you press all 3 of them and then triangle before the red flash it won't slam
@@krpajda What you've shown is a 5 hit heavy slam right? 6 if we insert draw attack. Standard fastest possible is the same. Its 5 hits. I tested some more, I think its the same because Im not actually counting my circle presses. Im counting the hits while I mash circle. The hunter does extra hits( the missing wild swings) with the 2 press method you've shown, then ends with the usual heavy slam. It still ends up with 5 hits, he doesnt skip anything. If you mash till hunter lands three blows, then triangle, it ends up as 5 still.
@@krpajda im inclined to think that its prob better, 10% faster, maybe it recovers sword mode a little better? Because its a unique input, and a more difficult one for the combo. So far, I cant see anything.
Good hunts Hime! You've learned how to capture monsters, slowly picking up monster patterns, and have been slowly improving your SwAxe skills (those 20 carts offstream must've really helped too).
A 7hr long stream, playing beforehand, and dreaming about Monster Hunter... yeah, the MonHun addiction has spread
Also, as a fellow fashion hunter. Definitely, don't overgrind Low Rank because some of the later sets even in midgame are really cute or cool looking and you start unlocking the layered armor feature too. So try to prioritize more defense and hp or skills that give bonuses towards to attack early on. You might look like a clown but mixed sets are the way that early
Anyways, enjoy your sandwich and hype for the eventual more MonHun and all the LC collabs too!
Loved the running joke of beating the monster way before it appeared in the main story, then having to pretend it's the first time running into it
Was also nice seeing you try bowguns for a bit, I was an old Light Bowgun main in my last run! Tip: both bowguns can be modified at the Workshop, and Heavy BG can equip a shield. Just remember to by ammo after a mission!(it's dirt cheap)
Most adorable monster hunter
"Aim to vibrate" *moan*
Hirys, it's yabairys!
BAU BAUは今のところ早寝早起きしてるみたいだけど。
HimeRyS and PONRyS and BlindRyS my beloved ones
Great progress today IRyS, I'm glad you enjoy MonHun so much in just a very short span of time. Most people took so long to get into MH and it took me years even though I'm playing MonHun for 10+ years at this point
And you're improving as a hunter at a good pace!
One thing I'm glad to see is that you don't beat yourself up too much for carting, it's a good thing because carting will teach you what kind of mistake you did in the hunt so you can avoid it later on!
Sometimes you even punch above your weight class too, and you come off victorious despite being under geared is impressive. So no, you definitely don't have skill issue at all. Just simply the case of diamond in the rough that's honing herself against the new monsters!
MHW has claim another victim, this -game- series is crazy addictive.
Seeing you get absorbed into this game reminds me of when I used to play. Exploring new areas, gathering, upgrading gear, hunting new monsters, and facing challenges... I really loved the game back then. It makes me happy to see you seem to feel the same, especially how you keep challenging monsters multiple times while enjoying the game. There will be even tougher monsters ahead, but I'm eager to see you take on those challenges like today. Anyway, thanks for the long stream today. Personally, I'm a bit worried about your sleep schedule, so I hope you get a good rest tonight
Nice to see you get absorbed by the gameplay of this game. Good work on the game. Thanks for the stream, IRyS.
The time for ore no ina is close
Great Hunt! I'm glad you're enjoying MHW!
PON-kichi scene
Another successful hunt. Nice work today. Remember, time getting knocked down or having to heal is time not DPSing. The stun and damage animations really penalize face tanking (as you may realize). P.S- The Health Booster unlocked after Zorah Magdoros.
The longer the MonHun stream, the better
I could watch this all day, just as much as you could play this all day. There's something about this game that's just addicting, even just watching it
Thanks for more MHW! Hunting cannot be stoppable!!! It was impressive that you hunted Anjanath very smoothly! You can be the good hunter! See you TOMORROW!
Some nice lore about IRyS having a magic wand and mana today .
That was really fun IRyS, especially seeing you improve and doing things your own way, sometimes we get stuck in our own ways of playing so seeing a different playstyle is really interesting. Don't worry too much about playing it efficiently or using the meta builds, just have fun with it, its far to easy to get burnt out trying to get max builds/damage/etc. I hope you're also able to play with jp senpai's, and thanks to you, lots of EN's got interested in playing, thanks again for the fun stream
Got me smiling too hard IRyS it's way too much fun watching you successfully hunt and body these monsters
Hoping you get Iceborne soon! It adds the clutch claw, which let's you grapple to the monster and use the switch axe's new move "Zero Sum Discharge". The explosions that come from it are nearly unparalleled
Thank you for streaming today :)... I had a very busy morning and it was leaving me in a bad mood but when I came back home and managed to listen to you again live, it made me feel so much better!
There are clear signs you're improving with the game, it takes time and many hours but you're already getting there dear nephilim (at least you're doing much better than when I started!). Honestly I think you're quite a good gamer in general I don't really believe it when people say skill issue on chat but I think it's more of a joke on that point :D!
I'm glad you're enjoying the grind with the monsters and now I wanna restart the game as well and learn a new weapon during the next days lol. It's just so fun and engaging watching you that people just wanna play Monster Hunter World all over again.
By the way when you'll buy the expansion of Iceborne keep in mind that it will be added the Clutch Claw with the tutorial, that item is "vital" to make openings with the monsters where you can hit them hard or weaken their parts (for example you can "soften" hard parts of the monsters and do orange damage on them or push the monsters to collide against others or walls and being knocked down).
Sorry that I'm so weak to your personality! XD I honestly keep liking you more just for being this chill and cheerful even when feeling low with your mana. I think it's a very underrated trait or not common. Keep being awesome, I love the way you are!
And thank you for inspiring me everyday, no matter how bad my day goes you just have this superpower of removing all of the negativity from me and making me feel better in general!
When playing the game for longer than you sleep is still not enough, what do you do? You play it in your dreams!
It's nice to see that you've been having so much fun with the game And as if all this monster hunting is not enough, we're getting an LC collab tomorrow, AND another one later this month?
Long stream otsukaRyS
Thanks for the fun stream! You made some nice progress today. And I'm glad to see you've ben enjoying the game! And even dreaming about it XD
You joked about proper backseating so throw some hopefully helpful info here. Though you definitely don't need any backseating when it comes to Switch Axe.
Since you're always carrying Honey, you can use it to craft better potions with the free ones you get at the start of Quests. Definitely do all of the quests given to you by the NPC's since it'll unlock additional or expanded features. The Harvest Box is great for getting more items for Potions, Shock Traps, Flash Pods, and other useful items you haven't needed yet. And definitely keep up with better Defense for your armor, don't worry about the Armor Spheres, you'll get much better ones later on.
Oh yay you now already a Pro Hunter in my eyes! You have almost all the important knowledges in MHW and you have improved so much on hunter-skill today! Gotta catch up the vod for seeing your cool moments, and good progress and good job IRyS! Can't wait to see you destroying more cool and strong monsters, and even having fun with holomems!! Thank you for the long stream and Otsu! See you tomorrow night LC collab Hope your mana debuff recover soon. Have a nice meal and rest. Take care.
Thank you for the stream!
Nice hunts
Beautiful Thank You Love You IRyS
4:52:24 IRyS...
I thought she was just practicing at first, lmao
See you tomorrow with the collab IRyS
Thanks for the long stream IRyS! It's really fun watching you play Monster Hunter!
Thank you for today's awesome Monster Hunter World stream taking down that Attack on Titan and congratulations for the first(?) capture, Hime-sama IRyS!
And also cutest Poogie ever of all time!
Damn, i missed her stream. She atreams when have to go to bed for work.
You did great, IRyS! You're not doing too badly as a newbie!
I wouldn't worry too much about grinding for armor. You're currently still in Low Rank, and you get High Rank armor later that are much better. Just pick an armor currently you like, stick to it by upgrading it, and then continue on the story to get to High Rank where you can truly start grinding!
Lady IRYS Thank you for the perfect live broadcast. Your live broadcast is really nice and high quality. I'm so happy to be a subscriber to a cute girl like you. I'll always support you. The reason I love you is because you are a sweet girl and the effort you put into your videos makes me love you even more.⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
Always love seeing you get so into a new game it makes it really fun to watch! Excited for the lethal company collab!
thanks for the stream as always IRyS. For a monster hunting/capturing/egg-stealing stream, it's oddly comfy
I started playing Monhun the other day too and watching you having so much really makes me want to drop work and go hunt for hours on end like you did but sadly work is work
See you tomorrow at LC collab, can't wait to see the new update and the hilarious deaths that will come out of it
I went to bed early and woke up in time to see the last minutes of the stream, all according to keikaku
Wow 7 hours, I'm glad you're enjoying the game. Collecting body parts from exotic monsters it must have been a good hunt, I'll catch up with the VoD later.
It's also impressive how you can endure so long with just drinks and candies while being low on mana, you must be used to it but for me you're built different lol it worries me a bit though, I hope it's not too bad for your health Otsu and have a good rest (and good food!), gracias por el stream
6:56:02 cute xD wish I could teach you how, it's hard to explain, it's like making bubbles with the tip of the tongue, making the tongue vibrate isn't easy huh
Thank you for the long MHW stream!! This game is so addictive I could see you play for even longer and I'm enjoying watching it! You having so much fun is definitely contagious! And I love the comfy chatting we get from it! Also very nice to see you improve at it and hunt lots of monsters! Maybe get cart'ed a lot too Really good job today HimeRyS!
Looking forward to the LC collab tomorrow! Hope you rest well IRyS!
I really never thought you'll be hook in the best game and my most gameplay of all time. I'm so excited for you to meet more cool monster and experience and see cool armors here and there!!
Can't wait to see you tomorrow for the LC collab!!
Otsu and thank you so much for the long stream! Good job hunting today and made some progress in main story! I agree that keep proceeding in main story is more important than grinding lower rank monsters and materials as you would change better gears very soon with higher ranks materials. No need to worry about gears crafting unless you feel hard to clear the main story quests~ And yea inventory loadout helps a lot for your pocket management, it's like save and load function for your inventory so you always just bringing necessary items for quests by loading the set before quests Enjoy your sandwich and have a good rest later IRyS~ take care
This game is probably more addictive than elden ring because you have bait teammates, and the dragon won't restore to full hp and and you have to fight again if you die, just don't die 4 timesYou're already pretty good at the game , you just need to learn more about the items and the dragon's movements, and you'll be full control of the game
Nice hunting today IRyS and great progress too I'm really glad you're enjoying MHW its been a lot of fun watching also make me want to buy the game again and restart thank you for the stream
Thank you for the fun stream, IRyS! You did a great job today! Have a nice rest and take care! Otsu
Thanks for the stream IRyS!
We called it a day like 4 times today It's really nice when IRyS finds a game she really enjoys and we get a lot of long comfy streams like this
Glad to see you having fun playing monster hunter, but I didn't expect it to even show up in your dreams.
Heck, this stream was even longer than the last mon hun stream, so this might become your longest gaming series too.
Thanks for another MHW stream! As some people said, we suggest you not grind too much at your current progress since there will be much to grind at later part. Hope you keep the motivation and enjoy the game till then
MHW stream was really fun