Miryang means a lot to me because I was born in Miryang. "Da Do or Cha Do" has begun with the foundation of Gaya Kingdom at the wedding of King Suro of Gaya kingdom and the princess Hur of Ayodhya kingdom. The wedding was ministered by Judas Thomas, a twin brother of Jesus. It was AD 48. Ayodhya kingdom was famous for tea cultivation and export by the sea. However, Thomas came to Gaya AD 41because there were many Jewish communities among which Cheongdo was the centre of trade for silk. King Suro and Queen Hur were Jewish but baptized as Christians by Thomas.
밀양 최고 명물은 성폭행범 일당이 경찰서에 근무하는 풍경이죠
밀량영남루구경했음 정말웅장한건물로감탄햇어요ᆢ
별은 다 희색이네요, 달도 흰색이고,
밀양은 아니지않나
Miryang means a lot to me because I was born in Miryang.
"Da Do or Cha Do" has begun with the foundation of Gaya Kingdom at the wedding of King Suro of Gaya kingdom and the princess Hur of Ayodhya kingdom. The wedding was ministered by Judas Thomas, a twin brother of Jesus. It was AD 48. Ayodhya kingdom was famous for tea cultivation and export by the sea. However, Thomas came to Gaya AD 41because there were many Jewish communities among which Cheongdo was the centre of trade for silk. King Suro and Queen Hur were Jewish but baptized as Christians by Thomas.
언제 보아도, 품격있고 운치있는 영남루.
역시, 밀양 최고의 관광명소인것 같습니다.
밀양 구석구석 살펴보다 무슨짓 당할지도 몰라
강간 특례시
일부 애들때문에 선입견갖지말고 있는 그대로 좀 봐라....밀양 구석구석 다녀보면 참 좋은 곳이다
60퍼센트가 일부? 😂😂
왜 신안엔 이딴 실드 댓글 안올라올까. 밀양은 신안과 달리 댓글부대를 운용하나?
역시 속이 음침해서 믿을 수가 없음
경상도 시민들, 충청도 윤석열, 경상도가 대한민국 주도권을 잡는 이유가 있습니다.
별은 다 희색이네요, 달도 흰색이고,
경상도 시민들, 충청도 윤석열, 경상도가 대한민국 주도권을 잡는 이유가 있습니다.
경상도 시민들, 충청도 윤석열, 경상도가 대한민국 주도권을 잡는 이유가 있습니다.