Wishing Monster Hunter would allow us to Transmog certain armors to other armors, some look so pretty but have shit stats, some look so boring but have good stats.
so many awesome sets...I can't decide which one to do for a convention next year. Even then, when I do decide, I don't even know where to begin! Everything's so detailed and intricate! XD
Nice to see the sets on both guys and girls. Now the hard part is choosing which gender to play as. Certain armor sets looks good on one and others look really awkward and tanky.
I don't really like how the Zinogre X/Z blademaster looks. I think the head ruins it for me... If they changed both the blademaster and the gunner sets around or just change the helmet, that would be great but, hey. Just got to get used to it I guess.
I'm been upset about the G rank armor of Zinogre... I keep HR armor one in the entire G-Rank without dying. Because that's my fave armor in the whole game
It's nice to know that Monster hunter 4 actually has good looking female and gunner armors now. A lot of the time they look really stupid. I'm actually jealous of some gunner armors.
I'm worried that it is only high rank... The later rebellion sets look completely different for some reason, which is what the GS user in the demo is wearing, right?
Da sind einige echt tolle Rüstungen dabei. Das Aussehen zählt für mich zwar letztlich nur geringfügig, da ich eh einen weiblichen Char nehme und Mischrüstungen verwende, aber die scheinen, mit den richtigen Skillpoints auf coolen Teilen, dieses Mal wirklich Potential zu haben.
lotsa sets good good, now for MH to be perfect, the next MH game should have every armor set, weapon and monster from Gen 1-4 and no longer be Nintendo exclusive so more people can buy it without needing to fork out a couple hundred $ for a game system
hahahaha just joking, but if it isnt exclusive for nintendo much more people would buy but for other consoles and probably leaving Nintendo in a dificulty situation as if it isnt on it now
It's a business. The 3DS sold best in Japan and in the west. I wish they added every monster but there needs to be a balance. There would be no point in making that many available because each armor is different. If they had lots of starter monsters people would go for the best and people would ignore the other armors and that's just a waste of memory?
You can trade set materials from different monsters to get other monster parts. So you can craft other armor and weapons. As an example, and Zinogre Jasper for a Lagiacrus Sapphire.
MH Online added a feature so you can make the helmet invisible. :'v It's also sad in 4U, since I really wanted my female hunter to wear the badass helmet of the Damascus Set B relic, but it ended up being just for the male. :c
Absolutely not especially considering charms, excavated stuff etc. Not even the item box space is sufficient despite being expanded to 14 pages or so...
With MH4U coming to the west soon, I'm conflicted. Would you recommend playing a male or female this time around? I usually play female but the new male sets looks great, plus males get the damn varia suit crossover that I want so badly
RakensenFlame Truly, I have been suffering from the same dilemma. I like the combination of elegance, finesse, and strength that the female armor sets usually invoke, and I usually play a female for Monster Hunter, but GEEZ some of the male armor sets look downright baller this game. I think I'll stick with playing the female since there's more than enough that I like to keep me satisfied, but I'm going to be seriously jealous of some of my friend's male armor sets.
Coole sache, freu mich schon sau auf das Game. Es soll ja auch noch eine Demo für alle kommen da freue ich mich auch drauf ;) Was ich dich noch fragen wollte, wird es noch ein paar Tutorial videos von dir geben zu MH4U und wird es auch noch ein Rüstungs Video geben, wo man die männlichen Rüssis sehen wird so wie hier? Ich würde mich auf jedenfall sehr freuen und wie immer gute Arbeit. MFG Shamoon
Vielen Dank für die Rüssis sind einige sehr schöne dabei, leider finde ich einige Rüstungen im Low bzw. High Rank schöner als die im G Rank. Beispielsweise die Kirin Rüstung und die Uragaan Rüstung ist in High Rank cooler. Und endlich haben sie mal diesen blöden Helm bei der G Rang Silberlos Rüssi geändert :D Ich bin mit der Silberlosrüssi immer mit dem Schützenhelm rumgelaufen weil der mehr nach einem Klingenmeisterhelm aussah ^^ Edit: Was mir gerade auffiel kann es sein das bei der Zinogre Rüssi die Low, High und die G Rank alle unterschiedlich aussehen?
I have high ranked armour because some random girl took some people and i into a custom quest and gave us max money and armour. now everytime i go into mutiplayer people think i cheated or used custom quest e.e
Nia Nelson lol, you wouldnt have the High Rank armour if you didn't take the materials from the Hacked quest and made the armor. You know what you were doing.
Hmm... I like the more thinner and "softer" looking Armors that the Female Gender provide... I play as a Male though, but I kinda like the female armors more
Endlich, ich hab so auf das Video gewartet *-* Ich stell die Frage jetzt noch mal unter diesem Video. Also ich habe unter bisher 2 anderen Videos nachgefragt, ob Leute lust hätten bei Release mitzuzocken. Einige habe sich schon gemeldet, ich würde dann alle bei Release anschreiben und dann wird gejagt ;) Wenn ihr Interesse habt, dann antwortet einfach hierauf! Auf eine gute Jagd ;)
Nachdem ich in Tri und 3U männliche Charaktere gespielt habe, will ich in 4U mal einen weiblichen ausprobieren, deshalb interessiert mich das Video besonders. Die Nerscylla X und Z Blademaster Rüstungen sehen ja mal richtig nice aus (erinnert mich an die Ingrid-Roboter aus der Serie Candidate for Goddess, wenn das noch jemandem was sagt, lief früher immer auf Viva). Khezu X und Z sind Häschen-Pyjamas, auch gut, und Plesioth Z ist so mit die hässlichste Rüstung, die ich je gesehen habe.
Soo. Ich hab da mal ne Frage, weil es gerade um Rüstungen und speziell die von weiblichen Charakteren geht. In MH3U war es von Vorteil (hab ich gelesen) einen weiblichen Charakter zu wählen, weil da die Skill Punkte besser waren und man dadurch auch bessere Mix-Sets erstellen konnte. Ist das in MH4U wieder der Fall?
IMO....I really hate what they did with Zinogre X/Z armor......I hate that helmet SO much. >:( Thank you for making this. Will look at the male armors next. :D
All I've got to say is well done, even if it was a collaboration the amount of farming needed for all that armor would have driven me insane in other words DAYUM!
Quick question for anyone to answer. Can you upgrade your armor to the next rank? Like I made a Low-Rank Zinogre Armor and I'm currently thinking of farming Zinogre for its High-Rank Armor. I'm just wondering if I'm just wasting time farming parts for High-Rank when I can just upgrade the Low-Rank armor.
You gota hunt it. Unfortunately low-Rank will stay low-rank. You can use Armor Sphere's to increase its level, which will increase its defense, but that's about it. In the end game, Low-Rank won't compare to a High Rank at all. So if you're after high-Rank armor, gota hunt the high-rank monsters.
Was ist mit der Mosgharl X ? Warum gibts die bei mir nicht und in dem Video auch nicht :O es gibt die Rüstung doch auch im Low Rank, wieso nicht im G Rank?
Könntest du das evtl. Auch mit einzelnen waffen klassen machen Sprich Video 1 : SNS Video 2 : DS Video 3 : GS Und so weiter so das man zumindest die erste stufe aller waffen sieht ..
MHVuze hey by any chance will we see any videos on the damascus relic armor? i watched the video over a few times and didnt see it. and i know the male one is looming around the web yet no female saddly.. such beautiful armor
I play the NajaralaS Armor. It had good Stats and looks amazing. Im in K-Mission 9, but near the End and make recently the Guild Quests and I am on Lv 5. Im a Dualbladeuser. I wonder whats the next best Armor is. My Armor is good, but the Enemys got more and more Brutal and yes I know, Leveling isnt the Answer, I wouldnt be so fare, If I thought so, but whats the next best Armor? Around 70 Basepower would be perfect, because my Armor whit full Leveling is 76.
X sind die normalen G-Rank-Versionen während man für die EX-Varianten die entsprechenden Tickets aus Event-Quests braucht. Einige davon sind HR, andere GRank, haben andere Skillpunkte als die normalen Varianten etc.
I cannot find any info on the Sororal armor. Do you know its skills and what monster it comes from by chance? I would assume it is a new monster because apparently it's a new armor to the series completely.
So I'm like pretty new to the franchise, and I'm planning to get MH4U tomorrow. Is there like a suggested order of armor sets - in terms of stats and such - I should go through, or is the unwritten aim of the game to work through all of them?
There certainly are some recommended armors for each stage until you reach endgame where you can basically go wild due to all the armor pieces you have access too. Aim for the Tetsucabra or Jaggi armor for early on, I think those will last you a bit. I'm sure you'll find more elaborate answers and suggestions on reddit, neogaf etc. - whichever site you prefer, there are always a lot of helpful people around in the MH community :)
MHVuze Thanks! I'll make sure to ask around whenever I get stuck. But from what I've read, Tetsucabra is best for LR and Jaggi for HR? Although, I'm not sure about this whole Rank system to be fair, lmao. But how long, generally, would it take to reach endgame?
God Tier Depends. I'd say about 150h if you take it slow and farm for a decent amount of weapons and four or five armor sets or so. Obviously you can rush through it but I certainly would not recommened this to a newcomer of the series since you'll get owned in the endgame no matter your equip if you didn't understand the game mechanics.
God Tier First of all, there's no best armor set, it's all very situational. What I would suggest is determine what weapon you like using the most and then just focus on making armor that will benefit that weapon. For example, if you use Charged Blade, armor that gives FastCharge and KO would be nice. Insect Glaives, armor that gives mounting and general blade skills would be good. For me, I m a gunlance user, so I made an armor set that gives guard, guard up, constitution, and guts etc. I would suggest focusing on making 1 type of weapon first too, as progressing through multiple weapons' upgrade trees cost way more time and material. However, if you don't really care about hunting ability and just want the armor that looks cool to you, then just play at your own pace and make whatever combination of armor/weapon you want.
armor set tbh depends on your weapon. I use adamance rn, which gives me Critical Draw, which is one of the most useful skills you can have on a greatsword. this is good for me since i main greatsword. If you want to play sns you might want wide range, if you're thinking of playing like a "tank" give a set that gives -10 to sense, etc, etc. However i think the best way to play the game is just to make the armor that looks the coolest like i
Seriously? I was looking forwad so much to the Silver Solmail. UUUUGH. I just wanted to have a regular set that I like for once. Guess I gotta do mixed but damn. Feel like I wasted 2 hours getting these mats.
You know more about MH4 then me and i can't find the answer that i am looking for " How do i get the skill/passive Awakening '' The one that makes the passive like burning active on your weapons, what do i need to get this on .... Where can i find the Awakening that i am looking for ? Please help me out.
Etwas dumme Frage (habe noch nie ein MH Spiel gespielt habe aber vor mir MH4U zu kaufen) warum gibt es zwei Versionen? Also bei jedem Set zeigst du zwei Bilder. Kommt es darauf an welche Waffe man trägt? Oder variieren die Stats auch?
Auf der linken Seite sind die Nahkämpfer-Rüstungen, auf der rechten die für Fernkämpfer. Generell haben Fernkampfrüstungen nur ca. halb so viel Verteidigung und meistens andere Skills.
I'm kinda new to MH4U(just MH in general) But I've made the Kaiser Crown X, and I think it looks horrid. I don't think I saw it on the vid(or I missed, sry, lotta armors) but it looks like it has Cinderella's evil stepmother's hair. XP
Adamance / Epoch 3:04
Adamance Arch 9:20
Agnaktor 8:28
Agnaktor X 14:17
Akantor 9:28
Akantor X 17:21
Alloy 0:40
Alloy S 5:25
Artian 3:45
Artian S 7:24
Artian X 16:21
Arzuros 2:08
Barioth 7:13
Barioth X 14:13
Barroth 2:16
Barroth X 14:00
Basarios 2:04
Basarios S 6:53
Basarios U 8:17
Basarios X 13:49
Basarios Z 13:53
Battle 2:33
Black Belt 8:52
Blango 7:04
Blue Star 10:57
Bnahabra 0:48
Bnahabra S 3:52
Bnahabra X 11:56
Bone 0:36
Bone S 5:20
Borealis 3:40
Bouya 11:09
Brachydios 3:00
Brachydios S 8:08
Brachydios X 15:37
Brachydium 17:37
Butterfly 7:20
Butterfly X 14:29
Captain J 11:00
Ceanataur 2:24
Cephalos 4:44
Cephalos X 12:12
Chain 0:28
Chain S 5:13
Chakra 7:28
Chrome Metal 5:28
Conga 1:24
Conga S 4:28
Conga U 5:56
Conga X 12:29
Conga Z 12:33
Derring 0:24
Derring S 5:09
Diablos 3:36
Diablos X 15:29
Diablos Z 15:33
Divine Ire 9:09
Dober 8:33
Dragon 9:48
Dragon X 18:53
Duramboros 3:28
Duramboros X 16:13
Empress 10:12
Empress X 18:01
Escadora 10:24
Esurient 9:40
Esurient Z 17:29
EX Artian 11:40
EX Borealis 18:09
EX Escadora 18:21
EX Gore 11:45
EX Ingot 11:36
EX Kaiser 10:40
EX Kirin U 11:32
EX Kushala 10:36
EX Rathalos 10:32
EX Rathian 10:28
EX Rebellion 11:48
EX Tigrex 10:45
Excello 9:45
Excello Z 17:33
Fatalis Crimson 9:53
Garuga 3:12
Garuga S 6:56
Garuga X 15:49
Genprey 1:08
Genprey S 4:12
Gobul 7:08
Gobul X 14:04
Gogmazios 17:13
Golden 9:05
Golden Lune 9:36
Golden Lune Z 18:41
Gore 2:36
Gore S 7:33
Gore X 16:01
Grand Adamance 17:09
Grand Divine Ire 16:49
Grand God 16:45
Grand Hyuga 17:57
Grand Mizuha 17:05
Grand Yaksha 17:53
Gravios 2:56
Gravios S 6:44
Gravios U 8:05
Gravios X 15:21
Gravios Z 15:25
GX Esurient 19:04
GX Fatalis C. 19:13
GX Hunter 19:01
GX Tempest 19:09
Gypceros 1:28
Gypceros S 6:00
Gypceros U 7:40
Gypceros X 12:36
Gypceros Z 12:41
Helper 5:44
Helper X 14:37
Helper Z 16:33
Hermitaur 4:52
Hermitaur X 12:45
Hermitaur Z 12:49
Hero 11:25
High Metal 2:29
High Metal S 5:52
Hunter 0:32
Hunter S 5:16
Hyuga 10:48
Indra 10:04
Ingot 3:49
Inversed 11:28
Ioprey 1:12
Ioprey Costume 7:17
Ioprey S 4:17
Ioprey X 12:08
Jaggi 1:04
Jaggi S 4:09
Kaiser 9:17
Kaiser X 17:01
Kecha Wacha 1:20
Kecha Wacha S 4:24
Kecha X 12:20
Kecha Z 12:25
Khezu 1:48
Khezu S 6:21
Khezu U 7:44
Khezu X 13:21
Khezu Z 13:25
King 18:33
Kirin 3:16
Kirin S 8:20
Kirin U 9:57
Kirin X 17:45
Kirin Z 17:49
Kita Star 14:25
Kujula 16:57
Kushala 9:13
Kushala X 16:53
Kut-ku 2:00
Kut-ku S 4:36
Kut-ku U 6:49
Kut-ku X 13:41
Kut-ku Z 13:45
Lagiacrus 8:25
Lagiacrus X 16:08
Lagombi 1:16
Lagombi S 4:21
Lagombi X 12:17
Lava 3:32
Lava X 16:17
Leather 0:21
Leather S 5:04
Lecturer 8:37
Lecturer X 16:25
Legend J 11:05
Lobster 5:41
Loc Lac 0:44
Ludroth 2:12
Maiden 8:41
Maiden X 16:37
Miralis 18:17
Mizuha 10:17
Monoblos S 7:01
Monoblos X 15:53
Monodevil 15:57
Mosgharl 5:32
Najarala 1:44
Najarala S 6:17
Najarala X 13:13
Najarala Z 13:17
Nargacuga 3:21
Nargacuga X 16:05
Nephilim 15:45
Nerscylla 1:36
Nerscylla S 6:08
Nerscylla X 13:00
Nerscylla Z 14:45
Nibelsnarf 2:20
Nibelsnarf X 14:09
Patissier 11:52
Plesioth 5:00
Plesioth Z 14:21
Qurupeco 4:56
Qurupeco X 13:57
Ranger 8:48
Rathalos 2:40
Rathalos S 6:29
Rathalos Soul 7:53
Rathalos Soul Z 14:53
Rathalos X 14:49
Rathian 1:52
Rathian Heart 7:49
Rathian Heart Z 13:33
Rathian S 6:25
Rathian X 13:29
Rebellion 9:25
Rebellion X 18:49
Rebellion Z 17:17
Remobra 1:00
Remobra S 4:05
Rhenoplos 0:56
Rhenoplos S 4:01
Rhenoplos X 12:04
Rhopessa 5:36
Rhopessa X 14:33
Sailor 8:56
Scholar 5:49
Selene 10:20
Selene X 18:05
Seltas 2:53
Seltas S 6:40
Seltas X 15:13
Seltas Z 15:17
Seregios S 7:37
Seregios X 14:40
Shinobi 10:52
Silver Sol 9:33
Silver Sol Z 18:45
Slagtoth 0:52
Slagtoth S 3:56
Slagtoth X 12:00
Sororal 16:29
Star Knight 18:25
Star Rook 11:18
Storge 3:08
Storge S 9:00
Storge X 16:40
Tempest 18:13
Tetsucabra 1:32
Tetsucabra S 6:04
Tetsucabra X 12:53
Tetsucabra Z 12:56
Tigrex 2:44
Tigrex S 6:32
Tigrex U 7:57
Tigrex X 14:57
Tigrex Z 15:01
Treasure King J 18:29
Ukanlos 10:01
Ukanlos X 17:25
Uniqlo 11:13
Uragaan 3:25
Vangis 8:13
Vangis X 15:41
Velociprey 1:56
Velociprey S 4:33
Velociprey X 13:37
Vespoid 4:40
Volvidon 4:49
White Fatalis 18:57
Wroth 17:41
Yaksha 10:09
Yukumo 8:44
Zamtrios 1:40
Zamtrios S 6:13
Zamtrios X 13:04
Zamtrios Z 13:09
Zero Suit 18:37
Zinogre 2:48
Zinogre S 6:37
Zinogre U 8:01
Zinogre X 15:05
Zinogre Z 15:09
Zodias 11:21
My hero.
God bless you.
In alphabetical order as well...?
You ser are my god damn hero... :')
They cross out the high-/g-rank versions of the Mosgharl-set am I right? :'(
I love you
18:46 this armor looks soooo damn good wth
Thanks for this! The armour designs are what make me decide on my character's gender.
Same, that's why i'm here
omg it's Deku! I loved watching your sheik vids for smash 4! Hope you're doing well
11:56 The start of the G-rank sets
15:57 finally, something online that shows what this armor set looks like.
Barioth X 14:12
Zinogre Z 15:08
Vangis X 15:41
Ukanlos X 17:24
Silver Sol Z 18:44
Rebellion X 18:49
White Fatalis 18:57
Wishing Monster Hunter would allow us to Transmog certain armors to other armors, some look so pretty but have shit stats, some look so boring but have good stats.
13 February, yes yes yes. Man, i'm so excited this game has finally came over.
my collection senses are tingling extremely hard right now MUST HAVE ALL G-RANK SETS.
Did u got it all?
Dude, thanks! This is a cool resource to see all the full sets. I didn't even know I wanted the Uragaan gunner set until now.
XerxesTexasToast lol
wait so someone actually obtained every armor set in the game?!?! Quite impressive indeed.
I can only imagine what some of the mixed armor sets are gonna look like.
so many awesome sets...I can't decide which one to do for a convention next year. Even then, when I do decide, I don't even know where to begin! Everything's so detailed and intricate! XD
which one did you end up doing? (9 years late lol)
es ist immer die schwerste entscheidung sich ein male oder female zu erstellen. Beide haben einfach coole rüstungen^^
18:37 this is why I will be a female hunter lol
Congalonga's back...
17:40 Yes !!!
can't wait to get my character some sick armor~
bring on the MONS
Naisu, darauf habe ich schon seitdem du es angekündigt hast gewartet. ^-^
Guess am having 2 save files.
good thing typical rpg female armor logic doesnt apply on MH.
where the armor gets smaller and smaller and more skin is shown as the game progresses.
The new G rank sets look great.
Nice to see the sets on both guys and girls. Now the hard part is choosing which gender to play as. Certain armor sets looks good on one and others look really awkward and tanky.
I don't really like how the Zinogre X/Z blademaster looks. I think the head ruins it for me... If they changed both the blademaster and the gunner sets around or just change the helmet, that would be great but, hey. Just got to get used to it I guess.
You can still wear gunner caps along with other blademaster pieces, however you lose out on defence points and it can mess you about with skills.
C'est un
The armor is based off the lightning god Raijin.
Zenthewolf64 Actually that snazzy short hair/mane is the only good part about that armor....
I'm been upset about the G rank armor of Zinogre... I keep HR armor one in the entire G-Rank without dying.
Because that's my fave armor in the whole game
It's nice to know that Monster hunter 4 actually has good looking female and gunner armors now. A lot of the time they look really stupid. I'm actually jealous of some gunner armors.
That's a butt load of armor sets. Going to take forever to get all of those.
Left: Blademaster
Right: Gunner
I've always love the asymmetric nature of Gunner armors, I actually wish BM sets would have them too lol.
At 11:50, the armor "EX Rebellion", what is it made of/how do you get it?
It looks so knightly and cool!
Its from dara amadyura the giant snake Dragon elder
Dera n0x I should have clarified, I meant where does the "EX" form come from?
Ex Is the armor you make with special event tickets
Dera n0x
Oh nifty, hopefully they actually release those tickets. The EX armors look pretty cool (and I like having the original styles for some).
I'm worried that it is only high rank...
The later rebellion sets look completely different for some reason, which is what the GS user in the demo is wearing, right?
Seregios X.... i wanna feel like a Gold Saint.....
The freakin G rank zin armor sets though damn
Is that the actual design of the Silver Sol Z armor at 18:44? Cuz the wiki shows a different design
Lagombi is still the best looking female set in the game ^^
Garuga - Sandstorm
My favorite armors, Diablos 3:36, Volvidon 4:48, Chrome Metal 5:28, Helper 5:46, Rathian 6:25, Zinogre II 8:01, Star Rook 11:16, Nerscylla X 13:01, Qurupeco X 13:58, Tigrex X 14:57, Brachydios X 15:36, Lagiacrus X 16:10, Sororal 16:29, Excello Z 17:33, Golden Lune Z 18:43
Da sind einige echt tolle Rüstungen dabei. Das Aussehen zählt für mich zwar letztlich nur geringfügig, da ich eh einen weiblichen Char nehme und Mischrüstungen verwende, aber die scheinen, mit den richtigen Skillpoints auf coolen Teilen, dieses Mal wirklich Potential zu haben.
That Storge X mask just screams dark god
Fitting for the Shagaru Magala
lotsa sets good good, now for MH to be perfect, the next MH game should have every armor set, weapon and monster from Gen 1-4 and no longer be Nintendo exclusive so more people can buy it without needing to fork out a couple hundred $ for a game system
Nintendo exclusives wins again XD
VitorPedro130 haha suck shit, you deserve to no be able to play with that attitude
Fat Metal Kid not you vitor, your cool.
hahahaha just joking, but if it isnt exclusive for nintendo much more people would buy but for other consoles and probably leaving Nintendo in a dificulty situation as if it isnt on it now
It's a business. The 3DS sold best in Japan and in the west. I wish they added every monster but there needs to be a balance. There would be no point in making that many available because each armor is different. If they had lots of starter monsters people would go for the best and people would ignore the other armors and that's just a waste of memory?
Guessing there is another Silver Los armor yet to come since the one depicted above does not look anything like the one they released today...
Mark Thompson My bad, mixed up the one in the video with a relic design. Will add an annotation.
Holy crap. More than half or what I've already encountered and it's only 3 minutes in of a 19 minute video.
That Chemeleos armor looks awesome
Wait i thought naruga and lunastra aren't in mh4u but both armor are in.
You can trade set materials from different monsters to get other monster parts. So you can craft other armor and weapons. As an example, and Zinogre Jasper for a Lagiacrus Sapphire.
The one on the right is gunner the one on the left is Blademaster
I can understand the desire to have the female armors look cute, but I think they should add more full plate with full helmets.
MH Online added a feature so you can make the helmet invisible. :'v It's also sad in 4U, since I really wanted my female hunter to wear the badass helmet of the Damascus Set B relic, but it ended up being just for the male. :c
I don't think 15 pages will be enough 0_o
Absolutely not especially considering charms, excavated stuff etc. Not even the item box space is sufficient despite being expanded to 14 pages or so...
With MH4U coming to the west soon, I'm conflicted. Would you recommend playing a male or female this time around? I usually play female but the new male sets looks great, plus males get the damn varia suit crossover that I want so badly
RakensenFlame Truly, I have been suffering from the same dilemma. I like the combination of elegance, finesse, and strength that the female armor sets usually invoke, and I usually play a female for Monster Hunter, but GEEZ some of the male armor sets look downright baller this game. I think I'll stick with playing the female since there's more than enough that I like to keep me satisfied, but I'm going to be seriously jealous of some of my friend's male armor sets.
0ctopusComp1etely Psssst. _Varia Suit._
***** Gah, the scales are tipping! I can't decide!
16:04 HA! Ich wusste dass es ein Nargacuga in MH4U geben wird x33
leider nicht, kannst nur monster teile ertauschen :(
Viral Zero w-was? das hat gerade mein leben zerstört D':
Rhopessa and Butterfly sets are the wrong way round. Funnily enough the one with the huge butterfly wings isn't the Butterfly set.
Coole sache, freu mich schon sau auf das Game.
Es soll ja auch noch eine Demo für alle kommen da freue ich mich auch drauf ;)
Was ich dich noch fragen wollte, wird es noch ein paar Tutorial videos von dir geben zu MH4U und wird es auch noch ein Rüstungs Video geben, wo man die männlichen Rüssis sehen wird so wie hier?
Ich würde mich auf jedenfall sehr freuen und wie immer gute Arbeit.
wow there are so many armor sets... time for 1000 hrs..
Ich hoffe, dass sie die Amatsu-Rüstung bei der EU Version behalten, die gefällt mir sehr gut.
love the music!
Yes, Rathalos 2:39
RIP Kirin X/Z
Vielen Dank für die Rüssis sind einige sehr schöne dabei, leider finde ich einige Rüstungen im Low bzw. High Rank schöner als die im G Rank. Beispielsweise die Kirin Rüstung und die Uragaan Rüstung ist in High Rank cooler.
Und endlich haben sie mal diesen blöden Helm bei der G Rang Silberlos Rüssi geändert :D
Ich bin mit der Silberlosrüssi immer mit dem Schützenhelm rumgelaufen weil der mehr nach einem Klingenmeisterhelm aussah ^^
Edit: Was mir gerade auffiel kann es sein das bei der Zinogre Rüssi die Low, High und die G Rank alle unterschiedlich aussehen?
10:55 lol shouldn't it say "Kunoiichi" (or however it is written) instead of "Shinobi" there? o.O
I have high ranked armour because some random girl took some people and i into a custom quest and gave us max money and armour. now everytime i go into mutiplayer people think i cheated or used custom quest e.e
Nia Nelson lol, you wouldnt have the High Rank armour if you didn't take the materials from the Hacked quest and made the armor. You know what you were doing.
Hmm... I like the more thinner and "softer" looking Armors that the Female Gender provide... I play as a Male though, but I kinda like the female armors more
Never realized how many armors :P
Anyone find it kind of funny that some sets don't get pants until they're a super high rank?
Looks like women have to earn pants. XD
Endlich, ich hab so auf das Video gewartet *-* Ich stell die Frage jetzt noch mal unter diesem Video. Also ich habe unter bisher 2 anderen Videos nachgefragt, ob Leute lust hätten bei Release mitzuzocken. Einige habe sich schon gemeldet, ich würde dann alle bei Release anschreiben und dann wird gejagt ;) Wenn ihr Interesse habt, dann antwortet einfach hierauf! Auf eine gute Jagd ;)
Ich würde auch mitkämpfen.
Wäre auch dabei melde mich dann aber nochmal an dieser stelle da das nich mei youtube acc ist ;)
Ja ich würde mit machen
bin natürlich auch dabei wenn noch platz ist einfach --> pm
Wäre auch gern dabei :-)
you have played this game for a long time, havent you?
Hey Vuze, weißt du wann die Demo in etwa rauskommt?
Nachdem ich in Tri und 3U männliche Charaktere gespielt habe, will ich in 4U mal einen weiblichen ausprobieren, deshalb interessiert mich das Video besonders. Die Nerscylla X und Z Blademaster Rüstungen sehen ja mal richtig nice aus (erinnert mich an die Ingrid-Roboter aus der Serie Candidate for Goddess, wenn das noch jemandem was sagt, lief früher immer auf Viva). Khezu X und Z sind Häschen-Pyjamas, auch gut, und Plesioth Z ist so mit die hässlichste Rüstung, die ich je gesehen habe.
Goddamnit, I really like the range designs better in most of the cases, but... Well.
Soo. Ich hab da mal ne Frage, weil es gerade um Rüstungen und speziell die von weiblichen Charakteren geht. In MH3U war es von Vorteil (hab ich gelesen) einen weiblichen Charakter zu wählen, weil da die Skill Punkte besser waren und man dadurch auch bessere Mix-Sets erstellen konnte. Ist das in MH4U wieder der Fall?
Das war in 3(U) nicht so und wird auch in 4(U) nicht so sein.
Nice video!
Any reason why Wroth Armor 17:41 is up for less than a second?
slightly frustrating it isn't at intervals of 5seconds but like 4 so i can't speed skip 5 second at a time to get a quick glance at all the sets
IMO....I really hate what they did with Zinogre X/Z armor......I hate that helmet SO much. >:(
Thank you for making this. Will look at the male armors next. :D
"In 4K!" Thanks for the list!
Why is it that most of the male sets look like the guy's put on at least a 100 pounds and the females look slim as fuck?
All I've got to say is well done, even if it was a collaboration the amount of farming needed for all that armor would have driven me insane in other words DAYUM!
The video quality is 1440p. Not bad for a bunch of pictures and music lol.
Quick question for anyone to answer. Can you upgrade your armor to the next rank?
Like I made a Low-Rank Zinogre Armor and I'm currently thinking of farming Zinogre for its High-Rank Armor. I'm just wondering if I'm just wasting time farming parts for High-Rank when I can just upgrade the Low-Rank armor.
You gota hunt it. Unfortunately low-Rank will stay low-rank.
You can use Armor Sphere's to increase its level, which will increase its defense, but that's about it. In the end game, Low-Rank won't compare to a High Rank at all. So if you're after high-Rank armor, gota hunt the high-rank monsters.
Was ist mit der Mosgharl X ? Warum gibts die bei mir nicht und in dem Video auch nicht :O es gibt die Rüstung doch auch im Low Rank, wieso nicht im G Rank?
LOL Gunner had pretties/cutest outfits. Guess as a fashionista hunter I am leaving hammer and returning to bow/hbg!
Renkel76 yeah... wish it can be switched around
Könntest du das evtl. Auch mit einzelnen waffen klassen machen
Video 1 : SNS
Video 2 : DS
Video 3 : GS
Und so weiter so das man zumindest die erste stufe aller waffen sieht ..
I like the gx fatalis set.. btw.. gold rank hunter here :)
nice ~~ its time !!!
hey by any chance will we see any videos on the damascus relic armor?
i watched the video over a few times and didnt see it. and i know the male one is looming around the web
yet no female saddly.. such beautiful armor
***** when i got to the site i get a 404 message/what looks like a spam site
I play the NajaralaS Armor. It had good Stats and looks amazing. Im in K-Mission 9, but near the End and make recently the Guild Quests and I am on Lv 5. Im a Dualbladeuser. I wonder whats the next best Armor is. My Armor is good, but the Enemys got more and more Brutal and yes I know, Leveling isnt the Answer, I wouldnt be so fare, If I thought so, but whats the next best Armor?
Around 70 Basepower would be perfect, because my Armor whit full Leveling is 76.
i just jizzed in my pants, G rank akantor armor, holy mother of god
did you actually have all these armor sets? and if so how did you get the GX tempest set??!?!?!?!!?
gibts die king rüstung auch in europa? wenn ja, wann wird sie freigeschaltet?
Wo ist der Unterschied zwischen "xxx X" Rüstungen und "EX xxx" Rüstungen?
Mit "xxx" meine ich einen beliebigen Rüstungsnamen.
X sind die normalen G-Rank-Versionen während man für die EX-Varianten die entsprechenden Tickets aus Event-Quests braucht. Einige davon sind HR, andere GRank, haben andere Skillpunkte als die normalen Varianten etc.
I cannot find any info on the Sororal armor. Do you know its skills and what monster it comes from by chance?
I would assume it is a new monster because apparently it's a new armor to the series completely.
so what do u need to craft it?
So I'm like pretty new to the franchise, and I'm planning to get MH4U tomorrow. Is there like a suggested order of armor sets - in terms of stats and such - I should go through, or is the unwritten aim of the game to work through all of them?
There certainly are some recommended armors for each stage until you reach endgame where you can basically go wild due to all the armor pieces you have access too. Aim for the Tetsucabra or Jaggi armor for early on, I think those will last you a bit. I'm sure you'll find more elaborate answers and suggestions on reddit, neogaf etc. - whichever site you prefer, there are always a lot of helpful people around in the MH community :)
MHVuze Thanks! I'll make sure to ask around whenever I get stuck. But from what I've read, Tetsucabra is best for LR and Jaggi for HR? Although, I'm not sure about this whole Rank system to be fair, lmao. But how long, generally, would it take to reach endgame?
God Tier Depends. I'd say about 150h if you take it slow and farm for a decent amount of weapons and four or five armor sets or so. Obviously you can rush through it but I certainly would not recommened this to a newcomer of the series since you'll get owned in the endgame no matter your equip if you didn't understand the game mechanics.
God Tier First of all, there's no best armor set, it's all very situational. What I would suggest is determine what weapon you like using the most and then just focus on making armor that will benefit that weapon. For example, if you use Charged Blade, armor that gives FastCharge and KO would be nice. Insect Glaives, armor that gives mounting and general blade skills would be good. For me, I m a gunlance user, so I made an armor set that gives guard, guard up, constitution, and guts etc. I would suggest focusing on making 1 type of weapon first too, as progressing through multiple weapons' upgrade trees cost way more time and material. However, if you don't really care about hunting ability and just want the armor that looks cool to you, then just play at your own pace and make whatever combination of armor/weapon you want.
armor set tbh depends on your weapon. I use adamance rn, which gives me Critical Draw, which is one of the most useful skills you can have on a greatsword. this is good for me since i main greatsword. If you want to play sns you might want wide range, if you're thinking of playing like a "tank" give a set that gives -10 to sense, etc, etc. However i think the best way to play the game is just to make the armor that looks the coolest like i
How do i unlock Barioth X armor??? wycoon have Barioth pelt+ but i cant craft anything with them. no available armor.. im G2 reply asap pls..
Seriously? I was looking forwad so much to the Silver Solmail. UUUUGH. I just wanted to have a regular set that I like for once. Guess I gotta do mixed but damn. Feel like I wasted 2 hours getting these mats.
Zamtrios X sieht echt nice aus
You know more about MH4 then me and i can't find the answer that i am looking for " How do i get the skill/passive Awakening '' The one that makes the passive like burning active on your weapons, what do i need to get this on .... Where can i find the Awakening that i am looking for ? Please help me out.
Look for the "Free Element" skillpoints on equipment. i.e. Kirin armor has it, there are also charms and decos for it.
Storge s is my fav can wai till i get that far into the game
Etwas dumme Frage (habe noch nie ein MH Spiel gespielt habe aber vor mir MH4U zu kaufen) warum gibt es zwei Versionen? Also bei jedem Set zeigst du zwei Bilder. Kommt es darauf an welche Waffe man trägt? Oder variieren die Stats auch?
Auf der linken Seite sind die Nahkämpfer-Rüstungen, auf der rechten die für Fernkämpfer.
Generell haben Fernkampfrüstungen nur ca. halb so viel Verteidigung und meistens andere Skills.
Is there a G-Rank version of the Mosgharl Armor?
I am interested in the blue armor from the video cover, which one is that?? o.o
The silver sol armor is different in the game
Can someone tell me whether to have Nerscylla armor or Zamtrios armor?
I'm kinda new to MH4U(just MH in general) But I've made the Kaiser Crown X, and I think it looks horrid. I don't think I saw it on the vid(or I missed, sry, lotta armors) but it looks like it has Cinderella's evil stepmother's hair. XP
Jessica S. how did u miss it? Just watch it again lol
There are a lotta armor sets and it got boring fast
sag mir lieber, dass 4U erst im April rauskommt, damit meine Abinoten nicht so in Gefahr sind
Ich bin aber ein schlechter Lügner :p
Viel Erfolg ^^/
also bitte, ob nun 31.März oder 1.April ;P macht nicht so wirklich nen unterschied oder? ;D
Trotzdem viel erfolg^^
February 13
i think ill go with a female char
the rajang armors look way too epic
I'm buying M4 but I have one question. Why are two females? and why some are the same but others look different?
Left image: Blademaster armor set, right image: Gunner armor set. If that's what you were talking about :)
Ohh thank you so much! So it depends on what class you choose! I see thank you!
left side is melee armor and the right side is ranged armor
Ohhh thanks!!!!