I got hired on the spot after manifesting the task associated with position 🥰🙌🏾 start Sunday on reset day and I’m so excited. This job is literally the girliest and chillest job ever (by the looks of it)
@@aaliyahmioko8049 Yay! That's amazing! Thank you for responding, I've been wanting to apply so I did yesterday, hopefully I will hear something back! :)
Heyy as a task manager do you have to do a full face for my interview/ everyday? I don't mind wearing mascara or concealer but is there a possibility I wouldn't get the job because of this?
I used to work at Ulta and I’ll tell you wearing makeup is definitely not a requirement. If anyone who works there tells you otherwise, I wouldn’t consider that store. It’s not written in any policies or employee expectations, and it was never a rule when I worked there. Hope this helps!
When you’re on the floor doing guest service you don’t necessarily ever do a “full” face makeup on customers! the most I ever did when I use to be a beauty advisor was color matching guests with foundations, concealers. A beauty advisor basically helps customers with recommendations if needed & answering questions, restock brands with merchandise, helping on the register, reaching the store sales & informing them of any promotions. And that’s greatt 💞 How did your interview go!
I lovee doing task, I think it’s a good place especially if you are an introvert person & don’t like dealing with customers or doing cashier. Task is mostly shifts during closed hours, early mornings too!
I’m pretty sure this is a task position. Beauty advisor is like register. Sometimes they put you on for “2 roles” per shift, it just depends on what they need, especially in season. I just applied for beauty advisor and had an interview
I got hired on the spot after manifesting the task associated with position 🥰🙌🏾 start Sunday on reset day and I’m so excited. This job is literally the girliest and chillest job ever (by the looks of it)
Hey girl! How did it go?
@@Khloudzy great I was hired on the spot and I love my shift! 💕
@@aaliyahmioko8049 Yay! That's amazing! Thank you for responding, I've been wanting to apply so I did yesterday, hopefully I will hear something back! :)
how was the interview process?
hey! did you have to wear a full face, Idont typically do a lot of makeup, just mascara.
Thanks for taking us along your work duties. As a customer we never get to see behind the seems on how our orders are processed. Very informative 😃👍
Could you talk about the interview process if you don’t mind , I have my first interview next Wednesday ☺️
Heyy as a task manager do you have to do a full face for my interview/ everyday? I don't mind wearing mascara or concealer but is there a possibility I wouldn't get the job because of this?
I used to work at Ulta and I’ll tell you wearing makeup is definitely not a requirement. If anyone who works there tells you otherwise, I wouldn’t consider that store. It’s not written in any policies or employee expectations, and it was never a rule when I worked there. Hope this helps!
Do the beauty advisor have to do makeup? I applied to it and got an interview but have no idea what an beauty advisor do..i dont want to do makeup tho
Same here
When you’re on the floor doing guest service you don’t necessarily ever do a “full” face makeup on customers! the most I ever did when I use to be a beauty advisor was color matching guests with foundations, concealers. A beauty advisor basically helps customers with recommendations if needed & answering questions, restock brands with merchandise, helping on the register, reaching the store sales & informing them of any promotions. And that’s greatt 💞 How did your interview go!
Thank you so much for this video! I'd like to apply, did you negotiate the payment? How was the interview/ training process? :)
I wanna work at Ulta when I turn 18! do you think it would be a good job as a task associate and do I ever have to be at the cashier ?
I lovee doing task, I think it’s a good place especially if you are an introvert person & don’t like dealing with customers or doing cashier. Task is mostly shifts during closed hours, early mornings too!
@@estela_cd so task and task associate are the same things right?
@@estela_cdokay well it will be my first job and I’m nervous 😭
I definitely wanted to know what this position is I need to know before I apply
I’m pretty sure this is a task position. Beauty advisor is like register. Sometimes they put you on for “2 roles” per shift, it just depends on what they need, especially in season. I just applied for beauty advisor and had an interview
@ I wana do task position I applied for that