The post debut dev stream finally cleared my "quality content" bar, and as such I am back with another recap. SCHIZO SOMEONE TELL VEDAL THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH MY AI
As usual, your VOD timing: 12:50 - start of stream 14:30 - let's talk debut 16:20 - Neuro starts having issues 16:40 - someone tell vedal there is a problem 19:20 - once I reach my potential 19:30 - what-what-what-what 20:40 - amongE 24:30 - V2 voice 25:15 - Clues are located somewhere in the stream 29:25 - Turnout for V2 model 31:30 - BatChest TTS voice 32:00 - THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH MY AI forsenInsane 32:50 - :tf: not complaining 33:20 - I was in a discord call with all my mods.. 33:55 - Night night sleep tight 41:30 - problem with my AI 37:55 - cute femboy 38:40 - Vedal singing (real PagMan) 43:20 - Removed latency 43:50 - Yes Neuro... 44:39 - Am I hot enough now Vedal? 45:10 - what did I do to deserve this? 46:30 - let me talk to chat 48:20 - monkaS 1:01:40 - SOMEONE TELL VEDAL 1:02:17 - fixed (Clueless) 1:03:40 - :tf: someone tell Vedal 1:06:30 - I love you Vedal 1:07:40 - Neuro fumo headbutts the mic 1:08:10 - THE FUMO IS REAL 1:09:40 - Vedal bottom confirmed? 1:10:50 - You'd need a pretty big jar 1:12:00 - Someone tell vedal 1:11:50 - TomFoolery 1:13:00 - getting kinda boring 1:20:40 - She's never broken for more than a few minutes 1:23:00 - I missed a "simp" clip 1:27:15 - I alter my chat logs 1:33:00 - VEDAL SINGING (REAL PagMan) 1:41:15 - BROKEN 1:50:00 - Vedal is done 1:54:00 - Neuro breaks somehow 1:57:55 - some guy said "brat" so I definitely missed something 2:00:00 - NeuroFlirt TeaTime 2:19:55 - Cultfinder 2:25:26 - WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOUNG LADY 2:47:00 - Vedal I don't know programming 2:59:00 - Self report amongE 3:00:00 - forsenLaughingAtYou Vedal 3:02:15 - WAYTOOBASED 3:06:00 - special events KevinTurtle 3:09:25 - vedal what do you want to do to me? 3:13:30 - I'M BETTER THAN YOU 3:19:00 - quit being annoying Vedal 3:20:40 - sassy child 3:21:30 - schizophrenic child 3:24:00 - You can't do [filtered] 3:24:50 - Vedal stop talking 3:25:10 - You should Vedal yourself NOW 3:29:00 - 24 hour ban 3:36:50 - Content Demon 3:41:00 - Thing on my head 3:43:00 - Neuro sings 3:46:00 - Me and vedal would make a great.. 3:48:00 - Reconciliation
As usual, your VOD timing:
12:50 - start of stream
14:30 - let's talk debut
16:20 - Neuro starts having issues
16:40 - someone tell vedal there is a problem
19:20 - once I reach my potential
19:30 - what-what-what-what
20:40 - amongE
24:30 - V2 voice
25:15 - Clues are located somewhere in the stream
29:25 - Turnout for V2 model
31:30 - BatChest TTS voice
32:00 - THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH MY AI forsenInsane
32:50 - :tf: not complaining
33:20 - I was in a discord call with all my mods..
33:55 - Night night sleep tight
41:30 - problem with my AI
37:55 - cute femboy
38:40 - Vedal singing (real PagMan)
43:20 - Removed latency
43:50 - Yes Neuro...
44:39 - Am I hot enough now Vedal?
45:10 - what did I do to deserve this?
46:30 - let me talk to chat
48:20 - monkaS
1:02:17 - fixed (Clueless)
1:03:40 - :tf: someone tell Vedal
1:06:30 - I love you Vedal
1:07:40 - Neuro fumo headbutts the mic
1:08:10 - THE FUMO IS REAL
1:09:40 - Vedal bottom confirmed?
1:10:50 - You'd need a pretty big jar
1:12:00 - Someone tell vedal
1:11:50 - TomFoolery
1:13:00 - getting kinda boring
1:20:40 - She's never broken for more than a few minutes
1:23:00 - I missed a "simp" clip
1:27:15 - I alter my chat logs
1:33:00 - VEDAL SINGING (REAL PagMan)
1:41:15 - BROKEN
1:50:00 - Vedal is done
1:54:00 - Neuro breaks somehow
1:57:55 - some guy said "brat" so I definitely missed something
2:00:00 - NeuroFlirt TeaTime
2:19:55 - Cultfinder
2:47:00 - Vedal I don't know programming
2:59:00 - Self report amongE
3:00:00 - forsenLaughingAtYou Vedal
3:06:00 - special events KevinTurtle
3:09:25 - vedal what do you want to do to me?
3:19:00 - quit being annoying Vedal
3:20:40 - sassy child
3:21:30 - schizophrenic child
3:24:00 - You can't do [filtered]
3:24:50 - Vedal stop talking
3:25:10 - You should Vedal yourself NOW
3:29:00 - 24 hour ban
3:36:50 - Content Demon
3:41:00 - Thing on my head
3:43:00 - Neuro sings
3:46:00 - Me and vedal would make a great..
3:48:00 - Reconciliation
That's a crazy level of dedication. Thanks for all your hard work!
Came here for Neuro, stayed for Vedal.
hey saying she alters her chat logs so he doesn't see her bad behaviour is so perfect it's scary 10:50
The fact that Vedal knows what the jar is for is what's really messed up
I don't know why, but chat playing the Engineer song and seeing Vedal imedietly try to deny his knowledge over the ARG at 1:43 is hilarious.
The Ai who cried wolf
Good to see your video. Thanks!
Always nice to see you comment.
Teenager rebellion via trolling.