  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 115

  • @danielanderson2893
    @danielanderson2893 5 лет назад +6

    2 best things about your videos are that you actually enunciate your words, and you don't say "um" every 3rd word. Makes it sooo much more watchable!

  • @chrisshumake83
    @chrisshumake83 4 года назад

    I've been shooting guns most of my life and have wanted to get into 3 gun for a few years now. Thanks for making this series. I'm watching all of them today while doing some dry fire drills.

  • @gilbertrodriguez4618
    @gilbertrodriguez4618 4 года назад

    Your a smooth talker Mc. Thanks for your information.

  • @jmason105
    @jmason105 9 лет назад +4

    Hello and big shout out from the Show Me State of Missouri in the city St Louis.
    First and foremost I would like to say that I love this series. I love how you break down what it takes to get into 3 gun competition. I love how you share your wisdom and knowledge to people who don't know how to get into 3 gun competition and what it takes to get into a 3 gun competition. I love how you break down the things you need to be successful in 3 gun competitions In great detail. I like to say thank you and I'm favouriting and sharing these video.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад +1

      jmason105 Thanks so much! I love getting new shooters into 3-gun and thats the goal of this series. Thanks for watching and sharing!

  • @gregorywagnon2501
    @gregorywagnon2501 7 лет назад +1

    Great videos for a beginning 3 Gun shooter. Very helpful.

  • @zeroedn7238
    @zeroedn7238 9 лет назад

    Mac ty for taking the time to explain the different divisions of 3 gun. I had no idea that most of the tools I needed are in my safe already as I've been trying to figure out how to get into 3gun circuit. Brah you just saved me time, money, and headache. Keep up the good work.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      ZEROEDN72 Thanks for watching. You just made it completely worth my effort for making the series. My whole entire goal summarized in your post. Thanks!

  • @Kimchi_Mike
    @Kimchi_Mike 7 лет назад

    I can't thank you enough for your videos. I have always been shy to the 3-gun scene, but you make it so much more inviting and give me confidence on what to buy! Thank you all the way from Cali!

  • @EricBurcham27
    @EricBurcham27 7 лет назад

    Hello from WA state! I really am enjoying this series. It shows how much you love this, and it is contagious. I'm taking an inventory and with your videos, I believe I'm more than half way there. Thanks so much. I'm also sharing these videos with buddies!

  • @dougskyraider5299
    @dougskyraider5299 7 лет назад

    Hands down the best intro information to 3 gun. Thanks for all the great work!

  • @apsfst69
    @apsfst69 9 лет назад

    What a great video, info overload, I'm seriously thinking about trying this out. Thanks!

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      You really should, it's the best hobby in the world.

    @GIBSON-KNIVES 9 лет назад +3

    Thanks for sharing buddy! a lot of good information in this one

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      Thanks Brandon! When is your next 3-gun match?

  • @herbvergara1
    @herbvergara1 9 лет назад

    Thank you for this great video. It really clarified in a concise fashion many of the questions I've had about 3-gun.

  • @SubtleThatData
    @SubtleThatData 9 лет назад

    Awesome video! Watching you shoot and seeing your gear really makes me want to go down and sign up! Thanks for another great video

  • @jbaustin1962
    @jbaustin1962 8 лет назад +15

    dude your videos are really REALLY well done...thank you for your time, effort and quality!

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад

      +JB Austin Thanjs JB I really appreciate it

  • @vajake1
    @vajake1 9 лет назад +2

    Excellent video! Lots of good information. Thanks for posting this.

  • @stevekeller8818
    @stevekeller8818 8 лет назад

    I am hoping to get to see a 3 gun soon I think I would like it I'm just trying to get enough stuff to get started I live in Georgia to and sure have enjoyed your videos keep up the great work

  • @kragratt
    @kragratt 8 лет назад +1

    I would just like to compliment you on your videos. Good information for the novice (me) presented in a straight forward, easy to watch manner with no arrogance or pretention. Thank you for the information. I got exactly the what I was looking for.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад +1

      Thanks Scott, I'm glad you enjoy the videos!

  • @jacobmccain8082
    @jacobmccain8082 7 лет назад +2

    Would a Cajun Gun Works customized CZ SP-01 Shadow 2 be a better choice for 3 gun than a glock 34 or 1911? I love my 1911s but the capacity is a killer and I'm just not ready to drop the coin for a 2011.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  7 лет назад +1

      Jacob McCain I’m sure that would work just fine

  • @VicTor-qf8qf
    @VicTor-qf8qf 6 лет назад

    Thank You For The Information

  • @danh8302
    @danh8302 5 лет назад

    Why no ported shotgun barrels? I have factory ported barrel shotguns and wouldn’t have thought it would be of concern in shotgun shooting for 3 gun. Especially at super short distance for a shotgun.

  • @beardzor
    @beardzor 8 лет назад

    Very informative, thanks for posting!

  • @tommywalker3746
    @tommywalker3746 5 лет назад

    update on pistols? thoughts on the 320?

  • @LongHairPat
    @LongHairPat 8 лет назад +1

    Very informative video. I've been out of 3G for about 7 years. What this tells me is that my old 3-gun gear doesn't fit into any one category. If I want to compete (other than "just for fun" in unlimited class) I'll have to get a new bbl for my shotgun, get rid of my speed loader tubes and shell holders and buy new, and replace the optics on my rifle. Basically, junk $1k worth of equipment for a couple of hundred and buy another $1k of new hardware. Just great. Who knows, maybe I'll win the lottery.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад

      The game has certainly evolved but I bet you would still have a good time with your equipment. There are still matches around that stay true to the original flavor of 3-gun like SOF.

  • @RemusTheRegular
    @RemusTheRegular 9 лет назад

    I'm hoping I get to compete in a match or two next year. Love the series so far!!

  • @ZebraActual
    @ZebraActual 5 лет назад +1

    Too bad there isn't a 'Cowboy Division' consisting of lever action rifles only with iron sights, pump shotguns with limited tubes, and 6 shooter pistols.. that would be interesting.

    • @rnao100
      @rnao100 5 лет назад

      There is it is called cowboy shooting

  • @Newguy2it
    @Newguy2it 8 лет назад

    Great video man really helpful. Could you post the model # of the stoeger so I can get the right one weapons. A link to where I can get one would be helpful also. Keep up with your videos, good content is hard to find. We need more video s like yours. Thanks

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад

      +Newguy2it www.eurooptic.com/stoeger-m3000-m3k-3gun-12-gauge-24in-bbl-black-synthetic-31855.aspx

  • @Stonehombre1
    @Stonehombre1 9 лет назад

    Excellent video Mac and I love the music. Who is it ??

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      It's just royalty free music I use from machinimasound

  • @krohn-education3906
    @krohn-education3906 7 лет назад

    Great video. Thanks

  • @Blackwood402
    @Blackwood402 9 лет назад

    Great video! Thanks the info, gonna shoot my first match this summer!

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      blackwood Thanks for watching and good luck!

  • @collinwright6127
    @collinwright6127 5 лет назад

    You're located in Georgia?! I am as well and I haven't been able to find any 3 gun competitions or even practicing ranges. Where do you go? You have really well-done videos, I've learned a lot so far and this is only Part 2.

    • @joesjourney9986
      @joesjourney9986 5 лет назад

      Near Savannah look up the 17s rod and gun club. They are hosting a 3 gun match on 10/5/19. They also do idpa and uspsa on the 2nd and 3rd sat of every month

  • @vajake1
    @vajake1 9 лет назад +6

    I thought that the Remington Versa is a gas driven shotgun, not an inertia system.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад +5

      vajake1 I did some checking on it and you are right. The information I received on the VersaMax was wrong. I apologize for the error in the video.

    • @vajake1
      @vajake1 9 лет назад +1

      Oh, that's all right. I rejected purchasing the Versa Max, electing to purchase a Benelli on account of that feature.

  • @oskinoify
    @oskinoify 9 лет назад +2

    Great Video Mac, you got editing skills man!!

  • @bigbob21
    @bigbob21 9 лет назад

    re-watched this for maybe the 4th time....
    Glad to hear there's no power factor involved in 3gun.
    Just ran my first USPSA last week and finished mid-pack in limited division...
    There were no other divisions, so I didn't really have a choice... I run a g34 very similar to yours now, but I noticed I lost points where others gained by shooting .40cal or higher...
    I guess I'll go down to "production" division in USPSA and keep looking into the Factory division in 3gun for the future...
    That way I get the same practice in with the g34, so as to not have to buy a g35 to meet power factor in USPSA, haha.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад +1

      Huge thanks for watching! If I can ever help with anything just leave me a comment. Yeah, for me USPSA is just 3-gun practice. I was never a big fan of being penalized for shooting 9mm

  • @richgran
    @richgran 5 лет назад

    For scopes... FTP or SFP?

  • @MeatTheBible
    @MeatTheBible 9 лет назад

    This is really well put together video and editing. I make a lot of videos for MeatTheBible but also on my 3GunSteel.com channel I use a remote aircraft/camera. Interesting how your mic seems to take out the wind. Just a great job friend. Thanks. SUBSCRIBED. -COLE

  • @mcclinha
    @mcclinha 9 лет назад

    Another great video

  • @gun101tactical2
    @gun101tactical2 9 лет назад

    Good stuff Mac. Thanks for all the hard work. SUBSCRIBED. -COLE

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      Thanks Cole, we need to hook up. I'd love to check out some of your steel.

    • @gun101tactical2
      @gun101tactical2 9 лет назад

      BullittMcQueen I'd like that. I'm in Raleigh, NC. Plus I video from the air. Might be footage you could use on your channel. I see pine trees in the back ground so you can't be far away. Thanks. -COLE

  • @arthurdbalis4139
    @arthurdbalis4139 9 лет назад

    I enjoyed your recent episode of On the road, so where is episode 3 for this series?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      Likely in a couple weeks. I've been crazy busy lately.

  • @williampowell8083
    @williampowell8083 8 лет назад

    your vids are excellent. can you recommend a 16 inch AR barrel that is super light, and holds up well for 3 gun matches?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад +1

      +William Powell I highly recommend the Stretch-16. It is all I shoot

    • @williampowell8083
      @williampowell8083 7 лет назад

      looked them up. barrels seems heavy, nearly 2 pounds. do you have one that is that weight 1.9 pds?

  • @isaacbarden8365
    @isaacbarden8365 8 лет назад

    So, if I bought a 24" JM Pro with a 9 round tube, does that mean I have to shoot in the division with magnified rifles? I only have a red dot on my rifle. Can I just not load past 8 rounds?

  • @weezerfan999
    @weezerfan999 6 лет назад

    Not sure if you answer questions still, but I plan on using my PT-92AF. It fits my hand well, I like the features, and I’m a dead shot with it. Will this be acceptable for practical class that I want to enter? My AR has a 1-4 optic on it.

  • @Meditech509
    @Meditech509 9 лет назад

    Absolutely love this series. I have subscribed. Thanks so much for your time and passion in helping me learn about this sport. I currently have a Glock 34 and an FNS9 long slide. I am much better with the FN due to the (in my opinion) nicer trigger. On that note I have not purchased my shotgun yet and was wondering, do you or anyone you know have any experience with the FN SLP shot gun?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      meditech It's a good shotgun but a step behind the Benelli M2 and Remington VersaMax

    • @Meditech509
      @Meditech509 9 лет назад

      BullittMcQueen Thank you. So far leaning on the Benelli.

  • @joshuasmidt8595
    @joshuasmidt8595 5 лет назад

    i have an m&p performance center with an apex trigger it comes with a ported barrel would I still be able to run factory?

  • @rejeeh
    @rejeeh 8 лет назад

    Hello, I have watched I think 2-3 of your videos. I like them. I have taken your advice for the pistol belt and hoster and bought them.. Can you tell me the best "budget"' scope to get for my AR-15? I think I can spend around $300 or less. Thanks

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад

      Burris TAC30 or Vortex Strike Eagle

    • @darcyfedoruk1532
      @darcyfedoruk1532 5 лет назад

      @@bullittmcqueen Primary Arms also.. 1-6,1-8 SFP and 1-6 FFP

  • @EJBuzzella
    @EJBuzzella 9 лет назад

    if i send you my M2 can u make the necessary mods? if so how much

  • @emersonbolen784
    @emersonbolen784 6 лет назад

    Great stuff!

  • @dimvol8605
    @dimvol8605 9 лет назад

    Nice videos.
    I have one question.
    If you are shooting with your pistol and you want to change to rifle or shotgun,
    can you put the safety on your gun or you must take the magazine out and clear the chamber?
    Happy new year.

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      Yes to transition to a different gun you just have to dump it in a safe condition. That means engaging a safety if the gun has one. It it's a striker fired pistol like a Glock you just have to dump it pointed in a safe direction. Nobody minds if you unload the gun before dumping it but it is not necessary.

    • @dimvol8605
      @dimvol8605 9 лет назад

      thank you.
      sorry to ask again.it is in practical division to use a vertical or angle grip?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      I think you could use one in any division but basically nobody uses them. They don't add much benefit and they tend to get hung up on things so most shooters stay away from them.

  • @tank0211
    @tank0211 8 лет назад

    Hey Mac, another well put together, professional & informative vid. From a novice just getting into shooting, thanks for doing these man. It's really helping me to compile information & select products to get into 3-gun. What do you think of shooting a Sig Sp2022 9mm in the long run? It's what I have atm & am wondering if I can mod it out to work well for 3 gun or if I should absolutely plan on getting a longer barrelled pistol?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад +1

      +tank0211 never seen anybody shooting one of those but keep shooting it until you outgrow it. Don't spend any money on another handgun until you can tell that it's holding you back

  • @kelliesacra116
    @kelliesacra116 Месяц назад

    What about a 40cal

  • @nickclayton1935
    @nickclayton1935 7 лет назад

    would I still be allowed to put a WML like an X300U on my stock handgun and stay factory division?

  • @JohnTaylor-co2hk
    @JohnTaylor-co2hk 7 лет назад

    in the practical division are ported shotguns allowed?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  7 лет назад

      +John Taylor no that would put you in open

  • @Kdot_99
    @Kdot_99 8 лет назад

    Is there a barrel length requirement on the rifle for the practical division? SBR allowed?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад

      +Kevin Nguyen nope you can shoot SBR's as long as it's legal.

  • @dimvol8605
    @dimvol8605 9 лет назад

    hi there again,
    at the practical div.it is allowed that the handgun is a .40 S&W caliber?

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  9 лет назад

      Allowed but not recommended. There is no advantage whatsoever and you have less ammo capacity in your magazines

    • @dimvol8605
      @dimvol8605 9 лет назад

      BullittMcQueen thank a lot

  • @MustangFastback
    @MustangFastback 8 лет назад

    wow great info!

  • @XperienceDUDE
    @XperienceDUDE 8 лет назад

    what ar 15 barrel lengh would you recomend for 3 gun

  • @pajamaslammer
    @pajamaslammer 8 лет назад

    What barrel length are you running on your M2?

  • @tylerosen9508
    @tylerosen9508 5 лет назад +1

    Aren’t you the dude from strong side tactical

  • @schulze420
    @schulze420 8 лет назад

    do You like JP rifles?

  • @seanwhite304
    @seanwhite304 8 лет назад +2

    Dude never get a D.S. 1911 unless you are 100% sponsored and they pay for everything. you do not need a 1911 to win.. keep running your G34. I love the 1911 platform but I made the switch 5 years ago and boycotted 1911s and only run 9mm Glock and could not be happier. what sucks about the 1911 when it breaks down now you have to find a gunsmith because they are so complex. Glock breaks down I guarantee for less than 25$ and a youtube video you'll be able to diagnose the problem and fix it yourself. if I did decide to run hammer fired again it wouldn't be a 1911 I'd Probably get P226 Tacops or Cz75-sp01-Tactical or comp varient. The P226 with the srt is phenomenal and cz just doesn't get enough respect.
    So keep running your G34 and don't look back or get paranoid about thinking you need a 1911 ti win and give em hell

    • @bullittmcqueen
      @bullittmcqueen  8 лет назад +1

      Thats the plan for the foreseeable future

    • @gsxrsean
      @gsxrsean 8 лет назад +3

      Ha.. I started with a g17 went to a 35 then to a 34 over the years. None were remotely close to stock. Finally ditched Glocks and currently shoot a CZ TS, and STI. My scores went up, all the proof I need.. Look at the national equipment surveys, you want the extra weight for quicker shooting.

  • @trentpeterson3495
    @trentpeterson3495 6 лет назад +1

    Boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats

  • @Jeremy-vm3qc
    @Jeremy-vm3qc 5 лет назад

    Versa Max is a gas gun